Help:Magic words

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<languages/> Template:TOCRight Script error: No such module "Template translation". <translate> Magic words are strings of text that MediaWiki associates with a return value or function, such as time, site details, or page names. This page explains only the standard magic words; for a technical reference, see [[mediawikiwiki:<tvar|manual-magic-words>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Magic words</>]].

There are three general types of magic words:

  • [[<tvar|bs>#Behavior switches</>|Behavior switches]]: these are usually written as uppercase words surrounded by double underscores, e.g. __FOO__.
  • [[<tvar|var>#Variables</>|Variables]]: these are uppercase words surrounded by double braces, e.g. {{FOO}}. As such, they look a lot like [[<tvar|help-templates>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Templates</>|templates]].

Variables and parser functions can use [[<tvar|manual-subst>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:subst</>|subst:]], just like templates. Page-dependent magic words will affect or return data about the current page (by default), even if the word is added through a transcluded template or included system message.</translate>


Behavior switches

A behavior switch controls the layout or behavior of the page (if supported by the skin) and can often be used to specify desired omissions and inclusions in the content. Notably some of these are not supported by the [[<tvar|minerva>Skin:MinervaNeue</>|Minerva skin]].</translate>

<translate> Word</translate> <translate> Description</translate> <translate> Versions</translate>
<translate> [[<tvar|manual-toc>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Table of contents</>|Table of contents]]</translate>
__NOTOC__ <translate> Hides the [[<tvar|manual-toc>Special:MyLanguage/table of contents</>|table of contents]] (TOC).</translate>
__FORCETOC__ notoc>__NOTOC__</>).</translate>
__TOC__ notoc>__NOTOC__</>). If this is used multiple times, the table of contents will appear at the first word's position.</translate>
<translate> Editing</translate>
__NOEDITSECTION__ <translate> Hides the section edit links beside headings. This is especially useful where a heading is created from within a template: the normal wiki section-edit would in this case edit the template code, which is normally counterintuitive to the user.</translate> <translate> Use of this in a template will extend the effect to that template, the pages it's included on, and any other templates included on the same page.</translate> <translate> For a workaround, see [[<tvar|meta>m:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Editing sections of included templates</>|here]].</translate>
__NEWSECTIONLINK__ <translate> Adds a link beside the "edit" tab for adding a new section on a non-talk page (see [[mediawikiwiki:<tvar|meta-help-section>m:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Section#Adding a section at the end</>]]).</translate> Template:MW version
__NONEWSECTIONLINK__ <translate> Removes the link beside the "edit" tab on pages in talk namespaces.</translate> Template:MW version
<translate> Categories</translate>
__NOGALLERY__ <translate> Used on a category page, replaces thumbnails in the category view with normal links.</translate> Template:MW version
__HIDDENCAT__ <translate> Used on a category page, hides the category from the lists of categories in its members and parent categories (there is an option in the [[<tvar|help-preferences>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Preferences</>|user preferences]] to show them).</translate> Template:MW version
<translate> Language conversion</translate>
<translate> On wikis with language variants, don't perform any content language conversion (character and phase) in article display; for example, only show Chinese (zh) instead of variants like zh_cn, zh_tw, zh_sg, or zh_hk.</translate>
<translate> On wikis with language variants, don't perform language conversion on the title (all other content is converted).</translate>
<translate> Other</translate>
__START__ <translate> No effect.</translate> <translate> Was used to point where database message starts after comment that should not be transcluded.</translate> <translate> Removed in r1695 and completely removed in r24784</translate> Template:MW version
__END__ <translate> Explicitly marks the end of the article, to prevent MediaWiki from removing trailing whitespace. Removed in 19213.</translate> Template:MW version
__INDEX__ manual-wg-bot-policy>$wgArticleRobotPolicies</> but not robots.txt). It obeys <tvar|manual-wg-exempt-from-bot>$wgExemptFromUserRobotsControl</> variable.</translate> Template:MW version
__NOINDEX__ manual-wg-exempt-from-bot>$wgExemptFromUserRobotsControl</> variable.</translate> Template:MW version
__STATICREDIRECT__ fixDoubleRedirects>Template:Int</>" (which requires [[<tvar|var>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:$wgFixDoubleRedirects</>|$wgFixDoubleRedirects]]).</translate> Template:MW version
<translate>From Extensions</translate>
<translate>Extension</translate> <translate> Word</translate> <translate> Description</translate> <translate> Versions</translate>
GlobalUserPage __NOGLOBAL__ <translate> Disables the global user page.</translate> <translate> If present on the central user page, will prevent it from being displayed on remote wikis, and it also determines whether a link to a user page on remote wiki should be red or blue.</translate> Template:MW version



Variables return information about the current page, wiki, or date. Their syntax is similar to [[<tvar|help-templates>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Templates</>|templates]]. Variables marked as "[expensive]" are tracked by the software, and the number that can be included on a page is limited.

