Ignacio Valdes Implementation Log/Episode9
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The Ignacio Valdes Implementation Log (Back to Episode 8 (Back to Log Homepage) (On to Episode 10)
Initial hospital configuration terminal session
Ignacio Valdes Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 15:38:22 -0500
This is an initial Configuration terminal session of a running system for the hospital as well as the creation of a CAC id. Name of the un-suspecting CAC to be has been changed to John Doe to protect the innocent :-) This session was done with David Whitten at the keyboard and Ignacio observing. This is for a psychiatric hospital that has an outpatient clinic along with what we gave as our responses. We still do not know what a '10 10' (CB talk? Er, what's your 20?) is along with other mysterious things...
Script started on Thu 21 Aug 2008 02:21:49 PM CDT [vista@vista logs]$ gtm GTM>S DUZ=9 D ^XUP F Setting up programmer environment This is a TEST account. Terminal Type set to: C-VT320 Select OPTION NAME: DG PARAMETER ENTRY MAS Parameter Entry/Edit MAS Parameter Entry/Edit PIMS VERSION 5.3 PARAMETER ENTRY/EDIT ============================================================================== [1] Medical Center Name : EHR OFFICE Affiliated: NO Multidivisional : NO Nursing Home Wards : NO Domiciliary Wards: NO System Timeout Sec. : 9999 Print [[PTF~|PTF]] Messages: NO Default [[PTF~|PTF]] Printer : NULL High Intensity: OFF [[Consistency Checker~|Consistency Checker]] : ON Abbreviated Inquiry: YES Auto [[PTF~|PTF]] Messages : NO Show Status Screen: YES [2] Days to Update Medicaid : 1 Maintain G&L Corrections: FOREVER Disposition late : 240-HOURS Supplemental 10/10: NO Ask HINQ at Registration : NO DRUG PROFILE with 10/10: NO HEALTH SUMMARY with 10/10 : NO Default Health Summary: NONE Ask EMBOSS at Registration : NO Use Nearest Printer: YES Reg. Template (LOCAL) : NONE SPECIFIED Use Temp Address: NO Default Code Sheet Printer : NULL Ask Device in Reg.: NO Days to Maintain Sens. Data: 30 Print Encounter Form: NO Default EF Printer : NULL Restrict PATIENT access : NO Purple Heart Sort : Descending [Pre-Registration] Sort Method : Background Job Function: Days Between Calls : Days to Maintain Log Entries: Days to Pull Appointments : Run for Weekend: NO [3] Print Wristbands : NO 'AA<96 HOURS' on G&L : NO 'AA' on G&L : NO Combined/Separate G&L: SEPARATE 10/10 printer : NULL DRUG PROFILE printer : NULL [[ROUTING SLIP~|Routing Slip]] printer : NULL Enter 1-3 to EDIT, or RETURN to QUIT: 1 MEDICAL CENTER NAME: EHR OFFICE// INTRACARE Are you adding 'INTRACARE' as a new MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION (the 2ND)? No// N (No)?? Enter the primary medical center number for your medical center. MEDICAL CENTER NAME: EHR OFFICE// ^ PIMS VERSION 5.3 PARAMETER ENTRY/EDIT ============================================================================== [1] Medical Center Name : EHR OFFICE Affiliated: NO Multidivisional : NO Nursing Home Wards : NO Domiciliary Wards: NO System Timeout Sec. : 9999 Print [[PTF~|PTF]] Messages: NO Default [[PTF~|PTF]] Printer : NULL High Intensity: OFF [[Consistency Checker~|Consistency Checker]] : ON Abbreviated Inquiry: YES Auto [[PTF~|PTF]] Messages : NO Show Status Screen: YES [2] Days to Update Medicaid : 1 Maintain G&L Corrections: FOREVER Disposition late : 240-HOURS Supplemental 10/10: NO Ask HINQ at Registration : NO DRUG PROFILE with 10/10: NO HEALTH SUMMARY with 10/10 : NO Default Health Summary: NONE Ask EMBOSS at Registration : NO Use Nearest Printer: YES Reg. Template (LOCAL) : NONE SPECIFIED Use Temp Address: NO Default Code Sheet Printer : NULL Ask Device in Reg.: NO Days to Maintain Sens. Data: 30 Print Encounter Form: NO Default EF Printer : NULL Restrict PATIENT access : NO Purple Heart Sort : Descending [Pre-Registration] Sort Method : Background Job Function: Days Between Calls : Days to Maintain Log Entries: Days to Pull Appointments : Run for Weekend: NO [3] Print Wristbands : NO 'AA<96 HOURS' on G&L : NO 'AA' on G&L : NO Combined/Separate G&L: SEPARATE 10/10 printer : NULL DRUG PROFILE printer : NULL [[ROUTING SLIP~|Routing Slip]] printer : NULL Enter 1-3 to EDIT, or RETURN to QUIT: GTM>D P^DI VA FileMan 22.0 Select OPTION: ENTER OR EDIT FILE ENTRIES INPUT TO WHAT FILE: HOSPITAL LOCATION// MEDIC 1 MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION (1 entry) 2 MEDICAL DESCRIPTION (229 entries) 3 MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS/ICD CODES (907 entries) 4 MEDICAL PATIENT (0 entries) 5 MEDICAL RECORD (0 entries) Press <RETURN> to see more, '^' to exit this list, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 1 MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION (1 entry) EDIT WHICH FIELD: ALL// Select MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION NAME: ? Answer with MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION NUM, or NAME, or FACILITY NUMBER, or TREATING SPECIALTY: 2 EHR OFFICE 050 You may enter a new MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION, if you wish ANSWER MUST BE 3-35 CHARACTERS IN LENGTH Select MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION NAME: 2 EHR OFFICE 050 NAME: EHR OFFICE// INTRACARE INSTITUTION FILE POINTER: VOE OFFICE INSTITUTION OLD // PRINT WRISTBANDS: NO// FACILITY NUMBER: 050// Select MONTH/YEAR: ? You may enter a new EMPLOYEE HEALTH COUNTS, if you wish Examples of Valid Dates: