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(Installation Documentation created by WorldVistA and volunteers in the VistA Community.)
(Installation Documentation created by WorldVistA and volunteers in the VistA Community.)
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* For the open source free software stack for VistA: http://sourceforge.net/projects/worldvista
* For the open source free software stack for VistA: http://sourceforge.net/projects/worldvista
== Installation Documentation created by WorldVistA and volunteers in the VistA Community. ==
== Other resources ==
(Note: Some of this information may be outdated).
=== Other resources ===
The complete FOSS stack for VistA consists of VistA on [http://www.sanchez-gtm.com GT.M] on [http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux GNU/Linux] on industry standard x86 server hardware.  Although it is certainly possible to install this stack by downloading VistA, and installing it on GT.M on x86 GNU/Linux, it is much easier to start with a pre-configured software stack.  There are (at least) two flavors of VistA, and two types of packages of VistA on GT.M.
The complete FOSS stack for VistA consists of VistA on [http://www.sanchez-gtm.com GT.M] on [http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux GNU/Linux] on industry standard x86 server hardware.  Although it is certainly possible to install this stack by downloading VistA, and installing it on GT.M on x86 GNU/Linux, it is much easier to start with a pre-configured software stack.  There are (at least) two flavors of VistA, and two types of packages of VistA on GT.M.

Revision as of 17:57, 30 January 2010

The documentation for VistA can be classified in several groups:


Other installers

Getting the software

Other resources

(Note: Some of this information may be outdated).

The complete FOSS stack for VistA consists of VistA on GT.M on GNU/Linux on industry standard x86 server hardware. Although it is certainly possible to install this stack by downloading VistA, and installing it on GT.M on x86 GNU/Linux, it is much easier to start with a pre-configured software stack. There are (at least) two flavors of VistA, and two types of packages of VistA on GT.M.

VistA flavors:

  • Leonardo da VistA is FOIA VistA as enhanced by the VistA community. Leonardo da VistA is used here as strictly an interim, temporary, just-until-the-new-name-is-announced name. This software was previously known to the community first as "Hui OpenVistA", and then as just "OpenVistA". The subsequent grant by the US Patent and Trademark Office of a registered trademark of that name to a corporation has triggered a search for a replacement name, and Leonardo da VistA is used here until the new name is announced. Prior releases of this software at the WorldVistA project page at Source Forge are labelled "OpenVistA". Leonardo da VistA releases have numbers such as 0.4. This wiki has taken special steps to handle VistA Trademark Issues.
  • VistA VA Demo is a one-of release of a configuration of VistA intended to demonstrate the CPRS GUI, but not to be otherwise useful, and not part of a family of releases.

In the future, it is hoped that there will be other flavors, e.g., VistA Office EHR.

Types of packages:

  • A SemiVivA package consists of VistA and GT.M bundled together and ready to be installed on an x86 GNU/Linux server.
  • A VivA or VivitApackage is a live CD (or DVD) that can be booted on any x86 architecture server to run the entire VistA FOSS stack. VivitA releases are created by mastering DSL and the VivA releases are created by remastering either Knoppix or Morphix.

SemiVivA packages expect to find Xdialog on the computer. To use a SemiVivA package, download it to a temporary directory (e.g., as /tmp/LeonardoDaVistASemiVivA0.4.tgz). Then, as root execute:

 cd /usr/local
 tar zxvf /tmp/LeonardoDaVistASemiVivA0.4.tgz

This will install VistA and GT.M. To use it, an environment with an initial copy of the database must be created with the command:

 /usr/local/LeonardoDaVistA/vista --install directory

In the above, substitute the actual VistA release name (e.g., FOIAVistA) for LeonardoDaVistA. directory is the full path name of a directory (without a trailing slash) where the environment with the initial copy of the database is to be created, e.g., /home/vista/myVistA. To subsequently run VistA, VivitAs again have an option from the mouse on the background. For VivAs, use:

 /usr/local/LeonardoDaVistA/vista --run directory

To use a VivA or VivitA package, read/write storage is required for the database. The current distributions can use a Linux file system (e.g., ext3, reiserfs) or a FAT file system (Windows 95/98/ME) but not an NTFS file system (Windows NT/2000/XP/2003). The live CD/DVDs have tools needed to partition a hard drive and create a new file system. The easiest way to proceed is to simply plug a 512MB or bigger USB flash or thumb drive (or a USB hard drive) into the USB port (USB 2.0 preferred) of an x86 server, and boot the CD/DVD. The instructions below are for USB drives, but apply equally well - with appropriate names for the read/write storage - for IDE and SCSI drives.

  • After booting the operating system, you will need to mount the read/write storage. For Knoppix based VivA releases, right click on the icon for the drive and mount the drive. This mounts it read-only. Right click again, choose Actions and change the mode to read/write. Note the name of the drive; it will probably be something like /mnt/uba1 or /mnt/sda1. For DSL based VivitA releases, there is a small window in the lower right of the screen with a mounting applet. Immediately after boot up, it will say floppy. Click on the arrow icons within the applet to choose sda1 or other read/write storage, and then click on the icon in the applet to mount the drive. For (older) Morphix based releases, execute:
 sudo insmod usb-storage
 mount /mnt/sda1
  • You will need to create an environment with an initial copy of the database. VivitAs have an option from the "start menu" from clicking the right mouse button on the background. On VivA releases, start a shell, and execute (as before, use the actual name of your VistA):
 /usr/local/LeonardoDaVistA/vista --install directory
  • To subsequently run VistA, VivitAs again have an option from the mouse on the background. For VivAs, use:
 /usr/local/LeonardoDaVistA/vista --run directory

When the GT.M prompt (GTM>) appears, you have a VistA environment that is ready to start configuring.