If a template name conflicts with a variable, the variable will be used (so to transclude the template Template:PAGENAME you would need to write <tvar|code>{{Template:</>PAGENAME<tvar|code-end>}}</>). In some cases, adding parameters will force the parser to invoke a template; for example, <tvar|tpl-currentdayname-code>{{CURRENTDAYNAME|x}}</> transcludes <tvar|tpl-currentdayname-result>Template:CURRENTDAYNAME</>, not the variable. </translate>


Date and time

The following variables return the current date and time in UTC.

Due to MediaWiki and browser caching, these variables frequently show when the page was cached rather than the current time.

The date and time magic words are formatted in the wiki content language. Since Template:R, they depend on the [[<tvar|manual-pagelang>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Language#page-content-lang</>|page content language]].</translate>

<translate> Variable</translate> <translate> Output</translate> <translate> Description</translate> <translate> Versions</translate>
<translate> Year</translate>

{{CURRENTYEAR}} 2025 <translate> Year</translate>
<translate> Month</translate>

{{CURRENTMONTH}} 03 <translate> Month (zero-padded number)</translate>
{{CURRENTMONTH1}} 3 <translate> Month (unpadded number)</translate>
{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} March <translate> Month (name)</translate>
{{CURRENTMONTHNAMEGEN}} March <translate> Month (genitive form)</translate>
{{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} Mar <translate> Month (abbreviation)</translate> Template:MW version
<translate> Day</translate>

{{CURRENTDAY}} 15 <translate> Day of the month (unpadded number)</translate>
{{CURRENTDAY2}} 15 <translate> Day of the month (zero-padded number)</translate> Template:MW version
{{CURRENTDOW}} 6 <translate> Day of the week (unpadded number), 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday)</translate>
{{CURRENTDAYNAME}} Saturday <translate> Day of the week (name)</translate>
<translate> Time</translate>

{{CURRENTTIME}} 19:44 <translate> Time (24-hour HH:mm format)</translate>
{{CURRENTHOUR}} 19 <translate> Hour (24-hour zero-padded number)</translate>
<translate> Other</translate>

{{CURRENTWEEK}} 11 <translate> Week (number)</translate>
{{CURRENTTIMESTAMP}} 20250315194406 <translate> YYYYMMDDHHmmss timestamp</translate> Template:MW version

<translate> The following variables do the same as the preceding ones but using the site's server config or <tvar|manual-wg-localtimezone>$wgLocaltimezone</>. </translate>

  • {{LOCALDAY}}
  • {{LOCALDAY2}}
  • {{LOCALDOW}}

<translate> For more thorough time formatting, you may want to install <tvar|ext-parserfunctions>Extension:ParserFunctions</> to use the [[<tvar|ext-parserfunct-t>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Extension:ParserFunctions#.23time</>|#time parser function]].

Technical metadata

Note: Revision variables return data about the latest edit to the current page, even if viewing an older version of the page.</translate>

<translate> Variable</translate> <translate> Output</translate> <translate> Description</translate> <translate> Versions</translate>

<translate> Site</translate>

{{SITENAME}} VistApedia manual-wg-sitename>$wgSitename</>).</translate>
{{SERVER}} <translate> Domain URL (<tvar|manual-wg-server>$wgServer</>).</translate>
{{SERVERNAME}} manual-wg-servername>$wgServerName</> as of version 1.17).</translate>


<translate> Outputs a Unicode directional mark that matches the wiki's default language's direction (&lrm; on left-to-right wikis, &rlm; on right-to-left wikis), useful in text with multi-directional text. Since Template:R, it depends on the [[<tvar|manual-pagelang>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Language#page-content-lang</>|page content language]].</translate> Template:MW version
{{SCRIPTPATH}} manual-wg-scriptpath>$wgScriptPath</>).</translate>
{{STYLEPATH}} /skins manual-wg-stylepath>$wgStylePath</>).</translate> Template:MW version
{{CURRENTVERSION}} 1.43.0 <translate> The wiki's MediaWiki version.</translate> Template:MW version




manual-wg-langcode>$wgLanguageCode</>).</translate> Template:MW version

<translate> Page</translate>

{{PAGEID}} 5396 <translate> Returns the page identifier.</translate> Template:MW version




