MU Stage1 Final Rule - Timely Access

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SECTION # Section 170.304(g)—Timely Access

MU OBJECTIVE Provide patients with timely electronic access to their health information (including lab results, problem list, medication lists, medication allergies) within four business days of the information being available to the EP.

MU STAGE 1 MEASURE More than 10% of all unique patients seen by the EP are provided timely (available to the patient within four business days of being updated in the certified EHR technology) electronic access to their health information subject to the EP’s discretion to withhold certain information.

CERTIFICATION CRITERION Final Rule Text: §170.304(g). Timely access. Enable a user to provide patients with online access to their clinical information, including, at a minimum, lab test results, problem list, medication list, and medication Allergy list.


TEST CRITERIA # §170.304(g)



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There was initial thoughts about using PHR's -- Google Health, or Microsoft health vault etc. But upon further consideration, these agencies specifically say that they are NOT a HIPPA-covered entity. Thus they are not really a reasonable channel for sending results out to patients.

John Williams, on a telephone call, commented that he is considering offering a secure HIPPA-covered PHR as a service (for fee). If he, or anyone else did this, there certainly would be security factors that would have to be carefully monitored -- to prevent hackers from accessing it etc, so service support would be reasonable.

A simple Application that allows a patient to log in securely and retrieve and/or view their latest CCR or CCD produced using the software from the CCR-CCD project should satisfy this requirement nicely and there is a good chance some of this work will be done at the coding meeting Feb. 26-March 1 at RMU. The provider should probably be the one to upload the document that the patient will view to allow selective editing of what will be presented other than the complete CCR or CCD. This is what the CCR-CCD has been calling a "pick list" GUI which is part of the plans for what is to be developed as part of the project.

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