Problem with index for file number 45
From VistApedia
It is possible to get an e-mail that looks like this:
Subj: Problem with index for file number 45 [#93921093] 05/01/10@14:15 3 lines From: POSTMASTER (Sender: SOMEONE,SOMENAME) In 'IN' basket. Page 1 *New* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for file number 45 does not exist or is not complete. Taxonomy 13 will not be properly evaluated! Patient DFN=1, User DUZ=1234, Reminder=44
In the MESSAGE File, this message would be represented as:
NUMBER: 93921093 SUBJECT: Problem with index for file number 45 FROM: .5 SENT DATE/TIME: MAY 01, 2010@14:15:56 SENDER: 1234 INFORMATION ONLY?: YES LOCAL CREATE DATE: MAY 01, 2007 RECIPIENT: 1234 LAST RESPONSE READ: 0 LAST READ DATE/TIME: OCT 26, 2009@11:50:04 FIRST READ DATE/TIME: OCT 26, 2009@11:50:04 FORWARDED BY: POSTMASTER 05/01/07@14:15 TEXT: Index for file number 45 does not exist or is not complete. Taxonomy 13 will not be properly evaluated! Patient DFN=1, User DUZ=1234, Reminder=44 ADDRESSED TO: SOMEONE,SOMENAME
Internally the global looks like this:
^XMB(3.9,93921093,0)="Problem with index for file number 45^.5^3070501.141556^2948^^^^^^^^y" ^XMB(3.9,93921093,.6)=3100501 ^XMB(3.9,93921093,1,0)="^3.91A^1^1" ^XMB(3.9,93921093,1,1,0)="1234^0^3091026.115004^^^^^^^3091026.115004" ^XMB(3.9,93921093,1,1,"F")="POSTMASTER 05/01/10@14:15^^" ^XMB(3.9,93921093,1,"C",2948,1)="" ^XMB(3.9,93921093,2,0)="^3.92^3^3^3100501" ^XMB(3.9,93921093,2,1,0)="Index for file number 45 does not exist or is not complete ." ^XMB(3.9,93921093,2,2,0)="Taxonomy 13 will not be properly evaluated!" ^XMB(3.9,93921093,2,3,0)="Patient DFN=1, User DUZ=1234, Reminder=44" ^XMB(3.9,93921093,6,0)="^3.911A^1^1" ^XMB(3.9,93921093,6,1,0)="SOMEONE,SOMENAME" ^XMB(3.9,93921093,6,"B","SOMEONE,SOMENAME",1)=""
This message is generated from the routine ^PXRMERRH
This message normally goes to the mailgroup specified by the REMINDER MANAGEMENT MAILGROUP (Field #3) in File #800 -- CLINICAL REMINDER PARAMETERS FILE. If that field is not filled in with a Mail Group Name, then the routine ^PXRMERRH will send the error message to the person who got the error.