<translate> Returns the language of the current page. The language code that this variable returns can be converted to a language name using {{#language:...}}.</translate> Template:MW version
{{PROTECTIONLEVEL:<translate> action</translate>}} <translate> Outputs the protection level (e.g. "autoconfirmed", "sysop") for a given action (e.g. "edit", "move") on the current page. Returns an empty string if not protected.</translate> Template:MW version
{{PROTECTIONEXPIRY:<translate> action</translate>}} <translate> Outputs the protection expiry (e.g. "20160418155030", "infinity") for a given action (e.g. "edit", "move") on the current page.</translate> <translate> Returns "infinity" if not protected.</translate> Template:MW version
{{CASCADINGSOURCES}} [<translate> Expensive</translate>] <translate> Returns the sources of any cascading protection acting on the current page. Pages will not return their own title unless they transclude themselves.</translate> Template:MW version

<translate> Latest revision to current page</translate>

{{REVISIONID}} 17454 <translate> Unique revision ID.</translate> Template:MW version
{{REVISIONDAY}} 7 <translate> Day edit was made (unpadded number).</translate> Template:MW version
{{REVISIONDAY2}} 07 <translate> Day edit was made (zero-padded number).</translate> Template:MW version
{{REVISIONMONTH}} 04 <translate> Month edit was made (zero-padded number as of 1.17+, unpadded number in prior versions).</translate> Template:MW version
{{REVISIONMONTH1}} 4 <translate> Month edit was made (unpadded number).</translate> Template:MW version
{{REVISIONYEAR}} 2018 <translate> Year edit was made.</translate> Template:MW version
{{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}} 20180407173206 <translate> Timestamp as of time of edit.</translate> Template:MW version
{{REVISIONUSER}} DavidWhitten <translate> The username of the user who made the most recent edit to the page, or the current user when previewing an edit.</translate> Template:MW version
{{REVISIONSIZE}} 85432 <translate> The size (bytes of wikitext) of the current revision of this page</translate> Template:MW version

<translate> Affects page content</translate>

manual-wg-restrict-disp-title>$wgRestrictDisplayTitle</>). It can be disabled or enabled by <tvar|manual-wg-allow-disp-title>$wgAllowDisplayTitle</>; disabled by default before 1.10+, enabled by default thereafter.</translate>

<translate> It can take a second argument of noerror or noreplace to suppress error messages when multiple displaytitles are used on one page or to make this displaytitle do nothing if a displaytitle was already specified earlier in the page.</translate>

Template:MW version

Template:MW version

(<translate> for noerror and noreplace</translate>)

<translate> Used for categorizing pages, sets a default [[<tvar|help-categories>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Categories</>|category sort key]]. For example if you put <tvar|sort>{{DEFAULTSORT:</>Smith , John<tvar|sort-end>}}</> at the end of John Smith, the page would be sorted under "S" by default in categories. It can take a second argument of noerror or noreplace to suppress error messages when multiple defaultsortkeys are used on one page or to make this <tvar|sort2>defaultsort</> do nothing if a <tvar|sort3>defaultsort</> was already specified earlier in the page.</translate> Template:MW version

Template:MW version

(<translate> for noerror and noreplace</translate>)



Numbers returned by these variables normally contain separators (commas, dots or spaces, depending on the local language) but can return raw numbers with the ":R" flag (for example, <tvar|nop-code>{{NUMBEROFPAGES}}</> → <tvar|nop-result>4,766</> and <tvar|nop-r-code>{{NUMBEROFPAGES:R}}</> → <tvar|nop-r-result>4766</>).

Use "|R" for magic words that require a parameter like PAGESINCATEGORY (for example <tvar|pic>{{PAGESINCATEGORY:Help}}</> and <tvar|pic-r>{{PAGESINCATEGORY:Help|R}}</>, or <tvar|pic-subcats>{{PAGESINCATEGORY:Help|subcats}}</> and <tvar|pic-subcats-r>{{PAGESINCATEGORY:Help|subcats|R}}</>). Also applicable to <tvar|pagesize>{{PAGESIZE:</>page name<tvar|pagesize-end>}}</> hereinbefore.

The number magic words are formatted in the wiki content language. Since Template:R, it depends on the [[<tvar|manual-pagelang>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Language#page-content-lang</>|page content language]].</translate>

<translate> Variable</translate> <translate> Output</translate> <translate> Description</translate> <translate> Versions</translate>

<translate> Number of wiki pages.</translate>

Template:MW version

<translate> Number of pages in [[mediawikiwiki:<tvar|manual-content-ns>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Using custom namespaces#content-ns</>]] that qualify as articles. See Manual:$wgArticleCountMethod for details.</translate>


<translate> Number of uploaded files.</translate>

Template:MW version

<translate> Number of wiki edits.</translate>

Template:MW version

<translate> Number of page views. Usually useless on a wiki using [[<tvar|manual-cache>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Cache</>|caching]].</translate> <translate> Removed in <tvar|gerrit>Template:Gerrit</>.</translate>

Template:MW version

<translate> Number of registered users.</translate>

Template:MW version

<translate> Number of users in the sysop [[mediawikiwiki:<tvar|manual-userrights>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:User rights</>]].</translate>

