Instructions for New Drug Entry
EDIT: Here is a more reliable page created by a pharmacist who actually uses the system on a regular basis: Enter_A_Drug
Here is some helpful facts about entering a drug from the terminal.
Also, there is some training on Sign up and get a user name and password, then sign in, go to MAP, Learning Center, Training Starts Here, Pick Key Word, sort by Year and the find this course.
Pharmacy Data Management (PDM) Course #: 105H / Year: 2004
This hands-on session guides participants through the necessary steps of adding an outpatient medication, inpatient medication, and intravenous medication. The session includes matching to the National Drug File, creating dosages, marking to the appropriate applications, and creating the orderable item.
New Drug Entry
PSORPH is the key that designates you as a Pharmacist, it will allow the Clinical Coordinator to perform any drug function, like adding a drug to the VOE System
I. Under Pharmacy Data Management / Drug Enter/Edit option [PSS DRUG ENTER/EDIT], ---> enter the name of the drug you want to add.
II. Under the National Drug File menu, do Rematch / Match Single Drugs [PSNDRUG]
III. Under the National Drug File menu, do Verify Single Match [PSNVFY]
IV. Under the National Drug File menu, do Merge National Drug File Data into Local File [PSNMRG]
V. Under Pharmacy Data Management/Orderable Item Management, do DISPENSE Drug/Orderable Item Maintenance [PSS MAINTAIN ORDERABLE ITEMS]
From this point, you will navigate to the appropriate menu screen so that you may add a new drug.
Note: "TYPE" with a word in "quotations" means to type out the word in quotations and hit the Enter key.
Select Core Application Option: <TYPE "PSM"> Select PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT Option: <TYPE "DRUG ENTER/EDIT "> Select DRUG GENERIC NAME: <TYPE "EXAMPLE DRUG"> Are you adding 'EXAMPLE DRUG' as a new DRUG (the #)? No// <TYPE "YES"> DRUG NUMBER: <TYPE "94183">// DRUG VA CLASSIFICATION: <TYPE "AM900"> ANTI-INFECTIVES, <TYPE "OTHER"> DRUG FSN: DRUG NATIONAL DRUG CLASS: <TYPE "AM900"> // DRUG LOCAL NON-FORMULARY: DRUG INACTIVE DATE: DRUG MESSAGE: DRUG RESTRICTION: GENERIC NAME: EXAMPLE DRUG// VA CLASSIFICATION: <TYPE "AM900"> // DEA, SPECIAL HDLG: NATIONAL FORMULARY INDICATOR: <TYPE "Not Matched To NDF"> LOCAL NON-FORMULARY: VISN NON-FORMULARY: Select DRUG TEXT ENTRY: Select FORMULARY ALTERNATIVE: Select SYNONYM: MESSAGE: RESTRICTION: FSN: NDC: <TYPE "0069-1530-66"> INACTIVE DATE: WARNING LABEL: ORDER UNIT: PRICE PER ORDER UNIT: DISPENSE UNIT: DISPENSE UNITS PER ORDER UNIT: PRICE PER DISPENSE UNIT: Just a are editing EXAMPLE DRUG. LOCAL POSSIBLE DOSAGES: Do you want to edit Local Possible Dosages? N// O MARK THIS DRUG AND EDIT IT FOR: O - Outpatient X - Non-VA Med Enter your choice(s) separated by commas : <TYPE "O"> Outpatient ** You are NOW editing OUTPATIENT fields. ** AN Outpatient Pharmacy ITEM? No//<TYPE "YES"> CORRESPONDING INPATIENT DRUG: MAXIMUM DOSE PER DAY: LOCAL NON-FORMULARY: NORMAL AMOUNT TO ORDER: <TYPE "30"> SOURCE OF SUPPLY: CURRENT INVENTORY: <TYPE "500"> Action PROFILE MESSAGE: <TYPE "OP"> MESSAGE: QUANTITY DISPENSE MESSAGE: Do you wish to mark/unmark as a LAB MONITOR or CLOZAPINE DRUG? Enter Yes or No: <TYPE "NO"> ** You are NOW in the ORDERABLE ITEM matching for the dispense drug. ** Choose Dosage Form: <TYPE "CAP,ORAL"> Match to another Orderable Item with same Dosage Form? NO// Dosage Form -> CAP,ORAL Dispense Drug -> EXAMPLE DRUG Orderable