User Creation Configuration
Adding New Persons to an existing system
Adding a New User in VistA
The best way to add a new user into your VistA System is to use “clone a user”. First you need to set up different users that represent your job areas. This would include clinical applications coordinators, pharmacists, providers, nurses, front office clerks, Medical Assistants, etc. Then you can use them as the New Person entry to clone. The menu option is “Grant Access by Profile”. However, once the user is cloned, you generally have more work to do:
1) Change the Access Code to something more memorable
2) In the case of Providers, add NPI number, DEA number, Authorized to write medications, Encounter Form, “Hospital Location”, Autofinish Location, Autofinish Printer.
3) Electronic Signature code
4) Electronic Signature Block
5) Additional Menus and keys if necessary.
6) Fileman Access Level.
Please note this is only a guide. There are thousands of Menu options and probably hundreds of keys. You may need to do some research.
The next section assumes you do not have an appropriate “New Person” to clone. It is primarily reference material if you do.
To add a new person, start with the User Menu and choose ADD A NEW USER TO THE SYSTEM.. The following New Person is an ANALYST and has super user powers in VistA: Your IRM/CAC might have these menus and keys:
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Number 9 is the DUZ number, in a pinch, you at the GTM Prompt you can
S DUZ=9 <enter> D ^XUP
This will get you into a programmer mode and allow you to set up any number of users, For this reason, we do not let many people have access to the VistA roll and scroll through the Prompt. See the commander scripts done by Ignacio Valdes to get around this security hole.
Service/Section: IRM
Service section is usually Medicine
Job: 5100 (13EC) on EHR,EHR:vmware from SEP 22, 2009@10:36:49 Device: /dev/pts/1 (/dev/pts/1) Menu path: Systems Manager Menu User Management User Inquiry ATTRIBUTES ---------- Creator ........ Date entered........Dec 01, 2004 Mult Sign-on ...ALLOWED Fileman codes .....@
The @ is Fileman Unlimited privilege. You probably can't confer it here
Time-out .......9999 Type-ahead ........ALLOWED Title ..........ANALYST Office Phone ...... Auto-Menu ......YES, MENUS GENERATED Voice Pager ....... Last Sign-on ...Sep 22, 2009 Digital Pager ..... Has a E-SIG ....Yes Write Med's .......YES
This line is actually not found in the USER MENU Prompts. I use Fileman to create the Electronic Signature (so I don't need to give VistA roll and scroll access) I also use Fileman Enter/edit of New Person file to enter: Authorized to write medications, Electronic Signature Block, NPI and DEA number.
I believe you “Authorized the write medications for most medications, a DEA number for Narcotic Prescription Privileges, and either the NPI number ot the appropriate Person Class to “Bill”.
Person Class: Allopathic and Osteopathic Physicians Family Practice Primary Menu: EVE Systems Manager Menu EVE is the mother of all Menus Secondary Menu(s) ----------------- [OR CPRS GUI CHART] CPRSChart version without this, you can not log into CPRS [PXRM CPRS CONFIGURATION] CPRS Reminder [[Configuration~|Configuration]] [VFGS SCANNING] VOES SCANNING Keys Held --------- DDXP-DEFINE DG CONSISTENCY DG DETAIL DG ELIGIBILITY DG [[RECORD~|Record]] ACCESS DG SECURITY OFFICER DG SENSITIVITY DG SUPERVISOR DGPRE EDIT DGPRE SUPV DIEXTRACT IBCNE IIV AUTO MATCH IBCNE IIV SUPERVISOR IBCNR E-PHARMACY SUPERVISOR IBDF IRM LRANAT LRAPMOD LRAPSUPER LRAU LRBLSUPER LRDATA LRLAB LRLIASON LRSUPER LRVERIFY ORES PROVIDER PSOA PURGE PSOINTERFACE PSORPH ROR VA HEPC ADMIN ROR VA HIV ADMIN ROR VA IRM XDR XM SUPER SEARCH XMMGR Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: XMNET XQAL-DELETE XQSMDFM XUAUDITING XUAUTHOR XUEXKEY XUFILEGRAM XUMF INSTITUTION XUMGR XUPROG XUPROGMODE XUSCREENMAN Patient Selection ----------------- Restrict?: NO OE/RR List: CPRS Access Tabs ---------------- Name Description Effective Expiration ---- ----------- --------- ---------- COR CPRS GUI "core" tabs. FEB 1,2005 CPRS Parameter info (User Specific) ----------------------------------- ORWDX WRITE ORDERS LIST: ORZ WRITE ORDER LIST OR ADD ORDERS MENU: ORWDX WRITE ORDERS LIST Mail Groups: ERRORS (Organizer) (Public) UNORDERED LAB MESSAGES (Organizer) (Private) ORDERED QUEST MESSAGES (Organizer) (Private)