Template:MW version

<translate> Number of active users, based on the criteria used in Special:Statistics.</translate>

Template:MW version


[<translate> Expensive</translate>] <translate> Number of pages (including subcategories and files) in the given [[<tvar|help-categories>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Categories</>|category]]. (Category:Help used for demonstration)</translate> Template:MW version
[<translate> Expensive</translate>] <translate>

Respectively, the number of

  • all pages
  • ordinary pages (excluding subcategories and files)
  • subcategories or
  • files

in the given [[<tvar|help-categories>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Categories</>|category]]. (Category:Help used for demonstration)</translate>

Template:MW version

({{NUMBERINGROUP:bureaucrat}} used here)

<translate> Number of users in a specific [[mediawikiwiki:<tvar|manual-userrights>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:User rights</>]].</translate> Template:MW version
<translate> Not enabled</translate>

[<translate> Expensive</translate>] <translate> Number of pages in the given [[<tvar|help-ns>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Namespaces</>|namespace]] (replace index with the relevant [[<tvar|manual-ns>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Namespace</>|namespace index]]). For instance, <tvar|pins14>{{PAGESINNAMESPACE:14}}</> will output the number of category pages. <tvar|pins0>{{PAGESINNS:0}}</> differs from <tvar|noa>{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}</> in that the former includes redirects and disambiguation pages. Disabled by default, enable with <tvar|manual-wg-allow-slow-parser-funct>$wgAllowSlowParserFunctions</>. </translate>

Template:MW version


Page names


<translate> Variable</translate> <translate> Output</translate> <translate> Description</translate> <translate> Versions</translate>


Help:Magic words <translate> Namespace and full page title (including all subpage levels).</translate> Template:MW version


Magic words <translate> Full page title (including all subpage levels) without the namespace.</translate>
{{BASEPAGENAME}} Magic words

<translate> Page title of the page in the immediately superior [[<tvar|help-subpages>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Subpages</>|subpage]] level without the namespace ("Title/foo" on "Help:Title/foo/bar").

For more complex splitting, use <tvar|help-ext-pf-titleparts>{{#titleparts:}}</> from the [[<tvar|help-ext-pf>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Extension:ParserFunctions</>|ParserFunctions extension]].</translate>

Template:MW version


Magic words <translate> The [[<tvar|help-subpages>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Subpages</>|subpage]] title ("bar" on "Help:Title/foo/bar"). If no subpage exists the value of {{PAGENAME}} is returned.</translate> Template:MW version


Help:Magic words
Help:Magic words
<translate> Full page name of the associated subject (e.g. article or file). Useful on talk pages.</translate> Template:MW version


Help talk:Magic words <translate> Full page name of the associated talk page.</translate> Template:MW version


Magic words foo>Title</> on page <tvar|baz>Help:Title/Foo/Bar</></translate> Template:MW version

None of these are affected by changes to the display title using {{DISPLAYTITLE:xxxx}}; the values returned are the original page title.

<translate> The <tvar|basepagename>{{BASEPAGENAME}}</> and <tvar|subpagename>{{SUBPAGENAME}}</> magic words only work in namespaces that have subpages enabled. See <tvar|manual-wg-ns-with-subpages>$wgNamespacesWithSubpages</> for information on enabling subpages.

As of 1.15+, these can all take a parameter, allowing specification of the page to be operated on, instead of just the current page:

  • <tvar|code>{{PAGENAME:Template:Main Page}}</> → <tvar|result>Main Page</>


Script error: No such module "Template translation".

Script error: No such module "Template translation". <translate>

URL encoded page names

The following are equivalents encoded for use in MediaWiki URLs (i.e. spaces replaced with underscores and some characters HTML escaped using numeric character encoding):</translate>


<translate> Note that <tvar|pagename>{{PAGENAME:...}}</>, <tvar|pagenamee>{{PAGENAMEE:...}}</> and <tvar|uec>{{urlencode:...}}</> have distinct implementations. See [[<tvar|manual-pagename-encoding>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:PAGENAMEE encoding</>|Manual:PAGENAMEE encoding]] for details. </translate>




<translate> Variable</translate> <translate> Output</translate> <translate> Description</translate> <translate> Versions</translate>
{{NAMESPACE}} Help <translate> Name of the page's namespace</translate>
{{NAMESPACENUMBER}} 12 <translate> [[<tvar|manual-ns-id>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Namespace#Built-in_namespaces</>|ID]] of the page's namespace</translate> Template:MW version
<translate> Name of the associated content namespace</translate> Template:MW version
{{TALKSPACE}} Help talk <translate> Name of the associated talk namespace</translate> Template:MW version

<translate> The following are equivalents encoded for use in MediaWiki URLs (spaces replaced with underscores and some characters percent-encoded): </translate>


