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Intracare Implementation Log Episode 16: VA DHCP style login HowTo How to

Ignacio Valdes to hardhats 10/8/08

Many staff people do not need a CPRS login but do need access to text based Decentralized Hospital Computer Program (DHCP) access. Inside the VA, this is a little icon on the desktop that gets you to the text based interface. Here is how you do this using putty.exe (a popular and Free terminal emulator easily available on the Internet) and a Windows shortcut. The server in this case is a Fedora 9 server loaded with WorldVistA EHR/VOE 1.0.

1) Download, install, and have running WorldVistA EHR/VOE 1.0 and CPRS. (Not covered in this HowTo). 2) Download putty.exe from the internet to the Windows desktop. 3) Create a Windows shortcut to putty.exe by right clicking on putty.exe and choosing Send To --> Desktop (Create shortcut) 4) Right click on the shortcut and choose Properties. In the 'Target' space add the following parameters after the last double quote:

-ssh -P 22 -l dhcp -pw whatever

where: -ssh identifies this as a secure shell session, -P 22 indicates port 22 and the ip address of your WorldVistA server. -l dhcp is the target login id for running the DHCP session with -pw whatever is the password for the id.

5) Login as root to the Linux server running WorldVistA. Create an id in the same group as the one that runs WorldVistA. Make the .bashrc for that id add the following:

# User specific aliases and functions
. /home/vista/EHR/env2
/usr/local/gtm/mumps -r ZU

and that should do it.

-- IV

Nancy Anthracite to me 10/8/08

As I understand it, the pure text base DHCP is no longer fully supported, so I would not recommend relying on it. You need to use CPRS along with the roll and scroll.

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-- Nancy Anthracite

Nancy Anthracite to me 10/8/08

Sorry, I see now that you are not just talking about the clinicians, but folks like the clerks, etc. Just don't try to get by with the clinicians using only text base CPRS instead of GUI CPRS. That is not supported.

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-- Nancy Anthracite