Delphi component
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A Delphi component is a way of independently packaging Delphi source code so it can be used from more than one Delphi program.
Creating a new component requires writing a Delphi Pascal unit file which has:
- the source code of the component. (these have the .PAS file-ending)
- an optional .DCR palette bitmap (a file in the same format as the Microsoft .RES file) The pallet bitmap is a 28x28 bitmap which has the same name as the Delphi component, and which is used in the Delphi component palette of the IDE)
- an optional Delphi form file (with the .DFM ending)
- an optional Microsoft help file (with the .HLP ending)
- an optional keyword file (with the .KWF ending)
Delphi Pascal is then used to compile these into a .DCU file.