<translate> As of 1.15+, these can take a full-page-name parameter and will return the requested namespace associated with that page, instead of with the current page: </translate>

  • {{NAMESPACE:MediaWiki}} (Pages in main space will return empty)
  • {{NAMESPACE:Template:Main Page}}Template
  • {{SUBJECTSPACE:Template:Main Page}}Template
  • {{TALKSPACE:Template:Main Page}}Template talk

<translate> Parameter must not be a namespace name:</translate>

  • {{SUBJECTSPACE:Help talk}}  (Empty)




<translate> Variable</translate> <translate> Output</translate> <translate> Description</translate> <translate> Versions</translate>
{{!}} |

<translate> Used to include a pipe character as part of a template argument or table cell contents. Before this was added as a magic word, many wikis implemented this by creating Template:! with | as the content.</translate>

Template:MW version


Parser functions

Parser functions are very similar to variables but take one or more parameters (technically, any magic word that takes a parameter is a parser function), and the name is sometimes prefixed with a hash to distinguish them from templates.

This page only describes parser functions that are integral to the MediaWiki software. Other parser functions may be added by MediaWiki extensions such as the <tvar|ext-pf>Extension:ParserFunctions</>. For those see <tvar|help-ext-pf>Help:Extension:ParserFunctionsHelp:Extension:ParserFunctions</>.

Technical metadata of another page


<translate> Parser function</translate> <translate> Output
(for page MediaWiki)</translate>
<translate> Description</translate> <translate> Versions</translate>

{{PAGEID: <translate> page name</translate> }} 0 [<translate> Expensive</translate>] <translate> Returns the page identifier of the specified page*.</translate> Template:MW version

code1> }}
{{PAGESIZE: </>page name</translate> |R}}
r>|R</>" to get raw (unformatted) numbers.</translate>

Template:MW version

{{PROTECTIONLEVEL:<translate> action</translate> | <translate> page name</translate>}} [<translate> Expensive</translate>] <translate> Outputs the protection level (e.g. "autoconfirmed", "sysop") for a given action (e.g. "edit", "move") on the specified page. Returns an empty string if not protected.</translate> Template:MW version


action | page name}}

[Expensive] Outputs the protection expiry (e.g. "20160418155030", "infinity") for a given action (e.g. "edit", "move") on the specified page. Returns "infinity" if not protected. Template:MW version

{{CASCADINGSOURCES: page name}} [<translate> Expensive</translate>] <translate> Returns the sources of any cascading protection acting on the specified page. Pages will not return their own title unless they transclude themselves.</translate> Template:MW version

{{REVISIONID: <translate> page name</translate> }} [<translate> Expensive</translate>] <translate> Unique revision ID of the last revision on the specified page*.</translate> Template:MW version

{{REVISIONDAY: <translate> page name</translate> }} 0 [<translate> Expensive</translate>] <translate> Day of edit from the last revision of the specified page* (unpadded number).</translate> Template:MW version

{{REVISIONDAY2: <translate> page name</translate> }} [<translate> Expensive</translate>] <translate> Day of edit from the last revision of the specified page* (zero-padded number).</translate> Template:MW version

{{REVISIONMONTH: <translate> page name</translate> }} [<translate> Expensive</translate>] <translate> Month of edit from the last revision of the specified page* (zero-padded number as of 1.17+, unpadded number in prior versions).</translate> Template:MW version

{{REVISIONMONTH1: <translate> page name</translate> }} 0 [<translate> Expensive</translate>] <translate> Month of edit from the last revision of the specified page* (unpadded number).</translate> Template:MW version

{{REVISIONYEAR: <translate> page name</translate> }} [<translate> Expensive</translate>] <translate> Year of edit from the last revision of the specified page*.</translate> Template:MW version

{{REVISIONTIMESTAMP: <translate> page name</translate> }} [<translate> Expensive</translate>] <translate> Timestamp as of time of edit on the specified page*.</translate> Template:MW version

{{REVISIONUSER: <translate> page name</translate> }} [<translate> Expensive</translate>] <translate> The username from the last revision on the specified page*.</translate> Template:MW version
  • When the given param is equal to the current title of the parser, the parser function will yield the previous versions on preview and on substitution, that includes empty strings when used on page creation but using the values from the current version for page view, including viewing old revisions. In this case it is a non-expensive parser function.</translate>


URL data


<translate> Parser function</translate> <translate> Input → Output</translate> <translate> Description</translate> <translate> Versions</translate>

{{localurl:</>page name
→ /index.php/MediaWiki
→ /index.php?title=MediaWiki&printable=yes
<translate> The relative path to the title. </translate>

{{fullurl:</>page name<tvar|code2>

{{fullurl:</>interwiki:remote page name<tvar|code4>
{{fullurl:Category:Top level}}

