VistA Menu Commands / VistA Menu Map
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Kevin Toppenberg's VistA menu map.
Vista Menu Commands
A note of explaination about this file: The VistA system is menu driven. There are over 9,000 separate options that could be directly called. Obviously this is too many to make any sense of. This document is a printout of all these options, organized into menus, as found in VistA.
Here is a Table of Contents for the menus:
* SYSTEM COMMAND OPTIONS [XUCOMMAND] * Parent of Queuable Options [ZTMQUEUABLE OPTIONS] * User sign-on event [XU USER SIGN-ON] * User terminate event [XU USER TERMINATE] * Diagnostics [XMDX] * Package recieved [XMPRECV][[Third Party Billings~|Third Party Billings]] * Send Package transfer (PackMan) [XMPSEND] * MailMan Master Menu [XMMASTER] * Background Filer (XMAD) [XMMGR-BACKGROUND-FILER] * Communications [XMOTHER-COMMUNICATIONS] * Kermit menu [XT-KERMIT MENU] * Verifier Tools Menu [XTV MENU] * Routine Management Menu [XUROUTINES] * Programmer tools [XTOOLS] * Verifier Tools Menu [XTVR MENU] * Dietetics Management [FHMGR] * Dietetic Orders [FHWARD] * Dietetic User [FHUSR] * Dietetic Patient Profile [FHPATP] * Clinical Dietetics [FHTECH] * Budget Asst. Menu [FHBUD] * Food Production [FHPRO] * Engineering Main Menu [ENMGR] * Engineering Secretary Main Menu [ENSEC] * Engineering Work Control Main Menu [ENWCLERK] * Engineering Accounting Clerk Main Menu [ENCCLERK] * Engineering PM Clerk Main Menu [ENPMINSP] * Engineering Foreman Main Menu [ENSECFORM] * Electronic Work Requests [ENWOWARD] * Nonexpendable Equipment Module (A&MM) [ENMM MGR] * Clinical Coordinator's Menu [ORCL MENU] * Notification Mgmt Menu [ORB NOT MGR MENU] * Health Summary Overall Menu [GMTS MANAGER] * MAS MANAGER [DGMGR] * Veterans Benefits Counselor Menu [DG VBC MENU] * Scheduled Admissions Menu [DG SCHED ADMIT] * Census Coder Menu [DGPT CENSUS CODER] * Eligibility/ID Maintenance Menu [DG ELIG MAINTENANCE] * Scheduling Menu [SDUSER] * Integrated Billing Master Menu [IB MANAGER MENU] * Output IB Menu [IB OUTPUT MENU] * View Insurance Management Menu [IBCN VIEW INSURANCE DATA] * Pharmacy Technician's Menu [PSO USER2] * [[Adverse Reaction Tracking~|Adverse Reaction Tracking]] [GMRAMGR] * [[Record~|Record]] Tracking Total System Menu [RT OVERALL] * MAS File Room Supervisor Menu [RT MAS-SUPER-MENU] * Film Tracking Supervisor's Menu [RT RAD-SUPER-MENU] * Film Room Clerk Menu [RT RAD-FILE-CLERK-MENU] * Expeditors Menu (MAS) [RT MAS-EXPED-MENU] * File Clerk Menu (MAS) [RT MAS-FILE-CLERK-MENU] * Network Health Exchange Manager Menu [AFJXNHEX MANAGER] * IV Menu [PSJI USR1] * IV Menu [PSJI USR2] * Auto Replenishment/Ward Stock Nurses' Menu [PSGW RN] * Controlled Substances Menu [PSD MENU] * Controlled Substances Nurses' (CS) Menu [PSD NURSE MENU] * Controlled Substances Inspector Menu [PSD INSPECTOR MENU] * Drug Accountability Menu [PSA DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY MENU] * Receiving Menu [PSA RECEIPT MENU] * Inpatient Meds V4 Pre-Release Menu [PSJV MGR] * Patient Data Exchange [VAQ (MENU) MAIN] * Main MPD Menu [VAMP DHCP MENU] * Prescription Practices Utilities [PPP MAIN] * CD-ROM Server Menu [VAMC MAIN MENU] * ERROR MENU FOR THE MPD SERVER [VAME ERROR MENU] * HINQ Menu (Version 4.0) [DVB HMENU-HINQ] * HINQ User Menu (Version 4.0) [DVB HMENU-USER] * A.M.I.E Regional Office Main Menu [DVBA REGIONAL OFFICE MENU] * A.M.I.E. Medical Administration Menu [DVBA MEDICAL ADM 7131 MENU] * Compensation and Pension Main Menu [DVBA C C&P MASTER MENU] * QM Manager Menu [QAQ MANAGER] * Dental [DENTMANAGER] * Dental [DENTUSER] * EEO Complaint Tracking Menu [EEO COMPLAINT STATION MENU] * Counselor's Menu [EEO COUNSELORS MENU] * Mental Health [YSUSER] * Patient Intake/Output Menu [GMRYMGR] * Nursing System Manager's Menu [NURS-SYS-MGR] * Quality Assurance [NURSQ-MENU] * Survey Generator Manager Menu [QAP SURVEY GENERATOR MGR MENU] * Survey Participant Menu [QAP PARTICIPANT MENU] * PCE IRM Main Menu [PX IRM MAIN MENU] * Lexicon Management Menu [LEX MGT MENU] * Reports Menu [RA REPORTS] * Rad/Nuc Med Technologist Menu [RA TECHMENU] * IRM Menu [RA SITEMANAGER] * Rad/Nuc Med Total System Menu [RA OVERALL] * Rad/Nuc Med Clerk Menu [RA CLERKMENU] * Rad/Nuc Med Secretary Menu [RA SECRETARY] * Rad/Nuc Med Transcriptionist Menu [RA TRANSCRIPTIONIST] * Rad/Nuc Med File Room Clerk Menu [RA FILERM] * Rad/Nuc Med Ward Clerk Menu [RA WARD] * Interpreting Physician Menu [RA RADIOLOGIST] * Utilization Management Rollup Main Menu [IBQL MAIN MENU] * Immunology Study Management Menu [IMR MENU (MANAGEMENT)] * IMS Data Input Menu [ECT PKG COORDINATOR] * Library Management [LBRY MANAGER] * Library Patron Options [LBRY PATRON OPTIONS] * Serials Technician Main Menu [LBRY SER MAIN MENU] * Medicine Menu [MCMEDICINE SITE MGR MENU] * Surgical Risk Menu [MCARCATHSRAM] * Generic Medicine Manager Menu [MCGENERICMANAGER] * Surgery Menu [SROMENU] * Surgery Transcription Menu [SRSTRANS MENU] * Oncology Site Manager Menu [ONCO #SITE MANAGER MENU] * Missing Patient Register Menu [MPR MAIN] * Police Menu [ESP POLICE & SECURITY MENU] * Miscellaneous Registrations [ESP MISC REGISTRATIONS] * Problem List User Preferences Menu [GMPL USER PREFS MENU] * Information Management Systems (SWIMS) [SOWK] * Prosthetic Official's Menu [RMPR OFFICIAL] * Prosthetic Clerk's Menu [RMPR CLERK] * Prosthetics Code Sheet User Menu [RMPR GECS USER MENU] * Prosthetics Code Sheet Manager Menu [RMPR GECS MAIN MENU] * Loan Program [RMPR LOAN MENU] * Monitoring System Programmer Menu [QAM PGMR MENU] * Occurrence Screen Manager Menu [QAOS MANAGER MENU] * Spinal Cord Dysfunction [SPN MAIN MENU] * Volunteer Master Menu [ABSV VOLUNTEER] * Volunteer Timekeeping Activity [ABSV TIMEKEEPING MASTER] * A&SP Supervisor Menu [ACKQAS SUPER] * Event Capture Menu [ECMENU] * HBPC Information System Menu [HBHC INFORMATION SYSTEM MENU] * Physician Menu [RGWBMAIN] * Nursing Supervisor Menu [PSD NURSE SUPR MENU] * Patient Funds (INTEGRATED) System [PRPF MASTER] * Addiction Severity Index [YSAS ASI USER MENU] * ASI Manager Menu [YSAS ASI MANAGER] * MCCR Coordinator's Menu [IBJ MCCR COORDINATOR] * CPT Reports [ICPT OUTPUT MENU] * Text Integration Utilities (MRT) [TIU MAIN MENU MRT] * Text Integration Utilities (Remote User) [TIU MAIN MENU REMOTE USER] * Progress Notes Print Options [TIU PRINT PN] * MAS Progress Notes Print Options [TIU PRINT PN MAS MENU] * Brief Discharge Summary Menu [TIU BRIEF DS MENU] * TIU Conversions Menu [TIU CONVERSIONS MENU] * Global Assessment of Functioning [YSGAF MAIN] * Extract Manager's Options [ECXMGR] * SQLI (VA FileMan) [DMSQ MENU] * Show Class Membership [USR SHOW MEMBERSHIP] * ASISTS Supervisor Menu [OOPS SUP MENU] * ASISTS Safety Officers Menu [OOPS SAFETY MENU] * ASISTS Employee Menu [OOPS EMP MENU] * ASISTS Union Menu [OOPS UNION MENU] * ASISTS Employee Health Menu [OOPS EMP HEALTH MENU] * VIST Menu [ANRV VIST MENU] * Lab Search/Extract Primary Menu [LREPI SEARCH EXTRACT MENU] * Protocol Conversion Utilities [ORCM CONVERSION UTILITIES] * Pharmacy Consult User [GMRC PHARMACY USER] * Consult Service Tracking [GMRC GENERAL SERVICE USER] * Military Sexual Trauma Menu [DGMST PRIMARY MENU] * MPI/PD Master Menu [RGMGR] * PC Attending tools menu [SCMC CONVERSION TOOLS MENU] * Bar Code Medication Administration [PSB USER] * Bar Code Medication Administration Manager [PSB MGR] * Autogenerate Letters [RMPO AUTO LETTERS] * Capitalization Threshold 25K Task Menu [ENFA CT MENU] * CMOP Utilities [PSO SUCMOP MENU] * RAI/MDS Data Collection [DGRUG RAI/MDS DATA COLLECTION] * PCMM Reject Transmission Menu [SCMC PCMM REJECT TRANS MENU] * Transfer Pricing Menu [IBAT TRANSFER PRICING MENU] * ASISTS Worker's Compensation Menu [OOPS WORKER'S COMP MENU] * 10-10EZ Menu [EAS EZ MENU] * Dicom Menu Options [MAGD DICOM MENU] * Donations Main Menu [ABSV DON DONATIONS MENU] * MPI/PD HL7 Diagnostic Menu [RGMT DIAG MGR] * LTC Co-payments Menu [EASEC LTC COPAY MENU] * CAC OpenVista (bad) [CAC OPENVISTA]
-- NOTE: Not standard VistA menu (but sub menus ARE)
* Kevin's Master Menu [TMG ADAM]
-- NOTE: Not standard VistA menu (but sub menus ARE)
* Isolated options not tied into any menu
Now here are the full menus...
Top Level Menu: (Home). SYSTEM COMMAND OPTIONS [XUCOMMAND] +-Halt [XUHALT] +-Time [XUTIME] +-Continue [XUCONTINUE] +-Restart Session [XURELOG] +-User's Toolbox [XUSERTOOLS] | +-Menu Templates [XQTUSER] | | +-List all Menu Templates [XQTSHO] | | +-Show all options in a Menu Template [XQTLIST] | | +-Delete a Menu Template [XQTKILL] | | +-Rename a menu template [XQTRNAM] | | +-Create a new menu template [XQTNEW] | +-TaskMan User [XUTM USER] | +-Spooler Menu [XU-SPL-MENU] | | +-List Spool Documents [XU-SPL-LIST] | | +-Print A Spool Document [XU-SPL-PRINT] | | +-Delete A Spool Document [XU-SPL-DELETE] | | +-Make spool document into a mail message [XU-SPL-MAIL] | | +-Allow other users access to spool documents [XU-SPL-ALLOW] | | +-Browse a Spool Document [XU-SPL-BROWSE] | +-Edit User Characteristics [XUSEREDITSELF] | +-Display User Characteristics [XUUSERDISP] | +-User Help [XUUSERHELP] | +-Electronic Signature code Edit [XUSESIG] | +-Switch UCI [XU SWITCH UCI] | +-Change my Division [XUSER DIV CHG] +-Where am I? [XUSERWHERE] +-View Alerts [XQALERT] +-MailMan Menu [XMUSER] | +-New Messages and Responses [XMNEW] | +-Read/Manage Messages [XMREAD] | +-Send a Message [XMSEND] | +-Query/Search for Messages [XMSEARCH] | +-Become a Surrogate (SHARED,MAIL or Other) [XMASSUME] | +-Personal Preferences [XM PERSONAL MENU] | | +-User Options Edit [XMEDITUSER] | | +-Banner Edit [XMBANNER] | | +-Message Filter Edit [XM FILTER EDIT] | | +-Personal Mail Group Edit [XMEDITPERSGROUP] | | +-Enroll in (or Disenroll from) a Mail Group [XMENROLL] -- listed above. | | +-Forwarding Address Edit [XMEDITFWD] | | +-Surrogate Edit [XMEDITSURR] | | +-Delivery Basket Edit [XM DELIVERY BASKET EDIT] | +-Other MailMan Functions [XMOTHER] | | +-Report on Later'd Messages [XMLATER-REPORT] | | +-Change/Delete Later'd Messages [XMLATER-EDIT] | | +-Mailbox Contents List [XMBASKLIST] | | +-Load PackMan Message [XMPACK] | +-Help (User/Group Info., etc.) [XMHELP] | | +-User Information [XMHELPUSER] | | +-Group Information [XMHELPGROUP] | | +-Remote User Information [XMHELPLNK] | | +-New Features in MailMan [XM-NEW-FEATURES] | | +-General MailMan Information [XMHELPALL] | | +-Questions and Answers on MailMan [XMHELPQUEST] | | +-Manual for MailMan Users [XMHELP-ON-LINE-USER_MANUAL] Top Level Menu: (Home). Parent of Queuable Options [ZTMQUEUABLE OPTIONS] +-Automatic Deactivation of Users [XUAUTODEACTIVATE] +-Purge Sign-On log [XUSCZONK] +-Non-interactive Build Primary Menu Trees [XQBUILDTREEQUE] +-Queuable Task Log Cleanup [XUTM QCLEAN] +-Purge of the %ZUA global. [XUSAZONK] +-Purge old spool documents [XU-SPL-PURGE] +-One-time Option Start (Internal Use Only) [XU OPTION START] +-Clear all users at startup [XUSER-CLEAR-ALL] +-Copy the compiled menus from the print server [XU-486 MENU COPY] +-Print 1 occurence of each error for T-1 (QUEUE) [XUERTRP PRINT T-1 1 ERR] +-Print 2 occurrences of errors on T-1 (QUEUED) [XUERTRP PRINT T-1 2 ERR] +-Monitor Routines for Changes [XTRMONITOR] +-Error trap Auto clean [XUERTRP AUTO CLEAN] +-Errors Logged in Alpha/Beta Test (QUEUED) [XQAB ERROR LOG XMIT] Top Level Menu: (Home). User sign-on event [XU USER SIGN-ON] +-RAD/NM SIGN-ON MSG [RA SIGN-ON MSG] +-Patient Review Notifier [VAFC EXCEPTION NOTIFIER] +-MPI/PD HL7 Exception Notifier [RG EXCEPTION NOTIFIER] Top Level Menu: (Home). User terminate event [XU USER TERMINATE] +-USR USER TERMINATE [USR USER TERMINATE] +-User Terminate Cleanup [GMRC TERMINATE CLEANUP] +-User Terminate Cleanup [OR TERMINATE CLEANUP] +-Delete user's TIU templates. [TIU TEMPLATE USER DELETE] Top Level Menu: (Home). Diagnostics [XMDX] +-Name Server [XMDXNAME] +-Simple Mail Transfer Protocol [XMDXSMTP] +-Physical link protocol [XMDXPROT] +-Script processor [XMDXSCRIPT] +-Server diagnostics [XMDXSERVER] +-Post a bulletin [XMPOST] +-Error rate test [XMDXERROR] +-Modem Autodialer test [XMDXMODEM] +-[[VADATS~|VADATS]] link test [XMDXVADATS] Top Level Menu: (Home). Package recieved [XMPRECV] +-Compare message [XMPCOM] +-Print message (formatted) [XMPPRT] +-Summarize message [XMPSUM] +-Install Package & Run Inits [XMPINS] Top Level Menu: (Home). Send Package transfer (PackMan) [XMPSEND] +-Routine load [XMPROU] +-Global load [XMPGLO] +-File load [XMPDAT] +-Summarize message [XMPSUM] -- listed above. +-Print message (formatted) [XMPPRT] -- listed above. +-Compare message [XMPCOM] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). MailMan Master Menu [XMMASTER] +-MailMan Menu [XMUSER] -- listed above. +-Network Management [XMNET] -- listed above. +-Manage Mailman [XMMGR] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Background Filer (XMAD) [XMMGR-BACKGROUND-FILER] +-START background filer [XMMGR-START-BACKGROUND-FILER] +-STOP background filer [XMMGR-STOP-BACKGROUND-FILER] +-CHECK background filer [XMMGR-CHECK-BACKGROUND-FILER] +-Message statistics [XMSTAT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Communications [XMOTHER-COMMUNICATIONS] +-GET (Retrieve) File from Remote System [XM-FTP-GET] +-Send (Put) File to Remote Location [XM-FTP-PUT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Kermit menu [XT-KERMIT MENU] +-Receive KERMIT file [XT-KERMIT RECEIVE] +-Send KERMIT file [XT-KERMIT SEND] +-Edit KERMIT holding file [XT-KERMIT EDIT] +-Download a Spool file entry [XT-KERMIT SPOOL DL] Top Level Menu: (Home). Verifier Tools Menu [XTV MENU] +-Routine Compare - Current with Previous [XTVR COMPARE] +-Update with current routines [XTVR UPDATE] +-Global Compare for selected package [XTVG COMPARE] +-Accumulate Globals for Package [XTVG UPDATE] +-Edit [[Verification~|Verification]] Package File [XTV EDIT VERIF PACKAGE] +-Last Routine Change Date [[Record~|Record]]ed [XTVR MOST RECENT CHANGE DATE] +-UNDO Edits (Restore to Older Version of Routine) [XTVR RESTORE PREV ROUTINE] Top Level Menu: (Home). Routine Management Menu [XUROUTINES] +-Move Routines across Volume Sets [XTMOVE] +-Delete Routines [XTRDEL] -- listed above. +-Bring in Sent Routines [XTMOVE-IN] +-Program Integrity Checker [XUINTEG] -- listed above. +-List Routines [XUPRROU] -- listed above. +-First Line Routine Print [XU FIRST LINE PRINT] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Programmer tools [XTOOLS] +-Version number update [XT-VERSION NUMBER] -- listed above. +-Variable changer [XT-VARIABLE CHANGER] -- listed above. +-Number base changer [XT-NUMBER BASE CHANGER] +-Compare two routines [XT-ROUTINE COMPARE] -- listed above. +-Flow Chart Entire Routine [XTFCR] -- listed above. +-Flow Chart from Entry Point [XTFCE] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Verifier Tools Menu [XTVR MENU] +-Routine Compare - Current with Previous [XTVR COMPARE] -- listed above. +-Update with current routines [XTVR UPDATE] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Dietetics Management [FHMGR] +-Dietetic Administration [FHMGRA] | +-Recipe Management [FHRECM] | | +-Enter/Edit Recipes [FHREC1] | | +-Print Adjusted Recipe [FHREC2] | | +-List Recipes [FHREC3] | | +-Enter/Edit Preparation Areas [FHING9] | | +-List Preparation Areas [FHING10] | | +-Enter/Edit Recipe Categories [FHREC4] | | +-List Recipe Categories [FHREC5] | | +-Enter/Edit Serving Utensils [FHREC6] | | +-List Serving Utensils [FHREC7] | | +-Enter/Edit Equipment [FHREC8] | | +-List Equipment [FHREC9] | | +-Re-cost Recipes [FHREC10] | | +-List Recipe Usage in Meals/Cycles [FHPRC10] | | +-Analyze All Recipes [FHREC11] | | +-Display Recipe Analysis [FHREC12] | | +-Display Analyzed Recipes List [FHREC13] | +-Ingredient Management [FHINGM] | | +-Enter/Edit Units [FHING1] | | +-Enter/Edit Vendor File [FHING2] | | +-Enter/Edit Ingredients [FHING3] | | +-Enter/Edit Storage Locations [FHING4] | | +-List Ingredients - Recipe Data [FHING5] | | +-List Units [FHING6] | | +-List Vendors [FHING7] | | +-List Storage Locations [FHING8] | | +-List Ingredients - Purchasing Data [FHING51] | | +-List Recipes Containing an Ingredient [FHING11] | | +-Enter/Edit Current Ingredient QOH [FHING12] -- listed above. | | +-Display Ingredient Inventory List [FHING13] -- listed above. | | +-List Ingredients - Nutrient Data [FHING52] | +-Production Management [FHPROM] | | +-Enter/Edit Production Diets [FHPRO3] | | +-List Production Diets [FHPRO4] | | +-Enter/Edit Production Diet Percentages [FHPRF1] | | +-List Production Diet Percentages [FHPRF4] | | +-List Dietetic Wards [FHPRO6] | | +-Enter/Edit Other Meals [FHPRF5] | | +-List Other Meals [FHPRF6] | | +-List Production/Service/Communication Facilities [FHPRO10] | | +-Tray Tickets/Diet Cards Management [FHMTKMM] | | | +-Enter/Edit Recipe Categories [FHREC4] -- listed above. | | | +-Enter/Edit Diet Patterns [FHMTKS] | | | +-List Diet Patterns [FHMTKT] | | | +-Enter/Edit Meals [FHPRC4] -- listed above. | | | +-List Meal [FHPRC6] -- listed above. | | | +-Print Diet Cards [FHDCRP] -- listed above. | | | +-Print Tray Tickets [FHMTKP] -- listed above. | | | +-List Recipe Categories [FHREC5] -- listed above. | +-Annual Report Management [FHADRR] | | +-Enter/Edit Facility Profile [FHADR1] | | +-Enter/Edit Type of Service [FHADR2] | | +-Enter/Edit Hospital Outpatient Visits [FHADR3] | | +-Enter/Edit Staffing FTEE [FHADR4] | | +-Enter the Snapshot date for Modified Diets [FHADR5] | | +-Enter/Edit Cost Per Diem [FHADR6] | | +-Enter/Edit Dietetic Satisfaction Survey [FHADR7] | | +-Enter/Edit Dietetic Service Equipment [FHADR8] | | +-Print Annual Dietetic Report [FHADRP] | | +-Purge Old Annual Dietetic Data [FHADRS] | | +-Enter/Edit Nutritive Analysis Average [FHADR9] | +-Menu Cycle Management [FHPRCM] | | +-Enter/Edit Menu Cycle [FHPRC1] | | +-Menu Cycle Effective Dates [FHPRC2] | | +-Menu Cycle Query [FHPRC3] | | +-Enter/Edit Meals [FHPRC4] | | +-Enter/Edit Holiday Meals [FHPRC5] | | +-List Meal [FHPRC6] | | +-Print Weekly Menu [FHPRC7] -- listed above. | | +-List Menu Cycle [FHPRC8] | | +-Edit Meal Production Diets [FHPRC9] | | +-Print Daily Diet Menus [FHPRC11] | | +-Print Weekly Menu Blocks [FHPRC12] | | +-Display Meal Analysis [FHPRC13] | | +-Input Recipe Menu [FHPRC14] | +-Administrative Menu [FHADMR] | | +-Enter/Edit Served Meals [FHADMR1] | | +-Served Meals Report [FHADMR2] | | +-Additional Meals Report [FHADMR3] | | +-Enter/Edit Staffing Data [FHADMR4] | | +-Staffing Data Report [FHADMR5] | | +-Supplemental Feeding Cost Report [FHNO11] | | +-Enter/Edit Cost of Meals Served [FHCMRR1] | | +-Cost of Meals Served Report [FHCMRR2] | | +-Print Tubefeeding Cost Report [FHORTF5C] | | +-Enter/Edit Current Ingredient QOH [FHING12] | | +-Display Ingredient Inventory List [FHING13] | +-Production Reports [FHADM] | | +-Meal Production Reports [FHPRO5] | | +-Print Adjusted Recipe [FHREC2] -- listed above. | | +-Print Weekly Menu [FHPRC7] -- listed above. | | +-Forecasting [FHPRFM] | | | +-Forecasted Diet Census [FHPRF2] | | | +-Actual Diet Census [FHORD11] -- listed above. | | | +-Diet Census Percentage [FHORD15] | | +-Projected Usage [FHPRR1] -- listed above. | | +-Tabulate Standing Orders [FHSP5] -- listed above. | | +-Ward Supplemental Feeding Lists [FHNO3] -- listed above. | | +-Print Bulk Feedings/Cost Report [FHNO10] -- listed above. | | +-Run SF Labels/Consolid Ingred List [FHNO2] -- listed above. | | +-Tabulate Patient Meal Preferences [FHSEL5] | | +-Print Daily Diet Menus [FHPRC11] -- listed above. | | +-Print Weekly Menu Blocks [FHPRC12] -- listed above. | | +-Consolidate Standing Orders [FHSP7] -- listed above. | | +-Print Standing Order Labels [FHSP8] -- listed above. | | +-Print Tabulated Recipe List [FHMTKTR] | +-File Manager [FHFILM] -- listed above. | +-Standing Order Management [FHSPX] | | +-Enter/Edit Standing Order File [FHSP1] | | +-List Standing Order File [FHSP2] | +-Food Preference Management [FHSELX] | | +-Enter/Edit Food Preferences [FHSEL1] | | +-List Food Preferences [FHSEL2] +-Dietetic Facilities [FHPRG] | +-Enter/Edit Communication Offices [FHPRO9] | +-Enter/Edit Production Facilities [FHPRO7] | +-Enter/Edit Supplemental Fdg. Sites [FHPRO11] | +-Enter/Edit Service Points [FHPRO8] | +-List Production/Service/Communication Facilities [FHPRO10] -- listed above. | +-Enter/Edit Dietetic Wards [FHPRO2] | +-List Dietetic Wards [FHPRO6] -- listed above. | +-Modify Site Parameters [FHSITE] -- listed above. +-System Management [FHSYSM] | +-Modify Site Parameters [FHSITE] | +-Purge Dietetic Data [FHPURGE] | +-Check Integrity of Routines [FHX1] | +-Recode Diets for all Inpatients [FHX2] | +-Check File Pointers [FHX3] | +-Create Dietetic File entry for all Inpatients [FHX4] | +-Update Patient Dietetic Location [FHX5] +-Clinical Management [FHMGRC] | +-Clinical Dietetics [FHDIET] | | +-Nutrition Patient Management [FHASCM] | | | +-Print Screening Report [FHASXR] | | | +-Enter Assessment [FHASM1] | | | +-Display Assessment [FHASMR] -- listed above. | | | +-Enter/Edit Encounter [FHASE3] | | | +-Enter Patient Nutrition Status [FHASE6] | | | +-Patient Encounter Inquiry [FHASE5] | | | +-Print Nutrition Profile [FHASP1] | | | +-Print Pat's Nutrition Status History [FHASNR3] | | | +-List Inpats By Nutrition Status Level [FHASNR4] | | | +-List Encounters [FHASE7] -- listed above. | | +-Energy/Nutrient Analysis [FHNUM] | | | +-View Meal [FHNU1D] | | | +-View/Print Menu [FHNU1P] | | | +-Print Analysis (32 Nutrients) [FHNU2] | | | +-Input Menu Data [FHNU4] | | | +-Abbreviated Analysis [FHNU5] | | | +-Print Nutrient Intake Study (10 Nutrients) [FHNU8] | | +-Supplemental Feedings [FHNOM] | | | +-Change Patient Supplemental Feedings [FHNO1E] | | | +-Supplemental Feeding Inquiry [FHNO1I] | | | +-Run SF Labels/Consolid Ingred List [FHNO2] | | | +-Ward Supplemental Feeding Lists [FHNO3] | | | +-Review Bulk Ward Feedings [FHNO9] | | | +-Print Bulk Feedings/Cost Report [FHNO10] | | | +-History of Supplemental Feedings [FHNO12] | | +-Patient Movements [FHPATM] | | +-Diet Orders [FHORDM] | | | +-Order Diet [FHORD1] | | | +-NPO/Hold Tray [FHORD3] | | | +-Enter/Cancel Isolation/Precautions [FHORD4] | | | +-Review Diet Orders [FHORD2] | | | +-Order Early/Late Tray [FHOREL2] | | | +-Cancel Early/Late Tray [FHOREL3] | | | +-Order Tubefeeding [FHORTF3] | | | +-Cancel Tubefeeding Order [FHORTF4] | | | +-Patient Profile [FHORD9] | | | +-Cancel NPO/Withhold Order [FHORD12] | | | +-Enter Additional Order [FHORO1] | | | +-Enter/Edit Patient Preferences [FHSEL3] | | | +-Enter/Edit Patient Diet Pattern [FHMTKE] | | +-Dietetic Consults [FHORCM] | | | +-Review Active Consults [FHORC2] | | | +-Consult Inquiry [FHORC3] | | | +-Clear/Cancel/Reassign a Consult [FHORC4] | | | +-Order Consult [FHORC1] | | +-Dietetic Lists/Reports [FHCDLST] | | | +-Diet Activity Report/Labels [FHORD13] | | | +-Actual Diet Census [FHORD11] | | | +-List Early/Late Trays [FHOREL1] | | | +-NPO/Pass List [FHORD5] | | | +-Ward Diet Order List [FHORD10] | | | +-Print Bulk Feedings/Cost Report [FHNO10] -- listed above. | | | +-Run SF Labels/Consolid Ingred List [FHNO2] -- listed above. | | | +-Ward Supplemental Feeding Lists [FHNO3] -- listed above. | | | +-Reprint Diet Labels [FHORD14] | | | +-Isolation/Precaution Patient List [FHORD41] | | | +-Tabulate Standing Orders [FHSP5] | | | +-Birthday List [FHBIR] | | | +-Consolidate Standing Orders [FHSP7] | | | +-Print Standing Order Labels [FHSP8] | | | +-Tubefeeding Reports/Labels [FHORTFM] | | | | +-Preparation/Delivery of Tubefeedings [FHORTF5] | | | | +-Print Tubefeeding Labels [FHORTF5L] | | | | +-Tubefeeding Preparation [FHORTF5P] | | | | +-Tubefeeding Pull Lists [FHORT5S] | | | +-List Patient Events [FHORX2] -- listed above. | | | +-Tray Tickets [FHMTKM] | | | | +-Print Tray Tickets [FHMTKP] | | | | +-Print Diet Cards [FHDCRP] | | | | +-List Inpats With No/prev Patterns [FHMTKN] | | | | +-History of Diet Patterns [FHMTKH] | | +-Standing Orders [FHSPM] | | | +-Enter/Edit Standing Orders [FHSP3] | | | +-Standing Order Inquiry [FHSP4] | | | +-Tabulate Standing Orders [FHSP5] -- listed above. | | | +-Consolidate Standing Orders [FHSP7] -- listed above. | | | +-Print Standing Order Labels [FHSP8] -- listed above. | | +-Food Preferences [FHSELM] | | | +-Enter/Edit Patient Preferences [FHSEL3] -- listed above. | | | +-Display Patient Preferences [FHSEL4] | | | +-Tabulate Patient Meal Preferences [FHSEL5] -- listed above. | | +-Tickler File [FHCTF] | | | +-Display Tickler File [FHCTF1] | | | +-Clear Tickler File Entries [FHCTF2] | | | +-Enter Tickler File Item [FHCTF3] | | +-List Encounters [FHASE7] | | +-List Patient Events [FHORX2] | +-Patient Data Log [FHDMP] | +-Diet Order Management [FHORDX] | | +-Enter/Edit Diets [FHORD6] | | +-Enter/Edit Isolation/Precaution Types [FHORI1] | | +-Enter/Edit Tubefeeding Products [FHORTF1] | | +-List Diets [FHORD7] | | +-List Isolation/Precaution Types [FHORI2] | | +-List Tubefeeding Products [FHORTF2] | +-Consult Management [FHORCX] | | +-Enter/Edit Ward Assignments [FHORC5] | | +-List Ward Assignments [FHORC6] | | +-Enter/Edit Consult Types [FHORC7] | | +-List Consult Types [FHORC8] | | +-Re-Assign Active Consults [FHORC9] | | +-Consult Statistics [FHORC10] | +-Supplemental Feeding Management [FHNOX] | | +-Enter/Edit Bulk Ward Feedings [FHNO8] | | +-Enter/Edit Supplemental Feedings [FHNO4] | | +-List Supplemental Feedings [FHNO5] | | +-List Supplemental Feeding Menus [FHNO7] | | +-Enter/Edit Supplemental Feeding Menus [FHNO6] | +-Energy/Nutrient Management [FHNUX] | | +-Enter/Edit Nutrients [FHNU6] | | +-List Nutrient File [FHNU7] | | +-List RDA Values [FHNU9] | | +-List User Menus [FHNU3] | | +-Recipe Analysis [FHNU11] | | +-Enter Nutrients (Common Units) [FHNU12] | +-File Manager [FHFILM] -- listed above. | +-Clinical Management Menu [FHASCX] | | +-Enter/Edit Nutrition Classifications [FHASC1] | | +-List Nutrition Classifications [FHASC2] | | +-List Nutrition Statuses [FHASC4] | | +-Enter/Edit Encounter Types [FHASE1] | | +-List Encounter Types [FHASE2] | | +-Enter/Edit Clinical Site Parameters [FHASC8] | | +-Nutrition Patient Management [FHASCM] -- listed above. | | +-Enter/Edit Nutrition Plans [FHASC9] | | +-List Nutrition Plans [FHASC10] | | +-Display Selected Lab Tests [FHSYP1] | | +-Display Selected Drug Classifications [FHSYP2] | | +-Clinical Management Report [FHASNRR] | | | +-Nutrition Status Summary [FHASNR] | | | +-Nutrition Status Matrix [FHASNR2] | | | +-Nutrition Status Average [FHASNR5] | | | +-Encounter Statistics [FHASE4] | | | +-Nutrition Patient Monitor Inquiry [FHMNINQ] | | | +-Nutrition Monitor Statistics Report [FHMNREP] +-File Manager [FHFILM] | +-Print File Entries [FHFIL1] | +-Search File Entries [FHFIL2] | +-Inquire to Files [FHFIL3] | +-File Dictionaries [FHFIL4] Top Level Menu: (Home). Dietetic Orders [FHWARD] +-Cancel Early/Late Tray [FHOREL3] -- listed above. +-Cancel Tubefeeding Order [FHORTF4] -- listed above. +-Patient Profile [FHORD9] -- listed above. +-Enter/Cancel Isolation/Precautions [FHORD4] -- listed above. +-NPO/Hold Tray [FHORD3] -- listed above. +-Order Diet [FHORD1] -- listed above. +-Order Early/Late Tray [FHOREL2] -- listed above. +-Order Consult [FHORC1] -- listed above. +-Order Tubefeeding [FHORTF3] -- listed above. +-Cancel NPO/Withhold Order [FHORD12] -- listed above. +-Review Diet Orders [FHORD2] -- listed above. +-Enter Additional Order [FHORO1] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Dietetic User [FHUSR] +-Abbreviated Analysis [FHNU5] -- listed above. +-Display Assessment [FHASMR] +-Patient Profile [FHORD9] -- listed above. +-Review Diet Orders [FHORD2] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Dietetic Patient Profile [FHPATP] +-Patient Profile [FHORD9] -- listed above. +-Review Diet Orders [FHORD2] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Clinical Dietetics [FHTECH] +-Dietetic Consults [FHORCM] -- listed above. +-Diet Orders [FHORDM] -- listed above. +-Energy/Nutrient Analysis [FHNUM] -- listed above. +-Nutrition Patient Management [FHASCM] -- listed above. +-Patient Movements [FHPATM] -- listed above. +-Supplemental Feedings [FHNOM] -- listed above. +-Dietetic Lists/Reports [FHCDLST] -- listed above. +-Standing Orders [FHSPM] -- listed above. +-Food Preferences [FHSELM] -- listed above. +-Tickler File [FHCTF] -- listed above. +-List Encounters [FHASE7] -- listed above. +-List Patient Events [FHORX2] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Budget Asst. Menu [FHBUD] +-Administrative Menu [FHADMR] -- listed above. +-Ingredient Management [FHINGM] -- listed above. +-Projected Usage [FHPRR1] +-Edit Ingredient Cost [FHADMR8] +-Print Weekly Menu [FHPRC7] Top Level Menu: (Home). Food Production [FHPRO] +-Production Reports [FHADM] -- listed above. +-Menu Cycle Management [FHPRCM] -- listed above. +-Recipe Management [FHRECM] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Engineering Main Menu [ENMGR] +-Work Order & MERS [ENWO] | +-Enter New Work Order [ENWONEW] | +-Edit Work Order Data [ENENT] | +-Display Work Order [ENDSY] | +-Print Equip. History by Entry Number [ENEQHID] | +-Close Out Work Order [ENWOCLOSE] | +-Incomplete Work Order Status [ENWO-STATUS-(XQ)] | | +-Incomplete Work Orders by Employee [ENWO-STATS-EMP] | | +-Incomplete Work Orders by Location Search [ENWO-STATS-LOC] | | +-Incomplete Work Orders by Shop [ENWO-STATS-SHOP] | | +-Incomplete Work Orders by Owner/Department [ENWO-STATS-DPT] | | +-Incomplete Work Orders for One Room [ENWO-STATS-ROOM] | +-Transfer W.O. to Another Shop [ENWO-TRANSFER] | +-Disapprove Work Order [ENWODISAP] | +-Reprint Work Orders (All Shops) [ENWOREP] | +-Print PM Manhours [ENPMHOURS] | +-Condition Code of Equipment Edit [ENEQCC] | +-Multiple Work Order Entry [ENWOMULTI] | +-Delete Open Work Order [ENWODEL] +-Project Tracking [ENPROJ] | +-Enter Project Data (roll & scroll) [ENPROJ TKR] | +-Project Enter/Edit (all screens) [ENSCREEN] | +-Preliminary Data Enter/Edit (screens 1-2) [ENPREL] | +-Milestone Dates Edit (screens 3-4) [ENPRE MS] | +-A/E Data Edit (screen 5) [ENAE] | +-Contractor Data Edit (screen 6) [ENCONTR] | +-Changes & Remarks Edit (screen 7) [ENCHANGES] | +-Local Data Edit [ENPRE LOCAL] | +-Print Project Status Report [ENPROJSTAT] | +-Print All Project Status Reports [ENPROJ10] | +-Validate Project Status Reports [ENPLMRV] | +-Transmit Project Status Reports [ENPLMRX] | +-[[Action~|Action]]s Due Report [ENPRP ACTDUE] +-Equipment Management [ENINV] | +-New Inventory Entry [ENINVNEW] | +-Multiple Inventory Entry [ENIN-ENTER-MULTI] | +-Inventory Edit [ENINV EDIT] | +-Display Equipment [[Record~|Record]] [ENINVINV] | +-Equipment Reports [ENEQ-REPORTS] | | +-Specific Equipment History [ENIN-HIST-SPECIFIC] | | +-Equipment Category History [ENIN-HIST-GENERIC] | | +-Inventory Listing [ENEQ-INVENTORY] | | | +-CMR Inventory (EIL) [ENEQINV1] | | | +-Equipment Category Inventory [ENEQINV2] | | | +-Location Inventory [ENEQINV3] | | | +-Using Service Inventory [ENEQINV4] | | | +-Responsible Shop Inventory [ENEQINV5] | | | +-Use Status Inventory [ENEQINV6] | | | +-Non-EIL Inventory [ENEQINV7] | | +-Warranty List [ENEQ-WARRANTY] | | +-Replacement Listing [ENEQ-REPLACE] | | +-Failure Rate Report [ENEQ-FAILURE] | | +-PM Workload Analysis [ENEQ-PLANNER] | | +-Direct Posting to Equipment Histories [ENEQPOST] | | +-Parent System/Component Hierarchy Report [ENEQ-SYSTEM] | | +-Lockout/Tagout Flag Reports [ENEQLT_REPORTS] | | | +-Equipment Categories with Lockout/Tagout SET [ENEQLT_PREC] | | | +-Equipment [[Record~|Record]]s with Lockout/Tagout SET [ENEQLT_PRER] | | | +-Equip with Lockout/Tagout CLEAR but Category SET [ENEQLT_PREX] | +-PM Parameters [ENPM] | | +-Display Specific Device PM Schedule [ENPM1] | | +-Display Equipment Category PM Schedule [ENPM2] | | +-Print PM Procedure [ENPM3] | | +-Enter/Edit Specific Device PM Schedule [ENPM4] | | +-Enter/Edit Equipment Category PM Schedule [ENPM5] -- listed above. | | +-Enter/Edit PM Procedure [ENPM6] | | +-Reassign a Technician's PM Responsibilities [ENPM9] | +-Generate PM Schedule [ENPMS] | | +-Monthly PM List [ENPM7] | | +-Weekly PM List [ENPM8] | | +-Delete PM Work Orders [ENPM10] | +-[[Record~|Record]] Equipment PMI [ENPMR] | | +-Close Out PM Work Orders [ENPMR1] | | +-Rapid Closeout of PM Work Orders [ENPMR2] | | +-[[Record~|Record]] Single Device PMI [ENPMR3] | | +-Upload Data from MedTester [ENSA1] | | +-Rapid Deferral of PM Worklist [ENPMRDEFRL] | | +-Bar Coded PMI Functions [ENBCPM MGR] | | | +-Download PM Program to Portable Bar Code Reader [ENBCPMDNLD] | | | +-Upload Data From Portable Bar Code Reader [ENBCUPLD] -- listed above. | | | +-Restart Processing of Bar Coded PMI [ENBCPMRES] | | +-Print PM Manhours [ENPMHOURS] -- listed above. | +-Print Bar Code Labels for Equipment Management [ENBCLBL MGR] | | +-Equipment Labels [ENBCLBLEE] | | | +-Equipment Category Bar Code Labels [ENBCEE CAT] | | | +-CMR Bar Code Labels (EQUIPMENT) [ENBCEE CMR] | | | +-Bar Code Labels by PM Number [ENBCEE PM] | | | +-Bar Code Labels by General Location (WING) [ENBCEE WING] | | | +-Bar Code Labels by Specific Location (ROOM) [ENBCEE RM] | | | +-Single Device Bar Code Label [ENBCEE SD] | | | +-Equipment Labels by Equipment ID# [ENBCEE ALL] | | | +-Bar Code Labels in Conjunction with PM Worklist [ENBCEE PMLIST] | | | +-Bar Code Labels for a Purchase Order [ENBCEE PO] | | | +-Bar Code Labels by LOCAL ID [ENBCEE LID] | | | +-Bar Code Labels by Using Service [ENBCEE SRVC] | | +-Location Labels [ENBCLBLSP] | | | +-WING Bar Code Labels [ENBCSP WING] | | | +-BUILDING Bar Code Labels [ENBCSP BLDG] | | | +-ROOM Bar Code Label [ENBCSP RM] | | | +-ALL Bar Coded Location Labels [ENBCSP ALL] | +-Bar Coded Equipment Inventory Management [ENBCNX MGR] | | +-Download NX Program to Portable Bar Code Reader [ENBCNXDNLD] | | +-Upload Data From Portable Bar Code Reader [ENBCUPLD] | | +-Inventory Exception Listing [ENBCNXCMR] | | +-Manual Update of Equipment Inventory [ENBCNXMAN] | | +-Restart Processing of Uploaded NX Inventory Data [ENBCNXRES] | +-Purchase Order Group Edit [ENIN-EDIT-MULTI] | +-Lockout/Tagout Enter/Edit [ENEQLT_E/E] | +-Turn-In/Disposition Equipment [ENEQTD] +-Space/Facility Management [ENSP] | +-Space Management [ENSP1] | | +-Enter New Room Space Data [ENSPROOM] | | +-Display/Edit Room Data [ENSPROOMD] | | +-Finish Replacement Schedules Report Menu [ENSP4] | | | +-Replacement Schedule for All Finishes [ENSPFRS1] | | | +-Ceiling Replacement Schedule [ENSPFRS2] | | | +-Wall Replacement Schedule [ENSPFRS3] | | | +-Floor Replacement Schedule [ENSPFRS4] | | +-Space Survey Report Menu [ENSP5] | | | +-Room/Keying/Function Report [ENSPRMKY] | | | +-Space Survey by Room [ENSPRM] | | | +-Service Space Survey [ENSPSER] | | | +-Function Space Survey [ENSPFUNC] | | | +-Building Space Survey [ENSPBLDG] | | | +-RCS 10-0141 Report [ENSP144] | | | +-Building Management RCS 10-203, VAF 10-6007a [ENSP-137-AMIS] | +-Key/Lock Management [ENSP2] | | +-Key Distribution by Employee Enter/Edit [ENSPEDKEY] | | +-Lock Number File Enter/Edit [ENSPLOCK] | | +-Print Key Distribution By Employee [ENSPEMP] | | +-Print Employee List sorted by Key [ENSPKEY] | | +-Print Employee List by Service [ENSPSRV] | +-Facility Management Utilities [ENSPUTL] | | +-Edit Space Functions file [ENSPUTL1] | | +-Edit Space Utilities file [ENSPUTL2] | | +-Building File Enter/Edit [ENSPUTL3] | | +-Print All Building Data [ENSPUTL4] | +-Export Facility Management Data [ENSP3] | | +-Output Service/NSF spreadsheet [ENSP3-SERVICE-NSF] | | +-Output Function/NSF Spreadsheet [ENSP3-FUNCTION-NSF] | | +-Output RCS 10-0141 spreadsheet [ENSP3-RCS10-0141] | +-Leased Space Options [ENSP-LEASE] | | +-Enter/Edit All Lease Fields (BUILDING FILE) [ENSP-LEASE1] | | +-Enter/Edit Lease Vendor (BUILDING FILE) [ENSP-LEASE2] | | +-Print Leased Space Survey [ENSP-LEASE3] | +-Planning Space Program Menu [ENSP-PLAN] | | +-Building File Enter/Edit [ENSPUTL3] -- listed above. | | +-Print Building/Project Space Plan [ENSP-PLAN2] | | +-Enter/Edit Room Planning Data [ENSP-PLAN1] +-Program Management [ENMAN] | +-Manufacturer [ENMANUFAC] | +-Engineering Computer Port [ENPORT] | +-Section List [ENSECTION] | +-Work Center Code [ENWORK CTR] | +-Engineering Employee File [ENEMP] | +-Work [[Action~|Action]] [ENWORK ACTION] | +-Engineering Archive Module [ENAR] | | +-Find & Assemble [[Record~|Record]]s [ENAR-ASSEMBLE] | | +-Archive & Verify [[Record~|Record]]s [ENAR-ARCHIVE] | | +-Delete Archive Global [ENAR-DELETE] | | +-Recall Archive Global [ENAR-RECALL] | | +-Review Activity Log [ENAR-LOG] | | +-Search Activity Logs for Equipment [ENAR-SEARCH-EQ] | +-Enter/Edit Equipment Category PM Schedule [ENPM5] | +-ENG SITE PARAMETERS Enter/Edit [ENSITE] | +-SOFTWARE OPTIONS Enter/Edit [ENSWOPT] | +-Biomedical Engineering Resource Survey [ENGSMENU] | | +-Entering Data into the BERS Survey File [ENGSSURVEYINPUT] | | +-Print Personnel Survey Listing [ENGSSURPRT1] | | +-Print Contract Survey Listing [ENGSCONPRT1] | | +-Print General Survey Listing [ENGSGENPRT1] | | +-Print Additional Survey Listing [ENGSADDPRT1] | +-Equipment File Export [EN EQUIP EXPORT] | +-Division [ENDIV] | +-Delete Old Incomplete PM Work Orders [ENDELPM] | +-Delete Equipment [[Record~|Record]] [ENINVDEL] +-2162 Report of Accident [ENFS-2162] | +-Enter 2162 Report [ENFS-2162-ENTER] | +-Display 2162 Report [ENFS-2162-DISPLAY] | +-Edit 2162 Report [ENFS-2162-EDIT] | +-Service/Division Summary Report [ENFS-2162-SERVICE SUMMARY] | +-Injury Cause Summary Report [ENFS-2162-INJURY SUMMARY] | +-Accident Nature Summary Report [ENFS-2162-ACC. NATURE SUMMARY] | +-Specific Location Summary Report [ENFS-2162-LOCATION SUMMARY] +-Project [[Application~|Application]]s [ENPLMA] | +-Edit Project [[Application~|Application]] [ENPLM05] | +-Activations E/E [ENPLM18] | +-Approval of Project [[Application~|Application]] [ENPLM16] | +-Validate Project [[Application~|Applications]] [ENPLMAV] | +-Transmit Project p[[Applications~|Application]] [ENPLMAX] | +-Communication Log Display for a Project [ENPLM20] | +-Reports [ENPLMAR] | | +-Project [[Application~|Application]] VAF 10-1193 (132 columns) [ENPLM06] | | +-Environmental Analysis VAF 10-1193a (132 columns) [ENPLM08] | | +-Minor/Minor Misc Prioritization [ENPLM03] | | +-NRM Prioritization Scoring Sheet [ENPLM04] | +-Environmental Analysis E/E (VAF 10-1193a) [ENPLM09] +-Assign (Transfer) Electronic Work Orders [ENETRANSFER] +-Five Year Facility Plan (FYFP) [ENPLMF] | +-Edit 5-Yr Plan Project [ENPLM02] | +-Five Year Facility Plan Report (132 columns) [ENPLM11] | +-Communication Log Display for a Project [ENPLM20] -- listed above. | +-Transmit 5-Yr Plan Projects [ENPLMFX] | +-Validate 5-Yr Plan Projects [ENPLMFV] | +-Activations E/E [ENPLM18] -- listed above. +-YEAR 2000 (Y2K) Equipment Management [ENY2K_MAIN] | +-Y2K Data Entry [ENY2K_ENTRY] | | +-Manual Equipment Selection for Y2K [ENY2KIND] | | +-Equipment Category Selection for Y2K [ENY2KCAT] | | +-Category Stock Number Selection for Y2K [ENY2KCSN] | | +-Manufacturer Selection for Y2K [ENY2KMFG] | | +-Local Identifier Selection for Y2K [ENY2KLOC] | | +-Manufacturer~Model Selection for Y2K [ENY2KMOD] | +-Generate Y2K Worklist [ENY2K_LIST] | +-Y2K Reports (Equipment) [ENY2K_REP] | | +-Periodic Equipment Y2K Activity Report [ENY2KACT] | | +-Y2K Equipment Status (by MANUFACTURER~MODEL) [ENY2KSTAT] | | +-Summary of Y2K Data (EQUIP CATEGORY, MFG or CSN) [ENY2KSUM] | | +-Specific Y2K CATEGORY (by MANUFACTURER~MODEL) [ENY2KCATSPEC] | | +-Details of Y2K (MULTIPLE SORTS - 130 column) [ENY2KDET] | | +-Cumulative Effect of All Y2K [[Action~|Action]] to Date [ENY2KCUM] | | +-Null Equipment List (no Y2K CATEGORY) [ENY2KNULL] | | +-Functional Classification Cumulative Report [ENY2KFCUM] | | +-Utility Systems Reports [ENY2K_SYSTEMS] | | | +-Detailed Utility Systems Report [ENY2USRD] | | | +-Summary Utility Systems Report [ENY2USRS] | | +-National Roll-up of Y2K Data [ENY2K_NATIONAL] | +-Delete Y2K Work Orders [ENY2K_DEL] | +-Rapid Closeout of Y2K Worklist [ENY2K_RC] | | +-Equipment Category Y2K Rapid Closeout [ENY2KRCAT] | | +-Category Stock Number Y2K Rapid Closeout [ENY2KRCSN] | | +-Local ID Y2K Rapid Closeout [ENY2KRLOC] | | +-Manufacturer & Model Number Y2K Rapid Closeout [ENY2KRMOD] | | +-Manufacturer Y2K Rapid Closeout [ENY2KRMFG] | +-Closeout Y2K Work Orders [ENY2K_CLOSE] Top Level Menu: (Home). Engineering Secretary Main Menu [ENSEC] +-Project Tracking [ENPROJ] -- listed above. +-Equipment Management [ENEUSER1] | +-PM Parameters [ENPM] -- listed above. | +-Generate PM Schedule [ENPMS] -- listed above. | +-[[Record~|Record]] Equipment PMI [ENPMR] -- listed above. +-Space/Facility Management [ENSP] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Engineering Work Control Main Menu [ENWCLERK] +-Work Order & MERS [ENWO] -- listed above. +-VA FileMan [DIUSER] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Engineering Accounting Clerk Main Menu [ENCCLERK] +-Project Tracking [ENPROJ] -- listed above. +-VA FileMan [DIUSER] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Engineering PM Clerk Main Menu [ENPMINSP] +-Work Order & MERS [ENWO] -- listed above. +-Equipment Management [ENINV] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Engineering Foreman Main Menu [ENSECFORM] +-Work Order & MERS [ENWO] -- listed above. +-Equipment Management [ENINV] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Electronic Work Requests [ENWOWARD] +-Edit Electronic Work Order [ENWOEDIT-WARD] +-Request Electronic Work Order [ENWONEW-WARD] +-Electronic Work Order Status Check [ENWOSTATUS-WARD] +-Incomplete Work Orders (ELECT WO MODULE) [ENWOST-WARD] Top Level Menu: (Home). Nonexpendable Equipment Module (A&MM) [ENMM MGR] +-Equipment Enter/Edit (NX) [ENMMEE] | +-New Inventory Entry [ENINVNEW] -- listed above. | +-Inventory Edit [ENINV EDIT] -- listed above. | +-Display Equipment [[Record~|Record]] [ENINVINV] -- listed above. | +-Multiple Inventory Entry [ENIN-ENTER-MULTI] -- listed above. | +-Manual Update of Equipment Inventory [ENBCNXMAN] -- listed above. | +-Purchase Order Group Edit [ENIN-EDIT-MULTI] -- listed above. | +-Turn-In/Disposition Equipment [ENEQTD] -- listed above. +-Equipment Management Reports (NX) [ENMMREP] | +-Specific Equipment History [ENIN-HIST-SPECIFIC] -- listed above. | +-CMR Inventory (EIL) [ENEQINV1] -- listed above. | +-Warranty List [ENEQ-WARRANTY] -- listed above. | +-Replacement Listing [ENEQ-REPLACE] -- listed above. | +-Location Inventory [ENEQINV3] -- listed above. | +-Using Service Inventory [ENEQINV4] -- listed above. | +-Use Status Inventory [ENEQINV6] -- listed above. | +-Non-EIL Inventory [ENEQINV7] -- listed above. | +-Accountable NX for Station [ENFAR8] | +-Parent System/Component Hierarchy Report [ENEQ-SYSTEM] -- listed above. | +-Check of Equipment Capitalization [ENFAR3] +-Bar Code Features (NX Equipment) [ENMMBC] | +-Equipment Labels [ENBCLBLEE] -- listed above. | +-Location Labels [ENBCLBLSP] -- listed above. | +-Download NX Program to Portable Bar Code Reader [ENBCNXDNLD] -- listed above. | +-Upload Data From Portable Bar Code Reader [ENBCUPLD] -- listed above. | +-Restart Processing of Uploaded NX Inventory Data [ENBCNXRES] -- listed above. | +-Inventory Exception Listing [ENBCNXCMR] -- listed above. +-NX (Nonexpendable Equipment) Utilities [ENMM UTIL] | +-CMR File Enter/Edit [ENCMR] | +-Category Stock Number Enter/Edit [ENCSN] | +-National EIL Enter/Edit [ENFA EIL] +-FAP Documents (Code Sheets) [ENFA EQUIPMENT CHANGE MENU] | +-Better An Equipment [[Record~|Record]] (FB Document) [ENFA BETTER] | +-Acquisition Data Edit (FC Document) [ENFA CHANGE] | +-Disposition an Asset (FD Document) [ENFA DISP] | +-Financial Data Edit (FR Document) [ENFA TRANSFER] | +-Send a Single FA Document [ENFA SEND SINGLE] | +-Batch Send FA Documents (by CMR) [ENFA SEND BY CMR] | +-FAP Validity Check By CMR (FA Documents) [ENFA VALCHK BY CMR] | +-FAP Validity Check For A Single Item (FA Document) [ENFA VALCHK SINGLE] | +-Batch Send FA Documents (by Station) [ENFA SEND BY STATION] | +-FAP Validity Check by Station (FA Documents) [ENFA VALCHK BY STATION] | +-Recalculate FAP Balances [ENFA RECALC BALANCES] | +-Adjustment Voucher Entry [ENFA AV] +-Fixed Assets Reports [ENFA REPORTS (PHASE 2)] | +-Voucher Summary for Station [ENFAR5] | +-Equipment Not Reported to FAP [ENFAR6] | +-Excessed Equipment Report [ENFAR7] | +-Document History (FAP) for Equipment [ENFAR9] | +-Summary of SGL Balances [ENFARB] | +-Adjustment Voucher Report [ENFARA] | +-Transaction Register (FAP Documents) [ENFARC] Top Level Menu: (Home). Clinical Coordinator's Menu [ORCL MENU] +-Clinician Menu [OR MAIN MENU CLINICIAN] -- listed above. +-Nurse Menu [OR MAIN MENU NURSE] -- listed above. +-Ward Clerk Menu [OR MAIN MENU WARD CLERK] -- listed above. +-Check for Multiple Keys [ORE KEY CHECK] +-CPRS [[Configuration~|Configuration]] (Clin Coord) [OR PARAM COORDINATOR MENU] -- listed above. +-Release/Cancel Delayed Orders [ORC DELAYED ORDERS] Top Level Menu: (Home). Notification Mgmt Menu [ORB NOT MGR MENU] +-Set Urgency for Notifications (GUI) [ORB3 URGENCY] -- listed above. +-Set Default Recipient(s) for Notifications [ORB3 DEFAULT RECIPIENTS] -- listed above. +-Enable/Disable Notifications [ORB3 PROCESSING FLAG] -- listed above. +-Erase Notifications [ORB3 ERASE NOTIFICATIONS] -- listed above. +-Flag Orderable Item(s) to Send Notifications [ORB3 FLAG ORDERABLE ITEMS] -- listed above. +-Archive(delete) after Days [ORB3 ARCHIVE PERIOD] -- listed above. +-Set Notification Display Sort Method (GUI) [ORB3 SORT METHOD] -- listed above. +-Send Flagged Orders Bulletin [ORB3 FLAGGED ORDERS BULLETIN] -- listed above. +-Set Deletion Parameters for Notifications [ORB3 DELETE MECHANISM] -- listed above. +-Determine Recipients for a Notification [ORB3 DETERMINE RECIPIENTS] -- listed above. +-Set Default Recipient Device(s) for Notifications [ORB3 DEFAULT RECIPIENT DEVICES] -- listed above. +-Set Provider Recipients for Notifications [ORB3 PROVIDER RECIPIENTS] -- listed above. +-Display Patient Alerts and Alert Recipients [ORB3 ALERT RECIPIENTS] -- listed above. +-Enable or Disable Notification System [ORB3 SYSTEM ENABLE/DISABLE] -- listed above. +-Display the Notifications a User Can Receive [ORB3 RECIP NOTIFICATIONS] -- listed above. +-Forward Notifications [ORB3 FORWARD NOTIFS MENU] -- listed above. +-Set Delays for Unverified Orders [ORB3 UNVERIFIED ORDERS MENU] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Health Summary Overall Menu [GMTS MANAGER] +-Health Summary Coordinator's Menu [GMTS COORDINATOR] | +-Print Health Summary Menu [GMTS HS MENU] | | +-Patient Health Summary [GMTS HS BY PATIENT] -- listed above. | | +-Hospital Location Health Summary [GMTS HS BY LOC] -- listed above. | | +-Ad Hoc Health Summary [GMTS HS ADHOC] -- listed above. | | +-Batch Print of All Clinics by Visit Date [GMTS HS FOR ALL CLINICS] | | +-Range of Dates Patient Health Summary [GMTS HS BY PATIENT & DATE RANG] -- listed above. | | +-Visit Patient Health Summary [GMTS HS BY PATIENT & VISIT] -- listed above. | +-Set-up Batch Print Locations [GMTS HS BY LOC PARAMETERS] | +-Build Health Summary Type Menu [GMTS BUILD MENU] | | +-Create/Modify Health Summary Type [GMTS TYPE ENTER/EDIT] | | +-Delete Health Summary Type [GMTS TYPE DELETE] | | +-Information Menu [GMTS INFO ONLY MENU] | | | +-Inquire about a Health Summary Type [GMTS TYPE INQ] | | | +-List Health Summary Types [GMTS TYPE LIST] | | | +-Inquire about a Health Summary Component [GMTS COMP INQ] | | | +-List Health Summary Components [GMTS COMP LIST] | | | +-List Health Summary Component Descriptions [GMTS COMP DESC LIST] | | +-Print Health Summary Menu [GMTS HS MENU] -- listed above. | +-List Batch Health Summary Locations [GMTS TASK LOCATIONS LIST] | +-CPRS Reports Tab 'Health Summary Types List' Menu [GMTS GUI REPORTS LIST MENU] | | +-Display 'Health Summary Types List' Defaults [GMTS GUI HS LIST DEFAULTS] | | +-Precedence of 'Health Summary Types List' [GMTS GUI HS LIST PRECEDENCE] | | +-Method of compiling 'Health Summary Types List' [GMTS GUI HS LIST METHOD] | | +-Edit 'Health Summary Types List' Parameters [GMTS GUI HS LIST PARAMETERS] +-Health Summary Enhanced Menu [GMTS ENHANCED USER] | +-Patient Health Summary [GMTS HS BY PATIENT] -- listed above. | +-Ad Hoc Health Summary [GMTS HS ADHOC] -- listed above. | +-Hospital Location Health Summary [GMTS HS BY LOC] -- listed above. | +-Information Menu [GMTS INFO ONLY MENU] -- listed above. | +-Create/Modify Health Summary Type [GMTS TYPE ENTER/EDIT] -- listed above. | +-Delete Health Summary Type [GMTS TYPE DELETE] -- listed above. | +-Range of Dates Patient Health Summary [GMTS HS BY PATIENT & DATE RANG] -- listed above. | +-Visit Patient Health Summary [GMTS HS BY PATIENT & VISIT] -- listed above. | +-CPRS Reports Tab 'Health Summary Types List' Menu [GMTS GUI REPORTS LIST MENU] -- listed above. +-Health Summary Menu [GMTS USER] | +-Patient Health Summary [GMTS HS BY PATIENT] | +-Ad Hoc Health Summary [GMTS HS ADHOC] | +-Hospital Location Health Summary [GMTS HS BY LOC] | +-Information Menu [GMTS INFO ONLY MENU] -- listed above. | +-Range of Dates Patient Health Summary [GMTS HS BY PATIENT & DATE RANG] | +-Visit Patient Health Summary [GMTS HS BY PATIENT & VISIT] | +-CPRS Reports Tab 'Health Summary Types List' Menu [GMTS GUI REPORTS LIST MENU] -- listed above. +-Health Summary Maintenance Menu [GMTS IRM/ADPAC MAINT MENU] | +-Disable/Enable Health Summary Component [GMTS IRM/ADPAC ENABLE/DISABLE] | +-Create/Modify Health Summary Components [GMTS IRM/ADPAC COMP EDIT] | +-Edit Ad Hoc Health Summary Type [GMTS IRM/ADPAC ADHOC EDIT] | +-Rebuild Ad Hoc Health Summary Type [GMTS IRM/ADPAC ADHOC LOAD] | +-Resequence a Health Summary Type [GMTS IRM/ADPAC TYPE RESEQUENCE] | +-Create/Modify Health Summary Type [GMTS TYPE ENTER/EDIT] -- listed above. | +-Edit Health Summary Site Parameters [GMTS IRM/ADPAC PARAMETER EDIT] | +-CPRS Reports Tab 'Health Summary Types List' Menu [GMTS GUI REPORTS LIST MENU] -- listed above. | +-CPRS Health Summary Display/Edit Site Defaults [GMTS GUI SITE DEFAULTS] | | +-Display Site Health Summary List Defaults [GMTS GUI SITE DISPLAY DEFAULTS] | | +-Edit Default HS Type List Compile Method [GMTS GUI SITE COMPILE METHOD] | | +-Add/Edit Allowable Entities for HS List [GMTS GUI SITE PRECEDENCE] | | +-Resequence Allowable Entities for HS List [GMTS GUI SITE RESEQUENCE] | | +-Edit 'Health Summary Types List' Parameters [GMTS GUI SITE ADD/EDIT LIST] Top Level Menu: (Home). MAS MANAGER [DGMGR] +-ADT Manager Menu [DG MANAGER MENU] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Veterans Benefits Counselor Menu [DG VBC MENU] +-VBC Form By Admission Date [DG VBC ADMISSION] -- listed above. +-VBC Form for Specific Patient [DG VBC PATIENT] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Scheduled Admissions Menu [DG SCHED ADMIT] +-Cancel a Scheduled Admission [DG SCHED ADMIT CANCEL] -- listed above. +-Schedule an Admission [DG SCHED ADMIT ENTRY] -- listed above. +-Scheduled Admissions List [DG SCHED ADMIT PRINT] -- listed above. +-Purge Scheduled Admissions [DG SCHED ADMIT PURGE] -- listed above. +-Scheduled Admission Statistics [DG SCHED ADMIT STATS] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Census Coder Menu [DGPT CENSUS CODER] +-Load/Edit [[PTF~|PTF]] Data [DG PTF SCREEN] -- listed above. +-Close Open Census [[Record~|Record]] [DGPT CENSUS CLOSED FOR CENSUS] -- listed above. +-Inquire Census [[Record~|Record]] [DGPT CENSUS INQUIRE] -- listed above. +-Release Closed Census [[Record~|Record]]s [DGPT CENSUS RELEASE RECORD] -- listed above. +-Open Closed Census [[Record~|Record]]s [DGPT CENSUS OPEN RECORD] -- listed above. +-Open Released or Transmitted Census [[Record~|Record]]s [DGPT CENSUS OPEN RELEASED] -- listed above. +-099 Transmission for Census [[Record~|Record]] [DGPT CENSUS 099 TRANSACTION] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Eligibility/ID Maintenance Menu [DG ELIG MAINTENANCE] +-Eligibility Code Enter/Edit [DG ELIG CODE ENTER/EDIT] +-ID Format Enter/Edit [DG ELIG ID FORMAT EDIT] +-Specific ID Format Reset [DG ELIG ID FORMAT RESET] +-Specific Eligibility ID Reset (All patients) [DG ELIG ID RESET] +-Primary Eligibility ID Reset (All Patients) [DG ELIG PRI ELIG RESET] +-Reset ALL ID's for ALL Patients [DG ELIG RESET ALL] +-Reset All ID's for a Patient [DG ELIG RESET PATIENT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Scheduling Menu [SDUSER] +-Appointment Menu [SDAPP] -- listed above. +-Outputs [SDOUTPUT] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Integrated Billing Master Menu [IB MANAGER MENU] +-Patient Billing Reports Menu [IB OUTPUT PATIENT REPORT MENU] -- listed above. +-System Manager's Integrated Billing Menu [IB SITE MGR MENU] | +-Display Integrated Billing Status [IB SITE STATUS DISPLAY] | +-Enter/Edit IB Site Parameters [IB EDIT SITE PARAMETERS] | +-Start the Integrated Billing Background Filer [IB FILER START] | +-Stop the Integrated Billing Background Filer [IB FILER STOP] | +-Repost IB [[Action~|Action]] to Filer [IB REPOST] | +-Inquire an IB [[Action~|Action]] [IB OUTPUT IB INQ] | +-Patient IB [[Action~|Action]] Inquiry [IB OUTPUT INQ BY PATIENT] | +-Verify RX Co-Pay Links [IB OUTPUT VERIFY RX LINKS] | +-Purge Menu [IB PURGE MENU] | | +-Purge Update File [IB PURGE/BASC TRANSFER CLEANUP] | | +-Archive Billing Data [IB PURGE/ARCHIVE BILLING DATA] | | +-Purge Billing Data [IB PURGE BILLING DATA] | | +-Find Billing Data to Archive [IB PURGE/FIND BILLING DATA] | | +-List Archive/Purge Log Entries [IB PURGE LIST LOG ENTRIES] | | +-Archive/Purge Log Inquiry [IB PURGE LOG INQUIRY] | | +-List Search Template Entries [IB PURGE LIST TEMPLATE ENTRIES] | | +-Delete Entry from Search Template [IB PURGE DELETE TEMPLATE ENTRY] | +-Select Default Device for Forms [IB SITE DEVICE SETUP] | +-Encounter Form IRM Options [IBDF IRM OPTIONS] | | +-Edit Package Interface [IBDF EDIT PACKAGE INTERFACE] | | +-Edit Marking Area (for selection lists) [IBDF EDIT MARKING AREA] | | +-Define Available Report (not Health Summaries) [IBDF DEFINE AVAILABLE REPORT] | | +-Import/Export Utility [IBDF IMPORT/EXPORT UTILITY] | | +-Miscellaneous Cleanup [IBDF MISCELLANEOUS CLEANUP] | | +-Purge Form Tracking files [IBDF MANUAL PURGE FORM TRACK] | | +-Recompile All Forms [IBDF RECOMPILE ALL FORMS] | | +-Device Edit [IBDF EDIT PRINTERS] | +-Forms Output Utility [IBCE OUTPUT FORMATTER] | +-Start the CHAMPUS Rx Billing Engine [IB CHAMP ENGINE START] | +-Stop the CHAMPUS Rx Billing Engine [IB CHAMP ENGINE STOP] | +-Charge Master IRM Menu [IBCR CHARGE MASTER IRM MENU] | | +-Rate Schedule Adjustment Enter/Edit [IBCR ADJUSTMENT ENTER/EDIT] | | +-Load Host File into Charge Master [IBCR HOST FILE LOAD] | +-Push Rx Copay Cap Transactions [IBARXM CAP TRANS PUSH] +-Billing Supervisor Menu [IB BILLING SUPERVISOR MENU] | +-MCCR System Definition Menu [IB SYSTEM DEFINITION MENU] | | +-MCCR Site Parameter Enter/Edit [IB MCCR PARAMETER EDIT] | | +-Insurance Company Entry/Edit [DG INSURANCE COMPANY EDIT] -- listed above. | | +-Enter/Edit Billing Rates [IB BILLING RATES FILE] | | +-Billing Rates List [IB LIST OF BILLING RATES] | | +-Flag Stop Codes/Dispositions/Clinics [IB MT FLAG OPT PARAMS] | | +-List Flagged Stop Codes/Dispositions/Clinics [IB MT LIST FLAGGED PARAMS] | | +-Enter/Edit Automated Billing Parameters [IB AUTO BILLER PARAMS] | | +-MCCR Site Parameter Display/Edit [IBJ MCCR SITE PARAMETERS] | | +-Flag Stop Codes/Clinics for Third Party [IB TP FLAG OPT PARAMS] | | +-List Flagged Stop Codes/Clinics for Third Party [IB TP LIST FLAGGED PARAMS] | | +-Charge Master Menu [IBCR CHARGE MASTER MENU] | | | +-Enter/Edit Charge Master [IBCR DISPLAY CHARGE MASTER] | | | +-Print Charge Master [IBCR REPORTS FOR CHARGE MASTER] | | | +-Activate Revenue Codes [IB ACTIVATE REVENUE CODES] | | | +-Fast Enter of New Billing Rates [IBCR FAST ENTER BILLING RATES] | | | +-Delete Charges from the Charge Master [IBCR DELETE CHARGE ITEMS] | | | +-Inactivate/List Inactive Codes in Charge Master [IBCR INACTIVE CODES] | | | +-Transfer Pricing Neg. Rates Enter/Edit [IBCR ENTER TP NEG RATES] | | +-Purge Insurance Buffer [IBCN INSURANCE BUFFER PURGE] | +-Third Party Billing Menu [IB THIRD PARTY BILLING MENU] -- listed above. | +-Automated [[Means Test~|Means Test]] Billing Menu [IB MEANS TEST MENU] -- listed above. | +-Patient Billing Reports Menu [IB OUTPUT PATIENT REPORT MENU] -- listed above. | +-Management Reports (Billing) Menu [IB OUTPUT MANAGEMENT REPORTS] | | +-Statistical Report (IB) [IB OUTPUT STATISTICAL REPORT] | | +-Clerk Productivity [IB OUTPUT CLK PROD] | | +-Billing Rates List [IB LIST OF BILLING RATES] -- listed above. | | +-Revenue Code Totals by Rate Type [IB REV CODE TOTALS] | | +-Bill Status Report [IB BILL STATUS REPORT] | | +-Rate Type Billing Totals Report [IB BILLING TOTALS REPORT] | | +-Insurance Payment Trend Report [IB OUTPUT TREND REPORT] | | +-Most Commonly used Outpatient CPT Codes [IB OUTPUT MOST COMMON OPT CPT] | | +-Rank Insurance Carriers By Amount Billed [IB OUTPUT RANK CARRIERS] | | +-Pre-Registration Source Report [IB OUTPUT PRE-REG SOURCE REPT] | | +-Insurance Buffer Activity [IBCN OUTPUT INS BUFF ACTIVITY] | | +-Insurance Buffer Employee [IBCN OUTPUT INS BUFF EMPLOYEE] | | +-List All Local Print Fields [IBCE LIST LOCAL] | +-Enter/Edit Billing Information [IB EDIT BILLING INFO] -- listed above. | +-Medication Copay Income Exemption Menu [IB RX EXEMPTION MENU] | | +-Manually Change Copay Exemption (Hardships) [IB RX HARDSHIP] | | +-Inquire to Medication Copay Income Exemptions [IB RX INQUIRE] | | +-Add Income Thresholds [IB RX ADD THRESHOLDS] | | +-List Income Thresholds [IB RX PRINT THRESHOLDS] | | +-Print Patient Exemptions or summary [IB RX PRINT PAT. EXEMP.] | | +-Print Charges Canceled Due to Income Exemption [IB RX PRINT RETRO CHARGES] | | +-Print/Verify Patient Exemption Status [IB RX PRINT VERIFY EXEMP] | | +-Edit Copay Exemption Letter [IB RX EDIT LETTER] | | +-Letters to Exempt Patients [IB RX PRINT EX LETERS] | | +-Reprint Single Income Test Reminder Letter [IB RX REPRINT REMINDER] | +-Claims Tracking Menu for Billing [IBT USER MENU (BI)] -- listed above. | +-Third Party Joint Inquiry [IBJ THIRD PARTY JOINT INQUIRY] -- listed above. | +-Medicare Remittance Advice Menu [IB MRA MENU] | | +-Edit List of Ins. Co. Withholding Payments [IB MRA EDIT INS CO LIST] | | +-Print MRA Back Billing Potential Report [IB MRA BACKBILLING REPORT] | | +-Queue MRA Extract [IB MRA EXTRACT] | +-NON-VA Facility Data [IBCE PRVNVA FAC EDIT] +-Billing Clerk's Menu [IB BILLING CLERK MENU] | +-Third Party Billing Menu [IB THIRD PARTY BILLING MENU] | | +-Authorize Bill Generation [IB AUTHORIZE BILL GENERATION] | | +-Enter/Edit Billing Information [IB EDIT BILLING INFO] -- listed above. | | +-Cancel Bill [IB CANCEL BILL] | | +-Copy and Cancel [IB COPY AND CANCEL] | | +-Print Bill [IB PRINT BILL] | | +-Return Bill Menu [IB RETURN BILL MENU] | | | +-Return Bill to A/R [IB RETURN BILL] | | | +-Returned Bill List [IB RETURN BILL LIST] | | | +-Edit Returned Bill [IB EDIT RETURNED BILL] | | +-UB-82 Test Pattern Print [IB UB-82 TEST PATTERN PRINT] | | +-Outpatient Visit Date Inquiry [IB OUTPT VISIT DATE INQUIRY] | | +-Patient Billing Inquiry [IB OUTPUT FULL INQ BY BILL NO] -- listed above. | | +-HCFA-1500 Test Pattern Print [IB HCFA-1500 TEST PATTERN] | | +-Print Auto Biller Results [IB OUTPUT AUTO BILLER] | | +-Delete Auto Biller Results [IB CLEAN AUTO BILLER LIST] | | +-UB-92 Test Pattern Print [IB UB-92 TEST PATTERN PRINT] | | +-Print Authorized Bills [IB BATCH PRINT BILLS] | | +-Print Bill Addendum Sheet [IB PRINT BILL ADDENDUM] | | +-Copy for Secondary/Tertiary Bill [IB COPY SECOND/THIRD] | +-Automated [[Means Test~|Means Test]] Billing Menu [IB MEANS TEST MENU] | | +-Estimate [[Means Test~|Means Test]] Charges for an Admission [IB MT ESTIMATOR] -- listed above. | | +-Category C Billing Activity List [IB MT BILLING REPORT] -- listed above. | | +-Single Patient Means Test Billing Profile [IB MT PROFILE] -- listed above. | | +-Add/Edit Pts. Continuously Hospitalized Since 1986 [IB FLAG CONTINUOUS PATIENTS] | | +-Patient Billing Clock Maintenance [IB MT CLOCK MAINTENANCE] | | +-Patient Billing Clock Inquiry [IB MT CLOCK INQUIRY] | | +-Cancel/Edit/Add Patient Charges [IB CANCEL/EDIT/ADD CHARGES] | | +-List Special Inpatient Billing Cases [IB MT LIST SPECIAL CASES] | | +-Disposition Special Inpatient Billing Cases [IB MT DISP SPECIAL CASES] | | +-On Hold Menu [IB MT ON HOLD MENU] | | | +-List Charges Awaiting New Copay Rate [IB MT LIST HELD (RATE) CHARGES] | | | +-Release Charges Awaiting New Copay Rate [IB MT REL HELD (RATE) CHARGES] | | | +-Release Charges 'On Hold' [IB MT RELEASE CHARGES] | | | +-Held Charges Report [IB OUTPUT HELD CHARGES] -- listed above. | | | +-Send Converted Charges to A/R [IB MT PASS CONV CHARGES] | | | +-Release Charges 'Pending Review' [IB MT REV PEND CHARGES] | | | +-Days on Hold Report [IB OUTPUT DAYS ON HOLD] | | | +-History of Held Charges [IB OUTPUT HISTORY OF HELD CHGS] | | | +-List Current/Past Held Charges by Pt [IB OUTPUT HELD CHARGES/PT] | | | +-Count/Dollar Amount of Charges On Hold [IB OUTPUT CNT/AMT RPT] | | | +-On Hold Charges Released to AR [IB OUTPUT RELEASED CHARGES RPT] | +-Patient Billing Reports Menu [IB OUTPUT PATIENT REPORT MENU] | | +-Patient Billing Inquiry [IB OUTPUT FULL INQ BY BILL NO] | | +-Print IB [[Action~|Action]]s by Date [IB OUTPUT LIST ACTIONS] | | +-Single