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Re: [Simh] MUMPS, MUMPS-11, DSM-11, ISM-11, etc Sergiusz Jarczyk Fri, 22 May 2020 10:32:30 -0700 For DSM-11: http://www.ps8computing.co.uk/dsm-11.html Best regards, Sergiusz
from http://www.ps8computing.co.uk/dsm-11.html
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The following files and information are presented as an historical record only. They should never be used for any commerical projects! Digital Standard Mumps for the PDP11 (DSM-11) is an operating system, programming language, and database all rolled together. It was used extensively in the UK in the health service and also in financial back-office systems. See the downloads page for individual files. Copying original DEC tapes for use with simh (These notes are more of a reminder for myself than anything else!) As an example, these notes apply to copying a DSM-11 SYSTO tape. DSM-11 was DEC's version of MUMPS for the PDP11. The tape I have is V3.3. I have a DEC TSV07 tape drives with a single ended SCSI interface connected to a SUN SPARC Server running Solaris 10. The SUN Server 'sees' the tape drive as /dev/rmt/0c and as /dev/rmt/0cn (the no-rewind option). Use 'export TAPE=/dev/rmt/0c ' to avoid having to specify it all the time to the mt command. mt rew - will rewind the tape mt offline - will rewind and unload the tape tcopy /dev/rmt/0cn > file_name is a useful command to investigate what is on the tape. Use /dev/rmt/0cn - the n option avoids rewinding the tape each time. Keep repeating the command as you work through the tape. dd if=/dev/rmt/0c of=image_file_name bs=40960 The default block size is 512, but specifying a much bigger size will make sure we get it all. The most useful program is found here: http://inwap.com/pdp10/usenet/timage.c No real idea about c or gcc on Solaris, but this worked... bash-3.00# gcc -o timage timage.c bash-3.00# ./timage Usage: timage from-nrmt to-file bash-3.00# ./timage /dev/rmt/0cn dsm_image 256 records, blocksize 512 36 records, blocksize 1024 877 records, blocksize 1024 310 records, blocksize 1024 /dev/rmt/0cn: I/O error child pipe read R: Error 0 bash-3.00# Running the simh PDP11 simulator and booting from the DSM-11 tape image bash-3.00# /export/home/simh/machines/pdp11 PDP-11 simulator V3.8-1 sim> sim> att tm dsm_image sim> att rl0 dsm_working_rl.dsk RL: creating new file Overwrite last track? [N] Y sim> boot tm Booting DSM-11... DSM-11 Version 3.3 Now running the baseline system. Begin DSM-11 Version 3.3 system installation Answer with a question mark (?) any time you wish more information. Please enter today's date [ DD-MMM-YY ] ? > 28-SEP-98 and time [ HH:MM:SS ] ? > 11:42 Install DSM-11 on which disk unit ? > ? Possible units are: DK0 (RK05 unit 0) DK1 (RK05 unit 1) DK2 (RK05 unit 2) DK3 (RK05 unit 3) DK4 (RK05 unit 4) DK5 (RK05 unit 5) DK6 (RK05 unit 6) DK7 (RK05 unit 7) DL0 (RL01 unit 0) DL1 (RL01 unit 1) DL2 (RL01 unit 2) DL3 (RL01 unit 3) DM0 (RK06 unit 0) DM1 (RK06 unit 1) DM2 (RK06 