Checking RPC Availability on a Remote Server
Use this RPC to determine if a set of RPCs is available on a VistA M Server. The RUN CONTEXT PARAMETER allows you to test availability on a local or remote VistA M Server. The RPC INPUT PARAMETER passes the names and (optionally) minimum version number of the RPCs to be checked.
RETURN VALUE: A 0-based array. The index corresponds to the index of the RPC in the RPC Input Parameter.
- 1 = RPC Available
- 0 = RPC Not Available
RUN CONTEXT PARAMETER (Optional): Pass the run context (local or remote) of the RPC in Param[0].Value, and the type (literal) in Param[0].PType.
Possible RUN CONTEXT PARAMETER values are:
- L = Check if available to be run locally (by a user logged into the VistA M Server).
- R = Check if available to be run remotely (by a user logged in a different VistA M Server).
If this parameter is not sent, the RPC is checked for both local and remote, and both run contexts must be available for the return to be "1" (RPC Available). The check is done against the INACTIVE field in the REMOTE PROCEDURE file.
RPC INPUT PARAMETER: Pass a 0-based array of the names and (optionally) version numbers of RPCs to be tested in Param[1].Mult[], and the type (List) in Param[1].PType. The format is:
- The RPCVersionNumber is used only if the Run Context parameter = "R".
- If a numeric value is in the second ^-piece and Run Context = "R", it will be checked against the value in the VERSION field of the REMOTE PROCEDURE file If the version number passed is less than or equal to the number in the VERSION field, the RPC will be marked available.
- NOTICE: If the VERSION field is null, the check will fail for a numeric value in this parameter.
Also, the current context of your user must give them permission to execute the XWB ARE RPCS AVAILABLE (it must be included in the RPC multiple of the "B"-type option registered with the CreateContext function).