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(Added a glossary link to Severity~)
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Here are the custom template field definitions for this. I make the 0
Here are the custom template field definitions for this. I make the 0
option the default:
option the default:
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All content is owned by its respective authors/posters
All content is owned by its respective authors/posters

Revision as of 04:49, 13 November 2020


Here are the custom template field definitions for this. I make the 0
option the default:

Field AIMS1 Combo Box
0 = None
1 = Minimal
2 = Mild
3 = Moderate
4 = Severe

Field AIMS2 Combo Box
0 = No Awareness
1 = Aware, no distress
2 = Aware, mild distress
3 = Aware, mod distress
4 = Aware, severe distr.

Field AIMS3 Combo Box
0 = No
1 = Yes


National Institute of Mental Health.
(See Examination Procedure Below)
Study: {FLD:63713 } Period: {FLD:63713 }

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete examination procedure before making ratings.
MOVEMENT RATINGS: Rate highest [[Severity~|severity]] [[Observed~|Observed]]. Rate
movements that occur upon activation one less than those [[observed~|Observed]]
spontaneously. Circle movement as well as code number that
 0 = None  1 = Minimal, may be extreme normal 2 = Mild 3 = Moderate 4 - Severe

Facial and Oral Movements
1. Muscles of Facial Expression e.g. movements of         {FLD:AIMS1}
 forehead, eyebrows periorbital area, cheeks, including
 frowning blinking, smiling, grimacing.
2. Lips and Perioral Area e.g., puckering, pouting,       {FLD:AIMS1}
3. Jaw e.g. biting, clenching, chewing, mouth opening,    {FLD:AIMS1}
 lateral movement.
4. Tongue Rate only increases in movement both in and out {FLD:AIMS1}
 of mouth. NOT inability to sustain movement.

Extremity Movements
5. Upper (arms, wrists,, hands, fingers) Include choreic  {FLD:AIMS1}
 movements (i.e., rapid, objectively purposeless, irregular, spontaneous)
 athetoid movements (i.e., slow, irregular, complex, serpentine). DO NOT
 INCLUDE TREMOR (i.e., repetitive, regular, rhythmic)
6. Lower (legs, knees, ankles, toes) e.g., lateral knee   {FLD:AIMS1}
 movement, foot tapping, heel dropping, foot squirming,
 inversion and eversion of foot.

Trunk Movements
7. Neck, shoulders, hips e.g., rocking, twisting,         {FLD:AIMS1}
 squirming, pelvic gyrations.

8. [[Severity~|Severity]] of abnormal movements overall                 {FLD:AIMS1}
9. Incapacitation due to abnormal movements               {FLD:AIMS1}
10. Patient's awareness of abnormal movements. Rate     {FLD:AIMS2}
 only patient's report

11. Current problems with teeth and/or dentures.          {FLD:AIMS3}
12. Are dentures usually worn?                            {FLD:AIMS3}
Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS)
Either before or after completing the Examination Procedure, observe the
patient unobtrusively, at rest (e.g. in waiting room).
The chair to be used in this examination should be a hard, firm one without
1. Ask patient to remove shoes and socks.
2. Ask patient whether there is anything in his/her mouth (i.e., gum, candy,
etc.) And if there is, to remove it.
3. Ask patient about the current condition of his/her teeth. Ask patient if
he/she wears dentures. Do teeth or dentures bother patient now?
4. Ask patient whether he/she notices any movements in mouth, face,
hands, or feet. If yes, ask to describe and to what extent they currently
bother patient or interfere with his/her activities.
5. Have patient sit in chair with both hands on knees, legs slightly apart,
and fee flat on floor. (Look at entire body for movements while in this
6. Ask patient to sit with hands hanging unsupported. If male, between
legs, if female and wearing a dress, hanging over knees. (Observe
hands and other body areas.)
7. Ask patient to open mouth. (Observe tongue at rest within mouth.) Do
this twice.
8. Ask patient to protrude tongue. (Observe abnormalities of tongue
movement.) Do this twice.
9. Ask patient to tap thumb with each finger as rapidly as possible for 10-
15 seconds; separately with right hand, then with left hand. (Observe
facial and leg movements.)
10. Flex and extend patient=s left and right arms (one at a time). (Note any
11. Ask patient to stand up. (Observe in profile. Observe all body areas
again, hips included.)
12. Ask patient to extend both arms outstretched in front with palms down.
(Observe trunk, legs, and mouth.)
13. Have patient walk a few paces, turn, and walk back to chair. (Observe
hands and gait.) Do this twice.

All content is owned by its respective authors/posters