unit 2) DM3 (RK06 unit 3) DM4 (RK06 unit 4) DM5 (RK06 unit 5) DM6 (RK06 unit 6) DM7 (RK06 unit 7) DR0 (RM03 unit 0) DR1 (RM03 unit 1) DR2 (RM03 unit 2) DR3 (RM03 unit 3) DR4 (RM03 unit 4) DR5 (RM03 unit 5) DR6 (RM03 unit 6) DR7 (RM03 unit 7) DU0 (RD54 unit 0) DU1 (RD54 unit 1) DU2 (RD54 unit 2) Type the 2-character controller type, and the unit number, like this: "DK0" for RK05 unit 0, or "^" to go back. Install DSM-11 on which disk unit ? > DL0 Do you wish to run a comprehensive test for bad blocks on this disk ? [Y/N] > Y Test pattern 177777 octal ? [Y/N] > Y Test pattern 125252 octal ? [Y/N] > Each test consists of writing a test pattern on the entire disk, then verifying that it can be read back without errors. Any block which gives errors (even recoverable errors) will automatically be entered in the bad-block table on the disk, and will not be used by DSM11. If you answer 'Y', you will be able to choose, optionally, one or more of the following test patterns: 177777 octal (all one bits) 125252 octal (alternating one and zero bits) 052525 octal (alternating zero and one bits) 000000 octal (all zero bits) Test pattern 177777 octal ? [Y/N] > Y Test pattern 125252 octal ? [Y/N] > Y Test pattern 052525 octal ? [Y/N] > Y Test pattern 000000 octal ? [Y/N] > Y (You may hit the "ESC" key at any time to determine the number of blocks processed so far) 11:42:27 Begin test pattern 177777 11:42:28 Begin test pattern 125252 11:42:30 Begin test pattern 052525 11:42:31 Begin test pattern 000000 11:42:34 Testing complete RL01 Unit 0 Bad Block Table The Bad Block Table is empty Do you know of any other bad blocks on this disk ? [Y/N] > N What would you like the new label of this disk to be ? (up to 22 characters, enclosed in quotes) ? > DSM11 Like this: "THE NEW LABEL" What would you like the new label of this disk to be ? (up to 22 characters, enclosed in quotes) ? > "DSM-11" What 3-character uppercase name do you wish to give this volume set ? SYS Now initializing DL0 for use as DSM-11 volume... Loading the DSM-11 Version 3.3 system utilities onto the system disk: %BLKWT %BN %CRF %CRF1 %CURSOR %D %DH %DIAL %DO %DOC %E %EB %ED %EDI %EDIEDT %EDIFIL %EDIINS %EDILST %EDIMAC %EGD %ER %ET %FGC %FGR %FGR1 %FGR2 %FGR3 %FGR4 %FGT %FL %G %G1 %G2 %G3 %G4 %GCH %GD %GE %GEDIT %GGP %GL %GL1 %GLO1 %GLO2 %GLOMAN %GR %GRT %GRTINI %GRTR %GRTS %GS %GS1 %GSEL %GSEL1 %GTI %GTO %GUCI %H %HD %HDR %HDR1 %HELP %HELPED %HELPH %HELPMEN %IOS %IOS1 %JOB %LIB %LNKMP %MENLIS %MENU %MTCHK %NAKED %OD %OVR %P %PC %PCMP %PCOMP %PCOPY %PCR %PD %PDEL %PEXC %PFL %PL %PP %PR %PRIO %PS %PSD %PSE %PSEDIT %PSEL %PXR %RCE %RCMP %RCOPY %RD %RDX %RM %RM1 %RML %RR %RS %RSE %RSEL %STRTAB %SUM %SUM1 %SUM2 %SUM3 %SUM4 %SUM5 %SUMSEL %SY %SYR %SYSROU %T %TDN %UTL %VAR %WU ACTJOB ALLOCAT ATTACH AUPAT AUPAT0 AUPAT1 AUPAT2 BACKCRE BACKCRF BACKCRG BACKFL BACKHELA BACKHELP BACKJRN BACKLOGO BACKMGA BACKMM BACKMMGO BACKMNT BACKONE BACKPRT BACKSET BACKSTR BACKUNJR BACKUP BACKUPDO BACKUPPR BACKVARS BACKVERI BACKVRS2 BBTAB