Single Patient Record Back-up
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Thanks Alan for the program.
This program retrieves single patient [[record~|Record]] from VistA USER>D ^%CD Namespace: VISTA You're in namespace VISTA Default directory is c:\cachesys\mgr\vista\ VISTA> VISTA>D ^NAM5SSN "===========================================" VISTA SELECT PATIENT PROCEDURE: "===========================================" Select PATIENT NAME: ONE 1 ONE,IMAGEPATIENT 4-15-53 666061001 NO NSC VETERAN 2 ONE,INPATIENT 3-9-45 666000801 NO NSC VETERAN 3 ONE,OUTPATIENT 3-9-45 666000601 NO NSC VETERAN 4 ONE,PATIENT 4-7-35 666000001 YES SC VETERAN 5 ONEHUNDRED,INPATIENT 3-9-45 666000900 NO NSC VETERAN ENTER '^' TO STOP, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 4 ONE,PATIENT 4-7-35 666000001 YES SC VETERAN Enrollment Priority: GROUP 3 Category: IN PROCESS End Date: "===========================================" NAME5SSN SELECTED PATIENT DATA: "===========================================" Name: ONE,PATIENT SSN: 666000001 SEX: M DOB: APR 7,1935 ADDRESS: 1312 Ashton Place CITY: Rowling STATE: WEST VIRGINIA ZIP: 99998 PHONE: 222-555-8235 "===========================================" VISTA> "=======================================================================" FILE OUTPUT "=======================================================================" Name^ONE,PATIENT^SSN^666000001^SEX^M^DOB^APR 7,1935^ADDRESS^1312 Ashton Place^CITY^Rowling^STATE^WEST VIRGINIA^ZIP^99998PHONE^222-555-8235^ "========================================================================" - Show quoted text - NAM5SSN ; Lab 9 M1; VISTA SELECT PATIENT NAME: W NAME & SSN; AHR; 09/28/2009 ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Setting up a VistA environment ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;USER>D ^%CD ; ; Namespace: VISTA ; You're in namespace VISTA ; Default directory is c:\cachesys\mgr\vista\ ; ; VISTA>S DUZ=10000000020 ; ; VISTA>D ^XUP ; Setting up programmer environment ; This is a TEST account. ; ; Terminal Type set to: C-VT320 ; ; Select OPTION NAME: ; VISTA> ; ; VISTA>D ^NAM5SSN ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Assuming you want field #9 from File #2, the name of the field is retrieved ; with the MUMPS expression ; WRITE $PIECE(^DD(2,9,0),"^",1),! ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; observe the difference between ; field number and global subscript location: ; ; Select DATA DICTIONARY UTILITY OPTION: LIST FILE ATTRIBUTES ; START WITH WHAT FILE: PATIENT// ; GO TO WHAT FILE: PATIENT// ; Select SUB-FILE: ; Select LISTING FORMAT: STANDARD// CUSTOM-TAILORED ; SORT BY: LABEL// NUMBER ; START WITH NUMBER: FIRST// ; WITHIN NUMBER, SORT BY: ; FIRST PRINT ATTRIBUTE: LABEL ; THEN PRINT ATTRIBUTE: NUMBER ; THEN PRINT ATTRIBUTE: GLOBAL SUBSCRIPT LOCATION ; THEN PRINT ATTRIBUTE: ; Heading (S/C): FIELD SEARCH// ; DEVICE: 0;80;999 TELNET ; PATIENT FILE FIELD SEARCH SEP 24,2009 22:01 PAGE 1 ; LABEL NUMBER GLOBAL ; SUBSCRIPT LOCATION ; ; Below is the section on address. Note: ; Field Label, Number, and Global Subscript Location ; ; "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ; ; NAME .01 0;1 ; SEX .02 0;2 ; DATE OF BIRTH .03 0;3 ; AGE .033 ; ; MARITAL STATUS .05 0;5 ; RACE .06 0;6 ; OCCUPATION .07 0;7 ; RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE .08 0;8 ; DUPLICATE STATUS .081 0;18 ; PATIENT MERGED TO .082 0;19 ; CHECK FOR DUPLICATE .083 0;20 ; SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER .09 0;9 ; ; ; STREET ADDRESS [LINE 1] .111 .11;1 ; ZIP+4 .1112 .11;12 ; STREET ADDRESS [LINE 2] .112 .11;2 ; STREET ADDRESS [LINE 3] .113 .11;3 ; CITY .114 .11;4 ; STATE .115 .11;5 ; ZIP CODE .116 .11;6 ; COUNTY .117 .11;7 ; ADDRESS CHANGE DT/TM .118 .11;13 ; ADDRESS CHANGE SOURCE .119 .11;14 ; ; Thus the first line of the address is in piece 1 of subscript " .11" ; Like so: $P(^DPT(patientnum,.11),"^",1) ; And CITY is in piece 4: ; $P(^DPT(patnumber,.11),"^",4) ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Addressing this bit of MUMPS code: ; ; S ZSTATE=$P(^DD(5,STATE,0),"^",1) ; ; this says (in MUMPS-ish English) ; ; create a local variable for this process only named ZSTATE ; with the value found by reading the local variable STATE ; and using it as a FileMan Field Number. ; Use this FileMan Field Number to find the FileMan Field Name ; by looking it up in the Data Dictionary of the File #5. ; (not stated, but known by me, File #5 is the VistA STATE File) ; The Field Name is found by retrieving the "Zeroth" node of the ; Data Dictionary, and then processing it by removing the first piece ; of the string stored in that zeroth node value, which is itself a ; string of characters, using a "^" (caret character) as a delimiter. ; ; This does NOT do what you have been saying you want to do. ; ; If you want to look up the name of a state using the index for that ; state (the internal entry number of that entry in the STATE File) ; you must look in the global used for the STATE File. ; If you use the internal entry number of the state as if it were a field ; number, you will get the wrong information. ; If you want to get the value of a particular state, you must find out the ; global root for the STATE File. I happen to know that the global root ; for the STATE File is "^DIC(5," I know this because I use the FileMan ; inquire option to find it. ; ; Select OPTION: INQUIRE TO FILE ENTRIES ; ; OUTPUT FROM WHAT FILE: STATE// FILE ; Select FILE: STATE ; ANOTHER ONE: ; STANDARD CAPTIONED OUTPUT? Yes// (Yes) ; Include COMPUTED fields: (N/Y/R/B): NO// BOTH Computed Fields and [[Record~|Record]] Number ; (IEN) ; ; NUMBER: 5 NAME: STATE ; [[APPLICATION~|Application]] GROUP: VA ; DESCRIPTION: This file contains the name of the state (or outlying area) as ; issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs and issued in M-1, Part I, ; Appendix B. These entries should remain as distributed and should not be ; edited or updated unless done via a software upgrade or under direction of VA ; Central Office. ; GLOBAL NAME (c): ^DIC(5, ENTRIES (c): 82 ; DD ACCESS (c): # WR ACCESS (c): # ; DEL ACCESS (c): # LAYGO ACCESS (c): # ; VERSION (c): 5.3 COMPILED CROSS-REFERENCES (c): NO ; ; After I find out the global root for the STATE File, I have to get the ; value for the NAME ; of the STATE. I happen to know this is in the Zeroth node and the ; first piece using ; "^" as a delimiter. ; ; So the code should be ; ; SET ZSTATE=$P(^DIC(5,STATE,0),"^",1) ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; FROM: ; DGPHIST ;WASH/ERC - PURPLE