JAN 20 1957 or 20 JAN 57 or 1/20/57 or 012057 T (for TODAY), T+1 (for TOMORROW), T+2, T+7, etc. T-1 (for YESTERDAY), T-3W (for 3 WEEKS AGO), etc. If the year is omitted, the computer uses CURRENT YEAR. Two digit year assumes no more than 20 years in the future, or 80 years in the past. You may omit the precise day, as: JAN, 1957 Select MONTH/YEAR: OUTPATIENT ONLY: OUTPATIENT ONLY// ? Enter 1 if this Division does not have any wards Choose from: 1 OUTPATIENT ONLY OUTPATIENT ONLY: OUTPATIENT ONLY// @ SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE? Y (Yes) PRINT 'AA'<96' ON G&L: NO// ?? Enter YES to display AA<96 (pass) transfers on the gains and losses sheet. Respond NO if these transfers should not be listed. The counts will be included on the bed status report regardless of your response here. Choose from: 0 NO 1 YES PRINT 'AA'<96' ON G&L: NO// PRINT 'AA' ON G&L: NO// ?? Enter YES if you would like authorized absence transfers of more than 96 hours to appear on the gains and losses sheet. Answer NO otherwise. Regardless of the response here, these figures will be calculated into the bed status report. Choose from: 0 NO 1 YES PRINT 'AA' ON G&L: NO// NHCU/DOM/HOSP G&L: SEPARATE// ? Enter '0' if you want to print the NHCU and DOM G&L combined together, '1' to put them on separate pages Choose from: 0 COMBINED 1 SEPARATE NHCU/DOM/HOSP G&L: SEPARATE// 0 COMBINED DEFAULT 1010 PRINTER: NULL// ? Enter device where 10 10's will be printed Answer with DEVICE NAME, or LOCAL SYNONYM, or $I, or VOLUME SET(CPU), or SIGN-ON/SYSTEM DEVICE, or FORM CURRENTLY MOUNTED Do you want the entire DEVICE List? N (No) DEFAULT 1010 PRINTER: NULL// DEFAULT DRUG PROFILE PRINTER: NULL// ? Enter device where Drug Profiles will be printed DEFAULT DRUG PROFILE PRINTER: NULL// DEFAULT ROUTING SLIP PRINTER: NULL// DIVISION PTF PRINTER: ^DEFAULT ROUTING SLIP PRINTER FX DEFAULT ROUTING SLIP PRINTER: NULL// ? Enter device where Routing Slips will be printed Answer with DEVICE NAME, or LOCAL SYNONYM, or $I, or VOLUME SET(CPU), or SIGN-ON/SYSTEM DEVICE, or FORM CURRENTLY MOUNTED Do you want the entire DEVICE List? N (No) DEFAULT ROUTING SLIP PRINTER: NULL// DIVISION PTF PRINTER: ? Enter device where MIS messages will be printed This is the printer on which you want all PTF messages to appear for this division. It overrides the printer defined in the DEFAULT PTF MESSAGE PRINTER prompt located in the ADT PARAMETER file. DIVISION PTF PRINTER: NULL Bit Bucket (GT.M-Unix) /dev/null Select CENSUS DATE: PRF ASSIGNMENT OWNERSHIP: ENABLED// ? Enter 1 to enable this division as a patient record flag assignment owner; enter 0 to disable this division as a patient record flag assignment owner. Cannot disable this medical center division if active assignments are associated with the division. Choose from: 0 DISABLED PRF ASSIGNMENT OWNERSHIP: ENABLED// PRF OWNERSHIP EDITED: DEC 25,2006@18:00:46// NOW (AUG 21, 2008@14:35) PRF OWNERSHIP EDITED BY: WVEHR,PATCH INSTALLER// ADDRESS LOCATION ON LETTERS: ? Choose from: 1 BOTTOM 0 TOP ADDRESS LOCATION ON LETTERS: ?? Enter the location (top or bottom) where the address should appear for letters generated for appointments or other activities at this division. Choose from: 1 BOTTOM 0 TOP ADDRESS LOCATION ON LETTERS: 0 TOP OP LAB TEST START TIME: ? Answer with MILITARY time only. OP LAB TEST START TIME: ?? Enter the time in the morning at which lab tests begin. This is used by the auto-rebook functionality to prevent lab test being scheduled too early. For example, if a patient has an appointment at 2pm with lab at 11pm and the appointment is cancelled and autorebooked for 8am, the lab would have been scheduled for 5am. This will prevent this from occurrin g. OP LAB TEST START TIME: 05:00?? Answer with MILITARY time only. OP LAB TEST START TIME: 5AM?? Answer with MILITARY time only. OP LAB TEST START TIME: 5:00?? Answer with MILITARY time only. OP LAB TEST START TIME: 0500 OP EKG START TIME: ? Answer with MILITARY time only. OP EKG START TIME: ?? Enter the time in the morning at which ekg tests begin. This is used by the auto-rebook functionality to prevent ekg test being scheduled too early. For example, if a patient has an appointment at 2pm with ekg at 11pm and the appointment is cancelled and auto-rebooked for 8am, the ekg would have been scheduled for 5am. This will prevent this from occurring. OP EKG START TIME: 0700 OP X-RAY START TIME: ?? Enter the time in the morning at which x-ray tests begin. This is used by the auto-rebook functionality to prevent x-ray test being scheduled too early. For example, if a patient has an appointment at 2pm with x-ray at 11pm and the appointment is cancelled and auto-rebooked for 8am, the x-ray would have been scheduled for 5am. This will prevent this from occurring. OP X-RAY START TIME: 0700 DISPLAY MEANS TEST REQUIRED: NO// ?? This field determines whether a Means Test Required message is displayed on patient lookups at this division Choose from: Y YES N NO DISPLAY MEANS TEST REQUIRED: NO// Y YES MEANS TEST TEXT: ?? If you have answered 'Yes' to the Means Test Required prompt, you can enter text here to be displayed upon patient lookup, such as where to report to complete the Means Test, etc. MEANS TEST TEXT: PLEASE CONTACT ADMISSIONS/BUSINESS OFFICE TO COMPLETE MEANS TEST DISPLAY MEANS TEST REQ IF GUI: NO// ? Enter whether you want to display Means Test Required message on GUI patient lookups Choose from: Y YES N NO