Patient Means Test Billing Profile [IB MT PROFILE] | | +-Estimate Means Test Charges for an Admission [IB MT ESTIMATOR] | | +-Category C Billing Activity List [IB MT BILLING REPORT] | | +-List all Bills for a Patient [IB LIST ALL BILLS FOR PAT.] | | +-Episode of Care Bill List [IB LIST BILLS FOR EPISODE] | | +-Third Party Output Menu [IB THIRD PARTY OUTPUT MENU] | | | +-Veterans w/Insurance and Inpatient Admissions [IB INPATIENT VET REPORT] | | | +-Veterans w/Insurance and Opt. Visits [IB OUTPATIENT VET REPORT] | | | +-Patient Review Document [DG THIRD PARTY PATIENT REVIEW] -- listed above. | | | +-Veteran Patient Insurance Information [DG THIRD PARTY REIMBURSEMENT] -- listed above. | | | +-Veterans w/Insurance and Discharges [IB OUTPUT VETS BY DISCH] | | | +-Inpatients w/Unknown or Expired Insurance [IB OUTPUT INPTS WITHOUT INS] | | | +-Outpatients w/Unknown or Expired Insurance [IB OUTPUT OPTS WITHOUT INS] | | +-Patient Currently Cont. Hospitalized since 1986 [IB OUTPUT CONTINUOUS PATIENTS] | | +-Held Charges Report [IB OUTPUT HELD CHARGES] | | +-Outpatient/Registration Events Report [IB OUTPUT EVENTS REPORT] | | +-Employer Report [IB OUTPUT EMPLOYER REPORT] | | +-Query Medication Copay Billing Events [IBARXM COPAY QUERY] | | +-Patient Pharmacy Copay Cap Report [IBARXM PATIENT CAP REPORT] | | +-Non-Billable Copay Report [IBARXM NONBILLABLE COPAY] | | +-List Means Test Billable Stop Codes [IB MT BILLABLE STOPS] | +-Enter/Edit Billing Information [IB EDIT BILLING INFO] | +-Claims Tracking Menu for Billing [IBT USER MENU (BI)] | | +-Assign Reason Not Billable [IBT EDIT REASON NOT BILLABLE] | | +-Claims Tracking Edit [IBT EDIT BI TRACKING ENTRY] | | +-Print CT Summary for Billing [IBT OUTPUT BILLING SHEET] -- listed above. | | +-Third Party Joint Inquiry [IBJ THIRD PARTY JOINT INQUIRY] -- listed above. | +-Third Party Joint Inquiry [IBJ THIRD PARTY JOINT INQUIRY] | +-CHAMPUS Billing Menu [IB CHAMP MENU] | | +-Reject Report [IB CHAMP REJECT] | | +-Resubmit a Claim [IB CHAMP RESUBMIT] | | +-Reverse a Claim [IB CHAMP REVERSE] | | +-Transmission Report [IB CHAMP TRANSMISSION] | | +-Delete Reject Entry [IB CHAMP DEL REJECT] +-Encounter Forms [IBDF ENCOUNTER FORM] | +-Print Manager [IBDF PRINT MANAGER] | | +-Edit Division Reports [IBDF EDIT DIVISION REPORTS] | | +-Edit Clinic Reports [IBDF EDIT CLINIC REPORTS] | | +-Define Available Health Summary [IBDF DEFINE AVLABLE HLTH SMRY] | | +-Setup Automatic Print Queues [IBDF SETUP AUTO CLINIC PRINT] | | +-Report Clinic Setups [IBDF REPORT CLINIC SETUPS] | +-Edit Tool Kit [IBDF EDIT TOOL KIT] | | +-Edit Tool Kit Forms [IBDF EDIT TOOL KIT FORMS] | | +-Edit Tool Kit Blocks [IBDF EDIT TOOL KIT BLOCKS] | +-Print Options [IBDF PRINT OPTIONS] | | +-Print Encounter Forms for Appointments [IBDF PRINT ENCOUNTER FORMS] | | +-Print Form w/Patient Data, No Appt [IBDF PRNT FORM W/DATA NO APPT.] | | +-Print Blank Encounter Form [IBDF PRINT BLNK ENCOUNTER FORM] | +-Edit Encounter Forms [IBDF EDIT ENCOUNTER FORMS] | | +-Clinic Setup/Edit Forms [IBDF CLINIC SETUP/EDIT FORMS] | | +-Copy CPT Check-off Sheet to Encounter Form [IBDF COPY CPTS TO FORM] | | +-Most Commonly used Outpatient CPT Codes [IB OUTPUT MOST COMMON OPT CPT] -- listed above. | | +-Conversion Utility For Scanning [IBDFC CONVERSION UTILITY] | +-Encounter Form IRM Options [IBDF IRM OPTIONS] -- listed above. | +-Reports and Utilities [IBDF REPORTS MENU] | | +-Send Forms Tracking Entries Pending Pages to PCE [IBDF FREE PENDING PAGES] | | +-Report Clinic Setups [IBDF REPORT CLINIC SETUPS] -- listed above. | | +-List Clinics Using Forms [IBDF LIST CLINICS USING FORMS] | | +-Maintenance Utility for Active/Inactive Codes [IBDF UTIL MAINTENANCE UTILITY] | | +-Forms Tracking [IBDF FORMS TRACKING] | | +-Clinics With No Encounter Forms [IBDF LIST CLINICS WITH NO FORM] | | +-Scanned Forms w/ Bill Gen [IBDF SCANNED W/BILL GEN] | | +-Validate Forms [IBDF VALIDATE FORMS] | | +-Print Sample of all Forms [IBDF PRINT SAMPLE ALL CLINICS] | | +-Edit Site Parameters [IBDF EDIT SITE PARAM] | | +-Form Components [IBDF EF FORM COMPONENTS] | | +-Scanning Error and Warning Listing [IBDF PRINT ERROR LIST] | +-AICS Data Entry Menu [IBD MANUAL DATA ENTRY MENU] | | +-Data Entry by Form [IBD MANUAL DATA ENTRY BY FORM] | | +-Group Clinic Data entry [IBD MANUAL DATA ENTRY GROUP] | | +-Clinic based Data Entry [IBD MANUAL DATA ENTRY BY CLIN] | | +-Pre-printed Form Data Entry [IBD MANUAL DATA ENTRY PRE] | | +-Form Component Inquiry [IBD MANUAL DATA DISPLAY] +-Patient Insurance Menu [IBCN INSURANCE MGMT MENU] | +-Insurance Company Entry/Edit [IBCN INSURANCE CO EDIT] | +-Patient Insurance Info View/Edit [IBCN PATIENT INSURANCE] | +-View Patient Insurance [IBCN VIEW PATIENT INSURANCE] | +-View Insurance Company [IBCN VIEW INSURANCE CO] | +-List Inactive Ins. Co. Covering Patients [IBCN LIST INACTIVE INS W/PAT] | +-List New not Verified Policies [IBCN LIST NEW NOT VER] | +-List Plans by Insurance Company [IBCN LIST PLANS BY INS CO] | +-Process Insurance Buffer [IBCN INSURANCE BUFFER PROCESS] | +-Active Policies with no Effective Date Report [IBCN POL W/NO EFF DATE REPORT] | +-Generate Insurance Company Listings [IBCN ID DUP INSURANCE ENTRIES] | +-Move Subscribers to a Different Plan [IBCN MOVE SUBSCRIB TO PLAN] | +-[[Verification~|Verification]] of No Coverage Report [IBCN NO COVERAGE VERIFIED] | +-Medicare Insurance Intake [IBCN MEDICARE INSURANCE INTAKE] | +-Patients with or without Insurance Report [IBCN PT W/WO INSURANCE REPORT] +-Claims Tracking Master Menu [IBT MANAGER MENU] | +-Claims Tracking Menu (Combined Functions) [IBT USER COMBINED MCCR/UR MENU] | | +-Single Patient Admission Sheet [IBT OUTPUT ONE ADMISSION SHEET] | | +-Claims Tracking Edit [IBT EDIT TRACKING ENTRY] | | +-Hospital Reviews [IBT EDIT REVIEWS] | | +-Insurance Review Edit [IBT EDIT COMMUNICATIONS] | | +-Appeal/Denial Edit [IBT EDIT APPEALS/DENIALS] | | +-Reports Menu (Claims Tracking) [IBT OUTPUT MENU] | | | +-Inquire to Claims Tracking [IBT OUTPUT CLAIM INQUIRY] -- listed above. | | | +-Single Patient Admission Sheet [IBT OUTPUT ONE ADMISSION SHEET] -- listed above. | | | +-Days Denied Report [IBT OUTPUT DENIED DAYS REPORT] | | | +-UR Activity Report [IBT OUTPUT UR ACTIVITY REPORT] | | | +-Scheduled Admissions w/Insurance [IBT OUTPUT SCHED ADM W/INS] | | | +-Unscheduled Admissions w/Insurance [IBT OUTPUT UNSCHE ADM W/INS] | | | +-MCCR/UR Summary Report [IBT OUTPUT MCCR/UR SUMMARY] | | | +-Pending Work Report [IBT OUTPUT PENDING ITEMS] | | | +-Review Worksheet Print [IBT OUTPUT REVIEW WORKSHEET] | | | +-Print CT Summary for Billing [IBT OUTPUT BILLING SHEET] | | | +-List Visits Requiring Reviews [IBT OUTPUT LIST VISITS] | | +-Supervisors Menu (Claims Tracking) [IBT SUPERVISORS MENU] | | | +-Claims Tracking Parameter Edit [IBT EDIT TRACKING PARAMETERS] | | | +-Manually Add Rx Refills to Claims Tracking [IBT SUP MANUALLY QUE RX FILLS] | | | +-Manually Add Opt. Encounters to Claims Tracking [IBT SUP MANUALLY QUE ENCTRS] | | +-Inquire to Claims Tracking [IBT OUTPUT CLAIM INQUIRY] | | +-Pending Reviews [IBT EDIT REVIEWS TO DO] | +-Claims Tracking Menu (Hospital Reviews) [IBT USER MENU (HR)] | | +-Inquire to Claims Tracking [IBT OUTPUT CLAIM INQUIRY] -- listed above. | | +-Reports Menu (Claims Tracking) [IBT OUTPUT MENU] -- listed above. | | +-Hospital Reviews [IBT EDIT REVIEWS] -- listed above. | | +-Single Patient Admission Sheet [IBT OUTPUT ONE ADMISSION SHEET] -- listed above. | | +-Supervisors Menu (Claims Tracking) [IBT SUPERVISORS MENU] -- listed above. | | +-Pending Reviews [IBT EDIT HR REVIEWS TO DO] | | +-Claims Tracking Edit [IBT EDIT HR TRACKING ENTRY] | +-Claims Tracking Menu (Insurance Reviews) [IBT USER MENU (IR)] | | +-Appeal/Denial Edit [IBT EDIT APPEALS/DENIALS] -- listed above. | | +-Insurance Review Edit [IBT EDIT COMMUNICATIONS] -- listed above. | | +-Inquire to Claims Tracking [IBT OUTPUT CLAIM INQUIRY] -- listed above. | | +-Reports Menu (Claims Tracking) [IBT OUTPUT MENU] -- listed above. | | +-Supervisors Menu (Claims Tracking) [IBT SUPERVISORS MENU] -- listed above. | | +-Single Patient Admission Sheet [IBT OUTPUT ONE ADMISSION SHEET] -- listed above. | | +-Pending Reviews [IBT EDIT IR REVIEWS TO DO] | | +-Claims Tracking Edit [IBT EDIT IR TRACKING ENTRY] | | +-Third Party Joint Inquiry [IBJ THIRD PARTY JOINT INQUIRY] -- listed above. | +-Claims Tracking Menu for Billing [IBT USER MENU (BI)] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Output IB Menu [IB OUTPUT MENU] +-Patient Billing Inquiry [IB OUTPUT FULL INQ BY BILL NO] -- listed above. +-Print IB [[Action~|Action]]s by Date [IB OUTPUT LIST ACTIONS] -- listed above. +-Statistical Report (IB) [IB OUTPUT STATISTICAL REPORT] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). View Insurance Management Menu [IBCN VIEW INSURANCE DATA] +-View Insurance Company [IBCN VIEW INSURANCE CO] -- listed above. +-View Patient Insurance [IBCN VIEW PATIENT INSURANCE] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Pharmacy Technician's Menu [PSO USER2] +-Medication Profile [PSO P] -- listed above. +-Pull Early from Suspense [PSO PNDRX] -- listed above. +-Bingo Board User [PSO BINGO USER] -- listed above. +-Update Patient [[Record~|Record]] [PSO PAT] -- listed above. +-Release Medication [PSO RELEASE] -- listed above. +-DUE User [PSOD DUE USER] | +-Edit an Existing Answer Sheet [PSOD EDIT ANSWER SHEET] -- listed above. | +-Enter a New Answer Sheet [PSOD CREATE ANSWER SHEET] -- listed above. | +-Batch Print Questionnaires [PSOD BATCH PRINT QUESTIONNAIRE] -- listed above. +-Patient Prescription Processing [PSO LM BACKDOOR ORDERS] -- listed above. +-Change Label Printer [PSO CHANGE PRINTER] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). [[Adverse Reaction Tracking~|Adverse Reaction Tracking]] [GMRAMGR] +-Enter/Edit Site Configurable Files [GMRA SITE FILE MENU] | +-Edit [[Allergy~|Allergy]] File [GMRA ALLERGY FILE EDIT] | +-Enter/Edit Signs/Symptoms Data [GMRA REACTION FILE EDIT] | +-Enter/Edit Site Parameters [GMRA SITE FILE] | +-Sign/Symptoms List [GMRA PRINT SIGN/SYMPTOMS LIST] | +-Allergies File List [GMRA PRINT ALLERGIES LIST] +-[[Adverse Reaction Tracking~|Adverse Reaction Tracking]] User Menu [GMRA USER MENU] | +-Active Listing of Patient Reactions [GMRA PRINT-ACTIVE LISTING] | +-Edit Chart and ID Band [GMRA MARK CHART] | +-List by Location of Unmarked ID Bands/Charts [GMRA PRINT-ID BAND/CHART] | +-Patient Allergies Not Signed Off [GMRA PRINT-NOT SIGNED OFF] | +-List by Location of Undocumented Allergies [GMRA PRINT-PATIENTS NOT ASKED] | +-Print Patient Reaction Data [GMRA PRINT-COMPLETE LISTING] | +-Enter/Edit Patient Reaction Data [GMRA USER E/E PAT REC DATA] | +-Online Reference Card [GMRA DOC REF-CARD] +-[[Adverse Reaction Tracking~|Adverse Reaction Tracking]] Verifier Menu [GMRA VERIFIER MENU] | +-Enter/Edit Patient Reaction Data [GMRA PATIENT A/AR EDIT] | +-Verify Patient Reaction Data [GMRA PATIENT A/AR VERIFY] | +-Reports Menu [GMRA PRINT VERIFIER MENU] | | +-Active Listing of Patient Reactions [GMRA PRINT-ACTIVE LISTING] -- listed above. | | +-Print Patient Reaction Data [GMRA PRINT-COMPLETE LISTING] -- listed above. | | +-Print an FDA Report for a Patient [GMRA PRINT-FDA REPORT] | | +-Print Patient FDA Exception Data [GMRA PRINT-FDA EXCEPT BY PT] | | +-Print All FDA Events within D/T Range [GMRA PRINT-FDA REPORT BY DT] | | +-Print All FDA Exceptions within a D/T Range [GMRA PRINT-EXCEPT BY DATE] | | +-List by Location of Unmarked ID Bands/Charts [GMRA PRINT-ID BAND/CHART] -- listed above. | | +-Patient Allergies Not Signed Off [GMRA PRINT-NOT SIGNED OFF] -- listed above. | | +-List by Location of Undocumented Allergies [GMRA PRINT-PATIENTS NOT ASKED] -- listed above. | | +-List Autoverified Reaction Data [GMRA PRINT AUTOVERIFIED DATA] | | +-List by Location Not Verified Reactions [GMRA PRINT A/AR NV] | | +-List by Location and Date All Signed Reactions [GMRA PRINT SIGN BY LOC/DATE] | | +-List FDA Data by Report Date [GMRA PRINT ART TRACKING REPORT] | +-Edit Chart and ID Band [GMRA MARK CHART] -- listed above. | +-FDA Enter/Edit Menu [GMRA FDA ENTER/EDIT MENU] | | +-Enter/Edit FDA Report Data [GMRA FDA EDIT] | | +-Enter/Edit P&T Committee Data [GMRA P&T EDIT] | +-Online Reference Card [GMRA DOC REF-CARD] -- listed above. +-P&T Committee Menu [GMRA P&T MENU] | +-Enter/Edit P&T Committee Data [GMRA P&T EDIT] -- listed above. | +-Reports Menu [GMRA PRINT P&T MENU] | | +-Active Listing of Patient Reactions [GMRA PRINT-ACTIVE LISTING] -- listed above. | | +-Print Patient Reaction Data [GMRA PRINT-COMPLETE LISTING] -- listed above. | | +-Print an FDA Report for a Patient [GMRA PRINT-FDA REPORT] -- listed above. | | +-Print Patient FDA Exception Data [GMRA PRINT-FDA EXCEPT BY PT] -- listed above. | | +-Print All FDA Events within D/T Range [GMRA PRINT-FDA REPORT BY DT] -- listed above. | | +-Print All FDA Exceptions within a D/T Range [GMRA PRINT-EXCEPT BY DATE] -- listed above. | | +-Patient Allergies Not Signed Off [GMRA PRINT-NOT SIGNED OFF] -- listed above. | | +-List by Location of Undocumented Allergies [GMRA PRINT-PATIENTS NOT ASKED] -- listed above. | | +-List Autoverified Reaction Data [GMRA PRINT AUTOVERIFIED DATA] -- listed above. | | +-List by Location Not Verified Reactions [GMRA PRINT A/AR NV] -- listed above. | | +-List by Location and Date All Signed Reactions [GMRA PRINT SIGN BY LOC/DATE] -- listed above. | | +-List FDA Data by Report Date [GMRA PRINT ART TRACKING REPORT] -- listed above. | | +-List of Fatal Reaction over a Date Range [GMRA PRINT LIST FATAL REACTION] | | +-Print Summary of Outcomes [GMRA PRINT SUM OF OUTCOME] | | +-Frequency Distribution of Causative Agents [GMRA PRINT FREQUENCY REACTION] | | +-Frequency Distribution of Drug Classes [GMRA PRINT FREQUENCY DR CL] | | +-Total Reported Reactions Over a Date Range [GMRA PRINT REPORTED REACTIONS] | | +-P&T Committee ADR Outcome Report [GMRA PRINT ADR OUTCOME] | | +-P&T Committee ADR Report [GMRA PRINT ADR REPORT] | +-Enter/Edit FDA Report Data [GMRA FDA EDIT] -- listed above. +-[[Adverse Reaction Tracking~|Adverse Reaction Tracking]] Clinician Menu [GMRA CLINICIAN MENU] | +-Enter/Edit Patient Reaction Data [GMRA PATIENT A/AR EDIT] -- listed above. | +-Edit Chart and ID Band [GMRA MARK CHART] -- listed above. | +-FDA Enter/Edit Menu [GMRA FDA ENTER/EDIT MENU] -- listed above. | +-Reports Menu [GMRA PRINT CLINICIAN MENU] | | +-Active Listing of Patient Reactions [GMRA PRINT-ACTIVE LISTING] -- listed above. | | +-Print Patient Reaction Data [GMRA PRINT-COMPLETE LISTING] -- listed above. | | +-Print an FDA Report for a Patient [GMRA PRINT-FDA REPORT] -- listed above. | | +-List by Location of Unmarked ID Bands/Charts [GMRA PRINT-ID BAND/CHART] -- listed above. | | +-Patient Allergies Not Signed Off [GMRA PRINT-NOT SIGNED OFF] -- listed above. | | +-List by Location of Undocumented Allergies [GMRA PRINT-PATIENTS NOT ASKED] -- listed above. | | +-List by Location Not Verified Reactions [GMRA PRINT A/AR NV] -- listed above. | | +-List by Location and Date All Signed Reactions [GMRA PRINT SIGN BY LOC/DATE] -- listed above. | | +-List FDA Data by Report Date [GMRA PRINT ART TRACKING REPORT] -- listed above. | +-Online Reference Card [GMRA DOC REF-CARD] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). [[Record~|Record]] Tracking Total System Menu [RT OVERALL] +-Transaction Menu [RT TRANS-MENU] | +-Charge-Out [[Record~|Record]]s [RT TRANS-CHARGE-OUT] | +-Check-in [[Record~|Record]]s [RT TRANS-CHECK-IN] | +-Re-Charge [[Record~|Record]]s [RT TRANS-RE-CHARGE] | +-Create a Label/[[Record~|Record]]/Volume [RT TRANS-CREATE] | +-Flag [[Record~|Record]] as Missing [RT TRANS-MISSING] | +-Patient Charge-Out [RT TRANS-PATIENT] | +-Update [[Record~|Record]]'s Attributes [RT TRANS-UPDATE] | +-Delete a [[Record~|Record]] [RT TRANS-DELETE] | +-Multiple New Volume Creation [RT TRANS-NEW-VOL-MULTI] | +-Move Requests to Last Volume [RT TRANS-MOVE-REQ-LAST-VOL] | +-New Volume Creation [RT TRANS-NEW-VOL] | +-Inactivate/Reactivate Records [RT TRANS-INACTIVATE] | +-Transfer Records Menu [RT TRANS-TRANSFER] | | +-Transfer Record to another Institution [RT TRANSFER-OUT] | | +-Return Transferred Record [RT TRANSFER-BACK] | | +-Create Record/Volume for transferred Record [RT TRANSFER-CREATE] | | +-Request a Transfer from another Institution [RT TRANSFER-REQUEST] +-Request Records Menu [RT RTQ-MENU] | +-Request a Record [RT RTQ-REQUEST-REC] | +-Edit a Request [RT RTQ-EDIT] | +-Cancel a Request [RT RTQ-CANCEL] | +-Fill a Request [RT RTQ-FILL] | +-Reprint a Request Notice [RT RTQ-REPRINT] | +-Designate Requests as 'Not Fillable' [RT PULL-NOT FILLABLE] | +-Display Request [RT RTQ-DISPLAY] +-Pull List Functions Menu [RT PULL-MENU] | +-Create a Pull List [RT PULL-CREATE] | +-Add Requests to Pull List [RT PULL-ADD] | +-Charge Out Pull List Records [RT PULL-CHARGE-OUT] | +-Pull List Date Change [RT PULL-CHANGE-DATE] | +-Entire Pull List Cancellation [RT PULL-CANCEL-PULL-LIST] | +-Cancel Request from Pull List [RT PULL-CANCEL-REQUEST] | +-Designate Requests as 'Not Fillable' [RT PULL-NOT FILLABLE] -- listed above. | +-Edit Pull List Comment [RT PULL-COMMENT] | +-Print Pull List(s) [RT PULL-LIST-PRINT] | +-Special Multi-Institution Prints [RT PULL-MULTI-INSTITUTION] | +-Entire Pull List Cancellation (all dates) [RT PULL-CANCEL-PULL-ALL] +-Record Information Menu [RT INQ-MENU] | +-Record Inquiry [RT INQ-INQUIRY] | +-Trace Movement History [RT INQ-TRACE] | +-Combination Data Trace [RT INQ-COMBO-TRACE] | +-Short Record Inquiry [RT INQ-SHORT] | +-Expanded Record Inquiry [RT INQ-MEDIUM] +-System Definition Menu [RT SYS-MENU] | +-Type of Record Set-up [RT SYS-RECORD TYPE] | +-File Room Set-up [RT SYS-FILE ROOM] | +-[[Application~|Application]] Set-up [RT SYS-APPLICATION] | +-Reasons File Set-up [RT SYS-REASONS] | +-Label Functions Menu [RT SYS-LABELS] | | +-Label Formatter [RT LBL-FORMATTER] | | +-Test Label Format [RT LBL-TEST] | +-Borrower Set-up [RT SYS-INDIVD-BORROWERS] | +-Print Borrower Barcode [RT SYS-PRINT-BOR] | +-Movement Type Set-up [RT SYS-MOVEMENT] +-Management Reports Menu [RT RPT-MENU] | +-Missing Records List [RT RPT-MISSING] | +-Overdue Records List [RT RPT-OVERDUE] | +-Records Charged to a Borrower [RT RPT-BORROWERS] | +-Requests Pending for a Borrower [RT RPT-REQUEST-BY-BORROWER] | +-Pending Request List [RT RPT-PENDING-REQUEST] | +-Charged Records By Home Location [RT RPT-HOME-LIST] | +-Inpatient Record Location List [RT RPT-INPATIENT] | +-Ad hoc Request Response Statistics [RT RPT-REQUEST-TIME] | +-Loose Filing Report [RT RPT-LOOSE] | +-Retrieval Rate Statistics [RT RPT-RETRIEVAL STATS] +-Computer Site Manager's Menu [RT SM-MENU] | +-File Room Set-up (Site Mgr) [RT SM-FILE-ROOM] | +-[[Application~|Application]] Set-up (Site Mgr) [RT SM-APPL] | +-Record Tracking System Overall Parameters [RT SM-OVERALL] | +-Admitting Area Set-up (Site Mgr) [RT SM-ADMITTING] | +-Imaging Area Set-up (Site Mgr) [RT SM-REG-AREA] | +-Initialization Menu [RT SM-REC-MENU] | | +-Initialize Records (NO LABELS) [RT SM-REC-INIT] | | +-Barcode Labels for All Patients [RT SM-REC-LABELS] | | +-Inpatient Barcode Labels Only [RT SM-REC-IN-PT] | | +-Compile Terminal Digit Sort Global [RT SM-REC-COMPILE-TERM-DIGIT] | | +-Delete Terminal Digit Sort Global [RT SM-REC-DELETE-TERM-DIGIT] | | +-Borrower Initialization [RT SM-REC-BORROWERS] | | +-Clinic Request Initialization [RT SM-REC-CLINIC-REQUEST] | | +-Single Clinic Request Initialization [RT SM-REC-1CLINIC-REQUEST] | +-Re-Compile Templates [RT SM-RECOMP] | +-Purge Data [RT SM-PURGE-DATA] | +-File Room/Remote Set-up (Site Mgr) [RT SM-FILE-REMOTE] +-Film Tracking Specific Menu [RT RAD-MENU] | +-Imaging Area Set-up [RT RAD-REG-AREA] | +-Jacket Profile [RT RAD-JACKET-PROFILE] | +-Request Film Jackets [RT RAD-JACKET-REQUEST] +-MAS Specific Set-up Menu [RT MAS-MENU] | +-Admitting Area Set-up [RT MAS-ADMITTING] | +-Fill Next Clinic Request [RT MAS-FILL-NEXT] | +-Chart Request [RT MAS-CHART-REQUEST] | +-Profile of Charts [RT MAS-CHART-PROFILE] | +-Re-charge a Chart [RT MAS-RE-CHARGE] | +-Create MAS Labels/Records/Volumes [RT MAS-LABEL-PRINT] | +-Admitting Area Chart Request [RT MAS-ADMIT-CHART-REQUEST] +-Inactivate Records Menu [RT INACT-MENU] | +-Inactivate/Reactivate Records [RT TRANS-INACTIVATE] -- listed above. | +-Generate Record Retirement Pull Lists [RT INACT-PULL-CREATE] | +-Pull List Functions Menu [RT PULL-MENU] -- listed above. | +-Delete a Record [RT TRANS-DELETE] -- listed above. | +-Designate Retirement Requests as 'Not Fillable' [RT INACT-PULL-NOT FILLABLE] | +-Charge Out/Transfer Retirement Pull Lists [RT INACT-PULL-CHARGE] | +-Print Record Retirement Pull list [RT INACT-PULL-PRINT] | +-Create a Label/Record/Volume [RT TRANS-CREATE] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). MAS File Room Supervisor Menu [RT MAS-SUPER-MENU] +-Transaction Menu [RT TRANS-MENU] -- listed above. +-Request Records Menu [RT RTQ-MENU] -- listed above. +-Pull List Functions Menu [RT PULL-MENU] -- listed above. +-Record Information Menu [RT INQ-MENU] -- listed above. +-MAS Specific Set-up Menu [RT MAS-MENU] -- listed above. +-System Definition Menu [RT SYS-MENU] -- listed above. +-Management Reports Menu [RT RPT-MENU] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Film Tracking Supervisor's Menu [RT RAD-SUPER-MENU] +-Transaction Menu [RT TRANS-MENU] -- listed above. +-Request Records Menu [RT RTQ-MENU] -- listed above. +-Pull List Functions Menu [RT PULL-MENU] -- listed above. +-Record Information Menu [RT INQ-MENU] -- listed above. +-Management Reports Menu [RT RPT-MENU] -- listed above. +-System Definition Menu [RT SYS-MENU] -- listed above. +-Film Tracking Specific Menu [RT RAD-MENU] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Film Room Clerk Menu [RT RAD-FILE-CLERK-MENU] +-Charge-Out Records [RT TRANS-CHARGE-OUT] -- listed above. +-Check-in Records [RT TRANS-CHECK-IN] -- listed above. +-Record Inquiry [RT INQ-INQUIRY] -- listed above. +-Pull List Functions Menu [RT PULL-MENU] -- listed above. +-Request Records Menu [RT RTQ-MENU] -- listed above. +-Record Information Menu [RT INQ-MENU] -- listed above. +-Patient Charge-Out [RT TRANS-PATIENT] -- listed above. +-Update Record's Attributes [RT TRANS-UPDATE] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Expeditors Menu (MAS) [RT MAS-EXPED-MENU] +-Flag Record as Missing [RT TRANS-MISSING] -- listed above. +-Missing Records List [RT RPT-MISSING] -- listed above. +-Charge-Out Records [RT TRANS-CHARGE-OUT] -- listed above. +-Check-in Records [RT TRANS-CHECK-IN] -- listed above. +-Re-Charge Records [RT TRANS-RE-CHARGE] -- listed above. +-Record Information Menu [RT INQ-MENU] -- listed above. +-Create a Label/Record/Volume [RT TRANS-CREATE] -- listed above. +-Fill a Request [RT RTQ-FILL] -- listed above. +-Designate Requests as 'Not Fillable' [RT PULL-NOT FILLABLE] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). File Clerk Menu (MAS) [RT MAS-FILE-CLERK-MENU] +-Create a Label/Record/Volume [RT TRANS-CREATE] -- listed above. +-Check-in Records [RT TRANS-CHECK-IN] -- listed above. +-Re-Charge Records [RT TRANS-RE-CHARGE] -- listed above. +-Charge-Out Records [RT TRANS-CHARGE-OUT] -- listed above. +-Record Information Menu [RT INQ-MENU] -- listed above. +-Fill a Request [RT RTQ-FILL] -- listed above. +-Designate Requests as 'Not Fillable' [RT PULL-NOT FILLABLE] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Network Health Exchange Manager Menu [AFJXNHEX MANAGER] +-Network Health Exchange Options ... [AFJXNHEX REQUEST] +-Network Health Exchange Inquiry [AFJXNHEX INQUIRE] +-Network Health Exchange Add/Edit Sites [AFJXNHEX EDIT SITES] Top Level Menu: (Home). IV Menu [PSJI USR1] +-Label Menu (IV) [PSJI LBLMENU] -- listed above. +-SUSpense Functions (IV) [PSJI SUSMENU] -- listed above. +-Manufacturing List (IV) [PSJI MAN] -- listed above. +-Profile (IV) [PSJI PROFILE] -- listed above. +-RETurns and Destroyed Entry (IV) [PSJI RETURNS] -- listed above. +-Update Daily Ward List (IV) [PSJI UP] -- listed above. +-Ward List (IV) [PSJI WARD] -- listed above. +-Drug Inquiry (IV) [PSJI DRUG INQUIRY] -- listed above. +-Inpatient Profile [PSJ PR] -- listed above. +-Inpatient Order Entry [PSJ OE] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). IV Menu [PSJI USR2] +-Label Menu (IV) [PSJI LBLMENU] -- listed above. +-SUSpense Functions (IV) [PSJI SUSMENU] -- listed above. +-REPorts (IV) [PSJI REPORTS] -- listed above. +-Manufacturing List (IV) [PSJI MAN] -- listed above. +-Profile (IV) [PSJI PROFILE] -- listed above. +-RETurns and Destroyed Entry (IV) [PSJI RETURNS] -- listed above. +-Update Daily Ward List (IV) [PSJI UP] -- listed above. +-Ward List (IV) [PSJI WARD] -- listed above. +-Drug Inquiry (IV) [PSJI DRUG INQUIRY] -- listed above. +-Change Report/Label Devices (IV) [PSJI DEVICE] -- listed above. +-Inpatient Profile [PSJ PR] -- listed above. +-Inpatient Order Entry [PSJ OE] -- listed above. +-Change to Another IV Room (IV) [PSJI CHANGE] -- listed above. +-Order Entry (IV) [PSJI ORDER] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Auto Replenishment/Ward Stock Nurses' Menu [PSGW RN] +-Enter/Edit Nurses' On-Demand Request (80 column) [PSGW ON-DEMAND NURSING EDIT] +-Ward/AOU List for an Item (80 column) [PSGW LOOKUP ITEM] -- listed above. +-List Stock Items (132 column) [PSGW PRINT AOU STOCK] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Controlled Substances Menu [PSD MENU] +-Supervisor (CS) Menu [PSD MGR] | +-Set Up CS (Build Files) Menu [PSD SETUP] | | +-Print CS Set Up Lists [PSD PRINT SETUP LISTS] | | | +-List CS Drug Location Codes [PSD DRUG LOC PRINT] | | | +-Print Inventory Types [PSD INVEN TYPE PRINT] | | | +-Show Narcotic Area of Use [PSD NAOU PRINT] | | | +-Drug File Stats for CS Drugs [PSD DRUG FILE DATA] | | | +-DEA Special Handling List [PSD DEA LIST] | | | +-Stock Drug Print (Stock Level and Location) [PSD STOCK PRINT] | | | +-Stock Drug List (Inventory Type and Location) [PSD STOCK LIST] | | | +-Inventory Group List (80 column) [PSD NAOU INV GROUP PRINT] | | | +-Manufacturer and Narcotic Information Report [PSD MFG REPORT PRINT] | | | +-Breakdown/Dispensing Unit Report [PSD STOCK UNIT LIST] | | +-Site Parameters [PSD SITE] | | +-Inactivate NAOU [PSD INACTIVATE NAOU] | | +-Inactivate NAOU Stock Drug [PSD INACTIVATE NAOU STOCK DRUG] | | +-Ward (for Drug) Transfer [PSD WARD CONVERSION] | | +-Add/Delete Ward (for Drug) [PSD WARD ADD/DEL] | | +-Sort NAOUs in Inventory Group [PSD NAOU INV GROUP SORT] | | +-Transfer Stock Entries [PSD TRANSFER MENU] | | | +-NAOU to NAOU Transfer Stock Entries [PSD TRANSFER NAOU] | | | +-AOU to NAOU Transfer Entries [PSD TRANSFER AOU] | | +-Check Stocked Drugs for CS Use [PSD DRUG CHECK] | | +-Initialize Balance at Setup [PSD BALANCE INITIALIZE] | | +-Enter/Edit Menu [PSD ENTER/EDIT MENU] | | | +-Inventory Types - Enter/Edit [PSD INVEN TYPE EDIT] | | | +-Enter/Edit CS Drug Location Codes [PSD DRUG LOC EDIT] | | | +-Create/Edit the Narcotic Area of Use [PSD NAOU EDIT] | | | +-Stock CS Drugs - Enter/Edit [PSD STOCK DRUG EDIT]> | | | +-Manufacturer, Lot #, and Exp. Date - Enter/Edit [PSD MFG/LOT/EXP DATE EDIT] -- listed above. | | | +-Narcotic Breakdown Unit/Package Size - Enter/Edit [PSD NARC EDIT] | | | +-NAOU Inventory Group - Enter/Edit [PSD NAOU INV GROUP EDIT] | | | +-Mark/Unmark Drugs for Controlled Substances Use [PSD MARK] | +-Management Reports [PSD MGR REPORTS] | | +-Orders Filled Not Delivered [PSD NOT DELIVERED] | | +-Pending CS Orders by Dispensing Site [PSD PEND VAULT ORDERS] | | +-Destructions Holding Report [PSD DESTRUCTION HOLDING] | | +-Edited Verified Orders Report [PSD EDIT/CANC VER ORD RPT] | | +-Green Sheet Transfer Between NAOUs Report [PSD GS TRANSFER (NAOU) REPORT] | | +-Transferred Green Sheets - Pending NAOU Receipt [PSD GS TRANS NOT RECD (NAOU)] | | +-Completed Green Sheet Discrepancy Report [PSD GS DISCREPANCY REPORT] | | +-Correction Log Report [PSD CORRECTION LOG REPORT] | | +-NAOU Usage Report [PSD NAOU USAGE] | | +-DEA Form 41 Destroyed Drugs Report [PSD DESTROY DEA41] | | +-Destroyed Drugs Report [PSD DEST DRUGS REPORT] | | +-AMIS Report [PSD AMIS] | | +-Listing of Green Sheet Log [PSD GS LISTING] | | +-Cost Reports [PSD COST REPORTS] | | +-Under Inspector's Review - Green Sheets [PSD PRT GS INSP HOLD] | | +-Balance Adjustment Report [PSD BALANCE ADJUSTMENT REVIEW] | +-Balance Adjustments [PSD BALANCE ADJUSTMENTS] | +-Correction Menu [PSD CORRECTION LOG] | | +-Correct Order Status - GS Ready for Pickup [PSD CORRECT STATUS] | | +-Existing Green Sheets Correction [PSD CORRECT EXISTING GS] | | +-Edit/Cancel Verified Orders [PSD EDIT/CANC VER ORD] | | +-Error on Completed Green Sheets [PSD CORRECT GS STATUS] | | +-List Pending Errors/Adjustments Logged by TRAKKER [PSD ERR/ADJ PENDING REPORT] | | +-Print Resolved Errors/Adjustments Log [PSD ERR/ADJ RESOLVED REPORT] | | +-Enter Error/Adjustment Resolution [PSD ERR/ADJ EDIT] | +-Add Existing Green Sheets at Setup [PSD EXISTING GS] | +-Print Pharmacist ID Labels [PSD LABEL PHARM] | +-Destructions Menu [PSD DESTROY MENU] | | +-Destroy a Controlled Substances Drug [PSD DESTROY DRUGS] | | +-Hold a CS Drug (No Inventory Update) [PSD DEST NON-CS DRUG] | | +-Non-VA Drug Placed on Hold for Destruction [PSD DEST TEXT DRUG] | +-Inspectors Label Print [PSD LABEL INSP] | +-Unscheduled Order Report [PSD EMERGENCY ORDER REPORT] +-Pharmacist Menu [PSD TRANSACTION MENU] | +-Receipts Into Pharmacy [PSD RECEIPTS MENU] | | +-Receiving [PSD RECEIVING] | | +-Purchase Order Review [PSD PURCHASE ORDER REVIEW] | | +-Control Point Transaction Review [PSD CP TRANSACTION REVIEW] | | +-Drug Receipt History [PSD DRUG RECEIPT HISTORY] | | +-Invoice Review (Prime Vendor) [PSD PV INVOICE REVIEW] | +-Dispensing Menu [PSD DISPENSING MENU] | | +-Print CS Dispensing Worksheet [PSD WORKSHEET PRINT] -- listed above. | | +-Fill/Dispense CS Orders from Worksheet [PSD WORKSHEET DISPENSING] -- listed above. | | +-Dispensing/Receiving Report (VA FORM 10-2321) [PSD PRINT 2321] | | +-Green Sheet - Print (VA FORM 10-2638) [PSD PRINT 2638] | | +-Pharmacy Dispense without (VA FORM 10-2638) [PSD DISPENSE W/O GS] | | +-Reprint Reports Menu [PSD REPRINT MENU] | | | +-Reprint Disp/Receiving Report (VA FORM 10-2321) [PSD REPRINT 2321] | | | +-Green Sheet Reprint (VA FORM 10-2638) [PSD REPRINT 2638] | | | +-Dispensing Worksheet Reprint [PSD REPRINT WORKSHEET] | | | +-Label Reprint for Dispensing Drug [PSD REPRINT LABEL] | | | +-Reprint Transfer Between NAOUs (VA FORM 10-2321) [PSD NURSE REPRINT 2321] | | +-Label for Dispensing (Barcode) [PSD LABEL DRUG/NUMBER] | | +-Narcotic Dispensing Equipment Orders [PSD DISPENSE TO NDES] | +-Complete Green Sheet [PSD COMPLETE GS] | +-Outpatient Rx's [PSD OUTPATIENT] | +-Transfer Drugs between Dispensing Sites [PSD TRANSFER VAULT DRUGS] | +-Infusion Order Processing Menu [PSD INFUSION MENU] | | +-Infusion Order Entry [PSD INFUSION O/E] | | +-Transfer Green Sheet and Drug to another NAOU [PSD NURSE TRANSFER GS] | +-Destructions Menu [PSD DESTROY MENU] -- listed above. | +-CS Order Entry For Ward [PSD ORDER ENTRY] | +-Receipt of Controlled Substance from Pharmacy [PSD REC GS] | +-Barcode TRAKKER for Inventory [PSD IRL INV MENU] | | +-Load Software and Inventory into TRAKKER [PSD IRL VAULT INV] | | +-Send Vault TRAKKER Inventory Data to DHCP [PSD IRL INV DATA] | +-Manufacturer, Lot #, and Exp. Date - Enter/Edit [PSD MFG/LOT/EXP DATE EDIT] +-Production Reports [PSD PRODUCTION REPORTS] | +-Inspector's Log for Controlled Substances [PSD PRINT INSPECTOR LOG] | +-Stock Drug Print (Stock Level and Location) [PSD STOCK PRINT] -- listed above. | +-Pharmacy Dispensing Report [PSD PRINT PHARM DISP] | +-Green Sheet Ready for Pickup Log [PSD PRINT GS PICKUP] | +-Pending CS Orders by Dispensing Site [PSD PEND VAULT ORDERS] -- listed above. | +-Orders Filled Not Delivered [PSD NOT DELIVERED] -- listed above. | +-Green Sheet History [PSD GS HISTORY] | +-Daily Activity Log (in lieu of VA FORM 10-2320) [PSD DAILY LOG] | +-Inventory Sheet Print [PSD INVEN SHEET PRT] | +-List On-Hand Amounts [PSD ON-HAND] | +-Expiration Date Report [PSD EXP REPORT] | +-Transfer Drugs between Dispensing Sites Report [PSD PRINT VAULT TRANSFERS] | +-GS Picked Up Awaiting Pharmacy Review [PSD PRT GS PICKED UP] | +-Inspector's Log by Rec'd Date [PSD INSP LOG BY RECD DATE] | +-Rx (Prescription) Outpatient Dispensing Report [PSD RX DISPENSING REPORT] +-Technician (CS Pharmacy) Menu [PSD PHARM TECH] | +-Print CS Dispensing Worksheet [PSD WORKSHEET PRINT] | +-Fill/Dispense CS Orders from Worksheet [PSD WORKSHEET DISPENSING] | +-Green Sheet Ready for Pickup Log [PSD PRINT GS PICKUP] -- listed above. | +-Pick Up Green Sheet [PSD PICKUP GS] | +-CS Order Entry For Ward [PSD ORDER ENTRY] -- listed above. | +-Receipt of Controlled Substance from Pharmacy [PSD REC GS] -- listed above. | +-Complete Green Sheet [PSD COMPLETE GS] -- listed above. | +-Green Sheet History [PSD GS HISTORY] -- listed above. | +-List On-Hand Amounts [PSD ON-HAND TECH] | +-Daily Activity Log (in lieu of VA FORM 10-2320) [PSD DAILY LOG TECH] | +-Transfer Drugs between Dispensing Sites Report [PSD PRINT VAULT TRANSFERS TECH] +-Barcode Drug Labels for Vault [PSD LABEL VAULT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Controlled Substances Nurses' (CS) Menu [PSD NURSE MENU] +-Nursing Shift Check Log [PSD NURSE SHIFT LOG] +-Help Online [PSD NURSE HELP] +-Sign Out Menu [PSD NURSE DISP MENU] | +-Sign Out Dose for Patient [PSD NURSE DISPENSING] | +-Patient ID List Print [PSD PAT ID LIST] | +-Activity Report [PSD NURSE DISP REPORT] | +-Record Delayed Wastage [PSD NURSE WASTE] | +-Not Given, Return to Stock [PSD NURSE NOT GIVEN] | +-Record Defective Dose [PSD NURSE DEFECTIVE DOSE] +-Ordering Menu [PSD NURSE ORDER MENU] | +-CS Order Entry For Ward [PSD ORDER ENTRY] -- listed above. | +-Pending CS Orders Report for an NAOU [PSD PEND NAOU ORDERS] | +-Orders Filled Not Delivered [PSD NOT DELIVERED NURSE] | +-Check on Priority Orders [PSD NURSE PRIORITY ORDER CHECK] | +-Infusion or PCA Syringe Order Entry For Patient [PSD NURSE INFUSION] +-Green Sheet Menu [PSD NURSE GS MENU] | +-Receipt of Controlled Substance from Pharmacy [PSD REC GS] -- listed above. | +-Complete a Green Sheet - Ready for Pickup [PSD READY GS FOR PICKUP] | +-Green Sheet History [PSD GS HISTORY] -- listed above. | +-Transfer Green Sheet Menu [PSD NURSE TRANS GS MENU] | | +-Transfer Green Sheet and Drug to another NAOU [PSD NURSE TRANSFER GS] -- listed above. | | +-Receive Green Sheet & Drug from another NAOU [PSD NURSE REC TRANSFER GS] | | +-Reprint Transfer Between NAOUs (VA FORM 10-2321) [PSD NURSE REPRINT 2321] -- listed above. | | +-Transferred Green Sheets - Pending NAOU Receipt [PSD GS TRANS NOT RECD (NAOU)] -- listed above. +-Controlled Substance Balances Report [PSD NAOU BALANCE REPORT] +-Receipt of Controlled Substance from Pharmacy [PSD REC GS] -- listed above. +-Verify Count [PSD NURSE ONLINE COUNT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Controlled Substances Inspector Menu [PSD INSPECTOR MENU] +-Place Green Sheet on Hold [PSD INSP PLACE HOLD] +-Remove Green Sheet from Hold [PSD INSP REMOVE HOLD] +-Inspector's Log for Controlled Substances [PSD PRINT INSPECTOR LOG] -- listed above. +-Under Inspector's Review - Green Sheets [PSD PRT GS INSP HOLD] -- listed above. +-Inventory Sheet Print [PSD INVEN SHEET PRT] -- listed above. +-Inspector's Log by Rec'd Date [PSD INSP LOG BY RECD DATE] -- listed above. +-Barcode TRAKKER for CS Inspections [PSD IRL INSP MENU] | +-Load Software and Insp. Inventory into TRAKKER [PSD IRL INSPECTOR INV] | +-Send Inspections Inventory TRAKKER Data to DHCP [PSD IRL INSP DATA] +-Green Sheet History [PSD GS HISTORY] -- listed above. +-Controlled Substance Balances Report [PSD NAOU BALANCE REPORT] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Drug Accountability Menu [PSA DRUG ACCOUNTABILITY MENU] +-GIP Interface Menu [PSA GIP INTERFACE MENU] | +-Pharmacy Location Maintenance Menu [PSA GIP LOCATION MENU] | | +-Set Up/Edit a Pharmacy Location [PSA LOCATION EDIT] | | +-Inventory Interface [PSA GIP MENU] | | | +-Report of Inventory Items' Link to DRUG file [PSA GIP LINK REPORT] | | | +-Loadable Inventory Items Report [PSA GIP REPORT] | | | +-Populate Pharmacy Location with Inventory Items [PSA GIP POPULATE] | | | +-Drugs Not Found in Linked Inventory [PSA DRUGS NOT IN INVENTORY] | | | +-Physical Inventory Balance Review [PSA GIP COMPARE] | | | +-Compare Prices (DA/GIP) [PSA GIP DISCREPANCIES] | | +-Enter/Edit a Drug [PSA DRUG ENTER/EDIT] | | +-Update Prices [PSA GIP CONT BAL UPDATE] | | +-Balance Adjustments [PSA BALANCE ADJUSTMENTS] | | +-Balance Initialization [PSA BALANCE INITIALIZE] | | +-Transfer Drugs Between Pharmacies [PSA TRANSFER DRUGS] | +-Dispensing Menu [PSA DISPENSING MENU] -- listed above. | +-Maintenance Reports Menu [PSA GIP MAINTENANCE RPT MENU] | | +-Monthly Summary [PSA MONTHLY SUMMARY] | | +-Drug Transaction History [PSA DRUG DISPLAY] | | +-Drug Balances by Location [PSA DISPLAY LOCATION] | | +-Balance Adjustments History [PSA BALANCE ADJUSTMENTS REPORT] | | +-Transfer Signature Sheet [PSA TRANSFER SIGNATURE SHEET] | +-Connection Menu (DRUG file/ITEM MASTER file) [PSA CONNECTION MENU] | | +-Single Drug Match [PSA SINGLE DRUG MATCH] | | +-NDC Menu [PSA NDC MENU] | | | +-Inquire/Compare DRUG file/ITEM MASTER file [PSA DRUG INQUIRE] | | | +-DRUG file/ITEM MASTER file Comparison Report [PSA COMPARISON REPORT] | | | +-NDC Duplicates Report (ITEM MASTER file) [PSA NDC DUPLICATE REPORT] | | | +-Report Potential NDC Matches [PSA NDC REPORT] | | | +-Controlled Connection by NDC Match [PSA NDC CONTROL LOOP] | | | +-Automated DRUG/ITEM MASTER file Link by NDC [PSA NDC AUTO LOOP] | | +-FSN Menu [PSA FSN MENU] | | | +-Report Potential FSN Matches [PSA FSN REPORT] | | | +-Controlled Connection by FSN Match [PSA FSN CONTROL LOOP] | | | +-Automated DRUG/ITEM MASTER file Link by FSN [PSA FSN AUTO LOOP] | | +-Report of Unlinked DRUG/ITEM MASTER file Entries [PSA UNLINKED REPORT] | | +-Connect Unlinked DRUG/ITEM MASTER file Entries [PSA UNLINKED LOOP] | | +-Display Connected Drug and Procurement History [PSA DISPLAY CONNECTED DRUG] | | +-Unposted Procurement History [PSA UNPOST PROCUREMENT HISTORY] | | +-Posted Drug Procurement History [PSA POSTED DRUG REPORT] | | +-Active, Unlinked Drugs in the ITEM MASTER file [PSA ACTIVE DRUGS/ITEM FILE] | +-Receipts Menu [PSA RECEIPTS MENU] | | +-Receiving Directly into Drug Accountability [PSA RECEIVING] -- listed above. | | +-Purchase Order Review [PSA PURCHASE ORDER REVIEW] -- listed above. | | +-Control Point Transaction Review [PSA CP TRANSACTION REVIEW] -- listed above. | | +-Drug Receipt History Review [PSA DRUG HISTORY] -- listed above. | | +-Invoice Review [PSA INVOICE REVIEW] +-Prime Vendor Interface Menu [PSA PRIME VENDOR INTERFACE] | +-Pharmacy Location Maintenance Menu [PSA PV LOCATION MENU] | | +-Set Up/Edit a Pharmacy Location [PSA LOCATION EDIT] -- listed above. | | +-Balance Initialization [PSA BALANCE INITIALIZE] -- listed above. | | +-Balance Adjustments [PSA BALANCE ADJUSTMENTS] -- listed above. | | +-Enter/Edit a Drug [PSA PV DRUG ENTER/EDIT] | | +-Enter/Edit Stock and Reorder Levels [PSA STOCK AND REORDER LEVELS] | | +-Transfer Drugs Between Pharmacies [PSA TRANSFER DRUGS] -- listed above. | | +-Setup Mail Message Recipients [PSA MSG RECIPIENTS] -- listed above. | +-Dispensing Menu [PSA DISPENSING MENU] | | +-IV Dispensing (Single Drug) [PSA IV SINGLE] | | +-IV Dispensing (All Drugs) [PSA IV ALL DRUGS] | | +-Outpatient Dispensing (Single Drug) [PSA OP SINGLE] | | +-Outpatient Dispensing (All Drugs) [PSA OP ALL DRUGS] | +-Maintenance Reports Menu [PSA PV MAINTENANCE RPT MENU] | | +-Drug Balances by Location [PSA DISPLAY LOCATION] -- listed above. | | +-Invoice Cost Summary [PSA INVOICE COST SUMMARY] | | +-Monthly Summary [PSA MONTHLY SUMMARY] -- listed above. | | +-Processor and Verifier [PSA PROCESSOR AND VERIFIER] | | +-Drug Transaction History [PSA DRUG DISPLAY] -- listed above. | | +-Outstanding Credits [PSA OUTSTANDING CREDITS] | | +-Balance Adjustments History [PSA BALANCE ADJUSTMENTS REPORT] -- listed above. | | +-Stock and Reorder Level [PSA STOCK & REORDER LEVEL RPT] | | +-Transfer Signature Sheet [PSA TRANSFER SIGNATURE SHEET] -- listed above. | +-Orders Menu [PSA ORDERS MENU] | | +-Upload and Process Prime Vendor Invoice Data [PSA UPLOAD PRIME VENDOR DATA] | | +-Process Uploaded Prime Vendor Invoice Data [PSA PROCESS PRIME VENDOR DATA] | | +-Print Orders [PSA PRINT ORDERS] | | +-Verify Invoices [PSA VERIFY INVOICES] | | +-Credit Resolution [PSA CREDIT RESOLUTION] | | +-Edit Verified Invoices [PSA EDIT VERIFIED INVOICE] | | +-Delete Un-processed Invoices [PSA DELETE INVOICES] | | +-Setup Mail Message Recipients [PSA MSG RECIPIENTS] Top Level Menu: (Home). Receiving Menu [PSA RECEIPT MENU] +-Receiving Directly into Drug Accountability [PSA RECEIVING] +-Purchase Order Review [PSA PURCHASE ORDER REVIEW] +-Control Point Transaction Review [PSA CP TRANSACTION REVIEW] +-Drug Receipt History Review [PSA DRUG HISTORY] +-Invoice Review [PSA PV INVOICE REVIEW] Top Level Menu: (Home). Inpatient Meds V4 Pre-Release Menu [PSJV MGR] +-Create Primary Drug (Manual) [PSJV MAN CREATE PD] +-Drug Print [PSJV DRG PRINT] +-Auto-Create Print [PSJV ACP] +-Auto-Create Primary Drug [PSJV AC] +-IV Drug Matched to Primary Drug Print [PSJV PRIMARY/IV DRUG PRINT] +-IV Fluid Solutions Print [PSJV IV FLUID SOLUTIONS PRINT] +-Primary Drug/Dispense Drug Report [PSJV PD/DD PRINT] +-Edit Provider Fields in New Person File [PSJV EDIT PROVIDER] +-Active Provider Report [PSJV PROVIDER PRINT] +-Synonym Move From Drug File To Primary Drug File [PSJV SYNONYM MOVE] +-New Person User Report [PSJV NPU REPORT] +-IV Additive Type Print [PSJV ADDITIVE TYPE PRINT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Patient Data Exchange [VAQ (MENU) MAIN] +-System Reports [VAQ (MENU) SYSTEM REPORTS] | +-Workload Reports [VAQ (MENU) WORK-LOAD] | | +-Sort criteria defined by user [VAQ WORKLOAD USER DEFINED] | | +-Sort by remote facility [VAQ WORKLOAD BY FACILITY] | | +-Sort by patient's name [VAQ WORKLOAD BY PATIENT] | | +-Sort by type of work done [VAQ WORKLOAD BY WORK] | | +-Sort by date [VAQ WORKLOAD BY DATE] | +-Requires Processing Report [VAQ REQUIRES PROCESSING] | +-Current Transactions Report [VAQ (MENU) CUR TRANSACTIONS] | | +-Sort by user that released information [VAQ TRANSACTIONS BY AUTHORIZER] | | +-Sort by requesting date [VAQ TRANSACTIONS BY DATE SENT] | | +-Sort by remote facility [VAQ TRANSACTIONS BY FACILITY] | | +-Sort by patient's name [VAQ TRANSACTIONS BY PATIENT] | | +-Sort by date received [VAQ TRANSACTIONS BY RECEIPT] | | +-Sort by user that generated request [VAQ TRANSACTIONS BY REQUESTOR] | | +-Sort by status of transaction [VAQ TRANSACTIONS BY STATUS] | | +-Sort criteria defined by user [VAQ TRANSACTIONS USER DEFINED] +-Request PDX for Patient [VAQ PDX REQUEST] +-Unsolicited PDX [VAQ PDX UNSOLICITED] +-Process External PDX [VAQ PDX PROCESS EXTERNAL] +-Load/Edit PDX Data [VAQ PDX LOAD/EDIT] +-Display PDX Data [VAQ (MENU) DISPLAY PDX] | +-Display PDX by Transaction [VAQ PDX DISPLAY (TRN)] | +-Display PDX by User [VAQ PDX DISPLAY (USER)] +-PDX Edit Files [VAQ (MENU) EDIT FILES] | +-Add/Edit Fields to Encrypt [VAQ (EDIT) ENCRY FIELDS] | +-Add/Edit Outgoing Group [VAQ (EDIT) OUTGOING GROUP] | +-Edit Parameter File [VAQ (EDIT) PARAMETER] | +-Add/Edit Release Group [VAQ (EDIT) RELEASE GROUP] | +-Add/Edit Segment Group - All [VAQ (EDIT) SEGMENT GRP - ALL] | +-Add/Edit Segment Group - Private [VAQ (EDIT) SEGMENT GRP - PRIV] | +-Add/Edit Segment Group - Public [VAQ (EDIT) SEGMENT GRP - PUBL] | +-Edit maximum limits for automatic processing [VAQ (EDIT) MAX LIMITS] +-Purging [VAQ (MENU) PURGING] | +-Purge using default age [VAQ PDX PURGE] | +-Purge using user defined age [VAQ PURGE BY ENTERED LIFE] | +-Purge using user defined date [VAQ PURGE BY ENTERED DATE] Top Level Menu: (Home). Main MPD Menu [VAMP DHCP MENU] +-Request [[configuration~|Configuration]] information [VAMP CONFIG INFO] +-Post encryption/decryption key [VAMP KEY POSTING] +-Interactive MPD [VAMP MPD INTERACTIVE SEARCH] +-Patient Locator [VAMP PATIENT LOCATOR] Top Level Menu: (Home). Prescription Practices Utilities [PPP MAIN] +-Edit other Facility Cross-Reference [PPP EDIT FFX] +-Edit Unresolved Domain Entries [PPP EDIT DOMAIN] +-Print Other Facility Cross-Reference ... [PPP PRINT FFX] +-Display Visits to other Facilities [PPP DISPLAY FOREIGN VISITS] +-Print Statistic File [PPP PRINT STATISTICS] +-Initialize Statistic File [PPP INIT STAT] +-Build/Rebuild Other Facility Xref [PPP BUILD FFX] +-Print Log File [PPP PRINT LOG] +-Edit Parameter File [PPP (EDIT) PARAMETER] +-Add/Edit Merged Sites [PPP MERGED SITE EDIT] +-Purge Logfile Menu [PPP PURGE LOGFILE MENU] | +-Initialize Logfile Purge [PPP INIT PURGE LOGFILE JOB] | +-Purge Log File [PPP PURGE LOGFILE] +-Purge Xref Menu [PPP PURGE XREF MENU] | +-Initialize Xref Purge [PPP INIT PURGE XREF JOB] | +-Purge Other Facility Xref [PPP XREF PURGE] Top Level Menu: (Home). CD-ROM Server Menu [VAMC MAIN MENU] +-[[Configuration~|Configuration]] Menu [VAMC CONFIGURATION MENU] | +-Edit CD-ROM's location [VAMC CDROM LOCATION EDIT] | +-Edit location [VAMC LOCATION EDIT] | +-Print listing of current CD-ROMs [VAMC PRINT CDROMS] +-Operations Menu [VAMC OPERATIONS MENU] | +-Stop CD-ROM Server [VAMC STOP SERVER] | +-Start CD-ROM Server [VAMC START SERVER] | +-Abort request currently being served [VAMC ABORT REQUEST] | +-Status of CD-ROM Server [VAMC STATUS] +-Statistics Menu [VAMC STATISTICS MENU] | +-Print statistics for single scheme [VAMC SINGLE SCHEME STATS] | +-Print statistics for all schemes [VAMC ALL SCHEME STATS] | +-Reset statistics for single scheme [VAMC RESET SINGLE SCHEME STATS] Top Level Menu: (Home). ERROR MENU FOR THE MPD SERVER [VAME ERROR MENU] +-RESET ALL ERRORS BEFORE A GIVEN DATE [VAME ERROR RESET] +-VIEW SERVER ERRORS [VAME ERROR REVIEW] Top Level Menu: (Home). HINQ Menu (Version 4.0) [DVB HMENU-HINQ] +-Status of HINQ by Patient [DVB HREQ-STATUSBYPAT] +-View the HINQ Suspense File [DVB HSUSP-VIEWFILE] +-Enter a Request in the HINQ Suspense File [DVB HSUSP-ENTERREQ] +-Utilities for Suspense File [DVB HSUSP-UTILITY] | +-Edit HINQ Suspense File Parameters [DVB HSUSP-EDPARAMETERS] | +-Network Enable/Disable [DVB HNET-WORK] | | +-Enable HINQ Network [DVB HNET-ENABLE] | | +-Disable HINQ Network [DVB HNET-DISABLE] | +-Purge Suspense File (retain 30 days) [DVB HSUSP-PURGEFILE] | +-Select View Suspense File [DVB HSUSP-SELVIEWFILE] | +-Recompile HINQ templates [DVB HRECOMPILE] | +-Create a mail message [DVB HSUSP-MAIL] | +-Delete entry from HINQ Suspense file. [DVB HSUSP-DELETE] +-Individual HINQ Request [DVB HREQ-INDIVHREQ] +-Process the HINQ Suspense File [DVB HSUSP-PROCESSFILE] +-Generate HINQ Requests [DVB HREQ-GENERHREQ] +-Print Suspense File Messages [DVB HSUSP-PRINTSUSP] +-HINQUP features [DVB HUPLOAD-MENU] | +-Update HINQs to the Patient file [DVB HUPLOAD] | +-Review Patient vs. HINQ data [DVB HUPLOAD-PRINT] | +-HINQ Audit trail [DVB HUPLOAD-AUDIT] Top Level Menu: (Home). HINQ User Menu (Version 4.0) [DVB HMENU-USER] +-Individual HINQ Request [DVB HREQ-INDIVHREQ] -- listed above. +-Enter a Request in the HINQ Suspense File [DVB HSUSP-ENTERREQ] -- listed above. +-Process the HINQ Suspense File [DVB HSUSP-PROCESSFILE] -- listed above. +-View the HINQ Suspense File [DVB HSUSP-VIEWFILE] -- listed above. +-Status of HINQ by Patient [DVB HREQ-STATUSBYPAT] -- listed above. +-Generate HINQ Requests [DVB HREQ-GENERHREQ] -- listed above. +-Print Suspense File Messages [DVB HSUSP-PRINTSUSP] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). A.M.I.E Regional Office Main Menu [DVBA REGIONAL OFFICE MENU] +-Request for 7131 Information [DVBA 7131 INFORMATION REQUEST] +-Beneficiary Information Status Inquiry [DVBA STATUS INQUIRY] +-Admission Inquiry by Date (All Admissions) [DVBA ALL ADMISSIONS] +-Edit 7131 Remarks [DVBA EDIT REMARKS] +-Admission Report for Service Connected Veterans [DVBA SERV CONN ADM REPORT] +-Discharge Report [DVBA DISCHARGE RPT] +-Incompetent Veterans Report [DVBA INCOMPETENT VET REPORT] +-MailMan Menu [XMUSER] -- listed above. +-Detailed Inpatient Inquiry [DG INPATIENT INQUIRY EXTENDED] -- listed above. +-Report for Pension and A&A [DVBA REPORT PENSION/A&A] +-Re-admission Report [DVBA RE-ADMISSION REPORT] +-Patient Profile MAS [SDPATIENT] -- listed above. +-Regional Office 7132 Menu [DVBA REGIONAL 7132 MENU] | +-Print New Notices of Discharge [DVBA NOTICE/DISCHARGE PRINT] | +-Reprint a Notice of Discharge [DVBA REPRINT NOTICE/DISCHARGE] | +-Regional Office 21-day Certificate Printing [DVBA RO PRINT 21-DAY CERT] | +-Reprint a 21-day Certificate for the RO [DVBA RO REPRINT 21-DAY CERT] +-Pending Form 7131 Requests Report [DVBA PENDING REQUESTS RPT] +-Regional Office Patient Inquiry [DVBA REG OFF PATIENT INQ] +-Regional Office C&P Menu [DVBA C REGIONAL OFFICE MENU] | +-Enter a C&P Exam Request [DVBA C ENTER C&P REQUEST] -- listed above. | +-Cancel C&P Requests/Exams [DVBA C CANCEL REQUESTS/EXAMS] -- listed above. | +-Inquiry for C&P Requests [DVBA C INQUIRY] -- listed above. | +-Regional Office Reports Menu [DVBA C REGIONAL OFF RPT MENU] -- listed above. | +-Edit C&P Request Information [DVBA C EDIT C&P REQUEST INFO] -- listed above. | +-Add an Exam to an Existing Request [DVBA C ADD ADDITIONAL EXAM] -- listed above. | +-Edit Patient Address Information [DVBA C EDIT PAT ADDRESS] Top Level Menu: (Home). A.M.I.E. Medical Administration Menu [DVBA MEDICAL ADM 7131 MENU] +-Edit Beneficiary Information Status [DVBA STATUS EDIT] +-New Form 7131 Request Report [DVBA NEW REQUEST] +-Beneficiary Information Status Inquiry [DVBA STATUS INQUIRY] -- listed above. +-Pending Form 7131 Requests Report [DVBA PENDING REQUESTS RPT] -- listed above. +-Regional File Site Parameter Setup [DVBA SITE PARAMETERS] +-Edit 7131 Remarks [DVBA EDIT REMARKS] -- listed above. +-Incomplete Request Report [DVBA INCOMPLETE REQUEST RPT] +-Finalized Report [DVBA FINALIZED REPORT] +-Medical Administration 7132 Menu [DVBA MEDICAL ADM 7132 MENU] | +-Manual Discharge Notification Processing [DVBA MANUAL NOTIFY] | +-Manual 21-day Certificate Processing [DVBA RE-GENERATE 21-DAY CERTIF] | +-MAS Edit/Release of 21-day Certificates [DVBA RELEASE 21-DAY CERT] | +-21-day Cert/Notice of Discharge Report [DVBA 21-DAY/NOT DISCHG RPT] | +-Reprint 21-day Certificates for MAS [DVBA MAS REPRINT 21-DAY CERT] +-Admission Review Report [DVBA ADMISSION REVIEW] +-Automatic 7131 Finalization (User Mode) [DVBA AUTO FINALIZE USER MODE] +-Edit Competency Status [DVBA COMPETENCY EDIT] +-Medical Administration C&P Menu [DVBA C MEDICAL ADMIN C&P MENU] | +-Cancel C&P Requests/Exams [DVBA C CANCEL REQUESTS/EXAMS] -- listed above. | +-Transcribe C&P Data [DVBA C TRANSCRIBE REQUEST DATA] -- listed above. | +-Inquiry for C&P Requests [DVBA C INQUIRY] -- listed above. | +-Schedule C&P Exams [DVBA C SCHEDULE EXAMS] -- listed above. | +-Reopen C&P Requests/Exams (Supervisors Only) [DVBA C REOPEN REQUEST/EXAMS] -- listed above. | +-Release C&P Requests [DVBA C RELEASE C&P REQUESTS] -- listed above. | +-C&P Reports Menu [DVBA C MEDICAL ADM REPORT MENU] -- listed above. | +-Add an Exam to an Existing Request [DVBA C ADD ADDITIONAL EXAM] -- listed above. | +-Transfer a C&P Request to Another Site [DVBA C TRANSFER C&P REQUEST] | +-Manual Return of Transferred C&P Requests [DVBA C MANUAL C&P XFER RETURN] | +-AMIE/C&P Appointment Link Management [DVBA C C&P LINK MANAGEMENT] | +-Print Blank C&P Worksheet [DVBA C PRINT BLANK C&P WORKSHE] +-7131 Divisional Transfer [DVBA 7131 DIVISIONAL TRANSFER] Top Level Menu: (Home). Compensation and Pension Main Menu [DVBA C C&P MASTER MENU] +-Enter a C&P Exam Request [DVBA C ENTER C&P REQUEST] +-Manual Printing of New C&P Requests [DVBA C PRINT NEW C&P REQUESTS] +-Transcribe C&P Data [DVBA C TRANSCRIBE REQUEST DATA] +-Cancel C&P Requests/Exams [DVBA C CANCEL REQUESTS/EXAMS] +-Reopen C&P Requests/Exams (Supervisors Only) [DVBA C REOPEN REQUEST/EXAMS] +-Inquiry for C&P Requests [DVBA C INQUIRY] +-Add an Exam to an Existing Request [DVBA C ADD ADDITIONAL EXAM] +-Schedule C&P Exams [DVBA C SCHEDULE EXAMS] +-Print New C&P Requests (Task Manager) [DVBA C PRINT NEW C&P REQ TM] +-Reprint C&P Final Report [DVBA C REPRINT 2507 FINAL RPT] +-Release C&P Requests [DVBA C RELEASE C&P REQUESTS] +-C&P Reports Menu [DVBA C MEDICAL ADM REPORT MENU] | +-AMIS 290 Report for C&P [DVBA C AMIS REPORT] | +-Pending C&P Exams Report [DVBA C PENDING REPORT] -- listed above. | +-Report for Exams Not Scheduled in Three Days [DVBA C NOT SCHEDULED IN 3 DAYS] -- listed above. | +-Manual Printing of New C&P Requests [DVBA C PRINT NEW C&P REQUESTS] -- listed above. | +-Reprint C&P Final Report [DVBA C REPRINT 2507 FINAL RPT] -- listed above. | +-Print a Fee Exam Cover Sheet [DVBA C PRINT FEE COVER SHEET] | +-C&P Request List by Date Range [DVBA C REQUESTS BY DATE RANGE] | +-Check C&P File Integrity [DVBA C CHECK 2507 INTEGRITY] | +-Print/Reprint C&P Work Sheets [DVBA C PRINT WORKSHEETS] | +-Insufficient Exam Report [DVBA C INSUFFICIENT EXAM RPT] +-Regional Office Reports Menu [DVBA C REGIONAL OFF RPT MENU] | +-AMIS 290 for the Regional Office [DVBA C RO AMIS 290] | +-Pending C&P Exams Report [DVBA C PENDING REPORT] -- listed above. | +-Print C&P Final Report (Manual) [DVBA C PRINT FINAL RESULTS] -- listed above. | +-Reprint C&P Final Report [DVBA C REPRINT 2507 FINAL RPT] -- listed above. | +-Print Exam Check List for RO [DVBA C EXAM CHECKLIST] -- listed above. | +-Insufficient Exam Report [DVBA C INSUFFICIENT EXAM RPT] -- listed above. +-Print C&P Final Report (Manual) [DVBA C PRINT FINAL RESULTS] +-Pending C&P Exams Report [DVBA C PENDING REPORT] +-Report for Exams Not Scheduled in Three Days [DVBA C NOT SCHEDULED IN 3 DAYS] +-Edit C&P Request Information [DVBA C EDIT C&P REQUEST INFO] +-Print Exam Check List for RO [DVBA C EXAM CHECKLIST] Top Level Menu: (Home). QM Manager Menu [QAQ MANAGER] +-QM User Menu [QAQ USER] | +-User Menu [QAC USER] | | +-Send or Kill an Alert [QAC ALERT] -- listed above. | | +-Edit Contact Record [QAC EDIT] -- listed above. | | +-Enter New Contact [QAC NEW] -- listed above. | | +-Report of Contact [QAC RPT] -- listed above. | +-Incident Reporting Main Menu [QAN INCIDENT MAIN MENU] | | +-Full Incident Edit [QAN INCIDENT FOLLOW-UP] | | +-Incident Reports Main Menu [QAN INCIDENT REPORTS] | | | +-Ad Hoc Report [QAN ADHOC REPORT] | | | +-Incident per Ward Report [QAN INCIDENT/WARD REPORT ] | | | +-Outpatient Incident Reporting [QAN OUTPATIENT INCIDENTS] | | | +-Beneficiary Report [QAN INCIDENT BENEFICIARY RPT] | | | +-Pseudo 10-2633 Incident Worksheet [QAN INCIDENT WORKSHEET] | | +-Patient/Incident View [QAN PATIENT/INCIDENT VIEW] | | +-View open incident(s) [QAN VIEW OPEN INCIDENT(S)] | +-Occurrence Screen User Menu [QAOS USER MENU] | | +-Worksheets [QAOS RPT WORKSHEETS] | | +-Clinical, Peer, Manager Review [QAOS C/P/M REVIEW] | | +-Committee Review [QAOS COMMITTEE REVIEW] | | +-Final Disposition [QAOS FINAL DISPOSITION] | | +-Enter New Occurrence [QAOS ENTER OCCURRENCE] | | +-Basic Occurrence Data [QAOS EDIT OCCURRENCE] | | +-Quick Exception Edit [QAOS QUICK EXCEPTION EDIT] | | +-Reports Menu [QAOS REPORT MENU] | | | +-Ad Hoc Reports [QAOS RPT AD HOC] | | | +-Patients Awaiting Clinical Review [QAOS RPT AWAITING CLIN REV] | | | +-Occurrences by Service [QAOS RPT BY SERVICE] | | | +-Summary of Occurrence Screening (Semi-Annual Rpt) [QAOS RPT SEMI ANNUAL] | | | +-System/Equipment Problems [QAOS RPT SYS/MGMT/EQUIP PROB] | | | +-Adverse Findings [QAOS RPT ADVERSE FINDINGS] | | | +-Review Level Tracking [QAOS RPT REVIEW LEVEL TRACKING] | | | +-Delinquent Reviews [QAOS RPT DELINQUENT REVIEWS] | | | +-Service Statistics [QAOS RPT SERVICE STATS] | | | +-Statistical Review Summary [QAOS RPT REVIEW SUMMARY] | | +-Inquire Occurrence Screen Record [QAOS PATIENT INQUIRY] | +-Monitoring System User Menu [QAM USER MENU] | | +-Fall Out Edit [QAM FALL OUT EDIT] | | +-Sample Size Edit [QAM SAMPLE SIZE EDIT] | | +-Outputs Menu [QAM USER REPORTS MENU] | | | +-Ad Hoc Fall Out Report [QAM RPT ADHOC] -- listed above. | | | +-Fall Out File Inquire [QAM INQ FALL OUT FILE] -- listed above. | | | +-Monitor Description Report [QAM RPT MONITOR DESCRIPTION] -- listed above. | | | +-Monitor History Report [QAM RPT MONITOR HISTORY] -- listed above. | | | +-Patients With Multiple Fall Outs [QAM RPT MULTIPLE FALL OUTS] -- listed above. +-Patient Representative Manager Menu [QAC MAIN MENU] | +-Enter New Contact [QAC NEW] | +-Edit Contact Record [QAC EDIT] | +-Open / Close / Delete Contact Record [QAC STATUS] | +-Contact Inquiry [QAC PRT] | +-Reports Menu [QAC REPORT] | | +-Report of Contact [QAC RPT] | | +-Ad Hoc Report [QAC ADHOC] | | +-Statistical Reports Menu [QAC STATISTICAL RPTS] | | | +-Employee Contact Totals [QAC EMP TOTALS] | | | +-Spreadsheet Report [QAC SPREADSHEET RPT] | | | +-Issue Totals for All, Male, or Female [QAC ISSUE TOT] | | | +-Old Service/Section Contact Totals [QAC OLD SERV TOTALS] | | | +-Old Service/Section Issue Totals [QAC OLD SERV ISSUE TOT] | | | +-Discipline Contact Totals [QAC DISCIPLINE TOTALS] | | | +-Discipline Issue Totals [QAC DISC ISSUE TOT] | | | +-Customer Service Standards Report [QAC CSS] | | | +-Service/Discipline Contact Totals [QAC SERV/DISC CONTACT TOT] | | | +-Service/Discipline Issue Totals [QAC SERV/DISC ISSUE TOT] | | | +-Location Issue Totals [QAC LOCATION] | | +-List of Open Cases [QAC OPEN STATUS] | | +-Report by Employee [QAC EMPLOYEE] | | +-Patient Name with Brief Data [QAC PATIENT RPT] | | +-Contacts with No Patient Identified [QAC NOPATIENT] | | +-Daily List of Patient Contacts [QAC DAILY CONTACTS] | +-Set-up and Maintenance Menu [QAC SETUP MENU] | | +-Patient Representative Keys [QAC KEY] | | +-Issue Code Enter/Edit [QAC CODE] | | +-Congressional Contact Enter/Edit [QAC CONGRESSIONAL] | | +-Site Parameters Edit [QAC PARAMETERS EDIT] | | +-Purge Contact Records [QAC PURGE] | | +-Archive Report [QAC ARCHIVE] | | +-Add new Service/Discipline [QAC NEW SERV] | +-Send or Kill an Alert [QAC ALERT] | +-Responses Due [QAC RESP DUE] | +-Manual Rollup [QAC ROLLUP (MANUAL)] +-QM Packages Inquire [QAQ PACKAGES INQUIRE] +-Combined Site Parameters Edit [QAQ SITE PARAMETERS] +-Incident Reporting Managers Menu [QAN MANAGER MENU] | +-Edit Status Incident Reporting Record [QAN RECORD MANIPULATION] | +-Site Parameters enter/edit [QAN SITE PARAMETERS ENTER/EDIT] | +-Incident Reporting Main Menu [QAN INCIDENT MAIN MENU] -- listed above. | +-Patient Information Enter/Edit [QAN PATIENT MANIPULATION] | +-Incident Location Enter/Edit [QAN INCIDENT LOCATION] | +-Mail to Region [QAN INCIDENT MAIL TO REGION] | +-Incident Status Enter/Edit [QAN INCIDENT STATUS ENTER/EDIT] | +-Early Warning System Manual [QAN EARLY WARNING SYSTEM MAN] | +-Brief Incident Enter/Edit [QAN INCIDENT REPORT] | +-Quick Incident Entry [QAN INCIDENT QUICK] | +-Incident Summary to Region. [QAN INCIDENT SUMMARY REGION] | +-Incident Summary to Site. [QAN INCIDENT SUMMARY SITE] | +-Edit Incident Regional Status [QAN INCIDENT REGION STATUS] | +-Incident Reporting Database Integrity Checker [QAN DBASE INTEGRITY CHECKER] +-Occurrence Screen Manager Menu [QAOS MAIN MENU] | +-Run Auto Enrollment Manually [QAOS MANUAL AUTO ENROLL] | +-Summary of Occurrence Screen Transmission [QAOS GENERATE SUMM OS BULLETIN] | +-Purge/Delete Menu [QAOS PURGE DEL MENU] | | +-Auto Enrollment Run Dates Purge [QAOS DELETE AUTO RUN DATES] | | +-Delete Occurrence Screen Record [QAOS DELETE] | | +-Purge Deleted Occurrence Screen Records [QAOS PURGE DELETED RECORDS] | +-Package Setup Menu [QAOS MGR EDIT MENU] | | +-Site Parameters [QAOS PARAMETERS ENTER/EDIT] | | +-Treating Specialty Care Types [QAOS TXSP] | | +-Medical Teams [QAOS EDIT MEDICAL TEAM] | | +-Clinical Reviewers [QAOS EDIT CLIN REVIEWER] | | +-Committees [QAOS EDIT COMMITTEE] | | +-VAMC-Specific Screens [QAOS EDIT SCREEN] | | +-Reasons for Clinical Referral [QAOS EDIT REASONS CLIN REFER] | +-Reports Menu [QAOS MGR REPORTS MENU] | | +-Practitioner Code List [QAOS RPT PRACTITIONER NAME] | | +-Enrollment Dates Tally [QAOS RPT ENROLL DATES TALLY] | | +-Audit File Inquiry [QAOS AUDIT INQUIRY] | | +-Reliability Assessment Worksheets [QAOS RPT RELIABILITY ASSMT] | | +-Display Treating Specialty Care Types [QAOS RPT TXSP CARE TYPE] | +-Occurrence Screen User Menu [QAOS USER MENU] -- listed above. | +-Open Closed/Deleted Occurrence Screen Record [QAOS REOPEN] +-Monitoring System Manager Menu [QAM MANAGER MENU] | +-Group Edit [QAM GROUP FILE EDIT] | +-Rationale Edit [QAM RATIONALE FILE EDIT] | +-Site Parameters Edit [QAM SITE PARAMETERS EDIT] | +-Manually Run Auto Enroll [QAM MANUAL AUTO ENROLL RUN] | +-Purge Menu [QAM PURGE MENU] | | +-Auto Enroll Run Dates File Purge [QAM PURGE AUTO RUN DATES FILE] | | +-Fall Out File Purge [QAM PURGE FALL OUT FILE] | | +-History File Purge [QAM PURGE HISTORY FILE] | +-Build Monitor Menu [QAM BUILD MONITOR MENU] | | +-Enter/Edit a Monitor [QAM BUILD MONITOR EDIT] | | +-Copy/Edit a Monitor [QAM COPY MONITOR EDIT] | | +-Quick Monitor Edit [QAM QUICK MONITOR EDIT] | +-Outputs Menu [QAM MANAGER REPORTS MENU] | | +-Ad Hoc Fall Out Report [QAM RPT ADHOC] | | +-Auto/Manual Enroll Monitors Run [QAM RPT AUTO/MAN MONITORS RUN] | | +-Monitor Description Report [QAM RPT MONITOR DESCRIPTION] | | +-Patients With Multiple Fall