Item Name: <TYPE "EXAMPLE DRUG"> Matching EXAMPLE DRUG to EXAMPLE DRUG CAP,ORAL Is this OK? <TYPE "YES"> // Match Complete! Now editing Orderable Item: EXAMPLE DRUG CAP,ORAL FORMULARY STATUS: Select OI-DRUG TEXT ENTRY: INACTIVE DATE: DAY (nD) or DOSE (nL) LIMIT: MED ROUTE: SCHEDULE TYPE: SCHEDULE: <TYPE "QID"> Outpatient Expansion: FOUR TIMES A DAY PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS: Select SYNONYM: Select DRUG GENERIC NAME: Select Pharmacy Data Management Option: Select National Drug File Menu Option: <TYPE "REMA"> Rematch / Match Single Drugs Enter name of drug from your local drug file and a match with the National Drug File will be attempted. Press return at the "Select DRUG GENERIC NAME: " Prompt to exit. Select DRUG GENERIC NAME: <TYPE "EXAMPLE DRUG"> AM900 This drug has been manually classed but not matched (merged with NDF). Do you wish to match/rematch it? N//<TYPE "YES"> Deleting Possible Dosages... Match local drug EXAMPLE DRUG ORDER UNIT: DISPENSE UNITS/ORDER UNITS: DISPENSE UNIT: I will try to match NDC: 0069-1530-66 to NDF. Local drug EXAMPLE DRUG matches AMLODIPINE BESYLATE 5MG TAB PACKAGE SIZE: 100 PACKAGE TYPE: BOTTLE Is this a match ? Enter Yes or No: <TYPE "YES"> Select National Drug File Menu Option: <TYPE "SVER"> Verify Single Match Enter name of drug from your local drug file and if the drug has been matched, you will be asked to verify the match. Press return at the "Select DRUG GENERIC NAME: " Prompt to exit. Select DRUG GENERIC NAME: <TYPE "EXAMPLE DRUG"> AM900 LOCAL DRUG NAME:<TYPE "EXAMPLE DRUG"> ORDER UNIT: DISPENSE UNITS/ORDER UNITS: DISPENSE UNIT: VA PRODUCT NAME:<TYPE "AMLODIPINE BESYLATE 5MG TAB"> VA PRINT NAME: <TYPE "AMLODIPINE BESYLATE 5MG TAB"> CMOP ID: A0547 VA DISPENSE UNIT: <TYPE "TAB"> MARKABLE FOR CMOP:<TYPE "YES"> PACKAGE SIZE: <TYPE "100"> PACKAGE TYPE: <TYPE "BOTTLE"> VA CLASS:<TYPE "CV200 CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS"> CS FEDERAL SCHEDULE: INGREDIENTS: <TYPE "AMLODIPINE BESYLATE 5 MG"> NATIONAL FORMULARY INDICATOR:<TYPE "YES"> NATIONAL FORMULARY RESTRICTION: Refer to PBM/MAP criteria for use of long-acting dihydropyridine calcium < Enter "Y" for yes, "N" for no > < Press RETURN to Pass to Next Drug > Is this a match ? Y
Select National Drug File Menu Option: <TYPE "MERG"> Merge National Drug File Data Into Local File
This option will merge NDF fields into your local drug file. This will also produce an Error Report for entries in the translation file which are not in the local file if they should exist. These exceptions will not be merged.
You may queue this report if you wish.
Select Printer: <TYPE name of your printer.>
Select Pharmacy Data Management Option: <TYPE "ORDERABLE ITEM MANAGEMENT">
Select Orderable Item Management Option: <TYPE "DISPENSE Drug/Orderable Item Maintenance">
This option enables you to match Dispense Drugs to an entry in the Pharmacy Orderable Item file, or create a new Pharmacy Orderable Item entry for a Dispense Drug.
Select DISPENSE DRUG: <TYPE "EXAMPLE DRUG"> CV200 There are other Dispense Drugs with the same VA Generic Name and same Dose Form already matched to orderable items. Choose a number to match, or enter '^' to enter a new one. Disp. drug -> EXAMPLE DRUG 1 AMLODIPINE TAB Choose number of Orderable Item to match, or '^' to enter a new one: 1 Matching EXAMPLE DRUG to AMLODIPINE TAB Is this OK? YES// Match Complete
Thanks to all who helped me put these instructions together.
--Kevin Toppenberg