DISPLAY MEANS TEST REQ IF GUI: NO// Y YES Select OP VISIT DATE: ?? You may enter a new OP VISIT DATE, if you wish This is a date/time field (FM function) and represents the date/time of a specifie outpatient visit date/time associated with the medical center. | Examples of Valid Dates: JAN 20 1957 or 20 JAN 57 or 1/20/57 or 012057 T (for TODAY), T+1 (for TOMORROW), T+2, T+7, etc. T-1 (for YESTERDAY), T-3W (for 3 WEEKS AGO), etc. If the year is omitted, the computer uses CURRENT YEAR. Two digit year assumes no more than 20 years in the future, or 80 years in the past. Select OP VISIT DATE: Select TREATING SPECIALTY: ?? You may enter a new TREATING SPECIALTY, if you wish This sub-field of the Treating Specialty multiple is a multiple and a pointer to the Facility Treating Speciality File (#45.7) Choose from: ANESTHESIOLOGY ANESTHESIOLOGY BLIND REHAB OBSERVATION BLIND REHAB OBSERVATION CARDIAC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT CARDIAC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT CARDIAC SURGERY CARDIAC SURGERY DOMICILIARY CHV DOMICILIARY CHV GRECC-GEM-REHAB GRECC-GEM-REHAB GRECC-MED GRECC-MED LONG STAY GRECC-NHCU LONG STAY GRECC-NHCU MEDICAL OBSERVATION MEDICAL OBSERVATION NEUROLOGY OBSERVATION NEUROLOGY OBSERVATION NH HOSPICE NH HOSPICE NH LONG STAY DEMENTIA CARE NH LONG STAY DEMENTIA CARE NH LONG STAY MAINTENANCE CARE NH LONG STAY MAINTENANCE CARE NH LONG STAY PSYCHIATRIC CARE NH LONG STAY PSYCHIATRIC CARE NH LONG STAY SKILLED NURSING NH LONG STAY SKILLED NURSING NH LONG STAY SPINAL CORD INJ NH LONG STAY SPINAL CORD INJ NH RESPITE CARE (NHCU) NH RESPITE CARE (NHCU) NH SHORT STAY DEMENTIA CARE NH SHORT STAY DEMENTIA CARE NH SHORT STAY MAINTENANCE NH SHORT STAY MAINTENANCE ^ Select TREATING SPECIALTY: PSYCHIATRIC OBSERVATION PSYCHIATRIC OBSERVATION Are you adding 'PSYCHIATRIC OBSERVATION' as a new TREATING SPECIALTY (the 1ST for this MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION)? No// Y (Yes) NUMBER OF BEDS: ? Type a Number between 0 and 500, 0 Decimal Digits NUMBER OF BEDS: ?? This sub-field of the Treating Specialty multiple is the number of beds. NUMBER OF BEDS: 99 BEGINNING TSR PATIENTS: ?? This sub-field of the Treating Specialty multiple is used to initialize the number of patients for the TSR. BEGINNING TSR PATIENTS: TSR ORDER: ?? This sub-field of the Treating Specialty multiple will be used in the print display order of the Treating Specialty Report by division. This field entry must be unique and greater than 0 for a treating specialty to appear on the TSR. If the treating specialty should not be printed on the TSR, the value in this field should be deleted. TSR ORDER: 1 Select CENSUS DATE: ^TREATING SPECIALTY TREATING SPECIALTY: PSYCHIATRIC OBSERVATION// MENT NO EDITING!! TREATING SPECIALTY: PSYCHIATRIC OBSERVATION// NUMBER OF BEDS: 99// ^TREATING SPECIALTY TREATING SPECIALTY: PSYCHIATRIC OBSERVATION// ? Answer with the CENSUS Treating Specialty. Answer with FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY NAME Do you want the entire 33-Entry FACILITY TREATING SPECIALTY List? ^M Choose from: MEDICAL OBSERVATION MEDICAL OBSERVATION NEUROLOGY OBSERVATION NEUROLOGY OBSERVATION NH HOSPICE NH HOSPICE NH LONG STAY DEMENTIA CARE NH LONG STAY DEMENTIA CARE NH LONG STAY MAINTENANCE CARE NH LONG STAY MAINTENANCE CARE NH LONG STAY PSYCHIATRIC CARE NH LONG STAY PSYCHIATRIC CARE NH LONG STAY SKILLED NURSING NH LONG STAY SKILLED NURSING NH LONG STAY SPINAL CORD INJ NH LONG STAY SPINAL CORD INJ NH RESPITE CARE (NHCU) NH RESPITE CARE (NHCU) NH SHORT STAY DEMENTIA CARE NH SHORT STAY DEMENTIA CARE NH SHORT STAY MAINTENANCE NH SHORT STAY MAINTENANCE NH SHORT STAY PSYCHIATRIC CARE NH SHORT STAY PSYCHIATRIC CARE NH SHORT STAY REHABILITATION NH SHORT STAY REHABILITATION NH SHORT STAY RESTORATIVE NH SHORT STAY RESTORATIVE NH SHORT STAY SKILLED NURSING NH SHORT STAY SKILLED NURSING PEDIATRICS PEDIATRICS PM&R TRANSITIONAL REHAB PM&R TRANSITIONAL REHAB PSYCHIATRIC OBSERVATION PSYCHIATRIC OBSERVATION REHAB MEDICINE OBSERVATION REHAB MEDICINE OBSERVATION SHORT STAY GRECC-GEM-NHCU SHORT STAY GRECC-GEM-NHCU SHORT STAY GRECC-NHCU SHORT STAY GRECC-NHCU SPINAL CORD INJURY OBSERVATION SPINAL CORD INJURY OBSERVATION SURGICAL OBSERVATION SURGICAL OBSERVATION SURGICAL STEPDOWN SURGICAL STEPDOWN TRANSPLANTATION TRANSPLANTATION TREATING SPECIALTY: PSYCHIATRIC OBSERVATION// NUMBER OF BEDS: 99// BEGINNING TSR PATIENTS: TSR ORDER: 1// Select CENSUS DATE: ?? Examples of Valid Dates: JAN 20 1957 or 20 JAN 57 or 1/20/57 or 012057 T (for TODAY), T+1 (for TOMORROW), T+2, T+7, etc. T-1 (for YESTERDAY), T-3W (for 3 WEEKS AGO), etc. If the year is omitted, the computer uses CURRENT YEAR. Two digit year assumes no more than 20 years in the future, or 80 years in the past. Select CENSUS DATE: ^? Answer with TREATING SPECIALTY SUB-FIELD NUMBER, or LABEL Choose from: .01 TREATING SPECIALTY .02 NUMBER OF BEDS .03 BEGINNING TSR PATIENTS .04 TSR ORDER 10 CENSUS DATE Select CENSUS DATE: ^^ Select TREATING SPECIALTY: TRACK INCOMPLETE SUMMARIES?: NO// ? Are you tracking delinquent summaries at this division? Choose from: 1 YES 0 NO TRACK INCOMPLETE SUMMARIES?: NO// ?? Is this division using the MAS summary tracking package? Choose from: 1 YES 0 NO TRACK INCOMPLETE SUMMARIES?: NO// Y YES DEFAULT [[PRIMARY PHYSICIAN~|Primary Physician]]: PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN // ?? Enter 'P' if the PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN is responsible for this summary or op report or 'A' if the Attending Physician is responsible. If, for example, you choose Attending Physician, the Attending Physician of Record in bed control, when the summary or OP report is created, will be the default. You may, however, edit the PHYSICIAN RESPONSIBLE at any time. Choose from: P PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN A ATTENDING PHYSICIAN DEFAULT PRIMARY PHYSICIAN: PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN // A ATTENDING PHYSICIAN ARE REPORTS REVIEWED?: NO// ? Does this division require that summaries are reviewed? Choose from: 1 YES 0 NO ARE REPORTS REVIEWED?: NO// ?? If this division requires a second physician to review the summary, respond YES, otherwise respond NO. Choose from: 1 YES 0 NO ARE REPORTS REVIEWED?: NO// DEFAULT REVIEWING PHYSICIAN: PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN // ? Enter the type of physician responsible for reviewing the summary. Choose from: P PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN A ATTENDING PHYSICIAN DEFAULT REVIEWING PHYSICIAN: PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN // AT ATTENDING PHYSICIAN TRACK OUTPATIENT OP REPORTS?: NO// ? Do you want to allow entry of outpatient op reports into the tracking system? Choose from: 1 YES 0 NO TRACK OUTPATIENT OP REPORTS?: NO// DAYS FOR DICTATION: 0// ? Type a Number between 0 and 99, 0 Decimal Digits DAYS FOR DICTATION: 0// ?? Enter the number of days the physician has to dictate a summary before it is considered incomplete. DAYS FOR DICTATION: 0// 7 DAYS FOR SIGNATURE: 1// ?? Enter the number of days from the date of transcription the physician has in order to sign the summary or op report. DAYS FOR SIGNATURE: 1// 3 DAYS FOR REVIEW: 5// ? Type a Number between 0 and 99, 0 Decimal Digits DAYS FOR REVIEW: 5// ?? Enter the number of days the reviewing physician has to review the report once it has been signed. DAYS FOR REVIEW: 5// INCOMPLETE SUMMARIES MESSAGE: ?? This field contains the message that the facility wants displayed at the end of each page for each type of report. INCOMPLETE SUMMARIES MESSAGE: DEFAULT PHYS. FOR SIGNATURE: PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN // ?? This is a new field in file 40.8 the MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION file. This field will be asked in the Set Up IRT Parameters option and will be used to store the default of the physician who will be responsible for the signature of a deficiency. It will be either the Primary or the Attending Physician. Choose from: P PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN A ATTENDING PHYSICIAN DEFAULT PHYS. FOR SIGNATURE: PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN // AT ATTENDING PHYSICIAN STD. DEFIC. FOR SHORT FORMS?: N// ?? By entering yes in this field, the IRT Backgroud Job will create standard deficiencies for short form discharges ( discharged less than 48 hours after admission). If you enter no in this field the standard deficiencies will not be created for short forms in the IRT Background Job. Choose from: 1 YES 0 N STD. DEFIC. FOR SHORT FORMS?: N// DEFAULT MEDICAL RECORD TYPE: MEDICAL RECORD// ?? Incomplete Records Tracking will use this entry as the default Medical Record type for Division when pulling patient information. If blank, MEDICAL RECORD will be default value. Choose from: ADMINISTRATIVE FOLDER MASTER FOLDER MEDICAL RECORD OUTSIDE FOLDER PERPETUAL FOLDER TEMPORARY EXAM FOLDER WET READING FOLDER DEFAULT MEDICAL RECORD TYPE: MEDICAL RECORD// RAI SUBSCRIPTION NUMBER: ?? This field points to the subscribing RAI/MDS COTS system subscription registry for patient updates. This subscription control number is specific to this division. Do not change the control number once set up as this will prevent the COTS system from being updated by VistA. Use only documented API calls to create or retrieve the subscription control number. RAI SUBSCRIPTION NUMBER: Select MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION NAME: Select OPTION: GTM>D ^XUP Setting up programmer environment This is a TEST account. Terminal Type set to: C-VT320 Select OPTION NAME: EVE 1 EVE Systems Manager Menu 2 EVENT CAPTURE (ECS) EXTRACT AU ECX ECS SOURCE AUDIT Event Capture (ECS) Extract Audit 3 EVENT CAPTURE DATA ENTRY ECENTER Event Capture Data Entry 4 EVENT CAPTURE EXTRACT ECXEC Event Capture Extract 5 EVENT CAPTURE MANAGEMENT MENU ECMGR Event Capture Management Menu Press <RETURN> to see more, '^' to exit this list, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 1 EVE Systems Manager Menu Select Systems Manager Menu Option: USER Management Select User Management Option: EDit an Existing User Select NEW PERSON NAME: ? Answer with NEW PERSON NAME, or INITIAL, or SSN, or VERIFY CODE, or NICK NAME, or SERVICE/SECTION, or DEA#, or VA#, or ALIAS, or NPI Do you want the entire NEW PERSON List? Y (Yes) Choose from: AMUNDSON,MARK MA IRM ANALYST ANDERSON,MAGGIE MA IRM ANALYST AUTHORIZER,IB MRA MRA CENTRAL,PAID CLERK,EIGHT Medical Clerk CLERK,ELEVEN Medical Clerk CLERK,FIFTEEN Medical Clerk CLERK,FIVE Medical Clerk CLERK,FOUR Medical Clerk CLERK,FOURTEEN Medical Clerk CLERK,NINE Medical Clerk CLERK,ONE CO Medical Clerk CLERK,SEVEN Medical Clerk CLERK,SIX Medical Clerk CLERK,TEN Medical Clerk CLERK,THIRTEEN Medical Clerk CLERK,THREE Medical Clerk CLERK,TWELVE Medical Clerk CLERK,TWO Medical Clerk COORDINATOR,CLINICAL CC MED