by David Whitten on Feb 22, 2023 at 10:00 AM
Write an ANSI MUMPS program that asks the user for a discharge date conforming to the VistA Standards and Conventions. Use the FileMan ^DIR routine to ask the user. Use the FileMan YEAR function to calculate the year of the discharge date and print it out
Here's an ANSI MUMPS program that asks the user for a discharge date using the FileMan ^DIR routine, calculates the year of the discharge date using the FileMan YEAR function, and prints it out according to the VistA Standards and Conventions:
;This is a MUMPS program that asks the user for a discharge date and calculates the year using the FileMan YEAR function ;Use the FileMan ^DIR routine to ask for the discharge date SET DIR(0)="DA^::EX" SET DIR("A")="Enter the discharge date: " D ^DIR SET DISCHARGE=Y ;Calculate the year of the discharge date using the FileMan YEAR function SET YEAR=$$YEAR^XLFDT(DISCHARGE,"5Z") ;Print out the year of the discharge date WRITE !,"The year of the discharge date (",$$FMTE^XLFDT(DISCHARGE,"D")," ) is ",YEAR,"." QUIT
This program uses the FileMan ^DIR routine to ask the user for the discharge date. It then uses the YEAR^XLFDT function from the FileMan library to calculate the year of the discharge date. Finally, it prints out the year of the discharge date using the WRITE command, along with the formatted discharge date using the FMTE^XLFDT function.
This is incorrect
The subroutine call $$YEAR^XlFDT( -- , -- ) does NOR exist.
The arguments generated seem to be the arguments to $$FMTE^XLFDT,
As an example of the use of this subroutine: WRITE $$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,"5Z") 02/23/2023@21:06:34
David Whitten at 11:00 am
Write an ANSI MUMPS program that asks the user for a discharge date conforming to the VistA Standards and Conventions. Use the FileMan ^DIR routine to ask the user. Compare the Discharge Date to the birthdate of the patient in the variable DFN
Here's an ANSI MUMPS program that asks the user for a discharge date using the FileMan ^DIR routine, compares the discharge date to the birthdate of the patient stored in the variable DFN, and prints out the result according to the VistA Standards and Conventions: ;This is a MUMPS program that asks the user for a discharge date and compares it to the patient's birthdate stored in the variable DFN ;Use the FileMan ^DIR routine to ask for the discharge date SET DIR(0)="DA^::EX" SET DIR("A")="Enter the discharge date: " D ^DIR SET DISCHARGE=Y ;Get the patient's birthdate from the variable DFN SET BIRTHDATE=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,0)),"^",3) ;Check if the discharge date is before the patient's birthdate IF DISCHARGE<BIRTHDATE DO .WRITE !,"The discharge date (",$$FMTE^XLFDT(DISCHARGE,"D"),") is before the patient's birthdate (",$$FMTE^XLFDT(BIRTHDATE,"D"),")." ELSE DO .WRITE !,"The discharge date (",$$FMTE^XLFDT(DISCHARGE,"D"),") is after the patient's birthdate (",$$FMTE^XLFDT(BIRTHDATE,"D"),")." QUIT
This program uses the FileMan ^DIR routine to ask the user for the discharge date. It then gets the patient's birthdate from the variable DFN using FileMan's global reference (^DPT(DFN,0)). Finally, it compares the discharge date to the patient's birthdate and prints out the result using the WRITE command, along with the formatted discharge date and birthdate using the FMTE^XLFDT function. If the discharge date is before the patient's birthdate, it will print out a message indicating that. Otherwise, it will print out a message indicating that the discharge date is after the patient's birthdate.