VCM 2005 May
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The VCM meeting was held May 12-15, 2005 in Seattle, Washington.
Primary outcome of the meeting
- Software Life Cycle changes
- Development Standards Documentation
- Shift to Software Classes 2
- Need for Certification and Verification
- Quality goes before Schedule
- Discussion of Software Licenses
- General Public License
- Apache Public License
- Telehealth and Telemedicine HUI has turned over custodianship to WorldVistA
- VPE Development Responsibility transferred by David Bolduc to Brian Lord
- Initial creation of Subversion repository by Jeff Abbott
- Exporting non-routine Package elements
Standards Documentation
Software Classes
- Class 1 : Developed by Office of Information
- verified, meets VA Standards
- Class 2 : Developed by VistA Community outside of VA
- verified, meets or exceeds VA Standards
- Class 3 : Innovation by Local developers
- unverified
Certification of Individuals
- Certified VistA Verifiers
- Certified Developer Process (similar to those of the Sofware Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University CMU SEI)
Discussion of Software Licenses
The toolset used will support for General Public License & Apache License
Subversion Repository
- Subversion provides version tracking
- Subversion only tracks text.
- Package elements need to have a text form
- Discussion of XML format such as that created by
- Art Smith for his PhD
- Kevin Toppenberg for his Automated Configuration Script
- Discussion of XML format such as that created by
- Package elements need to have a text form
Future Plans
- Rule based installation process. Developer may mark a patch as not doing anything nonstandard, thus allowing for automatic installation.