BCS BLDMP BLDMP1 BOOTCOPY BSC BSCBIT BSCEBC BSCHLT BSCMON BSCPE BSCPEB BSCPER BSCQUE BSCRCV BSCSTA BSCSTR BSCXMT CARE CONFIG CREATPQ CTK CTK0 CTK1 CTK2 CTKDAT CTKUTL DAT DBT DBTALLY DDP DDPCIR DDPCON DDPLNK DDPSRV DDPUTL DDR DEJRNL DEJRNL1 DEJRNL2 DESPOOL DETACH DGAM DISKMAP DISKPREP DISKSIZ DISMOUNT DPBBSET DPBEGIN DPFMT30 DPFORMAT DPINIT DPLABGET DPNEWL DPSYCOPY DPTEST DPUTILOD DSKTRACK FASTDBT FASTGTO FASTIC FIX FIXDATA FIXDATA1 FIXGD FIXMAP FIXMAP1 FIXPTR FIXPTR1 FIXROU GC GC1 GLBPLACE IC IC0 IC1 IC2 IC3 IC4 INSTALL JOBTAB JRNALL JRNCOPY JRNCOPY1 JRNCOPY4 JRNDEALL JRNDKEND JRNGETST JRNINIT JRNL JRNLSHOW JRNRECOV JRNSTART JRNSTOP JRNSTU KTR KTR1 KTRUDA LABEL LABELMT LABSHO LMAP LOAD LOADR LOCKTAB MAKESDP MAPMOUNT MAPM1 MBP MBP1 MBP1H MBP2 MBPH MDAT MMD MOUNT MOUNTX MSUROU MUX MUX1 MUXDEF PARTAB PARVEC PARVEC0 PATCH PATFL1 PATFL2 PATFL3 PATFL4 PATFL5 PCHIST PCHIST1 PCHISTP PEEK REPTAB REST RESTDO RESTDOMG RESTMAGU RESTMAS RESTMNT RESTRESB RESTRTNS RJD RMAP RMBLD RMDIS RMSHO RMLOAD RTHELP RTHIST RTHIST1 RTHISTP SAVBOOMK SAVBOOT SDCCOPY SDP SETHOST SGAUTO SGBUFF SGBUFFH SGDATA SGDEVS SGDISK SGDMC SGLOAD SGMAGT SGMEM SGOPTH SGOPTS SGPART SGSOFT SGSUB SPL SPLALL SPLINI SPLREM SPLSTR SSD STA STU STU1 STU2 STU3 STU4 STUBLD STUBLD2 STUBLDH STUCSR STUDIST STUSETPV STUSPL SWREG SYCOPY SYS SYSDEF SYSGEN SYSROU SYSTAB SYSTAB0 SYSTAB1 SYSTAB15 SYSTAB2 SYSWAIT SYTOTAPE TAPCOPA TAPECOPY TIM TRANTAB TRANTB1 TTTG TTTSHO UCIADD UCIEDIT UCILI UCITAB UCITRAN UNLOAD UTL V3TAPEGL V3UTILS VER Transferring the system globals: SYS % %EDI %EDIHELP %HELP11 %MENU %Q Now copying the system image onto your new disk, making it a bootable DSM-11 Version 3.3 system disk... DL0 is now a bootable DSM-11 Version 3.3 system disk. You may dismount the distribution magnetic tape now. Do you wish to proceed directly to SYSGEN ? <Y> System generation for DIGITAL Standard MUMPS Type ? for HELP at any time PART 1: SYSGEN ------- 1.1 Would you like extended help [Y OR N] ? <N> 1.2 Enter the configuration identifier <1> 1.3 Do you wish to Auto-configure the current system [Y OR N] ? <Y> Configuring Host System . . . Processor Type: PDP-11/83 Memory Size: 256 KB Processor/Memory Options: Floating Point Unit Extended Instuction Set 22 Bit Addressing Cache Name Vector CSR Unit Type Description DKA 220 177404 RK11 Disk Controller 0 RK05 Disk Drive 1 RK05 Disk Drive 2 RK05 Disk Drive 3 RK05 Disk Drive 4 RK05 Disk Drive 5 RK05 Disk Drive 6 RK05 Disk Drive 7 RK05 Disk Drive DMA 210 177440 RK611 Disk Controller 0 RK06 Disk Drive 1 RK06 Disk Drive 2 RK06 Disk Drive 3 RK06 Disk Drive 4 RK06 Disk Drive 5 RK06 Disk Drive 6 RK06 Disk Drive 7 RK06 Disk Drive RHA 254 176700 RH11 Disk Controller 0 RM03 Disk Drive 1 RM03 Disk Drive 2 RM03 Disk Drive 3 RM03 Disk Drive 4 RM03 Disk Drive 5 RM03 Disk Drive 6 RM03 Disk Drive 7 RM03 Disk Drive DLA 160 174400 RL11 Disk Controller 0 RL01 Disk Drive 1 RL01 Disk Drive 2 RL01 Disk Drive 3 RL01 Disk Drive DUA 124 172150 MSCP Disk Controller 0 RD54 Disk Drive 1 RD54 Disk