Outs [QAM RPT MULTIPLE FALL OUTS] | | +-Fall Out File Inquire [QAM INQ FALL OUT FILE] | | +-Group File Inquire [QAM INQ GROUP FILE] | | +-Condition File Inquire [QAM INQ CONDITION FILE] | | +-Data Element File Inquire [QAM INQ DATA ELEMENT FILE] | | +-Monitor History Report [QAM RPT MONITOR HISTORY] | | +-Audit File Inquire [QAM INQ AUDIT FILE] | | +-Ad Hoc Monitor Report [QAM RPT MONITOR ADHOC] | | +-Build a Monitor Worksheet [QAM RPT BUILD MON WORKSHEET] | +-Monitoring System User Menu [QAM USER MENU] -- listed above. | +-Patient Group [QAM BUILD PATIENT GROUP] Top Level Menu: (Home). Dental [DENTMANAGER] +-Dental Activity [DENTACTMANAGER] | +-Treatment Data Enter/Edit (Full Screen) [DENTTREAT EDIT] | +-[[Application~|Application]]s and Dental Fee (type 5) Enter/Edit [DENTFEE EDIT] | +-Personnel Info (type 4) Enter/Edit [DENTPERS EDIT] | +-Class I-VI (type 3) Admin Info Enter/Edit [DENTADM EDIT] | +-Enter Data Thru Card Reader [DENTCARD] | +-Enter Batch Screening/Complete Exam [DENTBATCH] | +-Review/Release Service Reports [DENTRELEASE] | | +-Applications and Dental Fee (type 5) [DENTFEE RELEASE] | | +-Personnel Info (type 4) [DENTPERS RELEASE] | | +-Class I-VI (type 3) Admin Info [DENTADM RELEASE] | | +-Treatment Data Review/Release Menu [DENTTREAT RELEASE] | | | +-Provider Summary [DENTTREATPROV RELEASE] | | | +-Sittings By Provider [DENTTREATSITPROV RELEASE] | | | +-Clinic Summary [DENTTREATCLINIC RELEASE] | | | +-Individual Sittings [DENTTREATSIT RELEASE] | | | +-Release Report Without Reviewing Data [DENTTREATNOREV RELEASE] | | +-Release All Service Reports [DENTRELEASE ALL] | | +-Check Duplicate Sittings [DENTDUP] | +-Non Clinical Time Enter/Edit [DENTNCLINTIME EDIT] | +-Dental Reports [DENT REPORTS] | | +-Sittings/Visits Report [DENT SIT/VIS RPT] | | +-Inpatients Needing Dental Exam Report [DENTEXM RPT] | | +-Type of Service Report [DENTTYPE] | | +-Cost Distribution Report [DENTCDR] | | +-Service Reports [DENT SERVICE REPORTS] -- listed above. | +-Treatment Data Enter/Edit (Line By Line) [DENTTREAT LINE EDIT] +-MailMan Menu [XMUSER] -- listed above. +-Patient Inquiry [DENTPAT INQ] +-Enter/Edit Appt Scheduling Aid (CPM) [DENTCPM ENTER] +-Program Management [DENT PROGMAN] | +-Site Parameters Edit [DENTSITE EDIT] | +-Initialize Card Reader [DENTINI] | +-Treatment Data Entry Delete [DENTTREAT DELETE] | +-Delete Non Clinical Time Entry [DENTNCLINTIME DELETE] | +-Provider Edit [DENTPROV EDIT] | +-Type of Service Edit [DENTSERVICE EDIT] | +-Enable Edit/Re-Release of Treatment Data (Full) [DENTTREAT RE-RELEASE] | +-Applications and Fee (type 5) Edit/Re-Release [DENTFEE RE-RELEASE] | +-Personnel Entry (type 4) Edit/Re-Release [DENTPERS RE-RELEASE] | +-Class I-VI Admin Entry (type 3) Edit/Re-Release [DENTADM RE-RELEASE] | +-Enable Edit/Re-Release of Treatment Data (Line) [DENTTREATM RE-RELEASE ] | +-Purge Dental AMIS [DENTPURGE] +-Print Appt Scheduling Aid (CPM) [DENTCPM PRINT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Dental [DENTUSER] +-Dental Activity [DENTACTUSER] | +-Enter Data Thru Card Reader [DENTCARD] -- listed above. | +-Treatment Data Enter/Edit (Full Screen) [DENTTREAT EDIT] -- listed above. | +-Applications and Dental Fee (type 5) Enter/Edit [DENTFEE EDIT] -- listed above. | +-Personnel Info (type 4) Enter/Edit [DENTPERS EDIT] -- listed above. | +-Class I-VI (type 3) Admin Info Enter/Edit [DENTADM EDIT] -- listed above. | +-Treatment Data Enter/Edit (Line By Line) [DENTTREAT LINE EDIT] -- listed above. | +-Service Reports [DENT SERVICE REPORTS] | | +-Class I-VI (type 3) Admin Info [DENTADM RPT] | | +-Personnel Info (type 4) [DENTPERS RPT] | | +-Treatment Data Service Report Menu [DENTTREAT RPT] | | | +-Provider Summary [DENTTREATPROV RPT] | | | +-Sittings by Provider [DENTTREATSITPROV RPT] | | | +-Clinic Summary [DENTTREATCLINIC RPT] | | | +-Individual Sittings [DENTTREATSIT RPT] | | +-Applications and Dental Fee (type 5) [DENTFEE RPT] | | +-Non Clinical Time by Provider [DENTNCLINTIME PROV] | +-Non Clinical Time Enter/Edit [DENTNCLINTIME EDIT] -- listed above. | +-Enter Batch Screening/Complete Exam [DENTBATCH] -- listed above. +-MailMan Menu [XMUSER] -- listed above. +-Patient Inquiry [DENTPAT INQ] -- listed above. +-Enter/Edit Appt Scheduling Aid (CPM) [DENTCPM ENTER] -- listed above. +-Print Appt Scheduling Aid (CPM) [DENTCPM PRINT] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). EEO Complaint Tracking Menu [EEO COMPLAINT STATION MENU] +-Enter/edit EEO files [EEO STATION ADD/EDIT] | +-Add/Edit Informal Compl. Info. [EEO COUNSELOR ENTER/EDIT] | +-Enter/Edit Investigation Info. [EEO STATION INVESTIGATION] | +-Enter/Edit Formal Complaint Info [EEO ENTER/EDIT F.C.] +-Inquire EEO Complaint File [EEO STATION INQUIRE] | +-Complainant Inquiry [EEO STATION REPORT 1] | +-Complainant Status Inquiry [EEO STATION REPORT 2] +-Station Report [EEO STATION REPORT] | +-Timeliness Report (132) [EEO TIMELINESS REPORT] | +-Print Complaint Intake Form [EEO FORM 0210] | +-EEO Adhoc Report Generator [EEO ADHOC] +-Transmit a Single EEO Complaint [EEO REXMT] +-Close/Delete Menu [EEO CLOSE/DELETE] | +-Close Case [EEO CLOSE CASE] | +-Reopen EEO case [EEO REOPEN CASE] | +-Delete an EEO Case [EEO DELETE] | +-Reactivate a Deleted Case [EEO UNDELETE] Top Level Menu: (Home). Counselor's Menu [EEO COUNSELORS MENU] +-Add/Edit Informal Compl. Info. [EEO COUNSELOR ENTER/EDIT] -- listed above. +-Print Complaint Intake Form [EEO FORM 0210] -- listed above. +-Notice of Final Interview [EEO REPORT1] +-Notice of Rights and Responsibilities [EEO NOTICE OF RIGHTS] Top Level Menu: (Home). Mental Health [YSUSER] +-Patient-administered Instruments [YSPTINSTRU] | +-Past medical history [YSHXPAST] | +-Psychosocial history [YSPERSHX] | +-Review of systems [YSREVSYS] | +-Psychological tests/interviews (administer) [YSADMTEST] +-General Management [YSMANAGEMENT] | +-Wait lists [YSWAITLST] | | +-Print wait list [YSWAITP] | | +-Add patient to wait list [YSWAITE] | | +-Edit patient list data [YSWAITEDI] | | +-Move patient on list [YSWAITSHUF] | | +-Remove patient from list [YSWAITREM] | | +-Create/edit wait lists [YSWAITCR] | +-List Tests & Interviews [YSMLST] | +-Clerk-entered tests [YSCLERK] | +-Staff entry of tests/interviews [YSDIRTEST] | +-Append comments to tests and interviews [YSCOMMENT] +-Vocational Rehabilitation [YSVOCATIONAL] | +-Update job bank [YSJOBUPDATE] | +-Search job bank [YSJOBLIST] | +-Inquire to job bank [YSJOBINQ] | +-Purge job bank [YSJOBKILL] +-Inpatient Features [YSCENMAIN] | +-Statistics [YSCENWDM] | | +-Recent Admissions [YSCENNEW] | | +-Current Inpatient Days [YSCENLOS] | | +-Team Admissions Record [YSCENTAH] | | +-Treatment Plan Tracking Report [YSCENTPTP] | | +-Previous Admissions by Date [YSCENDAYHX] | | +-Ward/Team History - LOS, [[DRG~|DRG]] and [[DXLS~|DXLS]] [YSCENTMHX] | | +-Graph of Patients Remaining [YSCENREM] | | +-Team Census [YSCENTCEN] | +-Census [YSCENFS] | +-Name Search [YSCENNAM] | +-Group Data Lookup [YSCENUNT] | | +-Active Diagnoses [YSCENDIA] | | +-Crisis notes and Messages [YSCENCRISIS] | | +-Psychological Tests and Interviews [YSCENTESTING] | | +-Outpatient Medications [YSCENMEDS] | | +-Patient Profile Data [YSCENPP] | +-Enter/Edit MH Inpatient Data [YSCENEDM] | | +-Enter/Edit Current Inpatient Data [YSCENED] | | +-Treatment Plan Tracking data entry [YSCENTPTE] | | +-Discharge Comments Entry [YSCENDCDOC] | | +-Group Data Entry/Edit [YSCENGED] | +-Individual Data Look Up [YSCENPAHX] | +-Patient Lists [YSCENPL] | | +-Short Patient List [YSCENSL] | | +-Individual Patient List [YSCENIL] | | +-Work List [YSCENWL] | | +-Custom List [YSCENCL] | | +-Pass/Last Transfer List [YSCENPASS] +-Clinical Record [YSCLINRECORD] | +-Profile of patient [YSPATPROF] | +-Problem list [YSPROBLIST] | | +-Formulate new problem list [YSFPROB] | | +-Add a new problem [YSAPROB] | | +-Edit a problem [YSEPROB] | | +-Print the problem list [YSPPROB] | | +-Inactivate an active problem [YSIPROB] | | +-Reactivate an inactive problem [YSRAPROB] | | +-Resolve a problem [YSRSPROB] | | +-Reformulate a problem [YSRFPROB] | | +-ICD9 Diagnosis (Problem list) [YSPLPDX] | | +-DSM Diagnosis (Problem list) [YSPLDX] | +-Diagnosis [YSDIAG] | | +-Enter Diagnosis [YSDIAGE] | | +-Print Diagnoses [YSDIAGP-DX] | | +-Print [[DXLS~|DXLS]] History [YSDIAGP-DXLS] | +-History - present illness [YSHX1] | +-Past medical history (results of pt. report) [YSHXPASTR] | +-Psychosocial history (results of pt. report) [YSPERSHXR] | +-Review of systems (results of pt. report) [YSREVSYSR] | +-Physical exam [YSPHYEXAM] | +-Crisis note [YSCRISNOT] | +-Patient message [YSPATMSG] | +-Seclusion/Restraint [YSSR SEC/RES] | | +-Entry of Patient to Seclusion/Restraint [YSSR ENTRY] | | +-Release of Patient from Seclusion/Restraint [YSSR RELEASE] | | +-Fifteen-Minute Check [YSSR 15-CHECK] | | +-Seclusion/Restraint Report Utilities [YSSR REPORTS] | | | +-MONTHLY..Monthly Report (VA Form 10-2683) [YSSR 10-2683] | | | +-DATE.....S/R Mgmt Report by Date [YSSR MGTRD] | | | +-NURSING..S/R Mgmt Report by Nursing Shift [YSSR MGTRN] | | | +-WARD.....S/R Mgmt Ward Report [YSSR MGTRW] | | | +-REVIEW...S/R Mgmt Report of Review Actions [YSSR REVIEW RPT] | | | +-PATIENT..S/R Mgmt Report by Patient Episode [YSSR MGTRI] | +-Tests and interviews (results) [YSPRINT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Patient Intake/Output Menu [GMRYMGR] +-Enter/Edit Patient Intake [GMRY EDIT INTAKE] +-Enter/Edit Patient Output [GMRY EDIT OUTPUT] +-Start/Add/DC IV and Maintenance [GMRY IV CARE] +-Print I/O Summary by Patient (by Shift & Day(s)) [GMRY I/O SUM] +-Print I/O Summary (Midnight to Present) [GMRY I/O CURRENT] +-Print I/O Summary (48 Hrs) [GMRY I/O 48HRS] +-Configure I/O Files (ADP Coordinator Only) [GMRY FILE EDIT] | +-Intake Type [GMRY INPUT FILE1] | +-Output Type [GMRY OUTPUT FILE1] | +-Output Subtype [GMRY OUTPUT FILE2] | +-Intake Items [GMRY INTAKE ITEMS] | +-IV Site [GMRY IV SITE] | +-IV Solution [GMRY IV SOL] | +-Shift Starting Hour and Other Parameters [GMRY NURSHIFT] | +-IV Site Description [GMRY SITE DESCRP] | +-IV Catheter [GMRY IV CATH] | +-IV DC'ed Reason [GMRY DC REASON] +-Intravenous Infusion Flow Sheet [GMRY IV FLOW] +-24 Hours Itemized Shift Report [GMRY I/O SHIFT AND EVENT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Nursing System Manager's Menu [NURS-SYS-MGR] +-Administrator's Menu [NURS-ADM] | +-Patient Care Data, Print [NURSPP-MENU] | | +-Classification Report [NURAPP-WRDCLAS] | | +-Current Unclassified Patient Print, by Location [NURAPP-UNCLOC] | | +-Vitals/Measurements Results Reporting [NURSPP-VIT-MENU] | | | +-Latest Vitals Display for a Patient [NURCPP-VIT-DISP] | | | +-Latest Vitals by Location [NURCPP-VIT-WARD] | | | +-Cumulative Vitals Report [NURCPP-VIT-CUM] | | | +-Print Vitals Entered in Error for a Patient [NURCPP-VIT-ERROR] | | +-Location of Individual Patient, Print [NURSPP-LOCIND] | | +-Ward Census, Print [NURSPP-LOCWRD] | | +-Patient Plan of Care, Print [NURCPP-CARE] | | +-Patient Assignment Worksheet [NURCPP-ASSWRK] | | +-Intake/Output Results Reporting [NURSPP-I/O-MENU] | | | +-Print I/O Summary by Patient (by Shift & Day(s)) [NURCPP-I/O-SUM] | | | +-Print I/O Summary (Midnight to Present) [NURCPP-I/O-CURRENT] | | | +-Print I/O Summary (48 Hrs) [NURCPP-I/O-48HRS] | | | +-24 Hours Itemized Shift Report [NURCPP-I/O-SHIFT AND EVENT] | | | +-Intravenous Infusion Flow Sheet [NURCPP-I/O-IVFLOW] | | +-End of Shift Report [NURSPP-SHIFT] | | +-Health Summary Report [NURSPP-HLTHSUM] | | +-V/M Graphic Reports [NURCPP-VIT-SF511] | | +-Patient Problems to be Evaluated [NURCPP-EVAL] | +-Administration Records, Enter/Edit [NURAED-MENU] | | +-Staff Record Edit [NURAED-STF-MENU] | | | +-Demographic Data [NURAED-STF-DEMO] | | | +-Personnel Data [NURAED-STF-PER] | | | +-Status and Position [NURAED-STF-STAT/POS] | | | +-License [NURAED-STF-LIC] | | | +-Probationary Period/Promotion [NURAED-STF-PROB] | | | +-Annual Review/NPSB [NURAED-STF-NPSB] | | | +-Professional Education [NURAED-STF-EDUC] | | | +-Professional Experience [NURAED-STF-EXP] | | | +-National Certification [NURAED-STF-CERT] | | | +-Military Status [NURAED-STF-MIL] | | | +-Edit All Employee Data [NURAED-STF-ALL] | | +-Location Edit, Employee [NURAED-STF-LOC] | | +-Manhours Edit, AMIS 1106a [NURAMN-MANED] | +-Individual Staff Position/Location [NURAPR-STFLOC] -- listed above. | +-Administration Records, Print [NURAPR-MENU] | | +-Resource Management Reports [NURAPR-RES] | | | +-Current Unclassified Patient Print [NURAPR-RES-UNCLAS] | | | +-Daily Patient Classification Summary By Ward [NURAPR-RES-WRDCLAS] | | | +-Individual Patient Classification Reports [NURAPR-RES-INDCLAS] | | | | +-Date/Time, Indiv. Classification Report By [NURAPR-RES-INDCLAS-DT] | | | | +-Ward & Date/Time, Indiv. Classification Report By [NURAPR-RES-INDCLAS-WDT] | | | +-Patient Category Totals-AMIS 1106 Reports [NURAPR-RES-PC] | | | +-Manhours Print [NURAPR-RES-MANHR] | | | +-AMIS Workload Statistics Report [NURAPR-RES-AMISWKL] | | | +-Workload Statistics Report (Current) [NURAPR-RES-CURWKL] | | | +-Patient Category Totals-Midnight Acuity Reports [NURAPR-RES-MDPC] | | | +-FTEE Comparison (1106b) Report [NURAPR-RES-FTEEC] | | | +-FTEE Reports [NURAPR-FTEE] | | +-Salary Reports [NURAPR-SAL] | | | +-Salary Report For Entire Service [NURAPR-SAL-SER] | | | +-Individual Salary Report [NURAPR-SAL-IND] | | | +-Salary Report by Location/Svc. Category [NURAPR-SAL-LOC] | | +-Staff Record Report [NURAPR-STF] | | +-Telephone Number Listings [NURAPR-PHONE] | | | +-Home Phone Number(s) For Entire Service [NURAPR-PHONE-SER] | | | +-Phone (Home) Numbers by Location [NURAPR-PHONE-LOC] | | | +-Individual Phone Number [NURAPR-PHONE-IND] | | +-Administrative Reports [NURAPR-LOC-SER] | | | +-Academic Degree Reports [NURAPR-ADGREE] | | | +-Age Reports [NURAPR-AGE] | | | +-Certification Reports [NURAPR-CERTF] | | | +-Gender Reports [NURAPR-GENDER] | | | +-Grade Reports [NURAPR-GRADE] | | | +-License Reports [NURAPR-LICENSE] | | | +-Military Reports [NURAPR-MILITARY] | | | +-NPSB Reports [NURAPR-NPSB] | | | +-Nursing Degree Reports [NURAPR-NDGREE] | | | +-Proficiency Reports [NURAPR-PROF] | | | +-Comb. Acad./Nurs. Degree Reports [NURAPR-CDGREE] | | +-Individual Staff Position/Location [NURAPR-STFLOC] | +-Nursing Education Reports, Print [NURSE-PR-MENU] | | +-Training Report by Unit/Svc. Category [NURSE-PR-MILOC] | | +-Individual Training Report [NURSE-PR-MIND] | | +-3 Yr. Training Report by Unit/Svc. Category [NURSE-PR-MI3LC] | | +-Individual 3 Yr. Training Report [NURSE-PR-MI3I] | | +-Mandatory Deficiency Report by Unit/Svc. Category [NURSE-PR-MIDEF] | | +-AA/Funding Requests Report (132 Col) [NURSE-PR-AAF] | | +-Individual Employee Deficiency Report [NURSE-PR-DEMP] | | +-C.E. Training Attendance Summary Report (132 Col) [NURSE-PR-CES] +-Head Nurse's Menu [NURS-HN] | +-Review/Edit Patient Classification [NURSQE-REVCL-MENU] | | +-Individual Patient, Review/Edit [NURAPC-REVIND] | | +-Ward, Review/Edit Classifications By [NURAPC-REVWRD] | +-Patient Care Data, Enter/Edit [NURSPE-MENU] | | +-Classification, Edit Patient [NURAPC-MENU] | | | +-Unclassified Patients, Edit [NURAPC-UNCWRD] | | | +-Classify Patients Individually [NURAPC-INDPT] | | | +-Classify Patients by Ward [NURAPC-WRD] | | | +-Hemodialysis Patients, Classify/Count [NURAPC-HEM] | | | +-Recovery Room Patients, Classify/Count [NURAPC-RECRM] | | +-Vitals/Measurements Data Entry Menu [NURSPE-VIT-MENU] | | | +-Vitals/Measurements Data Entry [NURCPE-VIT-EDIT] | | | | +-TPR Pain [NURCPE-VIT TPR] | | | | +-TPR B/P Pain [NURCPE-VIT TPR B/P] | | | | +-Pulse [NURCPE-VIT PULSE RADIAL] | | | | +-TPR B/P Ht. Wt. and Pain [NURCPE-VIT ADMISSION VM] | | | | +-Weight [NURCPE-VIT WEIGHT] | | | | +-Change Date/Time Taken [NURCPE-VIT CHANGE V/M D/T] | | | | +-Temp, Detailed PR and B/P [NURCPE-VIT TPR EXT B/P] | | | | +-Detailed B/P and Associated Pulse [NURCPE-VIT EXT B/P] | | | | +-User Configurable Combination [NURCPE-VIT VMCONFIG] | | | | +-Circumference/Girth [NURCPE-VIT CIRCUMF/GIRTH] | | | | +-Pulse Oximetry [NURCPE-VIT O2SATURATION] | | | | +-CVP (Central Venous Pressure) [NURCPE-VIT CVP] | | | | +-TPR B/P Wt. and Pain [NURCPE-VIT TPRBW] | | | | +-Pain [NURCPE-VIT PAIN] | | | +-Edit a Vital/Measurement Entered in Error [NURCPE-VIT-ERROR] | | +-Location/Bed Section, Edit Nursing [NURSPE-LOC/BED] | | +-Patient Plan of Care, Edit [NURCPE-CARE] | | +-Intake/Output Data Entry Menu [NURCPE-I/O-EDIT] | | | +-Enter/Edit Patient Intake [NURCPE-I/O-INTAKE] | | | +-Enter/Edit Patient Output [NURCPE-I/O-OUTPUT] | | | +-Start/Add/DC IV and Maintenance [NURCPE-I/O-IV CARE] | | +-Evaluation/Target Date & Order Status Edit [NURCPE-EVAL] | +-Patient Care Data, Print [NURSPP-MENU] -- listed above. | +-Manhours Edit, AMIS 1106a [NURAMN-MANED] -- listed above. | +-Administration Reports (Head Nurse) [NURAPR-HNMEN] | | +-Resource Management Reports [NURAPR-RES] -- listed above. | | +-Telephone Number Listings [NURAPR-PHONE] -- listed above. | | +-Staff Record Report [NURAPR-STF] -- listed above. | | +-Administrative Reports [NURAPR-LOC-SER] -- listed above. | +-Manhours Exception Print by Location [NURAMN-STA-LOC] | +-Print Nursing Education Reports [NURSE-PR-MENUHN] | | +-Training Report by Unit/Svc. Category [NURSE-PR-MILOC] -- listed above. | | +-Individual Training Report [NURSE-PR-MIND] -- listed above. | | +-Individual 3 Yr. Training Report [NURSE-PR-MI3I] -- listed above. | | +-Mandatory Deficiency Report by Unit/Svc. Category [NURSE-PR-MIDEF] -- listed above. | | +-3 Yr. Training Report by Unit/Svc. Category [NURSE-PR-MI3LC] -- listed above. | | +-Individual Employee Deficiency Report [NURSE-PR-DEMP] -- listed above. +-Nursing Educator's Menu [NURS-ED] | +-Individual Staff Position/Location [NURAPR-STFLOC] -- listed above. | +-Nursing Education Reports, Print [NURSE-PR-MENU] -- listed above. +-VA FileMan (Nursing ADP Coordinator) [NURSFM-MENU] | +-Print File Entries [NURSFM-PRINT] | +-Search File Entries [NURSFM-SEARCH] | +-Inquire to File Entries [NURSFM-INQUIRE] | +-List File Attributes [NURSFM-DD'S] +-QA Coordinator's Menu [NURS-QA] | +-Print Reports [NURSQP-MENU] | | +-Classification Reports, Patient [NURSQP-CLAS-MENU] | | | +-Individual Patient Classification Reports [NURAPR-RES-INDCLAS] -- listed above. | | | +-Daily Patient Classification Summary By Ward [NURAPR-RES-WRDCLAS] -- listed above. | | | +-Current Unclassified Patient Print [NURAPR-RES-UNCLAS] -- listed above. | | +-Location of Individual Patient, Print [NURSPP-LOCIND] -- listed above. | | +-Ward Census, Print [NURSPP-LOCWRD] -- listed above. | | +-Rank Listing of Care Plan Data [NURCRP-CP RANK LISTING] | | +-QI Summary, Print [NURQA-PT-10PRINT] | +-QI Data, Enter/Edit [NURSQE-MENU] | | +-Review/Edit Patient Classification [NURSQE-REVCL-MENU] -- listed above. | | +-AMIS 1106 Acuity Edit [NURAAM-ACUEDT] | | +-Manhours Edit, AMIS 1106a [NURAMN-MANED] -- listed above. | | +-QI Summary Enter/Edit [NURQA-PT-MENU] | | | +-Disciplines [NURQA-PT-RESP] | | | +-Important Functions [NURQA-PT-KEYFUNC] | | | +-Performance Measures [NURQA-PT-INDIC] | | | +-Data [NURQA-PT-DATA] | | | +-Receiver of Results [NURQA-PT-ROFR] | | | +-Edit All QI Summary Data [NURQA-PT-ALL] | | | +-Other QI Summary Data [NURQA-PT-OTHER] | | | +-References [NURQA-PT-REFR] +-Staff Nurse Menu [NURS-RN] | +-Patient Care Data, Enter/Edit [NURSPE-MENU] -- listed above. | +-Patient Care Data, Print [NURSPP-MENU] -- listed above. | +-Manhours Edit, AMIS 1106a [NURAMN-MANED] -- listed above. | +-Print Nursing Education Reports [NURSE-PR-MENURN] | | +-Individual Employee Deficiency Report [NURSE-PR-DEMP] -- listed above. | | +-Individual 3 Yr. Training Report [NURSE-PR-MI3I] -- listed above. | | +-Individual Training Report [NURSE-PR-MIND] -- listed above. +-Nursing Features (all options) [NURS-ALL] | +-Administration Records, Enter/Edit [NURAED-MENU] -- listed above. | +-Patient Care Data, Enter/Edit [NURSPE-MENU] -- listed above. | +-Patient Care Data, Print [NURSPP-MENU] -- listed above. | +-Administrative Site File Functions [NURSFL-MENU] | | +-AMIS 1106 Acuity Edit [NURAAM-ACUEDT] -- listed above. | | +-Certification File, Edit [NURAFL-CERT] | | +-FTEE Service Budget (1106b) File, Edit [NURAFL-BFU] | | +-Load Grade/Step Codes [NURAFL-GS-COD] | | +-Nursing Location File, Edit [NURSFL-LOC] | | +-Service Position File, Edit [NURAFL-SPO] | | +-Tour of Duty File, Edit [NURAFL-TOD] | | +-Site Parameter File [NURSFL-SITE] | | +-Vacancy Reason File Edit [NURAFL-VAC] | | +-Privilege File Edit [NURSFL-PRIV] | | +-Print Existing Location File Entries [NURSLO-PRINT] | | +-Clinical Background File, Edit [NURAFL-CLBK] | | +-Product Line File Edit [NURAFL-PROD-LINE] | +-Clinical Site File Functions [NURSCL-MENU] | | +-Standard Patient Plan of Care Print [NURCFP-CARE] | | +-Patient Plan of Care, Site [[Configuration~|Configuration]] [NURCFE-CARE] | | +-Ward Activation Patient Update [NURSPT-WRDACT] | | +-Ward Deactivation Patient Update [NURSPT-WRDINA] | | +-Selected V/M Site File Functions [NURCPE-VIT FILECONF] | | | +-Enter/Edit Vitals Qualifiers [NURCPE-VIT VMSITE] | | | +-Change Default Qualifiers for Temp./Pulse [NURCPE-VIT VMQUALTY] | | | +-Display Vitals Category/Qualifier/Synonym Table [NURCPE-VIT CAT/QUAL TABLE] | | +-Configure I/O Files (ADP Coordinator Only) [NURCPE-I/O-FILE EDIT] | | | +-Intake Type [NURCPE-I/O-INPUT FILE1] | | | +-Output Type [NURCPE-I/O-OUTPUT FILE1] | | | +-Output Subtype [NURCPE-I/O-OUTPUT FILE2] | | | +-Intake Items [NURCPE-I/O-INTAKE ITEMS] | | | +-IV Site [NURCPE-I/O-IV SITE] | | | +-IV Solution [NURCPE-I/O-IV SOL] | | | +-Shift Starting Hour and Other Parameters [NURCPE-I/O-NURSHIFT] | | | +-IV Site Description [NURCPE-I/O-SITE DESCRP] | | | +-IV Catheter [NURCPE-I/O-IV CATH] | | | +-IV DC'ed Reason [NURCPE-I/O-DC REASON] | +-Administration Records, Print [NURAPR-MENU] -- listed above. | +-Nursing Education Reports, Print [NURSE-PR-MENU] -- listed above. | +-QI Data, Enter/Edit [NURSQE-MENU] -- listed above. | +-Special Functions [NURSSP-MENU] | | +-Manual Nursing Acuity/Separation Run [NURAAM-ACUMAN] | | +-Admit/Transfer Pt. (Nursing Pkg. Only) [NURSPT-ACT] | | +-Inactivate/Disch. Pt. (Nursing Pkg. Only) [NURSPT-INAC] | | +-Unclassified AMIS 1106 Patients [NURAAM-UNC] | | +-Unclassified Midnight Patients [NURAAM-MD-UNC] | | +-Manhours Exception Print by Service [NURAMN-STA] | | +-Manhours Exception Print by Location [NURAMN-STA-LOC] -- listed above. | | +-Employee Activation/Separation Report [NURAED-BATSEP] | | +-Position Control/Staff File Integrity Report [NURS-COMP] | +-Quality Performance Reports [NURSQA-PR-MENU] | | +-QI Summary, Print [NURQA-PT-10PRINT] -- listed above. | | +-Rank Listing of Care Plan Data [NURCRP-CP RANK LISTING] -- listed above. | +-QI Site Files [NURQA-SITEFILE] | | +-QI Summary Standards of Care/Practice File [NURQA-PT-ESCP] | | +-QI Summary Frequency File [NURQA-PT-FRE] | | +-QI Summary Rationale File [NURQA-PT-RAT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Quality Assurance [NURSQ-MENU] +-QI Data, Enter/Edit [NURSQE-MENU] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Survey Generator Manager Menu [QAP SURVEY GENERATOR MGR MENU] +-Create/Edit a Survey [QAP SURVEY MAINTENANCE] +-Copy a Survey [QAP COPY SURVEY] +-Print a Survey [QAP PRINT A SURVEY] +-Generate Survey Statistics [QAP GENERATE SURVEY STATISTICS] +-Release/Disable a Survey for Participation [QAP RELEASE/DISABLE A SURVEY] +-Count Survey Participants [QAP COUNT SURVEY PARTICIPANTS] +-Delete a Survey, Questions and Responses [QAP DELETE SURVEY] +-Clear a Survey of Responses [QAP CLEAR SURVEY] +-Print Statistics by a Demographic Data Item [QAP DEMOGRAPHIC PRINT] +-Populate the Demographic Reference File [QAP POPULATE DEMOGRAPHIC FILE] +-Print all Survey Responses Individually [QAP PRINT ALL INDIV RESPONSES] +-Export a Survey [QAP EXPORT A SURVEY] +-Import a Survey [QAP IMPORT A SURVEY] +-Fix a Survey Response [QAP FIX RESPONSE] Top Level Menu: (Home). Survey Participant Menu [QAP PARTICIPANT MENU] +-Participate in a Survey [QAP PARTICIPATE] +-Edit an Incomplete Survey Response [QAP EDIT INCOMPLETE SURVEY] +-Print Statistics by a Demographic Data Item [QAP DEMOGRAPHIC PRINT] -- listed above. +-Generate Survey Statistics [QAP GENERATE SURVEY STATISTICS] -- listed above. +-User Hardcopy Print of Survey [QAP USER PRINT HARDCOPY] Top Level Menu: (Home). PCE IRM Main Menu [PX IRM MAIN MENU] +-PCE Site Parameter Menu [PX SITE PARAMETER MENU] | +-PCE Site Parameters Edit [PX PCE SITE PARAMETERS EDIT] | +-PCE HS/RPT Parameter Menu [PX HS/RPT PARAMETER MENU] -- listed above. | +-PCE Edit Disposition Clinics [PX PCE EDIT DISPOSITION CLINIC] -- listed above. +-PCE Table Maintenance [PXTT TABLE MAINTENANCE] -- listed above. +-PCE Information Only [PXTT PCE INFORMATION ONLY] -- listed above. +-Reminder Managers Menu [PXRM MANAGERS MENU] | +-Reminder Computed Finding Management [PXRM CF MANAGEMENT] | | +-Reminder Computed Finding List [PXRM COMPUTED FINDING LIST] | | +-Reminder Computed Finding Edit [PXRM COMPUTED FINDING EDIT] | +-Reminder Definition Management [PXRM REMINDER MANAGEMENT] | | +-List Reminder Definitions [PXRM DEFINITION LIST] | | +-Inquire about Reminder Definition [PXRM DEFINITION INQUIRY] | | +-Add/Edit Reminder Definition [PXRM DEFINITION EDIT] | | +-Copy Reminder Definition [PXRM DEFINITION COPY] | | +-Activate/Inactivate Reminders [PXRM (IN)/ACTIVATE REMINDERS] | +-Reminder Sponsor Management [PXRM SPONSOR MANAGEMENT] | | +-List Reminder Sponsors [PXRM SPONSOR LIST] -- listed above. | | +-Reminder Sponsor Inquiry [PXRM SPONSOR INQUIRY] | | +-Edit Reminder Sponsor [PXRM SPONSOR EDIT] | +-Reminder Taxonomy Management [PXRM TAXONOMY MANAGEMENT] | | +-List Taxonomy Definitions [PXRM TAXONOMY LIST] | | +-Inquire about Taxonomy Item [PXRM TAXONOMY INQUIRY] | | +-Edit Taxonomy Item [PXRM TAXONOMY EDIT] | | +-Copy Taxonomy Item [PXRM TAXONOMY COPY] | +-Reminder Term Management [PXRM TERM MANAGEMENT] | | +-List Reminder Terms [PXRM TERM LIST] -- listed above. | | +-Inquire about Reminder Term [PXRM TERM INQUIRY] -- listed above. | | +-Reminder Term Edit [PXRM TERM EDIT] | | +-Copy Reminder Term [PXRM TERM COPY] | +-Reminder Exchange [PXRM REMINDER EXCHANGE] | +-Reminder Test [PXRM REMINDER TEST] | +-Other Supporting Menus [PXRM OTHER SUPPORTING MENUS] | | +-PCE Table Maintenance [PXTT TABLE MAINTENANCE] -- listed above. | | +-PCE Coordinator Menu [PX PCE COORDINATOR MENU] -- listed above. | | +-Health Summary Coordinator's Menu [GMTS COORDINATOR] -- listed above. | | +-Print Blank Encounter Form [IBDF PRINT BLNK ENCOUNTER FORM] -- listed above. | | +-Enter/edit quick orders [ORCM QUICK ORDERS] -- listed above. | +-Reminder Information Only Menu [PXRM INFO ONLY] | | +-List Reminder Definitions [PXRM DEFINITION LIST] -- listed above. | | +-Inquire about Reminder Definition [PXRM DEFINITION INQUIRY] -- listed above. | | +-List Taxonomy Definitions [PXRM TAXONOMY LIST] -- listed above. | | +-Inquire about Taxonomy Item [PXRM TAXONOMY INQUIRY] -- listed above. | | +-List Reminder Terms [PXRM TERM LIST] | | +-Inquire about Reminder Term [PXRM TERM INQUIRY] | | +-List Reminder Sponsors [PXRM SPONSOR LIST] | +-Reminder Dialog Management [PXRM DIALOG MANAGEMENT] | | +-Reminder Dialogs [PXRM DIALOG/COMPONENT EDIT] | | +-Dialog Parameters [PXRM DIALOG PARAMETERS] | | | +-Reminder Resolution Statuses [PXRM RESOLUTION EDIT/INQUIRE] | | | +-General Finding Type Parameters [PXRM FINDING TYPE PARAMETERS] | | | +-Finding Item Parameters [PXRM FINDING ITEM PARAMETERS] | | | +-Health Factor Resolutions [PXRM HEALTH FACTOR RESOLUTIONS] | | | +-Taxonomy Dialog Parameters [PXRM TAXONOMY DIALOG] | +-CPRS Reminder [[Configuration~|Configuration]] [PXRM CPRS CONFIGURATION] | | +-CPRS Cover Sheet Reminder List [PXRM CPRS COVER SHEET LIST] | | +-CPRS Lookup Categories [PXRM CPRS LOOKUP CATEGORIES] | | +-Add/Edit Reminder Categories [PXRM CATEGORY EDIT/INQUIRE] | | +-Progress Note Headers [PXRM PROGRESS NOTE HEADERS] | | +-Mental Health Dialogs Active [PXRM MENTAL HEALTH ACTIVE] | | +-Reminder GUI Resolution Active [PXRM GUI REMINDERS ACTIVE] | | +-New Reminder Parameters [PXRM NEW REMINDER PARAMETERS] | | +-Default Outside Location [PXRM DEFAULT LOCATION] | | +-Position Reminder Text at Cursor [PXRM TEXT AT CURSOR] | +-Reminder Reports [PXRM REMINDER REPORTS] | | +-Reminders Due Report [PXRM REMINDERS DUE] | | +-Extract EPI List by Finding and SSN [PXRM EXTRACT EPI FINDING LIST] | | +-Extract EPI Totals [PXRM EXTRACT EPI TOTALS] | | +-Review Date Report [PXRM REVIEW DATES] | | +-Reminders Due Report (User) [PXRM REMINDERS DUE (USER)] | | +-User Report Templates [PXRM REPORT TEMPLATE (USER)] | +-Reminders MST Synchronization Management [PXRM MST MANAGEMENT] | | +-Reminders MST Synchronization [PXRM MST SYNCHRONIZATION] | | +-Reminders MST Synchronization Report [PXRM MST REPORT] +-PCE Clinical Reports [PXRR CLINICAL REPORTS] | +-Caseload Profile by Clinic [PXRR CASELOAD PROFILE BY CL] | +-Diagnosis Ranked by Frequency [PXRR MOST FREQUENT DIAGNOSES] | +-Location Encounter Counts [PXRR LOCATION ENCOUNTER COUNTS] | +-Provider Encounter Counts [PXRR PROVIDER ENCOUNTER COUNTS] | +-Patient Activity by Location [PXRR PATIENT ACTIVITY BY LOC] | +-PCE Encounter Summary [PXRR PCE ENCOUNTER SUMMARY] +-Directions to Patient's Home Add/Edit [PX EDIT LOCATION OF HOME] -- listed above. +-PCE Coordinator Menu [PX PCE COORDINATOR MENU] | +-PCE Encounter Data Entry [PXCE ENCOUNTER DATA ENTRY] | +-PCE Encounter Data Entry and Delete [PXCE ENCOUNTER ENTRY & DELETE] | +-PCE Encounter Data Entry without Delete [PXCE ENCOUNTER ENTRY NO DELETE] | +-PCE Table Maintenance [PXTT TABLE MAINTENANCE] | | +-Health Factors Add/Edit [PXTT EDIT HEALTH FACTORS] | | +-Immunizations Add/Edit [PXTT EDIT IMMUNIZATIONS] | | +-Skin Tests Add/Edit [PXTT EDIT SKIN TESTS] | | +-Education Topic Add/Edit [PXTT EDIT EDUCATION TOPICS] | | +-Treatments Add/Edit [PXTT EDIT TREATMENT] | | +-Examinations Add/Edit [PXTT EDIT EXAM] | | +-Activate/Inactivate Table Items [PXTT ACTIVATE/INACTIVATE MENU] | | | +-Education Topics [PXTT IN/ACTIVATE ED TOPIC] | | | +-Exams [PXTT IN/ACTIVATE EXAM] | | | +-Health Factors [PXTT IN/ACTIVATE HEALTH FACTOR] | | | +-Immunizations [PXTT IN/ACTIVATE IMMUNIZATION] | | | +-Skin Tests [PXTT IN/ACTIVATE SKIN TEST] | | | +-Treatments [PXTT IN/ACTIVATE TREATMENT] | | +-Education Topic Copy [PXTT COPY EDUCATION TOPIC] | | +-PCE Information Only [PXTT PCE INFORMATION ONLY] | | | +-Active Educ. Topic List - Detailed [PXTT LIST ACTIVE EDUC TOPICS] | | | +-Education Topic List [PXTT LIST ALL EDUC TOPICS] | | | +-Exam List [PXTT LIST EXAMS] | | | +-Health Factor List [PXTT LIST HEALTH FACTORS] | | | +-Immunization List [PXTT LIST IMMUNIZATIONS] | | | +-Skin Test List [PXTT LIST SKIN TESTS] | | | +-Treatment List [PXTT LIST TREATMENTS] | | | +-Education Topic Inquiry [PXTT INQUIRE EDUC TOPIC] | | | +-PCE Code Mapping List [PX PCE CODE MAPPING LIST] | +-PCE Information Only [PXTT PCE INFORMATION ONLY] -- listed above. | +-Directions to Patient's Home Add/Edit [PX EDIT LOCATION OF HOME] | +-PCE Encounter Data Entry - Supervisor [PXCE ENCOUNTER ENTRY SUPER] | +-PCE HS/RPT Parameter Menu [PX HS/RPT PARAMETER MENU] | | +-PCE HS/RPT Parameters Print [PX HS/RPT PARAMETERS PRINT] | | +-PCE Report Parameter Edit [PX REPORT PARAMETER EDIT] | +-PCE Device Interface Error Report [PXEDI] | +-PCE Edit Disposition Clinics [PX PCE EDIT DISPOSITION CLINIC] | +-PCE Encounter Viewer [PXCE ENCOUNTER VIEWER] +-PCE Clinician Menu [PX PCE CLINICIAN MENU] | +-PCE Clinical Reports [PXRR CLINICAL REPORTS] -- listed above. | +-PCE Information Only [PXTT PCE INFORMATION ONLY] -- listed above. | +-PCE Encounter Data Entry and Delete [PXCE ENCOUNTER ENTRY & DELETE] -- listed above. | +-Directions to Patient's Home Add/Edit [PX EDIT LOCATION OF HOME] -- listed above. +-PCE/SD Debugging Utilities [PXQ PCE/SD DEBUGGING UTILITIES] | +-User's Visit Review [PXQ USER REVIEW] Top Level Menu: (Home). Lexicon Management Menu [LEX MGT MENU] +-Lexicon Utility [LEX UTILITY] | +-Look-up Term [LEX LOOK-UP] | +-User Defaults [LEX USER DEFAULTS] | | +-Shortcuts [LEX USER SHORTCUTS] | | +-Vocabulary [LEX USER VOCABULARY] | | +-Display [LEX USER DISPLAY] | | +-Filter [LEX USER FILTER] | | +-List Defaults [LEX USER DEFAULT LIST] +-Edit Lexicon [LEX MGR EDIT LEXICON] | +-Edit Term Definition [LEX MGR EDIT DEFN] | +-Edit Shortcuts by Context [LEX MGR EDIT SHORTCUTS] +-Defaults [LEX MGR DEFAULTS] | +-Edit User/User Group Defaults [LEX MGR USER DEFAULTS] | +-List User/User Group Defaults [LEX MGR LIST DEFAULTS] Top Level Menu: (Home). Reports Menu [RA REPORTS] +-Complication Report [RA COMPLICATION] +-Delinquent Outside Film Report for Outpatients [RA OUTSIDERPT] -- listed above. +-Film Usage Report [RA FILMUSE] +-Daily Log Report [RA LOG] +-Jacket Labels [RA LABELS] +-Duplicate Flash Card [RA FLASH] +-Print Worksheets [RA WORKSHEETS] +-Delinquent Status Report [RA DELINQUENT] +-Personnel Workload Reports [RA WKL] | +-Technologist Report [RA WKLTECH] | +-Resident Report [RA WKLRES] | +-Staff Report [RA WKLSTAFF] | +-Physician Report [RA WKLPHY] | +-Transcription Report [RA TRANSCRIP REPORT] | +-Radiopharmaceutical Administration Report [RA NM RADIOPHARM ADMIN] +-Status Time Report [RA STATRPT] +-Abnormal Exam Report [RA ABNORMAL] +-Test Label Printer [RA LABELTEST] +-Functional Area Workload Reports [RA LWKL] | +-Ward Report [RA LWKLWARD] | +-Service Report [RA LWKLSERVICE] | +-[[PTF~|PTF]] Bedsection Report [RA LWKLBEDSEC] | +-Clinic Report [RA LWKLCLINIC] | +-Sharing Agreement/Contract Report [RA LWKLSHARING] +-Log of Scheduled Requests by Procedure [RA ORDERLOG] Top Level Menu: (Home). Rad/Nuc Med Technologist Menu [RA TECHMENU] +-Register Patient for Exams [RA REG] +-Patient Profile Menu [RA PROFILES] | +-Profile of Rad/Nuc Med Exams [RA PROFQUICK] | +-Display Patient Demographics [RA PROFDEMOS] | +-Exam Profile (selected sort) [RA PROFSORT] | +-Outside Films Profile [RA OUTPROF] -- listed above. | +-Detailed Request Display [RA ORDERDISPLAY] +-Case No. Exam Edit [RA EDITCN] +-View Exam by Case No. [RA VIEWCN] +-Display a Rad/Nuc Med Report [RA RPTDISP] -- listed above. +-Cancel an Exam [RA CANCEL] +-Add Exams to Last Visit [RA ADDEXAM] +-Duplicate Flash Card [RA FLASH] -- listed above. +-Status Tracking of Exams [RA STATRACK] +-Indicate No Purging of an Exam/report [RA NOPURGE] +-Log of Scheduled Requests by Procedure [RA ORDERLOG] -- listed above. +-Print Selected Requests by Patient [RA ORDERPRINTPAT] +-Switch Locations [RA LOC SWITCH] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). IRM Menu [RA SITEMANAGER] +-Purge Data Function [RA PURGE] +-Device Specifications for Imaging Locations [RA DEVICE] +-Failsoft Parameters [RA FAILSOFT] +-Imaging Type Activity Log [RA IMGLOG] +-Distribution Queue Purge [RA RPTDISTPURGE] +-Rebuild Distribution Queues [RA RPTDISTREBUILD] +-Template Compilation [RA COMPILE TEMPLATES] +-Resource Device Specifications for Division [RA RESOURCE DEVICE] +-Report File x-ref Clean-up Utility [RA XREF CLEANUP] Top Level Menu: (Home). Rad/Nuc Med Total System Menu [RA OVERALL] +-Exam Entry/Edit Menu [RA EXAMEDIT] | +-Add Exams to Last Visit [RA ADDEXAM] -- listed above. | +-Diagnostic Code and Interpreter Edit by Case No. [RA DIAGCN] | +-Case No. Exam Edit [RA EDITCN] -- listed above. | +-Edit Exam by Patient [RA EDITPT] | +-Register Patient for Exams [RA REG] -- listed above. | +-Status Tracking of Exams [RA STATRACK] -- listed above. | +-View Exam by Case No. [RA VIEWCN] -- listed above. | +-Exam Status Display [RA STATLOOK] | +-Cancel an Exam [RA CANCEL] -- listed above. | +-Enter Last Past Visit Before VISTA [RA PAST] | +-Indicate No Purging of an Exam/report [RA NOPURGE] -- listed above. | +-Switch Locations [RA LOC SWITCH] -- listed above. +-Outside Films Registry Menu [RA OUTSIDE] | +-Add Films to Registry [RA OUTADD] | +-Edit Registry [RA OUTEDIT] | +-Flag Film To Need 'OK' Before Return [RA OUTFLAG] | +-Delinquent Outside Film Report for Outpatients [RA OUTSIDERPT] | +-Outside Films Profile [RA OUTPROF] +-Patient Profile Menu [RA PROFILES] -- listed above. +-Update Patient Record [RA PTEDIT] +-Management Reports Menu [RA MGTRPTS] | +-Functional Area Workload Reports [RA LWKL] -- listed above. | +-Personnel Workload Reports [RA WKL] -- listed above. | +-Daily Management Reports [RA DAILYRPTS] | | +-Delinquent Status Report [RA DELINQUENT] -- listed above. | | +-Daily Log Report [RA LOG] -- listed above. | | +-Abnormal Exam Report [RA ABNORMAL] -- listed above. | | +-Delinquent Outside Film Report for Outpatients [RA OUTSIDERPT] -- listed above. | | +-Complication Report [RA COMPLICATION] -- listed above. | | +-Incomplete Exam Report [RA INCOMPLETE] | | +-Examination Statistics [RA DAISTATS] | | +-Unverified Reports [RA DAIUVR] | | +-Log of Scheduled Requests by Procedure [RA ORDERLOG] -- listed above. | | +-Radiopharmaceutical Usage Report [RA NM RADIOPHARM USAGE] | +-Special Reports [RA SPECRPTS] | | +-Film Usage Report [RA FILMUSE] -- listed above. | | +-Status Time Report [RA STATRPT] -- listed above. | | +-Camera/Equip/Rm Report [RA WKLROOM] | | +-AMIS Report [RA AMIS] | | +-AMIS Code Dump by Patient [RA AMISDUMP] | | +-Detailed Procedure Report [RA WKLPROCEDURE] | | +-Procedure/CPT Statistics Report [RA CPTSTATS] | | +-Cost Distribution Report [RA CDR REPORT] | | +-Wasted Film Report [RA WASTED FILM RPT] +-Films Reporting Menu [RA RPT] | +-Report Entry/Edit [RA RPTENTRY] | +-Verify Report Only [RA RPTVERIFY] | +-Select Report to Print by Patient [RA RPTPAT] | +-Draft Report (Reprint) [RA REPRINT] | +-Batch Reports Menu [RA BTCH] | | +-List Reports in a Batch [RA BTCHLIST] | | +-Create a Batch [RA BTCHNEW] | | +-Print a Batch of Reports [RA BTCHPRINT] | | +-Add/Remove Report From Batch [RA BTCHREMOVE] | | +-Verify Batch [RA BTCHVERIFY] | | +-Delete Printed Batches [RA BTCHDEL] | +-Display a Rad/Nuc Med Report [RA RPTDISP] | +-Distribution Queue Menu [RA RPTDIST] | | +-Print By Routing Queue [RA RPTDISTQUE] | | +-Individual Ward [RA RPTDISTSINGLEWARD] | | +-Single Clinic [RA RPTDISTSINGLECLINIC] | | +-Unprinted Reports List [RA RPTDISTLISTUNPRINTED] | | +-Activity Logs [RA RPTDISTACTIVITY] | | +-Clinic Distribution List [RA RPTDISTLISTCLINIC] | | +-Ward Distribution List [RA RPTDISTLISTWARD] | | +-Report's Print Status [RA RPTDISTPRINTSTATUS] | +-On-line Verifying of Reports [RA RPTONLINEVERIFY] | +-Resident On-Line Pre-[[Verification~|Verification]] [RA RESIDENT PRE-VERIFY] | +-Switch Locations [RA LOC SWITCH] +-Supervisor Menu [RA SUPERVISOR] | +-Utility Files Maintenance Menu [RA MAINTENANCE] | | +-Major AMIS Code Entry/Edit [RA MAJORAMIS] | | +-Film Type Entry/Edit [RA FILMEDIT] | | +-Diagnostic Code Enter/Edit [RA DIAGEDIT] | | +-Complication Type Entry/Edit [RA COMPEDIT] | | +-Label/Header/Footer Formatter [RA FLASHFORM] | | +-Sharing Agreement/Contract Entry/Edit [RA SHARING] | | +-Examination Status Entry/Edit [RA EXAMSTATUS] | | +-Standard Reports Entry/Edit [RA STANDRPTS] | | +-Reports Distribution Edit [RA DISTEDIT] | | +-Order Entry Procedure Display Menu [RA ORDER DISPLAY MENU] | | | +-Common Procedure Enter/Edit [RA COMMON PROCEDURE] | | | +-Display Common Procedure List [RA DISPLAY COMMON PROCEDURES] | | | +-Create OE/RR Protocol from Common Procedure [RA CREATE OE/RR PROTOCOL] | | +-Valid Imaging Stop Codes Edit [RA VALID STOP CODES] | | +-Reason Edit [RA REASON EDIT] | | +-Nuclear Medicine Setup Menu [RA NM EDIT MENU] | | | +-Route of Administration Enter/Edit [RA NM EDIT ROUTE] | | | +-Site of Administration Enter/Edit [RA NM EDIT SITE] | | | +-Vendor/Source (Radiopharmaceutical) Enter/Edit [RA NM EDIT SOURCE] | | | +-Lot (Radiopharmaceutical) Number Enter/Edit [RA NM EDIT LOT] | | +-Procedure Edit Menu [RA PROCEDURE EDIT MENU] | | | +-Procedure Enter/Edit [RA PROCEDURE] | | | +-Procedure Message Entry/Edit [RA PROCMSGEDIT] | | | +-Procedure Modifier Entry [RA MODIFIER] | | | +-Cost of Procedure Enter/Edit [RA PROCOSTEDIT] | +-Rad/Nuc Med Personnel Menu [RA PNL] | | +-Classification Enter/Edit [RA PNLCLASS] | | +-Technologist List [RA PNLTECH] | | +-Interpreting Resident List [RA PNLRES] | | +-Interpreting Staff List [RA PNLSTAFF] | | +-Clerical List [RA PNLCLERK] | +-System Definition Menu [RA SYSDEF] | | +-Division Parameter Set-up [RA SYSDIV] | | +-Print Division Parameter List [RA SYSDIVLIST] | | +-Location Parameter Set-up [RA SYSLOC] | | +-Location Parameter List [RA SYSLOCLIST] | | +-Camera/Equip/Rm Entry/Edit [RA SYSEXROOM] | | +-List of Cameras/Equip/Rms [RA SYSEXLIST] | +-Inquire to File Entries [DIINQUIRE] -- listed above. | +-Exam Deletion [RA DELETEXAM] | +-Unverify a Report for Amendment [RA UNVERIFY] | +-Delete a Report [RA DELETERPT] | +-Print File Entries [DIPRINT] -- listed above. | +-Search File Entries [DISEARCH] -- listed above. | +-Maintenance Files Print Menu [RA MAINTENANCEP] | | +-Diagnostic Code List [RA DIAGP] | | +-Complication Type List [RA COMPRINT] | | +-Major AMIS Code List [RA MAJORAMISP] | | +-Film Sizes List [RA FILMP] | | +-Label/Header/Footer Format List [RA FLASHFORMP] | | +-Sharing Agreement/Contract List [RA SHARINGP] | | +-Examination Status List [RA EXAMSTATUSP] | | +-Procedure File Listings [RA PROCLISTS] | | | +-Alpha Listing of Active Procedures [RA ALPHALIST] | | | +-Inactive Procedure List (Long) [RA INACPRCLONG] | | | +-List of Inactive Procedures (Short) [RA INACPRCSHORT] | | | +-Series of Procedures List [RA PROCSERIES] | | | +-Active Procedure List (Short) [RA PROCSHORT] | | | +-Active Procedure List (Long) [RA PROCLONG] | | | +-Procedure Message List [RA PROCMSGPRINT] | | | +-Invalid CPT/Stop Code List [RA INVALID CPT/STOP] | | | +-Barcoded Procedure List [RA BARPROCPRINT] | | | +-Parent Procedure List [RA PROCPARENT] | | +-Standard Reports Print [RA STANDPRINT] | | +-Modifier List [RA MODIFIERP] | | +-Report Distribution Lists [RA DISTP] | | +-Nuclear Medicine List Menu [RA NM PRINT MENU] | | | +-Lot (Radiopharmaceutical) Number List [RA NM PRINT LOT] | | | +-Route of Administration List [RA NM PRINT ROUTE] | | | +-Site of Administration List [RA NM PRINT SITE] | | | +-Vendor/Source (Radiopharmaceutical) List [RA NM PRINT SOURCE] | | +-Rad/Nuc Med HL7 Voice Reporting Errors [RA HL7 VOICE REPORTING ERRORS] | +-Update Exam Status [RA UPDATEXAM] | +-Override a Single Exam's Status to 'complete' [RA OVERRIDE] | +-Mass Override Exam Status [RA EXAMSTATUS MASS OVERRIDE] | +-Delete Printed Batches By Date [RA BTCHDEL DATE] | +-List Exams with Inactive/Invalid Statuses [RA INVALID EXAM STATUSES] | +-Switch Locations [RA LOC SWITCH] -- listed above. | +-Access Uncorrected Reports [RA UNCORRECTED REPORTS] +-User Utility Menu [RA USERUTL] | +-Print Worksheets [RA WORKSHEETS] -- listed above. | +-Jacket Labels [RA LABELS] -- listed above. | +-Duplicate Flash Card [RA FLASH] -- listed above. | +-Test Label Printer [RA LABELTEST] -- listed above. | +-Switch Locations [RA LOC SWITCH] -- listed above. | +-Duplicate Dosage Ticket [RA DOSAGE TICKET] +-Radiology/Nuclear Med Order Entry Menu [RA ORDER] | +-Cancel a Request [RA ORDERCANCEL] -- listed above. | +-Request an Exam [RA ORDEREXAM] -- listed above. | +-Hold a Request [RA ORDERHOLD] | +-Schedule a Request [RA ORDERSCHEDULE] | +-Log of Scheduled Requests by Procedure [RA ORDERLOG] -- listed above. | +-Detailed Request Display [RA ORDERDISPLAY] -- listed above. | +-Print Rad/Nuc Med Requests by Date [RA ORDERPRINTS] | +-Ward/Clinic Scheduled Request Log [RA ORDERLOGLOC] -- listed above. | +-Print Selected Requests by Patient [RA ORDERPRINTPAT] -- listed above. | +-Pending/Hold Rad/Nuc Med Request Log [RA ORDERPENDING] | +-Rad/Nuc Med Procedure Information Look-Up [RA DISPLAY IMAGPROCINFO] +-Switch Locations [RA LOC SWITCH] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Rad/Nuc Med Clerk Menu [RA CLERKMENU] +-Register Patient for Exams [RA REG] -- listed above. +-Display Patient Demographics [RA PROFDEMOS] -- listed above. +-Duplicate Flash Card [RA FLASH] -- listed above. +-Profile of Rad/Nuc Med Exams [RA PROFQUICK] -- listed above. +-Case No. Exam Edit [RA EDITCN] -- listed above. +-Add Exams to Last Visit [RA ADDEXAM] -- listed above. +-Exam Status Display [RA STATLOOK] -- listed above. +-Cancel an Exam [RA CANCEL] -- listed above. +-View Exam by Case No. [RA VIEWCN] -- listed above. +-Display a Rad/Nuc Med Report [RA RPTDISP] -- listed above. +-Radiology/Nuclear Med Order Entry Menu [RA ORDER] -- listed above. +-Switch Locations [RA LOC SWITCH] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Rad/Nuc Med Secretary Menu [RA SECRETARY] +-Rad/Nuc Med Personnel Menu [RA PNL] -- listed above. +-Verify Report Only [RA RPTVERIFY] -- listed above. +-Select Report to Print by Patient [RA RPTPAT] -- listed above. +-Draft Report (Reprint) [RA REPRINT] -- listed above. +-View Exam by Case No. [RA VIEWCN] -- listed above. +-Verify Batch [RA BTCHVERIFY] -- listed above. +-Display a Rad/Nuc Med Report [RA RPTDISP] -- listed above. +-Report Entry/Edit [RA RPTENTRY] -- listed above. +-Radiology/Nuclear Med Order Entry Menu [RA ORDER] -- listed above. +-Switch Locations [RA LOC SWITCH] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Rad/Nuc Med Transcriptionist Menu [RA TRANSCRIPTIONIST] +-Select Report to Print by Patient [RA RPTPAT] -- listed above. +-Draft Report (Reprint) [RA REPRINT] -- listed above. +-Report Entry/Edit [RA RPTENTRY] -- listed above. +-Standard Reports Entry/Edit [RA STANDRPTS] -- listed above. +-Batch Reports Menu [RA BTCH] -- listed above. +-Display a Rad/Nuc Med Report [RA RPTDISP] -- listed above. +-Diagnostic Code and Interpreter Edit by Case No. [RA DIAGCN] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Rad/Nuc Med File Room Clerk Menu [RA FILERM] +-Select Report to Print by Patient [RA RPTPAT] -- listed above. +-Profile of Rad/Nuc Med Exams [RA PROFQUICK] -- listed above. +-Display Patient Demographics [RA PROFDEMOS] -- listed above. +-Display a Rad/Nuc Med Report [RA RPTDISP] -- listed above. +-View Exam by Case No. [RA VIEWCN] -- listed above. +-Outside Films Registry Menu [RA OUTSIDE] -- listed above. +-Ward/Clinic Scheduled Request Log [RA ORDERLOGLOC] +-Detailed Request Display [RA ORDERDISPLAY] -- listed above. +-User Utility Menu [RA USERUTL] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Rad/Nuc Med Ward Clerk Menu [RA WARD] +-Profile of Rad/Nuc Med Exams [RA PROFQUICK] -- listed above. +-Display a Rad/Nuc Med Report [RA RPTDISP] -- listed above. +-Request an Exam [RA ORDEREXAM] +-Detailed Request Display [RA ORDERDISPLAY] -- listed above. +-Ward/Clinic Scheduled Request Log [RA ORDERLOGLOC] -- listed above. +-Cancel a Request [RA ORDERCANCEL] Top Level Menu: (Home). Interpreting Physician Menu [RA RADIOLOGIST] +-Profile of Rad/Nuc Med Exams [RA PROFQUICK] -- listed above. +-Select Report to Print by Patient [RA RPTPAT] -- listed above. +-Display a Rad/Nuc Med Report [RA RPTDISP] -- listed above. +-View Exam by Case No. [RA VIEWCN] -- listed above. +-Indicate No Purging of an Exam/report [RA NOPURGE] -- listed above. +-On-line Verifying of Reports [RA RPTONLINEVERIFY] -- listed above. +-Print Selected Requests by Patient [RA ORDERPRINTPAT] -- listed above. +-Detailed Request Display [RA ORDERDISPLAY] -- listed above. +-Switch Locations [RA LOC SWITCH] -- listed above. +-Draft Report (Reprint) [RA REPRINT] -- listed above. +-Resident On-Line Pre-[[Verification~|Verification]] [RA RESIDENT PRE-VERIFY] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Utilization Management Rollup Main Menu [IBQL MAIN MENU] +-Create Rollup File for Local Transmission [IBQL ROLLUP] +-Purge Rollup Data [IBQL PURGE ROLLUP DATA] +-Transmit Rollup Data [IBQL TRANSMIT DATA] +-List Patients to be included in Rollup [IBQL PATIENT LIST] +-List Patients with Missing Data [IBQL MISSING DATA LIST] +-Outputs [IBQL OUTPUTS] | +-Acute and Non-Acute Reviews Tally List [IBQL ACUTE LIST] | +-Patient Reviews List [IBQL PATIENT REVIEW LIST] +-Downloads [IBQL DOWNLOADS] | +-Acute and Non-Acute Reviews Tally Download [IBQL ACUTE DOWNLOAD] | +-Patient Reviews Download [IBQL PATIENT REVIEW DOWNLOAD] Top Level Menu: (Home). Immunology Study Management Menu [IMR MENU (MANAGEMENT)] +-Encryption of Data (Demonstration) [IMR SHOW CODE] +-Link Local Lab to National Lab File [IMR LAB TEST ENTRY] +-General Immunology Study Menu [IMR MENU (GENERAL)] | +-Enter/Edit Basic Patient Data [IMR ENTER/EDIT DATA] | +-CDC Form Data Entry [IMR CDC ENTER/EDIT] | +-Print CDC Form with Data [IMR PRINT CDC FORM] | +-Generate a BLANK copy of CDC Form [IMR BLANK CDC FORM] | +-Local Patient Clinical History [IMR PAT CLIN HIST] -- listed above. +-Delete an Entry from the Case Study File [IMR DELETE ENTRY] +-Local Reports Menu (ICR) [IMR PRINT OPTS] | +-Local Current Inpatients Report [IMR INPAT LIST] | +-Local Utilization (Group Name for type of report) [IMR LOCAL UTILIZATION] | | +-Local Inpatient and Outpatient Activity [IMR IP/OP ACTIVITY LIST] | | +-Local Specific Inpatient/Outpatient Workload [IMR SPECFC IP/OP ACTIVITY] | | +-Local Lab Utilization Workload [IMR LAB UTILIZATION LIST ] | | +-Local Radiology Utilization Workload [IMR RADIOLOGY UTILIZATION] | | +-Summary Utilization Data [IMR LOCAL UTILIZATION SUMMARY] | +-Local Follow Up Report [IMR FOLLOW UP LIST] | +-Local ICR Demographics by Category [IMR CATEGORY BREAKDOWN] | +-Local Registry List - ICR Patients [IMR PATIENT LIST] | +-Local Inquiry To National Data Base [IMR INQUIRY NATIONAL] | | +-National Patient Inquiry [IMR NAT PAT INQ] | | +-National ARV Drug Report [IMR NAT ARV DRUGS] | | +-National Demographics [IMR NAT DEMOG INQ] | +-Local Pneumococcal Immunization Report [IMR PNEUMOCOCCAL RPT] | +-Local Pharmacy Prescription Utilization [IMR PHARM RX MENU] | | +-Local Pharmacy Prescription Utilization Data [IMR PHARM UTILIZATION LIST] | | +-Local Drug Specific Utilization Report [IMR SPECFC RX LIST] | +-Local Patient Clinical History [IMR PAT CLIN HIST] | +-Local Viral Tests Menu [IMR VIRAL TESTS MENU] | | +-Local Viral Load and CD4 Lists [IMR VIRAL CD4TEST LIST] | | +-Local Viral Load and CD4 By Range [IMR VIRAL CD4 RANGE] | +-Local ARV Drug Reimbursement Report [IMR ARV REIMBURSEMENT] +-Create Search Template Containing Study Members [IMR SEARCH TEMPLATE] +-ICR Site Management Functions [IMR MENU (SITE SETUP)] | +-Enter/Edit Immunology Study Site Parameters [IMR SPF ENTER/EDIT] | +-Queue Registry Data Collection [IMR QUE DATA COLLECT] | +-Show users with access to 'ICR' keys [IMR KEYS] | +-List Search Templates for Package [IMR TEMPLATE LIST] | +-Delete a Package Search Template [IMR TEMPLATE DELETE] | +-Access Violation Log [IMR ACCESS LOG] | +-Current Inpatient List (Queue This Option) [IMR QUEUED INPAT LIST] +-List Local Lab Links [IMR LIST LOCAL LAB LINKS] +-Decode Encrypted SSN [IMR DECODE SSN] Top Level Menu: (Home). IMS Data Input Menu [ECT PKG COORDINATOR] +-Identify Local Services from National File [ECTP LOCAL SERVICES] +-Link File 49 Entries to National File [ECTP LINK] +-Identify T&L for Services [ECTP T&L ID] +-Enter/Edit Staffing Data for Pay Period [ECTP INPUT PP] +-Enter/Edit Staffing Data for Fiscal Year [ECTP INPUT FY] +-Enter/Edit Contract Data for Fiscal Year [ECTF INPUT CONTRACT] +-Enter/Edit Planned Equipment Data [ECTE INPUT] +-Enter/Edit Workload Data by Fiscal Year [ECTS INPUT WKLD] Top Level Menu: (Home). Library Management [LBRY MANAGER] +-Serials Control [LBRY SER TECH MENU] | +-Check-in [LBRY SERIALS CHECK-IN] | +-Return from Routing [LBRY RTN FRM ROUTING] | +-History of Check-in [LBRY HIST CHK-IN] | +-Reprint Routing Slips [LBRY REPRINT ROUTING] | +-Serials Titles Reports [LBRY SER TITLES REPORTS] | | +-Missing Issues List [LBRY MISSING ISSUE] | | +-All Serials Titles [LBRY TITLES ALPHABETICAL] | | +-Local Titles by Location [LBRY TITLES LOCATION] | | +-Local Titles by Vendor [LBRY TITLES VENDOR] | | +-Local Microfilm Titles [LBRY MICROFILM] | | +-Local Medical Titles [LBRY MEDICAL TITLES] | | +-Local Patient Titles [LBRY PATIENT TITLES] | | +-Local Administrative Titles [LBRY ADMINISTRATIVE TITLES] | | +-Local Donor Titles [LBRY DONOR TITLES] | | +-New Local Titles [LBRY NEW LOCAL TITLES] | | +-Medical Subscriptions with Cost [LBRY MEDICAL SUBSCRIPTIONS] | | +-Local Patient Subscriptions [LBRY PATIENT SUBSCRIPTIONS] | +-Other Serials Reports [LBRY SER OTHER REPORTS] | | +-Titles Due for Renewal [LBRY TITLES DUE RENEWAL] | | +-Local Gaps List [LBRY GAPS LIST] | | +-Outstanding Routed to Return Issues [LBRY MISSING R-T-R] | | +-List of Recipients [LBRY RECIPIENTS] | | +-Titles by Union Lists [LBRY UNION LISTS] | | +-For-your-information titles [LBRY FOR-YOUR-INFORMATION] | | +-Administrative Titles with Recipients [LBRY ADMIN RECIPIENTS] | | +-Library Monthly Statistical Report [LBRY MONTHLY STATISTICAL] | +-General Serials Control Information [LBRY OVERVIEW #2] +-Serials Management [LBRY SER MGT] | +-Serials Titles [LBRY SER TITLE EDT] | | +-Library Title Setup [LBRY BRF CKIN SETUP] | | +-Copy Specific Edit [LBRY COPY EDT] | | +-Holdings Setup [LBRY BIBLI EDIT] | | +-Purchasing Information Edit [LBRY FINANCE EDIT] | +-Remove Serial Title from Database [LBRY RMV SER TITLE] | +-Library Supporting Files [LBRY SER SUP EDIT] | | +-Name Entries [LBRY ROUTING LIST ENTRIES EDIT] | | +-Item Placement Location Entries [LBRY ITEM PLACEMENT LOCATION] | | +-Subject Setup [LBRY SUBJECT EDIT] | +-PURGE Journal Date/s from a Title [LBRY PURGE] +-Library Site Parameters [LBRY SITE PRMTERS] +-General Library Package Information [LBRY OVERVIEW] +-Medical Center Files [LBRY SITE CORE FILES] | +-Hospital Service File [LBRY HOSP SERV] +-Library Transaction Report [LBRY TRAN REPORT] +-Process Titles from FORUM Manually [LBRY TRAN MAN] +-Resubmit Local Titles to FORUM [LBRY RESUB LOCAL] +- [LBRY ASSIGN COPY] +-Integrate Library Data [LBRY INT INTEGRATE DATA] +-Prepare Library Data [LBRY INT PREPARE DATA] Top Level Menu: (Home). Library Patron Options [LBRY PATRON OPTIONS] +-Patron Requests for the Local Library [LBRY PATRON REQUESTS] +-Reports for Patrons [LBRY PATRONS REPORTS] | +-History of Check-in [LBRY HIST CHK-IN] -- listed above. | +-Journal Title Availability Inquiry [LBRY PATRON TITLES] | +-Subject List of Journals Available [LBRY PATRON SUBJECT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Serials Technician Main Menu [LBRY SER MAIN MENU] +-General Serials Control Information [LBRY OVERVIEW #2] -- listed above. +-Check-in [LBRY SERIALS CHECK-IN] -- listed above. +-Return from Routing [LBRY RTN FRM ROUTING] -- listed above. +-History of Check-in [LBRY HIST CHK-IN] -- listed above. +-Reprint Routing Slips [LBRY REPRINT ROUTING] -- listed above. +-Serials Titles Reports [LBRY SER TITLES REPORTS] -- listed above. +-Other Serials Reports [LBRY SER OTHER REPORTS] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Medicine Menu [MCMEDICINE SITE MGR MENU] +-Cardiology Menu [MCARUSER] | +-EP Lab Menu [MCAREP] | | +-Enter/Edit Ep (Screen) [MCFSEP] | | +-Results of EP Tests [MCFPEP] | | +-EP Line Entry/Edit [MCFLEP] | | +-Brief EP Line Entry/Edit [MCBLEP] | | +-Brief Enter/Edit EP (Screen) [MCBSEP] | | +-Brief EP Report [MCBPEP] | | +-Release Control Options (EP) [MCAREPMANAGER] | | | +-Print Reports that are Marked for Deletion [MCAREPMFD] | | | +-Convert Old Records to Released Not Verified [MCAREPCONV] | | | +-Print Superseded Reports [MCESSUPEP] | | | +-Allow Printing of Superseded Reports [MCESSUPONEP] | | | +-Turn On Release Control/Elec. Signature [MCESTONEP] | | | +-Status Report [MCESSTATUSEP] | +-Holter Lab Menu [MCARHOLTER] | | +-Holter Test Results [MCFPHOLTER] | | +-Enter/Edit Holter (Screen) [MCFSHOLTER] | | +-Line Entry/Edit of Holter [MCFLHOLTER] | | +-Summary of Automated Records Transferred [MCARHOLTAUTOSUM] | | +-Brief Line Entry/Edit of Holter [MCBLHOLTER] | | +-Brief Enter/Edit Holter (Screen) [MCBSHOLTER] | | +-Brief Holter Report [MCBPHOLTER] | | +-Release Control Options (Holter) [MCARHOLTERMANAGER] | | | +-Print Reports that are Marked for Deletion [MCARHOLTERMFD] | | | +-Convert Old Records to Released Not Verified [MCARHOLTERCONV] | | | +-Print Superseded Reports [MCESSUPHOLTER] | | | +-Allow Printing of Superseded Reports [MCESSUPONHOLTER] | | | +-Turn On Release Control/Elec. Signature [MCESTONHOLTER] | | | +-Status Report [MCESSTATUSHOLTER] | +-ECG Menu [MCARECG] | | +-ECG Test Results [MCFPECG] | | +-Enter/Edit ECG (Screen) [MCFSECG] | | +-Line ECG Entry/Edit [MCFLECG] | | +-Summary of Automated Records Transferred [MCARECGAUTOSUM] | | +-Brief Line ECG Entry/Edit [MCBLECG] | | +-Brief Enter/Edit ECG (Screen) [MCBSECG] | | +-Brief ECG Report [MCBPECG] | | +-Release Control Options (ECG) [MCARECGMANGER] | | | +-Print Reports that are Marked for Deletion [MCARECGMFD] | | | +-Convert Old Records to Released Not Verified [MCARECGCONV] | | | +-Print Superseded Reports [MCESSUPECG] | | | +-Allow Printing of Superseded Reports [MCESSUPONECG] | | | +-Turn On Release Control/Elec. Signature [MCESTONECG] | | | +-Status Report [MCESSTATUSECG] | +-Echo Lab Menu [MCARECHO] | | +-Echo Test Results [MCFPECHO] | | +-Enter/Edit Echo (Screen) [MCFSECHO] | | +-Line Entry/Edit of ECHO test [MCFLECHO] | | +-Image Capture [MCARECHOIMAGE] | | +-Brief Line Echo Entry/Edit [MCBLECHO] | | +-Brief Enter/Edit Echo (Screen) [MCBSECHO] | | +-Brief Echo Report [MCBPECHO] | | +-Release Control Options (ECHO) [MCARECHOMANAGER] | | | +-Print Reports that are Marked for Deletion [MCARECHOMFD] | | | +-Convert Old Records to Released Not Verified [MCARECHOCONV] | | | +-Print Superseded Reports [MCESSUPECHO] | | | +-Allow Printing of Superseded Reports [MCESSUPONECHO] | | | +-Turn On Release Control/Elec. Signature [MCESTONECHO] | | | +-Status Report [MCESSTATUSECHO] | +-Cath Lab Menu [MCARCATH] | | +-Cath Test Results [MCFPCATH] | | +-Enter/Edit Cath (Screen) [MCFSCATH] | | +-Line Entry/Edit of Cath Record [MCFLCATH] | | +-Brief Line Entry/Edit of Cath Record [MCBLCATH] | | +-Image Capture [MCARCATHIMAGE] | | +-Brief Enter/Edit Cath (Screen) [MCBSCATH] | | +-Brief Cath Report [MCBPCATH] | | +-Release Control Options (CATH) [MCARCATHMANAGER] | | | +-Print Reports that are Marked for Deletion [MCARCATHMFD] | | | +-Convert Old Records to Released Not Verified [MCARCATHCONV] | | | +-Print Superseded Reports [MCESSUPCATH] | | | +-Turn On Release Control/Elec. Signature [MCESTONCATH] | | | +-Allow Printing of Superseded Reports [MCESSUPONCATH] | | | +-Status Report [MCESSTATUSCATH] | +-Exercise Tolerance Test (ETT) Menu [MCARETT] | | +-ETT Results [MCFPETT] | | +-Enter/Edit ETT (Screen) [MCFSETT] | | +-Line Entry/Edit of ETT Test [MCFLETT] | | +-Brief Line Entry/Edit of ETT [MCBLETT] | | +-Brief Enter/Edit ETT (Screen) [MCBSETT] | | +-Brief ETT Report [MCBPETT] | | +-Release Control Options (ETT) [MCARETTMANAGER] | | | +-Print Reports that are Marked for Deletion [MCARETTMFD] | | | +-Convert Old Records to Released Not Verified [MCARETTCONV] | | | +-Print Superseded Reports [MCESSUPETT] | | | +-Allow Printing of Superseded Reports [MCESSUPONETT] | | | +-Turn On Release Control/Elec. Signature [MCESTONETT] | | | +-Status Report [MCESSTATUSETT] | +-Summary of Patient Procedures [MCARSUMMARY] | +-Cardiology Management Menu [MCARMGR] | | +-Cardiology Medication File Update [MCARMED] | | +-EP Intervention File Update [MCARINTUPDATE] | +-Surgical Risk Analysis Menu [MCARSURISKMENU] | | +-Post-Surgery Risk Analysis Enter/Edit [MCARCATHSRAPOST] | | +-Pre-Surgery Risk Analysis Enter/Edit [MCARCATHSRAPRE] | | +-Surgical Risk Analysis Report [MCARCATHSRAPRINT] | | +-Pre-Surgery Risk Analysis Enter/Edit(Screen) [MCARSRAPRE] | | +-Post-Surgery Risk Analysis Enter/Edit(Screen) [MCARSRAPOST] | +-Problem Oriented Consult Menu [MCCONSULT MENU] | | +-Problem Oriented Consult Enter/Edit [MCARGICONSULTEDIT] | | +-Problem Oriented Consult Enter/Edit (Screen) [MCCONSULTSCREEN] | | +-Problem Oriented Consult Report [MCARGICONSULTPRINT] | | +-Brief Enter/Edit of a Problem Oriented Consult [MCARGICONSULTBRIEF] | | +-Brief Consult Enter/Edit (Screen) [MCCONSULTBRSCR] | | +-Brief Consult Report [MCCONSULTBRREPORT] +-GI Menu [MCARGIUSER] | +-Summary of Patient Procedures [MCARSUMMARY] -- listed above. | +-GI Management Menu [MCARGIMGR] | | +-GI Medication Update [MCARMEDGI] | | +-Endoscopic Instrument Enter/Edit [MCARGINSTR] | | +-Sphincterotome Enter/Edit [MCARGISPHINC] | | +-Stent Enter/Edit [MCARGISTENT] | | +-Gastrostomy Tube Enter/Edit [MCARGIGASTROTUBE] | | +-Jejunostomy Tube Enter/Edit [MCARGIJEJUNOTUBE] | | +-Release Control Options (GI) [MCESRELGI] | | | +-Print Superseded Reports [MCESSUPGI] | | | +-Allow Printing of Superseded Reports [MCESSUPONGI] | | | +-Turn On Release Control/Elec. Signature [MCESTONGIENDO] | | | +-Convert Old Records to Released Not Verified [MCARGICONV] | | | +-Print Reports that are Marked for Deletion [MCARGIMFD] | | | | +-Endoscopic Marked for Deletion Report [MCARGIMFDED] | | | | +-Non-Endoscopic Marked for Deletion Report [MCARGIMFDNON] | | | +-Status Report [MCESSTATUSGI] | +-Endoscopic Procedure Menu [MCGIENDOSCOPIC MENU] | | +-Enter/Edit GI Procedure (Line) [MCFLGI] | | +-Procedure Enter/Edit (Screen) [MCFSGI] | | +-Endoscopic Report [MCFPGI] | | +-Diagnosis Review/Revision [MCARGIDIAG] | | +-Recall List [MCARGIRECALLIST] | | +-Image Capture [MCARGIMAGE] | | +-Brief Enter/Edit GI Procedure [MCBLGI] | | +-Brief Procedure Enter/Edit (Screen) [MCBSGI] | | +-Brief