{{fullurl:Category:Top level|action=edit}}

<translate> A protocol-relative path to the title. This will also resolve [[<tvar|manual-interwiki>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Interwiki</>|interwiki]] prefixes. Note: Unbracketed (plain) protocol-relative links are not automagically linked.</translate> Template:MW version

{{canonicalurl:</>page name<tvar|code2>

{{canonicalurl:</>interwiki:remote page name<tvar|code4>
{{canonicalurl:Category:Top level}}

{{canonicalurl:Category:Top level|action=edit}}

<translate> The absolute path to the title, using the canonical URL. This will also resolve [[<tvar|manual-interwiki>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Interwiki</>|interwiki]] prefixes.</translate> Template:MW version

{{filepath:</>file name<tvar|code2>|nowiki}}
{{filepath:</>file name<tvar|code3>|</>thumbnail_size</translate>}}



<translate> A protocol-relative path to the full size or thumbnail (1.18+) of a media file.</translate> Template:MW version
Template:MW version

code1>}}</> or
<tvar|code2>{{urlencode:</>string<tvar|code3>|QUERY}}</> <tvar|code4>
{{urlencode:x:y/z á é}} or
{{urlencode:x:y/z á é|QUERY}}
→ x%3Ay%2Fz+%C3%A1+%C3%A9
{{urlencode:x:y/z á é|WIKI}}
→ x:y/z_%C3%A1_%C3%A9
{{urlencode:x:y/z á é|PATH}}
→ x%3Ay%2Fz%20%C3%A1%20%C3%A9

<translate> Note that the default changed from <tvar|wiki>|WIKI</> to <tvar|query>|QUERY</> in 1.17; this may break templates that rely on this function.</translate>

<translate> Encoding</translate>
<translate> code</translate><translate> space</translate>
 none + 
 WIKI _ 
Template:MW version (or Template:MW version
Template:MW version
Template:MW version)

{{anchorencode:<translate> string</translate>}} {{anchorencode:x y z á é}}
→ x_y_z_á_é
<translate> The input encoded for use in URL section anchors (after the “#” symbol in a URL).</translate> Template:MW version



<tvar|ns>{{ns:}}</> returns the current localized name for the [[<tvar|help-ns>Special:MyLanguage/Help:Namespace</>|namespace]] with that index, canonical name, or local alias. Thus <tvar|ns6>{{ns:6}}</>, <tvar|ns-file>{{ns:File}}</>, and <tvar|ns-img>{{ns:Image}}</> (an old name for the File namespace) all return "File". On a wiki where the content language is French, <tvar|ns-file-de>{{ns:Fichier}}</> is also valid, but <tvar|ns-file-incorrect>{{ns:Datei}}</> (the localisation of "File" in German) is not.

<tvar|nse>{{nse:}}</> is the equivalent encoded for MediaWiki URLs. It does the same, but it replaces spaces with underscores, making it usable in external links.</translate>

<translate> Content namespaces</translate> <translate> Talk namespaces</translate>
<translate> Usage</translate> <translate> Output</translate> <translate> Usage</translate> <translate> Output</translate>
{{ns:-2}} / {{ns:Media}} Media {{ns:-1}} / {{ns:Special}} Special
(no talk page)
{{ns:0}} / {{ns:}} {{ns:1}} / {{ns:Talk}} Talk
{{ns:2}} / {{ns:User}} User {{ns:3}} / {{ns:User talk}} User talk
{{ns:4}} / {{ns:Project}} VistApedia
Varies between wikis
{{ns:5}} / {{ns:Project talk}} VistApedia talk
{{ns:6}} / {{ns:File}} or {{ns:Image}} File {{ns:7}} / {{ns:File talk}} or {{ns:Image talk}} File talk
{{ns:8}} / {{ns:MediaWiki}} MediaWiki {{ns:9}} / {{ns:MediaWiki talk}} MediaWiki talk
{{ns:10}} / {{ns:Template}} Template {{ns:11}} / {{ns:Template talk}} Template talk
{{ns:12}} / {{ns:Help}} Help {{ns:13}} / {{ns:Help talk}} Help talk
{{ns:14}} / {{ns:Category}} Category {{ns:15}} / {{ns:Category talk}} Category talk

<translate> Don't confuse localised namespaces with [[<tvar|manual-custom-ns>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Using custom namespaces</>|custom namespaces]]. </translate>




<translate> Usage</translate> <translate> Input → Output</translate> <translate> Description</translate> <translate> Version</translate>
{{formatnum:unformatted number}}

{{formatnum:formatnum-formatted number|R}}
{{formatnum:unformatted number|NOSEP}}