Drive 2 RD54 Disk Drive 3 RX50 Disk Drive MTA 224 172520 Device not supported MUA 130 174500 TMSCP Tape Controller 0 TK50 Tape Drive 1 TK50 Tape Drive DXA 264 177170 Device not supported LPA 200 177514 LP11 Line Printer Controller XHA 270 174440 DEQNA Ethernet Controller YZA 300 160100 DZV11 Asynch Multiplexor Controller YZB 310 160110 DZV11 Asynch Multiplexor Controller YZC 320 160120 DZV11 Asynch Multiplexor Controller YZD 330 160130 DZV11 Asynch Multiplexor Controller 1.4 Do you wish to modify this configuration information [Y OR N] ? <N> PART 2: DISK INFORMATION ------- Disk information supplied by AUTOCONFIGURE PART 3: SYSTEM DEVICES ------- System Device information supplied by AUTOCONFIGURE PART 4: CONFIGURE DMC/DMR-11's and DDP ------- 4.5 How many DSM nodes are connected to DEQNA #0 > 2 PART 5: SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION ------- 5.1 Do you wish to use the STANDARD SOFTWARE OPTIONS [Y OR N] ? <Y> PART 6: ASSIGN DEVICE NUMBERS ------- The following single line device assignments have been made: Device Number Controller-Number 3 LP11-0 PART 7: SOFTWARE OPTIONS ------- SEQUENTIAL DISK PROCESSOR support: Included JOURNAL support: Included With 2 buffers SPOOLING support: Not Included INTERJOB COMMUNICATIONS support: Included With 16 communication channels and a 64 byte default ring buffer size LOADABLE or USER DRIVER SPACE support: Not Included MAPPED ROUTINES support: Not Included UCI TRANSLATION TABLES support: Included MOUNTABLE DATABASE VOLUME SETS support: Included Total System Exec size: 85.42 K Bytes PART 8: MEMORY BUFFER ALLOCATION ------- Number of 512 byte DDP buffers: 40 Default terminal RING BUFFER size: 64 Bytes Total space allocated to RING BUFFERS: 3328 Bytes Total number of 1 K byte DISK-TAPE cache buffers: 68 PART 9: SYSTEM DATA STRUCTURES ------- Space allocated for DISK-MAP and BAD BLOCK TABLE: 9472 Bytes Space allocated to UCI TRANSLATION TABLE: 1280 Bytes Space allocated to GLOBAL VECTOR TABLE: 4096 Bytes Space allocated to DDP structures: 10752 Bytes Space allocated to the LOCK TABLE: 512 Bytes Number of mountable DATABASE VOLUME SETS: 7 PART 10: JOB PARTITION DEFINITION -------- PARTITIONs are allocated in 1024 byte increments. The following PARTITIONs have been defined: JOURNAL system job 1 KB GARBAGE COLLECTOR system job 1 KB Job #1 (to guarantee one 9 K byte PARTITION) 9 KB Default partition size: 9 K Bytes Space remaining for PARTITION allocation: 34.00 K bytes The remainder of memory is assigned to the DYNAMIC PARTITION POOL PART 11: DATABASE PARAMETERS -------- WRITE CHECK after WRITE on disks: Not Included System default global characteristics are: 8 Bit Subscripts: Yes Journaling: No Collating sequence: Numeric PART 12: BASIC SYSTEM PARAMETERS -------- Default UDA disks that are dual-ported. NONE View buffer device protection: Included ZUSE command protection: Included LOGIN SEQUENCE CHARACTERS: echoed Default APPLICATION INTERRUPT key: 3 (CTRL/C) Default PROGRAMMER ABORT key: 25 (CTRL/Y) Time