Endoscopic Report [MCBPGI] | | +- [MCDUMMY] | +-Problem Oriented Consult Menu [MCCONSULT MENU] -- listed above. | +-Non-Endoscopic Procedures [MCGINONENDOSOPIC MENU] | | +-Enter/Edit Non-Endoscopic Exams (Line) [MCFLNONENDO] | | +-Enter/Edit Non-Endoscopic Exams (Screen) [MCFSNONENDO] | | +-Non-Endoscopic Report [MCFPNONENDO] | | +- [MCDUMMY] -- listed above. | | +-Brief Enter/Edit of Non-Endo GI Procedure [MCBLNONENDO] | | +-Brief Non-Endo Enter/Edit (Screen) [MCBSNONENDO] | | +-Brief Non-Endoscopic Report [MCBPNONENDO] +-Pulmonary Menu [MCARPULMUSER] | +-Summary of Patient Procedures [MCARSUMMARY] -- listed above. | +-Pulmonary Management Menu [MCARPULMGR] | | +-Pulmonary Medication Update [MCARMEDPULM] | | +-Pulmonary Instrument Enter/Edit [MCARPULMINST] | | +-PFT Predicted Values Formulas [MCPFTPREDVALUES] | | | +-Edit Predicted Value Formulas [MCPFTPVFEDT] | | | +-Associate Predicted Value Formulas [MCPFTPVFASS] | +-Pulmonary Function Test Menu [MCARPULMPFT] | | +-Enter/Edit PFT [MCFLPFT] | | +-Interpretation Enter/Edit [MCFLPFTI] | | +-Enter/Edit PFT (Screen) [MCFSPFT] | | +-Brief PFT Enter/Edit [MCBLPFT] | | +-Brief PFT Enter/Edit (Screen) [MCBSPFT] | | +-Brief PFT Report [MCBPPFT] | | +-Release Control Options (PFT) [MCPFTMANAGER] | | | +-Print Reports that are Marked for Deletion [MCARPFTMFD] | | | +-Allow Printing of Superseded Reports [MCESSUPONPFT] | | | +-Print Superseded Reports [MCESSUPPFT] | | | +-Convert Old Records to Released Not Verified [MCARPFTCONV] | | | +-Turn On Release Control/Elec. Signature [MCESTONPFT] | | | +-Status Report [MCESSTATUSPFT] | | +-PFT Report [MCFPPFT] | +-Endoscopy Menu [MCPULMENDOMENU] | | +-Endoscopy Enter/Edit [MCFLPULM] | | +-Endoscopy Enter/Edit (Screen) [MCFSPULM] | | +-Diagnosis Review/Revision [MCARPULMDIAG] | | +-Endoscopic Report [MCFPPULM] | | +-Recall List [MCARPULMRECALLIST] | | +-Image Capture [MCARPULMIMAGE] | | +-Brief Endoscopy Enter/Edit [MCBLPULM] | | +-Brief Endoscopy Enter/Edit (Screen) [MCBSPULM] | | +-Brief Endoscopy Report [MCBPPULM] | | +-Release Control Options (Pulmonary) [MCARPULMENDMANG] | | | +-Print Reports that are Marked for Deletion [MCARPULMENDOMFD] | | | +-Print Superseded Reports [MCESSUPPULM] | | | +-Allow Printing of Superseded Reports [MCESSUPONPULM] | | | +-Turn On Release Control/Elec. Signature [MCESTONPULM] | | | +-Status Report [MCESSTATUSPULM] | +-Problem Oriented Consult Menu [MCCONSULT MENU] -- listed above. +-Hematology Menu [MCARHEMUSER] | +-Enter/Edit Hematology Procedures [MCFLHEM] | +-Hematology Report [MCFPHEM] | +-Release Control Options (Hematology) [MCARHEMGR] | | +-Print Reports that are Marked for Deletion [MCARHEMMFD] | | +-Convert Old Records to Released Not Verified [MCARHEMCONV] | | +-Print Superseded Reports [MCESSUPHEM] | | +-Allow Printing of Superseded Reports [MCESSUPONHEM] | | +-Turn On Release Control/Elec. Signature [MCESTONHEM] | | +-Status Report [MCESSTATUSHEM] | +-Summary of Patient Procedures [MCARSUMMARY] -- listed above. | +-Problem Oriented Consult Menu [MCCONSULT MENU] -- listed above. | +-Enter/Edit Hematology Procedures (Screen) [MCFSHEM] | +-Image Capture [MCARHEMIMAGE] | +-Brief Enter/Edit of Hematology Procedures [MCBLHEM] | +-Brief Hematology Enter/Edit (Screen) [MCBSHEM] | +-Brief Hematology Report [MCBPHEM] +-Pacemaker Menu [MCARPACEUSER] | +-Enter/Edit Menu (Line Entry) [MCARPACEDITLINE] | | +-Combined Implant/Leads Enter/Edit [MCARPACEMULTEDIT] | | +-Generator Implant/Explant Enter/Edit [MCARPACEGENIMP] | | +-A-Lead Implant/Explant Enter/Edit [MCFLALEAD] | | +-V-Lead Implant/Explant Enter/Edit [MCFLVLEAD] | | +-Demographic Data Enter/Edit [MCARPACEDIT] | | +-Brief A-Lead Implant/Explant Entry/Edit [MCBLALEAD] | | +-Brief V-Lead Implant/Explant Enter/Edit [MCBLVLEAD] | | +-Brief Generator Implant/Explant Enter/Edit [MCBLGENE] | | +-Surveillance Enter/Edit [MCFLSURV] | | +-Brief Surveillance Enter/Edit [MCBLSURV] | +-Summary of Patient Procedures [MCARSUMMARY] -- listed above. | +-Pacemaker Management Menu [MCARPACEMGR] | | +-Equipment Update [MCARPACEQUIP] | | +-Manufacturer's List Update [MCARPACEMANUF] | +-Report Menu [MCARPACEPRINT] | | +-Generator Report [MCARPACEGENPRINT] | | +-Surveillance Report [MCARPACESURVPRINT] | | +-Active Patient Report [MCARPACEPATIENT] | | +-Automated Transfer of Report to National Center [MCARPACETRANS] | | +-Brief Surveillance Report [MCPACSURVBRREPORT] | | +-A-Lead Report [MCFPALEAD] | | +-V-Lead Report [MCFPVLEAD] | | +-Brief Generator Report [MCBPGEN.IMPLANT] | | +-Brief A-Lead Report [MCBPALEAD] | | +-Brief V-Lead Report [MCBPVLEAD] | +-Enter/Edit Menu (Screen Entry) [MCARPACESCREENMENU] | | +-Combined Implant/Leads Enter/Edit [MCFSMULTI] | | +-Generator Implant/Explant Enter/Edit [MCFSGEN.IMPL.] | | +-A-Lead Implant/Explant Enter/Edit [MCFSALEAD] | | +-V-Lead Implant/Explant Enter/Edit [MCFSVLEAD] | | +-Demographic Data Enter/Edit [MCARPACESCREENDEMO] | | +-Brief Generator Enter/Edit (Screen) [MCBSGENI] | | +-Brief A-Lead Imp/Exp Enter/Edit (Screen) [MCBSALEAD] | | +-Brief V-Lead Imp/Exp Enter/Edit (Screen) [MCBSVLEAD] | | +-Brief Surveillance Enter/Edit (Screen) [MCPACSURVBRSCR] | | +-Surveillance Enter/Edit [MCARPACESCREENSURV] +-Summary of Patient Procedures [MCARSUMMARY] -- listed above. +-Rheumatology Menu [MCRHUSER] | +-Diagnosis Edit [MCRHDIAGF] | +-Add NEW visit/display Patient Background Info. [MCRHBACKF] | +-History Narrative Edit [MCRHNARRF] | +-Display Serial Laboratory Info. [MCRHLABF] | +-Display/Print Drug Treatment Program [MCRHTREAT] | +-Health Assessment (HAQ) Edit [MCRHHAQF] | +-Health/Physical History Edit [MCRHPATHISTF] | +-Physical Examination Edit [MCRHPHYSF] | +-Print Menu [MCRHMENUPRT] | | +-Diagnosis Print [MCRHDIAGP] | | +-Background Information Print [MCRHBACKP] | | +-History Narrative Print [MCRHNARRP] | | +-Serial Laboratory Info. Print [MCRHLABP] | | +-Health Assessment (HAQ) Print [MCRHHAQP] | | +-Health/Physical History Print [MCRHPATHISTP] | | +-Physical Examination Print [MCRHPHYSP] | | +-Print All Report [MCRHALLP] | | +-Death Admin Print [MCRHDEATHP] | | +-Brief Rheumatology Report [MCBPRHEUM] | +-Line Enter/Edit Menu [MCRHMENULIN] | | +-History Narrative Line Edit [MCRHNARRL] | | +-Health Assessment (HAQ) Line Edit [MCRHHAQL] | | +-Health/Physical History Line Edit [MCRHPATHISTL] | | +-Physical Examination Line Edit [MCRHPHYSL] | | +-Death Admin Line Edit [MCRHDEATHL] | | +-Diagnosis Line Edit [MCRHDIAGL] | | +-Brief Diagnosis Line Edit [MCRHBRIEF] | +-Rheumatology Management Menu [MCRHMENUMGR] | | +-Rheumatology Medication File Update [MCRHMED] | | +-Delete Rheumatology Visit [MCRHDELVISIT] | +-Death Admin Edit [MCRHDEATHF] | +-Problem Oriented Consult Menu [MCCONSULT MENU] -- listed above. | +-Summary of Patient Procedures [MCARSUMMARY] -- listed above. | +-Image Capture [MCRHIMAGE] +-Generalized Procedure Menu [MCGENERIC MEDICINE MENU] | +-Generalized Procedure Enter/Edit [MCFLGEN] | +-Summary of Patient Procedures [MCARSUMMARY] -- listed above. | +-Problem Oriented Consult Menu [MCCONSULT MENU] -- listed above. | +-Image Capture [MCGENERICIMAGE] | +-Generalized Procedure Report [MCFPGEN] | +-Brief Generalized Procedure Enter/Edit [MCBLGEN] | +-Brief Generalized Procedure Report [MCBPGEN] | +-Generalized Procedure Enter/Edit (Screen) [MCFSGEN] | +-Brief Generalized Procedure Enter/Edit (Screen) [MCBSGEN] | +-Generalized Procedure Management [MCGENERICMGR] | | +-Procedures/Subspecialties Definition Enter/Edit [MCGENERICPREDT] | | +-Turn On Release Control/Elec. Signature [MCESTONGEN] +-Enable/Disable OE/RR [MCORHOOK] +-Workload Reporting Management [MCWKLDM] | +-Workload Reporting ON/OFF Toggle [MCWKLDT] | +-Workload Reporting Mailgroup Selection [MCWKLDG] | +-Workload Reporting Device Selection [MCWKLDD] Top Level Menu: (Home). Surgical Risk Menu [MCARCATHSRAM] +-Post-Surgery Risk Analysis Enter/Edit [MCARCATHSRAPOST] -- listed above. +-Pre-Surgery Risk Analysis Enter/Edit [MCARCATHSRAPRE] -- listed above. +-Surgical Risk Analysis Report [MCARCATHSRAPRINT] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Generic Medicine Manager Menu [MCGENERICMANAGER] +-Print Reports that are Marked for Deletion [MCGENERICMFD] Top Level Menu: (Home). Surgery Menu [SROMENU] +-Operation Menu [SROPER] | +-Surgical Staff [SROMEN-STAFF] | +-Operation Startup [SROMEN-START] | +-Operation [SROMEN-OP] | +-Operation Report [SROSRPT] | +-Anesthesia Report [SROARPT] | +-Operation Information [SROMEN-OPINFO] | +-Operation (Short Screen) [SROMEN-OUT] | +-Post Operation [SROMEN-POST] | +-Enter Irrigations and Restraints [SROMEN-REST] | +-Tissue Examination Report [SROTRPT] | +-Nurse Intraoperative Report [SRONRPT] | +-Anesthesia for an Operation Menu [SROANES] | | +-Anesthesia Information (Enter/Edit) [SROMEN-ANES] | | +-Anesthesia Technique (Enter/Edit) [SROMEN-ANES TECH] | | +-Medications (Enter/Edit) [SROANES MED] -- listed above. | | +-Anesthesia Report [SROARPT] -- listed above. | | +-Schedule Anesthesia Personnel [SRSCHDA] -- listed above. | +-Medications (Enter/Edit) [SROANES MED] | +-Blood Product [[Verification~|Verification]] [SR BLOOD PRODUCT VERIFICATION] | +-Enter Referring Physician Information [SROMEN-REFER] | +-Surgeon's [[Verification~|Verification]] of Diagnosis & Procedures [SROVER] | +-Enter PAC(U) Information [SROMEN-PACU] +-Surgery Reports [SRORPTS] | +-Management Reports [SR MANAGE REPORTS] | | +-Schedule of Operations [SROSCH] -- listed above. | | +-Annual Report of Surgical Procedures [SROARSP] | | +-List of Operations [SROPLIST] | | +-List of Operations (by Surgical Specialty) [SROPLIST1] | | +-List of Undictated Operations [SRODCT1] -- listed above. | | +-Report of Daily Operating Room Activity [SROPACT] -- listed above. | | +-List of Operations (by Surgical Priority) [SRO CASES BY PRIORITY] | | +-Report of Surgical Priorities [SRO SURGICAL PRIORITY] | | +-PCE Filing Status Report [SRO PCE STATUS] | | +-List of Operations (by Postoperative Disposition) [SRO CASES BY DISPOSITION] | | +-Outpatient Encounters Not Transmitted to NPCD [SRO PCE NOTRANS] | +-Surgery Staffing Reports [SR STAFFING REPORTS] | | +-Attending Surgeon Reports [SROATT] | | +-Surgeon Staffing Report [SROSUR] | | +-Surgical Nurse Staffing Report [SRONSR] | | +-Scrub Nurse Staffing Report [SROSNR] | | +-Circulating Nurse Staffing Report [SROCNR] | +-Anesthesia Reports [SR ANESTH REPORTS] | | +-Anesthesia AMIS [SROAMIS] -- listed above. | | +-List of Anesthetic Procedures [SROANP] | | +-Anesthesia Provider Report [SROADOC] | +-CPT Code Reports [SR CPT REPORTS] | | +-Cumulative Report of CPT Codes [SROACCT] | | +-Report of CPT Coding Accuracy [SR CPT ACCURACY] | | +-List Completed Cases Missing CPT Codes [SRSCPT] +-Schedule Operations [SROSCHOP] | +-Schedule Anesthesia Personnel [SRSCHDA] | +-Update Cancellation Reason [SRSUPC] | +-Display Availability [SRODISP] | +-Schedule of Operations [SROSCH] | +-Schedule Requested Operations [SRSCHD1] | +-Schedule Unrequested Operations [SROSRES] | +-Create Service Blockout [SRSBOUT] | +-Delete Service Blockout [SRSBDEL] | +-Reschedule or Update a Scheduled Operation [SRSCHUP] | +-Cancel Scheduled Operation [SRSCAN] | +-Schedule Unrequested Concurrent Cases [SRSCHDC] +-Chief of Surgery Menu [SROCHIEF] | +-Update Status of Returns Within 30 Days [SRO UPDATE RETURNS] | +-View Patient Perioperative Occurrences [SROMEN-M&M] | +-Update Cancelled Case [SRO UPDATE CANCELLED CASE] | | +-Operation Information [SROMEN-OPINFO] -- listed above. | | +-Surgical Staff [SROMEN-STAFF] -- listed above. | | +-Operation Startup [SROMEN-START] -- listed above. | | +-Operation [SROMEN-OP] -- listed above. | | +-Post Operation [SROMEN-POST] -- listed above. | | +-Enter PAC(U) Information [SROMEN-PACU] -- listed above. | | +-Operation (Short Screen) [SROMEN-OUT] -- listed above. | | +-Surgeon's [[Verification~|Verification]] of Diagnosis & Procedures [SROVER] -- listed above. | | +-Anesthesia for an Operation Menu [SROANES] -- listed above. | | +-Operation Report [SROSRPT] -- listed above. | | +-Anesthesia Report [SROARPT] -- listed above. | | +-Nurse Intraoperative Report [SRONRPT] -- listed above. | | +-Tissue Examination Report [SROTRPT] -- listed above. | | +-Enter Referring Physician Information [SROMEN-REFER] -- listed above. | | +-Enter Irrigations and Restraints [SROMEN-REST] -- listed above. | +-Update Operations as Unrelated/Related to Death [SRO DEATH RELATED] | +-Unlock a Case for Editing [SRO-UNLOCK] | +-Management Reports [SRO-CHIEF REPORTS] | | +-Comparison of Preop and Postop Diagnosis [SROPPC] | | +-Delay and Cancellation Reports [SRO DEL MENU] | | | +-Report of Delayed Operations [SRODELA] | | | +-Report of Delay Reasons [SROREAS] | | | +-Report of Cancellations [SROCAN] | | | +-Report of Cancellation Rates [SROCRAT] | | | +-Report of Delay Time [SRO DELAY TIME] | | +-List of Unverified Surgery Cases [SROUNV] | | +-Morbidity & Mortality Reports [SROMM] | | +-Report of Returns to Surgery [SRORET] | | +-List of Undictated Operations [SRODCT1] | | +-Report of Daily Operating Room Activity [SROPACT] | | +-Report of Cases Without Specimens [SROSPEC] | | +-Report of Unscheduled Admissions to ICU [SROICU] | | +-Operating Room Utilization Report [SR OR UTL1] | | +-M&M [[Verification~|Verification]] Report [SRO M&M VERIFICATION REPORT] | | +-Wound Classification Report [SROWC] | | +-Quarterly Report Menu [SROQ MENU] | | | +-Quarterly Report - Surgical Service [SRO QUARTERLY REPORT] | | | +-Deaths Within 30 Days of Surgery [SROQD] | | | +-Admissions Within 14 Days of Outpatient Surgery [SROQADM] | | | +-List of Invasive Diagnostic Procedures [SROQIDP] | | | +-List of Operations Included on Quarterly Report [SROQ LIST OPS] | | | +-Report of Missing Quarterly Report Data [SROQ MISSING DATA] | | +-Print Blood Product [[Verification~|Verification]] Audit Log [SR BLOOD PRODUCT VERIFY AUDIT] | +-Update/Verify Procedure/Diagnosis Codes [SRCODING EDIT] +-Laboratory Interim Report [SRO-LRRP] +-Surgery Package Management Menu [SRO PACKAGE MANAGEMENT] | +-Surgery Site Parameters (Enter/Edit) [SROPARAM] | +-Operating Room Information (Enter/Edit) [SRO-ROOM] | +-Flag Drugs for Use as Anesthesia Agents [SROCODE] | +-Person Field Restrictions Menu [SROKEY MENU] | | +-Enter Restrictions for 'Person' Fields [SROKEY ENTER] | | +-Remove Restrictions on 'Person' Fields [SROKEY REMOVE] | +-Update Staff Surgeon Information [SROSTAFF] | +-Update O.R. Schedule Devices [SR UPDATE SCHEDULE DEVICE] | +-Update Site Configurable Files [SR UPDATE FILES] | +-Surgery Utilization Menu [SR OR UTIL] | | +-Operating Room Utilization Report [SR OR UTL1] -- listed above. | | +-Operating Room Utilization (Enter/Edit) [SR UTIL EDIT ROOM] | | +-Report of Normal Operating Room Hours [SR OR HOURS] | | +-Purge Utilization Information [SR PURGE UTILIZATION] | | +-Normal Daily Hours (Enter/Edit) [SR NORMAL HOURS] | +-Backfill Order File With Surgical Cases [SROERR BACKFILL] | +-Surgery Interface Management Menu [SRHL INTERFACE] | | +-Flag Interface Fields [SRHL INTERFACE FLDS] | | +-File Download [SRHL DOWNLOAD INTERFACE FILES] | | +-Table Download [SRHL DOWNLOAD SET OF CODES] | | +-Update Interface Parameter Field [SRHL PARAMETER] +-Request Operations [SROREQ] | +-Display Availability [SRODISP] -- listed above. | +-Make Operation Requests [SROOPREQ] | +-Delete or Update Operation Requests [SRSUPRQ] | +-Operation Requests for a Day [SROP REQ] | +-Make a Request from the Waiting List [SRSWREQ] | +-Make a Request for Concurrent Cases [SRSREQCC] | +-Requests by Ward [SROWRQ] | +-Review Request Information [SROREQV] +-Comments [SROMEN-COM] +-Perioperative Occurrences Menu [SRO COMPLICATIONS MENU] | +-Non-Operative Occurrences (Enter/Edit) [SROCOMP] | +-Intraoperative Occurrences (Enter/Edit) [SRO INTRAOP COMP] -- listed above. | +-Morbidity & Mortality Reports [SROMM] -- listed above. | +-Postoperative Occurrences (Enter/Edit) [SRO POSTOP COMP] -- listed above. | +-Update Status of Returns Within 30 Days [SRO UPDATE RETURNS] -- listed above. +-Maintain Surgery Waiting List [SROWAIT] | +-Print Surgery Waiting List [SRSWL2] | +-Enter a Patient on the Waiting List [SROW-ENTER] | +-Edit a Patient on the Waiting List [SROW-EDIT] | +-Delete a Patient from the Waiting List [SROW-DELETE] +-Anesthesia Menu [SROANES1] | +-Anesthesia Report [SROARPT] -- listed above. | +-Anesthesia AMIS [SROAMIS] | +-Anesthesia Data Entry Menu [SROANES-D] | | +-Anesthesia Information (Enter/Edit) [SROMEN-ANES] -- listed above. | | +-Anesthesia Technique (Enter/Edit) [SROMEN-ANES TECH] -- listed above. | | +-Medications (Enter/Edit) [SROANES MED] -- listed above. | +-Schedule Anesthesia Personnel [SRSCHDA] -- listed above. +-List Scheduled Operations [SRSCD] +-List Operation Requests [SRSRBS] +-Surgery Risk Assessment Menu [SROA RISK ASSESSMENT] | +-Non-Cardiac Assessment Information (Enter/Edit) [SROA ENTER/EDIT] | | +-Preoperative Information (Enter/Edit) [SROA PREOP DATA] | | +-Laboratory Test Results (Enter/Edit) [SROA LAB] | | +-Operation Information (Enter/Edit) [SROA OPERATION DATA] | | +-Intraoperative Occurrences (Enter/Edit) [SRO INTRAOP COMP] | | +-Postoperative Occurrences (Enter/Edit) [SRO POSTOP COMP] | | +-Update Status of Returns Within 30 Days [SRO UPDATE RETURNS] -- listed above. | | +-Patient Demographics (Enter/Edit) [SROA DEMOGRAPHICS] | | +-Update Assessment Status to 'COMPLETE' [SROA COMPLETE ASSESSMENT] | +-Print a Surgery Risk Assessment [SROA PRINT ASSESSMENT] | +-Update Assessment Completed/Transmitted in Error [SROA TRANSMITTED IN ERROR] | +-List of Surgery Risk Assessments [SROA ASSESSMENT LIST] | +-Print 30 Day Follow-up Letters [SROA REPRINT LETTERS] | +-Cardiac Risk Assessment Information (Enter/Edit) [SROA CARDIAC ENTER/EDIT] | | +-Clinical Information (Enter/Edit) [SROA CLINICAL INFORMATION] | | +-Enter Cardiac Catheterization & Angiographic Data [SROA CATHETERIZATION] | | +-Operative Risk Summary Data (Enter/Edit) [SROA CARDIAC OPERATIVE RISK] | | +-Cardiac Procedures Requiring CPB (Enter/Edit) [SROA CARDIAC PROCEDURES] | | +-Intraoperative Occurrences (Enter/Edit) [SRO INTRAOP COMP] -- listed above. | | +-Postoperative Occurrences (Enter/Edit) [SRO POSTOP COMP] -- listed above. | | +-Update Assessment Status to 'COMPLETE' [SROA COMPLETE ASSESSMENT] -- listed above. | | +-Resource Data [SROA CARDIAC RESOURCE] | +-Exclusion Criteria (Enter/Edit) [SR NO ASSESSMENT REASON] | +-Monthly Surgical Case Workload Report [SROA MONTHLY WORKLOAD REPORT] | +-Update Operations as Unrelated/Related to Death [SRO DEATH RELATED] -- listed above. | +-M&M [[Verification~~|Verification]] Report [SRO M&M VERIFICATION REPORT] -- listed above. | +-Update 1-Liner Case [SROA ONE-LINER UPDATE] | +-Queue Assessment Transmissions [SROA TRANSMIT ASSESSMENTS] +-Non-O.R. Procedures [SRONOP] | +-Non-O.R. Procedures (Enter/Edit) [SRONOP-ENTER] | | +-Edit Non-O.R. Procedure [SRONOP-EDIT] | | +-Anesthesia Information (Enter/Edit) [SROMEN-ANES] -- listed above. | | +-Medications (Enter/Edit) [SROANES MED] -- listed above. | | +-Anesthesia Technique (Enter/Edit) [SROMEN-ANES TECH] -- listed above. | | +-Procedure Report (Non-O.R.) [SR NON-OR REPORT] | | +-Tissue Examination Report [SROTRPT] -- listed above. | +-Annual Report of Non-O.R. Procedures [SRONOP-ANNUAL] | +-Report of Non-O.R. Procedures [SRONOR] +-Surgeons' Dictation Menu [SR DICTATION] | +-Enter/Edit Date of Dictation [SROCHDD] -- listed above. | +-List of Untranscribed Surgeon's Dictation [SRSDDEL] | +-Undictated Operations [SRODICT] +-CPT/ICD9 Coding Menu [SRCODING MENU] | +-CPT/ICD9 Update/Verify Menu [SRCODING UPDATE/VERIFY MENU] | | +-Update/Verify Procedure/Diagnosis Codes [SRCODING EDIT] -- listed above. | | +-Operation/Procedure Report [SRCODING OP REPORT] | | +-Nurse Intraoperative Report [SRCODING NURSE REPORT] | +-Cumulative Report of CPT Codes [SROACCT] -- listed above. | +-Report of CPT Coding Accuracy [SR CPT ACCURACY] -- listed above. | +-List Completed Cases Missing CPT Codes [SRSCPT] -- listed above. | +-List of Operations [SROPLIST] -- listed above. | +-List of Operations (by Surgical Specialty) [SROPLIST1] -- listed above. | +-List of Undictated Operations [SRODCT1] -- listed above. | +-Report of Daily Operating Room Activity [SROPACT] -- listed above. | +-PCE Filing Status Report [SRO PCE STATUS] -- listed above. | +-Report of Non-O.R. Procedures [SRONOR-CODERS] Top Level Menu: (Home). Surgery Transcription Menu [SRSTRANS MENU] +-Transmit Transcribed Operation Notes [SRSEND] +-Batch Print Transcripted Operation Notes [SRSTRANS PRINT] +-List Operation Notes in the 'Print' Queue [SRSTRANS PQ] +-List of Unmerged Operation Notes [SRSTRANS ERROR] +-Transcribe Surgeon's Dictation (FileMan) [SRSTRAN] +-Enter/Edit Date of Dictation [SROCHDD] Top Level Menu: (Home). Oncology Site Manager Menu [ONCO #SITE MANAGER MENU] +-DHCP Tumor Registry [ONCO *TUMOR REGISTRY MENU] | +-*..Follow-up Functions [ONCO FOLLOWUP MENU] | | +-Post/Edit Follow-up [ONCO FOLLOWUP-POST/EDIT] | | +-Recurrence/Sub Tx Follow-up [ONCO FOLLOWUP-RECURRENCE] | | +-Print Due Follow-up List by Month Due [ONCO FOLLOWUP-DUE LIST] | | +-Print Delinquent (LTF) List [ONCO FOLLOWUP-DELINQUENT LIST] | | +-Follow-up Status Report by Patient (132c) [ONCO FOLLOWUP-STATUS REPORT] | | +-Patient Follow-up History [ONCO FOLLOWUP-PATIENT HISTORY] | | +-Print Due Follow-up List by 'Terminal Digit' [ONCO FOLLOWUP-DUE/TERMDIG LIST] | | +-Follow-up Procedures Menu [ONCO FOLL PROCEDURE MENU] | | | +-Add Patient Contact [ONCO FOLL-ADD CONTACT] | | | +-Attempt a Follow-up [ONCO FOLL-ATTEMPT FOLLOWUP] | | | +-Print Follow-up Letter [ONCO FOLL-PRINT LETTER] | | | +-Individual Follow-up Report [ONCO FOLL-PAT FOLLOWUP REPORT] | | | +-Patient Follow-up Inquiry [ONCO FOLL-PATIENT INQUIRY] | | | +-Add/Edit Follow-up Letter [ONCO FOLL-ADD/EDIT LETTER] | | | +-Update Contact File [ONCO FOLL-UPDATE CONTACT FILE] | | +-Print Due Follow-up/Admission List [ONCO FOLLOWUP-DUE/ADM-DIS LIST] | +-*..Abstracting/Printing [ONCO ABSTRACT MENU] | | +-Complete Abstract [ONCO ABSTRACT-ENTER/EDIT] | | +-Abstract Screens Menu (80c) [ONCO ABSTRACT-DISPLAY/SCREENS] | | | +-Patient Information [ONCOXM1] | | | +-Family History [ONCOXM2] | | | +-Physician Contact [ONCOXM3] | | | +-Cancer Information [ONCOXM4] | | | +-Extent of Disease at Diagnosis [ONCOXM5] | | | +-Treatment - (First Course) [ONCOXM6] | | | +-Recurrence [ONCOXM7] | | | +-Subsequent Therapy [ONCOXM8] | | | +-Follow-up [ONCOXM9] | | | +-Complete Abstract [ONCOXM10] | | +-Abstract Edit Primary [ONCO ABSTRACT-EDIT] | | +-Print Complete Abstract (132c) [ONCO ABSTRACT-PRINT/EO132] | | +-Patient Summary [ONCO ABSTRACT-INCOMP RECORD] | | +-Print Abstract-Brief (80c) [ONCO ABSTRACT-BRIEF 80] | | +-Print Abstract-Extended (80c) [ONCO ABSTRACT-EXTENDED 80] | | +-Print Abstract NOT Complete List [ONCO ABSTRACT-NOT COMPLETE] | | +-Print QA/Multiple Abstracts [ONCO ABSTRACT-MULTIPLE] | | +-Edit/print worksheet [ONC EDIT/PRINT WORKSHEET] | +-*..Registry Lists [ONCO LIST MENU] | | +-Accession Register-ACOS (80c) [ONCO LIST-ACCREG-ACOS80] | | +-Accession Register-Site (80c) [ONCO LIST-ACCREG-SITE/GP80] | | +-Accession Register-EOVA (132c) [ONCO LIST-ACCREG-EOVA132] | | +-Patient Index-Site (80c) [ONCO LIST-PATIENT INDX80] | | +-Patient Index-EOVA (132c) [ONCO LIST-PATIENT INDX-EOVA132] | | +-Patient Index-ACOS (132c) [ONCO LIST-PATIENT INDX-ACOS] | | +-Primary ICDO Listing (80c) [ONCO LIST-PRIM ICDO-SITE80] | | +-Primary ICDO Listing (132c) [ONCO LIST-PRIM ICDO-SITE132] | | +-Primary Site/GP Listing (80c) [ONCO LIST-PRIM SITE/GP80] | +-*..Annual Reports [ONCO ANNUAL MENU] | | +-Annual ACOS Accession Register (80c) [ONCO ANNUAL-ACCESSION REG] | | +-Annual ACOS Patient Index (132c) [ONCO ANNUAL-PATIENT INDEX] | | +-Annual Patient List by Class of Case (80c) [ONCO ANNUAL-CLASS/PATIENT] | | +-Annual Site/ICDO Topography/Histology (80c) [ONCO ANNUAL-SITE/ICDT/ICDM] | | +-Annual Cross Tabs (80c) [ONCO ANNUAL-CROSSTABS] | | +-Annual Primary Site/Stage/Tx (132c) [ONCO ANNUAL-SITE/STG/TX] | | +-Annual ICDO Topography/Stage/Tx (132c) [ONCO ANNUAL-ICDO/STG/TX] | | +-Annual Primary Site/GP Listing (132c) [ONCO ANNUAL-SITE/GP LIST] | | +-Print Custom Reports [ONCO ANNUAL-CUSTOM PRINT] | | +-Annual Status/Site/Dx-Age (132c) [ONCO ANNUAL-ANAL/SITE/DX-AGE] | | +-Annual Histology/Site/Topography (80c) [ONCO ANNUAL-HIST/SITE/ICDO] | +-*..Statistical Reports [ONCO STAT MENU] | | +-Cross Tabs (ICDO-Site) - Total Registry [ONCO STAT-CROSSTAB ICDO] | | +-Cross Tab Routines [ONCO STAT-CROSSTAB ROUTINES] | | +-Survival Routines [ONCO STAT-SURVIVAL ROUTINES] | | +-Define Search Criteria [ONCO STAT-DEFINE SEARCHES] | | +-Cross Tabs (User Selectable) - Total Registry [ONCO STAT-CROSSTAB R&C] | | +-Survival by Stage [ONCO STAT-SURVIVAL STAGE] | | +-Survival by Site [ONCO STAT-SURVIVAL SITE] | | +-Survival by Treatment [ONCO STAT-SURVIVAL TX] | | +-Treatment by Stage - Cross tabs [ONCO STAT-CROSSTAB STG/TREAT] | +-*..Utility Options [ONCO UTIL MENU] | | +-Edit Site/AccSeq# Data [ONCO UTIL-EDIT SITE/ACCSEQ] | | +-Delete Oncology Patient [ONCO UTIL-DELETE PATIENT] | | +-Delete Primary Site/GP Record [ONCO UTIL-DELETE PRIMARY] | | +-Patient/Primary Inquiry [ONCO UTIL-PATIENT INQUIRY] | | +-Define Tumor Registry Parameters [ONCO UTIL-SITE PARAMETERS] | | +-Print Oncology Patient Record [ONCO UTIL-RECORD DUMP] | | +-Registry Summary Reports [ONCO UTIL-SUMMARY REPORT] | | +-List Topographic Site Groups [ONCO UTIL-LIST GROUPS] | | +-List Topography Codes by Site Group [ONCO UTIL-TOPOG BY SITEGRP] | | +-Report of accessions requiring additional input [ONCO #SITE ERROR REPORT] -- listed above. | | +-Create a report to preview ACOS output [ONCO #SITE-CREATE ACOS REPORT] -- listed above. | | +-Create ACOS Data Disk [ONCO #SITE-CREATE ACOS DISK] | | +-Create State Data Disk [ONCO #STATE DATA DISK] | | +-Enter/Edit Facility file [ONCO UTIL-EDIT ACOS FILE] | | +-Create a report to preview State output [ONCO #STATE DATA REPORT] | +-*..Casefinding/Suspense [ONCO SUSPENSE MENU] | | +-Add/Edit/Delete 'Suspense' Case [ONCO SUSPENSE-ENTER] | | +-Print Suspense List by Suspense Date (132c) [ONCO SUSPENSE-PRINT] | | +-Oncology Patient List-NO Primaries/Suspense [ONCO SUSPENSE-NOPRIMARY] | | +-Print Casefinding-Lab Report [ONCO SUSPENSE-CASEFIND LAB-RPT] | | +-Print Suspense List by Month/Terminal Digit (132c) [ONCO SUSPENSE-TERMDIGIT] | | +-Automatic Casefinding-Lab Search [ONCO SUSPENSE-CASEFIND (LAB)] | | +-Automatic Casefinding-[[PTF~|PTF]] Search [ONCO SUSPENSE-CASEFIND (PTF)] | | +-Automatic Casefinding-Radiology Search [ONCO SUSPENSE-CASEFIND (RAD)] | | +-Print Complete Suspense List by Term Digit (132c) [ONCO SUSPENSE-TERMDIGIT/ALL] | | +-Disease Index [ONCO SUSPENSE-DISEASE INDEX] +-Reindex Data Files (160,165.5,165) [ONCO #SITE-REINDEX DATA FILES] +-Recompute AJCC TNM Staging [ONCO #SITE-RESTAGE PRIMARY] +-Purge Patient Records with No Suspense/Primaries [ONCO #SITE-PURGE SUSPENSE] +-Correct Next Follow-Up for Expired Patients [ONCO #SITE-FIX EXP PAT F/U] +-Create a report to preview ACOS output [ONCO #SITE-CREATE ACOS REPORT] +-Report of accessions requiring additional input [ONCO #SITE ERROR REPORT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Missing Patient Register Menu [MPR MAIN] +-Enter/Edit Missing Patient [MPR MISSING ENTER/EDIT] +-Enter/Edit Found Patient [MPR FOUND ENTER/EDIT] +-Missing Patient Print [MPR MISSING PATIENT PRINT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Police Menu [ESP POLICE & SECURITY MENU] +-Police Chief [ESP POLICE CHIEF MENU] | +-Evidence/Property [ESP EVIDENCE/PROPERTY MENU] | | +-Create/Edit Evidence/Property Record [ESP EVIDENCE/PROPERTY ADD/EDIT] | | +-Print All Evidence/Property Records [ESP EVIDENCE PRINT-ALL] | | +-Print Open Evidence/Property Records [ESP EVIDENCE PRINT-OPEN] | | +-Lookup Evidence/Property Record [ESP EVIDENCE PROPERTY LOOKUP] | | +-Make Evidence Sensitive [ESP EVIDENCE MAKE SENSITIVE] | +-Package Management [ESP PACKAGE MANAGEMENT] | | +-Offense Code Add/Edit [ESP OFFENSE CODE EDIT] | | +-Police Officer Add/Edit [ESP POLICE OFFICER EDIT] | | +-Activity Code Add/Edit [ESP ACTIVITY CODE EDIT] | | +-Selectables Add/Edit [ESP SELECTABLES EDIT] | | +-Disposition Code Add/Edit [ESP DISPOSITION CODE EDIT] | | +-Master Name Add/Edit [ESP MASTER NAME ADD/EDIT] | | +-Police Records Information [ESP FILEMAN OPTIONS] | | | +-Inquire to Police Files [ESP FILEMAN INQUIRY] | | | +-Print from Police Files [ESP FILEMAN PRINT] | | +-Delete Duplicate Master Name [ESP DELETE DUPLICATE NAME] | +-Criminal Statute Info [ESP CRIMINAL STATUTE INFO] | | +-Criminal Statute Lookup [ESP CRIMINAL STATUTE LOOKUP] | | +-Print Criminal Statute List [ESP CRIMINAL STATUTE PRINT] | +-Training Records [ESP TRAINING MENU] | | +-Create/Edit Training Record [ESP TRAINING EDIT] | | +-All Officers Record Print [ESP TRAINING PRINT 1] | | +-Select Type of Training Print [ESP TRAINING PRINT 2] | | +-Individual Officer Record Print [ESP TRAINING PRINT 4] | | +-Print Training Record by Selections [ESP TRAINING PRINT 5] | +-Offense Reports [ESP OFFENSE MENU] | | +-Create Offense Report [ESP OFFENSE REPORT INPUT] | | +-Close an Offense Report [ESP CLOSE AN OFFENSE REPORT] | | +-Resume an Offense Report Entry [ESP RESUME AN OFFENSE REPORT] | | +-Edit a Completed Offense Report [ESP EDIT OFFENSE REPORT] | | +-Open a Closed Offense Report [ESP OPEN A CLOSED OR] | | +-Make a Report Sensitive [ESP MAKE SENSITIVE] | | +-Print Any Offense Report [ESP PRINT ANY OR] | | +-Review Completed Offense Report [ESP REVIEW COMPLETED OR] | | +-Offense Match Report [ESP OFFENSE MATCH] | | +-Case Assignment Register-All [ESP CASE ASSIGNMENT ALL] | | +-Case Assignment Register-Open [ESP CASE ASSIGNMENT OPEN] | | +-Delete Offense Report [ESP DELETE OFFENSE REPORT] | | +-Transmit An Offense Report [ESP TRANSMIT OR] | | +-Follow-Up Offense Reports [ESP FOLLOW-UP OFFENSE REPORTS] | | | +-Follow-Up Entry Add/Edit [ESP FOLLOW-UP ADD/EDIT] | | | +-Print Any Follow-Up Note [ESP FOLLOW-UP PRINT-ANY] | | +-Missing Patient Reports [ESP MISSING PATIENT REPORTS] | | | +-Missing Patient Report-All Cases [ESP MISSING PATIENT REPORT-ALL] | | | +-Missing Patient Report-Open Cases [ESP MISSING PATIENT REPORT-OPN] | +-Vehicle Registrations [ESP VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS] -- listed above. | +-Violations [ESP VIOLATIONS MENU] | | +-Warnings and Violations Issued Report [ESP W&V ISSUED REPORT] | | +-Create Violation Notice Entry [ESP USDCVN ENTRY] | | +-Violation Notices Issued Report [ESP ISSUED USDCVN'S REPORT] | | +-Create Courtesy Violation Notice Entry [ESP COURTESY VIOLATION INPUT] | | +-Print a Violation by Name [ESP VIO PRINT BY NAME] | | +-Print a U.S.D.C. Violation by # [ESP VIOLATION PRINT] | | +-Update Violation Notice Entry [ESP VIOLATION EDIT] | | +-Violation Match Report [ESP VIOLATION MATCH] | | +-Violations Issued By Officer [ESP VIOLATIONS BY OFFICER] | +-Daily Activity [ESP ACTIVITY MENU] | | +-Create/Add Daily Activity Entry [ESP ACTIVITY ADD/EDIT] -- listed above. | | +-Print Workload Report [ESP ACTIVITY REPORT] | +-Wants & Warrants [ESP WANTS & WARRANTS MENU] | | +-Create/Edit Wants & Warrants Record [ESP WANTS & WARRANTS INPUT] | | +-Print Active Wants & Warrants [ESP WANTS & WARRANTS ACTIVE] | | +-Print Wants & Warrants Records [ESP WANTS & WARRANTS ALL] | | +-Lookup Wants & Warrants Record [ESP WANTS & WARRANTS LOOKUP] -- listed above. | | +-Personal Descriptor Lookup [ESP PERSONAL DESCRIPTOR LOOKUP] -- listed above. | +-Quick Name Check [ESP QUICK NAME] -- listed above. | +-Uniform Crime Reports [ESP CRIME REPORTS] | | +-Generate Crime Statistics [ESP GENERATE CRIME STATISTICS] | | +-Print Crime Report [ESP PRINT CRIME REPORT] | | +-Delete Crime Statistics [ESP DELETE CRIME STATISTICS] | | +-Transmit a Crime Report [ESP TRANSMIT CRIME REPORT] | +-Daily Operations Journal [ESP DAILY OPERATIONS JOURNAL] -- listed above. | +-FACILITY REPORTS AND OPTIONS [ESP FACILITY REPORTS] | | +-Case Assignment Reg-All by Facility [ESP CASE ASSIGNMENT ALL/FAC] | | +-Case Assignment Register/Fac-Open [ESP CASE ASSIGNMENT OPEN/FAC] | | +-Generate Crime Stat by Facility [ESP GENERATE CRIME STAT BY FAC] | | +-Print Facility Crime Report [ESP PRINT FAC CRIME REPORT] | | +-Delete Facility Crime Statistics [ESP DELETE FACILITY CRIME STAT] +-Police Officer [ESP POLICE OFFICER MENU] | +-Create/Add Daily Activity Entry [ESP ACTIVITY ADD/EDIT] | +-Criminal Statute Lookup [ESP CRIMINAL STATUTE LOOKUP] -- listed above. | +-Lookup Evidence/Property Record [ESP EVIDENCE PROPERTY LOOKUP] -- listed above. | +-Offense Report Options [ESP OFFENSE OFFICER MENU] | | +-Create Offense Report [ESP OFFENSE REPORT INPUT] -- listed above. | | +-Resume an Offense Report Entry [ESP RESUME AN OFFENSE REPORT] -- listed above. | | +-Edit Offense Report [ESP EDIT OWN OFFENSE REPORT] | | +-Follow-Up Officer Notes [ESP FOLLOW-UP OFFICER MENU] | | | +-Add/Edit Officer Follow-Up Notes [ESP FOLLOW-UP OFFICER NOTES] | | | +-Print Officer Follow-Up Notes [ESP FOLLOW-UP OFFICER PRINT] | +-Lookup Wants & Warrants Record [ESP WANTS & WARRANTS LOOKUP] | +-Vehicle Registrations [ESP VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS] | | +-Lookup Vehicle Registration [ESP VEHICLE INQUIRY] | | +-Print Vehicle Registration Log [ESP VEHICLE REGISTRATION LOG] | | +-Create/Edit Vehicle Registration [ESP VEHICLE EDIT] | | +-Identify Unknown Vehicle [ESP VEHICLE IDENTIFY] | | +-Car Pool Lists [ESP CAR POOL LISTS] | | | +-Assigned Car Pool Spaces [ESP CAR POOL ASSIGNMENTS] | | | +-Car Pool Availability List [ESP CAR POOL AVAILABILITY] | +-Quick Name Check [ESP QUICK NAME] | +-Daily Operations Journal [ESP DAILY OPERATIONS JOURNAL] | | +-Create a Daily Journal [ESP CREATE JOURNAL] | | +-Add a Journal Entry [ESP ADD JOURNAL ENTRY] | | +-Print Daily Journal [ESP PRINT JOURNAL] | +-Personal Descriptor Lookup [ESP PERSONAL DESCRIPTOR LOOKUP] +-Police Supervisor [ESP POLICE SUPERVISOR] | +-Evidence/Property [ESP EVIDENCE/PROPERTY MENU] -- listed above. | +-Criminal Statute Info [ESP CRIMINAL STATUTE INFO] -- listed above. | +-Training Records [ESP TRAINING MENU] -- listed above. | +-Offense Reports [ESP OFFENSE MENU] -- listed above. | +-Vehicle Registrations [ESP VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS] -- listed above. | +-Violations [ESP VIOLATIONS MENU] -- listed above. | +-Daily Activity [ESP ACTIVITY MENU] -- listed above. | +-Supervisor Functions [ESP SUPERVISOR] | | +-Master Name Add/Edit [ESP MASTER NAME ADD/EDIT] -- listed above. | | +-Offense Code Add/Edit [ESP OFFENSE CODE EDIT] -- listed above. | | +-Police Officer Add/Edit [ESP POLICE OFFICER EDIT] -- listed above. | +-Wants & Warrants [ESP WANTS & WARRANTS MENU] -- listed above. | +-Quick Name Check [ESP QUICK NAME] -- listed above. | +-Uniform Crime Reports [ESP CRIME REPORTS] -- listed above. | +-Daily Operations Journal [ESP DAILY OPERATIONS JOURNAL] -- listed above. +-Police Clerical [ESP POLICE CLERICAL] | +-Criminal Statute Info [ESP CRIMINAL STATUTE INFO] -- listed above. | +-Vehicle Registrations [ESP VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS] -- listed above. | +-Violations [ESP VIOLATIONS MENU] -- listed above. | +-Daily Activity [ESP ACTIVITY MENU] -- listed above. | +-Training Records [ESP TRAINING MENU] -- listed above. | +-Wants & Warrants [ESP WANTS & WARRANTS MENU] -- listed above. | +-Print Offense Report [ESP PRINT OFFENSE REPORT] | +-Quick Name Check [ESP QUICK NAME] -- listed above. | +-Uniform Crime Reports [ESP CRIME REPORTS] -- listed above. | +-Daily Operations Journal [ESP DAILY OPERATIONS JOURNAL] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Miscellaneous Registrations [ESP MISC REGISTRATIONS] +-Bicycle Registration Add/Edit [ESP MISC BICYCLE EDIT] +-Golf Registration Add/Edit [ESP MISC GOLF REGISTRATION] +-Pet Registration Add/Edit [ESP MISC PET EDIT] +-Weapon Registration Add/Edit [ESP MISC WEAPON REGISTRATION] Top Level Menu: (Home). Problem List User Preferences Menu [GMPL USER PREFS MENU] +-Problem List Preferred View [GMPL USER VIEW] +-Problem Look-up Defaults [GMPL USER LOOK-UP DEFAULTS] | +-Filter [GMPL USER LOOK-UP FILTER] | +-Display [GMPL USER LOOK-UP DISPLAY] | +-Vocabulary [GMPL USER LOOK-UP VOCABULARY] | +-Shortcuts [GMPL USER LOOK-UP SHORTCUTS] | +-List Current Defaults [GMPL USER LOOK-UP LIST] +-Preferred Problem Selection List [GMPL USER LIST] Top Level Menu: (Home). Information Management Systems (SWIMS) [SOWK] +-Case Management System [SOWKCRUSER] | +-Close Cases [SOWKCLOS] | +-High Risk [SOWKRISK] | | +-High Risk Start-up [SOWKHIRM] | | +-False High Risk Report [SOWKHIFP] | +-Make Corrections [SOWKCOR] | +-Social Work Personnel [SOWKNEW] | | +-Enter/Edit Worker [SOWKNEWA] | | +-Add and Replace Worker [SOWKNEWR] | | +-Delete Worker [SOWKNEWD] | | +-Print Workers [SOWKWRK] | +-Open Cases [SOWKOPEN] | +-Display Case Data [SOWKLOC] | +-RCH Registry [SOWKRCH] | | +-Enter/Edit Homes [SOWKADD] | | +-Make Changes To RCH Registry [SOWKCHA] | | +-Delete Home [SOWKDEL] | | +-Monthly Rate Change [SOWKCMR] | | +-Assessment Date Change [SOWKCAD] | | +-Print Address Labels [SOWKPAL] | | +-Change Worker Assigned To A Home [SOWKCWK] | | +-Transfer RCH Patient (SAME WORKER) [SOWKTRANS] | +-Delete Record [SOWKDELETE] | +-Reports Menu [SOWKREPORTS] | | +-Combined SWIMS (Part 1 & Part 2) [SOWKAMIS] | | | +-Divisional SWIMS Reports (Part 1 & Part 2) [SOWKPREPD] | | | | +-All Reports By Division (Part 1 & Part 2) [SOWKAAD] | | | | +-Location of Patients By Division (80 COLUMNS) [SOWKLCD] | | | | +-Problems and Outcomes By Division (132 COLUMNS) [SOWKPAOD] | | | | +-Referrals By Division (80 COLUMNS) [SOWKRFD] | | | | +-Direct Service Category Report [SOWKDSC] -- listed above. | | | +-Combined SWIMS Reports (Part 1 & Part 2) [SOWKPREP] | | | | +-Problems And Outcomes (132 COLUMNS) [SOWKPAO] | | | | +-Referrals (80 COLUMNS) [SOWKRF] | | | | +-Location By Cost Centers (80 COLUMNS) [SOWKLC] | | | | +-All Reports (Part 1 & Part 2) [SOWKAA] | | | | +-Direct Service Category Report [SOWKDSC] | | +-Patient Status Report (PNTTF 132 COLUMNS) [SOWKPNTF] | | +-Home And Patient Registry [SOWKPRI] | | | +-All Workers [SOWKALW] | | | +-Patient Registry [SOWKPTR] | | | | +-All Patients [SOWKPTA] | | | | | +-Open Cases - All Patient Registry [SOWKPTO] | | | | | | +-Summary Registry - Open Cases All Patients [SOWKPTU] | | | | | | +-Complete Registry - Open Cases All Patients [SOWKPTC] | | | | | +-All Cases - All Patient Registry [SOWKPTL] | | | | | | +-Summary Registry - All Cases All Patients [SOWKPLS] | | | | | | +-Complete Registry - All Cases All Patients [SOWKPLC] | | | | +-Worker [SOWKPTW] | | | | | +-Open Cases - Workers Patient Registry [SOWKPW] | | | | | | +-Summary Open Cases - Workers Patient Registry [SOWKPS] | | | | | | +-Complete Open Cases - Workers Patient Registry [SOWKPC] | | | | | +-All Cases - Workers Patient Registry [SOWKPA] | | | | | | +-Summary All Cases - Workers Patient Registry [SOWKPP] | | | | | | +-Complete All Cases - Workers Patient Registry [SOWKCP] | | | | +-Supervisor [SOWKPTS] | | | | | +-Open Cases - Supervisor's Patient Registry [SOWKTT] | | | | | | +-Summary - Supervisor's Patient Registry Open Cases [SOWKTS] | | | | | | +-Complete Supervisor's Patient Registry - Open Case [SOWKTC] | | | | | +-All Cases - Supervisor's Patient Registry [SOWKTA] | | | | | | +-Summary Supervisor Patient Registry - All Cases [SOWKAT] | | | | | | +-Complete Supervisor Patient Registry - All Cases [SOWKAI] | | | +-Home Registry [SOWKHR] | | | | +-All Homes [SOWKASS] | | | | | +-Complete Report - All Homes [SOWKHALL] | | | | | +-Summary Report - All Homes [SOWKHALLS] | | | | +-By Worker [SOWKSS] | | | | | +-Summary Report By Worker [SOWKSC] | | | | | +-Complete Report By Worker [SOWKCS] | | | | +-Individual Home [SOWKSW] | | | | | +-Summary Report - Individual Home [SOWKHIND] | | | | | +-Complete Report - Individual Home [SOWKHINC] | | | | +-RCH Patients By Home [SOWKIRH] | | | +-Residential Care Home Case Listings [SOWKCL] | | | | +-Active RCH Case Listing (132 COLUMNS) [SOWKOPC] | | | | +-Closed RCH Case Listing (132 COLUMNS) [SOWKCLC] | | +-AMIS 256 & 10-0173 Reports [SOWKREP] | | | +-RCH AMIS (Segment 256 - 132 COLUMNS) [SOWKRCHAMIS] | | | +-RCS 10-0173 (80 COLUMNS) [SOWKRCS] | | +-QA Management & Productivity [SOWKQAMGT] | | | +-Quality Management Monitors [SOWKQA MONITORS] | | | | +-Management Monitor I [SOWKQAMONI] | | | | +-Management Monitor II [SOWKQAMONII] | | | | +-Management Monitor IV [SOWKQAMONIV] | | | | +-Management Monitor V [SOWKQAMONV] | | | | +-Management Monitor III [SOWKQAMONIII] | | | +-Quality Management Review [SOWKQA REVIEW] | | | | +-Management Review I [SOWKQAREVI] | | | | +-Management Review II [SOWKQAREVII] | | | | +-Management Review III [SOWKQAREVIII] | | | | +-Management Review IV [SOWKQAREVIV] | | +-Clinical Summaries [SOWKCLINICAL] | | | +-Supervisor Clinical Report Summaries (132 COLUMNS) [SOWKCLSS] | | | | +-All Supervisor's Clinical Summaries (132 COLUMNS) [SOWKCLSSA] | | | | | +-Opened Cases - Supervisor's Clinical Summary [SOWKCLSS OPEN] | | | | | +-Closed Cases - Supervisor's Clinical Summary [SOWKCLSS CLOSED] | | | | | +-All Cases - Supervisor's Clinical Summary [SOWKCLSS ALL] | | | | +-Individual Supervisor's Clinical Summaries [SOWKCLIS] | | | | | +-All Cases - Ind. Supervisor's Clinical Summary [SOWKCLIS ALL] | | | | | +-Opened Cases - Ind. Supervisor's Clinical Summary [SOWKCLIS OPEN] | | | | | +-Closed Cases - Ind. Supervisor's Clinical Summary [SOWKCLIS CLOSED] | | | +-Worker Clinical Report Summaries (132 COLUMNS) [SOWKCLSW] | | | | +-All Worker's Clinical Summaries (132 COLUMNS) [SOWKCLSWA] | | | | | +-All Cases - Worker's Clinical Summary [SOWKCLSW ALL] | | | | | +-Opened Cases - Worker's Clinical Summary [SOWKCLSW OPEN] | | | | | +-Closed Cases - Worker's Clinical Summary [SOWKCLSW CLOSED] | | | | +-Individual Clinical Summaries (132 COLUMNS) [SOWKCLIW] | | | | | +-All Cases - Ind. Worker's Clinical Summary [SOWKCLIW ALL] | | | | | +-Opened Cases - Ind. Worker's Clinical Summary [SOWKCLIW OPEN] | | | | | +-Closed Cases - Ind. Worker's Clinical Summary [SOWKCLIW CLOSED] | | | +-Service Clinical Summary (132 COLUMNS) [SOWKCLCR] | | | +-Special Patient Population Summary (132 COLUMNS) [SOWKCLSP] | | +-Registry Reports [SOWKPREG] | | | +-All Workers In Service (132 COLUMNS) [SOWKAWS] | | | | +-All Cases (All Workers Registry) [SOWKAWW] | | | | +-Closed Cases (All Workers Registry) [SOWKAWD] | | | | +-Open Cases (All Workers Registry) [SOWKAWP] | | | +-Supervisor's Registry (132 COLUMNS) [SOWKAWU] | | | | +-All Cases (Supervisor's Registry) [SOWKAWUT] | | | | +-Closed Cases (Supervisor's Registry) [SOWKAWC] | | | | +-Open Cases (Supervisor's Registry) [SOWKAWO] | | | +-Worker's Registry (132 COLUMNS) [SOWKIND] | | | | +-All Cases (Individual Worker Registry) [SOWKINDA] | | | | +-Closed Cases (Individual Worker Registry) [SOWKINDC] | | | | +-Open Case (Individual Worker Registry) [SOWKINDO] | | | +-Individual Supervisor (132 COLUMNS) [SOWKAWB] | | | | +-All Cases (Individual Supervisor's Registry) [SOWKAWBA] | | | | +-Closed Cases (Individual Supervisor's Registry) [SOWKAWBC] | | | | +-Opened Cases (Individual Supervisor's Registry) [SOWKAWBO] | | +-Cost Distribution [SOWKCDRPT] | | +-Event Capture Reports [ECREPS] | | | +-Patient Summary - Event Capture [ECPAT SUM] | | | +-Provider Summary Report [ECPROV] | | | +-Provider (1-3) Summary Report [EC PRO SUM] | | | +-Ordering Section Summary Report [EC OS SUM] | | | +-PCE Data Summary [EC PCE REPORT] | | | +-DSS Unit Workload Summary [ECRDSSU] | | | +-Inactive Person Class Report [ECRPERS] | | | +-Procedure Reason Report [ECRPRSN] | +-Event Capture Data Entry [ECENTER] | | +-Batch Enter Data by Patient [ECBATCH] | | +-Enter/Edit Patient Procedures [ECPAT] | | +-Data Entry (Batch) by Procedure [ECBATCH PROC] | | +-Multiple Dates/Multiple Procedures Data Entry [ECMULT PROC] +-Community Resource Module [SOWKBH] | +-Enter/Edit Agency [SOWKBHED] | +-Print SWS Agency [SOWKBHPR] +-Maintenance System [SOWKMAINTENANCE] | +-Site Parameters [SOWKSITE] | +-Purge Case Management Data [SOWKCLEAR] | +-Enter/Edit Homes [SOWKADD] -- listed above. | +-Enter/Edit Worker [SOWKNEWA] -- listed above. | +-Re-initialize Look-up Values [SOWKXREF] | +-Activate/Deactivate Cost Distribution Centers [SOWKCDRACT] | +-Social Work Clinics (FTEE percentages) [SOWKCLISTPS] | +-High Risk Start-up [SOWKHIRM] -- listed above. +-Clinical Assessment Module [SOWKDB] | +-Print Assessment Data [SOWKDBPRINT] | | +-Clinical Supervisory Report [SOWKDBSUP] | | | +-All Workers [SOWKDBSUPA] | | | +-Individual Worker [SOWKDBSUPS] | | +-Notes (Closing, and Discharge Planning) [SOWKDBPN] | | +-Assessment Profile [SOWKDBP] | +-Notes (Enter/Edit) [SOWKDBNOTES] | | +-Closing Note [SOWKDBCLN] | | +-Discharge Planning [SOWKDBDCH] | +-Assessment Data (Enter/Edit) [SOWKDBE] | +-Enter/Delete Surrogate Supervisor [SOWKDBSURR] | | +-Enter Surrogate Supervisor [SOWKDBSURRA] | | +-Delete Surrogate Supervisor [SOWKDBSURRD] Top Level Menu: (Home). Prosthetic Official's Menu [RMPR OFFICIAL] +-Purchasing [RMPR PURCHASING MENU] | +-Enter New Request [RMPR ENT REQUESTS] | | +-2421 Form [RMPR 2421] | | +-2520 Transaction without printing 10-55 [RMPR 2520] | | +-2914 Eyeglass Record [RMPR 2914 - EYEGLASS] | | +-Create a No-Form Daily Record [RMPR ADD OTHER DAILY REC] | | +-10-55 PSC Form [RMPR 10-55] | | +-Pickup and Delivery Charges [RMPR DELIVERY] | | +-Purchase Card Form [RMPR4 PC] | | +-Purchase Card Site Parameter [RMPR4 SS] | +-Stock Issues [RMPR STOCK ISS] | | +-Issue From Stock [RMPR ADD 2319] | | +-Edit/Delete Issue From Stock [RMPR EDT 2319] | | +-List Open Stock Issues [RMPR PRINT OPEN STK ISS] | | +-Enter Lab Issue from Stock [RMPR ENTER LAB ISSUE] | | +-Edit Lab Issue from Stock [RMPR EDIT LAB STOCK ISSUE] | +-Reprints [RMPR REPRINTS] | | +-Reprint a 10-55 Form [RMPR REPRINT 10-55 PSC] | | +-Reprint a 2421 Form [RMPR REPRINT 2421] | | +-Reprint a Purchase Card Form [RMPR4 RPC] | +-Record 2237 Purchase to 2319 [RMPR ENT 2237] | +-Cancel a Transaction [RMPR CANCEL] | +-Close Out [RMPR CLOSE-OUT] | +-Add [[Historical~|Historical]] Data [RMPR HIS DATA] | +-List Open 1358 Prosthetic Transactions [RMPR PRINT OPEN TRANS] | +-Delete [[Historical~|Historical]] Data Entry [RMPR HIS DEL] | +-Edit/Delete 2237 from 10-2319 [RMPR 2319 EDT] | +-Edit 2319 [RMPR EDIT 2319] | +-Cancel Purchase Card Transaction [RMPR4 PCC] | +-List Open Purchase Card Transactions [RMPR4 LIST OPN] | +-Reconcile/Close Out Purchase Card Transaction [RMPR4 CLOSE OUT] | +-Purchase Card Summary Sheet [RMPR4 PC SUM] | +-Edit Purchase Card Transaction [RMPR4 EDPC] | +-List Open Purchase Card Transactions By Initiator [RMPR4 LIST OPEN BY INIT] | +-List Open 1358 Transactions By Initiator [RMPR PRINT OPEN TRANS INIT] +-Display/Print [RMPR DISPLAY/PRINT] | +-Display/Print Patient 2319 [RMPR PRINT 2319] | +-Transaction Inquiry [RMPR 1358 INQ] | +-Print All Prosthetic Items [RMPR PRINT ALL ITEMS] | +-Vendor Inquiry [RMPR INQ VEN] | +-Site Parameter Inquiry [RMPR SITE INQ] | +-Search for Recalled Item [RMPR PRINT RECALL] | +-Print Prosthetic Billings for MAS [RMPR PRINT BILL] | +-Item History [RMPR ITEM HISTORY] +-Utilities [RMPR UTILITIES] | +-Add/Edit Patient to Prosthetics [RMPR ADD PATIENT] | +-Flag Item as Returned/Condemned [RMPR RETURN] | +-Enter/Edit Prosthetic Item Master [RMPR ADD ITEM MASTER] | +-IFCAP Utilities [RMPR VEN/ITEM] | +-Enter Prosthetic Disability Code to 2319 [RMPR DIS ENTRY] | +-Enter/Edit Site Parameters [RMPR SITE MENU] | | +-Enter/Edit Station Site Parameters [RMPR SITE PARA] | | +-Set CPT Modifier Rental Flag [RMPR SET RENTAL FLAG] | +-Purge Obsolete Data [RMPR PURGE MENU] | | +-Purge Cancelled Transactions [RMPR PURGE CANCELLED] | | +-Purge Closed Purchasing Transactions [RMPR PURGE CLOSED] | | +-Purge Suspense Records [RMPR PURGE SUS] | +-Delete Prosthetic Disability Code from 2319 [RMPR DEL CODE] | +-Edit Returned/Condemned Item [RMPR RETURN EDIT] +-AMIS [RMPR MGMT REPORTS] | +-Generate New and Repair Worksheets [RMPR AMIS] | +-Generate Worksheet Form 7306d [RMPR AMIS DIS] | +-Generate Code Sheet Segments 120-121 [RMPR CODE SHEET 120-121] | +-Generate Code Sheets Segments 122-131/139 [RMPR CODE SHEET 122-121/139] | +-Generate Code Sheet Segment 132-138 [RMPR CODE SHEET 132-138] +-Suspense [RMPR SUSPENSE MENU] | +-Inquire to Individual Suspense Record [RMPR INQ SUSPENSE] | +-Print Detailed Open/Pending Suspense Records [RMPR SUSPENSE PRINT] | +-Print Closed Suspense Records [RMPR SUSPENSE PRINT CLOSED] | +-Print 5 Day Old Suspense Report [RMPR SUSPENSE PRINT 5 DAY OLD] | +-Print Suspense Statistics [RMPR SUSPENSE STAT] | +-Suspense Processing [RMPR SUSP MENU] | +-Print Summary Open/Pending Suspense Records [RMPR PENDING SUSPENSE] | +-Edit Suspense Station [RMPR EDIT STATION] | +-Print Patient Records Linked To Suspense [RMPR RECORDS WITH SUSPENSE] | +-Print Patient Records Not Linked To Suspense [RMPR RECORDS WITHOUT SUSPENSE] | +-Print Patient PCE Data [RMPR PRINT PCE DATA] | +-Link Patient Record to Suspense [RMPR LINK 2319 TO SUSPENSE] +-PSC/Entitlement Records [RMPR ENTITLEMENT/PSC] | +-Enter/Edit Auto Adaptive Info [RMPR AUTO] | | +-Enter A New Vehicle [RMPR AUTO NEW] | | +-Enter Van Modifications [RMPR VAN MOD] | | +-Enter A Repair [RMPR AUTO REP] | | +-Add Equipment to Current Vehicle of Record [RMPR AUTO ADD] | | +-Edit/Delete Equipment Transaction [RMPR AUTO EDIT] | | +-Inquire to Patient Vehicle of Record [RMPR AUTO INQ] | | +-Enter/Edit Auto Adaptive Equipment [RMPR AUTO ITM] | | +-Enter/Edit Auto Adaptive Manufacturer [RMPR AUTO MAN] | | +-Recall Auto Adaptive Equipment By Serial Number [RMPR AUTO RECALL] | | +-Edit/Delete Vehicle of Record [RMPR ED/DEL VOR] | +-Add/Edit Clothing Allowance [RMPR CLOTHING] | +-Add/Edit Prosthetic Service Card [RMPR ADD PSC] | +-Record Other Patient Information [RMPR ADD OD] +-Eligibility Inquiry [RMPR ELG INQ] +-Correspondence [RMPR CORR MAIN] | +-Create a Letter [RMPR CORR CREATE] | +-Print/Display Patient Correspondence Letter [RMPR CORR VIEW] | +-Print Correspondence Skeleton Letter [RMPR CORR PRINT] | +-Add/Edit Correspondence Skeleton Letter [RMPR CORR EDIT] | +-Delete Patient Correspondence Letter [RMPR CORR DELETE] +-Scheduled Meetings and Home/Liaison Visits [RMPR SCHED-H/L VISITS] | +-Pull over Scheduled Clinic Visits [RMPR PULL SCHED] | +-Edit Form 10-2527 Information [RMPR EDIT 2527] | +-Enter/Edit Closed Time for Clinic Visits [RMPR CLOSE APP] | +-Open Home/Liaison Visits [RMPR H/L OPEN] | +-Close Home/Liaison Visits [RMPR H/L CLOSE] | +-Edit/Delete Home/Liaison Visits [RMPR H/L EDIT] | +-Print Closed Home/Liaison Visits [RMPR H/L PRINT CLOSED] | +-Print Open Home/Liaison Visits [RMPR H/L PRINT OPEN] | +-Delete Scheduled Prosthetic Clinic Visits [RMPR SCHED DEL] | +-Appointment Roster and [[Action~|Action]] Sheet [RMPR PRT 2527] +-Process Form 2529-3 [RMPR 2529-3 MAIN] | +-2529-3 Request Menu [RMPR 2529-3 REQUEST MENU] | | +-Create 2529-3 Request [RMPR CREATE 2529-3] | | +-Edit/Delete Incomplete 2529-3 Request [RMPR EDIT/DELETE 2529-3] | | +-Print Form 2529-3 [RMPR PRINT 2529-3] -- listed above. | | +-Close out Remote 2529-3 Request [RMPR CLOSE 2529-3] | | +-Display 2529-3 Status [RMPR 2529-3 STATUS] -- listed above. | | +-Print Remote 2529-3s Pending Completion [RMPR REMOTE 2529-3 OPEN] | | +-Print Completed Remote 2529-3s [RMPR REMOTE 2529-3 CLOSED] | | +-Inquiry to Work Order [RMPR 2529-3 INQ] -- listed above. | +-Prosthetic Lab Menu [RMPR LAB MENU] | | +-Print Form 2529-3 [RMPR PRINT 2529-3] | | +-Assign 2529-3 to Technician [RMPR 2529-3 ASSIGN] | | +-Process 2529-3 Job Section [RMPR PROCESS 2529-3 JOB] | | +-Complete Form 2529-3 [RMPR COMPLETE 2529-3] | | +-Display 2529-3 Status [RMPR 2529-3 STATUS] | | +-2529-3 Reports Menu [RMPR 2529-3 REPORTS] | | | +-Print Work Orders Pending Assignment [RMPR 2529-3 PENDING] | | | +-Print Work Orders Assigned/Open [RMPR 2529-3 ASSIGNED] | | | +-Print Closed Work Orders [RMPR 2529-3 CLOSED] | | | +-Generate Worksheet 10-2937a [RMPR 10-2937a] | | +-Inquiry to Work Order [RMPR 2529-3 INQ] | | +-Issue from Stock (Lab items) [RMPR LAB STOCK ISSUE] | | +-Edit/Complete Issue From Stock [RMPR EDT/COMP ISSUE] | | +-Lab Stock Issue Pending Completion [RMPR LAB STOCK PENDING] | | +-Cancel Completed Lab Stock Issue [RMPR CANCEL COMP LAB ISSUE] +-NPPD Tools [RMPR NPPD TOOLS] | +-DSS HCPCS History [RMPR HCPCS HISTORY] | +-Add/Edit HCPCS Synonyms [RMPR ADD/EDIT HCPCS SYNONYM] | +-Print NPPD Worksheets [RMPR NPPD PRT] | +-Print NPPD Single Line Detail [RMPR NPPD PRL L] | +-HCPCS Inquiry [RMPR NPPD INQ] | +-Print PSAS HCPCS List [RMPR NPPD LIST] | +-PSAS HCPCS History [RMPR PSAS HCPCS HISTORY] | +-Quick Edit 2319 Record [RMPR NPPD QUICK EDIT] | +-Print 2529-3 Single Line [RMPR NPPDL PRL L] | +-Print 2529-3 Worksheets [RMPR NPPDL PRT] +-Pros Inventory Main [RMPR INV MAIN] | +-Add Inventory LOCATION, HCPCS or ITEMS [RMPR INV ADD] | +-Remove Item from Inventory [RMPR INV REMOVE] | +-Order Item from Supply or Vendor [RMPR INV ORDER] | +-Receive Item from Supply, Vendor or Patient [RMPR INV RECEIVE] | +-Transfer Stock Between Locations [RMPR INV TRAN] | +-Reconcile Item Balance [RMPR INV RECONCILE] | +-Inventory Reports [RMPR INV REPORTS] | | +-Print VA Form 10-1210 [RMPR INV PRINT/CHECK BAL] | | +-Print Current Item Balance by Location [RMPR INV STOCK BY LOCATION] | | +-Print Current HCPCS Balance by HCPCS [RMPR INV STOCK BY HCPCS] | | +-Print Employee Lab Issue Statistics [RMPR INV PRINT LAB ITEM] | | +-NPPD Group Summary Report [RMPR INV ON HND SUM] | | +-NPPD Group/Line Report [RMPR INV ON HND GROUP/LINE] | | +-HCPCS Summary Report [RMPR INV ON HND HCPCS] | | +-Item Detail Report [RMPR INV ON HND ITEM] | +-Edit Inventory LOCATION, HCPCS or ITEMS [RMPR INV EDIT] | +-Delete Inventory Location [RMPR INV DELETE] +-Home Oxygen Main Menu [RMPO-MENU-MAIN] | +-Add/Edit Home Oxygen Patient [RMPO ADD/EDIT PAT] | +-Site Parameters Enter/Edit [RMPO SITE EE] | +-Generate Letters [RMPO LIST/PRINT MANAGER] | +-Billing Transactions [RMPO BILLING TRANSACTIONS] | +-Reports [RMPO-RPT-MAINMENU] | | +-Alphabetical List Home Oxygen Patients (by site) [RMPO-RPT-HOPATIENTLIST] | | +-Prescription Report [RMPO-RPT-HOPRESCRIPTIONLIST] | | +-Active Home Oxygen Patients (Alpha by Zip Code) [RMPO-RPT-HOACTZIPLIST] | | +-Inactive Home Oxygen Patients (by Inactive date) [RMPO-RPT-HOINACTIVE] | | +-Primary Item Report [RMPO-RPT-HOPRIITM] | | +-Prescription Expiration Dates [RMPO-RPT-HORXEXP] | | +-Monthly Home Oxygen Billing [RMPO-RPT-HOMONBIL] | | +-New Patients [RMPO-RPT-HONEWPT] | | +-Pre-Billing Discrepancy Report [RMPO-BILLING-PRESORT] | +-Inactivate/Activate Oxygen Patient [RMPO INACT/ACT] | +-Purchase Card Sign Off [RMPO PO SIGN OFF] | +-Verify Posted Billing Transactions [RMPO POST 2319] | +-Home Oxygen Patient Template Update [RMPO HO PAT TEMPLATE UPDATE] +-VERIFY/REPAIR PURCHASE CARD NUMBER [RMPR VERIFY/REPAIR PC NUMBER] Top Level Menu: (Home). Prosthetic Clerk's Menu [RMPR CLERK] +-PSC/Entitlement Records [RMPR ENTITLEMENT/PSC] -- listed above. +-Purchasing [RMPR PURCHASING MENU] -- listed above. +-Display/Print [RMPR DISPLAY/PRINT] -- listed above. +-Utilities [RMPR UTILITIES] -- listed above. +-Suspense [RMPR SUSPENSE MENU] -- listed above. +-Eligibility Inquiry [RMPR ELG INQ] -- listed above. +-Correspondence [RMPR CORR MAIN] -- listed above. +-Scheduled Meetings and Home/Liaison Visits [RMPR SCHED-H/L VISITS] -- listed above. +-Process Form 2529-3 [RMPR 2529-3 MAIN] -- listed above. +-NPPD Tools [RMPR NPPD TOOLS] -- listed above. +-Pros Inventory Main [RMPR INV MAIN] -- listed above. +-VERIFY/REPAIR PURCHASE CARD NUMBER [RMPR VERIFY/REPAIR PC NUMBER] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Prosthetics Code Sheet User Menu [RMPR GECS USER MENU] +-Batch Code Sheets [RMPR GECS BATCH] +-Create a Code Sheet [RMPR GECS CREATE] +-Reports Menu [RMPR GECS REPORTS MENU] | +-Status of all Batches [RMPR GECS BATCHES STATUS] | +-Code Sheets Ready for Batching [RMPR GECS READY FOR BATCHING L] | +-Batches Waiting to be Transmitted [RMPR GECS BATCHES WAITING TRAN] +-Keypunch a Code Sheet [RMPR GECS KEYPUNCH] +-Maintenance Menu [RMPR GECS MAINTENANCE USER MEN] | +-Batch Edit [RMPR GECS BATCH EDIT] | +-Mark Code Sheets for Rebatching [RMPR GECS REBATCH] | +-Code Sheet Edit [RMPR GECS CODE EDIT] | +-Delete a Code Sheet [RMPR GECS DELETE] | +-Review a Code Sheet [RMPR GECS REVIEW CODE SHEET] Top Level Menu: (Home). Prosthetics Code Sheet Manager Menu [RMPR GECS MAIN MENU] +-Batch Code Sheets [RMPR GECS BATCH] -- listed above. +-Create a Code Sheet [RMPR GECS CREATE] -- listed above. +-Reports Menu [RMPR GECS REPORTS MENU] -- listed above. +-Keypunch a Code Sheet [RMPR GECS KEYPUNCH] -- listed above. +-Maintenance Menu [RMPR GECS MAINTENANCE USER MEN] -- listed above. +-Prosthetics Code Sheet Transmission Menu [RMPR GECS TRANSMIT USER] | +-Transmit Code Sheets [RMPR GECS TRANSMIT] | +-Mark Batch for Retransmission [RMPR GECS RETRANSMIT] | +-Batches Waiting to be Transmitted [RMPR GECS BATCHES WAITING TRAN] -- listed above. | +-Status of all Batches [RMPR GECS BATCHES STATUS] -- listed above. +-Purge Transmission Records/Code Sheets [RMPR GECS PURGE] Top Level Menu: (Home). Loan Program [RMPR LOAN MENU] +-Delete Loan Card [RMPR LOAN DEL] +-Create a Loan Card [RMPR LOAN CREATE] +-Enter Returned Loan Information [RMPR LOAN RET] +-Display/Print Loan Card [RMPR LOAN DISP] +-Follow-up Loan Report [RMPR LOAN FOLLOW-UP] +-Print All Prosthetic Loans [RMPR LOAN PRINT ALL] +-Enter Follow-up [[Action~|Action]] [RMPR LOAN EDIT] +-Print Loan/Recovered Item Statistics [RMPR LOAN STAT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Monitoring System Programmer Menu [QAM PGMR MENU] +-Monitor File Edit [QAM PGMR MONITOR EDIT] +-Condition File Edit [QAM PGMR CONDITIONS EDIT] +-Data Element File Edit [QAM PGMR DATA ELEMENTS EDIT] +-Time Frame File Edit [QAM PGMR TIME FRAME EDIT] +-Application Group Edit [QAM PGMR APP GROUP EDIT] +-Monitoring System Manager Menu [QAM MANAGER MENU] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Occurrence Screen Manager Menu [QAOS MANAGER MENU] +-Run Auto Enrollment Manually [QAOS MANUAL AUTO ENROLL] -- listed above. +-Summary of Occurrence Screen Transmission [QAOS GENERATE SUMM OS BULLETIN] -- listed above. +-Purge/Delete Menu [QAOS PURGE DEL MENU] -- listed above. +-Package Setup Menu [QAOS MGR EDIT MENU] -- listed above. +-Reports Menu [QAOS MGR REPORTS MENU] -- listed above. +-Occurrence Screen User Menu [QAOS USER MENU] -- listed above. +-Open Closed/Deleted Occurrence Screen Record [QAOS REOPEN] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Spinal Cord Dysfunction [SPN MAIN MENU] +-SCD Coordinator Menu [SPNL COORDINATOR] | +-Clinical / Outcomes / Registration Menu [SPNL INPUT] | | +-Registration and Health Care Information [SPNL INPUT/EDIT SCD REGISTRANT] | | +-Outcome Information [SPNF FIM EDIT] | | +-Clinical Information [SPNL CLINICAL REGISTRATION MOD] | +-SCD Reports Menu [SPNL SCD REPORTS] | | +-Functional Status Scores [SPNF FIM SCORES] | | +-Patient Summary Report [SPNL REGISTRY SUMMARY] | | +-SCI/SCD Discharges [SPN PRINT DISCHARGE] | | +-Applications for Inpatient Care [SPN PRINT APPLICAT] | | +-Filtered Reports [SPNL SCD REPORT(FILTERED) ] | | | +-Expanded Patient List (255 Column) [SPNP EXP PATIENT INFO] | | | +-Patient Listing [SPNP PATIENT LIST] | | | +-Patient Listing (Sort by State and County) [SPNP PATIENT LIST(ST,COU)] | | | +-Breakdown of Patients [SPNL PATIENT BREAKDOWN] | | | +-Current Inpatients [SPNL CURRENT INPT] | | | +-Mailing Labels [SPNP MAIL LAB] | | | +-Follow-Up (Last Seen) [SPNL F/U LAST SEEN] | | | +-Registrant Injury Report [SPNL REGISTRANT INJURY REPORT] | | | +-Registrant General Report [SPNL REGISTRANT GENERAL REPORT] | | | +-Utilization Reports [SPN REPORT UTIL] | | | | +-Pharmacy Utilization [SPNL PHARM UTIL] | | | | +-Pharmacy Utilization (Specific) [SPNL PHARM UTIL SPECIFIC] | | | | +-Radiology Utilization [SPNL RADIOLOGY UTIL] | | | | +-Laboratory Utilization [SPNL LAB UTIL] | | | | +-Laboratory Utilization (Specific) [SPNL LAB UTIL SPECIFIC] | | | +-SCD Ad Hoc Reports [SPNP ADHOC MENU] | | | | +-Comprehensive Outcomes [SPNP ADHOC FUNCTIONAL] | | | | +-Registration [SPNP ADHOC REGISTRY] | | | | +-Multiple Sclerosis [SPNP ADHOC MS] | | | | +-Clinician Reported FIM [SPNP ADHOC FIM] | | | | +-Self Reported Functional Measure [SPNP ADHOC SELF REPORT] | | | | +-ASIA [SPNP ADHOC ASIA] | | | | +-CHART/FAM/DIENER/DUSOI [SPNP ADHOC CHART/FAM/DIENER] | | | +-Inpatient/Outpatient Activity [SPNL INPT/OPT ACTIVITY] | | | +-Inpatient/Outpatient Activity (Specific) [SPNL INPT/OPT SPECIFIC] | | | +-Clinical Functional Measures [SPN PRINT FIM] | | | +-Self Reported Functional Measures [SPN PRINT SELF] | | | +-Health Summary [SPNL HEALTH SUMMARY] | | | +-New SCI/SCD Patients [SPNP LIST NEW SCI/SCD] | | | +-Follow-Up (Last Annual Rehab Eval Received) [SPNL F/U LAST REHAB EVAL] | | | +-Basic Patient Information (132 Column) [SPNP BASIC PATIENT INFO] | | | +-Patients with Future Appointments [SPNL FUTURE APPTS] | | | +-Outcomes [SPN PRINT OUT] | | +-Show Sites Where Pt Has Been Treated [SPNP SHOW SITES] | | +-Print MS Help Text [SPN MS HELP] | | +-MS Patient Listing [SPNP MS PATIENT LISTING] | | +-SCI/SCD Admissions [SPN PRINT ADMISSIONS] | | +-MS (Kurtzke) Measures [SPN PRINT