Here is a list of the keys assigned to this user and their descriptions:
Adding a Hospital Location: Select Scheduling Manager's Menu Option: supervisor Menu Add/Edit a Holiday Appointment Status Update Menu ... Appointment Waiting Time Report Cancel Clinic Availability Change Patterns to 30-60 Convert Patient File Fields to PCMM Current MAS Release Notes Enter/Edit Letters Inactivate a clinic Look up on Clerk Who Made Appointment Non-Conforming Clinics Stop Code Report Purge Scheduling Data Reactivate a Clinic Remap Clinic Restore Clinic Availability Scheduling Parameters Set up a Clinic Sharing Agreement Category Update Select Supervisor Menu Option: set up a Clinic Select CLINIC NAME: ?? Choose from: DEWAYNE ROB VWWARE DEWAYNE,ROBERT DR OFFICE JON DOE CLINIC ZZCLINIC You may enter a new HOSPITAL LOCATION, if you wish Name given by user to any ward, clinic, fileroom, operating room or other location within a VA facility. Select CLINIC NAME: JON DOE CLINIC NAME: JON DOE CLINIC// ABBREVIATION: JDC// CLINIC MEETS AT THIS FACILITY?: YES// SERVICE: MEDICINE// NON-COUNT CLINIC? (Y OR N): NO// STOP CODE NUMBER: GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE// DEFAULT APPOINTMENT TYPE: REGULAR// ADMINISTER INPATIENT MEDS?: TELEPHONE: REQUIRE X-RAY FILMS?: REQUIRE [[ACTION~|Action]] PROFILES?: YES// NO SHOW LETTER: PRE-APPOINTMENT LETTER: CLINIC CANCELLATION LETTER: APPT. CANCELLATION LETTER: ASK FOR CHECK IN/OUT TIME: Select PROVIDER: DEFAULT TO PC PRACTITIONER?: Select DIAGNOSIS: WORKLOAD VALIDATION AT CHK OUT: ALLOWABLE CONSECUTIVE NO-SHOWS: 999// MAX # DAYS FOR FUTURE BOOKING: 999// HOUR CLINIC DISPLAY BEGINS: START TIME FOR AUTO REBOOK: MAX # DAYS FOR AUTO-REBOOK: 365// SCHEDULE ON HOLIDAYS?: CREDIT STOP CODE: PROHIBIT ACCESS TO CLINIC?: PHYSICAL LOCATION: PRINCIPAL CLINIC: OVERBOOKS/DAY MAXIMUM: 15// Select SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: LENGTH OF APP'T: 10// VARIABLE APP'NTMENT LENGTH: DISPLAY INCREMENTS PER HOUR: 10-MIN // AVAILABILITY DATE:
Attaching an Encounter Form to a Provider:
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TEST an option not in your menu Option entry to test: IBDF 1 IBDF AUTO PURGE FORM TRACKING Tasked purge of Form Tracking files 2 IBDF BACKGRD EF PRINT QUEUE Background EF Print 3 IBDF CLINIC SETUP/EDIT FORMS Clinic Setup/Edit Forms 4 IBDF COPY CPTS TO FORM Copy CPT Check-off Sheet to Encounter Form 5 IBDF DEFINE AVAILABLE REPORT Define Available Report (not Health Summaries) Press <RETURN> to see more, '^' to exit this list, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 3 IBDF CLINIC SETUP/EDIT FORMS Clinic Setup/Edit Forms EDIT FORMS FOR WHICH CLINIC? : DEWAYNE ROB VWWARE DEWAYNE,ROBERT FORMS CURRENTLY USED BY 'DEWAYNE ROB VWWARE' HOSPITAL LOCATION CC Change Clinic CF Copy Form FE Fast Selection Edit NM Form Name/Descr/Size CR Create Blank Form RC Recompile Form AS Add Form to Setup DF Delete Unused Form DS Delete from Setup EF Edit Form Select [[Action~|Action]]: Quit// CF Copy Form Do you want to select a form from the toolkit? YES Select a FORM: ?? Choose from: AMBULATORY SURGERY SAMPLE V2.1 scannable form for ambulatory surgery EMERGENCY SERVICES SAMPLE V2.1 scannable form for primary care GY National Hem/Onc 10/2002 NATIONAL ADDICTION 2005 National Addictions formApril 2005 NATIONAL AUDIO & SPEECH2003 NationalAudiology & Speech August 2003 NATIONAL AUDIO/SPEECH 2005 National Audio & Speech April 2005 NATIONAL BLIND REHAB 2005 National VIST/BROS Encounter form April 2005 NATIONAL CARD CATH/INTERV National Cardiac Cath/Interventional Rad 8/ 2002 NATIONAL CARD CATH/INTERV RAD National Cardiac Cath/Interventional Rad 8/2002 NATIONAL CARD CATH/IR 2005 National Cardiac Cath/Interventional Rad Ap ril 2005 NATIONAL CARDIOLOGY National Cardiology/EKG/Echo 8/2002 NATIONAL CARDIOLOGY 2005 National Cardiology/EKG/Echo April 2005 NATIONAL CHIROPRACTIC 2003 National Chiropractic August 2003 NATIONAL DERMATOLOGY National Derm encounter form 8/2002 NATIONAL DERMATOLOGY National Derm encounter form 8/2002 NATIONAL DERMATOLOGY 2003 National Derm encounter form August 2003 NATIONAL UROLOGY 2005 National Urology Form April 2005 NATIONAL VIST/BROS 2003 Encounter Form for VIST & BROS ClinicAugust 20 03 PRIMARY CARE SAMPLE V2.1 scannable form for primary care PRIMARY CARE V2.1 scannable form for primary care Select a FORM: PRIM 1 PRIMARY CARE SAMPLE V2.1 scannable form for primary care 2 PRIMARY CARE V2.1 scannable form for primary care CHOOSE 1-2: 2 PRIMARY CARE V2.1 scannable form for primary care New Form Name: // DEWAYNE ENCOUNTER............ NAME: DEWAYNE ENCOUNTER// SIMPLEX/DUPLEX: DUPLEX,SHORT-EDGE BINDING// SCANNED/MANUAL DATA ENTRY: YES// Should ICR be used to automatically read hand print on this form?: YES // NUMBER OF PAGES: 2// ENTER THE PAGES THAT SHOULD BE SCANNED. Select PAGE INFORMATION: 2// PAGE INFORMATION: 2// Select PAGE INFORMATION: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF FORM'S USE & CONTENT: scannable form for primary care Replace How should the clinic use the form? Select one of the following: 1 BASIC FORM 2 SUPPLEMENTAL FORM FOR ALL PATIENTS 3 SUPPLEMENTAL FORM FOR NEW PATIENTS 4 SUPPLEMENTAL FORM FOR ESTABLISHED PATIENTS 5 FORM TO PRINT WITHOUT PATIENT DATA 6 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE 7 WILL NOT BE USED BY CLINIC Enter response: 2 SUPPLEMENTAL FORM FOR ALL PATIENTS FORMS CURRENTLY USED BY 'DEWAYNE ROB VWWARE' HOSPITAL LOCATION scannable form for primary care CC Change Clinic CF Copy Form FE Fast Selection Edit NM Form Name/Descr/Size CR Create Blank Form RC Recompile Form AS Add Form to Setup DF Delete Unused Form DS Delete from Setup EF Edit Form Select [[Action~|Action]]: Quit// EF Edit Form You can also edit the form if necessary Adding a Problem List: GMPL MGT MENU Problem List Mgt Menu 1 Patient Problem List 2 Edit PL Site Parameters 3 Create Problem Selection Lists ... 4 List Patients with Problem List data 5 Search for Patients having selected Problem 6 Replace Removed Problem(s) on Patient's List Select Problem List Mgt Menu Option: 3 Create Problem Selection Lists 1 Build Problem Selection List(s) 2 Copy Selection List from IB Encounter Form 3 Assign Selection List to User(s) 4 Remove Selection List from User(s) 5 Delete Problem Selection List 6 Check Problem Selection List problem codes Select Create Problem Selection Lists Option: ASSign Selection List to User(s Select LIST NAME: ?? Choose from: ADULT PROBLEM LIST CATARACT SURGERY GLENDALE PROBLEM LIST SB TIDWELL PROBLEM LIST SB Select LIST NAME: TI Select USER: DEWAYNE,ROBERT RED IRM ANALYST ANOTHER ONE: Are you ready? NO// YES Assigning list ... DEWAYNE,ROBERT Adding other miscellaneous options: Select CPRS [[Configuration~|Configuration]] (Clin Coord) Option: GP GUI Parameters CS GUI Cover Sheet Display Parameters ... HS GUI Health Summary Types TM GUI Tool Menu Items MP GUI Parameters - Miscellaneous UC GUI Clear Size & Position Settings for User RE GUI Report Parameters ... NV GUI Non-VA Med Statements/Reasons EX GUI Expired Orders Search Hours RM GUI Remove Button Enabled NON GUI Remove Button Enabled for Non-OR Alerts EIE GUI Mark [[Allergy~|Allergy]] Entered in Error