delay for POWER FAIL RESTART: 40 seconds Time delay for TELEPHONE DISCONNECT: 15 seconds Number of significant DIGITS for DIVISION: 12 12.9 Is the LINE FREQUENCY 60 HZ [Y OR N] ? <Y> N 12.10 Enter the 3-character Programmer Access Code (PAC) > xxx\xxx\XXX Please enter your initials > KRM Enter comment (max. 200 chars.) > The system global ^SYS has been built by SYSGEN. ^SYS is a reserved global and should not be altered. If you wish to customize your new configuration by modifying: . Terminal speed settings or other parameters . Magnetic tape default format . UCI's or database VOLUME SETS . TIED TERMINAL table . UCI translation table . Default GLOBAL CHARACTERISTICS/PLACEMENT . Routine maps then login to the manager's UCI and type "D ^SYSDEF" You do not have a startup command file, Do you wish to remain in baseline mode ? <N> Begin defining a new startup command file. Configuration ? <1> 1 Apply patches to memory [Y OR N] ? <N> Start up the Journal [Y OR N] ? <N> Startup Distributed Database Processing [Y OR N] ? <N> Start the Caretaker background job [Y OR N] ? <Y> Enter the Printer Number for system error messages <1> Automatic logging of DSM errors [Y OR N] ? <N> Mount additional disk volumes [Y OR N] ? <N> Make this the new startup file for configuration 1 [Y OR N] ? <Y> Re-configuring memory... Memory re-configured Mounting SYS as Volume Set number S0 Volume 1 on DL0 has 4800 blocks 3261 available. Total in volume set: 4800 blocks 3261 available. Building terminal control blocks... Caretaker is now running as job number 2. DSM-11 Version 3.3 1 is now up and running! Exit DSM-11 Version 3.3 Device #1 UCI: mgr:xxx <NOPGM>:1 G ^xxx Exit DSM-11 Version 3.3 Device #1 UCI: MGR:XXX > >D ^SSD 1 JOB IS CURRENTLY LOGGED IN. LOGINS ARE NOW DISABLED. 1. Display Logged-In Jobs 2. Perform Timed Shutdown 3. Terminate All Jobs, Perform Immediate Shutdown ENTER OPTION > 3 THE FOLLOWING JOBS ARE STILL LOGGED IN: JOB # PRINCIPAL DEVICE ROUTINE 2 1 CTK0 DO YOU WISH TO KILL THESE JOBS AND SHUT DOWN NOW (10 SECONDS TO ANSWER) [ Y/N ] ? <Y> ...Caretaker stopped. DDP shutting down ... DDP shutdown complete ... JOB # 2 HAS BEEN KILLED READY TO HALT Exit Simulation stopped, PC: 007702 (INC R3) sim> quit Goodbye bash-3.00# Then booting from the installed disk - an RL02 pack bash-3.00# /export/home/simh/machines/pdp11 PDP-11 simulator V3.8-1 sim> at rl0 dsm_working_rl.dsk sim> boot rl0 Booting DSM-11... DSM-11 Version 3.3 Now running the baseline system. Please enter today's date <28-Sep-98> Is today Monday ? <Y> Please enter time [ HH:MM:SS ] > 11:47 Is this 11:47 AM in the Morning ? <Y> Start up the default system (1) [Y/N] ? <Y> Re-configuring memory... Memory re-configured Mounting SYS as Volume Set number S0 Volume 1 on DL0 has 4800 blocks 3259 available. Total in volume set: 4800 blocks 3259 available. Building terminal control blocks... Caretaker is now running as job number 2. DSM-11 Version 3.3 1 is now up and running! Exit DSM-11 Version 3.3 Device #1 UCI: MGR:XXX >