MS] | | +-ICD9 Code Search [SPN ICD CODE SEARCH] | +-Change your Division Assignment [SPNL USER DIVISION] +-SCD Package Management Menu [SPNL MANAGEMENT] | +-Edit Site Parameters [SPNL PARAMETERS] | +-Activate an SCD Registrant [SPNL INPUT ACTIVATE] | +-Inactivate an SCD Registrant [SPNL INPUT INACTIVATE] | +-Delete Registry Record [SPNL REGISTRY DELETE] | +-Delete an Outcome [[Record~|Record]] [SPNF FIM DELETE] | +-Enter/Edit Etiology SYNONYM [SPNL ETIOLOGY SYN EDIT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Volunteer Master Menu [ABSV VOLUNTEER] +-Daily Timekeeping Menu [ABSV DAILY TIMEKEEPING MENU] | +-Remove Single Daily Time Activity Record [ABSV REMOVE DAILY ENTRY] | +-Edit Daily Timekeeping Activity [ABSV DAILY EDIT] | +-Post Volunteer Hours Menu [ABSV TIME ENTER] | | +-Multiple Postings for One Volunteer [ABSV POST MULTIPLE] | | +-Single Day Postings [ABSV POST ONE DAY] | +-View Daily Entries [ABSV VIEW DAILY ENTRIES] | +-Delete All Daily Entries THRU One Month [ABSV DELETE DAILY ENTRIES] | +-Occasional Volunteer Timekeeping Master Menu [ABSV OCCASIONAL TIME MASTER] | | +-Post Occasional Volunteer Time Sheet Entry [ABSV POST OCCASIONAL HOURS] | | +-Edit Occasional Volunteer Time Sheet Entry [ABSV EDIT OCCASIONAL HOURS] | | +-Delete a Single Time Sheet Entry [ABSV OCC DEL TIME SHEET] | | +-Purge Occasional Time Sheet Entries [ABSV OCC PURGE] +-Master File Maintenance Menu [ABSV MASTER FILE MAINTENANCE] | +-Register/Edit Volunteer in Master File [ABSV MASTER ENTER/EDIT] | +-Add/Edit Combinations [ABSV COMBINATION EDIT] | +-Volunteer Name Edit [ABSV EDIT VOL NAME] | +-Delete a Combination [ABSV DELETE COMBINATION] | +-Edit Austin Award/Hours Information [ABSV AUSTIN AWARD/HOURS EDIT] | +-Mark Master Record for Transmission to Austin [ABSV TT88 MARK] | +-Unmark Master Record for Transmission [ABSV TT88 UNMARK] | +-Boy/Girl - Male/Female Automatic Update [ABSV SEX FIELD UPDATE] | +-Print Volunteer Address Labels [ABSV LABELS] | +-View Pending Master Record Updates [ABSV VIEW TT88] | +-Master Record Display/Print [ABSV MASTER RECORD DISPLAY] | +-Telephone List of Volunteers [ABSV TELEPHONE LIST] Top Level Menu: (Home). Volunteer Timekeeping Activity [ABSV TIMEKEEPING MASTER] +-Transmission Menu [ABSV TRANSMISSION] | +-Transmission Activities Menu [ABSV TRANSMISSION ACTUAL] | | +-Occasional Hours Time Sheet Transmission (07's) [ABSV OCC TRANSMIT] | | +-Time Card Transmission (06's) [ABSV TRANSMIT] | | +-Master Record Changes Transmission (88's) [ABSV TRANSMIT TT88'S] | +-Preparation Activities Menu [ABSV TRANSMISSION PREPARATION] | | +-Roll Up Daily Record Hours [ABSV ROLLUP] | | +-Print Transmission Preparation Listing [ABSV PRINT PREPARATION LISTING] | | +-Print Occasional Time Sheet Preparation list [ABSV OCC PRINT TRANS LIST] | | +-Mark Time Card for Retransmission [ABSV MARK FOR RETRANS] | | +-Mark Occasional Time Sheet for Retransmission [ABSV MARK OCC FOR RETRANS] | | +-Scan for >26 Daily Entries [ABSV SCAN FOR 26 ENTRIES] +-Time Card Maintenance Menu [ABSV TIME CARD MAINTENANCE] | +-Create Time Card [ABSV CREATE] | +-Edit Time Card [ABSV EDIT TIME CARD] | +-Release Suspended Time Card [ABSV RELEASE SUSP. TIME CARD] | +-Suspend Transmission of Time Card [ABSV SUSPEND TIME CARD] | +-Merge Two Time Cards [ABSV MERGE TIME CARDS] | +-Delete Suspended Time Card [ABSV DELETE SUSPENDED T.C.] | +-Award Code Menu [ABSV AWARD CODE MENU] | | +-Loop Thru Time Cards for One Month [ABSV ADD AWARD CODE/ MULTIPLE] | | +-Award Code to Single Time Card [ABSV ADD AWARD CODE] | +-Backdate Menu [ABSV BACKDATE MENU] | | +-Backdate a Single Time Card [ABSV BACKDATE] | | +-Loop and Backdate All Cards for One Month [ABSV LOOP BACKDATE] +-Daily Timekeeping Menu [ABSV DAILY TIMEKEEPING MENU] -- listed above. +-Master File Maintenance Menu [ABSV MASTER FILE MAINTENANCE] -- listed above. +-User Utility File Maintenance Menu [ABSV UTILITY] | +-Service Assignment Code Add/Edit [ABSV EDIT ASSIGNMENT CODES] | +-Schedule Workdays Add/Edit [ABSV EDIT WORKDAY SCHED] | +-Organization Codes Add/Edit [ABSV EDIT ORG CODES] | +-Award Codes Add/Edit [ABSV EDIT AWARD CODE] | +-Add/Edit Site Parameters [ABSV SITE] | +-Label [[Configuration~|Configuration]] Edit [ABSV LABEL CONFIGURATION EDIT] +-Auto Log-In Management Menu [ABSV LOG MASTER] | +-Start Volunteer Log-in Program [ABSV LOG START] | +-Halt Volunteer Log-in Program [ABSV LOG STOP] | +-Transfer Time to Daily Time File [ABSV TRANSFER] | +-List of Volunteers Who are Logged In [ABSV LOG LIST] +-Meal List Management Menu [ABSV MEAL MENU] | +-Add Volunteer to Meal List [ABSV MEAL ADD] | +-Delete Meal List Entry for TODAY [ABSV MEAL DELETE] | +-Generate Canteen Meal Form [ABSV MEAL LIST] | +-Print/Display Meal List [ABSV MEAL PRINT] | +-Purge Old Meal Ticket/List Entries [ABSV MEAL LIST PURGE] +-Reports Menu [ABSV REPORTS MENU] | +-Veteran Games Reports Menu [ABSV GAMES REPORTS] | | +-Daily Work Schedule Report [ABSV GAMES WORK SCHEDULE] | | +-Service Assignment Schedule [ABSV GAMES ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE] | | +-Master Registration List [ABSV GAMES MASTER REGISTRATION] | | +-Shirt Issue Listing [ABSV GAMES SHIRT LIST] | | +-Sign-In Rosters [ABSV GAMES SIGN-IN ROSTERS] | +-Timekeeping Reports Menu [ABSV TIME REPORTS] | | +-Condensed Organization Detail (ALL ORGANIZATIONS) [ABSV PRINT CONDENSED ORG] | | +-Detailed Organization Listing (ALL ORGANIZATIONS) [ABSV PRINT ORG DETAIL LIST] | | +-Selected Organizations (Condensed Output) [ABSV PRINT ORG CONDENSED] | | +-Organization Summary Report [ABSV PRINT ORG SUMMARY] | | +-Individual Organization Detail Listing [ABSV PRINT SELECTED ORGS] | | +-Print Selected Service Detail Listing [ABSV PRINT SELECTED SERVICES] | | +-Service Detail Listing [ABSV PRINT SERVICE LISTING] | | +-Service Summary Report [ABSV PRINT SERVICE SUMMARY] | | +-Potential Award List [ABSV POTENTIAL AWARD LIST] | | +-Weekly Work Summary for Voluntary Service [ABSV WEEKLY WORK SUMMARY] | | +-Sign-In Code List [ABSV SIGN-IN LIST] | +-Occasional Hours Reports Menu [ABSV OCC REPORTS] | | +-Organization Report [ABSV OCC PRINT ORGANIZATION] | | +-Service Report [ABSV OCC PRINT SERVICE] | | +-Time Sheet Listing - by Date [ABSV OCC PRINT SUMMARY] | | +-Selected Organizations Print [ABSV OCC SEL ORG] +-Voluntary Service Directory Menu [ABSV DIRECTORY MENU] | +-User Selectable Print of Directory [ABSV DIRECTORY - OPT SORTING] | +-Directory Labels [ABSV DIRECTORY LABELS] | +-Listing of Chiefs or Equivalent [ABSV DIRECTORY - CHIEFS] | +-Programs Supervised [ABSV DIRECTORY - BY PROGRAM] | +-Selected Station Information [ABSV DIRECTORY - STATION INFO] | +-Edit Directory Information [ABSV DIRECTORY EDIT] | +-View Single Station Information [ABSV DIRECTORY VIEW] +-National Officials File Menu [ABSV NOM MASTER] | +-National Officials Labels Print Menu [ABSV NOM LABELS MASTER] | | +-Persons to Receive Minutes [ABSV NOM LABELS MINUTES] | | +-Certifying Officials (Individual) [ABSV NOM LABELS CERT OFFLS] | | +-Individual National Representatives [ABSV NOM LABELS INDIV NAT REPS] | | +-Representatives by AJR Month (Affiliated) [ABSV NOM LABELS AJR MONTH] | | +-All National Representatives [ABSV NOM LABELS ALL REPS MENU] | | | +-Affiliated Organizations Only [ABSV NOM LABELS AFFILIATED] | | | +-All National Representatives [ABSV NOM LABELS ALL] | +-Record Inquiry/Print Menu [ABSV NOM INQ/PRINT MENU] | | +-View/Print Individual Record [ABSV NOM VIEW IND REC] | | +-National Representatives Listing Menu [ABSV NOM LIST NAT REPS MENU] | | | +-By AJR Month [ABSV NOM LIST BY AJR MONTH] | | | +-List Affiliated Organizations [ABSV NOM LIST AFFIL ORGS] | | | +-All Organizations [ABSV NOM LIST ALL ORGS] | | +-Certifying Officials Listing [ABSV NOM CERT OFFICIALS] Top Level Menu: (Home). A&SP Supervisor Menu [ACKQAS SUPER] +-Audiology & Speech Visit Tracking System [ACKQAS MASTER] | +-New Clinic Visits [ACKQAS VISIT ENTRY] | +-Edit an Existing Visit [ACKQAS VISIT EDIT] | +-Inquire - A&SP Patient [ACKQAS PAT INQ] | +-A&SP Reports [ACKQAS REPORTS] | | +-Visits by Diagnosis [ACKQAS VISITS BY DIAG] | | +-Patients by City [ACKQAS PAT BY CITY] | | +-Statistics by Procedure [ACKQAS PROC STATS] | | +-Tailor-Made A&SP Reports [ACKQAS ADHOC] | | +-Cost Comparison Report [ACKQAS PRINT COST COMPARE] | | +-PCE Exception Report [ACKQAS PCE EXCEPTION REPORT] | | +-Statistics by Event Capture Procedure [ACKQAS EC PROC STATS] | | +-Workload Report [SDCLINIC WORKLOAD] -- listed above. +-C&P Exam Adequation [ACKQAS CP ADEQ] +-Set Up/Maintenance [ACKQAS SET UP MENU] | +-Staff (Enter/Edit) [ACKQAS CLINICIAN ENTRY] | +-A&SP Site Parameters [ACKQAS SITE PARAMS] | +-Update Files per CO Directive [ACKQAS VACO DIRECTIVE] | +-Print A&SP File Entries [ACKQAS FILE PRINT] | +-Update CPT Modifiers per CO Directive [ACKQAS UPDATE CPT MODIFIERS] | +-Enter Cost Information for Procedures [ACKQAS COST ENTRY] +-Management Reports A&SP [ACKQAS MANAGEMENT REPORTS] | +-Generate A&SP Service [[CDR~|CDR]] [ACKQAS CDR] | +-Compile A&SP Capitation Data [ACKQAS WKLD GEN MAN] | +-Print A&SP Capitation Report [ACKQAS WKLD VERIFY] | +-Print A&SP Service [[CDR~|CDR]] [ACKQAS CDR PRINT] +-Delete an A&SP Clinic Visit [ACKQAS DELETE VISIT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Event Capture Menu [ECMENU] +-Event Capture Management Menu [ECMGR] | +-Management Reports [ECDSRPT] | | +-National/Local Procedure Reports [ECDSS1] | | +-Category Reports [ECDSS3] | | +-Print Category and Procedure Summary [ECCP] | | +-*Summary of Procedures and Categories (Old File) [ECCP1] | +-Current Locations (Create/Remove) [ECLOC] | +-Activate/Inactivate Local Category [ECDS CATEGORY DEAC] | +-Event Code Screens (Create) [ECSCREEN] | +-Inactivate Event Code Screens [ECNACT] | +-Activate/Inactivate Local Procedures [ECDSDEAC] | +-DSS Units for Event Capture (Enter/Edit) [ECSECT] | +-Procedure Synonym/Default Volume (Enter/Edit) [ECDSSYN] | +-Local Category (Enter/Edit) [ECDS CATEGORY] | +-Local Procedure (Enter/Edit) [ECDSS PROCEDURE] | +-Assign User Access to DSS Units [ECDSUNIT] | +-Remove User Access to DSS Units [ECDEAL] +-Event Capture Reports [ECREPS] -- listed above. +-Event Capture Data Entry [ECENTER] -- listed above. +-Event Capture Online Documentation [ECDSONL] Top Level Menu: (Home). HBPC Information System Menu [HBHC INFORMATION SYSTEM MENU] +-Evaluation/Admission Data Entry [HBHCADM] +-Discharge Data Entry [HBHCDIS] +-Transmission Menu [HBHC TRANSMISSION MENU] | +-Build/Verify Transmission File [HBHCFILE] | +-Form Errors Report (80) [HBHCRP1] | +-Edit Form Errors Data [HBHCUPD] | +-Transmit File to Austin [HBHCXMT] | +-Print Transmit History Report (80) [HBHCR15A] +-Manager Menu [HBHC MANAGER MENU] | +-Provider File Data Entry [HBHC EDIT PROVIDER (631.4)] | +-Clinic File Data Entry [HBHC EDIT CLINIC (631.6)] | +-Team File Data Entry [HBHC EDIT HBHC TEAM (633)] | +-System Parameters Edit [HBHC EDIT SYSTEM PARAMETERS] | +-HBPC Provider File Report (132) [HBHCRP8] | +-Re-Transmit File to Austin [HBHCRXMT] | +-Pseudo Social Security Number Report (80) [HBHXRP14] +-Reports Menu [HBHC REPORTS MENU] | +-Evaluation/Admission Data Report by Patient (80) [HBHCRP2] | +-Patient Visit Data Report (80) [HBHCRP3] | +-Discharge Data Report by Patient (80) [HBHCRP5] | +-Episode of Care/Length of Stay Report (80) [HBHCRP12] | +-Admissions/Discharges by Date Range Report (132) [HBHCRP7] | +-Visit Data by Date Range Report (80) [HBHCRP4] | +-Rejections from HBPC Program Report (132) [HBHCRP16] | +-Census Reports Menu [HBHC CENSUS REPORTS MENU] | | +-Program Census Report (80) [HBHCRP10] | | +-Active Census with ICD9 Code/Text Report (132) [HBHCRP18] | | +-Team Census Report (80) [HBHCRP11] | | +-Case Manager Census Report (132) [HBHCRP6] | | +-Provider Census Report (132) [HBHCRP9] | +-CPT Code Summary Report (80) [HBHCRP17] | +-ICD9 Code/Dx Text by Date Range Report (80) [HBHCR19A] | +-Unique Patients by Date Range Summary Report (80) [HBHCRP20] | +-Provider CPT Code Summary Report (80) [HBHCRP22] | +-Total Visits by Date Range Report (80) [HBHCRP21] +-Appointment Management [HBHC APPOINTMENT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Physician Menu [RGWBMAIN] +-Clinical Record Browser [RGWBCORBRS] +-DHCP [RGWBDHCP] +-Physician Interim Report [RGWBCORLRRD] Top Level Menu: (Home). Nursing Supervisor Menu [PSD NURSE SUPR MENU] +-Initialize NAOU Drug Balance [PSD NAOU BAL INITIAL] +-Balance Adjustments - NAOU [PSD NAOU ADJ] +-Patient/Location Inquiry [PSD PAT INQUIRY] +-Unscheduled Order Report [PSD EMERGENCY ORDER REPORT] -- listed above. +-Expiration Date Report [PSD EXP REPORT] -- listed above. +-Patient ID List Print [PSD PAT ID LIST] -- listed above. +-Delayed Sign Out Dose for Patient [PSD NURSE DELAYED DISPENSE] Top Level Menu: (Home). Patient Funds (INTEGRATED) System [PRPF MASTER] +-Add/Edit Patient Account [PRPF REGISTRATION] | +-Long Form Registration [PRPF LONG REGISTRATION] | +-Edit Selected Patient Data [PRPF SELECTED DATA EDIT] | +-Short Form Registration [PRPF SHORT REGISTRATION] | +-Change Account Status (ACTIVE/INACTIVE) [PRPF CHANGE ACCOUNT STATUS] | +-Address Edit [PRPF ADDRESS EDIT] | +-Guardian Edit [PRPF GUARDIAN EDIT] | +-Post Balance Carried Forward from Manual System [PRPF POST BAL CAR FWD] +-Balance Check [PRPF BALANCE CHECK] +-Post Patient Funds Transaction [PRPF POST] +-Card Display/Print Menu [PRPF DISPLAY/PRINT] | +-Selected Card(s) - Print [PRPF CARD] | +-All Cards - Print [PRPF ALL CARDS] | +-Information Display [PRPF INFORMATION DISPLAY] | +-Transaction Display [PRPF TRANSACTION DISPLAY] | +-Master Transaction Review [PRPF TRANSACTION REVIEW] | +-Range of Cards [PRPF RANGE OF CARDS] +-Multiple Transaction Posting [PRPF MULTIPLE POST] +-Output (Reports) Menu [PRPF OUTPUT (REPORTS)] | +-Activity (AUDIT) Listing [PRPF ACTIVITY LIST] | +-Balance in Accounts [PRPF BALANCE IN ACCOUNTS] | +-Dormant Account Listing [PRPF DORMANT] | +-Listing of Patients [PRPF LIST OF PATIENTS] | +-Indigent Patient Listing [PRPF INDIGENT PATIENT LIST] | +-Out of Balance Report [PRPF OUT OF BALANCE REPORT] | +-Overdue Restriction Search [PRPF OVERDUE RESTRICTION] | +-Patient Summary Report [PRPF PATIENT SUMMARY] | +-Search for Min/Max Restrictions [PRPF SEARCH FOR MIN/MAX] | +-Transaction Listing [PRPF TRANSACTION LIST] | +-Fiscal Reports [PRPF FISCAL REPORTS] | | +-Audit Report (Fiscal - By Transaction Date) [PRPF FISCAL ACTIVITY ] | | +-Transaction Summary (Fiscal - By Transaction Date) [PRPF FISCAL TRANS SUMMARY] | | +-Date Variance Report [PRPF DATE VARIANCE REPORT] -- listed above. | +-Account Balance Look Back [PRPF LOOK BACK REPORT] +-Tickler (SUSPENSE) File Menu [PRPF SUSPENSE MASTER] | +-Add/Edit Suspense Item [PRPF SUSPENSE ADD] | +-Kill Complete Suspense Date for Individual Patient [PRPF SUSPENSE DATE DELETE] | +-Delete Individual Suspense Item [PRPF SUSPENSE ITEM DELETE] | +-Review Suspense Items for Individual Patient [PRPF SUSPENSE REVIEW] | +-Print Suspense Report [PRPF SUSPENSE REPORT] +-Supervisor Menu [PRPF SUPERVISOR] | +-Clear Account Lock [PRPF CLEAR LOCK] | +-Deferral Date Edit [PRPF DEFERRAL DATE EDIT] | +-Productivity Report [PRPF PRODUCTIVITY REPORT] | +-Update Patient Status for ALL Accounts [PRPF UPDATE STATUS (ALL)] | +-Verify and Correct Balance [PRPF VERIFY & CORRECT] | +-Add/Edit Patient Funds Forms [PRPF FORMS EDIT] | +-Enter/Edit Remarks Codes [PRPF REMARKS CODE EDIT] | +-Archive Patient Funds Transactions [PRPF ARCHIVE] | +-Date Variance Report [PRPF DATE VARIANCE REPORT] | +-Negative Balance Report [PRPF NEGATIVE BALANCES] | +-Summarize & Purge Patient Funds Transactions [PRPF PURGE] +-Ward Clerk Patient Funds Menu [PRPF WARD CLERK] | +-Balance Check [PRPF BALANCE CHECK] -- listed above. | +-Information Display [PRPF INFORMATION DISPLAY] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Addiction Severity Index [YSAS ASI USER MENU] +-Add/Edit ASI [YSAS ADD/EDIT ASI] +-Item Report [YSAS ASI PRINT] +-On-Line Documentation [YSAS ASI DOCUMENTATION] | +-ASI Short Guide [YSAS SHORT GUIDE] | +-ASI User Guide [YSAS USER GUIDE] | +-ASI Checking Guide [YSAS ASI CHECKING GUIDE] | +-Common Questions and Errors [YSAS QUESTIONS AND ERRORS] | +-Hollingshead Categories [YSAS HOLLINGSHEAD CATEGORIES] | +-List of Commonly Used Drugs [YSAS ASI COMMON DRUGS] +-Narrative Report [YSAS NARRATIVE PRINT] +-Sign Off Utility [YSAS ASI SIGNOFF] +-Composite Scores [YSAS ASI COMPOSITE SCORES] Top Level Menu: (Home). ASI Manager Menu [YSAS ASI MANAGER] +-Re-Queue ASI Roll Up [YSAS ASI REQUE] +-Edit ASI Site Parameters [YSAS ASI PARAMETERS] +-Add individual ASIs to Roll Up [YSAS ASI ADD INDIVIDUAL] +-Add Multiple ASIs to Roll Up [YSAS ASI ADD RANGE] +-Management Reports [YSAS ASI REPORTS] | +-Incomplete Administration Report [YSAS ASI INCOMPLETE] | +-Alphabetical by Patient Name [YSAS ASI BY PATIENT] | +-Interviewer Ordered ASI Listing [YSAS ASI INTERVIEWER REPORT] | +-Single Interviewer Report [YSAS ASI SINGLE INTERVIEWER] | +-List Administrations by Date [YSAS ASI DATE ORDER] | +-Awaiting Transmission Report [YSAS ASI AWAITING] | +-ASI Case Finder [YSAS CASE FINDER] | +-ASI Followup Finder [YSAS FOLLOWUP FINDER] | +-Site Report by Date [YSAS MANAGEMENT REPORT] | +-SSN Ordered Administration List [YSAS ASI SSN ORDER] +-Activate/Inactivate ASI Program Types [YSAS ASI PROGRAM ACTIVATION] +-Delete unsigned ASI [YSAS ASI DATA DELETION] +-Default Editor [YSAS ASI DEFAULT EDITOR] Top Level Menu: (Home). MCCR Coordinator's Menu [IBJ MCCR COORDINATOR] +-Third Party Joint Inquiry [IBJ THIRD PARTY JOINT INQUIRY] -- listed above. +-Diagnostic Measures Reports [IBJ DIAGNOSTIC MEASURES MENU] | +-Intake Reports [IBJD INTAKE REPORTS] | | +-Percentage of Completed Registrations [IBJD INTAKE COMP REG] | | +-Veterans with Unverified Eligibility [IBJD INTAKE UNV ELIG] | | +-No Employer Listing [IBJD INTAKE NO EMPL] | | +-Patients with Unidentified Insurance [IBJD INTAKE INS] | | +-Insurance Policies Not Verified [IBJD INTAKE POL NOT VER] | | +-SC Vets w/ NSC Episodes of Care Not Billed (Inpt) [IBJD INTAKE SC VETS] | | +-Outpatient Workload Report [IBJD INTAKE OPT WORKLOAD] | +-Billing Reports [IBJD BILLING REPORTS] | | +-Billing Lag Time Report [IBJD BILLING LAG TIME] | | +-Clerk Productivity [IB OUTPUT CLK PROD] -- listed above. | | +-Bill Status Report [IB BILL STATUS REPORT] -- listed above. | | +-Unbilled Amounts Menu [IBT UNBILLED MENU] | | | +-View Unbilled Amounts [IBT VIEW UNBILLED AMOUNTS] | | | +-Re-Generate Unbilled Amounts Report [IBT RE-GEN UNBILLED REPORT] | | | +-Re-Generate Average Bill Amounts [IBT RE-GEN AVE BILL AMOUNT] | | | +-Send Test Unbilled Amounts Bulletin [IBT SEND TEST UNBILLED MESS] | | +-Reasons Not Billable Report [IBJD REASONS NOT BILLABLE] | +-Follow-Up Reports [IBJD FOLLOW-UP REPORTS] | | +-Third Party Follow-Up Report [IBJD FOLLOW-UP THIRD PARTY] | | +-Third Party Follow-Up Summary Report [IBJD FOLLOW-UP SUMMARY REPORT] | | +-Insurance Payment Trend Report [IB OUTPUT TREND REPORT] -- listed above. | | +-First Party Follow-Up Report [IBJD FOLLOW-UP FIRST PARTY] | | +-CHAMPVA/CHAMPUS (Tricare) Follow-Up Report [IBJD FOLLOW-UP CHAMPVA/TRICARE] | | +-Miscellaneous Bills Follow-Up Report [IBJD FOLLOW-UP MISC BILLS] | | +-Repayment Plan Follow-up Report [IBJD FOLLOW-UP REPAYMENT PLAN] | | +-Workload Assignment Enter/Edit [IBJD FOLLOW-UP WORKLOAD] | | +-Workload Assignment Print [IBJD FOLLOW-UP ASSIGN PRINT] | | +-AR Productivity Report [IBJD FOLLOW-UP AR PROD REPORT] | +-Utilization Management Reports [IBJD UTILIZATION REPORTS] | | +-MCCR/UR Summary Report [IBT OUTPUT MCCR/UR SUMMARY] -- listed above. | | +-UR Activity Report [IBT OUTPUT UR ACTIVITY REPORT] -- listed above. | +-Diagnostic Measures Extract Menu [IBJD DM EXTRACT MENU] | | +-Disable-Enable DM Background Job/Reports [IBJD DM DISABLE/ENABLE] | | +-Manually Start DM Extraction [IBJD DM MANUAL START] | | +-View/Print Extracted Reports [IBJD DM VIEW/PRINT EXTRACTS] | | +-Manually Transmit DM Extract [IBJD DM MANUAL TRANSMIT] Top Level Menu: (Home). CPT Reports [ICPT OUTPUT MENU] +-CPT Modifiers by Code Range [ICPT MODIFIERS BY RANGE] +-New CPT Codes [ICPT NEW CPT CODES] +-Revised CPT Codes [ICPT REVISED CPT CODES] +-Recently Inactivated CPT Codes [ICPT CPT CODES INACTIVE] Top Level Menu: (Home). Text Integration Utilities (MRT) [TIU MAIN MENU MRT] +-Multiple Patient Documents [TIU REVIEW SCREEN MRT] +-Individual Patient Document [TIU BROWSE DOCUMENT MRT] +-Review Upload Filing Events [TIU REVIEW FILING EVENTS] +-Print Document Menu [TIUP PRINT MENU] | +-Discharge Summary Print [TIUP PRINT DISCHARGE SUMMARIES] | +-Progress Note Print [TIUP PRINT PROGRESS NOTES] | +-Clinical Document Print [TIUP PRINT DOCUMENTS] +-Released/Unverified Report [TIU RELEASED/UNVERIFIED REPORT] +-Search for Selected Documents [TIU SEARCH LIST MRT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Text Integration Utilities (Remote User) [TIU MAIN MENU REMOTE USER] +-Individual Patient Document [TIU BROWSE DOCUMENT READ ONLY] +-Multiple Patient Documents [TIU REVIEW SCREEN READ ONLY] Top Level Menu: (Home). Progress Notes Print Options [TIU PRINT PN] +-Patient- Print Progress Notes [TIU PRINT PN PT] +-Author- Print Progress Notes [TIU PRINT PN AUTHOR] +-Location- Print Progress Notes [TIU PRINT PN LOC] Top Level Menu: (Home). MAS Progress Notes Print Options [TIU PRINT PN MAS MENU] +-Batch Print Outpt PNs by Division [TIU PRINT PN BATCH INTERACTIVE] +-Ward- Print Progress Notes [TIU PRINT PN WARD] -- listed above. +-Outpatient Location- Print Progress Notes [TIU PRINT PN OUTPT LOC] +-Admission- Prints all PNs for Current Admission [TIU PRINT PN ADMISSION] Top Level Menu: (Home). Brief Discharge Summary Menu [TIU BRIEF DS MENU] +-Discharge Summary Print [TIUP PRINT DISCHARGE SUMMARIES] -- listed above. +-Individual Patient Document [TIU BROWSE DOCUMENT READ ONLY] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). TIU Conversions Menu [TIU CONVERSIONS MENU] +-Discharge Summary Conversion [TIU GMRD CONVERSION MENU] | +-Run/Restart DS Conversion (*** BE CERTAIN ***) [TIU DISCHARGE SUMMARY CONVERT] | +-Single Discharge Summary Conversion [TIU GMRD CONVERT SINGLE] +-Progress Note Conversion [TIU GMRPN CONVERSION] | +-Convert Progress Notes [TIU GMRPN CONVERT] | +-Restart Progress Note Conversion [TIU GMRPN RESTART] | +-Single Progress Note Conversion [TIU GMRPN SINGLE] | +-Monitor Progress Note Conversion [TIU GMRPN MONITOR] | +-Halt Progress Note Conversion [TIU GMRPN HALT] | +-Final Pass Progress Notes Conversion [TIU GMRPN FINAL] +-Initialize Membership of User Classes [USR INITIALIZE MEMBERSHIP] Top Level Menu: (Home). Global Assessment of Functioning [YSGAF MAIN] +-Enter GAF by Clinic Visit [YSGAF CLINIC ENTRY] +-Print GAF's by Clinic/Date [YSGAF PRINT CLINIC] +-Single Patient GAF Entry [YSGAF SINGLE PT] +-[[Historical~|Historical]] GAF listing [YSGAF HISTORY] +-Edit/mark errors on GAF [YSGAF ERROR] +-GAF Case Finder [YSGAF CASE FINDER] Top Level Menu: (Home). Extract Manager's Options [ECXMGR] +-Package Extracts [ECXMENU] | +-Lab Extract [ECXLAB] | +-Nursing Extract [ECXNURS] | +-Prescription Extract [ECXPSO] | +-Radiology Extract [ECXRAD] | +-Event Capture Extract [ECXEC] | +-Surgery Extract [ECXSURG] | +-Admissions Extract [ECXADM] | +-Dental Extract [ECXDENT] | +-Transfer and Discharge Extract [ECXMOV] | +-Clinic No-Show Extract [ECXSCNS] | +-Clinic Visit Extract [ECXSCX] | +-Unit Dose Extract [ECXUD] | +-IV Extract [ECXIV] | +-Treating Specialty Change Extract [ECXTRT] | +-PAI File Extract [ECXPAI] | +-Lab Results Extract [ECXLABR] | +-QUASAR Extract [ECXQSR] | +-Prosthetics Extract [ECXPRO] | +-Mental Health Extract [ECXMTL] +-Extract Audit Reports Menu [ECX SOURCE AUDITS] | +-Admission (ADM) Extract Audit [ECX ADM SOURCE AUDIT] | +-Dental (DEN) Extract Audit [ECX DEN SOURCE AUDIT] | +-Event Capture (ECS) Extract Audit [ECX ECS SOURCE AUDIT] | +-Laboratory (LAB) Extract Audit [ECX LAB SOURCE AUDIT (PATIENT)] | +-Physical Movement (MOV) Extract Audit [ECX MOV SOURCE AUDIT] | +-PAI (PAS) Extract Audit [ECX PAI SOURCE AUDIT] | +-Radiology (RAD) Extract Audit [ECX RAD SOURCE AUDIT] | +-Surgery (SUR) Extract Audit [ECX SUR SOURCE AUDIT] | +-Treating Specialty Change (TRT) Extract Audit [ECX TRT SOURCE AUDIT] | +-Nursing (NUR) Extract Audit [ECX NUR SOURCE AUDIT] | +-QUASAR (ECQ) Extract Audit [ECX QSR SOURCE AUDIT] | +-Prosthetics (PRO) Extract Audit [ECX PRO SOURCE AUDIT] | +-Mental Health (MTL) Extract Audit [ECX MTL SOURCE AUDIT] +-SAS Extract Audit Reports [ECX SAS AUDITS] | +-SAS Dental Audit Report [ECX SAS DENTAL] | +-SAS Radiology Audit Report [ECX SAS RADIOLOGY] | +-SAS Prescription Audit Report [ECX SAS PRESCRIPTION] | +-SAS Surgery Audit Report [ECX SAS SURGERY] +-Maintenance [ECX MAINTENANCE] | +-Setup for DSS Clinic Information [ECX SETUP CLINIC] | | +-National Clinic Codes for DSS List [ECX NATIONAL CLINIC] | | +-Create DSS Clinic Stop Code File [ECXSCLOAD] | | +-Clinics and DSS Stop Codes Print [ECXSCLIST] | | +-Enter/Edit DSS Stop Codes for Clinics [ECXSCEDIT] | | +-Approve Reviewed DSS Clinic Worksheet [ECXSCAPPROV] | +-Setup for Inpatient Medications Information [ECX SETUP INP MEDS] | | +-Print IV Room Worksheet [ECX IV DIV PRINT] | | +-Enter/Edit IV Room Division [ECX IV DIV EDIT] | | +-Pharmacy NDC Lookup [ECXNDC] | +-Feeder Keys Print [ECXFEKEY] | +-Print Feeder Locations [ECXFELOC] | +-Define Extract Schedule [ECXDEFINE] | +-Setup for Inpatient Census Information [ECX SETUP INP CENSUS] | | +-Trial for Setup Extract [ECXTRYIT] | | +-Generate the Inpatient Setup Extract [ECXSETUP] | | +-Active MAS Wards for Fiscal Year Print [ECXWRD] | | +-Primary Care Team Print [ECXPCT] | +-Setup for DSS Lab Results Information [ECX SETUP LAB] | | +-Link DSS Selected Lab Tests to Local Lab Tests [ECXLABRS] | | +-Print DSS Lab Test Datasheet [ECXLARP] | +-DSS Department Management [ECX DSSDEPT MGMT] | | +-Enter/Edit DSS Division Identifier [ECX DIVISION ID] | | +-Enter/Edit DSS Ward [ECX WARD DSSDEPT] | | +-Decode a DSS Department Code [ECX DSSDEPT DECODE] | +-Prosthetics (PRO) YTD HCPCS Report [ECX PRO YTD REPORT] | +-Prosthetics (PRO) YTD Laboratory Report [ECX PRO LAB REPORT] +-Transmission Management [ECX TRANSMISSION] | +-Transmit Data from Extract Files [ECXTRANS] | +-Review a Particular Extract for Transmission [ECX EXTRACT LOG REVIEW] | +-Summary Report of Extract Logs [ECX EXTRACT LOG SUMMARY] | +-Purge Data from Extract Files [ECXPURG] Top Level Menu: (Home). SQLI (VA FileMan) [DMSQ MENU] +-Regenerate SQLI Projection [DMSQ PROJECT] +-Purge SQLI Data [DMSQ PURGE] +-Print Errors from Last Projection [DMSQ PRINT ERRORS] +-Site Statistics Reports [DMSQ PS MENU] | +-Table Total (Excluding Index Tables) [DMSQ PS TOTAL TABLES] | +-Column Total (All Tables) [DMSQ PS TOTAL COLUMNS] | +-Index Table Total [DMSQ PS TOTAL INDEXES] | +-Table Element Totals, By Type [DMSQ PS TOTAL TABLE ELEMENTS] | +-Column Totals, by Table [DMSQ PS TOTAL TABLE COLS] | +-Column Totals, by Table (Ordered by # of Columns) [DMSQ PS TOTAL TABLE COLS A] | +-Columns in Regular Tables, Excluding ID Columns [DMSQ PS COLUMNS REG NOID] | +-Columns in Regular Tables Total [DMSQ PS TOTAL COLUMNS REG] | +-Columns by Domain [DMSQ PS COLUMNS BY DOMAIN] +-Table Statistics Reports [DMSQ TS MENU] | +-Field Listing by File (Brief) [DMSQ TS FIELDS BRIEF] | +-Field Listing by File (Full) [DMSQ TS FIELDS FULL] | +-Table Name Listing (VA FileMan vs. SQLI) [DMSQ TS NAMES] | +-List Pointer and Parent Links (Brief) [DMSQ TS PTR PARENT BRIEF] | +-List Pointer and Parent Links (Full) [DMSQ TS PTR PARENT FULL] | +-Pointer Statistics by Individual Table [DMSQ TS PTR STATS] | +-Pointer Statistics (Summary) [DMSQ TS PTR STATS SUMMARY] | +-List Subfile Links (Brief) [DMSQ TS SUBFILE BRIEF] | +-List Incoming Pointer/Subfile Links (Full) [DMSQ TS PTR SUBFILE FULL] +-Suggest Table Groupings [DMSQ SUGGEST TABLE GROUPINGS] +-Find Out SQLI Status [DMSQ DIAGNOSTICS] Top Level Menu: (Home). Show Class Membership [USR SHOW MEMBERSHIP] +-Show Membership by Class [USR SHOW MEMBERSHIP BY CLASS] +-Show Membership by User [USR SHOW MEMBERSHIP BY USER] Top Level Menu: (Home). ASISTS Supervisor Menu [OOPS SUP MENU] +-Edit Report of Incident [OOPS SUP ENTRY] +-Print Report of Accident [OOPS SUP PRINT] +-Print Accident Report Status [OOPS SUP PRINT STATUS] +-Validate and Sign CA1,CA2 or 2162 [OOPS SUP VALIDATE] +-Create Accident/Illness Record [OOPS CREATE CASE] +-Create Amendment [OOPS CREATE AMENDMENT (SUP)] +-Print CA1/CA2 [OOPS SUP PRINT CA] +-Print Employee Bill of Rights [OOPS PRINT BILL] +-Display CA1 or CA2 [OOPS SUP DISPLAY CA1/CA2] Top Level Menu: (Home). ASISTS Safety Officers Menu [OOPS SAFETY MENU] +-Complete Report of Accident (2162) [OOPS SAFETY ENTER 2162] +-Print Report of Accident [OOPS SAFETY PRINT] +-Print Accident Report Status [OOPS SAFETY PRINT STATUS] +-Validate and Sign 2162 [OOPS SAFETY VALIDATE] +-Create Accident/Illness Record [OOPS CREATE CASE] -- listed above. +-Log of Federal Occupational Injuries and Illnesses [OOPS LOG] +-Create Amendment [OOPS CREATE AMENDMENT (SO)] +-Change the Status of a Case [OOPS SAFETY CLOSE] +-Edit Report of Incident [OOPS SAFETY SUP ENTRY] +-Log of Needlestick Incidents [OOPS NEEDLESTICK LOG] +-Print CA1/CA2 [OOPS SAFETY PRINT CA] +-Print Employee Bill of Rights [OOPS PRINT BILL] -- listed above. +-Manual Transmit of National Database (2162) Data [OOPS MANUAL 2162 DATA XMIT] +-Edit Stub Record [OOPS SAFETY EDIT STUB RECORD] +-Edit Site Parameter [OOPS EDIT SITE PARAMETER] +-Display CA1 or CA2 [OOPS SAFETY DISPLAY CA1/CA2] +-Approve Workers' Comp Signing for Employee [OOPS SAFETY WCP EMP SIGN] Top Level Menu: (Home). ASISTS Employee Menu [OOPS EMP MENU] +-Complete Employee CA1/CA2 [OOPS EMP ENTRY] +-Validate and Sign CA-1 or CA-2 [OOPS EMP VALIDATE] +-Print CA1/CA2 [OOPS EMP PRINT CA] +-Print Employee Bill of Rights [OOPS PRINT BILL] -- listed above. +-Display CA1 or CA2 [OOPS EMP DISPLAY CA1/CA2] Top Level Menu: (Home). ASISTS Union Menu [OOPS UNION MENU] +-Print Report of Accident [OOPS UNION PRINT] +-Print Employee Bill of Rights [OOPS PRINT BILL] -- listed above. +-Log of Federal Occupational Injuries and Illnesses [OOPS UNION LOG] +-Print Accident Report Status [OOPS UNION PRINT STATUS] Top Level Menu: (Home). ASISTS Employee Health Menu [OOPS EMP HEALTH MENU] +-Create Accident/Illness Record [OOPS CREATE CASE] -- listed above. +-Print Employee Bill of Rights [OOPS PRINT BILL] -- listed above. +-Display CA1/CA2 [OOPS EMP HLT DISP CA1/CA2] +-Edit Stub Record [OOPS EMP HLT EDIT STUB] +-Log of Federal Occupational Injuries and Illnesses [OOPS LOG] -- listed above. +-Log of Needlestick Incidents [OOPS NEEDLESTICK LOG] -- listed above. +-Print Report of Accident [OOPS SAFETY PRINT] -- listed above. +-Print Accident Report Status [OOPS SAFETY PRINT STATUS] -- listed above. +-Print CA1/CA2 [OOPS SAFETY PRINT CA] -- listed above. +-Approve Workers' Comp Signing for Employee [OOPS EMP HLT WCP EMP SIGN] Top Level Menu: (Home). VIST Menu [ANRV VIST MENU] +-Edit VIST Options Menu [ANRV EDIT VIST OPTIONS] | +-Enter/Edit VIST Patient Record [ANRV ENTER/EDIT VIST PATIENT] | +-Enter/Edit VIST Referral Roster [ANRV ENTER/EDIT REFERRAL] | +-Enter/Edit Inactive VIST Roster [ANRV ENTER/EDIT INACTIVE VIST] | +-Enter/Edit VARO Claims Roster [ANRV ENTER/EDIT VARO CLAIMS] | +-Enter/Edit VIST Parameters [ANRV ENTER/EDIT VIST PARAMETER] | +-Enter/Edit VIST Benefits Checklist [ANRV ENTER/EDIT CHECKLIST] | +-Delete VIST Referral Roster [ANRV DELETE REFERRAL] | +-Delete VIST Patient Record [ANRV DELETE ROSTER] +-Print VIST Roster Menu [ANRV PRINT VIST OPTIONS] | +-VIST Roster List [ANRV VIST ROSTER PRINT] | +-VIST Referral Roster List [ANRV REFERRAL PRINT] | +-Inpatient List [ANRV INPATIENT LIST] | +-Outpatient Appointment List [ANRV OUTPATIENT APPT. LIST] | +-Inactive VIST Roster List [ANRV PRINT INACTIVE VIST] | +-Additions to VIST Roster [ANRV ADD TO VIST ROSTER] | +-Field Visit Dates List [ANRV FIELD VISIT DATES] | +-VARO Claims List [ANRV PRINT VARO CLAIMS] | +-VIST Roster List With Annual Review Date [ANRV ROSTER A/R PRINT] | +-AMIS Report [ANRV AMIS REPORT] | +-Incomplete AMIS Roster [ANRV INCOMPLETE AMIS LISTING] | +-VIST Roster Sorts [ANRV ROSTER SORTS] | | +-State [ANRV STATE LIST] | | +-City [ANRV CITY LIST] | | +-ZIP [ANRV ZIP CODE LIST] | | +-County [ANRV COUNTY LISTING] | | +-Address/Phone List [ANRV ADDRESS LIST] | | +-Birthdate [ANRV BIRTH LIST] | | +-Age [ANRV AGE LIST] | | +-Eye Diagnosis [ANRV EYE DIAG PRINT] | | +-Eye Diagnosis Narrative [ANRV EYE DIAG NARRATIVE] | | +-Fee Basis List [ANRV FEE PT] | | +-Period of Service [ANRV POS LIST] | | +-Referral Source List [ANRV REFERRAL SOURCE LIST] | | +-Annual Review Dates List [ANRV ANNUAL REVIEW LIST] | | +-VIST Eligible (AMIS) List [ANRV VIST ELIG LIST] | +-Deceased Patients List [ANRV DECEASED PATIENTS] +-Print Individual Records [ANRV INDIVIDUAL RECORDS] | +-Individual Patient Record [ANRV PRINT PATIENT RECORD] | +-Individual Referral Record [ANRV PRINT IND. REFERRAL] | +-Individual Eye History [ANRV INDIVIDUAL EYE DIAG] | +-Individual Claims Record [ANRV CLAIM REC INQ] | +-Individual Annual Review Record [ANRV ANNUAL REVIEW INQ] | +-Individual VIST Benefits Checklist [ANRV CHECKLIST INQ] +-VIST Letter Menu [ANRV LETTER MENU] | +-Edit VIST Letter [ANRV ENTER/EDIT VIST LETTER] | +-Print VIST Letter [ANRV PRINT LETTER] | +-Test Label Alignment [ANRV TEST LABEL] | +-Print Mailing Labels By Patient [ANRV MAIL LABELS] | +-Print Mailing Labels By City [ANRV LABELS BY CITY] | +-Print Mailing Labels By County [ANRV LABELS BY COUNTY] | +-Print Mailing Labels By State [ANRV LABELS BY STATE] Top Level Menu: (Home). Lab Search/Extract Primary Menu [LREPI SEARCH EXTRACT MENU] +-Lab Search/Extract Parameter Setup [LREPI PARAMETER SETUP] +-Antimicrobial Link Update [LREPILK] +-Lab Search/Extract Manual Run (Enhanced) [LREPI ENHANCE MANUAL RUN] +-Lab Search/Extract Protocol Edit [LREPI PROTOCOL EDIT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Protocol Conversion Utilities [ORCM CONVERSION UTILITIES] +-Review protocol file [ORCM REVIEW PROTOCOLS] +-Convert Protocol Menus to Order Dialogs [ORCM CONVERT MENUS] +-Order Menu Management [ORCM MGMT] | +-Enter/edit orderable items [ORCM ORDERABLES] | +-Enter/edit prompts [ORCM PROMPTS] | +-Enter/edit generic orders [ORCM ORDERS] | +-Enter/edit quick orders [ORCM QUICK ORDERS] | +-Enter/edit order sets [ORCM ORDER SETS] | +-Convert protocols [ORCM PROTOCOLS] | +-Enter/edit order menus [ORCM MENU] | +-Assign Primary Order Menu [OR PARAM ADD MENU] | +-Enter/edit [[action~|Action]]s [ORCM ACTIONS] | +-Search/replace components [ORCM SEARCH/REPLACE] | +-List Primary Order Menus [ORCM LIST ORDER MENUS] | +-Disable/Enable order dialogs [ORCM DISABLE] +-Locate protocols [ORCM FIND PROTOCOL] +-Estimate global growth for CPRS [ORCM ESTIMATE] Top Level Menu: (Home). Pharmacy Consult User [GMRC PHARMACY USER] +-Pharmacy TPN Consults [GMRC PHARMACY TPN CONSULTS] -- listed above. +-Service Consults Pending Resolution [GMRC RPT PENDING CONSULTS] -- listed above. +-Completion Time Statistics [GMRC COMPLETION STATISTICS] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Consult Service Tracking [GMRC GENERAL SERVICE USER] +-Consult Service Tracking [GMRC SERVICE TRACKING] -- listed above. +-Service Consults Pending Resolution [GMRC RPT PENDING CONSULTS] -- listed above. +-Completion Time Statistics [GMRC COMPLETION STATISTICS] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Military Sexual Trauma Menu [DGMST PRIMARY MENU] +-MST Status Add/Edit [DGMST ENTER NEW MST] +-MST Outputs [DGMST OUTPUTS] | +-Print Statistical Report [DGMST STATISTICAL PRINT] | +-MST Summary Report [DGMST SUMMARY REPORT] | +-MST History Report by Patient [DGMST HISTORY REPORT] | +-Detailed Demographic Report [DGMST DETAILED REPORT] Top Level Menu: (Home). MPI/PD Master Menu [RGMGR] +-MPI/PD IRM Menu [RG IRM MENU] | +-MPI/PD Event Queue Manager [RGEQ MGR] | | +-Halt MPI/PD Event Queue [RGEQ STOP] | | +-Start MPI/PD Event Queue [RGEQ START] | +-MPI/PD Status Display [RG STATUS DISPLAY] | +-Patient File Initialization to MPI [MPIFINIT DPT TO MPI] | +-Coordinating Master of Record (CMOR) Score Menu [RG CMOR MAIN] | | +-Start/Restart CMOR Score Calculation [RG CMOR START] | | +-Stop CMOR Score Calculation [RG CMOR STOP] | | +-Calculate Individual Patient CMOR Score [RG CMOR INDIV] | | +-CMOR Score Calculation Status [RG CMOR STATUS] | | +-Duplicate Record by CMOR Score [RG CMOR DUP SCORES] | | +-Duplicate Record Statistics [RG CMOR DUP STATS] +-MPI/PD Patient Admin Coordinator Menu [RG ADMIN COORD MENU] | +-MPI/PD Patient Admin User Menu [RG ADMIN USER MENU] -- listed above. | +-Site Parameters Edit for CMOR [MPIF SITE PARAMETER] | +-Patient Audit Log Reports [RG TRAN/AUD AUD REP] | | +-Custom Audit File Print [RGMT AUDIT PRINT] | | +-Single Patient Audit File Print [RGMT AUDIT SINGLE] | +-Master Patient Index Menu [MPIF VISTA MENU] | | +-Inactivate Patient from MPI [MPIF PAT INACT] | | +-Single Patient Initialization to MPI [MPIF IND MPI LOAD] | | +-Display Only Query [MPIF DISPLAY ONLY QUERY TO MPI] | +-Message Exception Menu [RG EXCEPTION MENU] | | +-View Potential Match Patient [RG EXCEPTION POTENTIAL MATCH] | | +-Patient MPI/PD Data Inquiry [RG EXCEPTION TF INQUIRY] | | +-MPI/PD Exception Handling [RG EXCEPTION HANDLING] | | +-Remote Patient Data Query Menu [RG REMOTE PDAT MENU] | | | +-Send Remote Patient Data Query [RG REMOTE PDAT SEND] | | | +-Check Remote Patient Data Query [RG REMOTE PDAT CHECK] | | | +-Display Remote Patient Data Query [RG REMOTE PDAT DISPLAY] | +-Management Reports [RG MGT REPORTS] | | +-Pseudo-SSN Report [RGPR PRE-IMP SSN REPORT] | | +-Treating Facility List Statistics [RGMT AUDIT TF STATISTICS] | | +-MPI/PD Status Display [RG STATUS DISPLAY] -- listed above. | +-CMOR User Menu [RG CMOR USER MENU] | | +-Calculate Individual Patient CMOR Score [RG CMOR INDIV] -- listed above. | | +-Duplicate Record by CMOR Score [RG CMOR DUP SCORES] -- listed above. | | +-Duplicate Record Statistics [RG CMOR DUP STATS] -- listed above. | +-Add/Edit Point of Contact [RG UPDATE POINT OF CONTACT] +-MPI/PD Patient Admin User Menu [RG ADMIN USER MENU] | +-Patient Data Review [VAFC EXCEPTION HANDLER] | +-Coordinating Master of Record (CMOR) Request [MPIF CMOR MGR] | | +-Report - Pending Received Requests [MPIF RECEIVED REQUESTS] | | +-Report - Sent Requests Still Pending [MPIF SENT REQUESTS] | | +-Display a CMOR Change Request [MPIF VIEW REQUEST] | | +-Create a New CMOR Change Request [MPIF NEW REQUEST] | | +-Review Pending Change of CMOR Requests [MPIF REVIEW REQUEST] | | +-Batch Review of CMOR Change Requests [MPIF BATCH REVIEW] | | +-Edit Open CMOR Change Request [MPIF EDIT REQUEST] | | +-Report - CMOR Requests Approved [MPIF APPROVED REPORT] | | +-Report - CMOR Requests Disapproved [MPIF DISAPPROVE REPORT] | | +-Push CMOR Request [MPIF PUSH CMOR] Top Level Menu: (Home). PC Attending tools menu [SCMC CONVERSION TOOLS MENU] +-PC Attending Assignment Report [SCMC PC ATTENDING ASGN RPT] +-Preceptor Migration Report [SCMC PRECEPTOR MIGRATION RPT] +-PC Attending Conversion Utility [SCMC PC ATTENDING CONVERSION] +-PRECEPTOR CONVERSION [SCMC PRECEPTOR CONVERSION] Top Level Menu: (Home). Bar Code Medication Administration [PSB USER] +-Reports [PSBO] | +-Due List [PSBO DL] | +-Medication Administration History (MAH) [PSBO MH] | +-Medication Administration Log [PSBO ML] | +-Missed Medications [PSBO MM] | +-PRN Effectiveness List [PSBO PE] | +-Ward Administration Times [PSBO WA] | +-Medication Variance Log [PSBO MV] +-Missing Dose Request [PSB MISSING DOSE REQUEST] +-Edit Medication Log [PSB MED LOG EDIT] +-Enter PRN Effectiveness [PSB MED LOG PRN EFFECT] +-Manual Medication Entry [PSB MED LOG NEW ENTRY] Top Level Menu: (Home). Bar Code Medication Administration Manager [PSB MGR] +-Medication Administration Menu Nursing [PSB NURSE] | +-Missing Dose Request [PSB MISSING DOSE REQUEST] -- listed above. | +-Edit Medication Log [PSB MED LOG EDIT] -- listed above. | +-Enter PRN Effectiveness [PSB MED LOG PRN EFFECT] -- listed above. | +-Manual Medication Entry [PSB MED LOG NEW ENTRY] -- listed above. | +-Medication Administration Log [PSBO ML] -- listed above. | +-Missed Medications [PSBO MM] -- listed above. | +-Ward Administration Times [PSBO WA] -- listed above. | +-Due List [PSBO DL] -- listed above. | +-PRN Effectiveness List [PSBO PE] -- listed above. | +-Medication Administration History (MAH) [PSBO MH] -- listed above. | +-Medication Variance Log [PSBO MV] -- listed above. | +-Drug File Inquiry [PSB DRUG INQUIRY] -- listed above. +-Drug File Inquiry [PSB DRUG INQUIRY] +-Missing Dose Followup [PSB MISSING DOSE FOLLOWUP] +-Reset User Parameters [PSB USER PARAM RESET] +-Medication Administration Menu Pharmacy [PSB PHARMACY] | +-Medication Administration Log [PSBO ML] -- listed above. | +-Missed Medications [PSBO MM] -- listed above. | +-Due List [PSBO DL] -- listed above. | +-Medication Administration History (MAH) [PSBO MH] -- listed above. | +-Missing Dose Request [PSB MISSING DOSE REQUEST] -- listed above. | +-Missing Dose Followup [PSB MISSING DOSE FOLLOWUP] -- listed above. | +-Missing Dose Report [PSBO MD] | +-Label Print [PSBO BL] | +-Drug File Inquiry [PSB DRUG INQUIRY] -- listed above. +-Trouble Shoot Med Log [PSB MED LOG TROUBLE SHOOTER] +-Edit Divisional Parameters [PSB PARAMETERS] Top Level Menu: (Home). Autogenerate Letters [RMPO AUTO LETTERS] +-List of Patients [RMPO LETTER LIST] +-Print Letters [RMPO PRINT LETTERS] +-Remove Patients from List [RMPO REMOVE LIST] +-Generate Letters [RMPO LIST/PRINT MANAGER] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Capitalization Threshold 25K Task Menu [ENFA CT MENU] +-List Equipment to be Expensed by Task [ENFA CT EXP LIST] +-Adjust List of Equipment to be Expensed by Task [ENFA CT EXP EDIT] +-Equipment Removed from Expense List by User [ENFA CT RC LIST] +-Show Equipment Task Will Leave Capitalized [ENFA CT CAP LIST] Top Level Menu: (Home). CMOP Utilities [PSO SUCMOP MENU] +-List of Rxs with CMOP Drugs Printed From Suspense [PSO SUCMOP PRINT REPORT] +-Re-Suspend Printed Rxs with CMOP Drugs [PSO SUCMOP RE-SUSLOCALCMOPPRI] +-Unprinted/Non-Transmitted Rxs Re-Suspend [PSO SUCMOP RESUSPENDNOTPRI] Top Level Menu: (Home). RAI/MDS Data Collection [DGRUG RAI/MDS DATA COLLECTION] +-Print Ward/Room/Bed Info [DGRUG RAI/MDS PRINT W/R/B INFO] +-Build Patient ASCII File [DGRUG RAI/MDS BUILD ASCII FILE] Top Level Menu: (Home). PCMM Reject Transmission Menu [SCMC PCMM REJECT TRANS MENU] +-PCMM Transmission Error Processing [SCMC PCMM TRANS ERROR PROC] +-PCMM Transmission Error Code Report [SCMC PCMM ERR CODE REPORT] +-PCMM Transmission Error Report [SCMC PCMM TRANS ERROR REPORT] Top Level Menu: (Home). Transfer Pricing Menu [IBAT TRANSFER PRICING MENU] +-Transfer Pricing Management [IBAT TP MANAGEMENT] +-Summary Report [IBAT SUMMARY REPORT] +-Workload Report [IBAT WORKLOAD REPORT] +-Patient Detail Report [IBAT PATIENT REPORT] +-Transfer Pricing Patient Listing [IBAT PATIENT LIST] +-Excel Formatted Report [IBAT EXCEL REPORT] +-Edit Inpatient Prosthetic Items [IBAT INPT PROSTHETIC ITEMS] Top Level Menu: (Home). ASISTS Worker's Compensation Menu [OOPS WORKER'S COMP MENU] +-Create Accident/Illness Record [OOPS CREATE CASE] -- listed above. +-Change the Status of a Case [OOPS SAFETY CLOSE] -- listed above. +-Edit Report of Incident [OOPS SAFETY SUP ENTRY] -- listed above. +-Workers' Compensation Edit CA1/CA2 [OOPS WC EDIT CA1/CA2] +-Print CA1/CA2 [OOPS SAFETY PRINT CA] -- listed above. +-Print Employee Bill of Rights [OOPS PRINT BILL] -- listed above. +-Display CA1 or CA2 [OOPS SAFETY DISPLAY CA1/CA2] -- listed above. +-Print Report of Accident [OOPS SAFETY PRINT] -- listed above. +-Print Accident Report Status [OOPS SAFETY PRINT STATUS] -- listed above. +-Validate and Sign CA1 or CA2 [OOPS WC VALIDATE] +-Manual Transmission of DOL Data [OOPS DOL MANUAL XMIT DATA] +-Create Amendment [OOPS CREATE AMENDMENT (SO)] -- listed above. +-Complete Report of Accident (2162) [OOPS SAFETY ENTER 2162] -- listed above. +-Edit Stub Record [OOPS SAFETY EDIT STUB RECORD] -- listed above. +-Complete Employee CA-1 & CA-2 [OOPS WC EMP ENTRY] +-Workers' Comp Elect. Sign For Employee [OOPS WC SIGN FOR EMPLOYEE] +-Enter/Edit Union Information [OOPS WC EDIT UNION INFO] Top Level Menu: (Home). 10-10EZ Menu [EAS EZ MENU] +-10-10EZ Quick Lookup [EAS EZ QUICK LOOKUP] +-Electronic 10-10EZ Processing [EAS EZ 1010EZ PROCESSING] Top Level Menu: (Home). Dicom Menu Options [MAGD DICOM MENU] +-Correct Medicine-DICOM File Entries [MAGD FIX MEDICINE DICOM FILE] +-Correct RAD-DICOM File Entries [MAGD FIX DICOM FILE] +-Print Dicom Failed Image File Entries. [MAGD PRINT DICOM FILE] Top Level Menu: (Home). Donations Main Menu [ABSV DON DONATIONS MENU] +-Maintenance Menu for Donations [ABSV DON MAINTENANCE MENU] | +-New Donation Entry [ABSV DON ENTER NEW DON] | +-Print a Temporary Receipt [ABSV DON PRINT TEMP RECEIPT] | +-Edit an EXISTING Donation [ABSV DON EDIT EXISTING] | +-Delete a Donation Entry [ABSV DON DELETE ENTRY] | +-View Individual Donation Entry [ABSV DON VIEW] | +-GPF Account Enter/Edit [ABSV DON GPF ENTER/EDIT] | +-Search Donations File [ABSV DON SEARCH] +-Letter Management Menu [ABSV DON LETTER MGT MENU] | +-Thank You Letter Print [ABSV DON PRINT THANK YOU] | +-Add/Edit Donations Letter Format [ABSV DON EDIT LETTER] | +-Host File Donations Records Export [ABSV DON EXPORT TO HOST FILE] +-Reports Menu [ABSV DON REPORTS MENU] | +-Value Reports Menu [ABSV DON VALUE PRINT OPTIONS] | | +-Organization Value Print (All) [ABSV DON ORG VALUE PRINT] | | +-Individual Donor Value Print [ABSV DON IND DONOR VALUE PRINT] | | +-Value Print Date Received [ABSV DON DATE VALUE PRINT] | | +-Date Acknowledged Value Print [ABSV DON ACK VALUE PRINT] | | +-Type of Donation Value Print [ABSV DON TYPE VALUE PRINT] | | +-Post/Unit/Chapter Value Print [ABSV DON POST VALUE PRINT] | | +-Monthly Report to Fiscal Value Print [ABSV DON MONTHLY VALUE PRINT] | | +-Single Organization Value Print [ABSV DON SINGLE ORG PRINT] | +-Statistics Reports Menu [ABSV DON STATISTICS REPORTS] | | +-Organization Statistics [ABSV DON ORGANIZATION STATS] | | +-Individual Donor Statistics [ABSV DON IND DONOR STATISTICS] | | +-Chapter/Unit/Post Statistics [ABSV DON POST STATISTICS] | | +-GPF Account Statistics [ABSV DON GPF ACCOUNT STATS] | | +-Statistics Date Received [ABSV DON DATE RECEIVED STATS] | | +-Type of Donation Statistics [ABSV DON TYPE DONATION STATS] Top Level Menu: (Home). MPI/PD HL7 Diagnostic Menu [RGMT DIAG MGR] +-Compile MPI/PD HL7 Data [RGMT DIAG COMPILE HL7 DATA] +-MPI/PD HL7 Message Status Report [RGMT DIAG STATUS REPORT] +-MPI/PD HL7 Activity by Patient/Single Protocol [RGMT DIAG SINGLE PROTOCOL] +-MPI/PD HL7 Activity by Patient/All Protocols [RGMT DIAG ALL PROTOCOLS] Top Level Menu: (Home). LTC Co-payments Menu [EASEC LTC COPAY MENU] +-Add a New LTC Co-payment Test [EASEC LTC COPAY TEST ADD] +-Edit an Existing LTC Co-payment Test [EASEC LTC COPAY TEST EDIT] +-View a LTC Co-payment Test [EASEC LTC COPAY TEST VIEW] +-Calculated LTC Co-payments Print [EASEC LTC COPAY PRINT] +-Print Application for Extended Care (1010-EC) [EASEC LTC COPAY TEST PRINT] Top Level Menu: (Home). CAC OpenVista (bad) [CAC OPENVISTA] +-Systems Manager Menu [EVE] | +-Programmer Options [XUPROG] | | +-Programmer mode [XUPROGMODE] | | +-Global Block Count [XU BLOCK COUNT] | | +-Delete Unreferenced Options [XQ UNREF'D OPTIONS] | | +-Kernel Installation & Distribution System [XPD MAIN] | | | +-Edits and Distribution [XPD DISTRIBUTION MENU] | | | | +-Create a Build Using Namespace [XPD BUILD NAMESPACE] | | | | +-Copy Build to Build [XPD COPY BUILD] | | | | +-Edit a Build [XPD EDIT BUILD] | | | | +-Transport a Distribution [XPD TRANSPORT PACKAGE] | | | | +-Routine summary list [XT-BLD RTN LIST] | | | | +-Version number update [XT-VERSION NUMBER] | | | | +-Old Checksum Edit [XT-RTN CS EDT] | | | +-Utilities [XPD UTILITY] | | | | +-Build File Print [XPD PRINT BUILD] | | | | +-Verify a Build [XPD VERIFY BUILD] | | | | +-Update Routine File [XPD ROUTINE UPDATE] | | | | +-Install File Print [XPD PRINT INSTALL FILE] | | | | +-Verify Package Integrity [XPD VERIFY INTEGRITY] | | | | +-Purge Build or Install Files [XPD PURGE FILE] | | | | +-Convert Loaded Package for Redistribution [XPD CONVERT PACKAGE] | | | | +-Rollup Patches into a Build [XPD ROLLUP PATCHES] | | | | +-Display Patches for a Package [XPD PRINT PACKAGE PATCHES] | | | +-Installation [XPD INSTALLATION MENU] | | | | +-Load a Distribution [XPD LOAD DISTRIBUTION] | | | | +-Print Transport Global [XPD PRINT INSTALL] | | | | +-Compare Transport Global to Current System [XPD COMPARE TO SYSTEM] | | | | +-Verify Checksums in Transport Global [XPD PRINT CHECKSUM] | | | | +-Backup a Transport Global [XPD BACKUP] | | | | +-Install Package(s) [XPD INSTALL BUILD] | | | | +-Restart Install of Package(s) [XPD RESTART INSTALL] | | | | +-Unload a Distribution [XPD UNLOAD DISTRIBUTION] | | +-Error Processing [XUERRS] | | | +-Error Trap Display [XUERTRAP] | | | +-Interactive Print of Error Messages [XUERTRP PRINT ERRS] | | | +-Print 1 occurence of each error for T-1 (QUEUE) [XUERTRP PRINT T-1 1 ERR] -- listed above. | | | +-Print 2 occurrences of errors on T-1 (QUEUED) [XUERTRP PRINT T-1 2 ERR] -- listed above. | | | +-Clean Error Trap [XUERTRP CLEAN] | | | +-Remove a TYPE of error [XUERTRP TYPE] | | +-Routine Tools [XUPR-ROUTINE-TOOLS] | | | +-%Index of Routines [XUINDEX] | | | +-First Line Routine Print [XU FIRST LINE PRINT] | | | +-Flow Chart Entire Routine [XTFCR] | | | +-Flow Chart from Entry Point [XTFCE] | | | +-Input routines [XUROUTINE IN] | | | +-List Routines [XUPRROU] | | | +-Output routines [XUROUTINE OUT] | | | +-Compare two routines [XT-ROUTINE COMPARE] | | | +-Routine Edit [XUPR RTN EDIT] | | | +-Variable changer [XT-VARIABLE CHANGER] | | | +-Version number update [XT-VERSION NUMBER] -- listed above. | | | +-Group Routine Edit [XTRGRPE] | | | +-Compare routines on tape to disk [XUPR-RTN-TAPE-CMP] | | | +-Delete Routines [XTRDEL] | | | +-Routines by Patch Number [XUPR RTN PATCH] | | | +-Check Routines on Other CPUs [XUPR RTN CHKSUM] | +-Device Management [XUTIO] | | +-Terminal Type Edit [XUTERM] | | +-Device Edit [XUDEV] | | +-Out of Service Set/Clear [XUOUT] | | +-Display Device Data [XUDISPLAY] | | +-Change Device's Terminal Type [XUCHANGE] | | +-List Terminal Types [XULIST] | | +-Send Test Pattern to Terminal [XUTTEST] | | +-Loopback Test of Device Port [XUTLOOPBACK] | | +-Clear Terminal [XUSERCLR] | | +-Hunt Group Manager [XUHGMGR] | | | +-Delete Hunt Groups [XUHGDEL] | | | +-Edit Hunt Groups [XUHGEDIT] | | | +-List Hunt Groups [XUHGPRT] | | | +-Print Hunt Groups and Associated Devices [XUHGDEVPRT] | | +-DA Return Code Edit [XU DA EDIT] | | +-Edit Devices by Specific Types [XUDEVEDIT] | | | +-Magtape Device Edit [XUDEVEDITMT] | | | +-SDP Device Edit [XUDEVEDITSDP] | | | +-Spool Device Edit [XUDEVEDITSPL] | | | +-Host File Server Device Edit [XUDEVEDITHFS] | | | +-Network Channel Device Edit [XUDEVEDITCHAN] | | | +-Resource Device Edit [XUDEVEDITRES] | | +-Current Line/Port Address [XUDEV LINEPORT ADDR CURRENT] | | +-Edit Line/Port Addresses [XUDEV LINEPORT ADDR EDIT] | | +-Line/Port Address report [XUDEV LINEPORT ADDR RPT] | | +-Clear one Resource [XUDEV RES-ONE] | | +-Clear all resources [XUDEV RES-CLEAR] | +-User Management [XUSER] | | +-Add a New User to the System [XUSERNEW] | | +-Edit an Existing User [XUSEREDIT] | | +-List users [XUSERLIST] | | +-Reactivate a User [XUSERREACT] | | +-Deactivate a User [XUSERDEACT] | | +-Switch Identities [XUTESTUSER] | | +-User Inquiry [XUSERINQ] | | +-File Access Security [XUFILEACCESS] | | | +-Grant Users' Access to a Set of Files [XUFILEGRANT] | | | +-Delete Users' Access to a Set of Files [XUFILESETDELETE] | | | +-Print Users Files [XUFILEPRINT] | | | +-List Access to Files by File number [XUFILELIST] | | | +-Copy One User's File Access to Others [XUFILECOPY] | | | +-Remove All Access from a Single User [XUFILEREMOVEALL] | | | +-Single file add/delete for a user [XUFILESINGLEADD] | | | +-Inquiry to a User's File Access [XUFILEINQUIRY] | | | +-Take away All access to a File [XUFILEDELETE] | | | +-Assign/Delete a File Range [XUFILERANGEASSIGN] | | +-Clear Electronic signature code [XUSESIG CLEAR] | | +-Grant Access by Profile [XUSERBLK] | | +-Electronic Signature Block Edit [XUSESIG BLOCK] | | +-Reprint Access agreement letter [XUSERREPRINT] | | +-Manage User File [XUSER FILE MGR] | | | +-Purge Inactive Users' Attributes [XUSERPURGEATT] | | | +-Purge Log of Old Access and Verify Codes [XUSERAOLD] | | | +-Reindex the users key's [XUSER KEY RE-INDEX] | | +-Person Class Edit [XU-PERSON CLASS EDIT] | +-Menu Management [XUMAINT] | | +-Edit options [XUEDITOPT] | | +-List Options by Parents and Use [XUXREF] | | +-Help Processor [XQHELP-MENU] | | | +-Display/Edit Help Frames [XQHELP-DISPLAY] | | | +-Cross Reference Help Frames [XQHELP-XREF] | | | +-List Help Frames [XQHELP-LIST] | | | +-Assign Editors [XQHELP-ASSIGN] | | | +-Unassign Editors [XQHELP-DEASSIGN] | | | +-New/Revised Help Frames [XQHELP-UPDATE] | | | +-Fix Help Frame File Pointers [XQHELPFIX] | | +-Restrict Availability of Options [XQRESTRICT] | | +-Build Primary Menu Trees [XQBUILDTREE] | | +-Option Access By User [XUOPTWHO] | | +-Fix Option File Pointers [XQOPTFIX] | | +-Secure Menu Delegation [XQSMD MGR] | | | +-Select Options to be Delegated [XQSMD ADD] | | | +-Remove Options Previously Delegated [XQSMD REMOVE] | | | +-List Delegated Options and their Users [XQSMD BY OPTION] | | | +-Print All Delegates and their Options [XQSMD BY USER] | | | +-Delegate's Menu Management [XQSMD USER MENU] | | | | +-Build a New Menu [XQSMD BUILD MENU] | | | | +-Edit a User's Options [XQSMD EDIT OPTIONS] | | | | +-Limited File Manager Options (Build) [XQSMD LIMITED FM OPTIONS] | | | | +-Copy One Users Menus and Keys to others [XQSMD COPY USER] | | | | +-Copy Everything About an Option to a New Option [XQCOPYOP] | | | +-Show a Delegate's Options [XQSMD SHOW] | | | +-Replicate or Replace a Delegate [XQSMD REPLICATE] | | | +-Specify Allowable New Menu Prefix [XQSMD SET PREFIX] | | +-Key Management [XUKEYMGMT] | | | +-Allocation of Security Keys [XUKEYALL] | | | +-De-allocation of Security Keys [XUKEYDEALL] | | | +-Enter/Edit of Security Keys [XUKEYEDIT] | | | +-List users holding a certain key [XQSHOKEY] | | | +-Show the keys of a particular user [XQLISTKEY] | | | +-Delegate keys [XQKEYDEL] | | | +-Remove delegated keys [XQKEYRDEL] | | | +-Change user's allocated keys to delegated keys [XQKEYALTODEL] | | | +-All the Keys a User Needs [XQLOCK1] | | | +-Keys For a Given Menu Tree [XQLOCK2] | | +-Show Users With Selected Primary or Secondary Menu [XUXREF-2] | | +-Out-Of-Order Set Management [XQOOMAIN] | | | +-Create a Set of Options To Mark Out-Of-Order [XQOOMAKE] | | | +-Mark Option Set Out-Of-Order [XQOOFF] | | | +-Remove Out-Of-Order Messages from a Set of Options [XQOON] | | | +-Options in the Option File that are Out-Of-Order [XQOOSHOFIL] | | | +-List Defined Option Sets [XQOOSHOW] | | | +-Protocols Marked Out-Of-Order in Protocol File [XQOOSHOPRO] | | | +-Recover deleted option set [XQOOREDO] | | | +-Toggle options/protocols on and off [XQOOTOG] | | +-Display Menus and Options [XQDISPLAY OPTIONS] | | | +-Inquire [XUINQUIRE] -- listed above. | | | +-Print Option File [XUPRINT] -- listed above. | | | +-Menu Diagrams (with Entry/Exit [[Action~|Action]]s) [XUUSERACC1] | | | +-Abbreviated Menu Diagrams [XUUSERACC2] -- listed above. | | | +-Diagram Menus [XUUSERACC] -- listed above. | | +-See if a User Has Access to a Particular Option [XQOPACCESS] | +-Core Applications [XUCORE] | | +-ADT Manager Menu [DG MANAGER MENU] | | | +-Bed Control Menu [DG BED CONTROL] | | | | +-Admit a Patient [DG ADMIT PATIENT] | | | | +-Transfer a Patient [DG TRANSFER PATIENT] | | | | +-Discharge a Patient [DG DISCHARGE PATIENT] | | | | +-Switch Bed [DG BED SWITCH] | | | | +-Schedule an Admission [DG SCHED ADMIT ENTRY] | | | | +-Treating Specialty Transfer [DG TREATING TRANSFER] | | | | +-[[DRG~|DRG]] Calculation [DG DRG CALCULATION] | | | | +-Detailed Inpatient Inquiry [DG INPATIENT INQUIRY EXTENDED] | | | | +-Extended Bed Control [DG BED CONTROL EXTENDED] | | | | +-Cancel a Scheduled Admission [DG SCHED ADMIT CANCEL] | | | | +-Delete Waiting List Entry [DG WAITING LIST DELETE] | | | | +-Waiting List Entry/Edit [DG WAITING LIST ENTRY] | | | | +-Seriously Ill List Entry [DG SERIOUSLY ILL ENTRY] | | | | +-Check-in Lodger [DGPM CHECK-IN] | | | | +-Lodger Check-out [DGPM CHECK-OUT] | | | | +-Provider Change [DGPM PROVIDER CHANGE] | | | +-Registration Menu [DG REGISTRATION MENU] | | | | +-Register a Patient [DG REGISTER PATIENT] | | | | +-Disposition Log Edit [DG DISPOSITION EDIT] | | | | +-Load/Edit Patient Data [DG LOAD PATIENT DATA] | | | | +-Eligibility [[Verification~|Verification]] [DG ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION] | | | | +-Delete a Registration [DG REGISTRATION DELETE] | | | | +-View Registration Data [DG REGISTRATION VIEW] | | | | +-Eligibility Inquiry for Patient Billing [DG PATIENT ELIGIBILITY INQUIRY] -- listed above. | | | | +-Copay Exemption Test User Menu [DG CO-PAY TEST USER MENU] | | | | | +-Add a Copay Exemption Test [DG CO-PAY TEST ADD] | | | | | +-Edit an Existing Copay Exemption Test [DG CO-PAY TEST EDIT] | | | | | +-List Incomplete Copay Exemption Test [DG CO-PAY TEST INCOMPLETE] | | | | | +-View a Past [[Copay Test~|Copay Test]] [DG CO-PAY TEST VIEW TEST] | | | | | +-Copay Exempt Test Needing Update At Next Appt. [DG CO-PAY TEST FUTURE LIST] | | | | +-Means Test User Menu [DG MEANS TEST USER MENU] | | | | | +-Add a New Means Test [DG MEANS TEST ADD] | | | | | +-Adjudicate a Means Test [DG MEANS TEST ADJUDICATE] | | | | | +-Complete a Required Means Test [DG MEANS TEST COMPLETE] | | | | | +-Edit an Existing Means Test [DG MEANS TEST EDIT] | | | | | +-View a Past Means Test [DG MEANS TEST VIEW TEST] | | | | | +-Document Comments On a Means Test [DG MEANS TEST COMMENTS] | | | | | +-Hardships [DGMTH HARDSHIPS] | | | | +-Enter/Edit Patient Security Level [DG SECURITY ENTER/EDIT] | | | | +-Edit Inconsistent Data for a Patient [DG CONSISTENCY PATIENT] | | | | +-Collateral Patient Register [DG COLLATERAL PATIENT] | | | | +-Disposition an Application [DG DISPOSITION APPLICATION] | | | | +-Death Entry [DG DEATH ENTRY] | | | | +-Patient Inquiry [DG PATIENT INQUIRY] -- listed above. | | | | +-Print Patient Wristband [DGPW PATIENT WRISTBAND PRINT] | | | | +-10-10T Registration [DGRPT 10-10T REGISTRATION] | | | | +-Preregistration Menu [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER MENU] | | | | | +-Display Preregistration Call List [DGPRE DISPLAY CALL LIST] | | | | | +-Outputs for Preregistration [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER OUTPUTS] | | | | | | +-Print Preregistration Audits [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER AUDIT RPT] | | | | | | +-Calling Statistics Report [DGPRE CALL STATS] | | | | | | +-Pre-Registration Source Report [IB OUTPUT PRE-REG SOURCE REPT] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Preregister a Patient [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER OPTION] | | | | | +-Patient Inquiry [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER PATIENT INQ] | | | | | +-Supervisor Preregistration Menu [DGPRE SUPV MENU] | | | | | | +-Add New Appointments to Call List [DGPRE UPDATE CALL LIST] | | | | | | +-Clear the Call List [DGPRE CLEAR CALL LIST] | | | | | | +-Purge Contacted Patients [DGPRE PURGE CALL LIST] | | | | | | +-Purge Call Log [DGPRE PURGE CALL LOG] | | | | +-Patient Enrollment [DGEN PATIENT ENROLLMENT] | | | | +-Add/Edit/Delete Catastrophic Disability [DGENCD EDIT CATASTROP DISAB] | | | | +-Purple Heart Request History [DG PH HIST] | | | | +-Purple Heart Status Report [DG PH STATUS] | | | +-ADT Outputs Menu [DG OUTPUTS MENU] | | | | +-Bed Availability [DG BED AVAILABILITY] | | | | +-Gains and Losses (G&L) Sheet [DG G&L SHEET] | | | | +-Scheduled Admissions List [DG SCHED ADMIT PRINT] | | | | +-Waiting List Output [DG WAITING LIST PRINT] | | | | +-Treating Specialty Print [DG TREATING PRINT] | | | | +-10/10 Print without New Registration [DG REGISTRATION 10/10 REPRINT] | | | | +-Means Test Outputs [DG MEANS TEST OUTPUTS] | | | | | +-Patients Who Have Not Agreed To Pay Deductible [DG MEANS TEST DEDUCTIBLE] | | | | | +-Means Test w/Previous Year Threshold [DG MEANS TEST PREV THRESHOLD] | | | | | +-List Required/Pending Means Tests [DG MEANS TEST REQUIRED] | | | | | +-Means Test Indicator of 'U' Report [DG PTF MEANS TEST OF 'U'] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Required Means Test At Next Appointment [DG MEANS TEST FUTURE LIST] | | | | | +-Hardship Review Date [DG MEANS TEST HARDSHIP REVIEW] | | | | | +-Means Test Specific Income Amount Report [DG MEANS TEST SPEC INCOME RPT] | | | | | +-Means Test Specific Income Less Threshold Report [DG MEANS TEST INC | | | | | +-Duplicate Spouse/Dependent SSN Report [DG DUPLICATE SSN REPORT] | | | | +-AMIS Reports Menu [DG AMIS REPORTS] | | | | | +-AMIS 334-341 Reports [DG AMIS 334-341] | | | | | +-AMIS 345-346 Reports [DG AMIS 345-346] | | | | | +-AMIS 401-420 Reports [DG AMIS 401-420] | | | | +-Inpatient/Lodger Report Menu [DG INPATIENT REPORTS] | | | | | +-Inpatient Listing [DG INPATIENT