CLINICAL COORDINATOR DAL MOLIN,JOSEPH JDM IRM ANALYST DEVILLERS,NANCY ND DEWAYNE,ROBERT RED IRM ANALYST DOCTOR,EIGHT Physician DOCTOR,ELEVEN Physician DOCTOR,FIVE Physician DOCTOR,FOUR Physician DOCTOR,NINE Physician DOCTOR,ONE DO Physician DOCTOR,SEVEN Physician DOCTOR,SIX Physician DOCTOR,TEN Physician DOCTOR,THREE Physician DOCTOR,TWELVE Physician DOCTOR,TWO DT Physician EDILOCKBOX,AUTOMATIC EDI FERGUSON,DAVID DLF INTERFACE,IB IIV IIV JUTZI,WILLIAM WCJ LAB,SUPERUSER LS IRM ANALYST LRLAB,HL LRLAB,POC MANAGER,SYSTEM SM System Manager MARSHALL,RICK FDSM IRM ANALYST MCKINZIE,MARCIA MRM NURSE,EIGHT Nurse NURSE,ELEVEN Nurse NURSE,FIFTEEN Nurse NURSE,FIVE Nurse NURSE,FOUR Nurse NURSE,FOURTEEN Nurse NURSE,NINE Nurse NURSE,ONE NO Nurse NURSE,SEVEN Nurse NURSE,SIX Nurse NURSE,TEN Nurse NURSE,THIRTEEN Nurse NURSE,THREE Nurse NURSE,TWELVE Nurse NURSE,TWO Nurse PATCHES,ALL D ADP POSTMASTER PRCA,AUTOAUDIT EDI SHARED,MAIL STARTUP,SYSTEM SS STOXEN,JAMES H JHS IRM ANALYST USER,PATCH UP System Manager USER,TEST TU IRM ANALYST VALDES,IGNACIO RA Physician WHITTEN,DAVE DJW IRM ANALYST WVEHR,PATCH INSTALLER PIW XOBVTESTER,APPLICATION PROXY Select NEW PERSON NAME: ^ Select User Management Option: ? Add a New User to the System Grant Access by Profile Edit an Existing User Deactivate a User Reactivate a User List users User Inquiry Switch Identities File Access Security ... **> Out of order: ACCESS DISABLED Clear Electronic signature code Electronic Signature Block Edit Manage User File ... OAA Trainee Registration Menu ... Person Class Edit Reprint Access agreement letter Enter ?? for more options, ??? for brief descriptions, ?OPTION for help text. Select User Management Option: user inquiry Select NEW PERSON NAME: VALDES,IGNACIO RA Physician DEVICE: TELNET VALDES,IGNACIO (#60) --------------------- Service/Section: MEDICINE GTM>W $ZSTATUS 150373498,FIRE+8^DIEF,%GTM-E-NULSUBSC, Null subscripts are not allowed for region: DEFAULT,%GTM-I-GVIS, Global variable: ^XUSEC(0,"AS1","",3080715.14173) GTM>h [vista@vista logs]$ gtm GTM>D ^XUP Setting up programmer environment This is a TEST account. Access Code: Terminal Type set to: C-VT100 Select OPTION NAME: EVE 1 EVE Systems Manager Menu 2 EVENT CAPTURE (ECS) EXTRACT AU ECX ECS SOURCE AUDIT Event Capture (ECS) Extract Audit 3 EVENT CAPTURE DATA ENTRY ECENTER Event Capture Data Entry 4 EVENT CAPTURE EXTRACT ECXEC Event Capture Extract 5 EVENT CAPTURE MANAGEMENT MENU ECMGR Event Capture Management Menu Press <RETURN> to see more, '^' to exit this list, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 1 EVE Systems Manager Menu Your task #155 stopped because of an error Your task #156 stopped because of an error Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select Systems Manager Menu Option: USER Management You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: USER Inquiry Select NEW PERSON NAME: VALDES,IGNACIO RA Physician DEVICE: TELNET VALDES,IGNACIO (#60) --------------------- Service/Section: MEDICINE GTM>W $ZSTATUS 150373498,FIRE+8^DIEF,%GTM-E-NULSUBSC, Null subscripts are not allowed for regio n: DEFAULT,%GTM-I-GVIS, Global variable: ^XUSEC(0,"AS1","",3080715.142009) GTM>ZP FIRE+8^DIEF . X ^(DIEFI,DIEFSORK) ;Naked indicator set in For loop, FIRE+2 GTM>W $R ^XUSEC(0,"AS1","",3080715.142009) GTM>ZP FIRE^DIEF:FIRE+10 FIRE ; N DIEFI,DICRREC S:$D(DIEFTMP) DICRREC="TRIG^DIEF" S DIEFI=0 F S DIEFI=$O(^DD(DIEFF,DIEFFLD,1,DIEFI)) Q:DIEFI="" D . N I,Y,DIG,DIH,DIU,DIV,XMB,XMY . S X=$S(DIEFSORK=1:DIEFNVAL,1:DIEFOVAL) . N DIEFECNT S DIEFECNT=$G(DIERR) . X ^(DIEFI,DIEFSORK) ;Naked indicator set in For loop, FIRE+2 . I DIEFECNT'=$G(DIERR) D HKERR^DILIBF(DIEFF,DIEFIEN,DIEFFLD,"cross reference") Q GTM>W DIEFF %GTM-E-UNDEF, Undefined local variable: DIEFF GTM>h [vista@vista logs]$ gtm GTM>D ^XUP Setting up programmer environment This is a TEST account. Access Code: GTM>D ^XUP Setting up programmer environment This is a TEST account. Access Code: Terminal Type set to: C-VT100 Select OPTION NAME: EVE 1 EVE Systems Manager Menu 2 EVENT CAPTURE (ECS) EXTRACT AU ECX ECS SOURCE AUDIT Event Capture (ECS) Extract Audit 3 EVENT CAPTURE DATA ENTRY ECENTER Event Capture Data Entry 4 EVENT CAPTURE EXTRACT ECXEC Event Capture Extract 5 EVENT CAPTURE MANAGEMENT MENU ECMGR Event Capture Management Menu Press <RETURN> to see more, '^' to exit this list, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 1 EVE Systems Manager Menu You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select Systems Manager Menu Option: USER Management You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: USer Inquiry Select NEW PERSON NAME: VALDES,IGNACIO RA Physician DEVICE: TELNET VALDES,IGNACIO (#60) --------------------- Service/Section: MEDICINE ATTRIBUTES ---------- Creator ........DEWAYNE,ROBERT Date entered........Jul 18, 2005 Mult Sign-on ...ALLOWED Fileman codes .....@ Time-out .......9999 Type-ahead ........ALLOWED Title ..........Physician Office Phone ...... Auto-Menu ......NO MENUS GENERATED Voice Pager ....... Last Sign-on ...Aug 21, 2008 Digital Pager ..... Has a E-SIG ....Yes Write Med's .......YES NPI ............ Taxonomy ..........207Q00000X Person Class: Allopathic and Osteopathic Physicians Family Practice Primary Menu: XUCORE Core Applications Secondary Menu(s) ----------------- [OR CPRS GUI CHART] CPRSChart version [USR CLASS MANAGEMENT MENU] User Class Management RU [XUSERREL] Release user SIG [XUSESIG CLEAR] Clear Electronic signature code REM [PXRM MANAGERS MENU] Reminder Managers Menu [PSO MANAGER] Outpatient Pharmacy Manager [PXRM CPRS CONFIGURATION] CPRS Reminder [[Configuration~|Configuration]] [XUSER] User Management [DG SECURITY OFFICER MENU] Security Officer Menu Keys Held --------- DG CONSISTENCY DG DETAIL DG ELIGIBILITY DG [[RECORD~|Record]] ACCESS DG SECURITY OFFICER DG SENSITIVITY DG SUPERVISOR LRLAB LRLIASON LRVERIFY PROVIDER PSJI MGR PSOLOCKCLOZ PSORPH XDR XMMGR XMNET XUAUTHOR XUMGR XUPROG XUPROGMODE Patient Selection ----------------- Restrict?: NO OE/RR List: CPRS Access Tabs ---------------- Name Description Effective Expiration ---- ----------- --------- ---------- COR CPRS GUI "core" tabs. JUL 18,2005 CPRS Parameter info (User Specific) ----------------------------------- Last used MailMan: 09/02/05@07:53 Select NEW PERSON NAME: You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: edit an Existing User Select NEW PERSON NAME: CLIN ?? Select NEW PERSON NAME: COORDINATOR,CLINICAL CC MED CLINICAL COORDINATOR Edit an Existing User NAME: COORDINATOR,CLINICAL Page 1 of 5 _______________________________________________________________________________ NAME... DOE,JOHN INITIAL: JD TITLE: CLINICAL COORDINATOR NICK NAME: SSN: 000000145 DOB: DEGREE: MAIL CODE: MED DISUSER: Terminati Select SEC Want to edi Want to edi _______________________________________________________________________________ Close Refresh Enter a command or '^' followed by a caption to jump to a specific field. COMMAND: Close Press <PF1>H for help Insert Edit an Existing User NAME: DOE,JOHN Page 1 of 5 _______________________________________________________________________________ NAME... DOE,JOHN INITIAL: JD TITLE: CLINICAL COORDINATOR NICK NAME: SSN: 000000145 DOB: DEGREE: MAIL CODE: MED DISUSER: TERMINATION DATE: Termination Reason: PRIMARY MENU OPTION: EVE Select SECONDARY MENU OPTIONS: VEPEDOQ-IT SETUP Want to edit ACCESS CODE (Y/N): FILE MANAGER ACCESS CODE: # Want to edit VERIFY CODE (Y/N): Select DIVISION: VOE OFFICE INSTITUTION OLD SERVICE/SECTION: MEDICINE _______________________________________________________________________________ Exit Save Next Page Refresh Enter a command or '^' followed by a caption to jump to a specific field. You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: edit an Existing User Select NEW PERSON NAME: `60 VALDES,IGNACIO RA Physician Edit an Existing User NAME: VALDES,IGNACIO Page 1 of 5 _______________________________________________________________________________ NAME... VALDES,IGNACIO INITIAL: RA TITLE: Physician NICK NAME: SSN: 000000876 DOB: DEGREE: MAIL CODE: DISUSER: TERMINATION DATE: Termination Reason: PRIMARY MENU OPTION: XUCORE Select SECONDARY MENU OPTIONS: DG SECURITY OFFICER MENU Want to edit ACCESS CODE (Y/N): FILE MANAGER ACCESS CODE: @ Want to edit VERIFY CODE (Y/N): Select DIVISION: VOE OFFICE INSTITUTION OLD SERVICE/SECTION: PSYCH _______________________________________________________________________________ Exit Save Next Page Refresh Enter a command or '^' followed by a caption to jump to a specific field. Your task #158 stopped because of an error Your task #159 stopped because of an error Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: "VA 1. Your task #160 stopped because of an error 2. Your task #159 stopped because of an error 3. Your task #158 stopped because of an error 4. Your task #156 stopped because of an error 5. Your task #155 stopped because of an error 6. Your task #154 stopped because of an error 7. Your task #153 stopped because of an error 8. ZZ PATIEN (Z3322): UNSIGNED CRISIS NOTE available for SIGNATURE. 9. ZZ PATIEN (Z): UNSIGNED PRIMARY CARE NOTE available for SIGNATURE. 10. ZZ PATIEN (Z): UNSIGNED Addendum available for SIGNATURE. 11. ZZ PATIEN (Z): UNSIGNED Addendum available for SIGNATURE. Select from 1 to 11 or enter ?, A, F, S, P, M, R, or ^ to exit: 1 160: DEQUE^XUSERP(60,2), User change event protocol. No device. EHR,EHR. From Today at 15:02, By you. Error Today at 15:02. XUCT031+13~XUCT031, Null subscripts are not allowed for region: DEFAUL Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: Continue (Y/N) or F(orward) or R(enew) YES// RENEW(MAKE NEW AGAIN) Continue (Y/N) or F(orward) or R(enew) YES// ^ Your task #160 stopped because of an error Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select SYSTEM COMMAND OPTIONS Option: You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: VA FI ?? You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: FILE ?? You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select Systems Manager Menu Option: FIL ?? You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select Systems Manager Menu Option: ? Core Applications ... Device Management ... Menu Management ... Programmer Options ... Operations Management ... Spool Management ... Information Security Officer Menu ... Taskman Management ... User Management ... FM VA FileMan ... Application Utilities ... Capacity Planning ... HL7 Main Menu ... Manage Mailman ... MAS Parameter Entry/Edit Enter ?? for more options, ??? for brief descriptions, ?OPTION for help text. You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select Systems Manager Menu Option: VA FileMan VA FileMan Version 22.0 You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select VA FileMan Option: Enter or Edit File Entries INPUT TO WHAT FILE: TITLE 1 TITLE (6 entries) 2 TITLE AUTHORITY (7915 entries) CHOOSE 1-2: 1 TITLE (6 