  • <translate> Simple:</translate>
    • {{formatnum:987654321.654321}}
      → 987,654,321.654321
    • {{formatnum:987,654,321.654321|R}}
      → 987654321.654321
  • <translate> Advanced:</translate>
    • {{formatnum:{{formatnum:987654321.654321}}|R}}
      → 987654321.654321 <translate> (on any locale)</translate>
    • {{formatnum:00001}}
      → 00,001
    • {{formatnum:987654321.654321 |NOSEP}}
      → 987654321.654321
    • <translate> Examples with বাংলা locale:</translate>
      • {{formatnum:987654321.654321}}
        → ৯৮,৭৬,৫৪,৩২১.৬৫৪৩২১
      • {{formatnum:987654321.654321 |NOSEP}}
        → ৯৮৭৬৫৪৩২১.৬৫৪৩২১
      • {{formatnum:৯৮,৭৬,৫৪,৩২১.৬৫৪৩২১ |R}}
        → 987654321.654321

<translate> Unsupported:</translate>
→ 987 654 321 <translate> (e.g. with Italian locale)</translate>

<translate> Examples of wrong input (unreliable output), with or without |R:</translate>
{{formatnum:987,654.321|R}} <translate> (the least broken)</translate>
{{formatnum:987 654,321|R}}


Takes an unformatted number (arab, no group separators and . as decimal separator) and outputs it in the localized digit script and formatted with decimal and decimal group separators, according to the wiki's default locale.
The |R parameter can be used to reverse the behavior, for use in mathematical situations: it's reliable and should be used only to deformat numbers which are known to be formatted exactly as formatnum formats them with the wiki's locale.</translate>
<translate> The NOSEP ("no separators") parameter means that no group / decimal separators are changed; formatnum will only transform the digits themselves in languages which don't use the Hindu–Arabic numeral system. NOSEP can also prevent non-standard digit groupings you wouldn't expect.</translate>

Script error: No such module "Template translation".

Script error: No such module "Template translation".

<translate> If you really need to format (according the wiki's locale) a number in unknown input format, you could try and use formatnum two times (but not if it can have a decimal group, or its separator will be eaten or the number won't be formatted). Be aware that this is more a hack than a regular way to proceed, thus the output may be not reliable. </translate>

Template:MW version
Template:MW version


{{#dateformat:25 dec 2009|ymd}}
2009 December 25 <translate> (your pref), 2009 Dec 25 (default)</translate>
{{#formatdate:dec 25,2009|dmy}}
25 December 2009 <translate> (your pref), 25 Dec 2009 (default)</translate>
December 25, 2009 <translate> (your pref), December 25, 2009 (default)</translate>
{{#formatdate:2009 dec 25|ISO 8601}}
2009-12-25 <translate> (your pref), 2009-12-25 (default)</translate>
{{#dateformat:25 decEmber|mdy}}
December 25 <translate> (your pref), DecEmber 25 (default)</translate>
<translate> Note: In the example hereinbefore, "your pref" refers to your date preference on the current MediaWiki wiki only. </translate>

<translate> Formats an unlinked date based on user "date format" preference, and adds metadata tagging it as a formatted date. For logged-out users and those who have not set a date format in their preferences, dates can be given a default: mdy, dmy, ymd, ISO 8601 (all case sensitive). If only the month and day are given, only mdy and dmy are valid. If a format is not specified or is invalid, the input format is used as a default. If the supplied date is not recognized as a valid date (specifically, if it contains any metadata such as from a nested use of these or similar templates), it is rendered unchanged, and no (additional) metadata is generated.</translate>

Script error: No such module "Template translation".

Template:MW version
{{lc:string}} {{lc:DATA CENTER}} → data center

<translate> The lowercase input.</translate>

Template:MW version
{{lcfirst:string}} {{lcfirst:DATA center}} → dATA center

<translate> The input with the very first character lowercase.</translate>

Template:MW version
{{uc:string}} {{uc:text transform}} → TEXT TRANSFORM

<translate> The uppercase input.</translate>

Template:MW version
{{ucfirst:string}} {{ucfirst:text TRANSFORM}} → Text TRANSFORM

<translate> The input with the very first character uppercase.</translate>

Template:MW version


{{padleft:xyz|5}} → 00xyz

{{padleft:xyz|5|_}} → __xyz
{{padleft:xyz|5|abc}} → abxyz
{{padleft:xyz|2}} → xyz
{{padleft:|1|xyz}} → x <translate> (first character of the string)</translate>


Inserts a string of padding characters (character chosen in third parameter; default "0") of a specified length (second parameter) next to a chosen base character or variable (first parameter). The final digits or characters in the base replace the final characters in the padding; i.e. {{padleft:44|3|0}} produces 044. The padding string may be truncated if its length does not evenly divide the required number of characters.

Only the first character of the third parameter is used in versions up to 1.12, but by version 1.15, all the characters are used.