LIST] | | | | | +-[Historical~|Historical]] Inpatient Listing [DG INPATIENT HISTORICAL] | | | | | +-Absence List [DG ABSENCE OUTPUT] | | | | | +-[[Historical~|Historical]] Female Inpatient List [DG FEMALE HISTORICAL] | | | | | +-Female Inpatient List (Current) [DG FEMALE CURRENT INPT LIST] | | | | | +-ASIH Listing [DG ASIH LIST] | | | | | +-Seriously Ill Inpatient Listing [DG SERIOUSLY ILL LIST] | | | | | +-Religion List for Inpatients [DG RELIGION LIST] | | | | | +-Insurance List of UNKNOWNs for Inpatients [DG INSURANCE LIST] | | | | | +-Inpatient Roster [DG INPATIENT ROSTER] | | | | | +-Lodgers for a Date Range [DGPM LODGERS FOR DATE RANGE] | | | | | +-Current Lodger List [DGPM CURRENT LODGERS OUTPUT] | | | | | +-Patient Movement List [DGPM PATIENT MOVEMENT LIST] | | | | | +-Treating Specialty Inpatient Information [DGPM TS INPATIENT INFORMATION] | | | | +-VBC Form By Admission Date [DG VBC ADMISSION] | | | | +-VBC Form for Specific Patient [DG VBC PATIENT] | | | | +-Scheduled Admission Statistics [DG SCHED ADMIT STATS] | | | | +-Disposition Outputs Menu [DG DISPOSITION OUTPUT MENU] | | | | | +-Log of Dispositions [DG DISPOSITION LOG] | | | | | +-Summary of Dispositions [DG DISPOSITION SUMMARY] | | | | | +-Disposition Time Processing Statistics [DG DISPOSITION TIME STATS] | | | | +-ADT Third Party Output Menu [DG THIRD PARTY OUTPUT MENU] | | | | | +-Veteran Patient Insurance Information [DG THIRD PARTY REIMBURSEMENT] | | | | | +-Review Document by Admission Range [DG THIRD PARTY ADMIT REVIEW] | | | | | +-Patient Review Document [DG THIRD PARTY PATIENT REVIEW] | | | | +-Pending/Open Disposition List [DG AMIS 400 PENDING] | | | | +-Inconsistent Data Elements Report [DG CONSISTENCY PRINT] | | | | +-Enrollment Reports [DGEN ENROLLMENT REPORTS] | | | | | +-Pending Applications for Enrollment [DGEN PENDING APPLICATIONS] | | | | | +-Enrollees by Status,Priority,Preferred Facility [DGEN ENROLLEES BY STATUS] | | | | | +-Upcoming Appointments without Enrollment [DGEN APPTS,NOT ENROLLED] | | | | | +-Enrolled Veterans Report [DGEN ENROLLED VETERANS] | | | | | +-EGT Impact Report [DGEN EGT IMPACT REPORT] | | | | | +-Non-Treating Preferred Facility Clean Up [DGEN NON-TREATING PF CLEAN UP] | | | | +-N/T Radium Treatment Pending [[Verification~|Verification]] List [DGNT PENDING VERIFICATION LIST] | | | +-Supervisor ADT Menu [DG SUPERVISOR MENU] | | | | +-Recalculate G&L Cumulative Totals [DG G&L RECALC] | | | | +-View G&L Corrections [DG G&L CHANGES VIEW] | | | | +-Patient Type Update [DG PATIENT TYPE PARAMETER EDIT] | | | | +-Check Routine Integrity [DG INTEGRITY CHECKER] | | | | +-Insurance Company Entry/Edit [DG INSURANCE COMPANY EDIT] | | | | +-ADT System Definition Menu [DG SYSTEM DEFINITION MENU] | | | | | +-MAS Parameter Entry/Edit [DG PARAMETER ENTRY] | | | | | +-Bulletin Selection [DG BULLETIN LOCAL] | | | | | +-Device Selection [DG DEVICE SELECTION] | | | | | +-Edit Bed Control Movement Types [DG BED CONTROL MOVEMENT EDIT] | | | | | +-Embosser Edit Menu [DGQE EDIT EMBOSSER FILES] | | | | | | +-Edit Data Card File (39.1) [DGQE DATA CARD EDIT] | | | | | | +-Edit Embosser Device File (39.3) [DGQE EMBOSSER DEVICE EDIT] | | | | | +-Gains and Losses Initialization [DG G&L INIT] | | | | | +-Template Selection [DG TEMPLATE LOCAL] | | | | | +-Treating Specialty Set-up [DG TREATING SETUP] | | | | | +-Ward Definition Entry/Edit [DG WARD DEFINITION] | | | | | +-Means Test Threshold Entry/Edit [DG MEANS TEST THRESHOLD EDIT] | | | | | +-Enter/Edit Transmission Routers File [DG TRANSMISSION ROUTER EDIT] | | | | | +-Bed Out-of-Service Date Enter/Edit [DGPM EDIT OOS BEDS] | | | | | +-Edit Ward Out-of-Service Dates [DGPM WARD OOS EDIT] | | | | | +-Add/Edit Beds [DGPM BED ENTRY/EDIT] | | | | | +-Reasons for Lodging Entry/Edit [DGPM LODGING REASONS ENTRY] | | | | | +-G&L Parameter Edit [DGPM G&L PARAMETER EDIT] | | | | +-Transmit/Generate Release Comments [DG RELEASE COMMENTS] | | | | +-Purge Scheduled Admissions [DG SCHED ADMIT PURGE] | | | | +-Current MAS Release Notes [DG RELEASE NOTES] | | | | +-RUG Semi-Annual Background Job [DG RUG SEMI ANNUAL BGJ] | | | | +-[[WWU~|WWU]] Enter/Edit for RUG-II [DG RUG WWU] | | | | +-Inconsistency Supervisor Menu [DG CONSISTENCY SUPERVISOR MENU] | | | | | +-Determine Inconsistencies to Check/Don't Check [DG CONSISTENCY CHECK] | | | | | +-Purge Inconsistent Data Elements [DG CONSISTENCY PURGE] | | | | | +-Rebuild Inconsistency File [DG CONSISTENCY REBUILD] | | | | | +-Update Inconsistency File [DG CONSISTENCY UPDATE] | | | | +-Institution File Enter/Edit [DG INSTITUTION EDIT] | | | | +-Show MAS System Status Screen [DG SHOW STATUS] | | | | +-Sharing Agreement Category Update [DG SHARING AGREEMENT UPDATE] | | | +-[[PTF~|PTF]] Menu [DG PTF MENU] | | | | +-Inquire [[PTF~|PTF]] Message [DG PTF MESSAGE INQUIRE] | | | | +-Checkoff [[PTF~|PTF]] Message [DG PTF MESSAGE CHECK] | | | | +-Enter [[PTF~|PTF]] Message [DG PTF MESSAGE ENTER] | | | | +-Load/Edit [[PTF~|PTF]] Data [DG PTF SCREEN] | | | | +-[[DRG~|DRG]] Calculation [DG DRG CALCULATION] -- listed above. | | | | +-Release [[PTF~|PTF]] Records for Transmission [DG PTF RELEASE RECORD] | | | | +-Open Closed [[PTF~|PTF]] Record [DG PTF OPEN CLOSED RECORD] | | | | +-[[PTF~|PTF]] Output Menu [DG PTF OUTPUT MENU] | | | | | +-Admissions without an Associated [[PTF~|PTF]] Record [DG PTF NO ADMISSION] | | | | | +-Comprehensive Report by Admission [DG PTF COMPREHENSIVE REPORT] | | | | | +-Unreleased [[PTF~|PTF]] Record Output [DG PTF OPEN RECORD OUTPUT] | | | | | +-Listing of Records by Completion Status [DG PTF CODING REPORT] | | | | | +-Productivity Report by Clerk [DG PTF CODING CLERK REPORT] | | | | | +-Diagnostic Code [[PTF~|PTF]] Record Search [DG PTF ICD DIAGNOSTIC SEARCH] | | | | | +-Surgical Code [[PTF~|PTF]] Record Search [DG PTF ICD SURGICAL SEARCH] | | | | | +-Open [[PTF~|PTF]] Record Listing [DG PTF OPEN RECORD LIST] | | | | | +-Inquire [[PTF~|PTF]] Record [DG PTF COMPREHENSIVE INQUIRY] | | | | | +-[[DRG~|DRG]] Reports Menu [DG PTF DRG REPORTS] | | | | | | +-Trim Point DRG Report [DG PTF TRIM REPORT] | | | | | | +-DRG Frequency Report [DG PTF FREQUENCY REPORT] | | | | | | +-Batch Multiple DRG Reports [DG PTF BATCH REPORTS] | | | | | | +-[[ALOS~|ALOS]] Report for DRGs [DG PTF DRG ALOS] | | | | | | +-DRG Index Report [DG PTF DRG INDEX] | | | | | | +-DRG Case Mix Summary [DG PTF DRG CASE MIX SUMMARY] | | | | | +-Means Test Indicator of 'U' Report [DG PTF MEANS TEST OF 'U'] | | | | | +-Transmitted Records List [DG PTF TRANSMITTED RECORDS] | | | | | +-Patient Summary by Admission [DG PTF SUMMARY DIAG/OP OUTPUT] | | | | | +-DRG Information Report [DG PTF DRG INFORMATION OUTPUT] | | | | | +-[[CDR~|CDR]] Inquiry [DGPT CDR INQUIRY] | | | | +-Set Up Non-VA [[PTF~|PTF]] Record [DG PTF FEE BASIS ADD] | | | | +-Utility Menu [DGPT TOOLS MENU] | | | | | +-Record Print-Out (RPO) [DGPT TOOL RPO] | | | | | +-099 Transmission [DG PTF 099 TRANSMISSION] | | | | | +-Delete [[PTF~|PTF]] Record [DG PTF DELETE] | | | | | +-Establish [[PTF~|PTF]] Record from Past Admission [DG PTF CREATE] | | | | | +-Print Special Transaction Request Log [DGPT TOOL TRANSACTION PRINT] | | | | | +-Purge Special Transaction Request Log [DGPT TOOL TRANSACTION PURGE] | | | | | +-Set Transmit Flag on Movements [DGPT SET XMIT FLAG] | | | | | +-Validity Check of [[PTF~|PTF]] Record [DG PTF VALIDITY CHECK] | | | | | +-[[PTF~|PTF]] Expanded Code Listing [DG PT EXPANDED CODE LIST] | | | | | +-[[PTF~|PTF]] Archive/Purge [DGPT ARCHIVE/PURGE] | | | | | +-Add/Edit Suffix Effective Date [DG PTF SUFFIX EFF DATE EDIT] | | | | +-Open Released or Transmitted [[PTF~|PTF]] Records [DG PTF OPEN RELEASED] | | | | +-Quick Load/Edit [[PTF~|PTF]] Data [DG PTF QUICK LOAD] | | | | +-Census Menu [DGPT CENSUS MENU] | | | | | +-Release Closed Census Records [DGPT CENSUS RELEASE RECORD] | | | | | +-Transmit Census Records [DGPT CENSUS TRANSMIT] | | | | | +-Open Closed Census Records [DGPT CENSUS OPEN RECORD] | | | | | +-Open Released or Transmitted Census Records [DGPT CENSUS OPEN RELEASED] | | | | | +-Supervisor Menu [DGPT CENSUS SUPERVISOR] | | | | | | +-Edit Census Date Parameters [DGPT CENSUS DATE EDIT] | | | | | | +-Regenerate Census Workfile [DGPT CENSUS REGEN WORKFILE] | | | | | +-Other Census Outputs [DGPT CENSUS OUTPUT MENU] | | | | | | +-Comprehensive Census Report [DGPT CENSUS RECORD REPORT] | | | | | | +-Transmitted Census Records List [DGPT CENSUS TRANSMITTED] | | | | | | +-UnReleased Census Records Report [DGPT CENSUS UNRELEASED] | | | | | | +-Productivity Report by Clerk (Census Only) [DGPT CENSUS CODING CLERK RPT] | | | | | | +-Records By Completion Status (Census Only) [DGPT CENSUS CODING REPORT] | | | | | +-Load/Edit [[PTF~|PTF]] Data [DG PTF SCREEN] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Census Status Report [DGPT CENSUS STATUS REPORT] | | | | | +-099 Transmission for Census Record [DGPT CENSUS 099 TRANSACTION] | | | | | +-Close Open Census Record [DGPT CENSUS CLOSED FOR CENSUS] | | | | | +-Inquire Census Record [DGPT CENSUS INQUIRE] | | | | +-Incomplete Records Tracking Menu [DGJ IRT MENU] | | | | | +-Enter/Edit an IRT [DGJ IRT ENTER/EDIT] | | | | | +-Edit a Complete IRT [DGJ IRT EDITCOMP] | | | | | +-Print Menu [DGJ IRT PRINT] | | | | | | +-Incomplete Reports Print [DGJ IRT INCOMPLETE] | | | | | | +-Undictated Reports Print [DGJ IRT UNDICTATED] | | | | | | +-Transcription Productivity Report [DGJ IRT TRANS PROD] | | | | | | +-Physician Deficiency Report [DGJ PHYS DEFICIENCY REPORT] | | | | | +-Delete an IRT [DGJ IRT DELETE] | | | | | +-Set up IRT Parameters [DGJ IRT PARAMETERS] | | | | | +-Add a New/Edit Deficiency [DGJ ADD/EDIT DEFICIENCY] | | | | | +-IRT Update Std. Deficiencies [DGJ IRT UPDATE STD. DEFIC.] | | | | | +-View an IRT Record [DGJ IRT VIEW] | | | | +-[[PTF~|PTF]] Transmission [DG PTF TRANSMISSION VADATS] | | | | +-Update DRG Information Menu [DG PTF UPDATE DRG INFO] | | | | | +-Update Transfer DRG's for Current FY [DG PTF UPDATE TRANSFER DRG'S] | | | | +-National Patient Care Database [DG NPTF MAIN] | | | | | +-Transmission Reports [DG NPTF HL7 REPORT MENU] | | | | | | +-PIMS Events Transmitted for Date Range [DG NPTF HL7 REPORT (ASK DATES)] | | | | | | +-PIMS Events Transmitted Yesterday [DG NPTF HL7 REPORT (YESTERDAY)] | | | | | +-Transmission Utilities [DG NPTF XMIT MENU] | | | | | | +-Retransmit Patient Demographics [DG NPTF XMIT DEMOGRAPHICS] | | | | | | +-Retransmit Admission Data [DG NPTF XMIT ADMISSION] | | | | | | +-Retransmit Entry in ADT/HL7 PIVOT File [DG NPTF XMIT PIVOT] | | | +-Patient Inquiry [DG PATIENT INQUIRY] | | | +-Means Test Supervisor Menu [DG MEANS TEST SUPERVISOR MENU] | | | | +-View Means Test Editing Activity [DG MEANS TEST VIEW EDITING] | | | | +-Delete a Means Test [DG MEANS TEST DELETE] | | | | +-Means Test User Menu [DG MEANS TEST USER MENU] -- listed above. | | | | +-Means Test Signature Reports [EAS MEANS TEST SIGNATURE RPTS] | | | | | +-Means Test Signature Summary Report [EAS MEANS TEST SIG SUM RPT] | | | | | +-Means Test Signature Detail Report [EAS MEANS TEST SIG DET RPT] | | | +-RUG-II Menu [DG RUG MENU] | | | | +-PAI Enter/Edit [DG RUG ENTER/EDIT] | | | | +-Close a PAI Record [DG RUG CLOSE] | | | | +-Create a PAI from Past Admission/Transfer [DG RUG CREATE] | | | | +-Delete a PAI [DG RUG DELETE] | | | | +-Open a Closed or Transmitted PAI [DG RUG OPEN] | | | | +-RUG-II Grouper [DG RUG GROUPER] | | | | +-Outputs Menu [DG RUG OUTPUTS] | | | | | +-Incomplete PAIs by Location [DG RUG INCOMPLETE] | | | | | +-PAIs for a Date Range [DG RUG PAI RANGE] | | | | | +-Single PAI Print [DG RUG PAI SINGLE] | | | | | +-RUG-II Index [DG RUG INDEX] | | | | | +-Record Status Report [DG RUG STATUS] | | | | +-Transmission via [[VADATS~|VADATS]] [DG RUG TRANSMISSION] | | | | +-Test Grouper [DG RUG TEST GROUPER] | | | +-Security Officer Menu [DG SECURITY OFFICER MENU] | | | | +-Display User Access to Patient Record [DG SECURITY DISPLAY LOG] | | | | +-Enter/Edit Patient Security Level [DG SECURITY ENTER/EDIT] -- listed above. | | | | +-Purge Record of User Access from Security Log [DG SECURITY PURGE LOG] | | | | +-Purge Non-sensitive Patients from Security Log [DG SECURITY PURGE PATIENTS] | | | +-Copay Exemption Test Supervisor Menu [DG CO-PAY TEST SUPERVISOR MENU] | | | | +-Delete a Copay Exemption Test [DG CO-PAY TEST DELETE] | | | | +-View Copay Exemption Test Editing Activity [DG CO-PAY TEST VIEW EDITING] | | | | +-Copay Exemption Test User Menu [DG CO-PAY TEST USER MENU] -- listed above. | | | +-Eligibility Inquiry for Patient Billing [DG PATIENT ELIGIBILITY INQUIRY] | | | +-Beneficiary Travel Menu [DGBT BENE TRAVEL MENU] | | | | +-Distance Enter/Edit [DGBT BENE TRAVEL DISTANCES] | | | | +-Parameter Rates Enter/Edit [DGBT BENE TRAVEL RATES] | | | | +-Claim Enter/Edit [DGBT BENE TRAVEL SCREEN] | | | | +-Report of Claim Amounts [DGBT BENE TRAVEL REPORT] | | | | +-Income Certification Eligibility [DGBT BENE TRAVEL CERTIFICATION] | | | | +-Reprint of 70-3542d form [DGBT BENE TRAVEL REPRINT] | | | | +-View of Claim [DGBT BENE TRAVEL VIEW] | | | | +-Bene Travel Account file Enter/Edit [DGBT BENE TRAVEL ACCOUNT] | | | +-MAS Code Sheet Manager Menu [DG GECS MAIN MENU] | | | | +-MAS Code Sheet User Menu [DG GECS USER MENU] | | | | | +-Create a Code Sheet [DG GECS CREATE] | | | | | +-Keypunch a Code Sheet [DG GECS KEYPUNCH] | | | | | +-Code Sheet Edit [DG GECS CODE EDIT] | | | | | +-Generate a Code Sheet [DG GECS GENERATE] | | | | | +-Review a Code Sheet [DG GECS REVIEW CODE SHEET] | | | | | +-Delete a Code Sheet [DG GECS DELETE] | | | | | +-Print a Code Sheet [DG GECS PRINT] | | | | +-MAS Code Sheet Batch Menu [DG GECS BATCH MENU] | | | | | +-Batch Code Sheets [DG GECS BATCH] | | | | | +-Batch Edit [DG GECS BATCH EDIT] | | | | | +-Mark Code Sheets for Rebatching [DG GECS REBATCH] | | | | | +-Code Sheets Ready for Batching [DG GECS READY FOR BATCH LIST] | | | | +-MAS Code Sheet Transmission Menu [DG GECS TRANSMIT MENU] | | | | | +-Transmit Code Sheets [DG GECS TRANSMIT] | | | | | +-Batches Waiting to be Transmitted [DG GECS BATCHES WAITING TRANS] | | | | | +-Mark Batch for Retransmission [DG GECS RETRANSMIT] | | | | | +-Status of all Batches [DG GECS BATCHES STATUS] | | | | +-Purge Transmission Records/Code Sheets [DG GECS PURGE] | | | +-Contract Nursing Home RUG Menu [DG CNH RUG MENU] | | | | +-CNH PAI Edit [DG CNH PAI EDIT] | | | | +-Create a CNH PAI [[Record~|Record]] [DG CNH PAI CREATE RECORD] | | | | +-Delete a CNH PAI [[Record~|Record]] [DG CNH PAI DELETE RECORD] | | | | +-Open a Closed or Transmitted CNH PAI [DG CNH PAI OPEN] | | | | +-Close a CNH PAI [[Record~|Record]] [DG CNH PAI CLOSE RECORD] | | | | +-Outputs Menu [DG RUG OUTPUTS] -- listed above. | | | | +-RUG-II Grouper [DG RUG GROUPER] -- listed above. | | | | +-Test Grouper [DG RUG TEST GROUPER] -- listed above. | | | +-Veteran ID Card Menu [DGQE VIC] | | | | +-Inpatient Card Download [DGQE DATA CARD IN ] | | | | +-Outpatient Card Download [DGQE DATA CARD OUT] | | | | +-Preadmission Card Download [DGQE DATA CARD PRE] | | | | +-Single Patient Download Request [DGQE VIC MANUAL] | | +-Scheduling Manager's Menu [SDMGR] | | | +-Appointment Menu [SDAPP] | | | | +-Make Appointment [SDM] | | | | +-Chart Request [SDCHART] | | | | +-No-Shows [SDNOSHOW] | | | | +-Discharge from Clinic [SDDISCHARGE] | | | | +-Check-in/Unsched. Visit [SDI] | | | | +-Delete Ancillary Test for Appt. [SDDELANCIL] | | | | +-Display Appointments [SDDISPPEND] | | | | +-Append Ancillary Test to Appt. [SDAPPEND] | | | | +-Multiple Appointment Booking [SDMULTIBOOK] | | | | +-Find Next Available Appointment [SDNEXT] | | | | +-Multiple Clinic Display/Book [SDMULTICLINIC] | | | | +-Edit Clinic Enrollment Data [SDENROLL] | | | | +-Enrollment Review Date Entry [SDREVIEWDATE] | | | | +-Appointment Management [SDAM APPT MGT] | | | | +-Appointment Check-in/Check-out [SDAM APPT CHECK IN/OUT] | | | | +-Cancel Appointment [SD CANCEL APPOINTMENT] | | | | +-Add/Edit Stop Codes [SDADDEDIT] | | | | +-Computer Generated Menu [SDACS CGMENU] | | | | | +-Computer Generated Appointment Type Listing [SDACS CGATLIST] | | | | | +-Edit Computer Generated Appointment Type [SDACS CGEDIT] | | | | | +-Stop Code Listing (Computer Generated) [SDACS CGSCLIST] | | | | | +-Batch Update Comp Gen Appt Type for C&Ps [SDACS CGBUPDATE] | | | | +-Make Consult Appointment [SC MAKE CONSULT APPOINTMENT] | | | | +-Primary Care Team/Posn Assign or Unassign [SCMC PATIENT ASSIGN/UNASSIGN] | | | +-Outputs [SDOUTPUT] | | | | +-Routing Slips [SDROUT] | | | | +-Future Appointments for Inpatients [SDWARD] | | | | +-File Room List [SDFILEROOM] | | | | +-Patient Profile MAS [SDPATIENT] | | | | +-Radiology Pull List [SDRFC] | | | | +-Clinic List (Day of Week) [SDCLINLIST] | | | | +-Appointment List [SDLIST] | | | | +-Clinic Profile [SDCLINIC] | | | | +-Clinic Assignment Listing [SDCLINIC ASSIGNMENT] | | | | +-Workload Report [SDCLINIC WORKLOAD] | | | | +-Enrollments > X Days [SDENRGREATERTHANX] | | | | +-Inpatient Appointment List [SDAPP INPT] | | | | +-Appointment Management Report [SDAM RPT MANAGEMENT] | | | | +-No-Show Report [SD NOSHOW REPORT] | | | | +-Display Clinic Availability Report [SD DISPLAY AVAIL REPORT] | | | | +-Print Scheduling Letters [SDPRLETTERS] | | | | +-Provider/Diagnosis Report [SDAM PROVIDER/DIAGNOSIS REPORT] | | | | +-PCMM Reports [SC PCMM REPORTS MENU] | | | | | +-Detailed Patient Assignments [SC PCMM DETAIL LIST PTS] | | | | | +-Individual Team Profile [SC PCMM IND TEAM PROFILE] | | | | | +-Team Member Listing [SC PCMM LIST TEAM'S MEMBERS] | | | | | +-Team Patient Listing [SC PCMM LIST TEAM'S PATIENTS] | | | | | +-Practitioner Demographics [SC PCMM PRACT DEMO] | | | | | +-Practitioner's Patients [SC PCMM PRACT PATIENTS] | | | | | +-Patient Listing for Team Assignments [SC PCMM PT LIST W/TEAM ASSIGN] | | | | | +-Summary Listing of Teams [SC PCMM SUM LIST OF TEAMS] | | | | | +-[[Historical~|Historical]] Assignment Reports [SC PCMM HISTORICAL REPORTS] | | | | | | +-[[Historical~|Historical]] Patient Assignment Detail [SC PCMM HIST PAT ASSIGN DETAIL] | | | | | | +-[[Historical~|Historical]] Patient Position Assignment Listing [SC PCMM HIST PAT ASSIGN LIST] | | | | | | +-[[Historical~|Historical]] Provider Position Assignment Listing [SC PCMM HIST PROV ASSIGN LIST] | | | | | | +-[[Historical~|Historical]]Team Assignment Summary [SC PCMM HIST TEAM ASSIGN SUMM] | | | | | +-PCMM Inconsistency Report [SC PCMM INCONSISTENCY REPORT] | | | | +-Clinic Next Available Appt. Monitoring Report [SDOQM CLINIC NEXT AVAIL REPORT] | | | | +-Visit Rpt by Transmitted OPT Encounter [SD VISIT REPORT] | | | | +-Management Report for Ambulatory Procedures [SD AMB PROC MANAGEMENT REPORT] | | | +-Supervisor Menu [SDSUP] | | | | +-Set up a Clinic [SDBUILD] | | | | +-Cancel Clinic Availability [SDCANCEL] | | | | +-Remap Clinic [SDD] | | | | +-Enter/Edit Letters [SDEDLET] | | | | +-Restore Clinic Availability [SDRESTORE] | | | | +-Change Patterns to 30-60 [SDCONVERTTO3060] | | | | +-Inactivate a clinic [SD INACTIVATE] | | | | +-Reactivate a Clinic [SD REACT] | | | | +-Add/Edit a Holiday [SDHOLIDAY] | | | | +-Purge Scheduling Data [SD PURGE] | | | | +-Look up on Clerk Who Made Appointment [SD SDCLK] | | | | +-Current MAS Release Notes [DG RELEASE NOTES] -- listed above. | | | | +-Appointment Status Update Menu [SDAM APPT UPDATE MENU] | | | | | +-Appointment Status Update [SDAM APPT UPDATE] | | | | | +-View Appointment Status Update Date (Single Date) [SDAM APPT UPDATE VIEW] | | | | | +-Purge Appointment Status Update Log File [SDAM APPT UPDATE PURGE] | | | | | +-Print Appointment Status Update (Date Range) [SDAM APPT UPDATE PRINT] | | | | +-Scheduling Parameters [SD PARM PARAMETERS] | | | | +-Appointment Waiting Time Report [SDAM RPT WAITING TIME] | | | | +-Convert Patient File Fields to PCMM [SC PCMM CONVERT PATIENTS] | | | | +-Sharing Agreement Category Update [SD SHARING AGREEMENT UPDATE] | | | +-Ambulatory Care Reporting Menu [SCDX AMBCAR REPORTING] | | | | +-Retransmit Ambulatory Care Data by Date Range [SCDX AMBCAR RETRANS BY DATE] | | | | +-Data Transmission Report [SCDX AMBCAR TRANS REPORT] | | | | +-Error Listing [SCDX AMBCAR ERROR REPORT] | | | | +-Selective Retransmission of NPCDB Rejections [SCDX AMBCAR RETRANS SEL REJ] | | | | +-Supervisor Ambulatory Care Menu [SCDX AMBCAR SUPERVISOR] | | | | | +-Check Transmitted Outpatient Encounter Files [SCDX AMBCAR XMIT CHECK] | | | | | +-Edit Appointment Type for Add/Edit Encounters [SCDX AMBCAR EDIT ENC APPT TYPE] | | | | | +-Purge rejections that are past database close-out [SCDX AMBCAR PRG CLOSEOUT REJ] | | | | | +-Scheduling/PCE Bad Pointer Count [SD53 CLEANUP/ERR COUNT] | | | | | +-Purge Ambulatory Care Reporting files [SCDX AMBCAR PURGE ACRP FILES] | | | | | +-Edit Outpatient Encounter [SCENI OP ENCOUNTER EDIT] | | | | +-Transmission Reports [SCDX AMBCAR XMIT REPORTS] | | | | | +-Transmission History for Patient [SCDX AMBCAR XMIT HIST FOR PAT] | | | | | +-Transmission History Report - Full [SCDX AMBCAR XMIT HIST FULL] | | | | +-Incomplete Encounter Management [SCENI IEMM MAIN MENU] | | | | | +-Correct Incomplete Encounters [SCENI IEMM ERROR CORRECTION] | | | | | +-Incomplete Encounter Reports [SCENI IEMM REPORTS MENU] | | | | | | +-Incomplete Encounter Error Report [SCENI IEMM ERROR REPORT] | | | | | | +-Summary Report - IEMM [SCENI IEMM SUMMARY REPORT] | | | | | | +-Alpha List of Incomplete Encounters [SCENI PT ALPHA LIST] | | | | | | +-Incomplete Encounters by Error Code [SCENI IEMM ERROR SORT] | | | | +-ACRP Reports Menu [SCRPW ACRP REPORTS MENU] | | | | | +-Review of Scheduling/PCE/Problem List Data [SCRPW REV SCH/PCE/VISIT DATA] | | | | | +-Clinic Group Maintenance for Reports [SCRPW CLINIC GROUP MAINT] | | | | | +-Clinic Utilization Statistical Summary [SCRPW CLINICUTILIZATION SUMM] | | | | | +-Trend of Facility Uniques by 12 Month Date Ranges [SCRPW TREND FACILITY UNIQUES] | | | | | +-Encounter Activity Report [SCRPW ENCOUNTER ACTIVITY RPT] | | | | | +-Patient Activity by Appointment Frequency [SCRPW PTACTBYAPPTFREQ] | | | | | +-Patient Encounter List [SCRPW LIST PT ENCOUNTERS] | | | | | +-Outpatient Encounter Workload Statistics [SCRPW OUT ENC WORKLOAD STATS] | | | | | +-Encounter '[[Action~|Action]] Required' Report [SCRPW ACTION REQUIRED REPORT] | | | | | +-Retroactive Visits List [SDAM RPT RETROACTIVE LIST] | | | | | +-ACRP Ad Hoc Report Menu [SCRPW AD HOC RPT MENU] | | | | | | +-ACRP Ad Hoc Report [SCRPW AD HOC REPORT] | | | | | | +-Display Ad Hoc Report Template Parameters [SCRPW AD HOC DISPLAY TEMPLATE] | | | | | | +-Delete an Ad Hoc Report Template [SCRPW AD HOC TEMPLATE DELETE] | | | | | | +-Print from Ad Hoc Template [SCRPW AD HOC TEMPLATE PRINT] | | | | | +-Outpatient Diagnosis/Procedure Frequency Report [SCRPW DX/CPT FREQUENCY REPORT] | | | | | +-Veterans Without Activity Since a Specified Date [SCRPW VETS W/OUT ACTIVITY] | | | | | +-Means Test/Eligibility/Enrollment Report [SCRPW MT/ELIG/ENROLLMENT RPT] | | | | | +-Data Validation Menu [SCRPW DATA VALIDATION MENU] | | | | | | +-Enc. by DSS ID/DSS ID by Freq. (OP0, OP1, OP2) [SCRPW DVM DSS ID REPORTS] | | | | | | +-Most Frequent 20 Practitioner Types (OP8) [SCRPW DVM PRACT TYPE FREQ] | | | | | | +-Visits and Unique SSNs by County (OP9) [SCRPW DVM STATS BY COUNTY] | | | | | | +-Means Test Visits & Uniques (OP3, OP4, OP5) [SCRPW DVM MEANS TEST SUMMARY] | | | | | | +-Most Frequent 50 CPT Codes (OP6) [SCRPW DVM CPT FREQUENCY] | | | | | | +-Most Frequent 50 ICD-9-CM Codes (OP7) [SCRPW DVM DX FREQUENCY] | | | | | +-Outpatient Diagnosis/Procedure Code Search [SCRPW DX/PROCEDURE CODE SEARCH] | | | | | +-Patient Appointment Statistics [SCRPW PATIENT APPT STATISTICS] | | | | | +-Clinic Appointment Availability Report [SCRPW CLINIC APP AVA RPT] | | | | +-Retransmit Selected Error Code [SCDX AMBCAR RETRANS ERROR] | | +-Pharmacist Menu [PSO USER1] | | | +-Rx (Prescriptions) [PSO RX] -- listed above. | | | +-Update Patient Record [PSO PAT] -- listed above. | | | +-Print from Suspense File [PSO PNDLBL] -- listed above. | | | +-Pull Early from Suspense [PSO PNDRX] -- listed above. | | | +-Medication Profile [PSO P] -- listed above. | | | +-Change Suspense Date [PSO PNDCHG] -- listed above. | | | +-[[Verification~|Verification]] [PSO VER] -- listed above. | | | +-Pharmacy Intervention Menu [PSO INTERVENTION MENU] -- listed above. | | | +-Bingo Board User [PSO BINGO USER] | | | | +-Enter New Patient [PSO BINGO NEW PATIENT] | | | | +-Display Patient's Name on Monitor [PSO BINGO DISPLAY PATIENT] | | | | +-Remove Patient's Name from Monitor [PSO BINGO DELETE PATIENT] | | | | +-Status of Patient's Order [PSO BINGO STATUS] | | | +-Release Medication [PSO RELEASE] -- listed above. | | | +-Return Medication to Stock [PSO RETURNED STOCK] -- listed above. | | | +-DUE Supervisor [PSOD SUPERVISOR] -- listed above. | | | +-Enter/Edit Clinic Sort Groups [PSO SETUP CLINIC GROUPS] -- listed above. | | | +-Process Drug/Drug Interactions [PSO INTERACTION VERIFY] -- listed above. | | | +-External Interface Menu [PSO EXTERNAL INTERFACE] -- listed above. | | | +-Change Label Printer [PSO CHANGE PRINTER] -- listed above. | | +-Laboratory DHCP Menu [LRMENU] | | | +-Accessioning menu [LR IN] | | | | +-Special test accessioning [LRNONCOM] | | | | +-Multipurpose accessioning [LRQUICK] | | | | +-Lab add test(s) to an existing order [LRADDTST] | | | | +-Fast lab test order (ROUTINE) [LROW ROUTINE] | | | | +-Review by order number [LRCENLKUP] | | | | +-Bypass normal data entry [LRFAST] | | | | +-Order/test status [LROS] | | | | +-Test description information [LREV] | | | | +-Add tests to a given accession. [LRADD TO ACC] | | | | +-Accessioning tests ordered by ward order entry [LROE] | | | | +-Delete test from an accession [LRTSTOUT] | | | | +-Delete entire order or individual tests [LRCENDEL] | | | | +-Inquiry to LAB TEST file [LRTESTDIQ] | | | | +-Manually accession QC, Environmental, etc. [LRQCLOG] | | | | +-Remove an accession [LRDELOG] | | | | +-Reprint accession label(s) [LRLABXT] | | | | +-Fast lab test order (SEND PATIENT) [LROW SEND PAT] | | | | +-Show list of accessions for a patient [LRUPT] -- listed above. | | | | +-Lookup accession [LR LOOKUP ACCESSION] | | | | +-Print accession list(s) [LRUAC] | | | | | +-Lab accession and test counts [LRUPAC] | | | | | +-Accession and test counts by shift [LRUPACS] | | | | | +-Accession list by number [LRUPA] | | | | | +-Accession list by date [LRUPAD] | | | | | +-Test counts by treating specialty [LRUPACT] | | | | +-Accessioning, standard (Microbiology) [LRMICROLOGIN] -- listed above. | | | | +-Print future collection labels [LRUFCL] | | | | +-Print single future collection label [LRUFCLS] | | | | +-Fast lab test order (IMMEDIATE COLLECT) [LROW IMMED COLLECT] | | | | +-Lab orders by collection type [LRRP5] | | | | +-Reprint order accession label(s) [LRLABXOL] | | | | +-Merge Accessions [LRACC MERGE] | | | | +-Referral Patient Multi-purpose Accession [LRLEDI] | | | +-Phlebotomy menu [LR GET] | | | | +-Delete entire order or individual tests [LRCENDEL] -- listed above. | | | | +-Receipt of routine lab collection from wards [LRPHEXCPT] | | | | +-Add tests to a given accession. [LRADD TO ACC] -- listed above. | | | | +-Add tests to an already existing order number. [LRADD TO ORDER] | | | | +-Add to collection list [LRPHMAN] | | | | +-Lab test order [LROW] | | | | +-List of lab orders not collected [LRNODRAW] | | | | +-Order/test status [LROS] -- listed above. | | | | +-Print collection list/labels [LRPHLIST] | | | | +-Test description information [LREV] -- listed above. | | | | +-Ward lab menu [LRWARDM] -- listed above. | | | | +-Itemized routine lab collection [LRPHITEM] | | | | +-List of orders not collected (Long form) [LRNDLST] | | | | +-Print future collection labels [LRUFCL] -- listed above. | | | | +-Print single future collection label [LRUFCLS] -- listed above. | | | | +-Lab orders by collection type [LRRP5] -- listed above. | | | +-Information-help menu [LRHELP] | | | | +-Inquiry to LAB TEST file [LRTESTDIQ] -- listed above. | | | | +-Order/test status [LROS] -- listed above. | | | | +-Test description information [LREV] -- listed above. | | | | +-Review by order number [LRCENLKUP] -- listed above. | | | | +-Interim report for selected tests as ordered [LRRSP] -- listed above. | | | | +-General report for selected tests [LRGEN] -- listed above. | | | +-Ward lab menu [LRWARDM] | | | | +-Lab test order [LROW] -- listed above. | | | | +-Review by order number [LRCENLKUP] -- listed above. | | | | +-Order/test status [LROS] -- listed above. | | | | +-General report for selected tests [LRGEN] -- listed above. | | | | +-Graph results [LRDIST] -- listed above. | | | | +-Interim report for selected tests as ordered [LRRSP] -- listed above. | | | | +-Add tests to an already existing order number. [LRADD TO ORDER] -- listed above. | | | | +-Delete entire order or individual tests [LRCENDEL] -- listed above. | | | | +-Test description information [LREV] -- listed above. | | | | +-List of lab orders not collected [LRNODRAW] -- listed above. | | | | +-Ward collection summary for lab orders [LRDRAW] | | | | +-Interim reports for 1 location (manual queue) [LRRS BY LOC] -- listed above. | | | | +-Interim report [LRRP2] -- listed above. | | | | +-Fast lab test order (SEND PATIENT) [LROW SEND PAT] -- listed above. | | | | +-Show list of accessions for a patient [LRUPT] -- listed above. | | | | +-Interim report for chosen tests [LRRP3] -- listed above. | | | | +-Fast lab test order (WARD COLLECT) [LROW WARD COL] | | | | +-Fast lab test order (ROUTINE) [LROW ROUTINE] -- listed above. | | | | +-Interim report by provider [LRRD] -- listed above. | | | | +-Reprint a Ward Collect Order [LROWRP] | | | | +-Fast lab test order (IMMEDIATE COLLECT) [LROW IMMED COLLECT] -- listed above. | | | +-Microbiology menu [LRMI] | | | | +-Results entry [LRMIEDZ] | | | | +-Microbiology print menu [LRMIP] | | | | | +-Patient report [LRMIPSZ] | | | | | +-Cumulative patient report [LRMIPC] | | | | | +-Infection control survey report [LRMISEZ] | | | | | +-All results for selected accessions [LRMIPLOG] | | | | | +-Short accession list [LRACC2] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Long form accession list [LRACC1] | | | | | +-Health Department report [LR HEALTH DEPT] | | | | | +-Microbiology Trend Report [LRMITS] | | | | | +-Organism Code Print [LA PRINT ORGANISM] | | | | | +-Antibiotic Code Print [LA PRINT ANTIBIOTIC] | | | | +-References [LRMIREF] | | | | | +-Enter/Edit micro journal references [LRMIREF MICRO] | | | | | +-Inquire to micro journal references [LRMIREF MICRO I] | | | | | +-Enter/Edit medical journal references [LRMIREF JOURNAL] | | | | +-[[Verification~|Verification]] of data by tech [LRMINEWD] | | | | +-~|Verification]]Verification of data by supervisor [LRMIVER] | | | | +-Results entry (batch) [LRMISTUF] | | | | +-Accessioning, standard (Microbiology) [LRMICROLOGIN] | | | | +-Short accession list [LRACC2] | | | | +-Long form accession list for microbiology [LRMIACC1] | | | | +-Batch accessioning [LRMIBL] | | | | +-Supervisor menu [LRSUPERVISOR] | | | | | +-Inquiry to LAB TEST file [LRTESTDIQ] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Purge old orders & accessions [LROC] | | | | | +-Set a new starting accession number [LRNEWSTART] | | | | | +-Cumulative menu [LRAC] | | | | | | +-Reprint cumulative on a given patient [LRAC PT] | | | | | | +-Reprint cumulative on a given location [LRAC LOC] | | | | | | +-Reprint cumulative from location to location [LRAC LOC-LOC] | | | | | | +-Initialize LAC global & X references [LRAC INITIALIZE] | | | | | | +-Print a full patient summary [LRAC FULL PATIENT SUMMARY] -- listed above. | | | | | | +-Reprint a permanent page from cumulative [LRAC 1 PAGE] | | | | | | +-List of patients by location for cumulative report [LRAC LIST] | | | | | | +-Cumulative device status [LRAC STATUS] | | | | | | +-Manual queuing of cumulative [LRAC MANUAL] | | | | | | +-Diagnostic routine for Lab Reports file (64.5) [LRAC DIAG] | | | | | | +-Re-cross-reference indexes in LAB REPORTS file [LRAC XREF] | | | | | | | +-Mumps A index of the LAB REPORTS file [LRAC A] | | | | | | | +-Mumps AC index of the LAB REPORTS file [LRAC AC] | | | | | | | +-Mumps AR index of the LAB REPORTS file [LRAC AR] | | | | | | | +-Mumps A, AC, & AR indexes of the LAB REPORTS file [LRAC A AC AR] | | | | | | +-Patient Lab Discharge Summary (Manual) [LRAC DISCHARGE] | | | | | | +-Purge the Cumulative file [LRAC PURGE] | | | | | | +-Force cumulative data to Permanent Page [LRAC FORCE] | | | | | | +-Manual Queuing of Fileroom Cum [LRAC MANUAL FILEROON CUM] | | | | | +-Change Load/Work list type. [LRLL TYPE] | | | | | +-Edit control placement on load/work list [LRLL CONTROLS] | | | | | +-Edit the default parameters Load/Work list. [LRLLE DFT] | | | | | +-Edit the Load/Work list profile [LRLLE PRO] | | | | | +-Add/edit QC name &/or edit test means [LRQCADDNAME] | | | | | +-Manually accession QC, Environmental, etc. [LRQCLOG] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Edit atomic tests [LRDIEATOMIC] | | | | | +-Edit cosmic tests [LRDIECOSMIC] | | | | | +-Edit controls added to the accessions each day [LR ACC CONTROLS] | | | | | +-Infection warning edit [LR INF WARN] | | | | | +-Lab liaison menu [LRLIAISON] | | | | | | +-Edit atomic tests [LRDIEATOMIC] -- listed above. | | | | | | +-Edit cosmic tests [LRDIECOSMIC] -- listed above. | | | | | | +-Check files for inconsistencies [LRCHKFILES] | | | | | | +-Check patient and lab data cross pointers [LRCKPTR] | | | | | | +-Outline for one or more files [LRUFILE] -- listed above. | | | | | | +-File list for lab [LRUCONTENTS] | | | | | | +-User selected lab test/patient list edits [LRUMDLM] | | | | | | | +-Enter/edit predefined lab test lists [LRUMDL] | | | | | | | +-Delete user selected lab test/patient lists [LRUMDD] | | | | | | +-Manually compile WKLD and workload counts [LR WKLD MANUAL] | | | | | | +-Add a new data name [LRWU5] | | | | | | +-Modify an existing data name [LRWU6] | | | | | | +-Add a new internal name for an antibiotic [LRWU7] | | | | | | +-OE/RR interface parameters [LRXOSX] | | | | | | | +-Inquire to a Lab administration schedule [LRXOSX0] | | | | | | | +-Edit a lab administration schedule [LRXOSX1] | | | | | | | +-Edit HOSPITAL SITE parameters [LRXOSX2] | | | | | | | +-Update CPRS Parameters [LR7O PARAM MENU] | | | | | | | | +-Update CPRS with Lab order parameters [LR7O ORDER PARAMETERS] | | | | | | | | +-Update CPRS with Single Lab test [LR7O SINGLE LAB TEST] | | | | | | | | +-Update CPRS with all Lab test parameters [LR7O ALL LAB TESTS] | | | | | | | | +-Domain Level Parameter Edit [LR7O PAR DOMAIN] | | | | | | | | +-Package Level Parameter Edit [LR7O PAR PKG] | | | | | | | | +-Location Level Parameter Edit [LR7O PAR LOC] | | | | | | +-Add a new WKLD code to file [LRCAP CODE ADD] | | | | | | +-Turn on site workload statistics [LR WKLD STATS ON] | | | | | | +-Turn on workload stats for accession area [LR WKLD STATS ON ACC AREA] | | | | | | +-LAB ROUTINE INTEGRITY MENU [LR INTEGRITY] | | | | | | | +-Load Integrity File [LR INTEGRITY LOAD] | | | | | | | +-Loop thru LR INTEGRITY [LR INTEGRITY LOOP] | | | | | | | +-Check a single routine size [LR INTEGRITY SINGLE] | | | | | | +-LIM workload menu [LR LIM/WKLD MENU] | | | | | | | +-PHASE 1: Move data from 64.1 to 67.9. [LR WKLD LMIP 1] -- listed above. | | | | | | | +-PHASE 2: Collect data for transmit to NDB. [LR WKLD LMIP 2] -- listed above. | | | | | | | +-PHASE 3: Print of data to be sent to NDB. [LR WKLD LMIP 3] -- listed above. | | | | | | | +-PHASE 4: Create E-mail message for NDB. [LR WKLD LMIP 4] -- listed above. | | | | | | | +-RCS-CDR/LMIP REPORT [LRCAPAM5] | | | | | | | +-Workload Report [LRCAPR1] -- listed above. | | | | | | | +-Workload statistics by accession area and shift [LRRP8] -- listed above. | | | | | | | +-Treating Specialty Workload Report [LRCAPTS] -- listed above. | | | | | | | +-Workload Statistics by Major Section [LRCAPMA] | | | | | | | +-Workload cost report by major section [LRCAPML] -- listed above. | | | | | | | +-Detail workload report [LRRP6] -- listed above. | | | | | | | +-Workload code list [LRCAPD] | | | | | | | +-Supervisor workload menu [LR SUPER/WKLD MENU] | | | | | | | | +-RCS-CDR/LMIP REPORT [LRCAPAM5] -- listed above. | | | | | | | | +-Workload Statistics by Major Section [LRCAPMA] -- listed above. | | | | | | | | +-Workload cost report by major section [LRCAPML] -- listed above. | | | | | | | | +-Treating Specialty Workload Report [LRCAPTS] -- listed above. | | | | | | | | +-Workload statistics by accession area and shift [LRRP8] -- listed above. | | | | | | | | +-Workload Report [LRCAPR1] -- listed above. | | | | | | | | +-Detail workload report [LRRP6] -- listed above. | | | | | | | | +-Lab test turnaround time [LR CAPTT] -- listed above. | | | | | | | | +-Lab orders by collection type [LRRP5] -- listed above. | | | | | | | | +-Turnaround times By Urgency [LR TAT URGENCY] -- listed above. | | | | | | | +-Etiology WKLD Codes (Force) [LRCAPF] | | | | | | | +-PHASE 5: Purge monthly WKLD data from 67.9. [LR WKLD LMIP 5] -- listed above. | | | | | | | +-File 81 conversion [LRBLPOST] | | | | | | | +-Recompile Phase 1 LMIP Data. [LR WKLD LMIP 1 REPEAT] -- listed above. | | | | | | | +-Std, QC, Rep & Manual WKLD Report [LRRP7] | | | | | | | +-Edit or Print WKLD CODES [LR WKLD CODE EDIT PRINT] | | | | | | | +-National Laboratory File [LR7O 60-64] | | | | | | | | +-Semi-automatic Linking of file 60 to 64 [LR7O 60-64 AUTO] | | | | | | | | +-Manual Linking of file 60 to 64 [LR7O 60-64 MANUAL] | | | | | | | | +-Result NLT Auto Linker [LR7O AUTO RESULT NLT] | | | | | | | | +-Link Result NLT Manual [LR7O MAN RESULT NLT] | | | | | | | +-Create Laboratory OOS Locations [LR WKLD LOCATION] | | | | | | | +-Edit ACC Area OOS Locations [LR WKLD ACC AREA LOCATION] | | | | | | | +-Workload code sorted list [LRCAPD2] | | | | | | | +-NLT Monthly Workload Detail [LR CAP ELROY] | | | | | | | +-InActive WKLD CODE File CPT Codes Print [LRCAPCPTI] | | | | | | | +-NLT Mapped Code Search [LRCAP64S] | | | | | | | +-PCE Retransmit [LRCAPCEX] | | | | | | +-AP Microfiche Archive [LA AP FICHE] | | | | | | +-Download Format for Intermec Printer [LR BARCODE FORMAT LOAD] | | | | | | +-Re-index Antimicrobial Suscept File (62.06) [LRMIXALL] | | | | | | +-Restart processing of instrument data [LA JOB] -- listed above. | | | | | | +-Archiving Menu [LRAR ARCHIVE MAIN MENU] | | | | | | | +-Archive lab data 63 [LRAR ARCHIVE LAB DATA] | | | | | | | | +-Search for lab data to archive [LRAR ARCHIVE SEARCH] | | | | | | | | +-Write data to off-line media [LRAR ARCHIVE WRITE MEDIA] | | | | | | | | +-Clear data from the LAR global [LRAR ARCHIVE CLEAR] | | | | | | | | +-Read data from off-line media [LRAR ARCHIVE READ MEDIA] | | | | | | | | +-Purge data found in the Search option [LRAR ARCHIVE PURGE] | | | | | | | | +-Find patient's archived data [LRAR ARCHIVE DATA] | | | | | | | | +-Restore archived data to LR global [LRAR ARCHIVE RESTORE] | | | | | | | | +-Convert archived data to use New Person file [LRAR ARCHIVE NP CONVERSION] | | | | | | | +-Archive Wkld Data 64.1 [LRAR ARCHIVE WKLD DATA] | | | | | | | | +-Select Entries to Archive 64.1 [LRAR SELECT ENTRIES 64.1] | | | | | | | | +-Archive Wkld Data file 64.1 [LRAR ARCHIVE 64.1] | | | | | | | | +-Clear Archived Wkld Data file 64.19999 [LRAR CLEAR 64.19999] | | | | | | | | +-Write Data to Off-line Media [LRAR WRITE MEDIA 64.19999] | | | | | | | | +-Read Data from Off-line Media [LRAR READ MEDIA 64.19999] | | | | | | | | +-Purge Wkld Data file 64.1 [LRAR PURGE 64.1] | | | | | | | +-Archive Lab Monthly Workloads 67.9 [LRAR ARCHIVE MONTHLY WKLD 67.9] | | | | | | | | +-Select Entries to Archive [LRAR SELECT ENTRIES 67.9] | | | | | | | | +-Archive Lab Monthly Workloads file 67.9 [LRAR ARCHIVE 67.9] | | | | | | | | +-Write Data to Off-line Media [LRAR WRITE MEDIA 67.99999] | | | | | | | | +-Clear Archived Lab Monthly Workloads file 67.99999 [LRAR CLEAR 67.99999] | | | | | | | | +-Read Data from Off-line Media [LRAR READ MEDIA 67.99999] | | | | | | | | +-Purge Lab Monthly Workloads file 67.9 [LRAR PURGE 67.9] | | | | | | | +-Workload Reports from Archived Files [LRAR ARCHIVE WKLD REPORTS] | | | | | | | | +-Lab Monthly Workloads [LRARCAM4] | | | | | | | | +-Treating Specialty Workload Report [LRARCPTS] | | | | | | | | +-Workload Cost Report By Major Section [LRARCML] | | | | | | | | +-Workload Statistics By Major Section [LRARCMA] | | | | | | | +-Lab Archival Activity Report [LRAR ARCHIVAL ACTIVITY REPORT] | | | | | | | +-Verify Files for Archiving [LRAR VERIFY FILES] | | | | | | | +-Cancel Lab Archival Activity [LRAR CANCEL ARCHIVAL ACTIVITY] | | | | | | +-Lab Shipping Management Menu [LA7S MGR MENU] | | | | | | | +-LEDI Setup [LA7V SETUP] | | | | | | | +-Edit Shipping Configuration [LA7S EDIT 62.9] | | | | | | | +-Edit Shipping Container [LA7S EDIT 62.91] | | | | | | | +-Edit Shipping Condition [LA7S EDIT 62.93] | | | | | | | +-Edit Shipping Method [LA7S EDIT 62.92] | | | | | | | +-Electronic Catalog Menu [LA7S CATALOG MENU] | | | | | | | | +-Electronic Catalog Information Entry [LA7S CATALOG ENTRY] | | | | | | | | +-View Individual Electronic Catalog Entry [LA7S VIEW INDIVIDUAL ENTRY] | | | | | | | | +-Electronic Catalog Print [LA7S PRINT CATALOG] | | | | | | +-Lab Bar Code Label Formatter [LR BAR CF] | | | | | | +-LOINC Main Menu [LRLOINC] | | | | | | | +-Topography Print With/Without LEDI HL7 Codes [LR LOINC TOPOGRAPHY] | | | | | | | +-Add/Edit Topography Specimen HL7 Code [LR LOINC LEDI HL7 CODE] | | | | | | | +-Specimen HL7 Codes Print [LR LOINC HL7 SPECIMENS] | | | | | | | +-Lab Tests With/Without Result NLT Codes Print [LR LOINC PRINT RESULT NLT] | | | | | | | +-Extract VistA Lab Test Names [LR LOINC EXTRACT LAB NAMES] | | | | | | | +-LOINC Mapping Utility Menu [LR LOINC UTILITY] | | | | | | | | +-Find LOINC for Vista Lab Test [LR LOINC LOOKUP] | | | | | | | | +-NLT/LOINC Codes Print [LR LOINC PRINT NLT/LOINC] | | | | | | | | +-Print Lab Tests Mapped/Not Mapped to LOINC Codes [LR LOINC PRINT 60/LOINC MAP] | | | | | | | | +-Validate LOINC Mapping [LR LOINC VALIDATE] | | | | | | | | +-Print a Single LOINC CODE [LR LOINC PRINT LOINC CODE] | | | | | | | | +-Print Default LOINC/LOINC Code by Lab Tests [LR LOINC PRINT DEFAULT/LOINC] | | | | | | | | +-Unmap/Delete Lab Tests to Default LOINC Code [LR LOINC UNMAP/DELETE DEFAULT] | | | | | | | | +-Unmap/Delete Lab Tests to LOINC Codes [LR LOINC UNMAP/DELETE LOINC] | | | | | | | | +-LOINC [[Historical~|Historical]] Mapping Menu [LR LOINC HISTORICAL MAP MENU] | | | | | | | | | +-LAB DATA LOINC Mapping [LR LOINC HISTORICAL MAPPER 63] | | | | | | | | | +-Restart LOINC [[Historical~|Historical]] Mapping [LR LOINC HISTORICAL RESTART 63] | | | | | | | | | +-STOP LOINC Mapping [LR LOINC HISTORICAL STOP 63] | | | | | | | | | +-Modify LOINC [[Historical~\Historical]] Mapping [LR LOINC HISTORICAL MODIFY] | | | | | | | +-Map Lab Tests to Default LOINC Code [LR LOINC MAP DEFAULT] | | | | | | | +-Map Lab Tests to LOINC Codes [LR LOINC MAP] | | | | | | | +-Map/Unmap Antimicrobial Default LOINC Code [LR LOINC MAP ANTIMICROBIAL] | | | | | | | +-National Laboratory File [LR7O 60-64] -- listed above. | | | | | | +-Lab Zebra Label Utility [LR BAR ZEBRA UTILITY] | | | | | +-Supervisor reports [LRSUPER REPORTS] | | | | | | +-Summary list (supervisors') [LR SUP SUMMARY] | | | | | | +-Supervisor's report [LRACS MANUAL] | | | | | | +-Search for high/low values of a test [LRSORA] | | | | | | +-Search for critical value flagged tests [LRSORC] | | | | | | +-Count accessioned tests [LR COUNT ACC TESTS] | | | | | | +-Search for abnormal and critical flagged tests [LRSORD] | | | | | | +-Audit of deleted/edited comments [LRDCOM] | | | | | | +-Summary list (extended supervisors') [LRLISTE] | | | | | | +-Changes in verified lab data [LRUER] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Documentation for lab options [LROPT] | | | | | +-Listing of Laboratory Menus/Options [LROPTLST] | | | | | +-Changes in verified lab data [LRUER] | | | | | +-Lab statistics menu [LR WKLD] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Lab interface menu [LA INTERFACE] | | | | | | +-Check the lab interface [LA 1103] | | | | | | +-Watch the data in the LA global. [LA WATCH] | | | | | | +-Test the interface [LA LAB TEST] | | | | | | +-Set instrument to run by Accession [LA AUTO ACC] | | | | | | +-Set instrument to run by load list [LA AUTO LLIST] | | | | | | +-Change instrument run mode. [LA LRLL/AC SWITCH] | | | | | | +-Restart processing of instrument data [LA JOB] | | | | | | +-Direct Connect Auto-Instrument Start [LA DIR JOB] | | | | | | +-Lab Error Trap Listing [LA ERR PRINT] | | | | | | +-Lab Universal Interface Menu [LA7 MAIN MENU] | | | | | | | +-Print Lab Universal Interface Log [LA7 PRINT LAB UI ERROR LOG] | | | | | | | +-Display Lab Universal Interface Message [LA7 PRINT LAB UI MESSAGE] | | | | | | | +-Download to Universal Interface [LA7 ADL SEND] | | | | | | | +-Start/Stop Auto Download Background Job [LA7 ADL START/STOP] | | | | | | | +-Lab Messaging File Integrity Checker [LA7 CHECK FILES] | | | | | | | +-Print Lab Messaging Integrity Check Report [LA7 PRINT INTEGRITY CHECK] | | | | +-Results menu [LR OUT] | | | | | +-Review by order number [LRCENLKUP] -- listed above. | | | | | +-General report for selected tests [LRGEN] | | | | | +-Graph results [LRDIST] | | | | | +-Order/test status [LROS] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Interim reports by location (manual queue) [LRRS] | | | | | +-Interim report for selected tests as ordered [LRRSP] | | | | | +-Print a full patient summary [LRAC FULL PATIENT SUMMARY] | | | | | +-Interim report [LRRP2] | | | | | +-Interim report for chosen tests [LRRP3] | | | | | +-Interim report by provider [LRRD] | | | | | +-Interim reports for 1 location (manual queue) [LRRS BY LOC] | | | | | +-Edit/print/display preselected lab tests [LRUMDA] | | | | | | +-Print/display preselected lab tests [LRUMD] | | | | | | +-Enter/edit user defined lab test lists [LRUMDE] | | | | | +-Interim reports for 1 provider (manual queue) [LRRD BY MD] | | | | +-Show list of accessions for a patient [LRUPT] | | | | +-Review accession workload [LR WKLD AUDIT] | | | | +-Std/QC/Reps Manual Workload count [LR WKLD STD/QC/REPS] | | | | +-Lab statistics menu [LR WKLD] | | | | | +-Edit workload comments [LR WKLD COMMENTS] | | | | | +-Workload manual input [LR WKLD MANUAL INPUT] | | | | | +-Std/QC/Reps Manual Workload count [LR WKLD STD/QC/REPS] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Turn on site workload statistics [LR WKLD STATS ON] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Turn on workload stats for accession area [LR WKLD STATS ON ACC AREA] -- listed above. | | | | | +-WKLD statistics reports [LR WKLD2] | | | | | | +-Workload statistics by accession area and shift [LRRP8] | | | | | | +-Treating Specialty Workload Report [LRCAPTS] | | | | | | +-Workload cost report by major section [LRCAPML] | | | | | | +-Workload Report [LRCAPR1] | | | | | | +-PHASE 3: Print of data to be sent to NDB. [LR WKLD LMIP 3] | | | | | | +-Detail workload report [LRRP6] | | | | | +-Review accession workload [LR WKLD AUDIT] -- listed above. | | | | | +-LMIP Reports/Data Collection [LR WKLD4] | | | | | | +-PHASE 1: Move data from 64.1 to 67.9. [LR WKLD LMIP 1] | | | | | | +-PHASE 2: Collect data for transmit to NDB. [LR WKLD LMIP 2] | | | | | | +-PHASE 3: Print of data to be sent to NDB. [LR WKLD LMIP 3] -- listed above. | | | | | | +-PHASE 4: Create E-mail message for NDB. [LR WKLD LMIP 4] | | | | | | +-Recompile Phase 1 LMIP Data. [LR WKLD LMIP 1 REPEAT] | | | | | | +-PHASE 5: Purge monthly WKLD data from 67.9. [LR WKLD LMIP 5] | | | | | +-File listings [LR WKLD3] | | | | | | +-WKLD code list by code [LR WKLD CODE BY CODE] | | | | | | +-WKLD code list by name [LR WKLD CODE BY NAME] | | | | | | +-Lab section list by code [LR WKLD SECTION BY CODE] | | | | | | +-Lab section list by name [LR WKLD SECTION BY NAME] | | | | | | +-Lab subsection list [LR WKLD SUBSECTION] | | | | | | +-Lab subsection by Lab section [LR WKLD SUB BY SECTION] | | | | | | +-Service dictionary [LR WKLD SERVICE] | | | | | | +-Requesting center dictionary [LR WKLD REQUEST] | | | | | | +-Test dictionary [LR WKLD TEST DICT] | | | | | | +-WKLD log file download [LRCAPDL] | | | | | +-Lab test turnaround time [LR CAPTT] | | | | | +-Turnaround times By Urgency [LR TAT URGENCY] | | | | | +-ORDERED TEST COST BY PROVIDER [LR ORDERED TESTS BY PHY] | | | | +-Automated Microbiology Menu [LA MI MENU] | | | | | +-MicroScan Load Worklist (Build) [LA MI MICROSCAN L/W BUILD] | | | | | +-Load Vitek Special Characters [LA MI SPECIAL CHARCTER LOAD] | | | | | +-Vitek Load Worklist (Build) [LA MI VITEK L/W BUILD] | | | | | +-Verify Micro Auto Data [LA MI VERIFY AUTO] | | | | | +-Download a load list to an Instrument. [LA DOWN] | | | | +-VITEK LITERAL [LA VITEK LITERAL] | | | +-Quality control menu [LRQCM] | | | | +-Manually accession QC, Environmental, etc. [LRQCLOG] -- listed above. | | | | +-Add/edit QC name &/or edit test means [LRQCADDNAME] -- listed above. | | | | +-Bull algorithm quality control [LRQCC] | | | | +-Quality control display (Levey-Jennings) [LRQC] -- listed above. | | | | +-Edit control placement on load/work list [LRLL CONTROLS] -- listed above. | | | | +-Edit controls added to the accessions each day [LR ACC CONTROLS] -- listed above. | | | +-Blood bank [LRBL] | | | | +-Donor [LRBLD] | | | | | +-Donor registration [LRBLDLG] | | | | | +-Donor history, physical and consent form [LRBLDR] | | | | | +-Donor collection/processing [LRBLDC] | | | | | +-Donor demographics [LRBLDD] | | | | | +-Donor phenotyping [LRBLDPH] | | | | | +-Donor blood testing/review/release [LRBLDU] | | | | | | +-Donor unit testing worklist [LRBLDDAW] | | | | | | +-ABO/Rh testing of donor units [LRBLDDAT] | | | | | | +-Test review/Component labeling/release [LRBLDRR] | | | | | | +-Lab tests(not ABO/Rh) on donor units [LRBLDT] | | | | | | +-Donor unit testing prooflist [LRBLDTR] | | | | | | +-Donor unit supplemental testing prooflist [LRBLDTRS] | | | | | | +-Abnormal donor tests [LRBLDTA] | | | | | | +-Donor unit ABO/Rh recheck [LRBLDUC] | | | | | | +-Component preparation report [LRBLDCR] | | | | | +-Old blood donor records [LRBLDO] | | | | | +-Collection disposition/component preparation [LRBLDCP] | | | | +-Inventory [LRBLI] | | | | | +-Disposition -not transfused [LRBLIDN] | | | | | +-Disposition -relocation [LRBLIDR] | | | | | +-Log-in regular (invoices) [LRBLILR] | | | | | +-Enter blood inventory typing charges [LRBLILS] | | | | | +-Unit ABO/Rh confirmation [LRBLIUC] | | | | | +-Unit phenotyping [LRBLIUP] | | | | | +-Units release to stock (cancel) by patient [LRBLIUR] | | | | | +-Inventory ABO/Rh testing worksheet [LRBLIW] | | | | | +-Shipping invoices for blood components [LRBLISH] | | | | | +-Pediatric unit preparation [LRBLPED] | | | | | +-Transfer unit to new division [LRBLJTR] | | | | +-Blood bank patient [LRBLP] | | | | | +-Remove an accession [LRDELOG] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Enter test data [LRBLPET] | | | | | +-Previous records [LRBLPER] | | | | | +-Special instructions [LRBLPSI] | | | | | +-Add tests to a given accession. [LRADD TO ACC] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Delete test from an accession [LRTSTOUT] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Request/select/xmatch blood components [LRBLPC] | | | | | | +-Blood component requests [LRBLPCS] | | | | | | +-Select units for patients [LRBLPIC] | | | | | | +-Enter crossmatch results [LRBLPX] | | | | | | +-Unit CAUTION tag labels [LRBLILA] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Blood transfusion results [LRBLPT] | | | | | +-Specimen log-in [LRBLPLOGIN] | | | | | +-Accession area worklist [LRUW] | | | | | +-Test worklist [LRBLTTW] | | | | | +-Change to new division [LRUCHGDIV] | | | | +-Inquiries [LRBLQ] | | | | | +-Show list of accessions for a patient [LRUPT] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Patient blood bank record [LRBLQDR] | | | | | +-Single donor information [LRBLQSD] | | | | | +-Test description information [LREV] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Units assigned/components requested [LRBLQPR] | | | | | +-Single unit information- display [LRBLIPSD] | | | | | +-Order/test status [LROS] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Single unit status [LRBLQST] | | | | | +-Single donor demographic information [LRBLQSDD] | | | | | +-Patient Medication List [LRBLPH] | | | | | +-Validation documentation [LRBLVALI] | | | | +-Reports [LRBLR] | | | | | +-Phenotyped units available [LRBLIPH] | | | | | +-Unit CAUTION tag labels [LRBLILA] | | | | | +-Blood inventory status reports [LRBLIS] | | | | | | +-Single unit (display/print) information [LRBLQSU] | | | | | | | +-Single unit information- display [LRBLIPSD] -- listed above. | | | | | | | +-Single unit information- print [LRBLIPSP] | | | | | | +-Units available (indate/no disposition) [LRBLRUA] | | | | | | +-Units with no disposition [LRBLRUN] | | | | | | +-Units on Xmatch by date/time xmatched [LRBLIX] | | | | | | +-Disposition-not transfused [LRBLIDU] | | | | | +-Blood inventory transaction reports [LRBLITX] | | | | | | +-Supplier invoices (inventory) [LRBLRIN] | | | | | | +-Special typing charges (inventory) [LRBLRIS] | | | | | | +-Supplier transactions (inventory) [LRBLRIT] | | | | | +-Blood utilization & summary reports [LRBLIUS] | | | | | | +-Unit issue book entries [LRBLIRB] | | | | | | +-Transfusion data report [LRBLITR] | | | | | | +-Patient transfusions & hematology results [LRBLPCH] | | | | | | +-Transfusions by treating specialty/physician [LRBLITS] | | | | | | +-Inappropriate transfusion requests report [LRBLPRIT] | | | | | | +-Transfusion follow-up tests [LRBLTXA] | | | | | | +-Crossmatch:Transfusion report [LRBLRCT] | | | | | | +-Prolonged transfusion times [LRBLPIT] | | | | | | +-Crossmatch/Transfusions by Specialty/Physician [LRBLAA] | | | | | | +-Autologous disposition report [LRBLJB] | | | | | | +-Transfused RBC for treating specialty [LRBLJUT] | | | | | +-Patient accession list [LRBLPAL] | | | | | +-Donor summary reports [LRBLDSR] | | | | | | +-Donor unit testing prooflist [LRBLDTR] -- listed above. | | | | | | +-Blood donor recruitment reports [LRBLDRPTS] | | | | | | | +-List of donors by last attempt date [LRBLDPL] | | | | | | | +-Patient credits from blood donations [LRBLDPCR] | | | | | | | +-Group donation report [LRBLDGDR] | | | | | | | +-Emergency donor report [LRBLDEDR] | | | | | | | +-Donor month/holiday recall list [LRBLDMR] | | | | | | | +-Donor deferral report [LRBLDDR] | | | | | | | +-Apheresis donor list [LRBLDAP] | | | | | | | +-Mobile (Collection Site) report [LRBLDMC] | | | | | | | +-Donor short draw report [LRBLDSD] | | | | | | | +-First time blood donors [LRBLDFD] | | | | | | | +-Donor lists/labels/letters [LRBLDL] | | | | | | | +-Group affiliation report [LRBLDGA] | | | | | | | +-Donor scheduling report [LRBLDSC] | | | | | | | +-Gallon donor report [LRBLDDA] | | | | | | +-Collection disposition report [LRBLDCD] | | | | | | +-Blood product rejection report [LRBLDPRR] | | | | | | +-Permanent donor deferral report [LRBLDPD] | | | | | | +-Donor unit supplemental testing prooflist [LRBLDTRS] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Patient antibody report (short list) [LRBLPR] | | | | | +-Blood bank tests report [LRBLPBR] | | | | | | +-Add BB patient(s) to report queue [LRBLP ADD] | | | | | | +-Delete BB report print queue [LRBLP DELETE] | | | | | | +-Print single BB patient report [LRBLP PRINT SINGLE] | | | | | | +-Print all BB patient reports on print queue [LRBLP PRINT ALL ON QUEUE] | | | | | | +-Blood bank consultation reports [LRBLCN] | | | | | +-Blood bank workload reports [LRBLRWK] | | | | | | +-Test counts by location [LRBLRTC] | | | | | | +-Inventory ABO/Rh re-check counts [LRBLC] | | | | | | +-Component preparation report [LRBLDCR] -- listed above. | | | | | | +-Test counts by treating specialty [LRUPACT] -- listed above. | | | | | | +-Blood Bank Administrative Data [LRBLA] | | | | | +-CMV Antibody Status Report [LRBLICV] | | | | | +-Transfusion reaction count [LRBLTA] | | | | | +-Print blood bank validation [LRBLVALP] | | | | | +-Transfusion reactions report [LRBLIPTR] | | | | +-Supervisor [LRBLS] | | | | | +-Blood donor edit options [LRBLSD] | | | | | | +-Donor collection/deferral edit [LRBLDA] | | | | | | +-Edit donor history questions [LRBLSEH] | | | | | | +-Edit donor consent [LRBLDCX] | | | | | | +-Blood donor group/type edit [LRBLDEDIT] | | | | | | +-Permanent deferral/special comments [LRBLDEF] | | | | | | +-Enter/edit donor letters [LRBLDLT] | | | | | | +-Move a blood donation [LRBLDMV] | | | | | +-Edit blood bank files [LRBLEF] | | | | | | +-Edit blood product file [LRBLSEB] | | | | | | +-Edit blood bank descriptions file [LRBLSEF] | | | | | | +-Edit blood bank utility file [LRBLSEU] | | | | | | +-Edit Corresponding Antigen/Antibody [LRBLSNO] | | | | | | +-Edit blood bank site parameters [LRBLSSP] | | | | | | +-Maximum surgical blood order edit [LRBLSMS] | | | | | | +-Edit lab letter file [LRBLSLL] | | | | | | +-Edit Blood Component Request File [LRBLSRQ] | | | | | | +-Blood bank validation documentation [LRBLVAL] | | | | | +-Blood bank inventory edit options [LRBLSI] | | | | | | +-Edit unit - patient fields [LRBLSEC] | | | | | | +-Edit unit disposition fields [LRBLSED] | | | | | | +-Edit unit log-in [LRBLSEL] | | | | | | +-Free autologous/directed donor units [LRBLSEE] | | | | | | +-Edit pooled blood product [LRBLJM] | | | | | +-Blood bank patient edit options [LRBLSP] | | | | | | +-Tests for display on patient look-up [LRBLST] | | | | | | +-Tests for inclusion in transfusion report [LRBLSET] | | | | | | +-Patient ABO/Rh edit [LRBLPEDIT] | | | | | | +-Edit previous transfusion record [LRBLSPP] | | | | | | +-Tests for transfusion follow-up [LRBLTX] | | | | | | +-Unknown unit transfusion reaction [LRBLPTXR] | | | | | +-Outline for one or more files [LRUFILE] | | | | | +-Summary and deletion reports [LRBLSSR] | | | | | | +-Patient antibody report (long-list) [LRBLPRA] | | | | | | +-Cumulative donations and awards [LRBLDCU] | | | | | | +-Acknowledge donor award by deletion [LRBLDAWARD] | | | | | | +-Print units with final disposition [LRBLRUF] | | | | | | +-Print ex-donors [LRBLDEX] | | | | | | +-Remove units with final disposition [LRBLSER] | | | | | | +-Remove ex-donors [LRBLDK] | | | | | | +-Print data change audits [LRBLAD] | | | | | | +-Remove data change audits [LRBLAR] | | | | | | +-Remove inappropriate transfusion requests [LRBLSRI] | | | | | | +-Delete a user's patient list [LRBLSDPL] | | | | | | +-Antibodies by patient [LRBLPAB] | | | | | +-Edit number of lines in a label [LRBLSF] | | | | | +-Delete entire order or individual tests [LRCENDEL] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Blood bank inventory integrity report [LRBLII] | | | | | +-Blood bank workload [LRBLSW] | | | | | | +-Display workload for an accession [LRUWL] | | | | +-Ward [LRBLW] | | | | | +-Show list of accessions for a patient [LRUPT] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Test description information [LREV] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Units assigned/components requested [LRBLQPR] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Patient blood bank record [LRBLQDR] -- listed above. | | | +-Anatomic pathology [LRAP] | | | | +-Data entry, anat path [LRAPD] | | | | | +-Data entry for autopsies [LRAPAUDA] | | | | | | +-Autopsy protocol [LRAPAUDAP] | | | | | | +-Autopsy protocol & SNOMED coding [LRAPAUDAB] | | | | | | +-Autopsy protocol & ICD9CM coding [LRAPAUDAA] | | | | | | +-Final autopsy diagnoses date [LRAPAUFAD] | | | | | | +-Special studies, autopsy [LRAPAUDAS] | | | | | | +-Autopsy supplementary report [LRAPAUSR] | | | | | | +-Provisional anatomic diagnoses [LRAPAUPAD] | | | | | +-Blocks, Stains, Procedures, anat path [LRAPSPDAT] | | | | | +-Coding, anat path [LRAPCODE] | | | | | | +-SNOMED coding, anat path [LRAPX] | | | | | | +-ICD9CM coding, anat path [LRAPICD] | | | | | +-Clinical Hx/Gross Description/FS [LRAPDGD] | | | | | +-FS/Gross/Micro/Dx [LRAPDGM] | | | | | +-FS/Gross/Micro/Dx/SNOMED Coding [LRAPDGS] | | | | | +-FS/Gross/Micro/Dx/ICD9CM Coding [LRAPDGI] | | | | | +-Enter old anat path records [LRAPOLD] | | | | | +-Supplementary Report, Anat Path [LRAPDSR] | | | | | +-Spec Studies-EM;Immuno;Consult;Pic, Anat Path [LRAPDSS] | | | | +-Edit/modify data, anat path [LRAPE] | | | | | +-Edit log-in & clinical hx, anat path [LRAPED] | | | | | +-Modify anat path gross/micro/dx/frozen section [LRAPM] | | | | | +-Edit anat path comments [LRAPEDC] | | | | +-Inquiries, anat path [LRAPI] | | | | | +-Display stains/blocks for a patient [LRAPST] | | | | | +-Show list of accessions for a patient [LRUPT] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Search options, anat path [LRAPSEARCH] | | | | | | +-MORPHOLOGY code search, SNOMED [LRAPSM] | | | | | | +-DISEASE code search, SNOMED [LRAPSD] | | | | | | +-ETIOLOGY code search, SNOMED [LRAPSE] | | | | | | +-PROCEDURE code search, SNOMED [LRAPSP] | | | | | | +-FUNCTION code search, SNOMED [LRAPSF] | | | | | | +-ICD9CM code search [LRAPSI] | | | | | | +-MULTIAXIAL code search, SNOMED [LRAPSEM] | | | | | +-Display surg path reports