IA 10118
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NUMBER: 10118 IA #: 10118 CUSTODIAL PACKAGE: LIST MANAGER CUSTODIAL ISC: Albany USAGE: Supported TYPE: Routine DBIC APPROVAL STATUS: APPROVED ROUTINE: VALM NAME: VALM ORIGINAL NUMBER: 10118 ID: VALM STATUS: Active COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: CHGCAP COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: * CHGCAP^VALM(FIELD, LABEL) This sub-routine will change a label on caption header for a field defined in CAPTION LINE COLUMNS multiple in the List Template file. INPUT: FIELD := column name LABEL := text for column header COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: SHOW COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: * SHOW^VALM This call MUST be executed in the HEADER field of a protocol menu entry in the PROTOCOL file if the protocol is used in the PROTOCOL field in the LIST TEMPLATE file. This code will properly display the list of actions to the user in the action area of the list screen. COMPONENT/ENTRY POINT: EN COMPONENT DESCRIPTION: EN^VALM(<List Template Name>) Description: Main entry point to envoke an instance of a List Template. Parameter: <List Template Name> Name of a List Template as it appears in the LIST TEMPLATE file (#409.61)