VistA Meaningful Use Enhancements

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In June, 2011, WorldVistA, with help from a team of volunteers and Oroville Hospital, achieved Stage 1 Meaningful Use Certification for WorldVistA EHR 2.0 for both inpatient and outpatient use. In order to satisfy the test scripts, a number of enhancement were added to WorldVistA EHR to provide the required functionality. This page will list these enhancement and provide links to information about installing, configuring, and using the new features.

New VistA Packages

VistACom 1.0


C0Q Quality Reporting 1.0

oRo eRx ePrescribing 1.0


Lab reporting

New Reminders

Inpatient Quality Measures

Eligible Provider (EP) Quality Measures

VistA File Enhancements

Language File

Required VistA Infrastructure Additions


Djigzo secure email relay server

Certification Scripts