Weekly Conference Call Jly 06 2007

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TOPIC: WorldVistA Projects Brainstorming (Discuss three or four of the larger projects)

As of this writing there are over 80 project submissions. Prior to the Friday community call the list will be published as a reply to this message. There is work to be done detailing and consolidating some of the project descriptions. Project submission closed at the end of business 07/06/2007.

Share your WorldVistA project ideas! New and old ideas will be gathered during in the community call in a special brainstorming session. Project of all sizes welcomed. Post your ideas (in advance) on the wiki: http://www.vistapedia.org/~forum/index.php?title=Projects All project ideas will be considered for official WorldVistA endorsement, funding and development focus of the community.

Conference ID Number: 5722786