entries) Select TITLE NAME: MEDICAL RECORDS Are you adding 'MEDICAL RECORDS' as a new TITLE (the 7TH)? No// Y (Yes) Select TITLE NAME: You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select VA FileMan Option: You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select Systems Manager Menu Option: USER Management You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: edit an Existing User Select NEW PERSON NAME: JOHN,DOE TC MED CLINICAL COORDINATO R Edit an Existing User NAME: DOE,JOHN Page 1 of 5 _______________________________________________________________________________ NAME... DOE,JOHN INITIAL: JD TITLE: CLINICAL COORDINATOR NICK NAME: SSN: 000000145 DOB: DEGREE: MAIL CODE: MED DISUSER: TERMINATION DATE: Termination Reason: PRIMARY MENU OPTION: EVE Select SECONDARY MENU OPTIONS: VEPEDOQ-IT SETUP Want to edit ACCESS CODE (Y/N): FILE MANAGER ACCESS CODE: # Want to edit VERIFY CODE (Y/N): Select DIVISION: VOE OFFICE INSTITUTION OLD SERVICE/SECTION: MEDICINE _______________________________________________________________________________ Exit Save Next Page Refresh Enter a command or '^' followed by a caption to jump to a specific field. COMMAND: ex Press <PF1>H for help Insert You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: Your task #161 stopped because of an error Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select Systems Manager Menu Option: VA FileMan VA FileMan Version 22.0 You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select VA FileMan Option: Enter or Edit File Entries INPUT TO WHAT FILE: TITLE// SERVIC 1 SERVICE POINT (0 entries) 2 SERVICE/SECTION (5 entries) CHOOSE 1-2: 2 SERVICE/SECTION (5 entries) EDIT WHICH FIELD: ALL// Select SERVICE/SECTION NAME: ? Answer with SERVICE/SECTION NAME, or ABBREVIATION, or MAIL SYMBOL, or TYPE OF SERVICE, or MIS COSTING CODE Choose from: IRM 05 LAB 03 MEDICINE 01 PHARMACY 02 PSYCH 04 You may enter a new SERVICE/SECTION, if you wish NAME MUST BE 3-30 CHARACTERS, NOT NUMERIC OR STARTING WITH PUNCTUATION Select SERVICE/SECTION NAME: MEDICAL [[RECORD~|Record]]S Are you adding 'MEDICAL [[RECORD~|Record]]S' as a new SERVICE/SECTION (the 6TH)? No// Y (Yes) SERVICE/SECTION MAIL SYMBOL: 06 SERVICE/SECTION PARENT SERVICE: ABBREVIATION: ? ANSWER MUST BE 2-5 CHARACTERS IN LENGTH ABBREVIATION: ?? This field contains the accepted abbreviation for this service or section. ABBREVIATION: REC DESCRIPTION: No existing text Edit? NO// YES ==[ WRAP ]==[ INSERT ]=============< DESCRIPTION >===========[ <PF1>H=Help ]==== Medical Records <=======T=======T=======T=======T=======T=======T=======T=======T=======T>====== MAIL SYMBOL: 06// PARENT SERVICE: TYPE OF SERVICE: ? Enter C if this is a clinical service, providing direct patient care; if this service is primarily administrative, enter A. Choose from: C PATIENT CARE A ADMINISTRATIVE TYPE OF SERVICE: A ADMINISTRATIVE CHIEF: DOE,JOHN JD MED CLINICAL COORDINATOR Select CHIEF PHONE: ?? You may enter a new CHIEF PHONE, if you wish This field contains a telephone number for the chief of this service or section. Select CHIEF PHONE: 1113 Select CHIEF PHONE: ASST CHIEF: ? Answer with NEW PERSON NAME, or INITIAL, or SSN, or VERIFY CODE, or NICK NAME, or SERVICE/SECTION, or DEA#, or VA#, or ALIAS, or NPI Do you want the entire NEW PERSON List? N (No) ASST CHIEF: Select ASST CHIEF PHONE: LOCATION: ? ANSWER MUST BE 2-15 CHARACTERS IN LENGTH LOCATION: ?? This field contains the physical location of this service or section (i.e., room number). LOCATION: MIS COSTING CODE: COST CENTER: TYPE OF COSTING SECTION: AMBULATORY CARE FLAG: Select DATE CLOSED: NATIONAL SERVICE: COORDINATOR (IRM): ^ Select SERVICE/SECTION NAME: You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select VA FileMan Option: You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select Systems Manager Menu Option: Do you really want to halt? YES// Logged out at Aug 21, 2008 3:09 pm GTM>D ^XUP Setting up programmer environment This is a TEST account. Terminal Type set to: C-VT100 Select OPTION NAME: EVE 1 EVE Systems Manager Menu 2 EVENT CAPTURE (ECS) EXTRACT AU ECX ECS SOURCE AUDIT Event Capture (ECS) Extract Audit 3 EVENT CAPTURE DATA ENTRY ECENTER Event Capture Data Entry 4 EVENT CAPTURE EXTRACT ECXEC Event Capture Extract 5 EVENT CAPTURE MANAGEMENT MENU ECMGR Event Capture Management Menu Press <RETURN> to see more, '^' to exit this list, OR CHOOSE 1-5: 1 EVE Systems Manager Menu You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select Systems Manager Menu Option: User Management You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: edit an Existing User Select NEW PERSON NAME: DOE, JOHN JD MED CLINICAL COORDINATOR Edit an Existing User NAME: DOE,JOHN Page 1 of 5 _______________________________________________________________________________ NAME... DOE,JOHN INITIAL: JD TITLE: CLINICAL COORDINATOR NICK NAME: SSN: 000000145 DOB: DEGREE: MAIL CODE: MED DISUSER: TERMINATION DATE: Termination Reason: PRIMARY MENU OPTION: EVE Select SECONDARY MENU OPTIONS: VEPEDOQ-IT SETUP Want to edit ACCESS CODE (Y/N): FILE MANAGER ACCESS CODE: # Want to edit VERIFY CODE (Y/N): Select DIVISION: VOE OFFICE INSTITUTION OLD SERVICE/SECTION: MEDICINE _______________________________________________________________________________ Exit Save Next Page Refresh Enter a command or '^' followed by a caption to jump to a specific field. COMMAND: ex Press <PF1>H for help Insert You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: user inquiry Select NEW PERSON NAME: DOE,JOHN JD MED CLINICAL COORDINATOR DEVICE: TELNET DOE,JOHN (#58) ---------------------- Service/Section: MEDICINE ATTRIBUTES ---------- Creator ........DEWAYNE,ROBERT Date entered........Jun 01, 2005 Mult Sign-on ...ALLOWED Fileman codes .....