for a patient [LRAPSPCUM] | | | | | +-Display cytopath reports for a patient [LRAPCYCUM] | | | | | +-Display EM reports for a patient [LRAPEMCUM] | | | | | +-Cum path data summaries [LRAPT] | | | | | +-Display final path reports by accession # [LRAPPA] | | | | +-Log-in menu, anat path [LRAPL] | | | | | +-Log-in, anat path [LRAPLG] | | | | | +-Delete accession #, anat path [LRAPKILL] | | | | | +-Print log book [LRAPBK] | | | | | +-Histopathology Worksheet [LRAPH] | | | | +-Print, anat path [LRAPP] | | | | | +-Print all reports on queue [LRAP PRINT ALL ON QUEUE] | | | | | +-Delete report print queue [LRAP DELETE] | | | | | +-List pathology reports in print queue [LRAPQ] | | | | | +-Print single report only [LRAP PRINT SINGLE] | | | | | +-Add patient(s) to report print queue [LRAP ADD] | | | | | +-Autopsy administrative reports [LRAPAUP] | | | | | | +-Autopsy data review [LRAPAURV] | | | | | | +-Autopsy status list [LRAPAUSTATUS] | | | | | | +-Alphabetical autopsy list [LRAPAUA] | | | | | +-Anat path accession reports [LRAPPAR] | | | | | | +-Anat path accession list by date [LRAPPAD] | | | | | | +-Anat path accession list by number [LRAPPAN] | | | | | | +-Sum of accessions by date, anat path [LRAPA] | | | | | | +-Entries by dates,patient & accession # [LRAPPF] | | | | | | +-Path cases by resident, tech, senior or clinician [LRAPAUL] | | | | | | +-% Pos, Atyp, Dysp, Neg, Susp, Unsat cytopath [LRAPCYPCT] | | | | | | +-Accession list with stains [LRAPSA] | | | | | | +-Accession counts by senior pathologist [LRAPAULC] | | | | | +-Cum path data summaries [LRAPT] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Anatomic pathology labels [LRAPLBL] | | | | | | +-Anat path slide labels [LRAPLM] | | | | | | +-Anat path specimen labels [LRAPLS] | | | | | | +-Autopsy Slide Labels (generic) [LRAUMLK] | | | | | +-Edit/print/display preselected lab tests [LRUMDA] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Print log book [LRAPBK] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Print final path reports by accession # [LRAPFICH] | | | | +-SNOMED field references [LRAPREF] | | | | | +-Print references for a SNOMED entry [LRAPSRP] | | | | | | +-Topography (SNOMED) reference print [LRAPTP] | | | | | | +-Morphology (SNOMED) reference print [LRAPMP] | | | | | | +-Etiology (SNOMED) reference print [LRAPEP] | | | | | | +-Disease (SNOMED) reference print [LRAPDP] | | | | | | +-Function (SNOMED) reference print [LRAPFP] | | | | | | +-Procedure (SNOMED) reference print [LRAPPP] | | | | | | +-Occupation (SNOMED) reference print [LRAPOP] | | | | | +-Enter/edit SNOMED file references [LRAPSRE] | | | | | | +-Topography (SNOMED) reference [LRAPTR] | | | | | | +-Morphology (SNOMED) reference [LRAPMR] | | | | | | +-Etiology (SNOMED) reference [LRAPER] | | | | | | +-Disease (SNOMED) reference [LRAPDR] | | | | | | +-Function (SNOMED) reference [LRAPFR] | | | | | | +-Procedure (SNOMED) reference [LRAPPR] | | | | | | +-Occupation (SNOMED) reference [LRAPOR] | | | | | +-Medical journal file edit [LRAPLIB] | | | | +-Supervisor, anat path [LRAPSUPER] | | | | | +-Edit pathology parameters [LRAPHDR] | | | | | +-Enter/edit items in a SNOMED field [LRAPSNOMEDIT] | | | | | | +-Topography (SNOMED) enter/edit [LRAPTOP] | | | | | | +-Morphology (SNOMED) enter/edit [LRAPMOR] | | | | | | +-Etiology (SNOMED) enter/edit [LRAPETI] | | | | | | +-Disease (SNOMED) enter/edit [LRAPDIS] | | | | | | +-Function (SNOMED) enter/edit [LRAPFUN] | | | | | | +-Procedure (SNOMED) enter/edit [LRAPPRO] | | | | | | +-Occupation (SNOMED) enter/edit [LRAPOCC] | | | | | +-Anatomic pathology topography counts [LRAPC] | | | | | +-Delete anat path descriptions by date [LRAPDAR] | | | | | +-Incomplete reports, anat path [LRAPINC] | | | | | +-Print path modifications [LRAPMOD] | | | | | +-Enter/edit lab description file [LRAPDES] | | | | | +-Delete free text specimen entries [LRAPDFS] | | | | | +-AP quality assurance [LRAPQA] | | | | | | +-Anatomic pathology turnaround time [LRAPTT] | | | | | | +-Cum path summaries for quality assurance [LRAPQAC] | | | | | | +-Frozen section, surgical path correlation [LRAPQAFS] | | | | | | +-AP consultation searches and reports [LRAPQACN] | | | | | | +-QA codes entry/edit [LRAPQACD] | | | | | | +-Tissue committee review cases [LRAPQAT] | | | | | | +-Malignancy review [LRAPQAMR] | | | | | | +-10% random case review, surg path [LRAPQAR] | | | | | | +-Edit QA site parameters [LRAPQASP] | | | | | | +-Print path micro modifications [LRAPQAM] | | | | | | +-QA outcome review cases [LRAPQOR] | | | | | | +-% Pos, Atyp, Dysp, Neg, Susp, Unsat cytopath [LRAPCYPCT] -- listed above. | | | | | | +-Delete TC and QA codes [LRAPQADEL] | | | | | +-Move anatomic path accession [LRAPMV] | | | | | +-Edit referral patient file [LRUV] | | | | | +-AFIP registries [LRAPAFIP] | | | | | | +-Prisoner of war veterans [LRAPDPT] | | | | | | +-Persian gulf veterans [LRAPPG] | | | | +-Verify/release menu, anat path [LRAPVR] | | | | | +-Verify/release reports, anat path [LRAPR] | | | | | +-List of unverified pathology reports [LRAPV] | | | | | +-Supplementary report release, anat path [LRAPRS] | | | | +-Clinician options, anat path [LRAPMD] | | | | | +-Display surg path reports for a patient [LRAPSPCUM] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Display cytopath reports for a patient [LRAPCYCUM] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Display EM reports for a patient [LRAPEMCUM] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Edit/print/display preselected lab tests [LRUMDA] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Print surgical pathology report for a patient [LRAPSPSGL] | | | | | +-Print cytopathology report for a patient [LRAPCYSGL] | | | | | +-Print electron microscopy report for a patient [LRAPEMSGL] | | | | | +-Cum path data summaries [LRAPT] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Autopsy protocol/supplementary report [LRAPAUPT] | | | | +-Workload, anat path [LRAPW] | | | | | +-Cytopathology screening workload [LRAPWR] | | | | | +-Display workload for an accession [LRUWL] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Surg path gross assistance workload [LRAPWRSP] | | | | | +-EM scanning and photo workload [LRAPWE] | | | +-Process data in lab menu [LR DO!] | | | | +-Enter/verify data (auto instrument) [LRVR] | | | | +-Enter/verify/modify data (manual) [LRENTER] | | | | +-Batch data entry (chem, hem, tox, etc.) [LRSTUF] | | | | +-Enter/verify data (Work list) [LRVRW] | | | | +-Enter/verify data (Load list) [LRVRW2] | | | | +-Group verify (EA, EL, EW) [LRGV] -- listed above. | | | | +-Order/test status [LROS] -- listed above. | | | | +-Build a load/work list [LRLL] | | | | +-Print a load/work list [LRLLP] | | | | +-Bypass normal data entry [LRFAST] -- listed above. | | | | +-Unload Load/Work List [LRLLCT] | | | | +-Lookup accession [LR LOOKUP ACCESSION] -- listed above. | | | | +-Accession order then immediately enter data [LR ACC THEN DATA] | | | | +-Fast Bypass Data Entry/Verify [LRFASTS] | | | | +-Misc. Processing Menu [LR PROCESS, MISC] | | | | | +-Active Load Work Listing [LRLLPA] | | | | | +-Long form accession list [LRACC1] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Set new "starting sequence number" [LRLL NEW 1ST SEQUENCE #] | | | | | +-Short accession list [LRACC2] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Work sheet Accession list [LRACC3] | | | | | +-Clear instrument/worklist data [LRINSTCLR] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Incomplete test status report [LRWRKINC] | | | | | +-Remove a Load/Work list entry [LRLLREMV] | | | | | +-Smac Support menu [LRSMACMENU] | | | | | | +-Flagged Specimens [LRSMAC3] | | | | | | +-Run Smac [LRSMAC5] | | | | | | +-Halt Smac Run [LRSMAC6] | | | | | | +-Group verify (EA, EL, EW) [LRGV] | | | | | | +-Clear instrument/worklist data [LRINSTCLR] | | | | | | +-Quality control display (Levey-Jennings) [LRQC] | | | | | +-Insert a Sample on a Load/Work list [LRLLINST] | | | | | +-Group data review (verified & EM) [LRGVP] | | | | | +-Group unverified review (EA, EL, EW) [LRGP] | | | | | +-Work sheet of all unverified accessions for a date [LRACC4] | | | | | +-Lab statistics menu [LR WKLD] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Move a Load/Work list entry [LRLLMOVE] | | | | | +-Rollover Accession (Manual) [LR ROLLOVER] | | | | | +-Keypad differential for CRT's [LA KB DIFF] | | | | +-Std/QC/Reps Manual Workload count [LR WKLD STD/QC/REPS] -- listed above. | | | | +-Download a load list to an Instrument. [LA DOWN] -- listed above. | | | +-Results menu [LR OUT] -- listed above. | | | +-Supervisor menu [LRSUPERVISOR] -- listed above. | | | +-Lab Shipping Menu [LA7S MAIN MENU] | | | | +-Print Shipping Manifest [LA7S MANIFEST PRINT] | | | | +-Build Shipping Manifest [LA7S MANIFEST BUILD] | | | | +-Close/Ship a Shipping Manifest [LA7S MANIFEST CLOSE/SHIP] | | | | +-Add/Remove a Shipping Manifest Test [LA7S MANIFEST TEST ADD/REMOVE] | | | | +-Cancel a Shipping Manifest [LA7S MANIFEST CANCEL] | | | | +-Order Status Report [LA7S ORDER STATUS REPORT] | | | | +-Print LEDI Pending Orders [LA7S PENDING PRINT LEDI] | | | | +-Retransmit Shipping Manifest [LA7S MANIFEST RETRANSMIT] | | | | +-Edit Required Test Information [LA7S MANIFEST TEST REQ INFO] | | | | +-Retransmit LEDI Lab Results [LA7S RESULTS RETRANSMIT] | | +-Problem List Mgt Menu [GMPL MGT MENU] | | | +-Edit PL Site Parameters [GMPL PARAMETER EDIT] | | | +-Patient Problem List [GMPL CLINICAL USER] | | | +-List Patients with Problem List data [GMPL PATIENT LISTING] | | | +-Search for Patients having selected Problem [GMPL PROBLEM LISTING] | | | +-Create Problem Selection Lists [GMPL BUILD LIST MENU] | | | | +-Build Problem Selection List(s) [GMPL BUILD SELECTION LIST] | | | | +-Assign Selection List to User(s) [GMPL ASSIGN LIST] | | | | +-Copy Selection List from IB Encounter Form [GMPL BUILD ENC FORM LIST] | | | | +-Delete Problem Selection List [GMPL DELETE LIST] | | | | +-Remove Selection List from User(s) [GMPL DE-ASSIGN LIST] | | | +-Replace Removed Problem(s) on Patient's List [GMPL REPLACE PROBLEMS] | | +-Vitals/Measurement [GMRVMGR] | | | +-Vitals/Measurement Data Entry [GMRV V/M ENTRY MENU] | | | | +-TPR Pain [GMRV TPR ROUTINE] | | | | +-TPR B/P Pain [GMRV TPR B/P ROUTINE] | | | | +-Pulse [GMRV PULSE] | | | | +-TPR B/P Ht. Wt. and Pain [GMRV ADMISSION V/M] | | | | +-Weight [GMRV WEIGHT] | | | | +-Temp, Detailed PR and B/P [GMRV TPR EXT B/P] | | | | +-Change Date/Time Taken [GMRV CHANGE V/M PARAMETERS] | | | | +-Detailed B/P and Associated Pulse [GMRV EXT B/P] | | | | +-User Configurable Combination [GMRV VMCONFIG] | | | | +-Circumference/Girth [GMRV CIRCUMF/GIRTH] | | | | +-Pulse Oximetry [GMRV O2SATURATION] | | | | +-CVP (Central Venous Pressure) [GMRV CVP] | | | | +-TPR B/P Wt. and Pain [GMRV TPRBW] | | | | +-Pain [GMRV PAIN] | | | +-Edit a Vital/Measurement Entered in Error [GMRV ERROR EDIT] | | | +-Vitals/Measurements Site Files Menu [GMRV SITE FILE MENU] | | | | +-Edit Vitals Site Parameter File [GMRV SITE FILE EDIT] | | | | +-Edit Administration Schedules File [GMRV SCHED FILE EDIT] | | | | +-Display Administration Schedule File [GMRV SCHED FILE DISP] | | | | +-Create Vital Measurement Quick Order Protocol [GMRVORQUICK] | | | | +-Change Default Qualifiers for Temp./Pulse [GMRV VMQUALTY] | | | | +-Enter/Edit Vitals Qualifiers [GMRV VMSITE] | | | | +-Display Vitals Category/Qualifier/Synonym Table [GMRV CAT/QUAL TABLE] | | | +-Vitals/Measurements Results Reporting [GMRV PRINT MENU] | | | | +-Print Vitals Entered in Error for a Patient [GMRV ERROR REPORT] | | | | +-Latest Vitals Display for a Patient [GMRV DISPLAY V/M] | | | | +-V/M Graphic Reports [GMRV SF511] | | | | +-Latest Vitals by Location [GMRV V/M BY LOCATION] | | | | +-Cumulative Vitals Report [GMRV CUMULATIVE V/M] | +-Taskman Management [XUTM MGR] | | +-Schedule/Unschedule Options [XUTM SCHEDULE] | | +-Print Options that are Scheduled to run [XUTM BACKGROUND PRINT] | | +-Delete Tasks [XUTM DEL] | | +-Requeue Tasks [XUTM REQ] | | +-Dequeue Tasks [XUTM DQ] | | +-Taskman Management Utilities [XUTM UTIL] | | | +-Restart Task Manager [XUTM RESTART] | | | +-Place Taskman in a WAIT State [XUTM WAIT] | | | +-Remove Taskman from WAIT State [XUTM RUN] | | | +-Stop Task Manager [XUTM STOP] | | | +-Taskman Error Log [XUTM ERROR] | | | | +-Show Error Log [XUTM ERROR SHOW] | | | | +-Clean Error Log Over Range Of Dates [XUTM ERROR LOG CLEAN RANGE] | | | | +-Purge Error Log Of Type Of Error [XUTM ERROR PURGE TYPE] | | | | +-Delete Error Log [XUTM ERROR DELETE] | | | | +-List Error Screens [XUTM ERROR SCREEN LIST] | | | | +-Add Error Screens [XUTM ERROR SCREEN ADD] | | | | +-Edit Error Screens [XUTM ERROR SCREEN EDIT] | | | | +-Remove Error Screens [XUTM ERROR SCREEN REMOVE] | | | +-Clean Task File [XUTM CLEAN] | | | +-Check Taskman's Environment [XUTM CHECK ENV] | | | +-Monitor Taskman [XUTM ZTMON] | | | +-Edit Taskman Parameters [XUTM PARAMETER EDIT] | | | | +-Site Parameters Edit [XUTM BVPAIR] | | | | +-UCI Association Table Edit [XUTM UCI] | | | | +-Volume Set Edit [XUTM VOLUME] | | | +-SYNC flag file control [XUTM SYNC] | | | +-Problem Device report. [XUTM PROBLEM DEVICES] | | | +-Problem Device Clear [XUTM PROBLEM CLEAR] | | +-One-time Option Queue [XU OPTION QUEUE] | | +-List Tasks [XUTM INQ] | | +-Print Options Recommended for Queueing [XUTM BACKGROUND RECOMMENDED] | | +-Cleanup Task List [XUTM TL CLEAN] | +-Operations Management [XUSITEMGR] | | +-Introductory text edit [XUSERINT] | | +-System Status [XUSTATUS] | | +-CPU/Service/User/Device Stats [XUSTAT ] | | +-Clean old Job Nodes in XUTL [XQ XUTL $J NODES] | | +-Alpha/Beta Test Option Usage Menu [XQAB MENU] | | | +-Actual Usage of Alpha/Beta Test Options [XQAB ACTUAL OPTION USAGE] | | | +-Low Usage Alpha/Beta Test Options [XQAB LIST LOW USAGE OPTS] | | | +-Send Alpha/Beta Usage to Developers [XQAB AUTO SEND] | | | +-Print Alpha/Beta Errors (Date/Site/Num/Rou/Err) [XQAB ERR DATE/SITE/NUM/ROU/ERR] | | +-Kill off a users' job [XURESJOB] | | +-User Management Menu [XUOPTUSER] | | | +-User Status Report [XUUSERSTATUS] -- listed above. | | | +-Find a user [XU FINDUSER] -- listed above. | | | +-Release user [XUSERREL] | | | +-Print Sign-on Log [XUSC LIST] -- listed above. | | | +-List users [XUSERLIST] -- listed above. | | | +-User Inquiry [XUSERINQ] -- listed above. | | +-Kernel Management Menu [XUKERNEL] | | | +-Enter/Edit Kernel Site Parameters [XUSITEPARM] | | | +-Kernel New Features Help [XUVERSIONEW-HELP] | | | +-Institution Edit [XU-INSTITUTION-E] | | | +-Institution File Query / Update [XUMF INSTITUTION] | | +-Delete Old (>14 d) Alerts [XQALERT DELETE OLD] | | +-Post sign-in Text Edit [XUSERPOST] | | +-Alert Management [XQALERT MGR] | | | +-Purge Alerts for a User [XQALERT BY USER DELETE] | | | +-Delete Old (>14 d) Alerts [XQALERT DELETE OLD] -- listed above. | | | +-Make an alert on the fly [XQALERT MAKE] | | | +-Alerts - Set/Remove Surrogate for User [XQALERT SURROGATE SET/REMOVE] | | +-RPC Broker Management Menu [XWB MENU] | | | +-Stop All RPC Broker Listeners [XWB LISTENER STOP ALL] | | | +-RPC Listener Edit [XWB LISTENER EDIT] | | | +-Start All RPC Broker Listeners [XWB LISTENER STARTER] | +-Spool Management [XU-SPL-MGR] | | +-Edit User's Spooler Access [XU-SPL-USER] | | +-Spooler Site Parameters Edit [XU-SPL-SITE] | | +-Delete A Spool Document [XU-SPL-DELETE] -- listed above. | | +-List Spool Documents [XU-SPL-LIST] -- listed above. | | +-Print A Spool Document [XU-SPL-PRINT] -- listed above. | +-System Security [XUSPY] | | +-Program Integrity Checker [XUINTEG] | | +-Review Users [XUSER SEC OFCR] | | | +-List users [XUSERLIST] -- listed above. | | | +-User Inquiry [XUSERINQ] -- listed above. | | | +-Access to VA FileMan Files [XUFILEACCESS SEC OFCR] | | | | +-Inquiry to a User's File Access [XUFILEINQUIRY] -- listed above. | | | | +-List Access to Files by File number [XUFILELIST] -- listed above. | | | | +-Print Users Files [XUFILEPRINT] -- listed above. | | | +-User Status Report [XUUSERSTATUS] | | | +-Find a user [XU FINDUSER] | | +-Menu Management Review [XU SEC OFCR] | | | +-Option Access By User [XUOPTWHO] -- listed above. | | | +-Inquire [XUINQUIRE] | | | +-Print Option File [XUPRINT] | | | +-Diagram Menus [XUUSERACC] | | | +-Abbreviated Menu Diagrams [XUUSERACC2] | | | +-Secure Menu Delegation [XQSMD SEC OFCR] | | | | +-Show a Delegate's Options [XQSMD SHOW] -- listed above. | | | | +-List Delegated Options and their Users [XQSMD BY OPTION] -- listed above. | | | | +-Print All Delegates and their Options [XQSMD BY USER] -- listed above. | | +-Audit Features [XUAUDIT MENU] | | | +-Maintain System Audit Options [XUAUDIT MAINT] | | | | +-Establish System Audit Parameters [XUAUDIT] | | | | +-Failed Access Attempts Log Purge [XUFPURGE] | | | | +-Audited Options Purge [XUOPTPURGE] | | | | +-Programmer Mode Entry Log Purge [XUPMPURGE] | | | | +-Display the Kernel Audit Parameters [XU-SPY-SHOW] | | | +-System Audit Reports [XUAUDIT RPT] | | | | +-Failed Access Attempts Log [XUFAIL] | | | | +-Audited Options Log [XUOPTLOG] | | | | +-Print Sign-on Log [XUSC LIST] | | | | +-Server audit display [XUSERVDISP] | | | +-Audit Display [XUADISP] | | | | +-User Audit Display [XUUSEROPT] | | | | +-Option Audit Display [XUOPTDISP] | | | | +-Device Failed Access Attempts [XUFDEV] | | | | +-User Failed Access Attempts [XUFDISP] | | | | +-Display of Programmer Mode Entry List [XUPMDISP] | +-Application Utilities [XTMENU] | | +-Multi-Term Lookup Main Menu [XTLKUSER2] | | | +-Print Utility [XTLKPRTUTL] | | | +-Multi-Term Lookup (MTLU) [XTLKLKUP] | | | +-Utilities for MTLU [XTLKUTILITIES] | | | | +-Add/Modify Utility [XTLKMODUTL] | | | | | +-Shortcuts [XTLKMODSH] | | | | | +-Keywords [XTLKMODKY] | | | | | +-Synonyms [XTLKMODSY] | | | | +-Add Entries To Look-Up File [XTLKMODPARS] | | | | +-Delete Entries From Look-up [XTLKMODPARK] | | +-Duplicate Resolution System [XDR MAIN MENU] | | | +-Operations [XDR OPERATIONS MENU] | | | | +-Verify Potential Duplicates [XDR VERIFY ALL] | | | | +-Ancillary Data Review [XDR ANCILLARY REVIEW] | | | | +-Approve verified duplicates for merging [XDR APPROVE FOR MERGE] | | | +-Utilities [XDR UTILITIES MENU] | | | | +-Check Pair of Records to see if Duplicates [XDR CHECK PAIR] | | | | +-Add Verified Duplicate Pair [XDR ADD VERIFIED DUPS] | | | | +-Edit the Status Field of a Duplicate Record [XDR EDIT DUP RECORD STATUS] | | | | +-View Duplicate Record Entries [XDR VIEW DUPLICATE RECORD] | | | | +-Print List of File Duplicates [XDR PRINT LIST] | | | | +-Find Potential Duplicates for an Entry in a File [XDR FIND POTENTIAL DUPLICATES] | | | | +-Tally STATUS and MERGE STATUS Fields [XDR TALLY STATUS FIELDS] | | | | +-Display Search Status [XDR DISPLAY SEARCH STATUS] | | | | +-Check Merge Process Status (reverse order) [XDR CHECK MERGE PROCESS STATUS] | | | | +-Scan Possible Duplicates [XDR SCAN POSSIBLE DUPLICATES] | | | | +-Identify Potential Merge Problems [XDR VALID CHECK] | | | +-Manager Utilities [XDR MANAGER UTILITIES] | | | | +-Edit Site Parameters [XDR EDIT DUP RESOLUTION FILE] | | | | +-Purge Duplicate Record File [XDR PURGE] | | | | +-Preliminary Scan of File for Errors [XDR PRELIMINARY SCAN] | | | | +-Schedule Process to Merge Verified Duplicates [XDR MERGE READY DUPLICATES] | | | | +-Restart a Merge Process [XDR RESTART MERGE PROCESS] | | | | +-STOP an Active Merge Process [XDR STOP MERGE PROCESS] | | | | +-Start/Halt Duplicate Search [XDR SEARCH ALL] | | | | +-List File Entries Identified in Preliminary Scan [XDR PRELIMINARY SCAN LIST] | | | | +-Purge Merge Process File [XDR PURGE2] | +-Capacity Management [XTCM MAIN] | | +-Move Host File to Mailman [XTCM DISK2MAIL] | | +-Response Time Log Menu [XURTLM] | | | +-Enable/Disable RT Logging [XURTL] | | | +-Save RT Means and Purge Raw RT Data [XURTLK] | | | +-Copy RT Raw Data to RT RAWDATA File [XURTLC] | | | +-Purge Data in RT RAWDATA File [XURTLCK] | | | +-RT Report Menu [XURTLRM] | | | | +-Multiday RT Averages Report Print [XURTLMA] | | | | +-Short RT Report Print [XURTLP] | | | | +-Graphic RT Report Print [XURTLPG] | | | | +-Long RT Report Print [XURTLPL] | | +-MSM Capacity Management Manager's Menu [XUCS MANAGER MENU] | | | +-Manually Purge CM Data [XUCS MANUAL PURGE OF DATA] | | | +-CM Reports Menu [XUCSR REPORTS MENU] | | | | +-VG/DATE MSM CM Reports [XUCSRA REPORTS BY (VG,DATE)] | | | | | +-CPU/DISK Utilization Report (By VG/Date) [XUCSRA CPU/DISK REPORT] | | | | | +-Global Reference Report (By VG/Date) [XUCSRA GREF REPORT] | | | | | +-Response Time Report (By VG/Date) [XUCSRA RESPONSE REPORT] | | | | | +-Routine CMNDS/GREF Report (By VG/Date) [XUCSRA ROU CMNDS/GREF REPORT] | | | | | +-System Statistical Report (By VG/Date) [XUCSRA SYS STAT REPORT] | | | | +-DATE/VG MSM CM Reports [XUCSRB REPORTS BY (DATE,VG)] | | | | | +-Routine CMNDS/GREF Report (By Date/VG) [XUCSRB ROU CMNDS/GREF REPORT] | | | | | +-Global Reference Report (By Date/VG) [XUCSRB GREF REPORT] | | | | | +-System Statistical Report (By Date/VG) [XUCSRB SYS STAT REPORT] | | | | | +-Response Time Report (By Date/VG) [XUCSRB RESPONSE REPORT] | | | | | +-CPU/DISK Utilization Report (By Date/VG) [XUCSRB CPU/DISK REPORT] | | | | +-Graph Menu [XUCSRG GRAPHS MENU] | | | | | +-Ave. Response Time Graph [XUCSRG RESPONSE TIME GRAPH] | | | | | +-Ave. %CPU & %DISK Graph [XUCSRG CPU-DISK GRAPH] | | | | +-Manual Daily Report [XUCSX DAILY REPORT] | | | | +-Local XSITE Reports [XUCSX LOCAL XSITE REPORTS] | | | | | +-Local XSITE Resp. Time Report [XUCSX LOCAL XSITE RT] | | | | | +-Local XSITE System Stats. Report [XUCSX LOCAL XSITE SYSSTATS] | | | | | +-Local XSITE Preformance Report [XUCSX LOCAL XSTE PREF] | | | | | +-Local XSITE Global Reference Report ALL [XUCSXGR LOCAL XSITE GREF ALL] | | | | | +-Local XSITE Global Reference Report By VG [XUCSXGR LOCAL XSITE GREF VG] | | | +-MSM Site Parameters Enter/Edit Menu [XUCS SITE EDIT MENU] | | | | +-Edit MSM CM Site Parmaters [XUCS SITE EDIT] | | | | +-Enter/Edit Volume Group (Node) [XUCS VOL GROUP EDIT] | | | | +-Print/Display System Configuration Parameters [XUCS SYS CONFIG PARMS DISPLAY] | | +-SAGG Project Manager Menu [KMPS SAGG MANAGER] | | | +-Status of SAGG Collection Routines [KMPS SAGG STATUS] | | | +-Stop SAGG Collection [KMPS SAGG STOP] | | | +-Edit SAGG Project File [KMPS SAGG FILE] | | | +-Edit KMPS-SAGG Mail Group [KMPS SAGG MAIL] | | +-RUM Manager Menu [KMPR RUM MANAGER MENU] | | | +-Start RUM Collection [KMPR START COLLECTION] | | | +-Stop RUM Collection [KMPR STOP COLLECTION] | | | +-Status of RUM Collection [KMPR STATUS COLLECTION] | | | +-RUM Reports [KMPR REPORTS MENU] | | | | +-RUM Data for All Nodes (Graph) [KMPR GRAPH ALL NODES] | | | | +-RUM Data by Date for Single Node (Graph) [KMPR GRAPH HOURLY SINGLE NODE] | | | | +-Package Resource Usage [KMPR PRINT NODE PERCENT] | | | | +-RUM Data for an Option [KMPR PRINT OPTION DATA] | | +-Capacity Management Mail Group Edit [KMP MAIL GROUP EDIT] | +-HL7 Main Menu [HL MAIN MENU] | | +-Filer and Link Management Options [HL MENU FILER LINK MGT] | | | +-Restart/Start All Links and Filers [HL TASK RESTART] | | | +-TCP Link Manager Start/Stop [HL START/STOP LINK MANAGER] | | | +-Stop All Messaging Background Processes [HL STOP ALL] | | | +-Start/Stop Links [HL START] | | | +-Monitor, Start, Stop Filers [HL FILER MONITOR] | | | +-Systems Link Monitor [HL MESSAGE MONITOR] -- listed above. | | | +-Default Filers Startup [HL START DEFAULT FILERS] | | | +-Ping (TCP Only) [HL PING] | | | +-Link Errors [HL MENU FILER LINK ERR] | | | | +-Show Communications Error [HL SHOW COMMUNICATIONS ERROR] | | | | +-Clear Communications Error [HL CLEAR COMMUNICATIONS ERROR] | | | | +-Link Error/Status Report (non-TCP) [HL CUSTOM REPORT (NEW)] | | | | +-Clear a Queue of all Entries [HL CLEAR QUEUE] | | | +-Link Edit [HL EDIT LOGICAL LINKS] | | +-Message Management Options [HL MENU MSG TRANS MGT] | | | +-Awaiting/Pending Transmission Report (non-TCP) [HL PRINT PENDING TRANS] | | | +-Failed Transmission Report (non-TCP) [HL PRINT FAILED TRANS] | | | +-Message Requeuer (non-TCP) [HL MESSAGE REQUEUER] | | | +-View Transmission Log (TCP only) [HL VIEW TRANSMISSION LOG] | | | +-Purge Messages [HL PURGE TRANSMISSIONS] | | | +-HL7 V1.5 OPTIONS [HL MENU 1.5] | | | | +-Non-DHCP Application Parameter Enter/Edit [HL EDIT SITE PARAM] | | | | +-Initiate Background Task [HL TASK] | | | | +-Start/Stop Log of HL7 Transmissions [HL TRANSMISSION LOG] | | | | +-Non-DHCP Application Parameters Print/Display [HL PRINT SITE PARAM] | | +-Interface Developer Options [HL MENU INTERFACE TK] | | | +-Application Edit [HL EDIT APPL PARAM] | | | +-Protocol Edit [HL EDIT INTERFACE] | | | +-Link Edit [HL EDIT LOGICAL LINKS] -- listed above. | | | +-Reports [HL MENU TK REPORTS] | | | | +-Application Parameters Report [HL PRINT APPL PARAM] | | | | +-Data Type Report [HL PRINT DATA TYPE] | | | | +-Fields Report [HL PRINT FIELDS] | | | | +-Message Type Report [HL PRINT MSG TYPE] | | | | +-Segment Name Report [HL PRINT SEGMENT] | | | | +-Version Report [HL PRINT VERSION] | | | +-Validate Interfaces [HL VALIDATE] | | +-Systems Link Monitor [HL MESSAGE MONITOR] | | +-Site Parameter Edit [HL EDIT COMM SERVER PARAMETERS] | +-VA FileMan [DIUSER] | | +-Enter or Edit File Entries [DIEDIT] | | +-Inquire to File Entries [DIINQUIRE] | | +-Modify File Attributes [DIMODIFY] | | +-Print File Entries [DIPRINT] | | +-Search File Entries [DISEARCH] | | +-Transfer Entries [DITRANSFER] | | +-Utility Functions [DIUTILITY] | | | +-Edit File [DIEDFILE] | | | +-Cross-Reference A Field [DIXREF] | | | +-Input Transform (Syntax) [DIITRAN] | | | +-Identifier [DIIDENT] | | | +-Re-Index File [DIRDEX] | | | +-Output Transform [DIOTRAN] | | | +-Template Edit [DITEMP] | | | +-Uneditable Data [DIUNEDIT] | | | +-Verify Fields [DIVERIFY] | | | +-Mandatory/Required Field Check [DIFIELD CHECK] | | | +-Key Definition [DIKEY] | | +-Other Options [DIOTHER] | | | +-VA FileMan Management [DI MGMT MENU] | | | | +-Set Type of Mumps Operating System [DI SET MUMPS OS] | | | | +-Re-Initialize VA FileMan [DI REINITIALIZE] | | | | +-Data Dictionary Cross-reference Compile/Uncompile [DI DD COMPILE] | | | | +-Print Template Compile/Uncompile [DI PRINT COMPILE] | | | | +-Input Template Compile/Uncompile [DI INPUT COMPILE] | | | | +-Forms Print [DIWF] | | | | +-Sort Template Compile/Uncompile [DI SORT COMPILE] | | | +-Audit Menu [DIAUDIT] | | | | +-Fields Being Audited [DIAUDITED FIELDS] | | | | +-Data Dictionaries Being Audited [DIAUDIT DD] | | | | +-Purge Data Audits [DIAUDIT PURGE DATA] | | | | +-Purge DD Audits [DIAUDIT PURGE DD] | | | | +-Turn Data Audit On/Off [DIAUDIT TURN ON/OFF] | | | +-Statistics [DISTATISTICS] | | | +-Filegrams [DIFG] | | | | +-Create/Edit Filegram Template [DIFG CREATE] | | | | +-Display Filegram Template [DIFG DISPLAY] | | | | +-Generate Filegram [DIFG GENERATE] | | | | +-View Filegram [DIFG VIEW] | | | | +-Specifiers [DIFG SPECIFIERS] | | | | +-Install/Verify Filegram [DIFG INSTALL] | | | +-ScreenMan [DDS SCREEN MENU] | | | | +-Edit/Create a Form [DDS EDIT/CREATE A FORM] | | | | +-Run a Form [DDS RUN A FORM] | | | | +-Delete a Form [DDS DELETE A FORM] | | | | +-Purge Unused Blocks [DDS PURGE UNUSED BLOCKS] | | | +-Data Export to Foreign Format [DDXP EXPORT MENU] | | | | +-Define Foreign File Format [DDXP DEFINE FORMAT] | | | | +-Select Fields for Export [DDXP SELECT EXPORT FIELDS] | | | | +-Create Export Template [DDXP CREATE EXPORT TEMPLATE] | | | | +-Export Data [DDXP EXPORT DATA] | | | | +-Print Format Documentation [DDXP FORMAT DOCUMENTATION] | | | +-Extract Data To Fileman File [DIAX EXTRACT MENU] | | | | +-Select Entries to Extract [DIAX SELECT] | | | | +-Add/Delete Selected Entries [DIAX ADD/DELETE] | | | | +-Print Selected Entries [DIAX PRINT] | | | | +-Modify Destination File [DIAX MODIFY] | | | | +-Create Extract Template [DIAX CREATE] | | | | +-Update Destination File [DIAX UPDATE] | | | | +-Purge Extracted Entries [DIAX PURGE] | | | | +-Cancel Extract Selection [DIAX CANCEL] | | | | +-Validate Extract Template [DIAX VALIDATE] | | | +-Browser [DDBROWSER] | | | +-Import Data [DDMP IMPORT] | | +-Data Dictionary Utilities [DI DDU] | | | +-List File Attributes [DILIST] | | | +-Map Pointer Relations [DI DDMAP] | | | +-Check/Fix DD Structure [DI DDUCHK] | +-Manage Mailman [XMMGR] | | +-Check MailMan Files for Errors [XMUT-CHKFIL] | | +-Create a Mailbox for a user [XMMGR-NEW-MAIL-BOX] | | +-New Features for Managing MailMan [XMMGR-HELP] | | +-Network Management [XMNET] | | | +-Site Parameters [XMSITE] | | | +-Christen a domain [XMCHRIS] | | | +-Network Help [XMNETHELP] | | | +-Compare Domains in System Against Released List [XMQDOMAINS] | | | +-Transmission Management [XMNET-TRANSMISSION-MANAGEMENT] | | | | +-Play a script [XMSCRIPTPLAY] | | | | +-Edit a script [XMSCRIPTEDIT] | | | | +-SEND MESSAGES TO ANOTHER UCI [XMR-UCI-SEND] | | | | +-RECEIVE MESSAGES FROM OTHER UCI [XMR-UCI-RCV] | | | | +-Sequential Media Message Reception [XMR-SEQ-RECEIVE] | | | | +-Sequential Media Queue Transmission [XMS-SEQ-TRANSMIT] | | | | +-Subroutine editor [XMSUBEDIT] | | | | +-Validation Number Edit [XMEDIT-DOMAIN-VALIDATION#] | | | | +-Toggle a script out of service [XMSCRIPTOUT] | | | +-Queue Management [XMNET-QUEUE-MANAGEMENT] | | | | +-Actively Transmiting/Receiving Queues Report [XMQACTIVE] | | | | +-[[Historical~|Historical]] Queue Data/Stats Report [XMQHIST] | | | | +-Queues with Messages to Transmit Report [XMQUEUED] | | | | +-Display Active & Inactive Message Queues [XMQDISP] | | | | +-Transmit All Queues [XMSTARTQUE-ALL] | | | | +-Show a queue [XMQSHOW] | | | | +-Transmit a Single Queue [XMSTARTQUE] | | | | +-List a transcript [XMLIST] | | +-Local Delivery Management [XMMGR-MESSAGE-DELIVERY-MGT] | | | +-CHECK background filer [XMMGR-CHECK-BACKGROUND-FILER] -- listed above. | | | +-START background filer [XMMGR-START-BACKGROUND-FILER] -- listed above. | | | +-STOP background filer [XMMGR-STOP-BACKGROUND-FILER] -- listed above. | | | +-New Messages and Logon Statistics [XMMGR-NEWMESS/LOGON-STATS] | | | +-Compile Response Time Statistics [XMMGR-RESPONSE-TIME-COMPILER] | | | +-Log Response Time Toggler [XMMGR-RESPONSE-TIME-TOGGLER] | | | +-Active Users/Deliveries Report [XMMGR-BKFILER-ACT] | | | +-Edit numbers to Normalize Reports [XMMGR-BKFILER-EDIT-NORMALIZED] | | | +-Deliveries by Group [XMMGR-BKFILER-GROUP] | | | +-Mail Delivery Statistics Report [XMMGR-BKFILER-STAT] | | | +-Graphics Download (TAB separators) [XMMGR-BKFILER-TABBED-STATS] | | | +-Delivery Queue Statistics Collection [XMMGR-DELIVERY-STATS-COLL] | | +-Group/Distribution Management [XMMGR-GROUP-MAINTENANCE] | | | +-Edit Distribution List [XMEDITDIST] | | | +-Enroll in (or Disenroll from) a Mail Group [XMENROLL] | | | +-Mail Group Edit [XMEDITMG] | | | +-Bulletin edit [XMEDITBUL] | | | +-Mail Group Coordinator's Edit W/Remotes [XMMGR-MAIL-GRP-COORD-W/REMOTES] | | | +-Mail Group Coordinator's Edit [XMMGR-MAIL-GRP-COORDINATOR] | | +-Disk Space Management [XMMGR-DISK-SPACE-MANAGEMENT] | | | +-Clean out waste baskets [XMCLEAN] | | | +-Purge Messages by Origination Date [XMPURGE-BY-DATE] | | | +-Purge Unreferenced Messages [XMPURGE] | | | +-Recover Messages into User's IN Basket [XMUT-REC-MENU] | | | | +-Find Messages for User [XMUT-REC-FIND] | | | | +-List Messages Found [XMUT-REC-RPT] | | | | +-Deliver Found Messages into User's IN Basket [XMUT-REC-DELIVER] | | | | +-Delete Found Messages from Found Messages List [XMUT-REC-DELETE] | | | +-IN Basket Purge [XMMGR-IN-BASKET-PURGE] | | | +-AI x-Ref Purge of Received Network Messages [XMMGR-PURGE-AI-XREF] | | | +-Message statistics [XMSTAT] -- listed above. | | | +-Large Message Report [XMMGR-LARGE-MESSAGE-REPORT] | | | +-Ask users with many messages to do maintenance [XMMGR-DISK-MANY-MESSAGE-MAINT] | | | +-Terminate one mail user [XMMGR-TERMINATE-ONE] | | | +-Terminate many mail users [XMMGR-TERMINATE-MANY] | | | +-Terminate mail user suggestions [XMMGR-TERMINATE-SUGGEST] | | | +-Purge a message [XMMGR-PURGE-MESSAGE] | | +-MailMan Site Parameters [XMKSP] | | +-Remote MailLink Directory Menu [XMMGR-DIRECTORY-MAIN] | | | +-Enter/Edit Directory Request Flags by Group [XMMGR-DIRECTORY-EDITGRP] | | | +-Group eMail Directory Request [XMMGR-DIRECTORY-GROUP] | | | +-List eMail Directory Request by Groups [XMMGR-DIRECTORY-LISTGRP] | | | +-Request Mail Directory From a Single Domain Server [XMMGR-DIRECTORY-SINGLE] | | | +-Load Remote VACO (Wang/Noava) Directory [XMMGR-DIRECTORY-VACO] | | | +-Remote Directory from all Domains [XMMGR-DIRECTORY-ALL] | | | +-Enter/Edit Remote User [XMEDIT-REMOTE-USER] | | +-Super Search Message File [XM SUPER SEARCH] +-Menu Management [XUMAINT] -- listed above. +-User Management [XUSER] -- listed above. +-CPRS Manager Menu [ORMGR] -- listed above. +-Health Summary Enhanced Menu [GMTS ENHANCED USER] -- listed above. +-Consult Management [GMRC MGR] -- listed above. +-[[Adverse Reaction Tracking~|Adverse Reaction Tracking]] Verifier Menu [GMRA VERIFIER MENU] -- listed above. +-[[Adverse Reaction Tracking~|Adverse Reaction Tracking]] Clinician Menu [GMRA CLINICIAN MENU] -- listed above. +-PCE Coordinator Menu [PX PCE COORDINATOR MENU] -- listed above. +-Reminder Managers Menu [PXRM MANAGERS MENU] -- listed above. +-Text Integration Utilities (MIS Manager) [TIU MAIN MENU MGR] -- listed above. +-TIU Maintenance Menu [TIU IRM MAINTENANCE MENU] -- listed above. +-CPRSChart version [OR CPRS GUI CHART] -- listed above. +-CPRS Configuration (IRM) [OR PARAM IRM MENU] -- listed above. +-CPRS Configuration (Clin Coord) [OR PARAM COORDINATOR MENU] -- listed above. +-PHARMACY ADPAC MENU [PSZ ADPAC] -- listed above. Top Level Menu: (Home). Kevin's Master Menu [TMG ADAM] +-Systems Manager Menu [EVE] -- listed above. +-CAC Open Vista Menu [CAC OPEN VISTA] | +-PCE Coordinator Menu [PX PCE COORDINATOR MENU] -- listed above. | +-Health Summary Enhanced Menu [GMTS ENHANCED USER] -- listed above. | +-Consult Management [GMRC MGR] | | +-Set up Consult Services [GMRC SETUP REQUEST SERVICES] | | +-Consult Tracking Reports [GMRC REPORTS] | | | +-Service Consults Pending Resolution [GMRC RPT PENDING CONSULTS] | | | +-Completion Time Statistics [GMRC COMPLETION STATISTICS] | | | +-Service Consults Completed or Pending Resolution [GMRC RPT COMPLETE/PENDING] | | | +-Service Consults Completed [GMRC RPT COMPLETE CONSULTS] | | | +-Service Consults By Status [GMRC RPT CONSULTS BY STATUS] | | | +-Service Consults with Consults Numbers [GMRC RPT NUMBERED CONSULTS] | | | +-Print Completion Time Statistics Report [GMRC PRINT COMPLETION STAT] | | | +-Print Service Consults by Status [GMRC PRINT RPT NUMBERED] | | | +-Print Consults by Provider, Location, or Procedure [GMRC PRINT BY SEARCH] | | +-Service User Management [GMRC SERVICE USER MGMT] | | +-Consult Service Tracking [GMRC SERVICE TRACKING] | | +-Pharmacy TPN Consults [GMRC PHARMACY TPN CONSULTS] | | +-Print Test Page [GMRC PRINT TEST PAGE] | | +-Group update of consult/procedure requests [GMRCSTSU] | | +-Determine users' update authority [GMRC UPDATE AUTHORITY] | | +-Determine if user is notification recipient [GMRC USER NOTIFICATION] | | +-Determine notification recipients for a service [GMRC NOTIFICATION RECIPS] | | +-Duplicate Sub-Service [GMRC DUPLICATE SUB-SERVICE] | | +-Test Default Reason for Request [GMRC TEST DEFAULT REASON] | | +-List Consult Service Hierarchy [GMRC LIST HIERARCHY] | | +-Copy Prosthetics services [GMRC CLONE PROSTHETICS] | | +-Setup procedures [GMRC PROCEDURE SETUP] | | +-Team/Patient List Mgmt [ORLP3U TEAM/PATIENT LIST MGMT] -- listed above. | +-Text Integration Utilities (MIS Manager) [TIU MAIN MENU MGR] | | +-Multiple Patient Documents [TIU REVIEW SCREEN MIS MANAGER] | | +-Individual Patient Document [TIU BROWSE DOCUMENT MGR] | | +-Print Document Menu [TIUP PRINT MENU] -- listed above. | | +-Search for Selected Documents [TIU SEARCH LIST MGR] | | +-Statistical Reports [TIU STATISTICAL REPORTS] | | | +-AUTHOR Line Count Statistics [TIU DS LINE COUNT BY AUTHOR] | | | +-TRANSCRIPTIONIST Line Count Statistics [TIU DS LINE COUNT BY TRANSCR] | | | +-SERVICE Line Count Statistics [TIU DS LINE COUNT BY SERVICE] | +-CPRS Configuration (IRM) [OR PARAM IRM MENU] -- listed above. | +-CPRSChart version [OR CPRS GUI CHART] | +-[[Adverse Reaction Tracking~|Adverse Reaction Tracking]] Verifier Menu [GMRA VERIFIER MENU] -- listed above. | +-CPRS Manager Menu [ORMGR] | | +-Nurse Menu [OR MAIN MENU NURSE] | | | +-CPRS Nurse Menu [OR OE/RR MENU NURSE] | | | +-Personal Preferences [ORPO MENU] | | | | +-Order Checking Mgmt Menu [ORK ORDER CHK RECIP MENU] | | | | | +-Enable/Disable My Order Checks [ORK REC PROCESSING FLAG] | | | | | +-Show Me the Order Checks I Can Receive [ORK REC RECIP ORDER CHECKS] | | | | +-Notification Mgmt Menu [ORB NOT MENU] | | | | | +-Erase All of My Notifications [ORB3 REC ERASE NOTIFICATIONS] | | | | | +-Enable/Disable My Notifications [ORB3 REC PROCESSING FLAG] | | | | | +-Set Notification Display Sort Method (GUI) [ORB3 REC SORT METHOD] | | | | | +-Send me a MailMan bulletin for Flagged Orders [ORB3 REC FLG ORDERS BULLETIN] | | | | | +-Show Me the Notifications I Can Receive [ORB3 REC RECIP NOTIFICATIONS] | | | | +-GUI Cover Sheet Display Parameters [ORQ SEARCH RANGE USER PARAM] | | | | +-Patient Selection Preference Mgmt [ORLP3U DEFAULT USER MENU] | | | | | +-Set My Preferred Team List/Personal Patient List [ORLP3U DEFAULT TEAM] | | | | | +-Set My Preferred Combination of Multiple Sources [ORLP3U DEFAULT COMBINATION] | | | | | +-Set My Preferred List Source [ORLP3U DEFAULT LIST SOURCE] | | | | | +-Set My Preferred Ward [ORLP3U DEFAULT WARD] | | | | | +-Set My Preferred Primary Provider [ORLP3U DEFAULT PROVIDER] | | | | | +-Set My Preferred Treating Specialty [ORLP3U DEFAULT SPECIALTY] | | | | | +-Set My Preferred Clinic Start Date [ORLP3U DEFAULT CLINIC START DT] | | | | | +-Set My Preferred Clinic Stop Date [ORLP3U DEFAULT CLINIC STOP DT] | | | | | +-Set My Preferred Clinic Sunday [ORLP3U DEFAULT CLINIC SUNDAY] | | | | | +-Set My Preferred Clinic Monday [ORLP3U DEFAULT CLINIC MONDAY] | | | | | +-Set My Preferred Clinic Tuesday [ORLP3U DEFAULT CLINIC TUESDAY] | | | | | +-Set My Preferred Clinic Wednesday [ORLP3U DEFAULT CLINIC WED] | | | | | +-Set My Preferred Clinic Thursday [ORLP3U DEFAULT CLINIC THURSDAY] | | | | | +-Set My Preferred Clinic Friday [ORLP3U DEFAULT CLINIC FRIDAY] | | | | | +-Set My Preferred Clinic Saturday [ORLP3U DEFAULT CLINIC SATURDAY] | | | | | +-Set My Preferred Sort Order for Patient List [ORLP3U DEFAULT LIST ORDER] | | | | | +-Display My Preferred Patient List Source [ORLP3U DISPLAY LIST SOURCE] | | | | +-Team/Patient List Mgmt [ORLP3U TEAM/PATIENT LIST MGMT] | | | | | +-Personal Patient List Menu [ORLP MENU] | | | | | | +-Build Patient List Menu [ORLP ADD MENU] | | | | | | | +-Patient (Add to list) [ORLP ADD ONE] | | | | | | | +-Ward (Add to list) [ORLP ADD WARD] | | | | | | | +-Clinic (Add to list) [ORLP ADD CLINIC] | | | | | | | +-Existing Lists (Add to list) [ORLP ADD LIST] | | | | | | | +-Clear Current Patient List [ORLP CLEAR] | | | | | | | +-Show Current Patient List [ORLP LIST] | | | | | | | +-Remove Patient(s) from Patient List [ORLP DELETE PATIENT] | | | | | | | +-Provider (Add to list) [ORLP ADD PROVIDER] | | | | | | | +-Specialty (Add to list) [ORLP ADD SPECIALTY] | | | | | | +-Merge Existing Lists [ORLP MERGE] | | | | | | +-Delete Existing List(s) [ORLP DELETE] | | | | | | +-Examine/Print Existing List(s) [ORLP EXAMINE/PRINT] | | | | | | +-Load Primary Patient List [ORLP LOAD] | | | | | +-Display My Teams [ORLP3U USER TEAMS] | | | | | +-Display Patients Linked to Me via Teams [ORLP3U USER PTS VIA TEAMS] | | | | | +-Add/Remove Myself from Autolinked Teams [ORLP3U ON/OFF A/L TEAMS] | | | | +-GUI Parameters - General [ORW PARAM GENERAL USER] | | | | +-Tab Default Chart Preferences [ORX PARAM TAB PREF] | | | +-Results Reporting Menu [OR RESULTS REPORTING] | | | +-Add New Orders [OR ADD MENU NURSE] | | | +-Act On Existing Orders [OR REVIEW ORDERS] | | +-Clinician Menu [OR MAIN MENU CLINICIAN] | | | +-Personal Preferences [ORPO MENU] -- listed above. | | | +-Results Reporting Menu [OR RESULTS REPORTING] -- listed above. | | | +-CPRS Clinician Menu [OR OE/RR MENU CLINICIAN] | | | +-Add New Orders [OR ADD MENU CLINICIAN] | | | +-Act On Existing Orders [OR REVIEW ORDERS] -- listed above. | | +-Ward Clerk Menu [OR MAIN MENU WARD CLERK] | | | +-CPRS Ward Clerk Menu [OR OE/RR MENU WARD CLERK] | | | +-Personal Preferences [ORPO MENU] -- listed above. | | | +-Results Reporting Menu [OR RESULTS REPORTING] -- listed above. | | | +-Add New Orders [OR ADD MENU WARD CLERK] | | | +-Act On Existing Orders [OR REVIEW ORDERS] -- listed above. | | +-CPRS Configuration (Clin Coord) [OR PARAM COORDINATOR MENU] | | | +-Print/Report Parameters [OR PARAM PRINTS] | | | | +-Chart Copy Parameters [OR PARAM CHART COPY] | | | | +-Work Copy Parameters [OR PARAM WORK COPY] | | | | +-Service Copy Parameters [OR PARAM SERVICE COPY] | | | | +-Requisition/Label Parameters [OR PARAM REQ/LABEL] | | | | +-Summary Report Parameters [OR PARAM SUMMARY REPORTS] | | | | +-Print Parameters for Hospital [OR PARAM PRINTS (HOSP)] | | | | +-Print Parameters for Wards/Clinics [OR PARAM PRINTS (LOC)] | | | +-GUI Parameters [ORW PARAM GUI] | | | | +-GUI Health Summary Types [ORW HEALTH SUMMARY TYPES] | | | | +-GUI Tool Menu Items [ORW TOOL MENU ITEMS] | | | | +-GUI Cover Sheet Display Parameters [ORQ SEARCH RANGE MGR MENU] | | | | | +-GUI Cover Sheet System Display Parameters [ORQ SEARCH RANGE SYSTEM PARAM] | | | | | +-GUI Cover Sheet Division Display Parameters [ORQ SEARCH RANGE DIVISION PAR] | | | | | +-GUI Cover Sheet Service Display Parameters [ORQ SEARCH RANGE SERVICE PARAM] | | | | | +-GUI Cover Sheet Location Display Parameters [ORQ SEARCH RANGE LOCATION PAR] | | | | | +-GUI Cover Sheet User Display Parameters [ORQ SEARCH RANGE A USER PARAM] | | | | +-GUI Parameters - Miscellaneous [ORW PARAM GENERAL ALL] | | | | +-GUI Clear Size & Position Settings for User [ORW CLEAR SIZES USER] | | | | +-GUI Report Parameters [ORQP REPORT MGR MENU] | | | | | +-GUI Reports System Display Parameters [ORQP REPORT SYSTEM PARAM] | | | | | +-GUI Reports User Display Parameters [ORQP REPORT USER PARAM] | | | +-Print Formats [ORCL PRINT FORMAT] | | | +-Order Menu Management [ORCM MGMT] -- listed above. | | | +-Patient List Mgmt Menu [ORLP PATIENT LIST MGMT] | | | | +-Patient Selection Preference Mgmt [ORLP3M DEFAULT MGR MENU] | | | | | +-Set Preferred Team List/Personal Patient List [ORLP3M DEFAULT TEAM] | | | | | +-Set Preferred List Source [ORLP3M DEFAULT LIST SOURCE] | | | | | +-Set Preferred Ward [ORLP3M DEFAULT WARD ] | | | | | +-Set Preferred Primary Provider [ORLP3M DEFAULT PROVIDER] | | | | | +-Set Preferred Treating Specialty [ORLP3M DEFAULT SPECIALTY] | | | | | +-Set Preferred Clinic Start Date [ORLP3M DEFAULT CLINIC START DT] | | | | | +-Set Preferred Clinic Stop Date [ORLP3M DEFAULT CLINIC STOP DT] | | | | | +-Set Preferred Clinic Sunday [ORLP3M DEFAULT CLINIC SUNDAY] | | | | | +-Set Preferred Clinic Monday [ORLP3M DEFAULT CLINIC MONDAY] | | | | | +-Set Preferred Clinic Tuesday [ORLP3M DEFAULT CLINIC TUESDAY] | | | | | +-Set Preferred Clinic Wednesday [ORLP3M DEFAULT CLINIC WEDNESDA] | | | | | +-Set Preferred Clinic Thursday [ORLP3M DEFAULT CLINIC THURSDAY] | | | | | +-Set Preferred Clinic Friday [ORLP3M DEFAULT CLINIC FRIDAY] | | | | | +-Set Preferred Clinic Saturday [ORLP3M DEFAULT CLINIC SATURDAY] | | | | | +-Set Preferred Sort Order for Patient List [ORLP3M DEFAULT LIST ORDER] | | | | | +-Display User's Preferred Patient List Source [ORLP3M DISPLAY LIST SOURCE] | | | | +-Team List Mgmt Menu [ORLP TEAM MENU] | | | | | +-Examine/Print Existing List(s) [ORLP EXAMINE/PRINT] -- listed above. | | | | | +-Create/Add to Team List [ORLP TEAM ADD] | | | | | +-Remove Providers from a List [ORLP TEAM DELETE USERS] | | | | | +-Remove Autolinks [ORLP TEAM DELETE AUTOLINKS] | | | | | +-Remove Patients from a List [ORLP TEAM DELETE PATIENTS] | | | | | +-Delete Existing List(s) [ORLP TEAM DELETE] | | | | | +-Rename Existing List(s) [ORLP TEAM RENAME] | | | | +-Display User's Teams [ORLP3M USER TEAMS] | | | | +-Display Patients Linked to a User via Teams [ORLP3M USER PTS VIA TEAMS] | | | | +-Delete Personal Patient Lists [ORLP3M DELETE PERSONAL LISTS] | | | +-Miscellaneous Parameters [OR PARAM ORDER MISC] | | | +-Notification Mgmt Menu [ORB NOT COORD MENU] | | | | +-Enable/Disable Notifications [ORB3 PROCESSING FLAG] | | | | +-Flag Orderable Item(s) to Send Notifications [ORB3 FLAG ORDERABLE ITEMS] | | | | +-Send Flagged Orders Bulletin [ORB3 FLAGGED ORDERS BULLETIN] | | | | +-Archive(delete) after Days [ORB3 ARCHIVE PERIOD] | | | | +-Determine Recipients for a Notification [ORB3 DETERMINE RECIPIENTS] | | | | +-Set Notification Display Sort Method (GUI) [ORB3 SORT METHOD] | | | | +-Erase Notifications [ORB3 ERASE NOTIFICATIONS] | | | | +-Set Urgency for Notifications (GUI) [ORB3 URGENCY] | | | | +-Set Deletion Parameters for Notifications [ORB3 DELETE MECHANISM] | | | | +-Set Default Recipient(s) for Notifications [ORB3 DEFAULT RECIPIENTS] | | | | +-Set Default Recipient Device(s) for Notifications [ORB3 DEFAULT RECIPIENT DEVICES] | | | | +-Set Provider Recipients for Notifications [ORB3 PROVIDER RECIPIENTS] | | | | +-Display Patient Alerts and Alert Recipients [ORB3 ALERT RECIPIENTS] | | | | +-Enable or Disable Notification System [ORB3 SYSTEM ENABLE/DISABLE] | | | | +-Display the Notifications a User Can Receive [ORB3 RECIP NOTIFICATIONS] | | | | +-Set Delays for Unverified Orders [ORB3 UNVERIFIED ORDERS MENU] | | | | | +-Set Delay for All Unverified Orders [ORB3 UNVERIFIED ORDER] | | | | | +-Set Delay for Unverified Medication Orders [ORB3 UNVERIFIED MED ORDER] | | | | +-Forward Notifications [ORB3 FORWARD NOTIFS MENU] | | | | | +-Forward Unprocessed Notification to Supervisor [ORB3 FORWARD SUPERVISOR] | | | | | +-Forward Unprocessed Notification to Surrogates [ORB3 FORWARD SURROGATES] | | | +-Order Checking Mgmt Menu [ORK ORDER CHK MGMT MENU] | | | | +-Enable/Disable an Order Check [ORK PROCESSING FLAG] | | | | +-Set Clinical Danger Level for an Order Check [ORK CLINICAL DANGER LEVEL] | | | | +-CT Scanner Height Limit [ORK CT LIMIT HT] | | | | +-CT Scanner Weight Limit [ORK CT LIMIT WT] | | | | +-MRI Scanner Height Limit [ORK MRI LIMIT HT] | | | | +-MRI Scanner Weight Limit [ORK MRI LIMIT WT] | | | | +-Orderable Item Duplicate Order Range [ORK DUP ORDER RANGE OI] | | | | +-Enable or Disable Order Checking System [ORK SYSTEM ENABLE/DISABLE] | | | | +-Lab Duplicate Order Range [ORK DUP ORDER RANGE LAB] | | | | +-Radiology Duplicate Order Range [ORK DUP ORDER RANGE RADIOLOGY] | | | | +-Enable or Disable Debug Message Logging [ORK DEBUG ENABLE/DISABLE] | | | | +-Display the Order Checks a User Can Receive [ORK RECIP ORDER CHECKS] | | | | +-Edit Site Local Terms [OCX LOCAL TERM EDIT] | | | | +-Set Number of Medications for Polypharmacy [ORK POLYPHARMACY] | | | | +-Set Creatinine Date Range for Glucophage-Lab Rslts [ORK GLUCOPHAGE CREATININE] | | | | +-Set Order Checks to be Uneditable By Users [ORK EDITABLE BY USER] | | | | +-Set Creatinine Date Range for Contrst Media Orders [ORK CONTRAST MEDIA CREATININE] | | | +-Allocate OE/RR Security Keys [ORCL KEY ALLOCATION] | | | +-Check for Multiple Keys [ORE KEY CHECK] -- listed above. | | | +-Release/Cancel Delayed Orders [ORC DELAYED ORDERS] -- listed above. | | | +-Edit DC Reasons [ORCL ORDER REASON] | | | +-Auto-DC Parameters [OR PARAM AUTODC] | | | +-Set Unsigned Orders View on Exit [OR PARAM UNSIGNED ORDERS VIEW] | | | +-Unsigned orders search [OR UNSIGNED ORDERS] | | | +-Search orders by Nature or Status [OR NATURE/STATUS ORDER SEARCH] | | | +-Performance Monitor Report [OR PERFORMANCE MONITOR] | | +-CPRS Configuration (IRM) [OR PARAM IRM MENU] | | | +-Order Check Expert System Main Menu [OCX MAIN] | | | | +-Compile Rules [OCX RUN COMPILER] | | | | +-Expert System Rule Activate/Inactivate [OCX RULE ACTIVATE] | | | | +-Edit Site Local Terms [OCX LOCAL TERM EDIT] -- listed above. | | | | +-Expert System Inquire [OCX EXPERT SYSTEM INQUIRE] | | | +-CPRS Clean-up Utilities [ORE MGR] | | | | +-Lab Order Checks [ORE LAB ORDER CHECKS] | | | | | +-Check Lab orders from file 69 to 100 [ORE LAB ORDERS CHECK 69=>100] | | | | | +-Check Lab orders from file 100 to 69 [ORE LAB ORDERS CHECK 100=>69] | | | +-ORMTIME Main Menu [ORMTIME MAIN] | | | | +-ORMTIME status of last run [ORMTIME STATUS] | | | +-General Parameter Tools [XPAR MENU TOOLS] | | | | +-List Values for a Selected Parameter [XPAR LIST BY PARAM] | | | | +-List Values for a Selected Entity [XPAR LIST BY ENTITY] | | | | +-List Values for a Selected Package [XPAR LIST BY PACKAGE] | | | | +-List Values for a Selected Template [XPAR LIST BY TEMPLATE] | | | | +-Edit Parameter Values [XPAR EDIT PARAMETER] | | | | +-Edit Parameter Values with Template [XPAR EDIT BY TEMPLATE] | +-Adverse Reaction Tracking Clinician Menu [GMRA CLINICIAN MENU] -- listed above. | +-Problem List Mgt Menu [GMPL MGT MENU] -- listed above. | +-User Class Management [USR CLASS MANAGEMENT MENU] -- listed above. | +-PHARMACY ADPAC MENU [PSZ ADPAC] | | +-Outpatient Pharmacy Manager [PSO MANAGER] | | | +-Update Patient Record [PSO PAT] | | | +-Rx (Prescriptions) [PSO RX] | | | | +-Discontinue Prescription(s) [PSO C] | | | | +-List One Patient's Archived Rx's [PSO ARCHIVE LIST RX'S] -- listed above. | | | | +-Barcode Rx Menu [PSO BARCODE MENU] | | | | | +-Barcode Batch Prescription Entry [PSO BATCH BARCODE] | | | | | +-Check Quality of Barcode [PSO BARCODE CHECK] | | | | +-Complete Orders from OERR [PSO LMOE FINISH] | | | | +-Patient Prescription Processing [PSO LM BACKDOOR ORDERS] | | | | +-View Prescriptions [PSO VIEW] | | | | +-Reprint an Outpatient Rx Label [PSO RXRPT] | | | | +-Edit Prescriptions [PSO RXEDIT] | | | +-Medication Profile [PSO P] | | | +-Suspense Functions [PSO PND] | | | | +-Print from Suspense File [PSO PNDLBL] | | | | +-Change Suspense Date [PSO PNDCHG] | | | | +-Pull Early from Suspense [PSO PNDRX] | | | | +-Count of Suspended Rx's by Day [PSO PNDCNT] | | | | +-Log of Suspended Rx's by Day (this Division) [PSO PNDLOG] | | | | +-Auto-delete from Suspense [PSO PNDEL] | | | | +-Reprint Batches from Suspense [PSO PNDRPT] | | | | +-Delete Printed Rx's from Suspense [PSO PNDPRI] | | | +-Output Reports [PSO OUTPUTS] | | | | +-Alpha Drug List and Synonyms [PSO ALPHA] | | | | +-Drug List By Synonym [PSO SYNONYM] | | | | +-Commonly Dispensed Drugs [PSO COMMON] | | | | +-Inactive Drug List [PSO INACTIVE] | | | | +-Narcotic Prescription List [PSO NARC] | | | | +-Cost Analysis Reports [PSO CST] | | | | | +-Drug Costs [PSO DRUG COSTS] | | | | | +-Provider Costs [PSO COST PER PROVIDER] | | | | | +-Patient Status Costs [PSO COST BY PATIENT STATUS] | | | | | +-Provider by Drug Costs [PSO COST PROVIDER BY DRUG] | | | | | +-Drug Costs by Division [PSO COST BY DIVISION] | | | | | +-High Cost Rx Report [PSO HI COST] | | | | | +-Drug Costs by Division by Provider [PSO COST DIVISION BY PROVIDER] | | | | | +-Drug Costs by Provider [PSO COST BY PROVIDER] | | | | | +-Request Statistics [PSO REQ STATS] | | | | | +-Division Costs by Drug [PSO DIV COSTS BY DRUG] | | | | | +-Clinic Costs [PSO CLINIC COSTS] | | | | | +-Pharmacy Cost Statistics Menu [PSO COST STAT MENU] | | | | | | +-Pharmacy Statistics [PSO COST STATISTICS] -- listed above. | | | | | | +-Sort Statistics By Division [PSO COST STATS BY DIVISION] | | | | +-AMIS Report [PSO AMIS] | | | | +-[[Action~|Action]] Profile (132 COLUMN PRINTOUT) [PSO ACTION PROFILE] | | | | +-Poly Pharmacy Report [PSOPOLY] | | | | +-Daily AMIS Report [PSO DAILY AMIS] | | | | +-Monthly Drug Cost [PSO MONTHLYCOST] | | | | +-Non-Formulary List [PSO NONFORM] | | | | +-Released and Unreleased Prescription Report [PSO RELEASE REPORT] | | | | +-Management Reports Menu [PSO MGMT REPORT MENU] | | | | | +-Initialize Daily Compile [PSO MGMT RPT DAILY COMPILE] | | | | | +-Date Range Recompile Data [PSO MGMT RPT RANGE COMPILE] | | | | | +-One Day Recompile Data [PSO MGMT RPT ONE DAY COMPILE] | | | | | +-Daily Management Report Menu [PSO MGMT REPORT DAILY MENU] | | | | | | +-All Reports [PSO MGMT REPORTS ALL DAILY] | | | | | | +-Intravenous Admixture [PSO MGMT REPORT IV] | | | | | | +-Cost of Prescriptions [PSO MGMT REPORT RX COSTS] | | | | | | +-Count of Prescriptions [PSO MGMT REPORT RX COUNTS] | | | | | | +-Type of Prescriptions Filled [PSO MGMT REPORT TYPE OF RX] | | | | | +-Monthly Management Report Menu [PSO MGMT REPORT MONTHLY MENU] | | | | | | +-All Reports [PSO MGMT MONTHLY ALL REPORTS] | | | | | | +-Intravenous Admixture [PSO MGMT MONTHLY IV] | | | | | | +-Cost of Prescriptions [PSO MGMT MONTHLY RX COSTS] | | | | | | +-Count of Prescriptions [PSO MGMT MONTHLY RX COUNTS] | | | | | | +-Type of Prescriptions Filled [PSO MGMT MONTHLY TYPE OF RX] | | | | | +-Purge Data [PSO MGMT DATA PURGE] | | | | +-Medication Profile [PSO P] -- listed above. | | | | +-List Prescriptions on Hold [PSO HOLDRPT] | | | | +-CMOP Controlled Substance Rx Dispense Report [PSO CMOP CS RX DISPENSE REPORT] | | | | +-Free Text Dosage Report [PSO DOSAGE REPORT] | | | +-Supervisor Functions [PSO SUPERVISOR] | | | | +-Pharmacist Enter/Edit [PSO RPH] | | | | +-Inventory [PSO INVENTORY] | | | | +-Inter-Divisional Processing [PSO INTERDIV] | | | | +-Monthly Rx Cost Compilation [PSO COSTMONTH] | | | | +-Daily Rx Cost [PSO COSTDAY] | | | | +-View Provider [PSO PROVIDER INQUIRE] | | | | +-Initialize Rx Cost Statistics [PSO COSTINIT] | | | | +-Delete a Prescription [PSO RXDL] | | | | +-Lookup Clerk by Code [PSO CLERK] | | | | +-Site Parameter Enter/Edit [PSO SITE PARAMETERS] | | | | +-Recompile AMIS Data [PSO AMIS RECOMPILE] | | | | +-Edit Provider [PSO PROVIDER EDIT] | | | | +-Add New Providers [PSO PROVIDER ADD] | | | | +-Purge Drug Cost Data [PSO PURGE DRUG COST] | | | +-Label/Profile Monitor Reprint [PSO B] | | | +-[[Verification~|Verification]] [PSO VER] | | | | +-Rx [[Verification~|Verification]] by Clerk [PSO VR] | | | | +-Non-Verified Counts [PSO NVCNT] | | | | +-List Non-Verified Scripts [PSO VRPT] | | | +-Archiving [PSO ARCHIVE] | | | | +-Find [PSO ARCHIVE FIND] | | | | +-Save to Tape [PSO ARCHIVE TAPE SAVE] | | | | +-Tape Retrieval [PSO ARCHIVE TAPE RETRIEVE] | | | | +-Purge [PSO ARCHIVE PURGE] | | | | +-List One Patient's Archived Rx's [PSO ARCHIVE LIST RX'S] | | | | +-Print Archived Prescriptions [PSOARINDEX] | | | | +-File Retrieval [PSO ARCHIVE FILE RETRIEVE] | | | | +-Archive to File [PSO ARCHIVE FILE SAVE] | | | +-Release Medication [PSO RELEASE] | | | +-Return Medication to Stock [PSO RETURNED STOCK] | | | +-Pharmacy Intervention Menu [PSO INTERVENTION MENU] | | | | +-Enter Pharmacy Intervention [PSO INTERVENTION NEW ENTRY] | | | | +-Edit Pharmacy Intervention [PSO INTERVENTION EDIT] | | | | +-Print Pharmacy Intervention [PSO INTERVENTION PRINTOUT] | | | | +-Delete Intervention [PSO INTERVENTION DELETE] | | | | +-View Intervention [PSO INTERVENTION VIEW] | | | +-Copay Menu [PSOCP MENU] | | | | +-Exempt Rx Patient Status from Copayment [PSOCP EXEMPTION] | | | | +-Reset Copay Status/Cancel Charges [PSOCP RESET COPAY STATUS] | | | | +-CHAMPUS Billing Exemption [PSOCP CHAMPUS EXEMPTION] | | | +-Clozapine Pharmacy Manager [PSOL MANAGER] | | | | +-Register Clozapine Patient [PSOL REGISTER PATIENT] | | | | +-Display Lab Tests and Results [PSOLAB LIST] | | | | +-List of Override Prescriptions [PSOLIST OVERRIDES] | | | | +-Edit Data for a Patient in the Clozapine Program [PSOL EDIT] | | | +-Bingo Board [PSO BINGO BOARD] | | | | +-Bingo Board Manager [PSO BINGO MANAGER] | | | | | +-Start Bingo Board Display [PSO BINGO START] | | | | | +-Stop Bingo Board Display [PSO BINGO STOP] | | | | | +-Purge Bingo Board Data [PSO BINGO PURGE] | | | | | +-Enter/Edit Display [PSO BINGO ENTER/EDIT DISPLAY] | | | | | +-Print Bingo Board Statistics [PSO BINGO REPORT PRINT] | | | | | +-Auto-Start Enter/Edit [PSO BINGO INITIALIZE] | | | | | +-Print Bingo Board Wait Time [PSO BINGO REPORT WAIT TIME] | | | | +-Bingo Board User [PSO BINGO USER] -- listed above. | | | +-Autocancel Rx's on Admission [PSO AUTOCANCEL1] | | | +-Maintenance (Outpatient Pharmacy) [PSO MAINTENANCE] | | | | +-Edit Data for a Patient in the Clozapine Program [PSOL EDIT] -- listed above. | | | | +-Edit Pharmacy Intervention [PSO INTERVENTION EDIT] -- listed above. | | | | +-Delete Intervention [PSO INTERVENTION DELETE] -- listed above. | | | | +-Add New Providers [PSO PROVIDER ADD] -- listed above. | | | | +-Edit Provider [PSO PROVIDER EDIT] -- listed above. | | | | +-Delete a Prescription [PSO RXDL] -- listed above. | | | | +-Recompile AMIS Data [PSO AMIS RECOMPILE] -- listed above. | | | | +-Site Parameter Enter/Edit [PSO SITE PARAMETERS] -- listed above. | | | | +-Bingo Board Manager [PSO BINGO MANAGER] -- listed above. | | | | +-Queue Background Jobs [PSO AUTOQUEUE JOBS] | | | | +-Purge Drug Cost Data [PSO PURGE DRUG COST] -- listed above. | | | | +-Enter/Edit Clinic Sort Groups [PSO SETUP CLINIC GROUPS] -- listed above. | | | | +-Autocancel Rx's on Admission [PSO AUTOCANCEL1] -- listed above. | | | | +-Initialize Rx Cost Statistics [PSO COSTINIT] -- listed above. | | | | +-Auto-delete from Suspense [PSO PNDEL] -- listed above. | | | | +-Expire Prescriptions [PSO EXPIRE INITIALIZE] | | | | +-Purge External Batches [PSO INTERFACE PURGE] | | | | +-Prescription Cost Update [PSO RXCOST UPDATE] | | | | +-Manual Auto Expire Rxs [PSO MANUAL AUTO EXPIRE] | | | +-DUE Supervisor [PSOD SUPERVISOR] | | | | +-Batch Print Questionnaires [PSOD BATCH PRINT QUESTIONNAIRE] | | | | +-Enter a New Answer Sheet [PSOD CREATE ANSWER SHEET] | | | | +-Create/Edit a Questionnaire [PSOD DUE BUILD QUESTIONNAIRE] | | | | +-Edit an Existing Answer Sheet [PSOD EDIT ANSWER SHEET] | | | | +-DUE Report [PSOD DUE SORT AND PRINT] | | | +-Enter/Edit Clinic Sort Groups [PSO SETUP CLINIC GROUPS] | | | +-Process Drug/Drug Interactions [PSO INTERACTION VERIFY] | | | +-External Interface Menu [PSO EXTERNAL INTERFACE] | | | | +-Purge External Batches [PSO INTERFACE PURGE] -- listed above. | | | | +-Reprint External Batches [PSO INTERFACE REPRINT] | | | | +-View External Batches [PSO INTERFACE VIEW] | | | +-Change Label Printer [PSO CHANGE PRINTER] | | +-Automatic Replenishment [PSGWMGR] | | | +-Production Menu [PSGW WARD STOCK] | | | | +-Inventory Sheet Print (132 column) [PSGW INVENTORY SHEET] | | | | +-Input AOU Inventory [PSGW AOU INVENTORY INPUT] | | | | +-Auto Replenishment Reports [PSGW REPORTS] | | | | | +-Percentage Stock On Hand (132 column) [PSGW STOCK PERCENTAGE] | | | | | +-Inventory Outline (80 column) [PSGW WARD INV PRINT] | | | | | +-Ward/AOU List for an Item (80 column) [PSGW LOOKUP ITEM] | | | | | +-Usage Report for an Item (80 column) [PSGW USAGE REPORT] | | | | | +-Zero Usage Report (80 column) [PSGW ZERO USAGE] | | | | | +-Returns Analysis Report (80 column) [PSGW RETURNS BREAKDOWN] | | | | | +-List Stock Items (132 column) [PSGW PRINT AOU STOCK] | | | | | +-Item Activity Inquiry (80 column) [PSGW ITEM INQUIRY] | | | | | +-Expiration Date Report (80 column) [PSGW EXP REPORT] | | | | +-Pick List (132 column) [PSGW INVENTORY PICK LIST] | | | | +-On-Demand Requests [PSGW ON-DEMAND] | | | | | +-Enter/Edit On-Demand Request (80 column) [PSGW ON-DEMAND EDIT] | | | | | +-Delete an On-Demand Request [PSGW ON-DEMAND DELETE] | | | | | +-Print an On-Demand Report by Date/AOU (80 column) [PSGW ON-DEMAND PRINT] | | | | +-Enter/Edit Quantity Dispensed [PSGW INVENTORY DISPENSE] | | | | +-Backorder Requests [PSGW BACKORDER] | | | | | +-Fill Requests for Backorder Items [PSGW BACKORDER EDIT] | | | | | +-AOU Backorder Report (80 column) [PSGW BACKORDER AOU PRINT] | | | | | +-Single Item Report (80 column) [PSGW BACKORDER ITEM PRINT] | | | | | +-Multiple Items Report (80 column) [PSGW BACKORDER ITEMS PRINT] | | | | | +-Enter Backorders [PSGW BACKORDER IN] | | | | | +-Current (ALL) Backorder Report (80 column) [PSGW BACKORDER (ALL) PRINT] | | | | +-Return Items for AOU [PSGW RETURN ITEMS] | | | | +-Single AOU Inventory Print (132 column) [PSGW INVENTORY SINGLE] | | | | +-Delete Inventory Date/Time [PSGW DELETE INVENTORY] | | | | +-Crash Cart Menu [PSGW CRASH CART MENU] | | | | | +-Enter/Edit Crash Cart Locations [PSGW CRASH CART LOCATION EDIT] | | | | | +-Print Crash Cart Locations [PSGW CRASH CART LOCATION PRINT] | | | +-Supervisor's Menu [PSGW WARD STOCK MAINT] | | | | +-Set Up AR/WS (Build Files) [PSGW SETUP] | | | | | +-Enter/Edit Inventory Types [PSGW INV TYPE EDIT] | | | | | +-Create the Area of Use [PSGW AREA OF USE EDIT] | | | | | +-Stock Items - Enter/Edit [PSGW EDIT AOU STOCK] | | | | | +-Inactivate AOU Stock Item [PSGW INACTIVATE AOU STOCK ITEM] | | | | | +-AOU Inventory Group - Enter/Edit [PSGW AOU INV GROUP EDIT] | | | | | +-Sort AOUs in Group [PSGW AOU INV GROUP SORT] | | | | | +-Site Parameters [PSGW SITE] | | | | | +-Print Set Up Lists [PSGW PRINT SETUP LISTS] | | | | | | +-Print Inventory Types (80 column) [PSGW INV TYPE] | | | | | | +-List Location Codes (80 column) [PSGW ITEM LOC PRINT] | | | | | | +-Show AOU/Ward/Service (132 column) [PSGW SHOW AREA OF USE] | | | | | | +-List Stock Items (132 column) [PSGW PRINT AOU STOCK] -- listed above. | | | | | | +-Inventory Group List (80 column) [PSGW AOU INV GROUP PRINT] | | | | | | +-Print AR/WS Stock Item Data (132 column) [PSGW STOCK ITEM DATA] | | | | | +-Transfer