Delphi component

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A Delphi component is a way of independently packaging Delphi source code so it can be used from more than one Delphi program.

Creating a new component requires writing a Delphi Pascal unit file which has:

  1. the source code of the component. (these have the .PAS file-ending)
  2. an optional .DCR palette bitmap (a file in the same format as the Microsoft .RES file) The pallet bitmap is a 28x28 bitmap which has the same name as the Delphi component, and which is used in the Delphi component palette of the IDE)
  3. an optional Delphi form file (with the .DFM ending)
  4. an optional Microsoft help file (with the .HLP ending)
  5. an optional keyword file (with the .KWF ending)

Delphi Pascal is then used to compile these into a .DCU file.