
From VistApedia
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VistA Quick Learning Reference

   * Quick Install
   * Manual Install
   * Base Configuration
   * VistA Health Org set-up
   * VistA Module Configuration
   * -ADT
   * -LAB
   * -Radiology
   * -Pharmacy
   * VistA deployment
   * VistA data back-up
         * Single Patient Record Back-up
   * VistA Monograph
   * VistA Architecture
   * VistA Module Overview
   * Virtual VistA
   *Virtual VistA

VistA Wrappers

   * M2Web
        * Installation
        * Tutorial

VistA Development

       * VPE
       * VA Fileman Documentation
       * VistA Menu Comamnds
       * VistA MenuCommands New

VistA Technology

     * Mumps Overview