# Time-out .......9999 Type-ahead ........ALLOWED Title ..........CLINICAL COORDINATOR Office Phone ...... Auto-Menu ......NO MENUS GENERATED Voice Pager ....... Last Sign-on ...Jul 21, 2005 Digital Pager ..... Has a E-SIG ....No Write Med's .......YES NPI ............ Taxonomy ..........207Q00000X Person Class: Allopathic and Osteopathic Physicians Family Practice Primary Menu: EVE Systems Manager Menu Secondary Menu(s) ----------------- [OR CPRS GUI CHART] CPRSChart version ^ Select NEW PERSON NAME: Your task #162 stopped because of an error Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: edit an Existing User Select NEW PERSON NAME: DOE,JOHN JD MED CLINICAL COORDINAT OR Edit an Existing User NAME: DOE,JOHN Page 1 of 5 _______________________________________________________________________________ NAME... DOE,JOHN INITIAL: JD TITLE: CLINICAL COORDINATOR NICK NAME: SSN: 000000145 DOB: DEGREE: MAIL CODE: MED DISUSER: TERMINATION DATE: Termination Reason: PRIMARY MENU OPTION: EVE Select SECONDARY MENU OPTIONS: VEPEDOQ-IT SETUP Want to edit ACCESS CODE (Y/N): FILE MANAGER ACCESS CODE: # Want to edit VERIFY CODE (Y/N): Select DIVISION: VOE OFFICE INSTITUTION OLD SERVICE/SECTION: MEDICINE _______________________________________________________________________________ Exit Save Next Page Refresh Enter a command or '^' followed by a caption to jump to a specific field. COMMAND: exit Press <PF1>H for help Insert Your task #163 stopped because of an error Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: va View Alerts 1. Your task #163 stopped because of an error 2. Your task #162 stopped because of an error 3. Your task #161 stopped because of an error 4. Your task #160 stopped because of an error 5. Your task #159 stopped because of an error 6. Your task #158 stopped because of an error 7. Your task #156 stopped because of an error 8. Your task #155 stopped because of an error 9. Your task #154 stopped because of an error 10. Your task #153 stopped because of an error 11. ZZ PATIEN (Z3322): UNSIGNED CRISIS NOTE available for SIGNATURE. 12. ZZ PATIEN (Z): UNSIGNED PRIMARY CARE NOTE available for SIGNATURE. 13. ZZ PATIEN (Z): UNSIGNED Addendum available for SIGNATURE. 14. ZZ PATIEN (Z): UNSIGNED Addendum available for SIGNATURE. Select from 1 to 14 or enter ?, A, F, S, P, M, R, or ^ to exit: ^ Your task #164 stopped because of an error Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select Systems Manager Menu Option: va fileMan VA FileMan Version 22.0 You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select VA FileMan Option: enter or Edit File Entries INPUT TO WHAT FILE: SERVICE/SECTION// DIVISION (0 entries) Select DIVISION NAME: You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select VA FileMan Option: Enter or Edit File Entries INPUT TO WHAT FILE: DIVISION// INSTI 1 INSTITUTION (67 entries) 2 INSTITUTION ASSOCIATION TYPES (2 entries) CHOOSE 1-2: 1 INSTITUTION (67 entries) EDIT WHICH FIELD: ALL// Select INSTITUTION NAME: VOE 1 VOE OFFICE INSTITUTION 100 2 VOE OFFICE INSTITUTION OLD CHOOSE 1-2: 2 VOE OFFICE INSTITUTION OLD NAME: VOE OFFICE INSTITUTION OLD Replace ... With INTRACARE HOSPITAL INSTITUTION Replace INTRACARE HOSPITAL INSTITUTION STATE: TX TEXAS DISTRICT: ^ Select INSTITUTION NAME: You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select VA FileMan Option: You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select Systems Manager Menu Option: User Management You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: edit an Existing User Select NEW PERSON NAME: DOE, JOHN JD MED CLINICAL COORDINATOR Edit an Existing User NAME: DOE, JOHN Page 1 of 5 _______________________________________________________________________________ NAME... DOE, JOHN INITIAL: JD TITLE: CLINICAL COORDINATOR NICK NAME: SSN: 000000145 DOB: DEGREE: MAIL CODE: MED DISUSER: TERMINATION DATE: Termination Reason: PRIMARY MENU OPTION: EVE Select SECONDARY MENU OPTIONS: VEPEDOQ-IT SETUP Want to edit ACCESS CODE (Y/N): FILE MANAGER ACCESS CODE: # Want to edit VERIFY CODE (Y/N): Select DIVISION: INTRACARE HOSPITAL INSTITUTION SERVICE/SECTION: MEDICINE _______________________________________________________________________________ Exit Save Next Page Refresh Enter a command or '^' followed by a caption to jump to a specific field. COMMAND: ex Press <PF1>H for help Insert You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select User Management Option: You have PENDING ALERTS Enter "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option Select Systems Manager Menu Option: Do you really want to halt? YES// Logged out at Aug 21, 2008 3:13 pm GTM>h [vista@vista logs]$ exit Script done on Thu 21 Aug 2008 03:15:14 PM CDT
ssw0213 Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 04:55:24 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks, Ignacio. I'm very interested in this sort of information.
The "VA Form 10-10EZ - Application for Medical Benefits (Enroll)" is the form the VA uses to determine eligibility for VA services. For example, I'm not eligible despite 2 years service -- need 3 years, disability, or income requirements.