Installation Documentation from software and hardware vendors of VistA and VistA.

Installation Documentation from the VistA Documentation Library (VDL)


Installation of Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT) Installation of Electronic Wait List Installation of Medicine Installation of Pharmacy Prescription Practices (PPP)
Installation of Ambulatory Care Reporting Installation of Functional Independence Measurement (FIM) Installation of Mental Health Installation of Primary Care Management Module (PCMM)
Installation of Beneficiary Travel Installation of Group Notes Installation of Nursing Installation of Prosthestics
Installation of Care Management Installation of Home Based Primary Care (HBPC) Installation of Oncology Installation of Quality Audiology Speech Anal & Rpting (QUASAR)
Installation of Clinical Case Registries Installation of Immunology Case Registry (ICR) Installation of Patient Care Encounter (PCE) Installation of Radiology / Nuclear Medicine
Installation of Clinical Procedures Installation of Incomplete Records Tracking (IRT) Installation of Pharmacy Automatic Replenish / Ward Stock (AR/WS) Installation of RAI/MDS
Installation of Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) Installation of Intake and Output Installation of Pharmacy Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA) Installation of Remote Order Entry System (ROES)
Installation of CPRS Adverse Reaction Tracking (ART) Installation of Laboratory Anatomic Pathology Installation of Pharmacy Benefits Management (PBM) Installation of Scheduling
Installation of CPRS Authorization Subscription Utility (ASU) Installation of Laboratory Blood Bank Installation of Pharmacy Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy Installation of Social Work
Installation of CPRS Clinical Reminders Installation of Laboratory Blood Bank Workarounds Installation of Pharmacy Controlled Substances Installation of Spinal Cord Dysfunction
Installation of CPRS Consult/Request Tracking Installation of Laboratory Electronic Data Interchange (LEDI) Installation of Pharmacy Data Management (PDM) Installation of Surgery
Installation of CPRS Health Summary Installation of Laboratory Emerging Pathogens Initiative Installation of Pharmacy Drug Accountability Installation of VISTA Imaging System
Installation of CPRS Problem List Installation of Laboratory National Laboratory Tests/ LOINC Request Form Installation of Pharmacy Electronic Claims Management Engine (ECME) Installation of Visual Impairment Service Team (VIST)
Installation of CPRS Text Integration Utility (TIU) Installation of Laboratory Universal Interface Installation of Pharmacy Inpatient Medications Installation of Vitals / Measurements
Installation of Dentistry Installation of Laboratory Installation of Pharmacy National Drug File (NDF) Installation of Women's Health
Installation of Dietetics Installation of Lexicon Utility Installation of Pharmacy Outpatient Pharmacy


Installation of Capacity Management Tools Installation of Kernel Delphi Components (KDC) Installation of Minimal Patient Dataset (MPD) Installation of SlotMaster (Kernel ZSLOT)
Installation of Duplicate Record Merge- Patient Merge Installation of Kernel Installation and Distribution System (KIDS) Installation of Name Standardization Installation of SQL Interface (SQLI)
Installation of Electronic Error and Enhancement Reporting (E3R) Installation of Kernel Toolkit Installation of National Online Information Sharing (NOIS) Installation of Standard Files and Tables
Installation of FileMan Installation of Kernel Unwinder Installation of National Patch Module Installation of Statistical Analysis of Global Growth (SAGG)
Installation of FileMan Delphi Components (FMDC) Installation of List Manager Installation of Network Health Exchange (NHE) Installation of Survey Generator
Installation of HL7 (VistA Messaging) Installation of M-to-M Broker Installation of Patient Data Exchange (PDX) Installation of VistA Data Extraction Framework (VDEF)
Installation of Institution File Redesign (IFR) Installation of MailMan Installation of Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Broker Installation of XML Parser (VistA)
Installation of Kernel Installation of Master Patient Index (MPI) Installation of Resource Usage Monitor


Installation of Accounts Receivable (AR) Installation of Engineering (AEMS / MERS) Installation of IFCAP Installation of Patient Representative
Installation of Auto Safety Incdnt Surv Trak Sys (ASISTS) Installation of Enrollment Application System Installation of Incident Reporting Installation of Personnel and Accounting Integrated Data (PAID)
Installation of Automated Information Collection System (AICS) Installation of Equipment / Turn-In Request Installation of Income Verification Match (IVM) Installation of Police and Security
Installation of Automated Medical Information Exchange (AMIE) Installation of Event Capture Installation of Integrated Billing (IB) Installation of Quality Management Integration Module
Installation of Clinical Monitoring System Installation of Fee Basis Installation of Integrated Patient Funds Installation of Record Tracking
Installation of Compensation & Pension Records Interchange (CAPRI) Installation of Generic Code Sheet (GCS) Installation of Library Installation of Release of Information (ROI) Manager
Installation of Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Installation of Health Eligibility Center (HEC) Installation of Missing Patient Register Installation of Veterans Identification Card (VIC/PICS)
Installation of Decision Support System (DSS) Extracts Installation of Hospital Inquiry (HINQ) Installation of Occurrence Screen Installation of Voluntary Service System (VSS)
Installation of Diagnostic Related Group (DRG) Grouper Installation of ICD-9-CM