HEART REQUEST HISTORY ;23 AUG 00 ; ; 5.3;Registration;**343**,Aug 13, 1993 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; EN ;Entry point N DGDFN,DGPAT,DGNAM,DGSSN N SEX,DOB,ADDRESS,CITY,STATE,ZIP,PHONE ; ;I DTIME="" S DTIME=30 ; added 1 line; TIMEOUT 4 READ set if ^XUP not run S DTIME=9999 ; W !,"===========================================" W !,"VISTA SELECT PATIENT PROCEDURE: ",! W "===========================================",! ; S DGDFN=$$GETDFN() Q:DGDFN'>0 ; S DGNAM=$$NAME(DGDFN) ; S DGSSN=$$SSN(DGDFN) ; S SEX=$P($G(^DPT(DGDFN,0)),"^",2) ; S DOB=$P($G(^DPT(DGDFN,0)),"^",3) ; ; FileMan Internal to External Date ; X ^DD("DD"): Internal to External Date ; Introduction to Date/Time Formats: %DT ; This introduction pertains to this and the %DT calls. %DT is used to validate date/time input and convert it to VA FileMan's conventional internal format: "YYYMMDD.HHMMSS", where: ; YYY is number of years since 1700 (hence always 3 digits) ; MM is month number (00-12) ; DD is day number (00-31) ; HH is hour number (00-23) ; MM is minute number (01-59) ; SS is the seconds number (01-59) ; This format allows for representation of imprecise dates like JULY '78 or 1978 (which would be equivalent to 2780700 and 2780000, respectively). Dates are always returned as a canonic number (no trailing zeroes after the decimal). ; There are two ways to convert a date from internal YYYMMDD format to external format€�this call and DD^%DT. (This is the reverse of what %DT does.) Simply set the variable Y equal to the internal date and execute ^DD("DD"). ; Example ; >S Y=2690720.163 X ^DD("DD") W Y ; JUL 20,1969@1630 ; This results in Y being equal to JUL 20,1969@16:30. (No space before the 4-digit year.) ; Input Variable ; Y ; (Required) This contains the internal date to be converted. If this has five or six decimal places, seconds will automatically be returned. ; Output Variable ; Y ; Y is returned as the external form of the date. ; See also DT^DIO2, which takes an internal date in the variable Y and writes out its external form. ; March 1999 VA FileMan V. 22.0 Programmer Manual 1-5 ;Revised December 2007 ; S Y=DOB X ^DD("DD") S DOB=Y ; ; MUMPS DATE, DOES NOT APPLY; S ZDOB=$ZDATE(DOB) ; S ADDRESS=$P(^DPT(DGDFN,.11),"^",1) ; S CITY=$P(^DPT(DGDFN,.11),"^",4) ; S STATE=$P(^DPT(DGDFN,.11),"^",5) SET ZSTATE=$P(^DIC(5,STATE,0),"^",1) ; S ZIP=$P(^DPT(DGDFN,.11),"^",6) ; S PHONE=$P(^DPT(DGDFN,.13),"^",1) ; ; cell .13;10 ; S CELLPHONE=$P(^DPT(DGDFN,.13),"^",10) ; e-mail address .13;3 ; S EMAIL=$P(^DPT(DGDFN,.13),"^",3) ; W !,"===========================================" W !,"NAME5SSN SELECTED PATIENT DATA: " W !,"===========================================",! W !,"Name: ",DGNAM," SSN: ",DGSSN W !,"SEX: ",SEX," DOB: ",DOB," ADDRESS: ",ADDRESS W !,"CITY: ",CITY," STATE: ",ZSTATE," ZIP: ",ZIP W !,"PHONE: ", PHONE,! W !,"===========================================",! ; ; ; To write to an external file name: ; set externalfilename="C:\Documents and Settings\robinson\My Documents\HOMEWORK\MUMPS\Lab 09\out_file.txt" open externalfilename:("NRW") use externalfilename ; ; write to the selected file ; write a text file with the format: Field Id Name^Field Data^ ; W "Name^",DGNAM,"^SSN^",DGSSN,"^" ; Line I have written W "SEX^",SEX,"^DOB^",DOB,"^ADDRESS^",ADDRESS,"^"