AOU Stock Entries [PSGW TRANSFER ENTRIES] | | | | | +-Expiration Date - Enter/Edit [PSGW EXPIRATION ENTER/EDIT] | | | | | +-Inactivate AOU [PSGW AOU INACTIVATION] | | | | | +-Ward (For Item) Conversion [PSGW WARD CONVERSION] | | | | | +-Edit 'Person Doing Inventory' [PSGW EDIT INVENTORY USER] | | | | | +-Add/Delete Ward (for Item) [PSGW ADD/DEL WARD] | | | | | +-Item Location Codes - Enter/Edit [PSGW ITEM LOC EDIT] | | | | +-Prepare AMIS Data [PSGW PREPARE AMIS DATA] | | | | | +-AMIS Data Enter/Edit (Single Drug) [PSGW ENTER/EDIT AMIS DATA] | | | | | +-Enter AMIS Data for All Drugs/All AOUs [PSGW ENTER AMIS DATA/ALL DRUGS] | | | | | +-Print AMIS Worksheet (80 column) [PSGW PRINT AMIS WORKSHEET] | | | | | +-Data for AMIS Stats - Print (132 column) [PSGW PRINT DATA FOR AMIS STATS] | | | | | +-Identify AOU Returns & AMIS Count [PSGW AOU RETURNS & AMIS COUNT] | | | | | +-Show AOU Status for AMIS (80 column) [PSGW AOU RET/AMIS CT PRINT] | | | | | +-Identify AOU INPATIENT SITE [PSGW INPUT AOU INP SITE] | | | | +-Obsolete Data Purge [PSGW PURGE] | | | | | +-AMIS Data Purge [PSGW PURGE AMIS] | | | | | +-Purge Dispensing Data [PSGW PURGE FILES] | | | | +-Management Reports [PSGW MGT REPORTS] | | | | | +-AR/WS AMIS Report [PSGW AMIS] | | | | | | +-Incomplete AMIS Data [PSGW CLEAR AMIS EXCEPTIONS] | | | | | | +-Recalculate AMIS [PSGW RECALCULATE AMIS] | | | | | | +-Print AMIS Report (132 column) [PSGW PRINT AMIS REPORT] | | | | | +-Cost Report Per AOU (80 column) [PSGW COST PER AOU] | | | | | +-High Cost Report (80 column) [PSGW HIGH COST] | | | | | +-High Volume Report (80 column) [PSGW HIGH VOLUME] | | | | | +-Single Item Cost Report (80 column) [PSGW SINGLE ITEM COST] | | | | | +-Duplicate Entry Report (132 column) [PSGW DUPLICATE REPORT] | | | | | +-Standard Cost Report (132 column) [PSGW STANDARD COST REPORT] | | +-Supervisor (CS) Menu [PSD MGR] -- listed above. | | +-IV Menu [PSJI MGR] | | | +-Profile (IV) [PSJI PROFILE] | | | +-SUPervisor's Menu (IV) [PSJI SUPERVISOR] | | | | +-SIte Parameters (IV) [PSJI SITE PARAMETERS] | | | | +-COmpile IV Statistics (IV) [PSJI COMPILE STATS] | | | | +-PUrge Data (IV) [PSJI PURGE] | | | | | +-Purge Expired Orders (IV) [PSJI PURGE ORDERS] | | | | | +-Delete Orders (IV) [PSJI DELETE ORDER] | | | | +-Management Reports (IV) [PSJI MANAGEMENT REPORTS] | | | | | +-AMIS (IV) [PSJI AMIS] | | | | | +-PRovider Drug Cost Report (132 COLUMNS) (IV) [PSJI PROVIDER REPORT] | | | | | +-Drug Cost Report (132 COLUMNS) (IV) [PSJI DRUG COST REPORT] | | | | | +-Patient Cost Report (132 COLUMNS) (IV) [PSJI PATIENT COST] | | | | | +-Ward/Drug Usage Report (132 COLUMNS) (IV) [PSJI WARD/DRUG USAGE REPORT] | | | | | +-ACtive Order Report by Ward/Drug (IV) [PSJI AOR] | | | | | +-Patients on Specific Drug(s) [PSJ PDV] -- listed above. | | | | +-Recompile Stats File (IV) [PSJI RECOMPILE] | | | | +-AUto-Discontinue Set-Up [PSJ AC SET-UP] | | | | +-CAtegory File (IV) [PSJI IVCATEGORY] | | | +-RETurns and Destroyed Entry (IV) [PSJI RETURNS] | | | +-REPorts (IV) [PSJI REPORTS] | | | | +-Patient Profile Report (IV) [PSJI PROFILE REPORT] | | | | +-Renewal List (IV) [PSJI RNL] | | | | +-Active Order List (IV) [PSJI ACTIVE] | | | | +-IV Drug Formulary Report (IV) [PSJI DRUG FORM] | | | | +-INpatient Stop Order Notices [PSJ EXP] -- listed above. | | | +-Drug Inquiry (IV) [PSJI DRUG INQUIRY] | | | +-Change Report/Label Devices (IV) [PSJI DEVICE] | | | +-Label Menu (IV) [PSJI LBLMENU] | | | | +-Individual Labels (IV) [PSJI LBLI] | | | | +-Align Labels (IV) [PSJI ALIGNMENT] | | | | +-Scheduled Labels (IV) [PSJI LBLS] | | | | +-Reprint Scheduled Labels (IV) [PSJI LBLR] | | | +-SUSpense Functions (IV) [PSJI SUSMENU] | | | | +-Labels from Suspense (IV) [PSJI SUSLBLS] | | | | +-Suspense List (IV) [PSJI SUSLIST] | | | | +-Manufacturing Record for Suspense (IV) [PSJI SUSMAN] | | | | +-Individual Order Suspension (IV) [PSJI INDIVIDUAL SUSPENSE] | | | | +-Reprint Labels from Suspense (IV) [PSJI SUSREP] | | | | +-Delete Labels from Suspense (IV) [PSJI SUSLBDEL] | | | +-Change to Another IV Room (IV) [PSJI CHANGE] | | | +-Update Daily Ward List (IV) [PSJI UP] | | | +-Ward List (IV) [PSJI WARD] | | | +-Manufacturing List (IV) [PSJI MAN] | | | +-Inpatient Profile [PSJ PR] -- listed above. | | | +-Inpatient Order Entry [PSJ OE] -- listed above. | | | +-Order Entry (IV) [PSJI ORDER] | | +-Unit Dose Medications [PSJU MGR] | | | +-INQuiries Menu [PSJU INQMGR] | | | | +-Dispense Drug Look-Up [PSJU INQ DRUG] | | | | +-Standard Schedules [PSJU INQ STD SCHD] | | | +-Reports Menu [PSJU REPORTS] | | | | +-INpatient Stop Order Notices [PSJ EXP] | | | | +-24 Hour MAR [PSJU 24H MAR] | | | | +-[[Action~|Action]] Profile #1 [PSJU AP-1] | | | | +-7 Day MAR [PSJU 7D MAR] | | | | +-14 Day MAR [PSJU 14D MAR] | | | | +-AUthorized Absence/Discharge Summary [PSJU DS] | | | | +-[[Action~|Action]] Profile #2 [PSJU AP-2] | | | | +-Patient Profile (Extended) [PSJ EXTP] | | | | +-Medications Due Worksheet [PSJ MDWS] | | | | +-Extra Units Dispensed Report [PSJU EUDD] | | | | +-Free Text Dosage Report [PSJU DOSAGE REPORT] | | | +-Inpatient Profile [PSJ PR] | | | +-Inpatient Order Entry [PSJ OE] | | | +-Edit Inpatient User Parameters [PSJ UEUP] | | | +-Align Labels (Unit Dose) [PSJU AL] | | | +-PAtient Profile (Unit Dose) [PSJU PR] | | | +-Non-Verified/Pending Orders [PSJU VBW] | | | +-Order Entry [PSJU NE] | | | +-PIck List Menu [PSJU PLMGR] | | | | +-Pick List [PSJU PL] | | | | +-ENter Units Dispensed [PSJU PLDP] | | | | +-Report Returns [PSJU RET] | | | | +-Reprint Pick List [PSJU PLRP] | | | | +-Update Pick List [PSJU PLUP] | | | | +-EXtra Units Dispensed [PSJU EUD] | | | | +-Send Pick List to ATC [PSJU PLATCS] | | | +-Supervisor's Menu [PSJU FILE] | | | | +-Administering Teams [PSJU AT] | | | | +-Ward Groups [PSJU EWG] | | | | +-MANagement Reports Menu [PSJU MNGMT REPORTS] | | | | | +-AMIS (Cost per Ward) [PSJU AMIS] | | | | | +-Drug (Cost and/or Amount) [PSJU DCT] | | | | | +-Total Cost to Date (Current Patients) [PSJU TCTD] | | | | | +-Service (Total Cost per) [PSJU SCT] | | | | | +-PRovider (Cost per) [PSJU PRVR] | | | | | +-Patients on Specific Drug(s) [PSJ PDV] | | | | +-PATient Order Purge [PSJU PO PURGE] | | | | +-Order Set Enter/Edit [PSJU OSE] | | | | +-PARameters Edit Menu [PSJ PARAM EDIT MENU] | | | | | +-Systems Parameters Edit [PSJ SYS EDIT] | | | | | +-Inpatient User Parameters Edit [PSJ SEUP] | | | | | +-Inpatient Ward Parameters Edit [PSJ IWP EDIT] | | | | | +-AUto-Discontinue Set-Up [PSJ AC SET-UP] -- listed above. | | | | +-PIck List Menu [PSJU PL MENU] | | | | | +-Delete a Pick List [PSJU PLDEL] | | | | | +-PIck List Auto Purge Set/Reset [PSJU PLAPS] | | | | | +-PUrge Pick Lists [PSJU PLPRG] | | | +-Label Print/Reprint [PSJU LABEL] | | | +-Discontinue All of a Patient's Orders [PSJU CA] | | | +-Hold All of a Patient's Orders [PSJU HOLD ALL] | | | +-Edit Patient's Default Stop Date [PSJU CPDD] | | +-National Drug File Menu [PSNMGR] | | | +-Verify Matches [PSNVFY] | | | +-Rematch / Match Single Drugs [PSNDRUG] | | | +-Merge National Drug File Data Into Local File [PSNMRG] | | | +-Allow Unmatched Drugs To Be Classed [PSNSTCL] | | | +-National Drug File Reports Menu [PSNSUBM] | | | | +-Local Drug File Report [PSNLDG] | | | | +-Report of Attempted Match Drugs [PSNEXC] | | | | +-VA Product Names Matched Report [PSNPFN] | | | | +-Local Drugs With No VA Drug Class Report [PSNOCLS] | | | | +-VA Drug Classification [PSNCLS] | | | | +-NDF Info From Your Local Drug File [PSNRPT] | | | | +-Supply (XA000) VA Class Report [PSNSUPLY] | | | | +-Local Formulary Report [PSNFRMLY] | | | | +-Manually Classed Drugs Report [PSNMCLS] | | | | +-Report of VA Generic Names From National Drug [PSNVAGN] | | | | +-Local Drugs With NO Match to NDF Report [PSNONDF] | | | | +-National Formulary Report [PSNNFL] | | | | +-Drug-Drug Interaction Report [PSNTER] | | | | +-VA Products Marked for CMOP Transmission [PSNCMOP] | | | | +-VA Product Names By Class Report [PSNCLPR] | | | | +-Local Drug/VA Print Name Report [PSNVAPRINT] | | | +-Automatic Match of Unmatched Drugs [PSNAUTO] | | | +-Verify Single Match [PSNVER] | | | +-Print a PMI Sheet [PSNPMIS PRINT] | | | +-Inquiry Options [PSNQUER] | | | | +-Inquire To Local Drug File [PSNVIEW] | | | | +-Inquire to VA Product Info For Local Drug [PSNLOOK] | | | | +-NDC/UPN Inquiry [PSNUPN] | | | | +-Inquire to National Files [PSNACT] | | +-Edit Provider Fields in New Person File [PSJV EDIT PROVIDER] -- listed above. | | +-Pharmacy Data Management [PSS MGR] | | | +-Orderable Item Report [PSS ORDERABLE ITEM REPORT] | | | +-Standard Schedule Edit [PSS SCHEDULE EDIT] | | | +-Medication Instruction File Add/Edit [PSSJU MI] | | | +-Drug Enter/Edit [PSS DRUG ENTER/EDIT] | | | +-Lookup into Dispense Drug File [PSS LOOK] | | | +-Electrolyte File (IV) [PSSJI ELECTROLYTE FILE] | | | +-CMOP Mark/Unmark (Single drug) [PSSXX MARK] | | | +-Pharmacy System Parameters Edit [PSS SYS EDIT] | | | +-Drug Interaction Management [PSS DRG INTER MANAGEMENT] | | | | +-Enter/Edit Local Drug Interaction [PSS INTERACTION LOCAL ADD] | | | | +-Report of Locally Entered Interactions [PSS REPORT LOCAL INTERACTIONS] | | | +-Orderable Item Management [PSS ORDERABLE ITEM MANAGEMENT] | | | | +-Dispense Drug/Orderable Item Maintenance [PSS MAINTAIN ORDERABLE ITEMS] | | | | +-Edit Orderable Items [PSS EDIT ORDERABLE ITEMS] | | | | +-Orderable Item/Dosages Report [PSS ORDERABLE ITEM DOSAGES] | | | | +-Patient Instructions Report [PSS INSTRUCTIONS/ITEMS REPORT] | | | +-Formulary Information Report [PSSNFI] | | | +-Drug Text Enter/Edit [PSS EDIT TEXT] | | | +-Synonym Enter/Edit [PSS SYNONYM EDIT] | | | +-Dosages [PSS DOSAGES MANAGEMENT] | | | | +-Auto Create Dosages [PSS DOSAGE CONVERSION] | | | | +-Dosage Form File Enter/Edit [PSS DOSAGE FORM EDIT] | | | | +-Enter/Edit Dosages [PSS EDIT DOSAGES] | | | | +-Most Common Dosages Report [PSS COMMON DOSAGES] | | | | +-Noun/Dosage Form Report [PSS DOSE FORM/NOUN REPORT] | | | | +-Review Dosages Report [PSS DOSAGE REVIEW REPORT] | | | +-Medication Route File Enter/Edit [PSS MEDICATION ROUTES EDIT] | | +-Orderable Item Management [PSS ORDERABLE ITEM MANAGEMENT] -- listed above. | | +-Dispense Drug/Orderable Item Maintenance [PSS MAINTAIN ORDERABLE ITEMS] -- listed above. | +-Update CPRS with Lab order parameters [LR7O ORDER PARAMETERS] -- listed above. | +-TIU Maintenance Menu [TIU IRM MAINTENANCE MENU] | | +-TIU Parameters Menu [TIU SET-UP MENU] | | | +-Basic TIU Parameters [TIU BASIC PARAMETER EDIT] | | | +-Modify Upload Parameters [TIU UPLOAD PARAMETER EDIT] | | | +-Document Parameter Edit [TIU DOCUMENT PARAMETER EDIT] | | | +-Progress Notes Batch Print Locations [TIU PRINT PN LOC PARAMS] | | | +-Division - Progress Notes Print Params [TIU PRINT PN DIV PARAMS] | | +-User Class Management [USR CLASS MANAGEMENT MENU] | | | +-User Class Definition [USR CLASS DEFINITION] | | | +-List Membership by User [USR LIST MEMBERSHIP BY USER] | | | +-List Membership by Class [USR LIST MEMBERSHIP BY CLASS] | | | +-Manage [[Business Rules~|Business Rules]] [USR BUSINESS RULE MANAGEMENT] | | +-Document Definitions (Manager) [TIUF DOCUMENT DEFINITION MGR] | | | +-Edit Document Definitions [TIUFH EDIT DDEFS MGR] | | | +-Sort Document Definitions [TIUFA SORT DDEFS MGR] | | | +-Create Document Definitions [TIUFC CREATE DDEFS MGR] | | | +-Create Objects [TIUFJ CREATE OBJECTS MGR] | | +-TIU Template Mgmt Functions [TIU IRM TEMPLATE MGMT] | | | +-Delete templates for ALL terminated users. [TIU TEMPLATE DELETE TERM ALL] | | | +-Delete TIU templates for selected user. [TIU TEMPLATE CAC USER DELETE] | | | +-Edit auto template cleanup parameter. [TIU TEMPLATE USER DELETE PARAM] | +-CPRS Configuration (Clin Coord) [OR PARAM COORDINATOR MENU] -- listed above. | +-Order Menu Management [ORCM MGMT] -- listed above. | +-Menu Management [XUMAINT] -- listed above. | +-User Management [XUSER] -- listed above. | +-Reminder Managers Menu [PXRM MANAGERS MENU] -- listed above. +-PCE Clinician Menu [PX PCE CLINICIAN MENU] -- listed above. +-Registration Menu [DG REGISTRATION MENU] -- listed above. +-CPRS Clinician Menu [OR OE/RR MENU CLINICIAN] -- listed above. +-CPRS Nurse Menu [OR OE/RR MENU NURSE] -- listed above. +-CPRS Ward Clerk Menu [OR OE/RR MENU WARD CLERK] -- listed above. +-Text Integration Utilities (Transcriptionist) [TIU MAIN MENU TRANSCRIPTION] | +-Enter/Edit Document [TIU ENTER/EDIT TRANSCRIBER] | +-Upload Menu [TIU UPLOAD MENU] | | +-Help for Upload Utility [TIU UPLOAD HELP] | | +-Upload Documents [TIU UPLOAD DOCUMENTS] | +-Enter/Edit Discharge Summary [TIU ENTER/EDIT DS] +-Imaging System Manager Menu [MAG SYS MENU] | +-Define Imaging Site Parameters [MAG SYS-DEFINE SITE PARAMETERS] | +-Edit Image WRITE LOCATION only. [MAG SYS-EDIT WRITE LOCATION] | +-Enter/Edit Background Processor Workstation File [MAG SYS-ENTER/EDIT WORKSTATION] | +-Enter/Edit Network Location [MAG SYS-ENTER/EDIT NETWORK LOC] | +-Edit Network Location STATUS [MAG SYS-EDIT NET LOC STATUS] | +-Edit Imaging Purge Parameters [MAG SYS-EDIT PURGE PARAMETERS] | +-Copy Routines to DICOM Gateway [MAGD DICOM ROUTINE UPLOAD] | +-Imaging Database Integrity Checker Menu [MAG DB IQ] | | +-Global Move Inconsistency Report [MAG_IC_RPT_GM] | | +-Pointer Inconsistency Report [MAG_IC_RPT_QA] | | +-Scan Database for Integrity Issues [MAG_IC_SCAN] +-DHCP Interim Management Support [ECTMGR] | +-Daily Report [ECTD MENU] | | +-Unit Dose AMIS - Inpatient Pharmacy [ECTD UD STATS] | | +-Surgery Workload [ECTD SUR STATS] | | +-Nursing Workload/AMIS 1106 [ECTD NUR STATS] | | +-Laboratory Workload [ECTD LAB STATS] | | +-Dental Sittings/Visits [ECTD DENT STATS] | | +-Examination Statistics [RA DAISTATS] -- listed above. | | +-Pharmacy Statistics [PSO COST STATISTICS] | +-Personnel/Staffing Information [ECTP MENU] | | +-Employee Inquiry [ECTP EMP INQ] | | +-Nursing Personnel Inquiry [ECTP NURS] | | +-PAID Management Reports by Service [ECTP PAID MENU] | | | +-PAID Data for All Services [ECTP T&L SERVICES] | | | +-PAID Data for One Service [ECTP T&L 1 SERVICE] | | | +-Individual PAID Inquiry [ECTP T&L INDIVIDUAL] | | | +-PAID Data for One T&L Unit [ECTP ONE T&L] | | +-Credentials Summary [ECTP CRED/PRIV SUM] | | +-VAMC Staffing Report by Pay Period [ECTP PAY PERIOD] | | +-Service Staffing Report by Fiscal Year [ECTP FISCAL YEAR] | +-Financial Information [ECTF MENU] | | +-Display Control Point Official's Balance [ECTF CP BAL] | | +-Fund Control Point Officials [ECTF CPO] | | +-Contract Summary by Fiscal Year [ECTF CONTRACT] | | +-Fund Control Point Balance Sheet [ECTF FCP BAL] | | +-Accounts Receivable [ECTF ACT REC] | +-Equipment Information [ECTE MENU] | | +-Inquire to Planned Equipment Item [ECTE LOOKUP] | | +-Display Existing Equipment Record [ECTE EXIST EQT] | | +-Display Planned Equipment Priority [ECTE PRIORITY] | | +-Display Planned Equipment Status [ECTE STATUS] | +-Construction Project Information [ECTC MENU] | | +-Construction Project Status [ECTC STATUS] | | +-Construction Project Profiles [ECTC CONS PROJ] | | +-List Construction Projects [ECTC PROJ LIST] | +-Space Management Information [ECTA MENU] | | +-Display/Edit Room Data [ECTA ROOM] | | +-Space Survey [ECTA SPACE] | +-Quality Assurance Information [ECTQ MENU] | | +-Summary of Occurrence Screening [ECTQ RPT SEMI ANNUAL] | | +-Adverse Findings [ECTQ RPT ADVERSE FINDINGS] | | +-List QA Screens [ECTQ QA SCREENS] | | +-Occurrences by Service [ECTQ RPT BY SERVICE] | +-Station Workload Information [ECTS MENU] | | +-AMIS 334-341 Hospital Inpatient Data [ECTS AMIS 334] | | +-AMIS 345-346 NHCU/DOM Patient Data [ECTS AMIS 345] | | +-AMIS 401 - Patient Care by Vet. Category [ECTS AMIS 401] | | +-Inpatient Workload Trends [ECTS WKLD INP] | | +-Outpatient Workload Trends [ECTS WKLD OP] | | +-Bedsection Workload [ECTS BEDSECTION] | +-Service Workload Information [ECTW MENU] | | +-Outpatient Pharmacy [ECTW OP MENU] | | | +-High Cost Rx Report [PSO HI COST] -- listed above. | | | +-Provider Costs [PSO COST PER PROVIDER] -- listed above. | | +-Inpatient Pharmacy [ECTW INP MENU] | | | +-Cost per Provider [ECTW UD PRVR] | | | +-Total Cost per Service [ECTW UD SCT] | | +-Radiology [ECTW RA MENU] | | | +-PTF Bedsection Report [RA LWKLBEDSEC] -- listed above. | | | +-Sharing Agreement/Contract Report [RA LWKLSHARING] -- listed above. | | +-Laboratory [ECTW LR MENU] | | | +-CAP Statistics Summary [ECTW LRCAPS] | | | +-Count Accessioned Tests [ECTW LR COUNT ACC TESTS] | | +-Clinic Scheduling [ECTW SD MENU] | | | +-No-Show Report [SD NOSHOW REPORT] -- listed above. | | | +-Workload Report [SDCLINIC WORKLOAD] -- listed above. | +-Special Local Reports [ECTR MENU] | | +-View Registration Data [DG REGISTRATION VIEW] -- listed above. +-Fee Basis Main Menu [FBAA MAIN MENU] | +-Medical Fee Main Menu [FBAA MEDICAL MAIN MENU] | | +-Payment menu [FBAA PAYMENT MENU] | | | +-Enter Payment [FBAA ENTER PAYMENT] | | | +-Delete Payment Entry [FBAA DELETE PAYMENT] | | | +-Invoice Display [FBAA INVOICE DISPLAY] | | | +-Reimbursement Payment Entry [FBAA MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT] | | | +-Re-initiate Rejected Payment Items [FBAA REINITIATE REJECTS] -- listed above. | | | +-Travel Payment Only [FBAA TRAVEL ENTRY] | | | +-Multiple Payment Entry [FBAA MULTIPLE PAYMENT ENTRY] | | | +-Edit Payment [FBAA EDIT PAYMENT] | | | +-C&P/Multiple Patient Payment Entry [FBAA C&P ENTER PAYMENT] | | | +-Calculate Payment Amount [FBAA FEE SCHEDULE RATE] | | +-Supervisor Main Menu [FBAA SUPERVISOR OPTIONS] | | | +-Release a Batch [FBAA SUPERVISOR RELEASE] | | | +-List Batches Pending Release [FBAA LIST CLOSED BATCHES] | | | +-Re-initiate Rejected Payment Items [FBAA REINITIATE REJECTS] | | | +-Print Rejected Payment Items [FBAA REJECT PRINT] | | | +-Site Parameter Enter/Edit [FBAA ENTER SITE PARAMETERS] | | | +-Enter/Edit Suspension Letters [FBAA ENTER/EDIT LETTERS] | | | +-Queue Data for Transmission [FBAA QUEUE DATA FOR TRANS.] | | | +-Edit Pharmacy Invoice Status [FBAA EDIT INVOICE STATUS] | | | +-Finalize a Batch [FBAA FINALIZE BATCH] | | | +-Delete reject flag [FBAA VOUCHER DELETE REJECT] | | | +-Clerk Look-Up For An Authorization [FBAA CLERK LOOK-UP] | | | +-Void Payment Main Menu [FBAA VOID PAYMENT MENU] | | | | +-Medical Void Payment [FBAA MEDICAL VOID PAYMENT] | | | | +-Pharmacy Void Payment [FBAA PHARMACY VOID PAYMENT] | | | | +-Medical Delete Void Payment [FBAA CANCEL MEDICAL VOID] | | | | +-Pharmacy Delete Void Payment [FBAA CANCEL PHARMACY VOID] | | | | +-CH Void Payment [FBCH VOID PAYMENT] | | | | +-CH Delete Void Payment [FBCH DELETE VOID] | | | | +-CNH Void Payment [FBCNH VOID PAYMENT] | | | | +-CNH Delete Void Payment [FBCNH DELETE VOID] | | | +-Fee Schedule Main Menu [FBAA FEE SCHEDULE] | | | | +-Add/Edit Fee Schedule [FBAA EDIT SCHEDULE] | | | | +-Print Fee Schedule [FBAA PRINT SCHEDULE] | | | | +-Compile Fee Schedule [FBAA CALCULATE SCHEDULE] | | | +-MRA Main Menu [FB MRA MAIN MENU] | | | | +-Vendor MRA Main Menu [FBAA VENDOR MRA MAIN MENU] | | | | | +-Delete Vendor MRA [FBAA MRA DELETE VENDOR] | | | | | +-Reinstate Vendor MRA [FBAA MRA VENDOR REINSTATE] | | | | | +-Update FMS Vendor File in Austin [FBAA FMS UPDATE] | | | | | +-MRA'S Awaiting Austin Approval [FBAA MRA'S AWAITING APPROVAL] | | | | +-Veteran MRA Main Menu [FBAA VETERAN MRA MAIN MENU] | | | | | +-Add type Veteran MRA [FBAA MRA VETERAN ADD TYPE] | | | | | +-Change type Veteran MRA [FBAA MRA VETERAN CHANGE TYPE] | | | | | +-Delete type Veteran MRA [FBAA MRA VETERAN DELETE TYPE] | | | | | +-Reinstate type Veteran MRA [FBAA MRA VETERAN REINSTATE] | | | | +-Re-Transmit MRA's [FBAA REQUEUE MRA] | | | | +-Purge Transmitted MRAs [FBAA MRA PURGE] | | | +-Pricer Batch Release [FBCH PRICER RELEASE] | | | +-Request Info File Enter/Edit [FBUC REQUEST INFO FILE] | | | +-Add New Person for Unauthorized Claim [FBUC ADD NEW PERSON] | | | +-Disapproval Reasons File Enter/Edit [FBUC DISAPPROVAL REASONS FILE] | | | +-Dispositions File Edit [FBUC DISPOSITIONS FILE] | | +-Vendor Menu [FBAA VENDOR OPTIONS] | | | +-Display,Enter,Edit Demographics [FBAA VENDOR DEMOGRAPHICS] | | | +-Payment Display for Patient [FBAA VENDOR PAYMENT DISPLAY] | | | +-Payment Look-up for Medical Vendor [FBAA VENDOR LOOKUP] | | | +-Pharmacy Vendor Payment Look-Up [FBAA PHARMACY LOOKUP] | | | +-FPDS-Only Vendor Edit [FBAA VENDOR FPDS-ONLY] | | | +-List Vendors Without FPDS Data [FB VEN FPDS BLANK] | | +-Registration Menu [FBAA REGISTRATION MAIN MENU] | | | +-Report of Contact [FBAA REPORT OF CONTACT] | | | +-Fee Patient Inquiry [FBAA PATIENT INQUIRY] | | | +-Print Report of Contact [FBAA PRINT REPORT OF CONTACT] | | | +-Authorization Display [FBAA AUTHORIZATION DISPLAY] | | +-Batch Main Menu [FBAA BATCH MENU] | | | +-Status of Batch [FBAA BATCH STATUS] | | | +-List Items in Batch [FBAA LIST BATCH] | | | +-Close-out Batch [FBAA CLOSE BATCH] | | | +-Re-open Batch [FBAA REOPEN BATCH] | | | +-Display Open Batches [FBAA DISPLAY OPEN BATCHES] | | | +-Open a Batch [FBAA OPEN BATCH] | | | +-Edit Batch data [FBAA BATCH EDIT] | | | +-Batch status for a Range of Batches [FBAA BATCH RANGE] | | | +-Active Batch Listing by Status [FBAA ACTIVE BATCH LISTING] | | | +-Batch Delete [FBAA BATCH DELETE] | | | +-Release a Batch [FBAA SUPERVISOR RELEASE] -- listed above. | | +-Outputs Main Menu [FBAA OUTPUTS MENU] | | | +-Valid ID Cards List [FBAA ID CARDS CURRENT LIST] | | | +-Obsolete ID Cards List [FBAA OBSOLETE ID CARDS] | | | +-Print Rejected Payment Items [FBAA REJECT PRINT] -- listed above. | | | +-Invoice Display [FBAA INVOICE DISPLAY] -- listed above. | | | +-Display ID Card History for Patient [FBAA DISPLAY ID CARD HISTORY] | | | +-Suspension Letter Print [FBAA SUSPENSION LETTER PRINT] | | | +-Group 7079 Print [FBAA PRINT 7079 GROUP] | | | +-7079 Print for Selected Patient [FBAA PRINT 7079 SINGLE] | | | +-PSA Output Report [FBCH PSA OUTPUT] | | | +-Outpatient Cost Report [FBAA COST REPORT] | | | +-Vendor Payments Output [FB PAY VENDOR] -- listed above. | | | +-Veteran Payments Output [FB PAY VETERAN] -- listed above. | | | +-Potential Cost Recovery Report [FB PCR] -- listed above. | | | +-Payment History Display [FBAA PAYMENT HISTORY DISPLAY] | | | +-Check Display [FB CHECK DISPLAY] -- listed above. | | | +-Individual Suspension Letter Print [FBAA SUSPENSION LETTER INDIV] | | | +-RBRVS Fee Schedule Cost Comparison [FBAA COST COMPARISON] | | | +-MST Report [FBAA MST REPORT] | | +-Enter Authorization [FBAA ENTER AUTHORIZATION] | | +-Terminate ID Card [FBAA TERMINATE ID CARD] | +-Pharmacy Fee Main Menu [FBAA PHARMACY MAIN MENU] | | +-Enter Pharmacy Invoice [FBAA ENTER PHARMACY INVOICE] | | +-Review Fee Prescription [FBAA PHARMACY REVIEW] | | +-Closeout Pharmacy Invoice [FBAA CLOSE OUT INVOICE] | | +-Complete Pharmacy Invoice [FBAA COMPLETE PHARMACY INVOICE] | | +-List Invoices Pending MAS Completion [FBAA PENDING MAS COMPLETION] | | +-Patient Re-imbursement [FBAA REIMBURSEMENT PHARMACY] | | +-Edit Pharmacy Invoice [FBAA EDIT PHARMACY INVOICE] | | +-Pharmacy Invoice Status [FBAA PHARMACY INVOICE STATUS] | | +-Display Pharmacy Invoice [FBAA PHARMACY INVOICE DISPLAY] | | +-Batch Menu - Pharmacy [FBAA PHARMACY BATCH OPTIONS] | | | +-Open a Pharmacy Batch [FBAA OPEN PHARMACY BATCH] | | | +-Close-out Batch [FBAA CLOSE BATCH] -- listed above. | | | +-Display Open Batches [FBAA DISPLAY OPEN BATCHES] -- listed above. | | | +-Edit Batch data [FBAA BATCH EDIT] -- listed above. | | | +-List Items in Batch [FBAA LIST BATCH] -- listed above. | | | +-Re-open Batch [FBAA REOPEN BATCH] -- listed above. | | | +-Status of Batch [FBAA BATCH STATUS] -- listed above. | | | +-Release a Batch [FBAA SUPERVISOR RELEASE] -- listed above. | | | +-Batch Delete [FBAA BATCH DELETE] -- listed above. | | +-Prescriptions Pending Pharmacy Review [FBAA LIST PENDING RX] | | +-Vendor Payments Output [FB PAY VENDOR] | | +-Veteran Payments Output [FB PAY VETERAN] | | +-Potential Cost Recovery Report [FB PCR] | | +-List Pharmacy History [FBAA PHARMACY HISTORY] | | +-Check Display [FB CHECK DISPLAY] | +-Civil Hospital Main Menu [FBCH MAIN MENU] | | +-Notification/Request Menu [FBCH NOTIFICATION MENU] | | | +-Enter a Request/Notification [FBCH ENTER REQUEST] | | | +-Legal Entitlement [FBCH LEGAL ENTITLEMENT] | | | +-Medical Entitlement [FBCH MEDICAL ENTITLEMENT] | | | +-Display a Request/Notification [FBCH DISPLAY REQUEST] | | | +-Delete Notification/Request [FBCH DELETE REQUEST] | | | +-Print Report of Contact - CH [FBCH PRINT REPORT OF CONTACT] | | | +-Update Report of Contact - CH [FBCH UPDATE REPORT OF CONTACT] | | | +-Edit Report of Contact - CH [FBCH EDIT REPORT OF CONTACT] | | | +-Notification/Request Edit [FBCH EDIT REQUEST] | | | +-Print Entitlement Audit [FBCH PRINT REQUEST AUDIT] | | | +-Reconsider a Denied Request [FBCH REOPEN REQUEST] | | | +-Requests Pending Entitlement [FBCH PENDING REQUEST] | | +-Disposition Menu [FBCH DISPOSITION MENU] | | | +-Complete 7078/Authorization [FBCH COMPLETE 7078] | | | +-Edit Completed 7078 [FBCH EDIT 7078] | | | +-Display 7078/Authorization [FBCH DISPLAY 7078] | | | +-Set-up a 7078 [FBCH 7078 SETUP] | | | +-Cancel 7078 Entered in Error [FBCH CANCEL 7078] | | | +-Print List of Cancelled 7078 [FBCH PRINT CANCELLED 7078] | | +-Output Menu [FBCH OUTPUT MENU] | | | +-Display Open Batches [FBAA DISPLAY OPEN BATCHES] -- listed above. | | | +-List Batches Pending Release [FBAA LIST CLOSED BATCHES] -- listed above. | | | +-Print Rejected Payment Items [FBAA REJECT PRINT] -- listed above. | | | +-7078 Print [FBCH PRINT 7078] | | | +-Invoice Display [FBCH INVOICE DISPLAY] | | | +-Pending Pricer Rejects [FBCH PRICER REJECTS] | | | +-Non-VA Hospital Activity Report [FBCH HOSPITAL ACTIVITY] | | | +-Request Statistics [FBCH REQUEST STATS] | | | +-Cost Report for Civil Hospital [FBCH COST REPORT] | | | +-Vendor Payments Output [FB PAY VENDOR] -- listed above. | | | +-Veteran Payments Output [FB PAY VETERAN] -- listed above. | | | +-Potential Cost Recovery Report [FB PCR] -- listed above. | | | +-Unauthorized Claims Cost Report for Civil Hospital [FBCH UC COST REPORT] | | | +-Civil Hospital Census Report [FBCH CENSUS REPORT] | | | +-Check Display [FB CHECK DISPLAY] -- listed above. | | +-Payment Process Menu [FBCH PAYMENT MENU] | | | +-Enter Invoice/Payment [FBCH ENTER PAYMENT] | | | +-Invoice Edit [FBCH EDIT PAYMENT] | | | +-Complete a Payment [FBCH COMPLETE PAYMENT] | | | +-Ancillary Contract Hosp/CNH Payment [FBCH ANCILLARY PAYMENT] | | | +-Edit Ancillary Payment [FBCH EDIT ANCILLARY PAYMENT] | | | +-Reimbursement for Inpatient Hospital Invoice [FBCH REIMBURSEMENT INVOICE] | | | +-Delete Inpatient Invoice [FBCH DELETE INVOICE] | | | +-Patient Reimbursement for Ancillary Services [FBCH ANCILLARY REIMBURSEMENT] | | | +-Multiple Ancillary Payments [FBCH MULTIPLE PAYMENTS] | | +-Batch Main Menu - CH [FBCH BATCH OPTIONS] | | | +-Status of Batch [FBAA BATCH STATUS] -- listed above. | | | +-List Items in Batch [FBAA LIST BATCH] -- listed above. | | | +-Close-out Batch [FBAA CLOSE BATCH] -- listed above. | | | +-Re-open Batch [FBAA REOPEN BATCH] -- listed above. | | | +-Open a Batch [FBCH OPEN BATCH] | | | +-Edit Batch data [FBAA BATCH EDIT] -- listed above. | | | +-Delete reject flag [FBAA VOUCHER DELETE REJECT] -- listed above. | | | +-Finalize a Batch [FBAA FINALIZE BATCH] -- listed above. | | | +-Re-initiate Rejected Payment Items [FBAA REINITIATE REJECTS] -- listed above. | | | +-Pricer Batch Release [FBCH PRICER RELEASE] -- listed above. | | | +-Release a Batch [FBAA SUPERVISOR RELEASE] -- listed above. | | | +-Re-initiate Pricer Rejected Items [FBCH REINITIATE PRICER REJECTS] | | | +-Open Ancillary Payment Batch [FBCH OPEN ANCILLARY BATCH] | | | +-Batch Delete [FBAA BATCH DELETE] -- listed above. | | +-Queue Data for Transmission [FBAA QUEUE DATA FOR TRANS.] -- listed above. | | +-Generic Pricer Interface [FBCH GENERIC PRICER] | +-Community Nursing Home Main Menu [FBCNH MAIN MENU] | | +-Batch Main Menu - CNH [FBCNH BATCH MAIN MENU] | | | +-Open CNH Batch [FBCNH OPEN BATCH] | | | +-Edit Batch data [FBAA BATCH EDIT] -- listed above. | | | +-Close-out Batch [FBAA CLOSE BATCH] -- listed above. | | | +-Re-open Batch [FBAA REOPEN BATCH] -- listed above. | | | +-Release a Batch [FBAA SUPERVISOR RELEASE] -- listed above. | | | +-Finalize a Batch [FBAA FINALIZE BATCH] -- listed above. | | | +-Re-initiate Rejected Payment Items [FBAA REINITIATE REJECTS] -- listed above. | | | +-Delete reject flag [FBAA VOUCHER DELETE REJECT] -- listed above. | | | +-Status of Batch [FBAA BATCH STATUS] -- listed above. | | | +-List Items in Batch [FBAA LIST BATCH] -- listed above. | | | +-Batch Delete [FBAA BATCH DELETE] -- listed above. | | | +-Display Open Batches [FBAA DISPLAY OPEN BATCHES] -- listed above. | | | +-List Batches Pending Release [FBAA LIST CLOSED BATCHES] -- listed above. | | +-Authorization Main Menu - CNH [FBCNH AUTHORIZATION MAIN MENU] | | | +-Enter CNH Authorization [FBCNH ENTER AUTHORIZATION] | | | +-Edit CNH Authorization [FBCNH EDIT AUTHORIZATION] | | | +-Display 7078/Authorization - CNH [FBCNH DISPLAY 7078] | | | +-Print List of Cancelled 7078 [FBCH PRINT CANCELLED 7078] -- listed above. | | | +-Cancel Authorization Entered in Error [FBCNH CANCEL 7078] | | | +-Enter Veteran Rates under new Vendor Contract [FBCNH ENTER VETERAN RATES] | | | +-Change Existing Contract Rate for a Patient [FBCNH RATE CHANGE] | | | +-Delete CNH Rate [FBCNH DELETE RATE] | | +-Payment Main Menu - CNH [FBCNH PAYMENT MAIN MENU] | | | +-Enter CNH Payment [FBCNH ENTER PAYMENT] | | | +-Edit CNH Payment [FBCNH EDIT PAYMENT] | | | +-Delete Inpatient Invoice [FBCH DELETE INVOICE] -- listed above. | | +-Fee Fund Control Main Menu - CNH [FBCNH FUND CONTROL MAIN MENU] | | | +-Estimate Funds for Obligation [FBCNH ESTIMATE FUNDS] | | | +-Post Commitments for Obligation [FBCNH POST COMMITMENTS] | | +-Movement Main Menu - CNH [FBCNH MOVEMENT MAIN MENU] | | | +-Admit To CNH [FBCNH ADMIT] | | | +-Transfer Movement [FBCNH TRANSFER] | | | +-Discharge From CNH [FBCNH DISCHARGE] | | | +-Edit Movement Menu [FBCNH EDIT MOVEMENT] | | | | +-Admission Edit [FBCNH EDIT ADMISSION] | | | | +-Transfer Edit [FBCNH EDIT TRANSFER] | | | | +-Discharge Edit [FBCNH EDIT DISCHARGE] | | | +-Delete Movement Menu [FBCNH DELETE MOVEMENT MENU] | | | | +-Admission Delete [FBCNH DELETE ADMISSION] | | | | +-Transfer Delete [FBCNH DELETE TRANSFER] | | | | +-Discharge Delete [FBCNH DELETE DISCHARGE] | | | +-Display Episode Of Care [FBCNH DISPLAY EPISODE OF CARE] | | +-Output Main Menu - CNH [FBCNH OUTPUTS MAIN MENU] | | | +-7078 Print [FBCH PRINT 7078] -- listed above. | | | +-Invoice Display [FBCH INVOICE DISPLAY] -- listed above. | | | +-Print Rejected Payment Items [FBAA REJECT PRINT] -- listed above. | | | +-Display Episode Of Care [FBCNH DISPLAY EPISODE OF CARE] -- listed above. | | | +-Roster Print [FBCNH PRINT ROSTER] | | | +-Payment & Totals Report - CNH [FBCNH LIST PAYMENT & TOTALS] | | | +-Contract Expiration List [FBCNH EXPIRATION REPORT] | | | +-AMIS 349 Print [FBCNH AMIS] | | | +-Cost Report for Contract Nursing Home [FBCNH COST REPORT] | | | +-CNH Census Report [FBCNH CENSUS REPORT] | | | +-Report of Admissions/Discharges for CNH [FBCNH AMIE] | | | +-Vendor Payments Output [FB PAY VENDOR] -- listed above. | | | +-Veteran Payments Output [FB PAY VETERAN] -- listed above. | | | +-Potential Cost Recovery Report [FB PCR] -- listed above. | | | +-Activity Report for CNH [FBCNH ACTIVITY REPORT] | | | +-CNH Stays in Excess of 90 Days [FBCNH ADMISSIONS > 90 DAYS] | | | +-Check Display [FB CHECK DISPLAY] -- listed above. | | | +-Nursing Home 10-0168 Report [FBCNH RCS 10-0168 REPORT] | | +-Vendor Enter/Edit [FBCNH VENDOR ENTER/EDIT] | | +-Queue Data for Transmission [FBAA QUEUE DATA FOR TRANS.] -- listed above. | | +-Update Vendor Contract/Rates - CNH [FBCNH UPDATE VENDOR CONTRACT] | +-Unauthorized Claim Main Menu [FBUC MAIN] | | +-Request Information on Unauthorized Claim [FBUC REQUEST INFORMATION] | | +-Receive Requested Information [FBUC RECEIVE INFORMATION] | | +-Letters for Unauthorized Claim [FBUC LETTERS] | | | +-Update Date Letter Sent [FBUC UPDATE DATE LETTER SENT] | | | +-Batch Print Letters [FBUC BATCH PRINT LETTERS] | | | +-Reprint Letter(s) [FBUC REPRINT LETTER(S)] | | +-Outputs for Unauthorized Claims [FBUC OUTPUTS] | | | +-Display Unauthorized Claim [FBUC DISPLAY UNAUTHORIZED] -- listed above. | | | +-Vendor Payments Output [FB PAY VENDOR] -- listed above. | | | +-Veteran Payments Output [FB PAY VETERAN] -- listed above. | | | +-Status Display/Print of Unauthorized Claims [FBUC STATUS OUTPUT] | | | +-Disposition/Status Statistics Display/Print [FBUC STATS OUTPUT] | | | +-All Claims by Vendor/Veteran/Other [FBUC ALL CLAIMS OUTPUT] | | | +-Expiration Display/Print [FBUC EXPIRE OUTPUT] | | | +-Unauthorized Claims Cost Report for Civil Hospital [FBCH UC COST REPORT] -- listed above. | | | +-Check Display [FB CHECK DISPLAY] -- listed above. | | +-Enter/Edit Unauthorized Claim Menu [FBUC ENTER/EDIT] | | | +-Enter Unauthorized Claim [FBUC ENTER] | | | +-Modify Unauthorized Claim [FBUC MODIFY UNAUTHORIZED CLAIM] | | | +-Initiate Appeal for Unauthorized Claim [FBUC INITIATE APPEAL] | | | +-Appeal Edit for Unauthorized Claim [FBUC APPEAL EDIT] | | | +-COVA Appeal Enter/Edit [FBUC COVA APPEAL] | | | +-Disposition Unauthorized Claim [FBUC DISPOSITION UNAUTH CLAIM] | | | +-Re-open Unauthorized Claim [FBUC REOPEN] | | +-Display Unauthorized Claim [FBUC DISPLAY UNAUTHORIZED] | | +-Payments for Unauthorized Claims [FBUC PAYMENTS] | | +-Utilities for Unauthorized Claims [FBUC UTILITIES] | | | +-Vendor Enter/Edit [FBCNH VENDOR ENTER/EDIT] -- listed above. | | | +-Add New Person for Unauthorized Claim [FBUC ADD NEW PERSON] -- listed above. | | | +-Associate an Unauthorized Claim to a Primary [FBUC ASSOCIATE] | | | +-Delete Unauthorized Claim [FBUC DELETE UNAUTHORIZED CLAIM] | | | +-Disassociate an Unauthorized Claim [FBUC DISASSOCIATE] | | | +-Return Address Display/Edit [FBUC RETURN ADDRESS DIS/ED] | | | +-Extension for Incomplete Mill Bill (1725) Claim [FBUC EXTENSION] | +-Telephone Inquiry Menu [FB PHONE MENU] | | +-Check Display [FB CHECK DISPLAY] -- listed above. | | +-Payment Listing for Vendor/Veteran [FB VENDOR/VETERAN PAYMENTS] | | +-Vendor Payments Output [FB PAY VENDOR] -- listed above. | | +-Veteran Payments Output [FB PAY VETERAN] -- listed above. | +-State Home Main Menu [FBSH MAIN MENU] | | +-Enter New State Home Authorization [FBSH ENTER AUTH] | | +-Change a State Home Authorization [FBSH CHANGE AUTH] | | +-Delete a State Home Authorization [FBSH DELETE AUTH] | | +-Reinstate State Home Authorization [FBSH REINSTATE AUTH] | | +-Active Authorization Report [FBSH ACTIVE AUTH. REPORT] +-Text Management Menu [TMG TEXT MENU] | +-Document Definitions (Clinician) [TIUF DOCUMENT DEFINITION CLIN] | | +-Edit Document Definitions [TIUFH EDIT DDEFS CLIN] | | +-Sort Document Definitions [TIUFA SORT DDEFS CLIN] | | +-View Objects [TIUFJ VIEW OBJECTS CLIN] | +-Document Definitions (Manager) [TIUF DOCUMENT DEFINITION MGR] -- listed above. | +-Progress Notes/Discharge Summary [TIU] [TIU MAIN MENU CLINICIAN] | | +-Progress Notes User Menu [TIU MAIN MENU PN CLINICIAN] | | | +-Entry of Progress Note [TIU ENTER/EDIT PN] | | | +-Review Progress Notes by Patient [TIU BROWSE PN CLINICIAN] | | | +-Show Progress Notes Across Patients [TIU REVIEW PN CLINICIAN] | | | +-Progress Notes Print Options [TIU PRINT PN USER MENU] | | | | +-Patient- Print Progress Notes [TIU PRINT PN PT] -- listed above. | | | | +-Author- Print Progress Notes [TIU PRINT PN AUTHOR] -- listed above. | | | | +-Location- Print Progress Notes [TIU PRINT PN LOC] -- listed above. | | | | +-Ward- Print Progress Notes [TIU PRINT PN WARD] | | | +-All MY UNSIGNED Progress Notes [TIU REVIEW PN UNSIGNED] | | | +-List Notes By Title [TIU LIST NOTES BY TITLE] | | | +-Search by Patient AND Title [TIU SEARCH BY PATIENT/TITLE] | | | +-Personal Preferences [TIU PERSONAL PREFERENCE MENU] | | | | +-Document List Management [TIU PREFERRED DOCUMENT LIST] | | | | +-Personal Preferences [TIU PERSONAL PREFERENCES] | | | +-Review Progress Notes [TIU OE/RR REVIEW PROG NOTES] | | +-Discharge Summary User Menu [TIU MAIN MENU DS CLINICIAN] | | | +-Individual Patient Discharge Summary [TIU BROWSE DS CLINICIAN] | | | +-Multiple Patient Discharge Summaries [TIU REVIEW DS CLINICIAN] | | | +-All MY UNSIGNED Discharge Summaries [TIU REVIEW DS UNSIGNED] | | +-Integrated Document Management [TIU MAIN MENU MIXED CLINICIAN] | | | +-Multiple Patient Documents [TIU REVIEW SCREEN CLINICIAN] | | | +-All MY UNSIGNED Documents [TIU REVIEW UNSIGNED] | | | +-Individual Patient Document [TIU BROWSE DOCUMENT CLINICIAN] | | | +-Enter/edit Document [TIU ENTER/EDIT] | | +-Personal Preferences [TIU PERSONAL PREFERENCE MENU] -- listed above. | +-Text Integration Utilities (MIS Manager) [TIU MAIN MENU MGR] -- listed above. | +-Progress Notes User Menu [TIU MAIN MENU PN CLINICIAN] -- listed above. | +-Individual Patient Document [TIU BROWSE DOCUMENT CLINICIAN] -- listed above. | +-Show Progress Notes Across Patients [TIU REVIEW PN CLINICIAN] -- listed above. | +-Review Upload Filing Events [TIU REVIEW FILING EVENTS] -- listed above. | +-TIU Maintenance Menu [TIU IRM MAINTENANCE MENU] -- listed above. | +-Modify Upload Parameters [TIU UPLOAD PARAMETER EDIT] -- listed above. | +-Help for Upload Utility [TIU UPLOAD HELP] -- listed above. +-Key Management [XUKEYMGMT] -- listed above. +-CPRS Manager Menu [ORMGR] -- listed above. +-Vitals/Measurement [GMRVMGR] -- listed above. +-MHS Manager [YSMANAGER] | +-Inpatient Features management functions [YSCENMGR] | | +-Ward Definition [YSCENUNITUP] | | +-Team Definition [YSCENSUBUP] | | +-Rotation of Teams [YSCENROT] | | +-Cancel a MH Census Discharge [YSCENCAD] | +-Mental Health System site parameters [YS SITE PARAMETERS] | | +-REASONS......Edit S/R Reasons File [YS SITE-FILE 615.5] | | +-CATEGORY.....Edit S/R Category File [YS SITE-FILE 615.6] | | +-RELEASE......Edit S/R Release Criteria File [YS SITE-FILE 615.7] | | +-ALTERNATIVES.Edit S/R Alternatives File [YS SITE-FILE 615.8] | | +-CHECKLIST....Edit S/R Checklist File [YS SITE-FILE 615.9] | | +-[[WWU~|WWU]]..........Edit Weighted Work Unit (WWU) [YS SITE-FILE 602 WWU] | | +-SIGNATURE....Edit Signature Block Title [YS SITE-FILE 16] | | +-INSTRUMENT...Edit Instrument Restart Day Limit [YS SITE-FILE 602 TEST LIM] | +-Psych test utilities [YSUTIL] | | +-Usage Statistics [YSMUSE] | | +-Audit test/interview data [YSTSTAUD] | | +-Check Psych Data Base [YSMCHK] | | +-Test battery utility [YSTESTBAT] | | +-Exempt psychological tests [YSEXTESTS] | | +-Delete Patient Data [YSMKIL] | | +-Print test/interview items [YSPIT] | | +-Delete incomplete tests/interviews [YSKILLINC] | | +-Edit Instrument Restart Limit [YSINST RESTART LIMIT] | +-Move crisis notes and messages [YSMOVP] | +-Seclusion/Restraint Management Utilities [YSSR MGT UTILITY] | | +-Edit Seclusion/Restraint Entry [YSSR EDIT] | | +-Delete Seclusion/Restraint Entry [YSSR DELETE] | | +-Review of Seclusion/Restraint Action [YSSR REVIEW] | | +-Written Order Edit [YSSR W-ORDER] | +-Decision Tree Shell [YSDECTREES-R] +-Women's Health Menu [WVMENU] | +-Patient Management [WV MENU-PATIENT MANAGEMENT] | | +-Browse Notifications [WV BROWSE NOTIFICATIONS] | | +-Browse Procedures [WV BROWSE PROCEDURES] | | +-Edit a Notification [WV EDIT NOTIFICATION] | | +-Patient Profile [WV PATIENT PROFILE] | | +-Edit a Procedure [WV EDIT PROCEDURE] | | +-Add a New Notification [WV ADD A NEW NOTIFICATION] | | +-Add a NEW Procedure [WV ADD A NEW PROCEDURE] | | +-Edit/Print Patient Case Data [WV EDIT PATIENT CASE DATA] | | +-Print Individual Letters [WV PRINT INDIVIDUAL LETTERS] | | +-Print a Procedure [WV PRINT A PROCEDURE] | | +-Print Queued Letters [WV PRINT QUEUED LETTERS] | | +-Browse Patients With Needs Past Due [WV BROWSE NEEDS PAST DUE] | | +-Add an [[HISTORICAL~|Historical]] Procedure [WV ADD AN HISTORICAL PROCEDURE] | | +-Print Patient Demographic Info (Face Sheet) [WV PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC INFO] | | +-Add a Refusal of Treatment [WV REFUSED PROC-ADD] | | +-Edit a Refusal of Treatment [WV REFUSED PROC-EDIT] | | +-Health Summary [WV HS-USER DEFINED] | | +-Save Lab Test as Procedure [WV SAVE LAB TEST] | +-Manager's Functions [WV MENU-MANAGER'S FUNCTIONS] | | +-Print Queued Letters [WV PRINT QUEUED LETTERS] -- listed above. | | +-File Maintenance Menu [WV MENU-FILE MAINTENANCE] | | | +-Add/Edit a Notification Purpose & Letter [WV ADD/EDIT NOT PURPOSE&LETTER] | | | +-Print Notification Purpose & Letter File [WV PRINT NOTIF PURPOSE&LETTER] | | | +-Edit Site Parameters [WV EDIT SITE PARAMETERS] | | | +-Print Results/Diagnosis File [WV PRINT RES/DIAG FILE] | | | +-Edit Synonyms for Notification Types [WV EDIT NOTIF TYPE SYNONYM] | | | +-Add/Edit Notification Outcomes [WV ADD/EDIT NOTIF OUTCOME] | | | +-Add/Edit Case Managers [WV ADD/EDIT CASE MANAGERS] | | | +-Print Diagnostic Code Translation File [WV PRINT DIAG TRANSLATION] | | | +-Edit Diagnostic Code Translation File [WV EDIT DIAG TRANSLATION] | | | +-Edit Synonyms for Results/Diagnoses [WV EDIT RES/DIAG SYNONYMS] | | | +-Print Synonyms for Results/Diagnoses [WV PRINT RES/DIAG SYNONYMS] | | | +-Transfer a Case Manager's Patients [WV TRANSFER CASE MANAGER] | | | +-Add/Edit to Referral Source File [WV ADD/EDIT REFERRAL SOURCE] | | | +-Automatically Load Patients [WV AUTOLOAD PATIENTS] | | | +-Import Radiology/NM Exams [WV IMPORT RAD/NM EXAMS] | | +-Manager's Patient Management [WV MENU-MGR PATIENT MGT] | | | +-Patient Profile Including Errors [WV PATIENT PROFILE W/ERRORS] | | | +-Edit Pregnancy Log [WV EDIT PREGNANCY LOG] | | | +-Edit PAP Regimen Log [WV EDIT PAP REGIMEN LOG] | | | +-Add an [[~|Historical]]HISTORICAL Procedure [WV ADD AN HISTORICAL PROCEDURE] -- listed above. | | | +-Edit/Print Patient Case Data [WV EDIT PATIENT CASE DATA] -- listed above. | | | +-Browse Procedures for Possible Duplicates [WV BROWSE PROCEDURES DUPLICATE] | | +-Lab Data Entry Menu [WV MENU-LAB DATA ENTRY] | | | +-Add(Accession) a NEW Procedure [WV LAB ADD A NEW PROCEDURE] | | | +-Print a Procedure [WV PRINT A PROCEDURE] -- listed above. | | | +-Display/Print Daily Log [WV LAB PRINT LOG] | | | +-Edit Accessioned Procedure [WV LAB EDIT ACCESSION] | | | +-Edit a Procedure Result [WV LAB EDIT PROCEDURE RESULT] | +-Management Reports [WV MENU-MANAGEMENT REPORTS] | | +-Procedure Statistics Report [WV PRINT PROCEDURE STATS] | | +-Browse Patients With Needs Past Due [WV BROWSE NEEDS PAST DUE] -- listed above. | | +-Snapshot of the Program Today [WV PRINT SNAPSHOT] | | +-Retrieve/Print Earlier Snapshots [WV PRINT/RETRIEVE SNAPSHOT] | | +-Compliance Rates for PAPs and MAMs [WV PRINT COMPLIANCE RATES] | | +-Sexual Trauma Summary Report [WV SEXUAL TRAUMA SUMMARY] | | +-List Sexual Trauma Data [WV SEXUAL TRAUMA LIST] Now here are the options that are not tied into a menu. (Home) TCP/IP Type Ping Server [XQSPING] Server-type Option Test Server [XQSCHK] Handle Alpha/Beta Errors Logged at Sites [XQAB ERROR LOG SERVER] TCP/IP type PING server [XU-PING-SERVER] Automatic Purge of MailMan Messages [XMAUTOPURGE] Resume processing a script [XMSCRIPTRES] POLL REMOTE NODES [XMPOLL] TalkMan [XMTALK] Assume the Identity of SHARED,MAIL [XMSHARE] Delivery Queues Wait Report [XMMGR-BKFILER-WAIT] Send Multimedia Message [XMBLOBSEND] Send a Directory to requesting site [XMMGR-DIRECTORY-SEND] RECEIVE E-MAIL DIRECTORY FROM OTHER SITE [XMMGR-DIRECTORY-RECV] Transmit TWIX's [XMNET-TWIX-TRANSMIT] Send a TWIX via PCTS [XMNET-TWIX-SEND] Server / not for a menu [XMR-BROADCAST-VA-WIDE] Suggestion Box [XMSUGGESTION] Server / not for a menu [XMYB-BROADCAST-VA-WIDE] List Global [XUPRGL] Test an option not in your menu [XT-OPTION TEST] Build an 'NTEG' routine for a package [XTSUMBLD] Calculate and Show Checksum Values [XTSUMBLD-CHECK] Structured Routine listing [XUINDEX2] Merge Selected Verified Duplicate Pair [XDR MERGE SELECTED PAIR] Automatically Merge all Ready Verified Duplicates [XDR AUTO MERGE] Verify Selected Potential Duplicate Pair [XDR VERIFY SELECTED PAIR] Toolkit Queuable Options [XTQUEUABLE OPTIONS] AM MSM RTHIST Task Option [XUCSTASK AM RTHIST] PM MSM RTHIST Task Option [XUCSTASK PM RTHIST] Tasked CM File Update [XUCSTASK FILE UPDATE AUTO] Auto Purge of CM Data [XUCSTASK PURGE CM DATA] DRG Grouper [ICD DRG GROUPER] ICD Code Inquiry [ICD INQUIRY] Start TCP poller (XMRTCP) [XMMGR-START-TCP-POLLER] Stop TCP poller [XMMGR-STOP-TCP-POLLER] FileMan [ZZFILEMAN] Calculate NPO/Trays [FHADMR2A] CREATE NEW COLLECTION LIST [LRTASK PHSET] ROLLOVER ACCESSION [LRTASK ROLLOVER] NIGHTLY CLEANUP [LRTASK NIGHTY] TASK THE CUMULATIVE TO RUN EACH NITE [LRTASK CUM] LOAD CONTROLS ON THE ACCESSION LISTS. [LRTASK CONJAM] SUPERVISOR'S SUMMARY REPORT FOR TASKMAN [LRTASK ACS] QUEUED INTERIM DAILY REPORT (FIRST) [LRTASK DAILY INTERIM 1] QUEUED INTERIM DAILY REPORT (SECOND) [LRTASK DAILY INTERIM 2] CREATE NEW COLLECTION LIST [LRTASK PHSET1] START-UP THE BACK GROUND 'LAB' ROUTINE [LRTASK LAB] Patient Lab Discharge Summary [LRTASK DISCHARGE] Review Austin workload data [LR WKLD REVIEW AUSTIN DATA] TASK CUMULATIVE FILEROOM REPORT [LRTASK CUM FILEROOM] Server to Load a Message into the FG History File [DIFG-SRV-HISTORY] Report Free-Text Locations [ENXL-LOC-REPORT] Convert Free-Text Locations [ENXL-LOC-CONVERT] Server Importing Project Communications [ENPL-SRV1] FAP PREP. - EQUIP WITH TYPE BLANK [ENXK FAP BLANK] FAP PREP. - EQUIP WITH TYPE NX [ENXK FAP NX] Capitalized Equipment List for CMR [ENFAR1] Summary of Capitalized NX Equipment Assets [ENFAR2] Capitalized Equipment List for Station [ENFAR4] HL7 Mail Message Server [HL SERVER] Mail Message Server for Messaging System [HL MS SERVER] Stop all incoming filers [HL STOP ALL INCOMING FILERS] HL7 v1.6 Mail Message Server [HL V16 SERVER] CPRS Menu [ORDERS MENU] Task 24hr Order Summary by Location [ORTASK 24HR SUMMARY] Add New Orders [OR ADD ORDERS] Package Profiles [OR PROFILES] Task 24hr Chart Copy Print by Location [ORTASK 24HR CHART COPIES] Startup Task for nightly batch printing [GMTS TASK STARTUP] Demo List [VALM DEMO APPLICATION] Auto-recalculation of G&L Statistics [DG G&L RECALCULATION AUTO] RUG-II Background Job [DG RUG BACKGROUND JOB] RUG-II Semi-annual Background job to be tasked [DG RUG SEMI ANNUAL - TASKED] PTF Background Job [DG PTF BACKGROUND JOB] IRT Update Std. Def. Background Job [DGJ IRT UPDATE (Background)] Appointment Status Update (Background) [SDAM BACKGROUND JOB] Patient Billing Inquiry [IB PATIENT BILLING INQUIRY] Background Vet. Patients with Admissions and Ins [IB BACKGRND VETS INPT W/INS] Background Vet. Patients with Opt. Visits and Ins [IB BACKGRND VETS OPT W/INS] Clear Integrated Billing Filer Parameters [IB FILER CLEAR PARAMETERS] Queue Means Test Compilation of Charges [IB MT NIGHT COMP] Background Vet. Patients with Discharges and Ins [IB BACKGRND VET DISCHS W/INS] Auto-Build Average Bill Amounts [IBT MONTHLY AUTO GEN AVE BILL] Auto-build Unbilled Amounts Report [IBT MONTHLY AUTO GEN UNBILLED] Autocancel on Admission [PSO AUTOCANCEL] Compile AMIS Data (NIGHT JOB) [PSO AMIS COMPILE] Auto-delete from Suspense [PSO PNDEL1] RPC BROKER DEMO/TEST [XWB EGCHO] Kernel sign-on context [XUS SIGNON] PCMM GUI WORKSTATION [SCMC PCMM GUI WORKSTATION] List by Location Not Verified Reaction (TASK) [GMRA TASK A/AR NV] Automatic Purge of Record Tracking Data [RT SM-PURGE-AUTOMATIC] Automatic Clinic Request Initialization [RT SM-CLINIC REQUESTS] Nightly Rx Cost Compile [PSO COSTDAY NIGHTJOB] Nightly Management Data Compile Job [PSO MGMT NIGHTLY COMPILE] Network Health Exchange Data Server [AFJXSERVER] Network Health Exchange Alert Send Server [AFJXNHDONE] Network Health Exchange Nightly Purge [AFJXNH PURGE NIGHTLY] Network Health Exchange Add Patients [AFJXNH ADD PATIENTS] Network Health Patient Server [AFJXNETP] Background EF Print [IBDF BACKGRD EF PRINT QUEUE] Tasked purge of Form Tracking files [IBDF AUTO PURGE FORM TRACKING] Unit Dose Clean-Up [PSJU BRJ] Pharmacy Patient Data Edit [PSJU EPPD] Order [[Action~|Action]] on Patient Transfer [PSJ OAOPT] Compile IV Costs in Background [PSJI BACKGROUND JOB] COmplete Orders (IV) [PSJI COMPLETE] Align Unit Dose Labels [PSJ UD ALIGN LABEL] Purge Old Inventories from PSI(58.19,AINV) [PSGW PURGE INVENTORY] Update AMIS Stats File [PSGW UPDATE AMIS STATS] Re-index AMIS Cross-Reference [PSGW RE-INDEX AMIS] Purge CS WORKSHEET File [PSD PURGE] All Location Dispense/Purge [PSA IV ALL LOCATIONS] PDX Server [VAQ-PDX-SERVER] Prescription Practices Daily Batch Routine [PPP BATCH] Print Clinic Medication Profiles [PPP PRINT CLINIC PROFILES] Background Purge Logfile [PPP BACKGROUND PURGE LOGFILE] Purge Other Facility Xref [PPP BACKGROUND PURGE XREF] HINQ Transaction Test [DVB HREQ-TRANSTEST] Auto HINQ Purge [DVB HAUTO-PURGE] File 7131 Purging Program [DVBA REGIONAL PURGING PROGRAM] New Form 7131 Requests (TaskManager Version) [DVBA REGIONAL TASK] Notification of Discharge via TaskMan [DVBA 7132 TASKMAN] Generate 21-day cert via Task Manager [DVBA GENERATE 21-DAY CERTIF] Automatic 7131 Finalization via TaskMan [DVBA AUTO FINALIZE 7131 TASK] Purge Old 2507 Requests (TaskMan) [DVBA C PURGE 2507] Check C&P File Integrity (TaskMan) [DVBA C CHECK 2507 INTEGRITY TM] Process C&P Mail Message [DVBA C PROCESS MAIL MESSAGE] Generate Monthly Dental Service Tape [DENT SERVICE TAPE] Delete Dental Service (Temporary) Global [DENT SERVICE DELETE] Manual Pharmacy Statistics [PSU PBM MANUAL] Automatic Pharmacy Statistics [PSU PBM AUTO] EEO SERVER [EEO UPLINK SERVER] EEO Tasked Bulletin [EEO TASKED BULLETIN] Change Counselor Complaint Access [EEO COUNSELOR SECURITY] Nightly job for PM data extract [SDOQM PM NIGHTLY JOB] Nursing Acuity/Separation-Activation Run [NURAAM-ACU] Nursing Batch Job Status Check [NURAMN-MANCK] Batch Run of Unclassified AMIS 1106 Patients [NURAAM-UNCBAT] Batch Run of Unclassified Midnight Patients [NURAAM-MD-UNCBAT] TaskManager Activation/Separation Report [NURAED-BATSEP-QUEUE] TaskManager Workload Statistic Report (Projected) [NURAPR-RES-CURWKL-QUEUE] AMIS Workload Statistics Summary Report [NURAPR-RES-WKLSUM] Task Manager Activation/Seperation Report [NURAED-TSK-BAT/SEP] TaskMan Current Unclassified Patient Report [NURAPR-RES-UNCLAS-QUEUE] **deleted** [NURCPE-VIT BLOOD PRESSURE] **deleted** [NURCPE-VIT HTWT] Expanded SF 511 Report (Itemized I/O) [NURCPP-I/O-SF511] Classification File Purge [NURS-PURG] NURS Staff Experience Integrity Check/Fix [NURS-EXP] Weekly Clozapine Report [YSCL WEEKLY TRANSMISSION] Retransmit Clozapine Roll-up Data [YSCL RETRANSMIT DATA] Transmit Clozapine Demographics [YSCL TRANSMIT DEMOGRAPHICS] Clozapine Data Server [YSCLSERVER] Purge GMR Text File Data [GMRG-PURGE PT DATA] Visit Tracking Parameters edits. [VSIT TRACKING PARM EDIT] Activate/Inactivate Taxonomies [PXRM (IN)/ACTIVATE TAXONOMIES] Automatically Purge MRA's [FBAA MRA PURGE AUTO] Fee Basis MRA Mail Message Server [FBAA MRA SERVER] Queue Batch Print Letters [FBUC QUEUE BATCH PRINT] Abandoned Unauthorized Claims Update [FBUC ABANDONED] Fee Basis Payment Message Server [FBAA PAID SERVER] Imaging Type Mismatch Report [RA EXAM/STATUS ITYPE MISMATCH] Autopurge of Distribution Queues [RA RPTDISTAUTOPURGE] Rad/Nuc Med [RA OERR EXAM] Create Rollup File for National Transmition [IBQL NATIONAL ROLLUP] Laboratory Utilization Data [IMR LAB UTILIZATION LIST] Utilization of Specific Lab Tests [IMR SPECFC LAB LIST] Specific Inpatient/Outpatient Utilization [IMR SPECFC IP/OP ACTIVITY LIST] Extract Data for Immunology Study Registry [IMR REGISTRY DATA] Transmit Outpatient Survey (Nov 15-Dec 1) [IMR OUTPATIENT SURVEY] NEW LIBRARY SERVER [LBRYSRV] SEND LIBRARY TRANSACTIONS [LBRY TRAN SEND] PROCESS THE TRANSACTIONS FROM FORUM [LBRY TRAN PROCESS] PURGE LIBRARY TRANSACTIONS [LBRY TRAN PURGE] Holter test Results [MCARHOLTERREPORTS] Hematology Menu [MCARHEM] Patient History Enter/Edit [MCRHPATHIST] Physical Examination Enter/Edit [MCRHPHYS] Enable/Disable OE/RR [MCHOOK] Convert Old Records to Released Not Verified [MCPFTCONV] Convert Old Records to Released Not Verified [MCGICONV] Print Reports that are Marked for Deletion [MCPFTMFD] Print Superseded Reports [MCESSUPRHEUM] Allow Printing of Superseded Reports [MCESSUPONRHEUM] View Marked for Deletion Reports [MCARERHEUMMFD] Turn On Release Control/Elec. Signature [MCESTONRHEUM] MC Mail Server [MCHL7SERVER] Surgery Nightly Cleanup and Updates [SRTASK-NIGHT] Outcome Information (Enter/Edit) [SROA OUTCOMES] Perioperative Complications (Enter/Edit) [SROA CARDIAC COMPLICATIONS] Batch Print Operation Reports [SRTASK-BATCH OP REPORTS] Surgery Request [SR SURGERY REQUEST] Convert Risk Assessment Data [SROA CONVERT] User PC build Print [XUSER PC BUILD] User PC build Edit [XUSER PC BUILD EDIT] Ambulatory Care Nightly Transmission to NPCDB [SCDX AMBCAR NIGHTLY XMIT] Setup Consult/Request Quick Order Protocols [GMRC QUICK ORDER SETUP] Surgery Risk Assessment - Site Update Server [SROASITE] MPR Acknowledgment Server [MPRSACK] MPR Data Server [MPRSDATA] Problem List Data Entry [GMPL DATA ENTRY] Assign ICD Diagnoses to Problem List [GMPL CODE LIST] High Risk Screening Profiles [SOWKHIGH] Patients Determined High Risk Without Opened Cases [SOWKOC] Progress Note [SOWKDBPRN] All Worker's Registry (132 COLUMNS) [SOWKALL] PROSTHETICS AMIS SERVER [RMPR AMIS SERVER] Early Warning System Auto [QAN EARLY WARNING SYSTEM AUTO] Full E-Mail to Region [QAN AUTO E-MAIL FULL] Brief E-Mail to Region [QAN AUTO E-MAIL BRIEF] Delete E-Mail to Region [QAN AUTO E-MAIL DELETE] Tasked Run of Auto Enroll [QAM TASKED AUTO ENROLL RUN] Early Warning System Transmission [QAOS GENERATE EWS BULLETIN] Auto Generate Early Warning System Message [QAOS TASKED EWS] Post Austin Voluntary Service Message [ABSV SERVER] Read Mail [RGWBMAIL] Clinical Report Browser [RGWBNARBRS] Patient List [RGWBPTLST] Physician OnLine [RGWBPOL] User Preferences [RGWBUSER] Logout [RGWBLOGOUT] Clinical Resources [RGWBLINKS] Start WebMan server [RGWBSTART] SF-36 Health Survey [YT SF36 HEALTH SURVEY] SAGG Master Background Task [KMPS SAGG REPORT] Lab Search/Extract Nightly Task [LREPI NIGHTLY TASK] Delete Archived File Entries [LRAR DELETE ARCHIVED ENTRIES] Out of Balance Report (TASKMAN) [PRPF TASKMAN OUT OF BALANCE] Update Patient Status for All Accounts (TASKMAN) [PRPF TASKMAN UPDATE STATUS] ASI National Roll Up [YSAS NATIONAL ROLL UP] Nightly Data Feed to PCE [EC NIGHT] AICS Scanning Workstation [IBD SCANNING WORKSTATION] Utilization Workload Report [IBJD UTILIZATION WORKLOAD] Print Suspense Report (Taskman) [PRPF SUSPENSE REPORT (TASKMAN)] Current Patient and Total Account Balances [PRPF CURRENT BAL] Negative Balance Report (TASKMAN) [PRPF TASKMAN NEGATIVE BAL] Preregistration Nightly Job [DGPRE PRE-REGISTER NIGHT JOB] Review Data Names [LR REVIEW DATA NAMES] Extract Report from Mail Message [LRRMM PRINT MAIL MESSAGE] Create and Mail Lab Reports [LRRMM TASK MAIL LAB REPORTS] Remove a person class entry [XU-PERSON CLASS REMOVE] Edit Document Definition [TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION EDIT] Scheduled Print Outpt PNs by Division [TIU PRINT PN BATCH SCHEDULED] Individual Patient Discharge Summary [TIU BROWSE DS MRT] Individual Patient Progress Note [TIU BROWSE PN MRT] Individual Patient Discharge Summary [TIU BROWSE DS MGR] Individual Patient Progress Note [TIU BROWSE PN MGR] Author Line Count Statistics [TIU LINE COUNT BY AUTHOR] Text Integration Utility Nightly Task [TIU NIGHTLY TASK] Undefined Progress Note Titles [TIU GMRPN TITLES] DG141 SC 0% MT REPORT [DG141 LIST] Drug Inquiry (IV) [PSSJI DRUG INQUIRY] Edit Cost Data [PSSJU DCC] EDit Drug Cost (IV) [PSSJI EDIT DRUG COST] Dispense Drug/ATC Set Up [PSSJU DRUG/ATC SET UP] Edit Drug Interaction Severity [PSS INTERACTION SEVERITY] Dispense Drug Fields [PSSJU DRG] ADditives File [PSSJI DRUG] PRimary Solution File (IV) [PSSJI SOLN] MARk/Unmark Dispense Drugs For Unit Dose [PSSJU MARK UD ITEMS] Prime Vendor Processing/Verifying Alerts at Signon [PSA ORDERS ALERT] RPC [XWB RPC TEST] RPC BROKER PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE [XWB BROKER EXAMPLE] LR TASK SEVEN NINES REMOVE AND UPDATE [LR TASK 7 9s] Delete List of Messages [ECXMDELE] Purge PIMS HL7 PIVOT file [VAFH PIVOT PURGE] OUTPATIENT BATCH JOB [VAFH BATCH OUTPATIENT] UPDATE BATCH JOB [VAFH BATCH UPDATE] UPDATE BATCH JOB FOR HL7 v2.3 [VAFC BATCH UPDATE] OUTPATIENT BATCH JOB HL7 v2.3 [VAFC BATCH OUTPATIENT] IEMM Summary Bulletin [SCENI IEMM SUMMARY BULLETIN] Patient Inquiry [IMR PATIENT INQUIRY] Viral Tests List [IMR VIRAL TESTS LIST] Lab Messaging Nightly Cleanup [LA7TASK NIGHTY] Define CONSULTS for TIU/CT Interface [TIU DEFINE CONSULTS] Start XMRONT TCP Listener [XMRONT] ALPHA List [ABSV ALPHA LIST] Auto-queue HBHC File Update [HBHC AUTO-QUEUED FILE UPDATE] Screen-based Option Editor [XQOPED] Edit Employee CA-1 & CA-2 [OOPS SUP EMP ENTRY] Manufacturer Equipment Name Selection for Y2K [ENY2KMEN] Manufacturer Equipment Name Y2K Rapid Closeout [ENY2KRMEN] SPN/SCD SERVER OPTION [SPNSERVER] Conversion Management for ES*1*22 [ESP CONVERSION FOR ES*1*22] Mass Team/Position Unassignment [SCMC MU MASS TEAM UNASSIGNMENT] Patient Team Position Assignment Review [SC PCMM POSITION ASSIGN REVIEW] Schedule Option for Y2K National Roll-up [ENY2K_NATIONAL_QUEUED] Pharmacy Background Job Check [PSU PBM JOB CHECK] Re-index Document file for CPRS [TIU RE-INDEX DOCUMENT FILE] Pharmacy quick order correction for CPRS [PSS QUICK1] NATL Edit Document Definitions [TIUF NATL CS UTILITY] Clozapine Test Link [YSCL TEST LINK] RUM Background Driver [KMPR BACKGROUND DRIVER] Inventory Task Balance Check [RMPR INV TASK BALANCE] Health Summary [ORS HEALTH SUMMARY] Compiler Function Report (brief) [OCX FUNCT LIB REPORT BRIEF] Compiler Function Report (External Calls) [OCX FUNCT LIB REPORT EXT CALLS] Expire Prescriptions [PSO EXPIRE PRESCRIPTIONS] Start Bingo Board [PSO BINGO AUTOSTART] Medication Administration Record [PSJU MAR] Unit Dose System [PSJU SYSTEM] Correct Changed User Names in IV Orders [PSJI 200] QC Pending Consults Report [GMRC QC PENDING CONSULTS] Find Volunteer by Organization Code [ABSV FIND VOLUNTEER] MPI/PD Event Queue Autostart [RGEQ AUTOSTART] Local/Missing ICN Resolution Background Job [MPIF LOC/MIS ICN RES] Edit Existing Brief Incident [QAN BRIEF EDIT] BCMA Client Context [PSB GUI CONTEXT - USER] Monthly SAGG Report [PSB SAGG MONTHLY REPORT] Accept Billing Transactions [RMPO ACCEPT BILL] Scheduled letter print [RMPO AUTOGENERATE LETTER] PCMM GUI Workstation [SC PCMM GUI WORKSTATION] PCMM HL7 Transmission [SCMC PCMM HL7 TRANSMIT] Missing New Person File SSN Report [DG MISSING NEW PERSON FILE SSN] Autostart Link Manager [HL AUTOSTART LINK MANAGER] Queuable Problem Device report [XUTM QPROBLEM DEVICES] Blood Bank Server [LRBLSERVER] Scheduled Transmit National Database (2162) Data [OOPS SCHEDULED XMIT 2162 DATA] Multiple Psych Testing [YT MTI] ACRP Database Conversion [SCCV CONV MAIN OPTION] ORMTIME Run [ORMTIME RUN] ORMTIME Run Check [ORMTIME RUN CHECK] PCMM Edit Practitioner in Position Assig. File [SCMC PCMM EDIT PRACTIT #404.52] Separate Medicare Combination Policies [IBCN SPLIT COMBO POLICIES] Backfill Prescriptions to CPRS [PSO BACKFILL PRESCRIPTIONS] Treating Facility Calls for CPRS [VAFCTF RPC CALLS] Edit Foreign Interface Parameters [LA7D EDIT FOREIGN INTERFACE] MPI/PD Exception Purge [RG EXCEPTION PURGE] Edit Finding Parameters [PXRM PARAMETER EDIT] PCMM Baseline Seeding [SCMC PCMM BASELINE SEEDING] GAF Transmission [YS GAF TRANSMISSION] Background job for updating RAI/MDS COTS [DGRU RAI BATCH UPDATE] MFU Background Job [DGRUG MFU BACKGROUND JOB] Enter/Edit RAI-MDS parameters [DGRU RAI PARAMETER ENTRY/EDIT] Enter/Edit Ward Translation [DGRU RAI ENTER/EDIT WARD TRAN] Enter/Edit Room-Bed Translation [DGRU ENTER/EDIT ROOM-BED TRAN] Enter/Edit Original Admit Date [DGRU ENTER ORIGINAL ADMIT DATE] LREPI Data Server [LREPISERVER] Search For Mismatched Patient Orders [PSO RX SEARCH] National Utilization of Specific Lab Tests [IMR NAT UTIL] Search for Mismatched Drug Orders [PSO RX DRUG SEARCH] Seed Accu-Max Database [DGRU DATA SEED] Means Test Update Report [DG311 MEANS TEST UPDATE REPORT] RAI ASIH Background Processor [DGRU ASIH BACKGROUND JOB] Inpatient Monitor Scan [FHCTF5] Scheduled Transmission of DOL Data [OOPS DOL SCHEDULED XMIT DATA] Fix PAY RATE PER Field [OOPS FIX PAY RATE PER FIELD] Remove Signature [[Verification~|Verification]] [EAS EZ REMOVE SIGNATURE] 1010EZ SERVER FOR FIELD SITE [EAS EZ SERVER] Capri GUI (Broker) [DVBA CAPRI GUI] Network Health Exchange Check Messages [AFJX PATID REPORT] EC GUI Context [EC GUI CONTEXT] All MAG* RPC's [MAG WINDOWS] Imaging Utilization Report Initialization [MAGREPSTART] Imaging Utilization Report Stop [MAGREPSTOP] Display Workstation information [MAG SYS-WIN WRKS] Track Offline Jukebox Images [MAG JB OFFLINE] Seed Selected Patient(s) into Accu-Max Database [DGRU PATIENT DATA SEED] LR LAB SERVER [LRLABSERVER] Dental DSS DRM GUI [DENTV DSS DRM GUI] Means Test Discharge Compilation [IB MT DISCH COMP] Stop/Send/Suspend MPI/PD Messages [RG PROCESS CONTROL] YS BROKER [YS BROKER] AUTO CHANGE CMOR NIGHT JOB [MPIF CMOR REQUEST AUTO JOB] HFS Device Setup [VAFC HFS SETUP] PROSTHETICS PCE BACKGROUND TASK [RMPR PCE BACKGROUND TASK] VW GUI DISPATCHER [VW GUI DISPATCHER CONTEXT] REGISTRATION FULL-SCREEN [MSCR REG] PRINT SCREENMAN FORM SPEC [DDS PRINT] Use Mail Options [XMUSER] 1
-- Kevin Toppenberg