Bug (fixed in r45734): multibyte characters are interpreted as two characters, which can skew width. These also cannot be used as padding characters.</translate>

Template:MW version
{{padright:xyz|5}} → xyz00

{{padright:xyz|5|_}} → xyz__
{{padright:xyz|5|abc}} → xyzab
{{padright:xyz|2}} → xyz
{{padright:|1|xyz}} → x

<translate> Identical to padleft but adds padding characters to the right side.</translate> Template:MW version

<translate> See also: <tvar|ext-stringfunctions>Extension:StringFunctions</>. </translate>



Here are the magic words which are used as main localisation tools. Other magic words will often depend on the wiki's locale and configuration or on the chosen language: see in particular [[<tvar|date>#Date and time</>|#Date and time]], [[<tvar|formatting>#Formatting</>|#Formatting]], [[<tvar|misc>#Miscellaneous</>|#Miscellaneous]]. More magic words are added by the <tvar|ext-translate>Extension:Translate</>.

The usage of these magic words can be very complex, and the documentation is currently incomplete; there's some more info on PLURAL, GRAMMAR, GENDER.</translate>

<translate> Usage</translate> <translate> Input → Output</translate> <translate> Description</translate> <translate> Version</translate>


{{plural:0|is|are}} → are
{{plural:1*1|is|are}} → is
{{plural:21 mod 10|is|are}} → are
{{plural:{{#expr:21 mod 10}}|is|are}} → is
{{plural:1|is|are}} → is
{{plural:2|is|are}} → are
{{plural:-1|is|are}} → is
{{plural:-2|is|are}} → are
{{plural:0.5|is|are}} → are
{{plural:1.5|is|are}} → are
{{plural:-0.5|is|are}} → are
{{plural:-1.5|is|are}} → are
<translate> (For Russian)</translate>
{{PLURAL:5|1=Категория|Категории}}  → Категории

{{PLURAL:3|страница|страницы|страниц}} → страницы
{{PLURAL:5|страница|страницы|страниц}} → страниц


Outputs the singular form (second parameter) if the absolute value of the first parameter is an expression equalling one; the plural form (third parameter) otherwise. Its functioning is [[<tvar|meta-help-magicwords>m:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Magic_words#Language-dependent_word_conversions</>|language-dependent]].
Some language codes (ab, av, ba, bxr, ce, crh_cyrl, cv, inh, koi, krc, kv, lbe, lez, mhr, mrj, myv, ru, tt_cyrl, tyv, udm, xal) used 3 plural forms (updated 01.2014):

  • Form 1: 1, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 101, 1001, …
  • Form 2: 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, …, 18, 19, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, …
  • Form 3: 2, 3, 4, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44, 52, 53, 54, 62, 102, 1002, …</translate>


<translate> Outputs the correct inflected form of the given word described by the inflection code after the colon ([[<tvar|meta-help-magicwords>m:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Magic_words#Language-dependent_word_conversions</>|language-dependent]]). Grammar transformations are used for inflected languages like Polish. See also <tvar|manual-wg-grammarform>$wgGrammarForms</>.</translate> Template:MW version

{{gender:username|text for every gender}}
{{gender:Username|male text|female text|text for unspecified}}
{{gender:|male text|female text|text for unspecified}}
{{gender:.|male text|female text|text for unspecified}}

<translate> (Depends on the named user's gender)</translate> <translate>

A switch for the gender set in Special:Preferences.
Note: The first example is basically a no-op
Note: If 3rd parameter is omitted and user hasn't defined his/her gender, then text if user is male is returned.
A blank username field (<tvar|gender>{{gender:|</>) means the current user, but can be used only in interface messages (MediaWiki namespace).
A dot username (.) means the default user gender on this wiki.</translate>

Template:MW version

{{int:<translate> message name</translate>}}

<translate> (Depends on user language; try: frja)</translate>

Internationalizes (translates) the given interface (MediaWiki namespace) message into the user language. For msgnw and other transclusion magic words, see the [[<tvar|sec>#Transclusion modifiers</>|Transclusion modifiers]] section. Note that this can damage / confuse cache consistency in MediaWiki 1.17 and earlier, see T16404.</translate>

{{int:editsectionhint|MediaWiki}} {{int:editsectionhint|MediaWiki}}Edit section: MediaWiki <translate> You may also use parameters with translations.
Parameters are designated in messages with: $1, $2, $3, etc.
For example, here is the message for editsectionhint: Edit section: $1
In this example, MediaWiki replaces $1.</translate>


Transclusion modifiers

{{Page name|optional params}} usually transcludes another page, by default from the Template:namespace.</translate> <translate> These magic words modify that behavior. </translate>




[[Category:Help{{#translation:}}|Magic words]] [[Category:Time{{#translation:}}|Magic words]] [[Category:Magic words{{#translation:}}|Magic words]]